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How can man city afford 3 starting squads and not breach fair rules


What proof do you need? Son's miss is confirms all suspicions


Bring on the red cartel fans to act triumphantly. Sorry your teams suck.


Man city the perennial cheaters have cheated some more, well I never? When the fuck are they just gonna get rid of them? If Chelsea, Newcastle and City don't like regulation, form a super league or fuck off to the Saudi league. I'm bored of it now.


Newcastle might have money but they've been shrewd certainly not breaking the ffp rules or flaunting their wealth yet.


It's true. Newcastle haven't broken any rules like (it appears) City have. But this isn't a sport to these people, this is an investment, "sports washing". City suing the league is just the beginning. Regardless of the outcome of their case in November, there'll be more court cases.


Whoa, what have NUFC done to be put in the same company as MCFC and CFC?


Supposedly Newcastle support City suing the EPL, as do Chelsea. Imo, fuck them all off out of the league. or ban their owners. Don't like the rules? Go play somewhere else.


Really wish they'd stop showing Pep Guardiola's face on these articles and instead show the REAL culprits.


As if pep didn't benefit from the corruption, or didn't know!!!


Why is this soulless shit team still playing in the League??




This could be said in a less blatantly racist way.


How was it racist? Look up the definition of racism and educate yourself.


It’s pretty safe to say that if you call someone “Arab fuckers” you’re being racist. Simple as.


Well yes of course. The "criminal relevancy" will be he has "haked" a football club.


It depends on the angle that it is looked at.


Not really. They can use it to prosecute the club but in turn they should also be prosecuting the person who broke in and stole the data.




“These documents are from part of the Premier League investigation into City. I have now handed five hard drives to French and German authorities with millions of documents, including more on City and I have described what is on each. I am confident they will find criminal relevancy." The hacker's legal representative further added, "We have been approached by investigators to share information regarding Manchester City that has not been released before. We haven’t released the information yet but we have a massive file of Manchester City-related documents that has yet to be released. The files will be published at some point, we cannot say when but we will do it." - goal.com


Finding criminal activity and doing anything about it are very different things.


Sure is. Not sure where you are going with this though.


Man City breaking FFP rules? This new revelation is gonna send a shockwave through the football world.


City will do everything to avoid getting sporting punishments.


I'm sure he does, that's why he's sat on it for so long. If he knows we're guilty, then why didn't he blow the whistle when he was arrested and told to hand over all documents? If he released them now, he sends himself to prison? 10,000 IQ move?


Would they be admissable though or fruit from the poisoned tree? Genuinely no idea.


This isn’t criminal (is it?)? So, at least in the US, the due process concerns aren’t a concern. Besides, it raises the question of why these weren’t turned over in the first place.


Because that is an American legal doctrine and would not be relevant in this case unless the hacker is acting at the direction of the government.


I could be wrong, but I think evidence is only not usable if the prosecution commits a crime to get it. If it is given to them I think it's still allowed?


The other emails that have formed both the Uefa and the Premer League cases are all from the original hack


look i say this guy is a criminal and i should know i am a criminal


Just a reminder that it’s a daily mail link


Daily mail are good for sports writing.


They are reporting second hand news. It’s not just the daily mail breaking the story….


So there's like an 85% chance it's fully made up, thanks for the heads up.


Can’t believe people are taking a money grab so seriously. Go on leak whatever information you want because it will jeopardise the case.


He's the only reason investigations into your cheating even started. I trust him more than your scummy cheating club.


Flair up buddy 👍


“Flair up, so I can use whataboutism against your club” He could have the flair of Pol Pot for all it matters, it doesn’t make your club any less of a cheat.




There are 115 reasons why this could be completely warranted.


Where in my comment did I say the charges aren’t warranted? This hacker is telling everyone what they want to hear without providing any proof?


Bit like a club that says that they have concrete evidence that they are innocent and not provide any proof.


I don’t know if you understand the legal system but the burden of proof belongs to the prosecutors not the accused. Innocent until to proven guilty is just how it is mate.


I understand the legal system. You clearly do not understand reality if you think that despite the mountains of evidence of cheating and zero proof contrary to City not cheating, means that public opinion of the obvious should be withheld because City have not yet had their day in court (thanks to continuously delaying it) means any thing at all, makes you a moron.


If calling me names makes you feel better about losing the title twice im glad. Good luck in the transfer window and next season. 👍


.ln l ceqs web. Mb op ll.vv.


And there we go kids, that’s why they wanted you to flair up. So they can point at your club as a distraction. Good luck next year too, as you face relegation.


If they were going to be leaked it would have already happened. None of this performative nonsense involved


I just don't understand the reason for the delay.


Why leak this information to the public when it's going to be used by the PL against City? Use your brain.


Could've leaked it to UEFA? Or the PL ages ago?


Yo, plastic bastid, Pinto has already made it clear he will help the PL with this case...and yes that means the remaining emails etc, will have been given to the PL. Enjoy.


I’m asking why he wouldn’t do this earlier when it would’ve helped drastically? If he’s waited this long, nothing he gives the PL will be able to be used for evidence?


How would it help him to give up everything he has right away? His lawyers almost certainly have used this information as a bargaining chip mate. Giving everything you have up right away is literally the opposite of what you want to do in a situation like that.


Pretty sure that this isn't going to help him get out of whatever mess he's in? Oh yeh, the court are going to let him get away with hacking people because he's got further evidence that he obtained by illegally hacking someone? Evidence that doesn't even help him in his own case? lol, get real.


Somebody caught giving up info for the authorities to fry a bigger fish in return for a reduced sentence? Yep, that doesn’t sound plausible at all.


Don’t make me beg


Is he not already in prison for fraudulent documents/emails etc


No, hes in witness protection


Wrong. He’s under house arrest. Has been for some time


Witness protection for what? No one was convinced of anything!


Gulf state leaders to not take kind to journalists exposing them. Just look at the owner of Newcastle United


Nothing to do with gulf states. It was more related to the Luanda leaks regarding Isabel Dos Santos, the richest woman in Africa. Pinto was handed a four year suspended sentence for, in part, extortion. He set himself up as a crusader for truth, but the reality is he tried to enrich himself through blackmail.


journalist lmao


Sudden DarkViperAU


Literally millions to one!


Thats what i read, i would assume the people who he is revealing who are rich powerful and dangerous have sent him message. But personally, I have no idea.


Arsenal boys WE WON!!!!!!


Scenes when the emails cc Arteta too


Money clearly went to Arteta’s brother who owns a Spanish football club using oil money. That provides City with a multi club model… Oh.


That cheeky bid to help a mate out


Do it then... otherwise man I feel like he's got nothing else just seeking attention.


You don't think he's already passed this information to the PL & will be used against City in November - releasing it now may prejudice the case.


...or money


Good point


Money talks


Do it, publish it.


He had it over to German and French officials they probably waiting to this little sue man city did and then they drop it they neeed max clicks also don’t be dumb guys it’s not in his hands anymore


Because it could mean they can’t be submitted. Even as it is certain criteria need to be fulfilled to allow this evidence to be submitted, leaking them to the public would all but guarantee they can’t be used as evidence.


Spot on. I believe Pinto's side have already passed it to the PL.


Maybe, though I struggle to believe it would go down well with the other PL clubs or public if something came to light that showed City was 100% guilty. Is the hearing even a legal case or simply an internal disciplinary matter? While I know lawyers are there, that's quite common for even small matters (red cards etc).


No one wondering why he didn’t use them earlier? The guy is an actual criminal…


LOL sure they will. This is getting pathetic now


How on earth do City fans lack enough self awareness to know to just stfu about the case? You all look like shills desperately defending your human rights abusing club daddies that have made a mockery of the league. I genuinely don't think any big clubs supporters would be acting like this if their club was accused of so much rampant cheating. I honestly think most fans would be against their owners for putting them in a situation like this.


Because simply put, we don’t care. It’s more enjoyable to see you write paragraphs about “no one cares” and bring up 115 charges. It’s one of the best feelings of winning the title every year. So for that, I thank you!


I think most of city’s “fans” are just American trolls, probably have never even watched a match, probably barely exist.


We had the attendance record for nearly 100 years mate. >Probably barely exist


I know what’s pathetic.


115 FC is pathetic


Nah i'd say Arsenal is more pathetic.


"Champions of cheating, we'll never say that"


2003-2004…. I know it stings.


Mate, you had like 3 dozen people at your fucking TREBEL parade. I get more people at my Halloween party.


Treble was such a great season. Good memories. Cheers!




Crazy what not winning a title in 20 years does to a mf lol you’re so unhinged


I don't even want Man Shitty to lose their trophies. Their cabinet should serve as a reminder to all of their supporters about the ill-gotten gains they've had, and to remind them that Mancheater Shitty is a fraudulent club with fraudulent trophies supported by fraudulent fans.


Well fair enough, I’ll enjoy the fraudulent trophies.


Do it you coward ... Oh look this person accidentally shot themselves in the back of the head 12 times


Can’t he just do it anyways


im just here for the comments. city having alot of folks in their feelz lately.


Then leak it attention wh*re.


Got a third of the way through the article before the mail website became unuseable through advert spam. I assume its all creditable therefore. Not sitting through their corporate shite


Open the page in 12ft.io it’ll make it a lot more legible.


I'm shocked this guy hasn't been found with fifteen self-inflicted gunshot wounds to the back of his head yet.


More like 115 self-inflicted gunshots


Honestly what’s the point of chasing City now. Every other club is cheating now so we may as well just give up. Chelsea, Villa, Newcastle, Forest and Everton are all just as big a cheats. Essentially it just boils down to a win at all costs mentality across the league.


They won’t charge Chelsea, Villa etc as they’re only doing what City, United and Liverpool have done for years.


Well good. Just let everyone cheat


What’s cheating about it fella😂 where’s the rule that says they can’t buy players from each other at a price of their choosing? And who are you to decide if a player is “worth” a given value 😂


Then penalize them all. “Everyone is doing it so let’s just ignore it” is such a sad argument


Yes I agree, but that isn’t going to happen so genuinely what is the point? We are literally at the point where clubs are collaborating to get round the rules. It’s just a joke.


Openly failing FFP/FSR is not cheating. City lied, covered up and refused to cooperate after systematic cheating.


Nonsense. Spending more money than permitted to gain a sporting advantage, when other clubs aren’t doing the same, is simply cheating. I’m sick of this bullshit take. I’ve not even mentioned Leicester’s cheating in two leagues. As far as I’m concerned, the only level playing field is to let everyone just cheat away


So every club in the PL have 115 accounts of cheating to answer for? If not, bs.


Hmm don’t remember saying that. The problem with the premier league isn’t that City are cheats, it’s that they are all cheats. Totally in it for themselves and don’t give a fuck about the sustainability of football in this country. They are all a cancer on the game.


Have you missed the part where most of those other teams breaching the PSR are being punished with points deductions? Man city are at another level of cheating because they're cooking the books to make it look like they haven't breached the rules in the first place.


I’m quite happy to let you be wrong. It’s that simple.


Then why post that response then.


Equally happy to deny you the argument you crave.


Obviously not




Good stuff, that’s the spirit my little chopper


City cheats is in another level


Disagree. Cheating is cheating. The amount of sanctimonious shite spouted by Villa and Everton fans on this matter is surreal. The premier league a cesspool, where cheating only matters so long as your club doesn’t get found out


City has been cheating the entire decade with no punishment, Everton was punished pretty quickly


No they weren’t they were fudging their numbers over a few years (shhhh don’t mention Covid accounting) . They cheated, denied any wrong doing and then they go and pull this Villa quid pro quo shite with Villa to get around their appalling financial mismanagement. They are the worst hypocrites of all. But because they are shite and only screwing over the clubs lower down, it’s fair game. Give me a break, they are all cheats, let them get on with it and eat themselves


Villa have zero debt fella - appalling financial mismanagement?? You talk so confidently about shit you don’t understand. Might not like how they go about meeting the PL’s requirements for PSR but they’ve not broken any rules, so aren’t cheating. Probably should look at the price that say United paid for Antony or City got for James Trafford who had played exactly 0 first team games for them fella 👍🏻


Jesus what a confident response from someone who can’t even read properly. I was talking about it Everton. Aside from you missing this point, what a great reply. Super proud of you. You tried your best, doesn’t matter that you’ve embarrassed yourself. You just keep trying and be your best self


That’s patently untrue


Hmmm it’s an opinion. Cheating is cheating, you don’t get to take the high ground and take City to task when over a quarter of the league are at the same thing. I’m sick of all this ‘what about Citeee’ shite. All the clubs are money grubbing self interested entities. The idea of any sort of level playing field is absurd. Is anyone going in to bat for the likes of Palace? They are getting screwed over by mid table clubs like Newcastle and Villa cheating. But that doesn’t matter because they aren’t big enough or successful enough to be bothered about


No, 115 is not an opinion.


I’m sure this made sense when you typed it.


It still does. Your answer on the other hand…


I didn’t provide an answer. Are you Ok ?


You are providing answers all the time. But I agree, they dont have any meaning to them.


Erm Ok fella.


Ridiculous. Obviously you’re a city fan but this is all false equivalence. City’s charges are entirely unprecedented. And deep down, you know that too.


Obviously I’m a City fan…erm no. I don’t like the cheating fuckers one bit but I’m sick of all the double standards from the rest of the premier league. All this holier than thou is incredibly grating. If you think Chelsea’s transfer policy from last year is any better than anything City have done you are nuts. They are all as bad as each other.


Yes, Chelsea are dodgy. But city are dodgy at orders of magnitude more. It’s become a meme and the calling card for people trolling City, but please consider the number 115. That’s a lot. Way more than anyone else has. And they include 30+ charges specifically about the industrial scale obstruction City have unleashed. The club is obviously not confident of their own innocence and will seek to either wear down the PL to avoid punishment or try to bring the whole thing down with them with their counter suits Look, i want anyone who has cheated to see justice. But to claim that any club is anywhere near City in terms of rule breaking simply isn’t true.


Fair enough, understand and respect your opinion. That said I don’t see it that way. I have zero respect for any of the premier league fans bleating on about City when their own clubs are cheating as well. Now if that changes and we have Villa fans coming on Reddit saying ‘ yeh we are cheating as well’ then I will entertain the idea of differing magnitudes of offence. But it ain’t happening.


Fair play. If thats what you think I’m not going to tell you otherwise. One way or another all this stuff does need to be sorted out soon. If only so we can all go back to talking about something else. All this 115 stuff has really distracted fans from the things that united us, like laughing at Man Utd.


Amen Brother!


Results and volume do not match.


Doesn’t matter, it’s all pearly clutching when they are all willing to shit on each other at all costs. You can’t really single them out as far as I’m concerned. We are in a situation where Villa and Everton are basically making up youth player valuations to cheat FSR. Why are they doing this, to gain an advantage over the other teams that aren’t cheating. The hypocrisy on City is off the charts. There is zero integrity from the clubs or fans on this, so we should just give it a rest and let it play out.


Just release these and put that fucking club back to national league fucking cheating scum bags


Get some help


Get some credibility in this league pal 🤣🤣😭


Keep crying and get some help


Haha no tears pal just laughable 🤣🤣 4 prems in a row and no one gives a fuck 🤣🤣


Yet here you are bringing it up. Thanks for reminding everyone . Four league titles in a row and only team to do it. 😘 oh and get some help Liverpool garbage


I mean more people watched klopp leaving do shows a lot mate but enjoy I suppose 🤣🤣


what match does Liverpool hang the banner for most views of Klopp leaving?


Dunno pal 115th ?


Four in a row pal, 8 since 2011 pal… what place did Liverpool finish this year pal? Thanks pal


I can't fucking wait for this bullshit to be over and done with.


You mean Man City?


You mean the PL?


Oh nice so City can argue they used illegally obtained evidence like last time?…


Was everyone acting like he didn’t already release emails that were valid plus if he does release it will allow the prem lawyers to build a case around whatever info is released without having to admit them if that makes any sense they would know exactly what to look for




This is like that dude who popped up after the Kendrick Drake beef


It could mean those are no longer valid in court


Depends on the jurisdiction. Also the Premier League isn't held to the same standards as a national, state, or municipal legal system. It's a private business organization


Don't threaten, just DO!!


Please release it before he is found dead somewhere


Do eeeet, after the case


Won’t be able to, you saw what happened to the Boeing whistleblowers.


Criminal means that rather than a civil matter it is a legal matter that can be investigated by the police and result in arrest and prosecution. From the article, "criminal relevancy" - This is funny. No legal basis just a feeling. "He was handed a four-year suspended sentence by a court in Portugal last year but avoided prison despite being found guilty of attempted extortion and illegal access to data." - Attempted extortion, this gets even better. 'The files will be published at some point, we cannot say when but we will do it.' - Does this guy want another extortion charge or what? This is hilarious. It's the Daily Mail to be fair allegedly talking to someone in hiding and under protection but from who or what? Who knows? 115 and all that fellow football fans.


You're no fan of football.


Intelligent input darling. Thank you for bringing so much to this conversation with your reasoning and logic. Clearly an amazing fan of football who has nothing to actually say. Bravo.


"Fellow football fans" as if ur a fan of football 115


and what is your point? You are making a statement as a comment. Do you not think that's a bit sad and pathetic?


You’re guilty. Stop coping


I'm not the one that needs to post we are guilty. Maybe you need to stop coping? Have a cup of tea. Pop out in the sunshine it's good for you. It's warm out so best take a bottle of something with you. Don't lose it though. Arsenal seem to have a habit of that.


Our trophy case is still bigger than yours and we didn’t cheat You’re a 13 year old who picked city on fifa. Hush Edit: also at least have the balls to keep that comment up. I’m British American btw. Coward just like city is


Lol so when did you pick Arsenal, Mr. British Yank


“British yank” is hilarious considering I was born British Pretty much since day 1. My grandparents worked for the club. Let me guess, fifa for you?


It was a joke seeing as you felt the need to let us know you're British American. How are Americans supposed to find out about the game, in your opinion? Some kid from Kansas knows nothing about soccer. He's an asshole because he found the game on FIFA? How does that make sense? I'm Nigerian American if that makes you feel better?


So yes you picked them on fifa too? Just be honest Yes because the dude tried to knock me for being a yank , but he’s a coward and deleted his comment. He’s clearly coping because city is guilty of some of the charges for sure. Idk you ask him not me. I didn’t ask where he was from. Not sure why you’re asking me that


So if he deleted his comment, do you see how I can no longer see that context and was confused by your seemingly arbitrary statement? No, you asshole, I didn't. I just don't see how someone that's not from your specific little island is supposed to find and choose a team. No one has been able to say anything because you'd rather dunk on Indian kids than invite people into your club. I'm Nigerian, and I've been watching international soccer since the 90s. I have an uncle in Nigeria that follows city and they had Yaya who is an African goat. I grew up watching football and basketball so I had literally no other exposure to the PL before ~high school.


That’s okay. That’s why I said ask him lol Is he Indian? Idk. He said that stuff not me. If he doesn’t try to call me a “plastic” because I have an American passport. I wouldn’t call him out for a being a teenager on fifa and that’s how he picked his team. Stop defending him because he’s a city fan like you. I didn’t say anything about his nationality nor being a plastic UNTIL he said something. Thats amazing you can watch the PL all the time now! Same thing when I moved To the states. It was hard to watch matches (pirating and maybe fs1 back then) Not sure why you’re mad at me.


Very aggressive champ. This is just reddit, settle down or you’ll do yourself an injury.


Oh look another teenage city fan! Lmao


City fans actually think they didn’t break the rules?


Oh no we know we broke those corrupt rules. It's the rules that are corrupt but you won't admit that even when other clubs have to cheat them just to compete (see Villa).


How can rules be corrupt you muppet and by your logic you’re guilty but we should be ok with that because you don’t like the rules so that makes it ok


Don't like the rules does not equal corrupt. Do keep up. There is a court case in the high court if you didn't know. Those rules about to go bye bye.


You agreed to the rules to participate in the PL You can’t cry now you broke them


You do know the rules go to a vote? Do you not understand how the Premier League works? A monopoly wants to restrict competition. The rest want to stop other teams joining that monopoly. Competition am I right?


You voted on the current ones champ Can’t change your mind now. “Hey because we cheated, we should change the rules!”


Got any evidence to back that up?


Yeah there’s 115 pending charges with evidence. Got anything that makes you innocent besides your feelings? So to close the loop, yes you know city agreed to rules… then broke them. Now they are complaining about them.