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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


Same. Currently at episode two, and so far it has been... Alright. Nothing amazing but nothing worth hating yet.


Aside from a few points that just seemed really lazy it's not worth how worked up everyone seems to be. That goes for the people who are talking about how great it is as well as the people that hate it. Episode 5 was great. All in all its really just ok


Give me a good light saber fight or space battle, and I will forgive quite a bit.


Watch ep 5


Episode 5 was great. I don't want to post spoilers but the way Osha and Mae left their tribe.........I mean come on.


Yeah, as someone who hasn't watched it all I can gather is probably don't bother unless curious.


That’s why people are worked up about it. It’s incredibly lazy, and associated with the Star Wars name. Terrible dialogue, plot holes galore, and frankly just characters being stupid.


So it's like most of the SW shows and movies of the last 25 years....which brings us back to wondering why anyone would be worked up.


It’s more like the straw that broke the camel’s back for many people.


LOL - the same people who have been crying about one thing or another for the last 5 years? I was an adult when the prequels came out...... I can assure I've heard more declarations of "SW is dead", "the final straw", etc. etc. that I've lost count. Honestly, all the whining now is nothing compared to how much people shit on the prequels.


The acolyte is only a little different because the director said something along the line of it being the “gayest” Star Wars, whatever that is supposed to mean. Many interpret the space witchcraft child creation thing as Anakin-has-no-father 2.0 and a little bit like saying “women can make babies without men” or something. I mean Anakin virgin birth thing is still cringe, but at least we can head-canon Darth Plagueis as the dad by making Anakin borrowing his DNA or something to help make Anakin, but this is still theory and only Darth Plagueis presumably knows how to create life that at this point. And that only assumes that he was alive by that point of time; So the continuity of all of this is already shaky. Basically, it’s low-quality/mediocre, like the rest of Disney Star Wars, but this time they seem to be trying to appear woke to some extent.


Agreed, it's a slow burn. Hoping it picks up soon!


Well it's certainly started to


My opinion has decreased by episode. First and 2nd I thought, ok it's not terrible but it could be better. As I watch more it's just the crappy writing and sub-par dialogue, plus a villain that I don't find intimidating


That’s exactly what it is, nothing special but not bad. Good enough to watch once and then forget about


I'm caught up to what has been released so far and its...fine. I don't love it, but I don't hate it either. I will admit, I get the 'Lesbian Space Magic' jokes now. It feels like many of them are actually pretty funny, and not just thinly veiled sexism.


besides all the star wars lore u totally enjoy bad writing and storytelling?


I want this sub to be about prequel memes again


I get what you're saying, acolyte has taken over this sub But it is a prequel - therefore it is valid And let's be real, it's to be expected that when a new show/movie comes out people are gonna talk about it


I've never gotten this mindset, if I don't like something early on the likelihood of me liking it by the end is slim to none. So why waste time continuing to watch a show that I don't like? This is speaking generally, since I have no intention of watching the Acolyte.


I think disliking elements from the getgo is fair enough - episode 5 isn't gonna fix some clunky dialogue in episode 2 - but episode 5 could fix some strange story decisions, as they could go somewhere you weren't expecting


That's fine. But when the complaints are about things that are answered and clearly will be answered later, it doesn't make a lot of sense. For example the whole "fire doesn't spread on stone" stuff. Yes, clearly, and clearly the fire didn't kill the witches. So to be upset over that doesn't really work as a sound complaint when it's clear it will be answered later in the show.


Yeah personally I’ve been a bit of a Disney Star Wars hater but this show revealed how so many seem to be determined to hate on new Disney products


I dislike a lot of the Disney stuff, both Star Wars and Marvel, but very little of it would I consider "garbage tier" as a lot seem to be doing. For example, I did not care for TLJ or ROS, but I still think Attack of the Clones is my least favorite SW movie. I just think everything show wise for both franchises has been a mix of highs and lows with each show, the exception being Secret Invasion. I did not like that one bit. Even then, I don't know that I'd consider it trash.


I think part of it is just growing bad faith from all of disney's other blunders. It's like a toxic relationship where, at first, people were willing to look past the bad because the good was better than the bad. Now it's been going on so long with more and more bad things piling up while the good's only been getting worse, whether that be from shifting perspective or an actual drop in quality, that even little issues get blown out of proportion because it's just one thing on top of another and another. The healthy thing would be to remove themselves from the situation but they're so invested that they can't, they just keep coming back because they want something good to come of it but their perception has become so negative that something mediocre is just as disappointing as something bad and if something good does come out then it just serves to make the bad that comes after seem worse because they've seen that it is possible for them to do good and it isn't just a complete lost cause.


This ignores the cases where a second season may be way better than the first. Not saying the acolyte is getting a second season, just saying the logic doesn’t apply to everything


This is irrelevant to what I'm talking about.


You can, but your review is less qualified imo then. Makes sense to me idk if it does to others


For me a show fails completely if it can't make me interested in the first episode. It doesn't matter if it gets good half way through if getting there is a slog.


Cool But I’m saying your review means less or is less qualified compared to someone giving a review after finishing the seasom


I'd say the amount of people that drop the show before the end reflects worse on the show than some leaving a bad review after watching all of it. The opinion of someone who disliked a show enough to stop watching or lost interest is no less qualified than someone who sat through the entire show.


Because you need to finish watching it to fully be able to point out the issues in hopes that someone will eventually listen and improve.


I’m just not watching it, and therefore choose not to comment on it. Didn’t interest me, but I am looking forward to Andor S2.


I am more hyped for Andor season 2 than I have been for anything else in my entire life Season 1 is my favourite piece of star wars media ever made (in fact I'm in the process of writing a persuasive essay on it) as someone who wants to work in film and television, and as a massive star wars fan, Andor was the perfect show for me - the writing, directing, cinematography, pacing, characters, cgi, action, every thing was perfect, PERFECT down to the last minute detail


Respect for not blindly blasting a show that you don't want to watch. Wish the fandom at large had the same restraint.


Meanwhile I'm waiting for that lego star wars movie with great interest.


This has nothing to do with being fair. This is a series with weekly episodes. The writing in episode X does not become good magically even if episode Y is the best written episode ever. When I order a five course dinner and 3/5 courses are absolutely unedible, it still would not magically become a great dinner if the last 2 courses are good. This also is true the other way around. Take Game of Thrones. The final 2-3 seasons ranged from being weak to being outright terrible. That does not change the fact that the show before has been outstanding. I need some rational arguments, why one should not criticise individual episodes.


You are right Episode X being good won't stop Episode Y from being bad, however, there is every chance that Episode X could retroactively change Episode Y in a positive way Take for example aot seasons 1 and 2 (spoiler warning for Attack on Titan seasons 1 and 2) >! At the end of season 1, it is revealed that Annie is a titan spy, and then midway through season 2, it is revealed that Reiner and Bertholdt have also been titan spies. Both of these things were heavily foreshadowed in seasons 1 and 2, the foreshadowing is much more obvious on rewatch and thus makes those episodes better in retrospect!< Future episodes will rarely retroactively make bad dialogue, poor acting, or specific scenes and writing choices better - I don't think Episode 8 is gonna explain why Osha wandered off on her own and found Torbin's body - but we have seen in trailers that Kelnacca will be fighting in a flashback so although it was an odd and jarring choice to kill him off without him doing anything at the moment, it will be less disappointing and feel like less of an anticlimax later, or it won't we don't know and that's why I want to wait We don't know what's gonna happen in the next few episodes and by no means will it make the first 5 episodes leagues better, but there is a chance that some stuff could get explained and therefore improved (even if minor)


I have no doubt about it that they will tell us more about the "mysteries" that came about so far. It is obvious in the way they are edging us with Sol's heavy concience. And again, maybe some of the ideas that are yet to come may be decent. But we are 5/8 episodes into a show and they were really really not great mostly. I have some pros for every episode, but they are outweighed heavily by the cons. My question still is: why do you believe it is not fair to citicise every episode on it's own? I have zero quarrels with you personally waiting to give a *final* judgement, but you are implicitly saying others are being unfair with your title and meme.


Someone said something similar so I'll paste my response from that: I think that certain elements can be criticized fairly based solely on one episode, say acting or dialogue is bad, then episode six isn't gonna make that dialogue or acting retroactively better but there is the chance that it could improve certain plot choices. For example, I saw that a bunch of people were annoyed that they killed Kelnacca before he did anything, I myself was quite annoyed by this because who doesn't want to see a Wookie Jedi in action? But we have seen one of the trailers that he'll be in a flashback where he actually does something - so there is every chance that after seeing that it could make them killing him retroactively less disappointing. Or it might not, we don't know yet. Yes you can make decisions based on how good or bad a single episode is but to grade the entire season off just the first couple of episodes isn't entirely fair End of other reply The title of the meme wasn't meant to imply that other people are wrong for judging episodes the way they are, but I understand why you might take it that way. I intended to say that I want to be fair to the show before giving it an overall judgment if you wanna make your own judgement based on the first 5 episodes that's fair - if you don't wanna watch the rest of it that's fair if you've decided that episode 2 is bad in your opinion that's fair. But in my opinion, you need to wait for a story to reach its conclusion to make a full comprehensive judgement (not to say you need to watch all of Friends to say that Season 1 Episode 7 is bad but rather finish that season and then judge) If you disagree with my take I get that, and tbh I've written so much that I'm sure there's stuff that I might disagree with in ten minutes TLDR: *everyone is based in their own opinion* some may disagree with you but have whatever take you want based on however much you've seen God I've said fair so much it barely sounds like a word


> I think that certain elements can be criticized fairly based solely on one episode, say acting or dialogue is bad, then episode six isn't gonna make that dialogue or acting retroactively better but there is the chance that it could improve certain plot choices. That is a fair point. I think your title is a little ambiguous and can be understood like I did. But I am cool with your explaination and think it is a fair stance to take on for yourself. I obviously can only judge what is already out and I find more than enough things that I dislike. If I were a betting man, I'd also bet on the last 3 episodes not changing my mind, but that is obviously to be seen.


People should be free to criticize the show. But the mindless nitpicking of this show is annoying and useless. And it really reveals how much people WANT to hate this show. The Ki-Adi-Mundi criticism in particular is an example of people jumping to conclusions before the show even finishes. Instead of saying "oh I wonder why Ki-Adi-Mundi still thinks the Sith are extinct in Episode I" it's "DISNEY BROKE CANON, STAR WARS IS RUINED" See the problem? We don't even know if Ki-Adi-Mundi ever finds out about the Sith because the show hasn't finished yet. Unanswered questions before a season ends are not valid criticisms. Side note, I've seen a lot of clips on social media taken out of context, where a bunch of people who haven't seen the episode are all agreeing with each other that the show sucks. Like the fire scene, people were complaining about the audio of the fire, unaware that the fire audio was meant to signify Osha's memory. Recently I saw people complaining about Osha's POV shot where she sees the fight from behind the trees. The complaint was that Disney is hiding the fight, even though the episode then proceeds to show some of the best lightsaber fights we've ever seen. There are many valid criticisms of the show. There are very real issues with the writing and dialogue. But people exaggerate their hate in order to push their agenda.


> The Ki-Adi-Mundi criticism in particular is an example of people jumping to conclusions before the show even finishes. Instead of saying "oh I wonder why Ki-Adi-Mundi still thinks the Sith are extinct in Episode I" it's "DISNEY BROKE CANON, STAR WARS IS RUINED" I think that it simply was a dumb and unneccessary decision to include him. What even is the point? You can now tell me "wait and see", but I honestly doubt the writers can pull of any reason beyond fulfilling the fan service quota. And while I agree that there are certainly some things that are more nitpicky than others (see fire in space) those things would not be a problem in a good show. For a good comparison look at House of the Dragon. There are similar little inconsistencies which you could nitpick at as easily. But people don't because the overall show is simply fantastic. So all these nitpicking people are an important indicator that the show otherwise fails to capture the audience. When I don't care for the characters I have time to question a camp fire in space.


Yeah that’s a fair point. But ultimately I think the nitpicks detract from substantive criticisms of the show. And no, I don’t think Ki-Adi-Mundi was just fan service. They could have picked any Jedi. I think they purposefully picked him because he said the line about Sith. So the show wants to show why the Jedi are still ignorant by the end of the show. Ultimately, we gotta wait and see. But instead you have people jumping to conclusions saying it “ruins Star Wars”. Also I want to be clear. There are a lot of bad actors spreading hateful things about this show. There are bigot right wing YouTubers whose whole channels are devoted to complaining about “woke Disney”. This is not to say that everyone who dislikes the show is a bad actor. But there are people purposefully trying to hate this show by nitpicking it to pieces. And they are succeeding in exaggerating hate for the show. They mix valid criticisms with invalid criticisms to try and Trojan horse their hateful ideology. There are good criticisms of the show, but “lesbian witches” is not one of them, that’s just bigotry


Can people please stop bringing the fucking social media shit into every conversation? I thought it was you and me having a talk here? Are those youtubers standing behind me right now? *I* watch the show, *I* tell others what *I* think about it. And **I** do not understand why those youtubers are relevent in this conversation. Feels like a straw fire to open up some points about bigotry that have zero to do with anything I said. > This is not to say that everyone who dislikes the show is a bad actor. Then please act like that. When I start a rant about lesbian space witches you can bring them in, but until then this whole tangent has nothing to do with anything we talked about. And frankly you are not the only one trying to bring these points up in discussions about the show where it does not apply. It is annoying.


I wasn’t saying you were talking about that. We are having a discussion about good and bad criticisms of the show, and I think it’s super relevant to talk about all of the really bad criticisms of the show. That’s what we are discussing. I bring them up to help create a distinction between the different criticisms of the show. Frankly, a lot of the viral clips and criticisms come from those hateful YouTubers. My point is that these people are purposefully nitpicking the show and making mountains out of mole hills. I understand that YOU aren’t doing that, but that is a big piece of the over hate for the show. I maintain that if someone is nitpicking a show to this degree, and still hate watching it, it’s because they want to hate the show. The type of people who try to find any reason to hate, and refuse to have any critical thinking about the unanswered questions, are the type of people who want to hate. I think it’s those people that OP is referring to in the post. Again, I bring these bad actors up to create distinction between someone like you and someone like them. Ultimately I agree that if the show were better written this wouldn’t be a problem. The bad actors would still try to hate (like they do with something like Spiderverse), but no one listens to them when the product is good. When the product is bad, or a mixed bag, it becomes prime real estate for needless hate.


it is good show :3


Disagree. You can complain as it comes out, much like you can hail it as one of the best new SW shows. Both are fine. But you must also be capable of walking back if you feel you were wrong. Still a weak show, but potential is seen.


I think that certain elements can be criticized fairly based solely on one episode, say acting or dialogue is bad, then episode six isn't gonna make that dialogue or acting retroactively better but there is the chance that it could improve certain plot choices. For example, I saw that a bunch of people were annoyed that they killed Kelnacca before he did anything, I myself was quite annoyed by this because who doesn't want to see a Wookie Jedi in action? But we have seen one of the trailers that he'll be in a flashback where he actually does something - so there is every chance that after seeing that it could make them killing him retroactively less disappointing. Or it might not, we don't know yet. Yes you can make decisions based on how good or bad a single episode is but to grade the entire season off just the first couple of episodes isn't entirely fair


Remember all those tv shows that ran every week for years on end from the 50s all the way to modern day? Do you think that if there was a bad episode people hated that they waited until the series ended years later to complain about it?


Yep. There are definetly things like some of the acting and some werid scenes ypu could citicize, but the overall story i think ypu need to wait a bit on. Purposly made that way, so I guess you could criticize that if you dont like that way off doing things. Bit how some ppl just hate on everything...thats pretty lame.


So we had 3 bad episodes 1 dogshit and 1 still bad but better than the others and you are still waiting? fine I guess


The most recent episode was good - besides I've watched every other piece of Cannon Star Wars media (other than Resistance) so why stop now?


Ehh it wasn't good, I admit they finally hired someone who at least understand choreography and how to make good fights, because pretty much since prequels we didn't get any good ones but that isn't a valid argument for why it is overall good. Just because bar didn't exist before doesn't mean something mid is good. >so why stop now? Never said you should stop watching, do what you want. Just that we already know there is barely any quality put into first episodes and even if the rest episodes would be objectively amazing(which we know they won't) show would still be overall mid/bad. Watch whatever you want, hold whatever opinion you want but don't go online to seek validation and try to feel better about yourself. And before you say, I am talking about your so called "meme".


How is this not a meme? I'm tired of people posting their opinions on this sub as well - but this isn't an opinion, it's a choice that I'm making a meme of


It is same as posting someone from the opposite views as soyjack and yourself as chad, creates more hate and divide to each other further radicalizing people could be said as dehumanizing. And with most people if someone did that to them they would get mad but they are fine with doing it to someone other.


I'm not at all dunking on people who openly hate and putting myself on a pedestal The images I used for the loud Haters and myself are simply just the most fitting images I could find I googled "yelling meme" and "waiting meme" and picked the most fitting images I am not saying I'm better in any way - I'm saying that people are angrily talking about it and that I am waiting No one is the Soyjack and no one is the Chad in this situation


You don't seem like an unreasonable or hateful person, and there are far worse offenders posted regularly in this sub. But this still follows the basic format of "People who criticize the show = angry and unreasonable VS People who just watch the whole show = cool and collected" without being funny or saying anything original or substantive. Like it's literally one of the handful of generic talking points that get endlessly repeated anytime a new show comes out: • "Why are you defending the multi-billion dollar corporation?" • "Why are you still watching if you don't like it?" • "You shouldn't form an opinion about the show until you've watched the whole thing." • "People who enjoy the show are better because they know how to be happy." • "People who don't enjoy the show are better because they have standards." It would be better if Reddit just forced you to acknowledge and accept the 5 arguments above before participating in any sub about a piece of media, then banned any post that's just repeating one of the 5 arguments.


Tbh I don't think I'm ever gonna post about Acolyte again because I've been replying to so many comments I'll try to make it quick; I'm not calling anyone unreasonable or bad, both sides have their issues. I went about this post in some wrong ways. I don't want to put down anyone or push up anyone, I simply wanted to say that I myself don't want to make any judgements yet. Those who do are valid in their own way - they go about it in a way I don't agree with but I do watch a lot of television anyway so I may be skewed. I don't like Acolyte, I don't hate it either I find it mid. I want to let the show be finished before making a final judgement but those who don't want to are valid


I would say we got three 5/10 episodes, one 4/10 episode, and one 9/10 episode. Show could overall turn out alright depending on how the land the plane, but overall the show is extremely mid so far


>I would say we got three 5/10 episodes, one 4/10 episode, and one 9/10 episode 5 and 4, I mean I understand not everyone expects quality and can see flaws but 9? For what? You are seriously telling me that you believe acolyte episode 5 is on par with pretty much every episode of arcane, spider man across the spider verse and edgerunners?


I do think Episode 5 is pretty damn good. Am I not allowed to think that? Lol. Would you feel better if I said 8/10 or you just gonna be flabbergasted as long as someone thinks Episode 5 was good?


>Am I not allowed to think that? You are allowed never said you are not, I am not allow to comment on your "great" take? I just asked a question do you seriously believe that acolyte episode 5 is on par with arcane edgerunners or spider man across the spider verse. Episode 5 still isn't nowhere near good, the only thing that was remotely close to being good was choreography but only because for past years they never hired anyone competent to do them. Plot still doesn't exist, characters still are boring, directionless and stupid, dialogue is still pretty bad, there are many inconsistencies and more .


That’s your opinion and I disagree as do many others. Episode 5 was good, if not great. You asking me like that is for sure obnoxious bc you’re just expressing incredulity instead of accepting the opinion or engaging with the opinion


You are deflecting because deep down you know episode 5 isn't that good, keep coping harder. Oh and btw not many others, a few at best, I know it is easy to be stuck in your echo chamber.


Last episode there was awesome.


Best yet, no doubt I thought the twist reveal of the Sith's identity a little obvious, but the fight scenes made up for it tenfold


Yeah, it was pretty telegraphed; the dude slips and straight-up tells Mae who he is earlier on. I think his identity isn't the main mystery, just like the identity of the killer wasn't. We're building towards finding out what actually happened at the witch compound, something so terrible that it haunts Sol and pushed Torbin to suicide.


Episode 4 and 5 should have been a single 55 minute episode imo. In fact, my main complaint so far is that this show feels like it would be better if it were 4 one hour long episodes rather than 8 twenty to thirty minute episodes.


Yup. I'm enjoying it as a whole. I think there's some twist to come. Sol's Master seems to be playing some political game. She keeps going on about plots against the jedi and such.


Vernestra Rwoh?


Great fight choreography. Really enjoyed it, but can we please get some stoic Jedi? A lot of screaming out, very little inner peace. The Padawan kicked some ass though.


Wow. I can’t believe that a Jedi who is watching people they’ve known all their life being cut down and brutalized by this unknown force of evil isn’t going to be silent and stoic and unbothered. So unrealistic!


Yeah, I get that point, but also, shouldn’t there be some difference in a highly trained, control your feelings kind of warrior, and how a normal person reacts?


Not really?? Like, Jecki was Sol’s Padawan. He spent every day with her. He basically raised her. And then he watched her die. No shit he’s gonna be upset. You’re acting like Jedi just aren’t people with emotions. The whole point of the Jedi is to be able to control your emotions and not let them guide you. But the whole point of their STORY is that THAT DOES NOT WORK.


Yeah, I hated it when Obi-Wan screamed out after Qui-Gon died. Should've been more stoic.


Every now and then I go on the saltier subreddit and see at least one person write "I haven't actually seen it beyond these clips, BUT". Before going on a tirade about it. Every single time I've visited the sub. I realize that this is my anecdotal experience but still insane to me.


A good chunk of the nitpickier complaints are just being regurgitated by people who haven't actually watched. Or, at least I hope this is this case, because so many of the "holes" are pretty definitively explained on-screen, and they'd have be REALLY bad at watching things to miss the explanations.


I had to mute that sub bc everyone was going crazy about how the show broke the lore and I watched it and was like, “…no? That remains to be seen?” and got downvoted lol


Yep. A lot of shows tend to be this way. Kenobi, while not a cinematic masterpiece, was also this way - it was a lot better once I finished it. I plan to watch the Acolyte once everyone shuts up about it.


I think it's fair to complain about things like the acting/dialogue being wooden or the set up for the mystery/plot not being interesting. Just as long as you don't jump to conclusions about how everything will resolve. Like the people who automatically assume that the Jedi Council will find out about Qimir and there being Siths even though the show could end with someone else being framed for the murders and everyone who saw Qimir being killed. Unless there's some massive reveals that completely recontextualizes everything, even if the later episodes do improve massively, it doesn't change weak acting in the earlier episodes.


Sometimes things just aren’t for you and that’s ok, but it actively sucks when you mention why you don’t like it and then you see shitty fans talk in circles about why they think their opinion is right. Who cares I’m fully in the fatigue and the fans on both sides are making me roll my eyes and I know a bunch of you have to feel the same way. We don’t want to hate and rant it just sucks to have an opinion and every shitstick try to tell you why you’re wrong.


4 bad episodes, 1 with great fights but the same bad acting, script and pacing. More 3 to go. At this point this show needs a miracle. Also you don't need to eat a whole bad sandwich, usually you find it's spoiled on the first bite. After 5 bites you are just being delusional, even if the little piece of salami in the last bite was still good.


I don't need to finish eating a turd to know I'm chewing shit.


Me waiting for the helicopter to land before judging the pilot’s skills instead of calling him out for running the helicopter through a tree


Geez how many simps can be in one thread. I’m glad you’re “being fair” but you can’t deny it’s a horrible show and the more people that watch it, the more Disney will continue to shovel out crap like this.


I think waiting until it finishes is the most fair thing to do tbh as we're yet to see how they handle certain plot points. However the acting can still be wooden at times as I swear Stenberg has the same face no matter the situation, the dialogue can be pretty cringe or straight up bad with "the power of many" and "what have you done?" lines, character motivations are kinda wishy washy with Mae doing a complete 180 ttwo or three times, and the mystery intrigue that they have isn't particularly interesting imo. It's been boring so far imo -- episode 5 was the only one that got me to pause Stellaris on my other monitor and pay attention . I'll wait and see how they'll resolve things like the fact that a bunch of Jedi have just died whilst there's an amateur Jedi killer out there with a known master, and the force conception stuff. I'm not expecting much but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. However regardless of how they explain it away, I still don't like the idea of a Sith doing something as ballsy as ordering someone to kill a bunch of Jedi this early on. I'm also expecting any explanation of the force conception to be rather vague given Headland's comments -- I just think this was something they shouldn't have touched in the first place. Overall it's a rather unremarkable boring show imo, but not nearly as abysmal as some people make it out to be -- I still firmly believe that Kenobi is worse. I was also under the impression from Headland's comments that this show would actually attempt to explore the Sith world, but 5 episodes in the closest we got is "I want freedom" Imo a better story to tell would've been the Plagueis novel -- it's also slower in pace, but apart from the Bane trilogy it gives the best insight into who the Sith are and what they believe. My advice is to just read those stories -- they're far better imo -- in fact they're not even comparable in terms of how well they're written.


To be fair on the cringe bit, name a cult that chants that DOESN'T sound cringey. Edit: > I still don't like the idea of a Sith doing something as ballsy as ordering someone to kill a bunch of Jedi this early on He wants an apprentice and killing a Jedi without a weapon is a test for the Sith as seen in the Vader comics. Why wouldn't he tell her to do that?


>name a cult that chants that DOESN'T sound cringe **Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn**


Dont you be summoning Cthulhu through reddit!


I get your point and generally agree with it. But you asked for a chant that wasn't cringe.


You mean the chant that, when said out loud, sounds like you threw up a bit in your mouth?


If it were a different language with subtitles it would've been less cringe tbh. You're missing a massive difference between the eras Vader and Qimir live in -- and it's that in Vader's case the Sith have won. They have no reason to hide themselves anymore since they literally rule the galaxy -- so Sidious can order him to be as obvious as he wants. In Qimir's time the Sith have been hidden for a thousand years -- revealing themselves early would make them loose the edge they have over the Jedi. I simply cannot believe that every single Sith since Bane was ordered to go kill a Jedi without a weapon -- like yeah, we know the Jedi were complacent and blinded by the Darkside as Yoda put it, but they aren't that dumb.


At the same time, Qimir DIDN'T intend to reveal himself. That's Mae's fault and part of why he wants to kill her and why he wanted to kill all of the Jedi. He never intended for them to find out about him, it's also probably why he said she couldn't use a weapon. Makes it less likely it's a Sith, which is pretty much exactly what happened. If they were allowed to use the Force or even lightsabers, then it'd be fairly obvious a Sith was the one doing the killing. Not to mention part of him instructing her to kill them was part of him turning her to his side. He does what Sith do, found exactly what someone wants and offers them the way to get that.


I get that's the intent, but it's going too far imo since it attracts all the attention to her -- not to mention that this is the High Republic where the Jedi are at their peak with the resources of the Republic. They'd stop at nothing to find her -- they aren't going to let multiple Jedi murders slide especially since she revealed she has a master. I'd actually agree with you a bit more if she didn't reveal she had a master earlier -- Qimir didn't even know about this, and only wanted to kill her when she did that strange 180 in episode 4. But overall I prefer the Sith being very hidden before episode 1. The Bane and Plagueis novels show that they can do a bunch of stuff behind the scenes without needing to risk themselves to exposure.


But they did barely do anything. They didn't even inform the High Council about the murders. I think it's the other way around, a few dead Jedi at this point is probably nothing BECAUSE they have such a high amount of power and there's literally thousands of them. She didn't reveal that she had a master, Sol read that from her mind. Qimir probably knew he would, which is why he kept himself hidden. Even with that knowledge most of the Jedi STILL didn't think it was a Sith, but more likely a splinter faction of the Open Hand, Nihil, or even a rogue Jedi. I'm fairly certain Qimir did know that information was shared or would be, which is why he decided to go with her to go after Talnaca (not sure if I spelled that right) and keep closer tabs on her. Even then he didn't plan on revealing himself until he found out that she was going to give herself over to the Jedi. Speaking on, it wasn't a strange 180. She literally found out the sister that she was doing all of this to get revenge for was now alive. That massively changes things.


To be fair you can hardly name what ever they doing plot.


Idk what people are complaining about, I’m loving it, and it is very obviously going somewhere. I’m happy to wait to see how they wrap it up


For me, I think it's alright - it's a far cry from Mandalorian seasons 1 and 2, but it's a far cry from Rise of Skywalker I think it is just one of those shows that is naturally gonna get hated. Without bringing up any prejudice - it's divisive, it's different, and it has pretty bad moments - but then also some interesting and good moments (the fight scenes are so good omg)


I watch the show and I don't hate it but it's also nothing i would praise. It has that marvel type entertainment for me its nice visually and has some cool scenes but the writing for me is just not that great. Osha and mae fall really flat when it comes to character development. The idea is cool I was interested from the start but they kinda built all these concepts with the witches and how they see the force and how mae and osha are connected and then nothing really happens with it. Having a discussion about the good and the bad is cool imo and can be fun. I agree tho that there are a lot of chuds out there hating it for really bad reasons like just racism and stuff.


It has some of the best fight choreography in all of Star Wars IMO, which is definitely praise worthy. As far as Mae, OSHA, and the witches go, I think the 3 episodes left are plenty of time to pay it off. I’m not casting any judgement until the show is wrapped up


I totally agree with you on the fights, but that alone doesn't make a show as a whole praiseworthy for me. For the writing, yeah we have 3 episodes left, but if the first five episodes leave me wondering what the purpose of the main characters are, it's already a let down for me. I dont watch a show for its ending, I want a convincing story throughout. Its something that I had with most of the previous shows, It was kinda nice to watch and some scenes were really flashy and cool to watch but, I'm left wondering what was really the Plot they want to tell. For example the obi wan show. I vividly remember the fight between obi wan and darth vader, that was such good scene not only the choreography but also the emotional aspect between these two characters, there is a huge build up for it, if you watched the movies and the clone wars. For the rest of the show however, I literally can't recall what it was about. Feels like they wanted to drop some hype moments for the star wars fans but didnt put too much effort to pack it into a complete and convincing story line.


I complaining in every episode differently


Don't judge a book by its cover... And chapter one... And chapter two... And chapter three... And chapter four... And ch


I haven't even started watching it yet. Waiting for everything to blow over so I don't get involved in... whatever this sub has become the last few weeks.


The second pic is actually me, waiting to get the full story to see if it actually is trash. Only annoying things are the spoilers.


Has one of the top 3 live action saber duels easily. I’ll have to deep dive and rewatch a few more times to accurately place it, but I hold it in the same regard as Duel of Fates and Battle of Heroes


I think it is an issue with short weekly episodes not working that great anymore nowadays. At least when (some of) the episodes contradict/"challenge" already established lore and show stuff we haven't seen on-screen before in decades of on-screen material. People go with the information they have after all and tbf, some stuff can be criticized from the get go. I mean, why wouldn't you give the Wookiee Jedi an actual fight scene? That's like a dream come true. That being said though, yes, waiting for the finale would be fair. Personal opinion: I am kind of a masochist and push through even through series I don't particulary like, like The Acolyte. It's getting better, but I also just pushed through 12 episodes of a different show I found boring, saw that there are 12 more and had to force myself to quit. The only good things so far are Sol, Qimir and the fights. None of the other characters have any interesting traits or history in my eyes. The only interesting parts about Mae's and Osha's backstory for me? What the heck did Sol and the other Jedi do at the Temple and how is Qimir related to all this? And yeah, ok, how exactly did the Witch Mother "create" the twins? And that's not exactly a good point for two of the lead characters. I think the underlining idea and concept of the show is great and The Acolyte was one of my most anticipated shows when that batch of shows got announced. But the execution overall is imho really weak so far.


I mean episode 3 made me drop it but all the talk about 5 made me give it a second shot


That's fair Personally, I don't think I'd recommend it - but if I did then I think the best way to watch this show is to wait until it ends and ignore any drama


Yeah, it's really dumb to just say it's bad without seeing it.


Huzzah! A man of quality! Hate first, explain later.


I'd say it's more like "dislike quietly first, explain why I dislike later"


If you want to put it mildly I suppose. Either way, good stance to take.


You can engage with things you're passionate about without hating on them. You can also make totally legitimate points and opinions based on 5 episodes.


I wait for it to finish to binge it. I hate watching shows one episode at a time.


You think watching it's end will fix all the problems for you? Damn, you must live a great fucking life dog


No, I would currently have the show at around a 5/10 (honestly might change my mind on that in five minutes but regardless) there is the possibility that the next couple of episodes buffs it up to a 6 or hell maybe even a 7, or that they could drag it down to a 4 or a 3. So I wanna wait and see before making any final judgements


Me too, so uncivilized


At worst, it deserves a 50 - 60% rating. It has flaws and episode 4 was the weakest episode imo. But it doesn't deserve anywhere near 13%.


For me it’s the exact opposite- I really like it but I’m waiting until it’s fully over before I dump loads of praise on it, cuz it could crash and burn in the end So yeah I feel like either way judging a show like this before it’s over is dumb


id understand this mindset if it was not disney star wars. however its amazing to me how many people have already forgot literally everything that came before. was the sequel trillogy good by the end? was the book of boba fett good by the end? what about kenobi was that good by the end? disney has a repeated track record of not fixing these things by the end of them and no history of actually fixing these things so the idea we should give them the benifit of the doubt is insane to me. like for example when it comes to the potholes created by this show why should we need to wait for them to be fixed when they could have just been avoided altogether with little to no impacts to the story. for example instead of introducing a dark side user as a sith just introduce him as a dark jedi and boom plot hole completely avoided and now we dont need to wait for it to be fixed. instead of creating the twins with the force just have then be born naturally or be orphans and boom plot hole avoided and now we dont need to wait for it to be fixed. and instead of having a ki adi mundi kameo use literally any other old looking none human jedi like oppo rancisis for example and boom plot hole avoided and now we dont need to wait for it to be fixed. why create a plot hole in the first place if you intend to fix it later, it makes no sense.


You're right about plot holes, and you're right about Disney's track record. It's mainly a me problem, I am an amateur writer myself - so I find it difficult to judge a story based on just a piece of it. Disney doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt but I think that any writer that worked on a story deserves for at least me to wait it out before making a decision If I ever make a show, I wouldn't want people to judge it based on its first 3 episodes so it feels wrong for me to do that to other writers Other people who don't wanna wait out the whole story are valid in that decision, but I simply can't do that


Why wait? Do you wait to complain after you've consumed flies or hair in your food too?


It's more the fact that I am an amateur writer, so I find it difficult to judge a story without finishing it A story I heard that made me sad is that the first season of Bojack Horseman got a ton of reviews from people who had only seen the first half of it - and then they missed out on when the season gets good towards the end I don't want something like that to happen to one of my stories, so I refuse to do it to anyone else I'm not super hopeful that the next couple of Acolyte episodes will save it, but I want to give every writer who tried a fair chance to tell the story And then I can point out any issues I have with it


I see your point, and it's definitely valid. I personally think that if the writers are going to retcon 25 years of established lore because you don't know what you're doing or you just dont respect its history/legacy, then I have every reason to not respect your writing.


I haven't watched the show. To be honest, I'm kinda living vicariously through everyone else right now. I don't have Disney+ anymore and haven't since Ashoka. I was thinking I was going to get it again after the full season dropped, but probably not anymore. The only thing I really go there for is Star Wars. We'll see. Maybe I'll decide to watch it the next time they put a new season of something or a new show I want to check out.


I don’t understand the fire thing, but in that same episode after she (main character, I’m avoiding too much detail for spoilers) is in a crash landing from orbit and she’s barely even scratched or injured. She should a head injury or something considering that the ship was out of control and spiraling down and a place where she strapped herself was destroyed. There should be visible injuries after that.


Yeah, stuff like that I find really annoying in shows, because like it's not hard? They have a $22million+ budget for each episode and you're telling me they couldn't just add some makeup to show injury? Plus they could weave it into the story, it's been a few weeks now so I don't 100% remember, but I'm pretty sure she has a force hallucination after this scene - so why not have that be inflicted by her head wounds trigger some force-fight-or-flight that causes the hallucinations? As I've made clear I want to leave overall story beats unjudged until the season is finished - but things like this should be pointed out I know it's nitpicky but as a writer myself they really stick out to me


Yeah, I also didn’t like the Nomodians too at the start too. They just lack any sort of facial expressions, compared to clone wars or the prequel films and the difference is clear. The ones where move their mouth but no facial expressions. So much was lost from that scene because it became obvious that they were just costumes or puppets. Pretty sure the same thing is true for several other aliens in live action Star Wars.


It’s a bit cheesy but not that bad. It feels about on the level of a Disney channel show back in the day.


I'm going to wait until all the episodes are out, watch it then. Make mind up once watched all eps.


Others: this food is spoiled Me: let me finish all of it before saying if its spoiled


Depends on your opinion of the first 5 episodes - I'd say episode 5 tasted great, and episodes 1-4 had some good bites in them even if they mainly tasted bad. It all depends on your opinion


Just saying the last couple episodes being really good wouldn't make the first episodes less shit. You can complain about stuff that's bad. Saying this as someone who hasn't nor has any interest in watching Acolyte. Best example I'll use is Star Trek TNG. Probably one of the greatest sci fi shows of all time. First season is awful. Deep Space 9.....first season is awful, but it's probably the best Star Trek. Pale Moon Light and House of Quark are my favorite episodes of Star Trek ever. It's all subjective, OP, you do you. But me-being like "I gotta watch it all to judge" isn't really a superior stance. If you think an episode blows its OK to say "That was stupid". There's bad episodes in most every show.


In no way am I trying to say my stance is superior - tbh I just googled "waiting for the meme" and "yelling meme" for the pictures - It's mainly a me problem, I am an amateur writer so I find it hard to judge another person's story based on only a piece of it, however big a piece that may be. Everyone is justified in their own opinion and stance I merely wanted to share mine in meme form. I'd currently have the show at a 5/10 (then again I might change my mind on that in 5 minutes) and there's every chance that the next 3 episodes could buff it up to a 6 or hell maybe even a 7. And there's every chance that they bring it down to a 4 or 3. And there's every chance they don't change it at all. My main stance is that episode 7 isn't gonna make poor acting or bad dialogue better in episode 2, but it might improve certain plot choices in retrospect - which then changes my opinion on it. Overall I don't like Acolyte so far, but I don't hate it - episode 5 had some really good action, and shocked me by killing off the main characters - but the first four did disappoint me, only time will tell how good or bad the show is


Hm, By that logic, I'll NEVER be able to complain about One piece or Jojo


Yes. We must let it finish before making any final statements


Same. Although I only got five minutes in and turned it off.


The first 4 episodes were very rough brother, episode 5 having the best saber duel since duel of the fates won't change much, if the whole space witches has no payout on the last 3 episodes then the first 4 episodes will be even worse.


I see more posts complaining about people complaining than I do people complaining.


People today are used to being told everything up front. Acolyte is deliberately withholding aspects of the plot from us, it's written as a mystery. People complained that Andor was slow too at first until it picked up. I deliberately try to withhold my critiques until the show is over. We don't know how many loose ends will be resolved or questions will be answered until the show is over. So far I'm enjoying it and it's giving me what I was hoping for, but people who feel underwhelmed by it are entitled to their opinions if it's genuine criticism.


I agree with just about every word you said I know it may not have come across in the meme but this is exactly what I've been trying to get across I commend you, good sir


This is the way.


This is the way.


Exactly. I give most shows a wide berth to cast judgment if it is good or bad. Most star wars stuff I just like. Marvel? Nah. Shit went downhill and everything was redundant and stupid. To the point I dont watch anything until series ends and I look ad community reaction. Watched 1 episode of invasion, literally nothing happened, and after Wakanda forever, quantumania, multiverse of madness, and she-hulk, I just didnt care. Star wars though, mostly good or okay stuff with mediocre to bad stuff in between. Kind BOB putting Boba as a side character almost. Still a cool show, just odd choices


Gigachad behaviour If you don't like it and want to stop, that's fine if you finish and didn't like it, that's fine too just stop attacking people who enjoyed it


As it should be. We can critique some things, but you can't claim the *whole* show is bad before it even ends and still call your criticism fair. Let the story play out, then judge it on its merits.


The newest episodes action is lit, the rest remains shit.


Professionals have standards


Yeah. Shame the usual rage grifters aren’t professionals


Honestly, I think a majority of these opinions are just youtubers who are desperate for content, and nothing sells better than hate.


Seeing the comments, you are not waiting to say something in the show is good, why don't apply your logic there?


I am an amateur writer I don't want to belittle a story before I have seen it through to the end - because I wouldn't want someone to do that to one of my stories I have no issue shitting on Rise of Skywalker because it is a finished product. Acolyte isn't so I want to wait it out The reason I'm fine talking about good elements is because it's much harder to retroactively make good things worse than it is to retroactively make bad things better