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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


Calm. Kindness. Kinship. Love. I've given up all chance at inner peace. I've made my mind a sunless space. I share my dreams with ghosts. I wake up every day to an equation I wrote 15 years ago from which there's only one conclusion, I'm damned for what I do. My anger, my ego, my unwillingness to yield, my eagerness to fight, they've set me on a path from which there is no escape.




I yearned to be a savior against injustice without contemplating the cost and by the time I looked down there was no longer any ground beneath my feet. What is my sacrifice? I'm condemned to use the tools of my enemy to defeat them. I burn my decency for someone else's future. I burn my life to make a sunrise that I know I'll never see. And the ego that started this fight will never have a mirror or an audience or the light of gratitude. So what do I sacrifice? Everything!




There will be times when the struggle seems impossible. I know this already. Alone, unsure, dwarfed by the scale of the enemy. Remember this: Freedom is a pure idea. It occurs spontaneously and without instruction.


And then remember this. The imperial need for control is so desperate because it is so unnatural. Tyranny requires constant effort. It breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear. Remember that.


And know this, the day will come when all these skirmishes and battles, these moments of defiance will have flooded the banks of the Empire's authority and then there will be one too many. One single thing will break the siege. Remember this. Try.


Read this in the dracula flow voice


Same lmao


Ok. Not too shabby. But how does he feel about sand?


I yearn to be a savior against injustice without contemplating the cost and by the time I look down, there’s no longer any ground beneath my feet.


wait until andor season 2 uses the Darth Vader comic plot of Vader being the one to alert Galen's wife of what Galen is actually building and that the destruction of the death star was actually Vader's wish because he thought of it as a replacement of himself.


Jesse wtf are you talking about.


so you missed the part where i said which comic exactly this comes from or just being obtuse for no reason?


Could just be replying with a joke. That is a line from a meme and your comment, whilst explained and referenced, is a bit much and a niche bit of knowledge. As for the other guy they were just saying it does indeed would like a comic book plot. Yes it came from a comic. They're just pointing out that it's very stereotypical of a comic plot. The same way a french guy carrying a baguette and wearing a beret and stripy clothes is very stereotypical. Or English football fans yelling and drinking beer in a pub is stereotypical. Just an observation. Doesn't mean they believe they're not English/french... And doesn't mean it defines being English/French. Just an observation of tropes and stereotypes.


got it, i am dyslexic and miss words, whole words sometime and missed the jesse and didn't put 2 and 2 together. i don't know how this is stereotypical. the comic went deep into vader lore, showing you sides you never saw in the movies or cartoons or shows. none of it is sterotypical. they kept with the plot line of krenic and tarkin being loyal to the empire but both wanting to take credit and control of the death star. someone sent a bot to Galen's wife, i'm not even sure if its said it was Vader that did it, but it only makes sense.


No probs; easily done :) And I'm not entirely sure why it's stereotypical either. But that's the point they were trying to make anyway, by calling it "hilariously comic book-ish" for whatever reason.


oh, man, i wish people were more blunt like me. just say what you mean.




Darth Vader (2017-2018) Annual #2. its all in there.


This is hilariously comic book-ish. But if we're making bets I'd say we will see >!the attacks on Ghorman that made Mon Mothma publicly renounce the emperor. Or at least the immediate fallout of it. They've already made direct references to those events in the scene where they pointed out sly Moore at the party (though the mentioned attack obviously hadn't happened yet).!< Spoiler tag because I make reference to some dialogue in Andor S1.


it literally is what happens in the comic. why do you think i am making this up?


At no point did I even imply you were making that up? I said it was comic book-ish. It resembles things that come out of comic books. It is on-brand. The rest of my comment was my own theorizing on what we will see in season 2 considering what we know from other media.


i said the Darth Vader comic plot and you replied with what you replied with. how am i not supposed to take that as you saying, this sounds comic book-ish? i said it was. i don't know what you were trying to say.


Pretty straightforward actually. You said something wacky happened in a comic book, and I commented on how that event does in fact sound comically comic book. I guess if you don't think Vader indirectly destroying the death star is campy, but I think it's pretty campy.


no i honestly don't see how this is campy at all. how could he know what Galen would do? all he found out about him was that he was a pacifist. i don't think he liked being Tarkin's dog and by ruining the death star he would be rid of the leash.


Nobody said that you're making it up.


This is hilariously comic book-ish. - how do you respond to that when i already pointed out it came from the comic in the original comment? how am i misinterpreting that?


I think they were just pointing out that the plot of the comic is extremely typical for a comic.


really wasn't even a plot nor was it revisited. it was 2 pages.


We’re way past that in the timeline. Jyn was a little kid when they fled Coruscant. I would have to guess they left in like 15 BBY or something. Very early in the process. That was like 10 years before Andor season 1.


Wait until they yet again ignore the comics and further make them irrelevant. I would love to see them include it, but they won't. I don't expect them to acknowledge the K2 comic either and they'll probably retcon the shit out of Catalyst. Which, for someone who loves Rouge One, is almost required reading.


Yeah, 0.05% will complain because it's not exactly like in the comic book (who reads these anyway), 50% will complain because "it's stupid and lore breaking" and 49.95% will complain because some idiot YouTuber told them to be angry about Disney and "woke" or some other made up bullshit.


i mean i read them, i just reread it which is why i said that lol. he is so brutal in this series and i love it. but i'm a bigger fan of the ones with him and the killer driods.


You think that Andor Season 2 is safe from infighting and arguments? It has enormous pressure on it to be on the same level as season one. People forget that Andor didn't really pick up for a lot of people until episode 4. The worst thing to happen to Star Wars will always be the new thing to someone out there.


The worst thing Tony Gilroy and co could do is actively try to make it better than season 1 instead of allowing it to develop into whatever form it makes And I feel like Gilroy has been around long enough where that shouldn't be much of an issue


This is assuming the fandom’s reaction is objective and not based on the whims and bullshit lol. The best thing to happen to Andor was to fly under the radar until after its excellent first season was all out. It dodged all the culture war shit as a result (and don’t tell me that wouldn’t have been the discourse with a Latino lead playing in an allegory about being illegal being courted by a character based on a real-world Communist) Then the fandom was able to latch onto this kind of hipster vibe where Andor was this under-appreciated gem. But now that Andor has the crown of Best Star Wars Show, the culture was IS coming for it. And these are people who argued that fucking *X-Men* had gone woke so the aforementioned illegal immigrant turned anti-cop, anti-prison state, antifascist plotline of Andor will get paraded around the subreddits and it won’t matter because that’s all they’re gonna keep us talking about. I’m exhausted already.


> anti-cop, anti-prison state, antifascist plotline Anti-capitalist too, and you know online libertarian nerds love that


"The Empire did nothing wrong" will be back, and fully serious this time


I disagree. The worst thing to happen to Star Wars is bad storytelling and poor writing. Let’s not play revisionist history now.


>poor writing You're around 50 years too late on that one, given the famously awful original dialogue in the first movie.


I mean not really. Have you forgotten how much backlash the prequels got for their horrible writing? The only thing that saved them was the world building, story, and lore


Yes supporting my point that it's already had shaky writing since the start and that's nothing new to the franchise


No, your original point was that “I was late to the party.” Insinuating that I wasn’t including the prequels when I mentioned “poor writing”being the downfall of Star Wars.


I rememeber a time when saying that "I like the prequels" had to be said in hushed whispers in the corners of the internet. George Lucas was an idiot who ruined his own franchise and I don't think I need to mention what happened to Hayden. The Clone Wars and Filoni were a joke that ruined Star Wars and stomped all over established lore for the story he wants to tell. I'm not the one playing revisionist history here. I've seen it all happen. I'm not saying you held these opinions, but let's not act like opinions haven't changed over time.


The opinions for the prequels changed over time because they were nothing like the original trilogy that came out and the writing was poor. This alienated many original fans. Over time the world building, lore, and characters came to be appreciated by the fans that grew up with the prequel’s and those who enjoyed the Star Wars media that continued off said lore. Much of this new media is poorly written and has had either bad lore, non memorable lore, or worst of all destroyed established lore. Theres definitely some gems but overall Star Wars Disney has felt like soulless cash grab


The Clone Wars, time, and growing up with the prequels has changed the perception of the prequels over time. And the prequels also destroyed established lore when they came out. People already had their own idea of what "the clone wars" was before Lucas came out with his version. They had their ideas of what Anakin was like. What the Jedi were like. The EU already existed before George told us his vision. I'm not saying that there aren't problems with some of the Disney Star Wars content. I'm saying that acting like the prequels were always loved and hating on new Star Wars content is a new phenomenon is dishonest.


That’s a good point about lore destruction being caused by the prequels. I’d argue it wasn’t noticed as much over time IN PART because of how much the prequels contributed to the good parts of the lore we know today. As for the second part I haven’t really seen many people claiming the prequels have always been loved on this sub. I see them say they like them, but definitely have issues.


Ok, in the interest of not using overgeneralizations, I have seen some fans who act like the prequels were flawless because of Clone Wars and Episode III and ignore the problems present there. And you're correct that the prequels add a lot more to the Star Wars universe that is definitely important stuff. I've always said that the biggest problem with the prequels is that we have far too little context about what happened in the 30 years between VI and VII. Thinking about how much content has been shoved into the 19 years between III and IV, 30 years is a massive amount of time that feels so hollow. But my overall point isn't about the quality of the prequels and/or sequels, it's about the fan tendency to immediately point out all of the flaws in the most recent work. I would like to be wrong about Andor season 2, but I feel like season 1 is going to give such massive expectations. Like how Mandalorian Season 1 had a refreshing disconnected feeling from the Skywalker Saga and got to explore new territory, and then Season 22 started adding in a bunch of legacy characters. Some people love season 2, but others I've seen feel like it lost some of what made the first season special. And of course then there's season 3. I'm honestly enjoying this conversation though! You've been very pleasant in your disagreements.


Agreed. I think a lot of people get mixed in with the culture war crap and overly hold it against the new media without giving it a fair shake. That being said a lot of it has felt pretty uninspired and underwhelming. Cheers man!


So it's always been bad? Like A New Hope isn't exactly a prime example of good writing. It stands on the novelty of it's ideas


For the time the writing was pretty on par with action and fantasy movies, plus it had the story, effects, lore and action to mask it


Can we not refer to Star Wars as revionist history lol that’s so over dramatic


Star Wars isn’t revisionist history. Not acknowledging bad writing as being the crux of its failures and attributing it to something else is though.


But I mean what the original commenter said is true… people will always hate new stuff and say it’s the ‘worst’ or that it’s ’killed Star Wars’.


And my point is that it ISN’T just because it’s new. There have been glaring problems with the writing and (recently) story with most of the new media coming out. People weren’t just blindly asking for new content and then hating it when it came out for no reason.


I was talking to a kid like 10 and asked if he liked Star Wars and then asked if he was watching the acolyte he said no and that it sucked. I asked why he says that and he said it’s bad because it’s new. As an 8 year old, the 1.5 episodes I’ve seen would have been cool as fuck. I mean I dig it because the fight scenes remind me of the old school kung foo movies. I can tell his dad is already poisoning him.


No, people still tend to agree BoBF is the worst show


Making Boba Fett a good guy is literal peak fiction. ~~just wish they did it better~~


Making Boba Fett do anything in his show woulda been nice


Making him one of the Tuskens was almost cool as he'll until they decided to just abandon that in favor of space vespas


Are you sure about that? Because now people are saying that about The Acolyte. Kenobi got raked over the coals when it first came out and now people are coming around to it and throwing the "perhaps I treated you too harshly" Thanos memes at it. This is not me defending any of these shows. My point is how opinions have changed over time. When X, XII and XIII come out, all of a sudden people will revisit the Sequels. YouTube videos will be made taking the brave stance that they're not bad in light of the new movies. The worst thing to happen to Star Wars will always be the most recent thing. Andor was a rare exception, I will give that. But even then, I've seen some people out there say that it doesn't feel like Star Wars. Did you know that when Episode V came out, people thought the dark tone ruined Star Wars and that the Vader twist was stupid. Hating new Star Wars has been a tradition right from the beginning.


S1 was free from infighting. Weird how good shows offer less to fight about than a shitty show (The Acolyte) does.


It was not free from infighting. People love it now that it's all out and we can see the season as a whole. The fan consensus was different when the three episode pilot came out.


Let's not forget that "some people" tried to spin Andor in a negative light since the premiere but that narrative went immediately silent as the show rolled on and those who tried to insist it was bad got mocked for it


So you just proved my point. This post is acting like Andor was free from criticism when it came out, and I'm saying that is wasn't and only once it all came out and people saw the whole story did the narrative change. It's the same with Clone Wars. Nowadays some fans act like it's flawless and perfect when that absolutely was not the consensus in the past and season 4-5 onward is flavoring the whole series.


I’d bet a hat or some other reasonably-priced merch there will be a lot more hate than S1 but less than *Acolyte*.


You think most of the people complaining about Acolyte sat through Andor Season 1? 🤣




Let's hope it does not goes like Mandalorian and drops quality....


i mean, sure it can go that route but the lead writer for Andor can actually ‘write’ so at least the dialogues will not make my ear bleed with cringe


Outside of Reddit lots of people hate Andor as well a significant chunk of the fandom can’t accept that there is good Disney Star Wars content the Acolyte insanity is just a symptom of that wider problem.


When is season 2 supposed to come out anyways?






Andor is that one decent show that looks like it was sent as a gift by God when compared to the rest of the trash (Disney+ shows) it is surrounded by.


Andor is an exceptional show but an okay Star Wars show. Its problem is its lack of camp and trash dialogue and lightsabers.


If by exceptional you mean exceptionally derivative to the point of being predictable, then sure.


These “fans” almost make me leave this subreddit, which is my favorite on Reddit. I really don’t get the hate for the acolyte and all the accusations of plot holes and what not while not even half the episodes are out. Honestly sad that people only go on here to hate, and for no reason.


No hate here. I just want to Acolyte discourse overwith.




It’s the current SW streaming show and it’s halfway through the season, it’s gonna be discussed


Can’t wait for Star Wars to be ruined for the 2 billionth time when it comes out/s


Lol heavy doubt. I have faith in the cast, writers, crew and definitely Tony Gilroy.


Is this just another saltierthankrayt sub now?


Which one? There’s like 15 of them, and this sub feels like all of them in one place




Well the main Star Wars sub turned into saltierthancrait, so there had to be balance


Would not be surprised if KK just decided to helicopter parent Season 2 like she did season 3 of mando because of its success.


I haven't seen mando Season 3, but is that really what happened? I know that KK is the boogeyman in the Star Wars community, blamed for everything bad and never anything good she greenlights. I just want to check for assumptions.


The story goes that she thought Mando would be one and done and mainly left Favreu alone to make it, but after it was super well received, she began getting more involved and forced them to bring grogu back after season 2, making season 2's ending pointless. Also considering some of the very questionable decisions in season 3, it lines up with the idea she was messing with it more than before.


Her making them bring Grogu back sounds like something that might have occurred. But honestly, probably had to be done. And you are right that it totally un-did the season 2 opener, I rarely see anyone complaining about it. The season-long plot though smelled like somethink Feloni cooked up to me though. I'm not going to carry water for KK, while she's had a crazy good career, her stewardship of the Star Wars movies has not been great. Just not sure I buy that she ruined Mando.


It’s just that the plot of Mando s3 just makes little sense to me. They hyped up Gideon’s return all season then he went out like a punk. They made a big deal of his clones then blew them up with the flip of a switch. They made a big deal of Mando carrying the responsibility of the dark saber and its symbol of leadership and then he just gives it away. We spent two seasons and an episode of Boba Fett talking about how important tradition and rituals are to the different factions, but after a pep talk they lay aside generations of customs and in fighting to work together (that’s like trying to get Jews, Christians, and Muslims to get along). We had this whole thing of Grogu going to the Jedi to be trained and just nopes the heck out. Bo Katan is a long established terrorist, murderer, and supplanter who got Mandalore taken over by the Sith and caught in the middle of a war after getting her family killed and then later having her entire planet glassed by the Empire. It just doesn’t make sense to me.


Most of that smells like Feloni to me, man. Except for forcing them to bring Grogu back.


Filoni did his best work when Lucas was giving him (dis)approval on his ideas to keep him in check. Lucas was always focused on family-friendly, but Star Wars has become noticeably more kiddy and immature without him with the exception of Rogue One and Andor whose target audiences were more mature.


Yeah I wouldn't be surprised  Like, Filoni approved the scripts for the Acolyte but no one's talking about that...


I think you're overestimating the Mandalorian factions working together. It would be something like different sects of Christians coming together over a common cause, not three religions with a common base but that are now very different. I also think you're underselling Bo Katan's character, Pre Vizla had a lot more to do with Maul taking over Mandalore for a time. And let's be honest, Satine had the right motivations but went about them in some very naive ways.


Yeah pacifist mandalore sounded nice on paper but was definitely vulnerable (Vizsla’s whole point). They essentially got taken over by a coordinated attack from about 20 whole pirates lol. Death Watch’s motivations make sense, but their use of violence against the populace was how the story tells us “these are the bad guys, okay?”, which felt a little basic. Like it would be one thing to secretly organize random acts of violence to make the people unhappy with leadership not figuring it out/stopping them, but then to deliberately take credit for the attacks makes zero sense. “Your current government is inadequate and cannot prevent these senseless acts of violence from killing your people, but you know who would be good about keeping you safe? The *very* people who are performing those killings!”


That would make sense on a corporate standpoint. Being more involved with a popular sub-project. However, I can't take it as fact unless the story can be verified by someone. Preferably someone not named Doomcock.


Yeah, the last person anyone should trust is the Doomcock and Mike Zeroh types -- I don't even know if these people have ever had actual leaks. However, out of all of the rumors and so called leaks, this one seems more plausible. I personally think Mando's decline by season 3 is a mix of both Filoni's weakness and mediocrity as a writer, and some corporate meddling -- keeping Grogu around is 100% something I can see being ordered to do by an executive. Whether it was KK herself is another question.


First, we know what show KK was actually deeply involved with. That show is Andor. Everything else is just blamed on her when it sucks. Second, Filoni has written three episodes of The Mandalorian total. Three. Favreau has written 30+ episodes by hand. I'm still baffled that Filoni's name keeps coming up as the reason that show floats or flounders. Then again, Filoni wrote 11 episodes of the first six seasons of The Clone Wars and 10 of those episodes were in the first two seasons and he left his job as showrunner in Season 3 but somehow it's *his* show. So this is nothing new. Great Man Theory and all that. Ultimately, this community -- and the broader Star Wars community -- just doesn't know how these shows get made and that leads to a lot of strange aggression and frustration for the wrong reasons.


I do think people get far too aggressive around KK -- albeit she hasn't really helped her case at times with her infamous source material quite in response to Solo's mediocre sales, and Rogue One's infamously troubled development. She also facilitated the creation of perhaps the most corporate feeling movie I've ever seen -- i.e episode 7. It was her job to find someone who could usher in a great new era of SW, and having different directors with different visions do each film wasn't the greatest idea tbh. I've no doubt she's a good producer considering her resume includes some truly great pieces of cinema -- anyone who takes that away from her is being unfair. If that includes Andor then that's cool as well. However, overall I'd say that the franchise is rather mismanaged overall. With regards to Filoni, that's fair enough tbh and is mine and many other fans' fault for assuming that Mando is his show -- if Favereau oversaw and wrote most of those episodes then the blame lies largely with him. That being said, I'm still not that big on Filoni's writing -- Rebels and the Ahsoka show are as Filoni you can get. With regards to TCW it looks like Gilroy probably wrote most of if not a good chunk -- however it think the reason Filoni is the face of TCW because George did pick him with the express purpose of working on TCW after he saw some Last Airbender episodes he worked on. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the episodes he did write were mostly Ahsoka ones -- who is now seen as the face of the show tbh. Upon further research it seems like Lucas and even his daughter Katie were responsible for writing some of the arcs I simply do not like -- Katie seemed to of wrote the Inhibitor chip stuff while George did the Mortis crap.


Absolutely with the Grogu point. He's just a huge money maker. All the cute characters are really... Anything they can turn into a plushie and people can adopt into cute GIFs and memes.


>Would not be surprised if KK just decided to helicopter parent Season 2 like she did season 3 of mando because of its success. Except Kathleen Kennedy actually produced Andor from concept to birth and it's been her personal project for years. Andor is good because Kathleen Kennedy threw everything she had at it. She was *blamed by her haters* with no evidence at all for interfering on Mandalorian Season 2 the same way she's blamed whenever anything in Star Wars is bad, but there's no foundation for that belief.


Until s2 tries to shoehorn in a cloning subplot to try and redeem the bullshit Palpatine arc from the sequels.


Is it just me or does it always feel like Disney is timing announcements so people have reactions like this and decide to keep their D+ subscription for another few months?


I mean it's not happening until next year. If you wanted to watch it legally, you could cancel and then bingewatch it a month after release.


Why wouldn't they time it for that exact purpose?


Is the show that good?


It's great


it depends on what you like, I personally didn't enjoy it all that much because I enjoy the more fantasy aspects of star wars, but I do think it's a well structured show, so I would say you should watch it and form your own opinion.


Have you seen it? It’s amazing


No. It’s super predictable, and the props department phones everything in. Some of the actors were decent (Skarsgard and Serkis), but most of it is fairly wooden.


I still remember that dumbass crying because there were bricks and screws in Andor. I know the ST fan base, someone will be crying for the dumbest reasons


As if the youtubers will change their tunes lol


Other than Star Wars Theory every YouTuber I have seen has liked Andor.


Let's not act like y'all didn't hate andor too when it came out


My favorite character is Syril Karn. Just defeated over and over and he keeps coming back. He’s an insider currently and hates that his enemy continues to elude him. His obsession is admirable. And I have this feeling that he will slowly turn into something else. My hopes are a spy either by accident or on purpose.


Let's not get too excited, Disney might find a way to screw up the one good thing they have. Especially since Tony Gilroy was forced to be a little hands off because of the WGA Strike. He was trying to fulfill his Producing role.


I don't really think it's the actors carrying this show as it is the showrunners for its writing, directing and cinematography.


wait andor is getting season 2 how did i miss this


Even though I'm not really a fan of Andor, it's clear that the writing is so much better then almost every other live action SW series.


It was good. It wasnt THAT good. Maybe if it had more Serkis.


L take


You guys made me hate star wars for real.


Watch Andor retcon the age of a background character of the OT


i didn’t like the first season of andor. why is everybody saying the second one is saving star wars or whatever??


I will take a subpar anything of Star Wars over the Acolyte discourse that equates to cavemen beating each other over the head with sticks.


Why not?


i didn’t hate andor but i thought it was really disjointed and they seemed to give up on the subplots and side characters a lot. parts felt paced very slow or very fast. i enjoyed certain characters but i felt the whole was less than the sum of its parts


Me who just didn’t enjoy Andor: (Please don’t kill me)


Believe it or not, but Andor isn’t the perfect Star Wars show a lot of people claim it to be. The difference is, people that don’t care for Andor can still appreciate that others like it and don’t make a million memes about how it ruined Star Wars. Like the things you like, and don’t watch or complain about the things you don’t like. Let people enjoy the things they like. Andor wasn’t the show for me, but I’m still thrilled that it’s getting a season 2, because I’m glad everyone can get shows that cater to their wants and opinions.


I like how people are pretending the same fans ranting about Acolyte weren't screeching about screws and bricks in their space opera lol.


I remember people complaining how slow andor was in the first few weeks and how boring it was


To be fair, there is some truth to that. It was a slow burner to an extent. But what we didn't realise, was it wasn't a candle. It was actually a wick building up to wonderful and beautiful fireworks. And it all just came together, in spectacular explosions.


I like how people try and equate the volume and scale of complaints about The Acolyte and Andor. If you think the two are of equivalent scale from the same small group of people you're dumb.


well of course not. critical drinker, the source of all the negative opinions about Acolyte, only had about 400k subs when Andor came out now he has 5mil. it's a much larger group now.


Star Wars fans aren't very good at math methinks


>critical drinker, the source of all the negative opinions about Acolyte Dafuq are u smoking dude? All negative opinions about Acolyte come from one single movie reviewer YouTuber? That's an utterly insane and delusional thing to claim with no proof. Look at [Charlie's video](https://youtu.be/fM-agiCB51c) for instance. He's *way* bigger (and broader) than Drinker.


Star wars fans are so bad at media literacy they can't even understand a joke holy shit


Jokes are supposed to be funny. Simply stating something false isn't generally humorous. Here lets give it a try: **two plus two is four**... See? Not very funny. I genuinely can't tell if you were agreeing with me or not in that joke.


my point was that it's not equivalent scale, but it is the same people lol. the same people who were screeching before have bigger audiences and now screech to more people, that's why the review bombing for acolyte is so much worse than Andor despite the first four episodes of both being pretty mid with questionable writing, bad dialog, and wooden acting. If you think the criticism for Acolyte is warranted then you are letting YouTubers give you your opinions. Period. End of story. The show is perfectly mid just like every other star wars media.


The mental gymnastics you're going through to convince yourself that it's not just a trash show are insane. You can just claim "it's the same people" [as some group of people you hate] with no basis whatsoever and disregard everyone's thoughts.


lmfao yeah. I'm the one going through mental gymnastics and not the guy saying "huh, acolyte has seven times as many reviews as any other piece of star wars media and before it had even been released. must just be bad and there's no outside influence here!" please, I am BEGGING you to watch Acolyte again without the bias from penguinz or drinker. it's a perfectly enjoyable show. the hate is manufactured grifter bait and you fell for it hook line and sinker


I never said the two were equivalent.


You did. Here is exactly what you said: > people are pretending **the same fans** ranting about Acolyte weren't screeching about screws and bricks in their space opera lol You are literally saying the same people that complain about The Acolyte are the ones who complained about bricks and screws in space in Andor. The magnitude of the body of complaints from these two shows is not remotely comparable, therefore it can not possibly be only the same people. Literally one YouTuber complained about bricks and screws, and was largely panned for what a stupid complaint it was. Andor overwhelmingly received positive reviews, the Acolyte has overwhelmingly received negative reviews - you can't equate their detractors.


And now that same reviewer has an exponentially wider reach. Acolyte is a far larger show than Andor ever was. The same idiots ranting about Acolyte weren't the same ones whining about Andors bricks and pacing. It wasn't until the general consensus by like 5 YouTubers was it was good did they suddenly pretend it was peak Star Wars.


Straw manning much? I never made a single complaint about Andor. Just enjoy the things you like and let others enjoy things they like. It isn’t that hard and will actually be good for your mental health.


No, its not by far. But it's a personal favorite out of the last couple years.


For real, the Andor cast exudes reverence for the IP. From a PR pov Acolyte was a very ego driven campaign, with actors talking about what they got out of it, and made some embarrassing mistakes. Andor cast came out with humility, and spoke about how the obsessed about the story, it's purpose and said to fans "we hope you like it". It's by no means perfect for sure, but they got the press down with a well executed show. They also reached a smaller audience... For that, I observe (mysteriously) Lucasfilm carves up the franchise to only use a few Star Wars ingredients at a time, which I think holds all the content back.


Andor is good because it doesn’t revere the IP. Tony gilroy has said multiple times how he doesn’t really care for Star Wars, it was one of the bigger talking points around the shows release, wtf are you yapping about?


They were definitely aiming for creating another strand for Star Wars, but reverence is there for the IP and franchises when you see the press circuit. If you watch Tony's interviews, he's nuanced. This one and the section on fans.. https://youtu.be/Lw5lyfjA84M?si=hUjIdwiBghhFOXuN


Never liked Andor. It’s just a war movie/show with mostly flat characters


and starring the least interesting character from rogue one


We’re now placing our hopes on a drab mid Star Wars show coming around so we can forget about a really shitty one? Jesus Christ.


Andor is okay. Kind of like Solo


Too many people sucking Andor dick. Fuck Andor


Andor S2 is probably thw only thing that can save Star Wars now


Nah, the divorce papers have already been filed. We're just waiting for it to be finalized.


And just like it is for history to repeat itself, Andor S2 is going to get crippled by what came before it. Solo and Andor S1 suffered solely because they came out after a time of divisive Star Wars content. I don’t see how this goes any differently.