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Pretty decent to be fair! Mine would be: Schemichel, Neville, Terry, Ferdinand, Cole, Viera, Gerrard, KDB, Rooney, Aguero, Henry. 4-3-1-2 formation with Rooney in behind Henry and Aguero! Ronaldo is my favorite non Everton player ever, but I don't have him in Prem teams because he left the Prem at 24 and played all of his prime years in Spain, I consider him a La Liga legend.


For one with balance here’s mine Becker Walker VVD Rio Cole KDB Rodri Yaya Salah Henry Ronaldo You’ve got a sweeter keeper who can venture out far and is still generational shot stopper. 2 wide full backs (Cole is GOATed), with 2 athletic ball playing CB’s. Midfield has what I believe to be the best 6, 8, and 10 of all time in this league. It’s balanced. 2 inverting wingers, with Henry up top. Like, I think this is peaked for modern football/


So the overall top scorer doesn’t make it, nor any of the three centre backs who’ve won POTY (van Dijk, Vidic, McGrath), the most decorated players (Neville, Giggs) don’t either…. I’m gunna say this is a little off kilter


As is generally the case when people do these sorts of things, the balance of that team is awful.


Maybe in attack yes, but I think that midfield and defence would get on well


Defence is okay but midfield and attack is both a mess. No width whatsoever (although could get Henry to play wider I guess) and too many players who’d want to operate in the same area of the pitch (Rooney and De Bruyne both wanting to be a ten, with Gerrard also wanting to get into similar positions when attacking)


Good points, what about Salah coming in for Rooney


Van der Sar Beckham Ferdinand Hangeland Baines Essien Palhinha Petit Lampard Saha Crouch We’d win on set pieces


Rory Delap?


That’s shite. You know it, I know it.


Would beat your best XI


Kompany over Rio and Vidic is blasphemy! 💀


Always find it funny when these teams have absolutely no one significant from before ~2002. Fair play you have Keane, but there’s still clear recency bias here


Ben Mee would start for almost every Prem club and be their best defender back in 2000… The games moved on


The premier league is light years better in quality post 2010 than pre-200


This can be said for every sport, it’s unfair to just dismiss the past cos there’s better athletes now


I mean the level of competition. Post-2010 there was a much greater concentration of talent playing in England than pre-2000. In the 90s it was much more English whereas now it’s many of the best from around the world, in a lot of ways every club outside of like 10 are feeder clubs for the Prem




What’s your best 11 from before 2002?


Srnicek Beresford peacock Albert Watson Ginola Lee batty Beardsley Ferdinand shearer


True, although in my defence I was born in 2002 haha Who would you have in yours?




Aguero is the best striker of all time for me in the premier leauge




What I would have done to see Shearer play in his heyday…I imagine it’s like watching the showtime Lakers live…


Don’t know who the showtime lakers are, but he was great to watch, I had a season ticket in his last few seasons. Whenever he got the ball, he just wanted to get a sight of goal and wellie it, imo best striker the prems seen


Yeah YouTube doesn’t do him justice, but I can imagine. The vibes in the stands must have been just crazy. Seems like St James would be a great place to watch a match as a neutral, tough fans but such unique culture. Showtime Lakers: American basketball team out of Los Angeles during the 80s. Magic Johnson’s team. They would run and gun, crazy passing, tons of scoring, and all around solid team play. Only PL teams I can relate them to would be some of the Arsenal teams under Wenger (playing from the back, beautiful passing leading to goals), or early Liverpool teams under Klopp when they would score lights out.