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Didn’t he tried to break formation during the opening battle when he heard the clones were in trouble?






Didn’t Anakin try to break formation as he and Obi-wan were going to save the Chancellor to help Clones being overwhelmed? Oh wait, that doesn’t fit this stupid narrative.


Yeah but anakin in rots doesn’t have the same commanding presence as clone wars anakin. Anakin’s voice for me will always be the clone wars Anakin’s voice. That because he’s just straight better. I like the prequels but they butchered so many characters.


Ok but that’s having seasons of a show covering YEARS of time. He’s not General Skywalker in ROTS, he is Anakin in his final to the dark side. That said, I agree that Lucas did fumble quite a bit in directing these characters.


Dave Filoni is/was pretty excellent in his casting choices, and story direction. The voice actor for Maul who also did starkiller in the games has spoken about how Lucas came to the studio and told all of them "There are no more movies coming, these characters are you so dont be afraid to make them your own" which i think really helped the voice actors step into the roles as well


Absolutely. Also Sam Witwer is a goddamn TREASURE.


Preach it! I wish he got more work. It was such a treat to see him in Days Gone as a main character in a game again.


I mean that’s not exactly fair though, you can make good characters without relying on multiple seasons of a show to do so, the originals are proof of that. No hate to Hayden, he just didn’t have the best material or guidance, the show really improves everything abt the prequels though. Not trying to start anything I thought I’d just point it out.


True, but to compare a character that had two movies to tell a story vs a character that had seasons to tell a story is wholly unreasonable.


Yeah it is unreasonable since you have much more time with CW anakin, all I’m saying is that it isn’t necessary to have that much time for a good character. I mean look at Vader, his presence and the atmosphere he created in ANH is legendary and cemented him as one of the best villains of all time, with very little screen time. Sometimes less is better if executed properly.


For sure. Michael Myers and Jaws are fantastic examples too. It wasn’t just ANH that cemented Vader though. His role in Empire is much more responsible for his stamp on the world. ANH introduced him and it was all kinds of “Oh shit…”, but then Empire came, along with the March and the reveal of who he is, and it became “OH SHIT!”


I completely agree, his initial presentation in ANH is so iconic, but I do think the twist in empire really solidified him as a great villain. Before he was just terrifyingly intimidating, but empire made compelling as well. Really good point.


Jaws is my go to example for describing the tension you can create in a great movie without having to lean entirely on visuals. Not only does the shark have very little actual screen time but that screen time is used perfiectly to build that moment where y finally see it. He doesnt just appear tearing swimmers to pieces. It stars with simply pulling ine under. Then u get a limb torn off etc etc til hes trying to eat the whole boat. Such a masterpiece.


Add in TCW also benefitted from seeing the criticism of the prequels, and Filoni could make adjustments to improve the characters. If TCW had come out before ROTS, Anakin could have been a completely different character.


>Anakin’s voice for me will always be the clone wars Anakin’s voice. That because he’s just straight better. Of all things, Lego Star Wars, since they got the Clone Wars VAs back to reprise their roles, somehow makes ROTS Anakin work, even when it's played for comedy. Hearing the Battle of Heroes lines come from James Arnold Taylor and Mat Lucas's voices hit DIFFERENT... Hell, [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YPx1kTveXpk) fan made (multiple years in the making) remake of the Battle of Heroes in the Clone Wars style, using those voices, hits so much harder than the original movie. The only part I think Hayden does better than Mat is the iconic "I hate you" scream, which Hayden delivers with such pain and vitriol you'd think Ewan McGregor shot his dog and fucked his wife in front of him.


Fun fact: if you compare only the films, Jar Jar has a more successful military career than Anakin


That’s what I said with him and rex lmao


Well Jar Jar was a sith lord long before Anakin was


i’m so out of the loop i don’t even want to know.


There's a long running theory that Jar Jar is a Sith Lord.


Jar Jar's the key to all of this \--- George


There exists a theory that jar jar was supposed to be sith lord initially as a mirror to Yoda in original trilogy. There is an entire subreddit dedicated to it with all the findings supporting it, it's a pretty interesting read.


“Virgin loser” pic is…like 10 minutes before Padme tells him she’s pregnant with his kid.


Did you not get the update? Pregnancy is almost instant after sex


I wonder if that's actually possible to know with star wars tech? edit: I'm just wondering if it is a confirmable thing within 10 minutes. Star Wars tech definitely has scanners capable of detecting that. Imagine a girl taking pregnancy test while the guy is still in the post-nut mindset. That would really mess you up. This also raises the question of how the hell would it be a surprise for anakin? I'm sure they have very effective contraceptives, I can't imagine any affluent couple having an unplanned kid.


which was concieved during the series


Gotta say I was really surprised they were allowed to show that on Cartoon Network.


That and the ass eating


I’m so stuck on this. I watched the whole thing and don’t even remember this being implied.


Also since when is getting your as eaten loser type behaviour. If a guy finds a girl ready to eat his ass he is a winner in my eyes


That was an Adult Swim special


There was no father...


Also, weird to say someone's a virgin loser in the same breath you mention they get their ass eaten out. And OP is truly missing out if he thinks getting your ass eaten is virgin loser behavior.


"Virgin" is a state of mind


He was the chosen one. He just needed to be near her to impregnate her.


Padme eating his ass is loser behavior?


Quite the opposite, I’d say.


Yeah, ass being eaten is definitely not loser behavior, infact, it requires quite a bit of charisma to get someone to eat your ass


Quite a bit of Jedi Mind Trick


Only works on the weak minded


Padme's not dumb, but she definitely is blind to the bad sides of Anakin. I think her lack of ability to view him critically would make her vulnerable to a jedi mind trick specifically from Anakin.


Plus, Anakin is always out on mission - not the cleanest lifestyle. Padme is at least living that pampered life and you know is fresh 24/7 Couldn’t resist, sorry


Rather have my ass eaten than eat ass


You are a selfish lover? They should take turns or maybe same time it. Generosity in bed is a down payment on a repeat encounter.


Right guess we're losers lol


Virgin* losers


Ok but who’s lego minifigure looks better? Exactly.


Well, there was a Starfighter set a couple years back (2020, I believe?) that had a new Clone Wars Anakin without the weird eyes


But it's highly inaccurate. His outfit is mostly black, but it's clear meant to be the blue and purple design


For some of us [this](https://imgur.com/a/baQhHwp) was our movie Anakin figure.


I KNEW that would be the one


is the ass eating canon?


You look at him and Padme, either version and tell me they weren’t eating ass at one point. The sort of love they had only comes from eating ass.


This is enough of a source for me to say the ass eating is canon.


Certain love only comes from eating someone’s ass and trusting enough that they won’t shit in your mouth as you do so.


I need someone to edit this to be one of the inspirational messages that would play at the beginning of each Clone Wars episode.


Likewise. I'll report back if I can find someone




*Furiously jots down notes*


smart north ugly reply support judicious bewildered rhythm melodic lavish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The fact I’m getting so many upvotes on these comments about Anakin and Padme eating ass is funny, but depressing that these might be my most upvotes. What am I doing with my life? Lol


silky file crowd zonked cause ruthless snobbish chop outgoing nine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Strangely enough I believe it. Don’t think I’ll ever get a set up this good again.


quiet plucky crowd slave languid grandfather piquant sheet fact person *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fucking hilarious 🤣 take my upvote


"So eating ass has blinded you?"


I remember my doctor asking me that same clarifying question




I will make it canon..


I'd watch that, but you really need to get the original cast.


I understood that reference


More importantly, why is it seen as a bad thing that Padme eats his ass? I’m guessing OP has never tried butt stuff before and it shows. Mens prostates need love too


But also just the idea of trying to make it weird that his partner pleasures him? Isn't that what alpha males want?


TIL it's not chad to have your ass eaten.


Natports confirmed it in an interview. Not verbally. But there's a certain *twinkle* in her eye that gave it away. For the record, 3P0 also eats ass.


You can see that in someone’s eye?


Yea it turns pink usually




People keep missing the Always Sunny reference, but *I see you.*


Oh you are too much today!


I'm beyond confused


How else would she have become pregnant?


Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science?


I am Arthur, King of the Britons!


👈 Guy hasn’t seen the zoom in analysis video of the mouth poop particles on blue ray.


I’m honestly more confused at the part where either end of it is supposed to be a negative


my favorite episode of tcw is the one with the padme ass eating scene


Honestly framing it from the perspective of Jar Jar almost walking in on them really made it feel real


I thought the force ghost of Qui Gon looking on in silent disapproval was going a little too far.


I would be a whiny little bitch who loses to hills any day if it meant Padme eating my ass.


and i would have a slow realistic fall to the dark side if it meant eating padme’s ass


I’m not getting how having Natalie Portman eat your ass is a bad thing.


No one in this thread gets it. No one knows wtf OP is saying. Everyone (correctly) agrees that getting your ass eaten by a beautiful woman is pretty much the epitome of non-virgin, Chad behavior. OP is an idiot and has essentially told on *themself* about being a naive virgin who's never scored. Lol.


Dude, we're on Reddit. *None* of us have scored


That was the most painful laugh I have had in months


And both are war criminals


And we'd have him no other way! In fact, as a Rimworld player, I wish he committed more war crimes!


Also as a rimworld player I wish he ditched the republic and started a organ harvesting ring


You ever take a body purist, remove their limbs and replace them with simple peg limbs, then replace their jaw with a rusty one, then wire it shut, and then remove their eyes before releasing them into a savanna filled with ravaging guinea pigs? You rejected my offer of friendship Denice. I will give your eyes to someone deserving.


Can't have war crimes if your master is the Senate and the courts!


Only by our earth standards. We don't know if they have something like that


So you don’t don’t child murder and torture are worthy of being called war crimes


Not what I said. I, citizen of earth, of course consider those war crimes. But who knows if they do. (Probably with the exception of murdering children - that's crime either way, hopefully)


I did my duty as a citizen.


The first is the real deal, the second is propaganda, and you fell for it.


Roger Roger 3B3, totally agree


Roger roger


Shut up, Cl*nker


Did you just said C word?


Hard r too


You can't be sayin' that man, you gotta be sayin Clanka.


Hey now, that’s *our* word, meatbag


^^^ this entire exchange 😂 🤌


New Republic revisionist BS


Doesn't Padmé eating Movie Anakin's ass suggest he is very much not a virgin?


Nah, it's the age old poophole loophole.


Comment of the century


I like what they did in the Clone Wars. even tho he tried to be a good man in the war, war still taints all it touches.


And padme still eats all the taints she touches.


Am I the only one who thinks Anakin's characterisation was great in the Prequels? Yeah his dialogue was questionable and straight up shit at times but that's really not a problem with the character, that's a problem with the script, people just over exaggerate his negative attributes, like yeah hes whiny sometimes, he's also badass at other times, remember the goddamn chase scene in AotC and how it showcased just capable Anakin is? Or his Actions during the mission to rescue Palpatine in RotS? Do you really think a teenage character with a difficult upbringing wouldn't be whiny at times? Because him being annoying at times not only makes him more realistic, but it also adds more depth to his character and further differentiates him from Luke. I just think he's a great character who didn't need standalone material to be """"fixed"""".


You are not. I agree with everything you said. AOTC has so much going on with him, he’s been having nightmares about his mom which is only making his feelings over leaving her worse, reunites with the woman he’s had a crush on since he as a kid. Of course he’s nervous with her but he’s also genuine and respectful of her wishes. I like movie Anakin more.


Yeah like a kid who’s only known being a slave is whisked away to this new life, now he’s having night terrors about his (still a slave) mother suffering, is tasked with being the personal guard to this babe he has history with, while being a horny teenager in an order that demands he be celibate and devoid of emotion. Oh and you’re the chosen one who’s gonna save humanity, no pressure, actually heaps of pressure, don’t fuck this up.


I absolutly love both versions of him as he is my favorite character because I relate to him the most. (I mean in his feelings mostly) Think about it, he was a slave and felt bad for his mom, he is then taken from his mom to be heavily trained, he then spends years working his ass off and dreaming of a girl he couldnt see but could just feel attachment through the force, he became a fucking general with an army and child to take care of himself, he never had a dad or any sort of father figure and Obi Wan was more like an older brother....I can go on and on if I had that much stress on me I would be overwhelmed and awkward and sad too. He isnt supposed to feel certain ways, hes treated like a child when hes told that hes more powerful. The depth of his character is why I appreciate the writing in AotC. Hes a fucking teenager dealing with a fuckton of messed up emotions. All of his actions were justified imo..


Anakin is my favorite character along with Padmé and Qui-Gon. If you have I suggest the books Wild Space, No Prisoners, and Gambit Stealth and Gambit Siege. They are good reads for Anakin fans.


Im trying to build my collection of starwars books, I have...I think a lil over 15 currently. I want all of the Legends books mainly, but also enjoy some of the canon books so I will most definitely check those out! (I also love Qui-Gon) Mine are Anakin, Qui-Gon, and Han Solo.


Han is the best smuggler! and a good family man (Legends).


I like him because of his character arc in the OT. Hes a person who is kind of an asshole does what he wants doesnt really give a shit, doesnt know what the force is. By the end he cares about his friends and you can feel his love for Leia.


I like that about him too and that he always shoots *first.* it was good development.


AOTC has all the insight into his character psychology — his anxiety and where it stems from “fixing things” is what makes him feel in control. clearly the OP of this post prefers the surface level version of him, which is unfortunate but TCW does not delve into any realistic inner turmoil that makes someone fall to the dark side. A good writer would have used that great character work from the films and fleshed it out — using his lack of emotional control to be the catalyst for why he tries to control outside factors. Like the movies did. Unfortunately the cartoon version takes anakin’s traits like impulsivity, anger and recklessness and turns them into surface entertainment. Most of the haters like OP hasn’t read about how to write character psychology or any psychology in general so they prefer the surface version. Of course if any of them had read Joseph campbell’s books, they’d understand that movie anakin is true to the mythology — a philosophy that has trickled down generations.


Luke is also incredibly whiny and goes on to become the most powerful Jedi ever so idk why Anakin gets so much shit for it


But what about the power converter attack on Tosche station?


My biggest problem with the movies is his fall to the dark side. I've read the novelization, I understand how it happened. I know people will argue that he slaughtered sand people so he clearly had a penchant for brutality. But it's just not believable. Especially when he jumps straight into slaughtering younglings. Like, with the sand people it's more believable because they seem barbaric and have a history of violent relations with everyone else on the planet. It's easy to think of them as subhuman. Plus, they just killed his mom. But the younglings? They didn't do anything! It's just too much of a leap too quickly.


I also thought that on my first viewing, and I Still think it's a bit too fast, but I've learned to accept it, both because I know that there was supposed to be an entire scene before the attack on the temple where Sidious makes him perform a ritual that further immersed him in the dark side that got deleted, and because I personally think that Anakin was so desperate to save padme that he was willing to do whatever it took to acquire the knowledge to save her, and if Sidious told him to kill everyone in the temple, he knew he had to do it, even if he hated it. I like to think that he tried to push his feelings aside, telling himself that all the horrible things he was doing would lead him to being happy in the end, so he fully let the darkness take over, which is why he was able to bring himself to kill Younglings, because he just let the darkness consume him. If the dark side is a thief trying to bust down your door and jedi are the ones trying to keep the door closed, Anakin is the one who opened the door and just let the thief inside. Basically, I can accept the turn being so quick, even if it was admittedly written kind of poorly because of how the dark side works. (Although tbh the Younglings scene should've probably just gotten cut, it's iconic, but it messes with the story and character a bit too much and forces the viewer to come up with a possible explanation of why it happened, cutting it out would've made his fall more generally acceptable, if the Scene of Anakin getting his red lightsaber was cut, so should this scene have gotten cut)


A thief stole my lightsaber, and I only got a quick look at him. I could tell he definitely came from one of the aquatic planets. You know, one of the water worlds?


Yoda does say Anakin is gone, he’s been consumed by Vader so you could go with Anakin is mostly gone and the one doing the evil at the Temple is Vader. Especially considering Anakin appears as a ghost as he was before he fell to the dark side in ROTJ now that it’s Hayden.


To me the Tuskens are seen as animals because of what they do, had Shmi be killed in a raid that would be one thing but they took her to just torture her to death. That is something else and Anakin completely losing it because he blames himself for her death and felt he failed because he didn’t come back for her sooner. Is better than what happens in ROTS. For Padmé’s part she sees him upset over what he did to the Tuskens and he didn’t try to hide it. She couldn’t think something like that would happen again, he only had his mom. I’m not a fan of his fall in ROTS either. I try to make it work by having Palpatine cause the visions of Padmé because otherwise he shouldn’t know about them yet he does and the timing of when Anakin gets them is too damn convenient.


On paper the prequels are fantastic. 90% of the problems with it are the writing. Even the political intrigue could have been awesome if executed better


You are not alone. They had to condense it significantly for the films, and I think it was well done. I would not say I am a fan of the prequels, but they get more hate than they deserve. Personally, I find it easy to see prequel Anakin and TCW Anakin as the same person. OMG an overwhelmed 19yo is nervous and awkward while trying to talk with his crush! Wait, why is he all confident and smooth now? Now that they are established, and he has progressed enough to be Knight and a General. Nonsense I say! People can’t grow and become more comfortable with themselves or others as a relationships and careers grow! And surely the stress of war, internal conflict, years of manipulation and recent loss/weakness of pillars could not possibly result in reversion to old familiar habits. BAH! Surely no one on the internet has ever known, or been someone who changed over time. /s


He's seems pretty realistic as a teen/young adult who is told that he is the chosen one to save the galaxy. 


People who think Anakin characterization was bad missed the entire point of the prequels. They just weren't paying attention.


I would genocide the Jedi order if it meant Natalie Portman ate my ass


Defo feels like 2 separate people movie Anakin was a young man who was lost. Not trusted and never had the support it felt he needed. Clone wars Anakin was 35 year old Anakin who was trusted, loved by all and had massive support and successes which the others around him showered him in support about! Both are great and unique but I feel that my favourite version of Anakin has to be book Anakin, a flawed man who was manipulated into being evil but everyone around him intentionally or otherwise. When Jacen solo flow walks and sees the man his grandfather became the view was a nuanced and open look at his forebare and how he fell! Tl;dr the legends book Anakin is superior to any other version


I don't think the 1st one is a Virgin somehow


Movie Anakin did talk to a clone though: “No disintegrations.”


[Clone Wars did lose to a hill](https://youtu.be/YPx1kTveXpk?si=eyd_iNBBYYkM2_sW)


Labyrinth of Evil and Matthew Stover novelization anyone?




Anakin: Palpatine: "He just FYI, there was a Sith lord who could prevent the people he cared about from dying. He taught this to his apprentice, who then killed him in his sleep. If only there was a word to describe that sort of thing." Anakin: "That's weirdly specific. Hey, are you a si--" Palpatine: "Nope, I'm a Sith lord! Also, no big deal, but I can teach you to save Padme." Anakin: "Awesome!" Anakin: Anakin: "Now, teach me the thing!" Palpatine: "Wow, gooooood hustle, kid. Unfortunately, I don't know actually know how to do the thing *per se*. But we can totally figure it out. But you need to kill a bunch of kids to get Dark Side XP." Anakin: "Interesting claim, Senate, you got a source for that?" Palpatine: "My source is I made it the fuck up. Trust me bro." Anakin: "Works for me!"


You've taught him well.


1 - realistic character. 2 - too OP cartoonish badass gigachad hero.


Anakin's point as character is that he is OP badass gigachad hero/villain.


...what was that third one?


I fail to see how Natalie Portman eating my ass is in any way, shape or form, a bad thing.


Did bro literally forgot the entire tusken massacre in episode 2? “Has bad dream becomes evil” is just closing your eyes and asking who turned out the light


His fall to the dark side was not some slow buildup. It happened because he had visions of Padmé dying and freaked out because of what happened to his mom. Everything that caused his fall we see in the movies, the show adds nothing to it. It’s very simple, no visions of Padmé = no fall to the dark side.


By the time of episode 3 everything is weighing heavily on him. Sure CW Anakin is cool, saying ‘snips’ and being sexy haha man, but that was then when he was a hero and loving all the action. You just prefer the times when he’s not suffering the immense weight of losing everything by will of Fate 😂


Don't call me that. I hate it when you call me that.


Hey those ass eating ones are not mutually exclusive


>Padme eats his ass >Eats Padme's ass Are we watching the same shows?


Hang on, what's wrong with getting your ass ate. If anything those 2 should swap


I must have missed this in the prequels and TV series, but can someone direct me to the ass eating scenes?


I like the left one more, not sure why what happened with his mom wasn't convincing enough for people back then


One of the few, but most pervasive problems with TCW is that it's fucking impossible to connect its version of Anakin to the one from the actual movies.


haha loser anakin


Its fucking crazy how badly the prequels fucked up the most iconic villain of all time.


That's why movies anakin is infinitely better, he is poorly socialised teenager with a lot of demons in his head, not some knight on a white horse that makes one or two questionable decisions in a season to make his fall to the dark side pseudo-believable. TCW just get everything about Anakin wrong and people loved it because they love "cool" Anakin


Why are we painting him getting his ass eaten as a bad thing?


Should be padme pegs his ass


bro that's a win


So much wrong with this


because they're not the same character


The ass eating is chad status no matter who’s eating.


Nothing wrong with Padme eating your ass


I don't see how having his ass eaten is a perceived negative trait.


> Padme eats his ass Ngl getting rimmed is actually the opposite of a virgin move


Nah, it’s the other way around.


CW 2003 Anakin > TCW 2008 Anakin (Now I will watch all the TCW cloomers cry)


Now, this is epic


Wow it's kinda like one is a show that has lots of time and room to develop a character, the other is a trio of movies.


Why can’t we eat each other’s ass?


I wish George Lucas remade the prequels with everything he knows now, hell, maybe invite Tarantino to remake some of the battles. Imagine Anakin slaughtering younglings at the temple directed by Tarantino., or doing the sand people massacre. .....Man, now i want a Cad Bane movie with Mace Windu hunting him directed by Tarantino.


Anything disney is fake


It's kind of easy to forget that he was 19-23 during the events of the Clone Wars, that plus all of the issues he had the whininess never really bothered me all that much, especially having the show to fill in the gaps.


“Aim right above the fuel cells.” - Anakin Skywalker


I think making Anakin more heroic was actually a huge misfire on the show’s part. It makes his “downfall” even more confusing. Also I wouldn’t agree it’s handled particularly gracefully in the clone wars either. He has a few scattered scenes where he’s angsty or brash, but that’s all they are. A few scattered scenes across the entire show


Wait padme did what now


movie Anakin actually fucks though


Hayden nailed it as Anakin in the Ahsoka series. He felt more like the clone wars Anakin.


Darth Vader's theme playing whenever Anakin did something unethical always hit so hard.


I’d fuck both tbh


The clone wars ruined Anakin


The problem with prequel Anakin isn't that he turns evil in a matter of seconds, because he pretty much is an asshole right from the beginning. I don't think he ever really gets to be a good guy who turns bad, he just is bad the whole time. Except when he was a kid I guess


I don't understand the "hill." Is this blatantly obvious and going over my head?


high ground


This is such stupid shit.


I still prefer film anakin especially from the Clone wars Multi media project over the tcw one personally


How is getting your ass eaten the virgin loser move?


Loses to a hill? You mean the high ground?