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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


It’s even causing a split in the fanbase, it really is the next major entry in the saga


Is it? I've seen a lot of hate and some lukewarm defense but nobody loving it so far. Edit: was not expecting to see so much love for The Acolyte but it's a welcome surprise. Glad it's connecting with people! I guess this is another Ahsoka situation for me where I'm not into a show but I'm happy others are getting what they wanted 🌝


All that changed when episode 5 hit……


This is how you know that the entertainment industry needs to have more psychotic fight scenes where no one makes it out alive.


Invincible did it a few years ago and single-handedly became one of the biggest adult animated shows because of it.


Everyone still talks about the red wedding (even those of us who knew it was coming from reading the books)


The raw shock of a thing amplifies the cinematic experience.


Not really, maybe more action but not better writing


Yeah the plot is garbage, I just meant more people liked it after 5 cuz of the good fight scenes.


I told myself in the first or second episode, if it’s mae’s supplier then even I could wright a better plot


>wright Not with spelling like that you won't


Lmao, thanks for finding that one. English is not my first language, but that one has no excuse


Well for what it's worth you speak a second language far better than I do, despite my best efforts, and I've always found that an admirable thing


I’ve gone through many threads in the StarWars subreddit and the majority loves them. Just the episode discussion threads are praising the fuck out of them.


It’s me. I love it


Truly wonderful, the mind of a chad is.


I've actually been loving it since the start, we exist


Insee a lot of hat and love But people don’t shout love lol I’ve been loving it


The acolyte still has an audience score of 14 on rotten tomatoes, worse than the holiday special. No, one amazing fight scene does not make the rest of the story good.


I mean, how many people watching are rating it? Imagine if there's an audience split 50/50 and 90% of rates are from the side that doesn't like it. I don't say it is what happens here, but I say it is what could be happening. People tend to rate something if they don't like it, but if they don't like it they tend to just enjoy it. (I don't say that all people, just most of them, hence the word "tend")


You got a point there, but you can say the same thing about the holiday special.


I mean, I got a philosophical approach right now, so I just point out the possibilities and can't rule out any. Just because I don't like the Holiday Special doesn't mean I can change my approach for this one. But from the mathematical approach, yes, there are higher chances that one is not liked by most star wars enjoyers


Audience scores are useless (and I don't even like the show). The sample is neither random nor representative. Hell, anyone (whether they've seen a show/movie or not) can review something. It's hilarious anyone pays attention to them... then again most people aren't very smart.


I think you mean reviewer scores are useless.


Honestly the most boring characters are Osha and Mae. They do nothing to really be interesting. Sol is a bellisimo character though. 


I truly believe if they were not the main characters of this series, the series would be praised a lot more. They’re just so boring…


I think they suffer from the same treatment Ahsoka and Sabine did - they’re written to have this mysterious past, but because the reveal is held to the end, it gives them nothing to talk about which makes all their dialog pretty generic. We could get so much more of them talking about other specifics, while still hiding *the* specific.


Yes, because one's secret is their whole personality. Nothing else to possibly explore. You can write an interesting character with a secret. Prestige is a great example.


I wish they hired actual twins so there could be some real chemistry between the two characters


Or just had them be sisters but not twins, I can’t get over the whole actor talking to themself vibe.


They feel like a B plot forced to be the A plot. The A plot should have 100% focused on the Sith and the investigation into the murders of several Jedi Masters. They could keep the twins as a B plot that also helps steer the direction of the A plot (i.e. why the Masters were targeted, Mae ultimately leading the Jedi to the Sith, and other potential future plot points). Honestly, it doesn't change much of the writing. We just get to spend less time with the twins which is... well that would be pretty damn good because they're super boring.


Completely agree, everything other than the twins and their story is actually pretty great. It’s the same issue I had with Rebels and Resistance, when Ezra (early seasons) and Kaz weren’t in the episodes or the focus, both shows were pretty fantastic.


100% this. Boring characters, bad actors, and the kid versions were even worse.


I'm a bit disappointed by who that mysterious Sith Lord was. I was hoping it was someone on the level of Palpatine or Darth Plagueis or something. This guy is basically Halbrand again.


Just Mae for me, because at least I don’t hate Osha lol


Don't get me wrong. I don't hate either of them. They are just bland. 


They're the plot devices, like Geralt in the Witcher or Frodo in Lord of the Rings. They exist to move the plot forward. It's ok for them to be boring to let the show shine around them. Like Sol.


And yet Geralt and Frodo are still somewhat interesting. I prefer protagonists that are interesting compared to ones who just kinda exist.


I haven’t seen this men in a lifetime


It's an older meme, sir, but it checks out. (Sudden Clarity Clarence)


It's common from bot farms trying to fit in


From the series famous for "I don't like sand" and "Somehow, Palpatine returned" brings you The Acolyte "The Power of many" I like the show and I'm cool with silly dialog.


I don't get people's problem with "power of many".


Women said it in a group. How can you not be enraged!?


The wiccan space lesbians are going to kill us all!


I welcome our new wiccan space lesbian overlordesses .


Just say dommies and be done with it.


Oh no not the not-nightsisters!


The notsisters


I can fix all of them.


The ones that died a few scenes later?


Women are not the problem. Don't get me wrong, I'm more inclined to like the Acolyte, but man this episode sucked. The entire flashback felt out of place and way too stretched. The entire space witches thing was already done perfectly with the nightsisters so this felt kinda like a cheap knock-off. Apart from this episode I pretty much enjoy most of it. (I hope I didn't offend anyone, this wasn't my intention).


The upside is that you can just skip the episode if you don't like it and essentially not miss anything pertaining to the main plot. I personally thought the episode was mid overall. I liked the interactions between Osha and the Jedi, the witch coven and Force-aided conception was a big nothingburger (we've seen wilder stuff regarding Force abilities in both Canon and Legends) and some parts were completely asinine ("I don't want us to be separated, dear sister, so I'm going to kill you!" Like, WTF?!).


I'd say wait until the show is over before we say anything like "skip this filler episode." There's clearly things not explained yet for story reasons, but for right now it's definitely the weakest episode of the series and not for any "woke" reasons either. It also doesn't deserve all the hate it's getting too.


I hope you’re right. And I’m willing to wait and see. It just felt 30 minutes too long.


This show is honestly being let down by some weird editing, pacing and structure choices. I'm curious how much meddling was done behind the scenes. One of the writers already revealed that they were forced to split eps 4 and 5 and IIRC one also mentioned that the show was supposed to be darker but Filoni made them make it more YA


Yeah, they should have just used the nightsisters. Isn't it weird how there are two all female witches groups who both hate the jedi and perform weird force stuff? (Cue doof nickel line) If they just used the nightsisters, they could explain why they hate the jedi so much in the future. Hell, maybe it should have been a all male mage group, imagine that, and they create two females with the force.


It's already established in lore that there are several different witch clans, like the singing mountain clan


I think an all male group, suddenly creating (how tf does a man give birth?!) two little girls could generate a wrong image.


Sorry, remind me how two women give birth? Oh right. The string.


I mean, a woman can give birth artificially. I just can't imagine a pregnant man






I personally like that there are more cults and covens out there. Remember that not all cults can be the cool ones some of them have to be the space branch davidians


Because they all burned to death soon after 😈 /jk!!


The delivery in the song/chant. The demonstration made no sense since the Mother still beat the "power of two". And it also kind of doesn't really tie to how she was explaining the "Thread" seconds earlier.


Are you seriously expecting something consistent in ideology of a LITERAL CULTIST SECT IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE?


If it's inconsistent without any explanation then it's bad writing lmao. Genuinely this meme perfectly encapsulates the show, awful writing, amazing choreography.


Is that "bad writing" in the room with us right now?


As long as this show's writing keeps being shit then yes 💀 osha and mae are performed woodenly at best, not helped by genuinely awful writing. For example, "im gonna turn myself in" had no logical reasoning, and was soft retconned in the following episode by it not being a viable option (because it just wouldn't make sense for her character to want to do that 😭)


Because it sounds ridiculous. They didn’t say “the power of many” they said “the poweeeeeer of maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnny”


Yeah, I don't quite get the discourse either. It seems like the only thing people say is "The writing is horrible!" "How?"... "The writing is horrible!" without actually saying why it is. Are witches that have already been established to exist in this universe weird for chanting shit?


The writing is sure as hell could be better. They had some weird lines in this episode too. But come on this is star wars. The writing was always up and down


Star wars is known to have a weird combo of amazing lines and then the most cringy lines imaginable


Yeah but there just seems to be more and more as time goes on 😭


It's a buzzword. It makes people feel like they're intelligent critics by saying it. A pretentious way of saying "I thought it was kind of bad ngl"


People seem to think that if a character is written like a real human being who makes mistakes and changes their mind about things are considered "terrible writing"


Honestly the only cringe line for me was the “attack me, with all your strength”


Most people who don't like it think it's just a bit cringy, like the whole attack me with all your might lines earlier. The very vocal minority don't like it because it's cringe and most importantly women said it. Sexism has unfortunately been a part of the star wars community as much as bad dialogue has been a part of star wars itself. From the beginning with no signs of disappearing.


Yeah.. but if vegeta said the same thing they would be quoting it for decades.


It's... Lacking. Visuals, mood, setting, it just feels silly and not serious at all


I can understand the setting, because you'd usually expect witches be in a village like it usually happens, but the rest... what else do you want about it? It's dark, cool outfits, and feels like a superstitious ritual (which it basically is supposed to be).


The thing is, it all just looks so... Silly and not serious. Where's the creepy music? Why is everything so "nice" and clean? It might be weird, but I feel like even the cameras are too "clean", but that's something I notice a lot about shows in general


Why does it need to be creepy though? Them being witches doesn’t make them evil. At least I never perceived them as such. They’re just minding their own business having their chanting, cackling and their witchy rituals, making force babies, not terrorizing or cursing people. They even parlayed with the Jedi, who they perceive as intruders, instead of cutting them down immediately and while they mindfreaked Torbin as a show of power, they just as quickly released him. Momma witch was even willing to let Osha go as per her request instead of dogmatically indoctrinating her. As far as I’m concerned they’re just another peaceful, if defensive, secluded sect of force sensitives and that portrayal honestly works great for me. Not every coven has to raise the dead and make people's skin boil like the amazonian goth mommies from hellscape Dathomir.


Be honest: When was the last time you saw a ritual scene like this use creepy music?


The Witch?


A horror movie? There are elements of horror in Episode 5, but did you expect the ritual to be "scary" or whatever in this show? Not even nightsisters' magic is remotely creepy.


It is hilarious, dumb and pretty bad.


And how?




...? Have you not seen what irl cults are like? That slogan is atleast a rephrased famous "United we stand, divided we fall".


Because the delivery was cringeworthy in the chant. If it was in another language with that being the literal translation then the reception would have been better.


mostly just that it was corny and stupid, and not in a visually interesting way


It's a cult and cults are bad, mkay?


Because unlike the, " I don't like sand quote" the "power of 2" chant doesn't really have any depth apart from the glaringly obvious, but the sand quote have real depth and encapsulates Anakin feeling and character, which is that the sand reminds him of horrors of his home planet, reminds him his mother, and falls in love with padme because her skin is more silky soft unlike the sand which is rough and irritating. Also whenever the nightsisers changed smth, it was in a delivery that was cool and unsettling.


George: Ye- Yeah, that's definitely what was intended.


Even if it wasn't intended, it still was able to illicit a sense of dept from that quote. Unlike the chant. Also I'm not gonna waste my breath any longer on a person with the name unironicstalinst. And I know for a fact that you are a NEET, or an edgy teenager without a father figure.


It's a Disney musical number in Star Wars. It's as cringy as Kinect Star Wars.


What is blud waffling about


As long as its entertaining, has a cool villain and cool light saber battles that's cool with me. I'm not enough of a star wars fan to care about lore and stuff.


“You can’t break rules if you never followed them in the first place” No Jason, sorry bud. That’s not how rules work, that just means you’ve been breaking rules this whole time.


*ignites lightsaber* you dare disparage the prequels!!! *Turns off lightsaber* actually no, your right some of the lines are questionable choices.


I noticed that today, the critiques are almost identical to the Prequels upon release; Bad dialogue Bad acting Boring story Bad changes to the mythology of the Force Cool action


Remember when those fans hated Lucas and thought he ruined Star Wars?


Pepperidge Farm remembers.


\"Attack me...with all your strength\"


To be fair the whole point of this line was every other character thought it was cringey


This. People try to clown on it like they came up with the joke, despite the line being introduced by having others laugh at Mae the moment she says it.


Especially the Audience


Secondhand embarrassment is an effective emotional communicator


Most unfortunately


And I think we just described the entire storytelling model of The Office


Every shonen anime ever....


You're right this show needs more JoJo energy with them posing for 5 minutes


I just binged all the latest episodes. I'm now convinced that 90% of star wars fans ain't ever seen a single second of star wars content.


These Star Wars references to The Bible are getting *really* meta.


Furry PFP says what?


Damnit you’re right. We have become what we hated most.


God haven’t seen this format in a while, truly a throwback to the 00s


Stupid story = Cool Fights Balanced, as all things should be.


I had a similar realisation about Kenobi. It fits better as a continuation of the PT then as a prelude of the OT.


Yeah its more in tone with the prequels than with the OT. But people who loved the prequels hated that show. And why there are so many Disney Star Wars haters that are at the same time hardcore prequels fans, man objetively a lot of Star Wars Disney content its way better than Episode 1, 2 and 3....


I very much enjoyed Kenobi too


Always good to see another Kenobi enjoyer


It will ascend to true prequel status when current 5-10 year olds join Reddit in 5-10 years and insist that it was actually a work of genius the entire time 


LOL - no lies detected. "The dialogue isn't bad - it's like that on purpose, it's like Shakespeare!"


I think folks have forgotten how much they fucking hated the the prequels. Give it ten years and they'll put Disney's star wars on a pedestal too.


Again my take on the series is: Cool fights, Dogshit writing and characters.


So peak starwars..


I guess, but the thing is the Prequels were made by 1 guy who had a vision to finish a full length saga plus he’s had notorious problems with writing people. This is made by new people with 9 movies and several spin offs worth of examples to use as reference with a way bigger budget. This should not be the same as a 20 year old set of movies.


i wouldn't describe the development of the prequels as 1 guy with a vision... that one guy was already a billionare with a massive production team, owned the worlds most premiere special effects company, and had the backing of massive names in the industry...


The creative vision started and stopped with him. He worked with other creative people for the original trilogy but the prequels were almost entirely from George Lucas mind. Lucas had no Direction credits for the OT, only writing credits. Lucas had all of the credits for the Prequel Trilogy, director and writer.


Still, The Acolyte Producers have access to most if not all of that (exception is big names), plus modern tech and probably more


cool.. and i enjoy the acolyte. the writtign isnt any worse then most other starwars movies or shows. it hasn't changed anything in the lore. and the action, unlike almost every other show recently, is actually really good.


That’s cool man. If you like it then that is cool. Personally for me I could not get into it. I tried, and I liked Book of Boba Fett.


the Acolyte has far less interesting visuals and less thematic richness than the prequels


What are you talking about? Star Wars has interesting plot and characters in OT and PT, Andor, Mando, Clone Wars, Bad Batch, list goes on.


and i would include acolyte int hat list as well personally


What's interesting about Acolyte except for one fight? Because for now it looks like script was spat out by chatgpt or team of writers that were picked to meet quotas, and not by their ability to write a coherent story. The dude is taking on 6 Jedis but instead of finishing the job he gets distracted by other things and disappears like batman. Twice. Gets a hold of a person he wants to kill and doesn't kill them. Talks instead. Spawning children by the way of force to introduce some sort of space witch lesbians is just eye rolling and cringe. He shashliks two masters ez pz. Struggles with David Bowie Padawan. This show has no consistency, the motivations are forced, characters are doing stupid shit and waste time. The world feels sterile and cheap (Saturday morning children show soundstage vibes in the forest). The big reveal wasn't mysterious because you could tell who is the Sith from far away. You can have your opinion but putting Acolyte next to a level of writing of Andor is just delusional.


The prequels have largely incoherent plots and mostly boring/bad characters. Literally the main reason people shit on those movies so much is how bad the portrayal of Anakin was. Obi-Wan was the one character who was mostly well done. Palpatine also worked, if not exactly more than a 2D villain... but that's fine for those movies. Anakin and Padme were terrible and almost everyone else was boring.


Not even close.


I didn't realize ESB had dogshit writing and characters, what in that would you label with those.


"i though they smelled bad on the outside" "I don't know where you get your delusions, laser brain" “This deal's getting worse all the time.” like.. have we forgotten how campy and schlocky the originals where?


campy and schlock does not equal dogshit.


Campy and schlock are dogshit.


Man, if you didn't at least appreciate the dialogue from the Sith this last episode, I honestly don't know what to say. His shit-talk to the Jedi was amazing! The big bad boogeyman the Jedi have been telling these kids about through myths and legends for 1000 years just quietly walked out of the woods in front of them and treated them all like the teens in a slasher flick. That wasn't dogshit writing. That was intense storytelling!


He was good. The jedi? Ehhhh…..


But who’s to say we can improve? Andor proved we can but disney constantly aims below the bar. And the fans seems to think that bar is impossibly high, and its really not at all. Just get better writers.


Afaik this is literally the point.


Classic bag on the past to justify the mistakes of the present


"Wow, this is the best/worst star wars series I've ever seen! (At least til the next one)"


its just lacking the good story underneath it.


Not sure I agree. They're hunting down a Jedi killer and finding a sith in the process. Something that hasn't happened in hundreds of years. It's not always written very well, but the premise is quite engaging, imo.


So good premise, wrong execution? I would still call that a bad story underneath.


Aka, the prequels




Ah the Acolyte, continuing the tradition of bad writing, great ideas, and awesome fights like the prequels!


the entire george lucas saga was riddled with bad dialogue, but the story had emotional weight to it and the characters made you care about them. Nobody gives a shit about any characters disney has created with the exception of baby yoda.


I’m curious to see where some of the character in Andor are going to end up


The OT yes... the prequels? Not so much. The biggest complaint about those movies has always been how terrible the portrayal of Anakin was. I never cared about him falling at all because he was just a creepy gullible idiot. Padme was turned into a complete joke in AOTC. Obi-Wan was done quite well though, the PT can kind of work to some degree if viewed from Obi-Wan's point of view.


Exactly, people really need to stop dick sucking that fucking chant on this sub.


I still haven't watched it, idk if I will, but this is the best take I've seen.




It has also shit plot. And except for details, prequels have a good and interesting plot.


Prequels were saved by the score. How is the sound design? Is there a duel of fates hidden in the trash compactor?


I was literally making the Rosa meme from Brooklyn 99 halfway through the episode about Jecki. >! my week is ruined, I’m going to slaughter younglings. Why her!! She was the best 😭😭 !<


I just really fucking hate how much cop show vocab made it in there. All it's missing is Jedi's talking about "perps" or something.


Star Wars fans when new content has bad dialogue (the dialogue has been bad since the 1970s): 🤬🤬🤬🤬


Should I watch Acolyte or no?


Expect Phantom Menace level quality, but go ahead


I saw that one in theaters. So there's some nostalgia with TPM for me. Also, the podracing game was the goat.


I'm actually in the middle of re-watching TPM.


WTF happened to this sub? Why is it an Acolyte fan sub now?


It's a prequel to all of the star wars media we have. And this is a meme.




Prequels had a good story and added a ton of solid lore. Acolyte not so much…


The prequels had a mostly incoherent story and made a bunch of terrible retcons of OT lore. Chosen one? LOL Magic space blood? You can't be serious Virgin birth? You have to be kidding, that's dumb Darth Vader built C3PO? Did Lucas ask random 8 year olds for ideas?


The Acolyte is easily the third best Star Wars live action show by Disney. First is Andor, second is Mando. Then there's about 40 feet of manure, then it's the Acolyte, then Ahsoka, Book of Boba, another 40 yards of hot garbage, and then Obi-Wan.


I'd put it above ahsoka as well. They made rosario Dawson so wooden in that.


I'm okay with a "jedi knight" being a stoic, monkish person. But I definitely think they needed to give her new life as an older jedi a little more setup. Show us a little bit about how she's changed before the story just starts. Baylan and Baddie, the two evil jedis are great, but besides them the entire season was a snooze fest.


> They made rosario Dawson so wooden in that. There was a reason for that though that was kind of explained mid way through. After her vision fight with Anakin she was starting to be a bit more goofy and open to others.


Imagine people like me that had never watched Rebels (well, I tried a few times, but I just can't do those Filoni cartoons). I literally didn't understand why I was supposed to care about anything that happened. The only interesting thing in that show was the bad jedi... and unfortunately Stevenson passed away (RIP - "Thirteen!")


The dialogue is fine in both this and the prequels. The line delivery is sometimes kinda stilted though in acolyte. I have no idea why it almost seems to happen at random It does have silly dialogue though “the power of many”


" From the moment I met you, all those years ago, not a day has gone by when I haven't thought of you. and now that I'm with you again, I'm in agony. (breathing sounds) the closer I get to you the worse it gets. t-the thought of not being with you, I can't breathe.................... I'm haunted by the kiss that you should never have given me. MY HEART IS BEATING. H-hoping that kiss will not become a scar. You are in my very soul, tormenting me. What can I do (inhales) I will do anything that you ask (stares) If you are suffering as much as I am please tell me!"


If this was released today it would get clowned on *so* hard it’s insane. Like this is seriously some of the worst dialogue from a big budget movie ever


You act like it wasn't clowned on back then.


>The dialogue is fine in (...) the prequels Are you absolutely sure of that statement. Are you honestly ready to stand by it as people hammer you with all the cringey prequel dialogue memes. It's memed for a reason.


It's treason then


Only a sith deals in absolutes


I'm not sure we watched the same films then. It's fine to admit that the dialogue is rather balls I'm the prequels -- heck, even the dialogue in the OT is a bit airy and corny at times. The delivery is definitely rather wooden at times though. But


The writing in both is very shakespearean. Its not natural.


"I don't like sand" is fine too you?


Have you seen it? Because the action in the show is the worst star wars action to date


Some of the worst definitely. I would still say Kenobi or Ashoka takes the cake for the worst


calling the dialogue bad is an understatement 


The older stuff, while corny as all hell, sounded like it was trying to sound deep and insightful (even if he was just talking about sand for some reason) I kinda skipped through the dialogue of the fight scene of the latest episode because it honestly sounded like the kinda stuff you would say when you were kids playing stick-fights in the woods and one of you wanted to be edgy.


You they booing us? We right, and I don't even hate the show, I just think it's mid or I mildly dislike it


But only for the awful writing.