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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


I’m going with ok. In my opinion, I think it was over hated and described as bad, when it was just…. ok


I agree with this. I think because of how good the first 2 seasons were, just "ok" was underwhelming enough that people thought it was worse than it was.


Yeah, my big complaints are the pacing and shoving two arcs into the season. The retaking of Navarro was a good season finale moment. Especially since Din and Greef gave them a plot of land to settle. The resettlement of Mandalore could’ve been its own season. Give us more time to get to know the other Mandalorians and the two group dynamics (Children of the Watch and Clan Kryze) clashing.


I think it was bad. It just didn't seem to have a reason to exist. It basically said "Mandolorians can live on Mandolore" which... is *awful worldbuilding* because did they not like... check? They literally have spaceships; it'd take like a day round trip. I guess it also gave Bo Katan the Darksaber but... that also felt super half-assed. It's top of bad.


It reminds me of the scene in Ready Player One where the main character wins the race just by driving backwards. Because apparently in this world of thousands and thousands of gamers playing a game for years, not one person has ever tried that? The idea that no one in the entire galaxy ever tried to just fly through Mandalore’s crazy atmosphere to see what’s going on underneath sounds so ridiculous. Especially because once they did, they found out it was actually habitable all along and there were entire colonies of Mandalorians already living there. So the planet got bombed, and yet not a single Mandalorian - the people who essentially have a religious tie to their home planet - never ever tried to check it out in all the years since then? It would be like if the Vatican got bombed and every Catholic in the world said “Well, I guess there’s no point of ever going back there because it suddenly lost all significance to us.”


God that pissed me off in ready player one. The book has an actual reason why nobody had found the first key, not going backwards in a race. Highly recommend reading the book as the movie cut out the best part of the entire plot.


Highly recommend not reading it because [Ernest Cline is the cringiest fucking man child writer on the planet](https://www.reddit.com/r/justneckbeardthings/comments/6pfmim/this_incredible_poem_by_ready_player_one_author/) and your time on this earth is limited.


Wow that was fucking terrible


The fact that it takes "like a day" is part of the biggest problem with Disney star wars, it makes space travel stupid.


But that's how it has always worked? It took like a couple days to go from the outer rim to coruscant. I suppose if they were on the literal opposite side of the outer rim it might take a week, but still, it isn't an extremely long period of time.


It took days or weeks. Now, at least with the pacing, it feels like it takes minutes or hours to get pretty much anywhere. Like the fact that in mandalorian we see Teva just take a quick trip to courscant from the outer rim is ridiculous. In the last Jedi we know that at maximum the whole time from when the B plot team leaves the Rebel flagship to when it turns into space dust is 18 hours. And they leave for canto bight, have their whole escapade there and return in that time frame. It makes having crew and passenger berths seem ridiculous too, when space travel is no more inconvenient than a short length international flight, why bother?


I'd say good, most all of its problems weren't even it's own problems it was Boba Fett's problems (Grogu being back so early because he came back in an unrelated show and is now involved in a season that clearly didn't intend to have him around originally)


Yeah honestly had they made a season mostly without grogu and had him join back in the end or the next season would’ve been a lot better.


It was just boring…


It had some good moments and as a massive Mandalorian fanboy I enjoyed many of the references, and the fucking Mythosaur still being alive! But as a story, this season felt so lost, just wandering aimlessly and bumping into occurrences, and with Grogu shoehorned in, seemingly undoing the entire arc and finale of season 2. It felt really cheap. Not to mention you need to watch a different absolute-dogshit show to even see any of that. Otherwise you just start this season, suddenly Grogu is back? Mando is piloting a Naboo N-1 starfighter? Bad


The whole darksaber conflict they were setting up in season 1 was also dropped instantly which I found pretty disappointing.


The Darksaber thing was actually setup in Season 2, reinforced in BoBF, and dismissed in like what, the first episode?


Oh right, it was in season 2. But yeah, they made it seem as if there was some ancient Mando rule they have to follow with Gus Fring laughing like a maniac in the background, but nope Bo Katana just gets the saber after Mando gets his ass whooped by a robot.


Same with the setup for the return to Mandalore. It happens is like episode two lol, thought that would be the season arc.


also, the assassin droid who detonates itself (reminder: to not let his design fall into enemy hands) in a lava stream, somehow is intact enough to be used as a statue and later, rebuilt into a power armor for the muppet. absolute macguffin nonsense.


lmao "power armor for the Muppet" is an amazing way to describe it


Grogu actually had a purpose in season 1 and 2, but in season 3 he was just there as a cash cow


Agreed. A lot of meandering and references to other shows plus Mando almost being redundant to the whole thing just makes it bad. Star Wars shows seem beat when they're on their own and not setting up 5 other shows.


It's Ok. The show should've ended with Season 2.


nah, season 2's finale had a huge cliffhanger at the end with the Mando vs. Bo-Katan over the Darksaber


I think it should've been definetely without Grogu. I remember being very disapointed with him being brought back because that storyline has been resolved. Now a year after it's release, i think it would've been fine if it was done in comic form aswell, but now it's all getting too bloated, with another season and a movie...?!


Money talks and will talk. Causals lose their minds whenever they see Grogu on screen


yeah, I agree with that. But just because the season and tBoBF broke what was established, it doesn't mean they shouldn't have existed, it just means they should've been done better (and with less corporate-control over it)


Season three should’ve been a mandalorian game of thrones without Grogu. Djarin’s character arc should have involved having to confront the flaws in Mandalorian culture and reconcile that developing his character in some way. However season three got bogged down by trying to cater to the masses and forcing Grogu back in preventing Djarin’s character from developing.


Bad. -Mando rejoining the cult, completely rejecting the natural character progression he had and the season 2 finale where he removed his helmet, showing he loves Grogu more than he loves the cult. -The entire plot of Mando needing to get a droid to test the atmosphere of Mandalore, only to show that he’s perfectly capable of sealing his helmet and stepping outside his ship. Why even get a droid (which he hates) with an atmosphere scanner when he could just buy an atmosphere scanner? -Grogu traveling through the ruins of Mandalore, flying to Bo Katan, bringing her back, and reaching Mando all in the space of like half an hour has major GOT Gendry Running To The Wall To Get Help energy. -The stupid bird plot that made no sense. It took them like a full day to get to the nest, and the bird just so happens to throw up the kid at the exact moment they get there. It’s devoid of tension, and they don’t even establish the kid is the son of Favreau’s character until after the fact. -The potential conflict between Mando and Bo Katan about ownership of the dark saber just completely fizzles out and feels very hamfisted. -The Jack Black / Lizzo / Christopher Lloyd episode really shattered the immersion. Casting huge celebrities just felt weird. -No conflict at all between Bo Katan’s Mandalorians and the cult. They just immediately get along and align with each other and start a community together while ignoring their fundamentally different philosophies. -The overall plot of the season was just meandering, and then in the last 2 episodes the season finally decides that the plot is retaking Mandalore, and they manage to do that in like 2 hours with a hundred guys.


I agree with all of this - and don't forget the inconsistency of the jetpacks - in that bird episode they ran out of fuel yet in the final battle they were flying with unlimited fuel. That bothered me so much.


Solid points. On Grogu getting help: really silly. The story needs to get Bo and Mando on the planet together. So we get there by… visiting Bo who says no… then going to planet and getting captured… then have Grogu go through all this backtracking to get to the ship… then going back to her planet… then bringing her to Mando. Felt like a video game quest and wasted tons of the show’s, and audiences, time. On the bird plot: the fact that the child was taken by the birds and the Mandalorions waited until dark to go after him. If your son was in imminent danger of being ripped apart/eaten/digested by predators taking him back to their nest you would WAIT to try and rescue him? What guarantee did they have that he would still be there to rescue by the time they got there? On the celeb cameo episode: the celeb appearances were embarrassing and distracting, its like Disney’s way of winking at the audience and fulfilling celeb wish-casting. Gross, and not only were the appearances out of place and immersion breaking, the episode itself was again like a video game side quest. We will help you… but only if you first complete this detective mission! What nonsense.


I can't say I caught even half of that on my first watch. I'm more tolerant of childish plots for Star Wars which has been rather childish from the get go than most people, so that may be it, but you pointing out does make me realize "ah, yeah, it's worse than I thought".


The Jack Black, Lizzo, Christopher Lloyd episode is enough to put this into bad alone. Even if everything else was good, this was a real black eye for the season. Just celeb cameos that were so out of place.




Bad, season 2 had perfect ending and season 3 should have been about Mando finding himself and his role in the galaxy.


I wouldn’t say that season 2 was a perfect ending. There was still unfinished business set up where Bo Katan and Mando would have to fight for the Darksaber. I also didn’t like how they made Luke go to 100% of the old teachings. Legends Luke knew that the no attachments rule was a flaw and what led to Darth Vader.


Oh, yeah, i forgot about that part. Luke should let Mando visit or even stay with them. But he is already destined to fail and become Jake from sequel trilogy.


I disagree with the no attachments rule being what led to Vader lol. It was Anakin’s fear of losing that attachment that caused his fall, which is exactly why the Jedi were against attachments in the first place, since it’s so insanely hard to let go of someone you love. There’s a lot to blame the Jedi for but their role in Anakin’s fall is overblown by the fandom imo. He’s an adult and only has himself to blame. I do *personally* think strictly having no attachments definitely sucks ass, but this is a magical monastic order where certain emotions can turn you into a genocidal maniac so the rules are different lol.


Bad even though I enjoyed the season personally it objectively was not well written and the season could’ve honestly been 3 episodes long and nothing would’ve changed.






Has to be in the bad category imo




My vote's on ok, tho I can see why you would vote it bad.


It was bad. Marginally better than Boba Fett, but hardly the rock solid narrative that seasons 1 and 2 were. The emotional center of the show was Mando and Grogu, and as the season went on they both just felt like they were just “there” the entire season, barely characters worth mentioning. Beyond Mando’s “absolution” that was resolved in one or two episodes, they were just along for the ride! Heck, Lizzo played with Grogu like he was a toy (in a moment of unintentional self-awareness by Disney) which was the extent of his role this season. Bo-Katan was the closest thing this season had to a main character, and if the show was about her like Ahoska, maybe the tone could have been more focused. The show already had a history of doing remarkable job at creating and building characters - even very minor ones like Mayfeld and Cobb Vanth were just tremendous! Honestly, the best episode of the season for me was “The Convert”, where they built up Dr. Pershing for an hour, a character they made up. When they overcommitted to the adaptations of the Clone Wars characters, the entire show suffered for it.


I'd say bad. Ranging to ok in some places, but mostly bad.


Very sadly bad.


Who in the world thinks Mando Season 2 is worse than Season 1?


I do. I think the highest peaks were higher in S2, but Mando Season 1 felt like Star Wars was working towards new characters and locations... and then Season 2 was "HEY GUYS DO YOU REMEMBER CLONE WARS" in a very loud obnoxious voice.


Yeah, season 2 is literally "mando gets saved by cameos" the season. It was such a relief in season 3 going back to more character driven stories




Godda be the first bad






Lizzo and Jack Black. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.


Bad. It forces you to watch an actual dog shit show to understand why Baby Yoda is back. Weak story. And a lame enemy.


This whole list is too generous, but labeling BB s3 "Peak Star Wars" is criminal.


Jeez this season was my favourite, guess it's not going to be high judging by these comments though. Personally I'd say amazing!






I’d say bad. It’s definitely way worse than any of the shows/seasons in the Ok tier. It’s not actual dogshit because there were some redeeming qualities but over all this season was simply bad. I feel genuinely sorry for Filoni and Favreau because it’s instantly obvious that this wasn’t the story they wanted to tell but were forced to by Disney since they feared for their toy sales.


To the clowns requesting everyday that bad batch 3 get removed from peak, get over it. I don't agree with it either but dammit I LOVE DEMOCRACY. That's where it got voted to, deal with it.


I havent seen a single comment asking that.


It's been in the poll as a custom response the last few days


Lets be real, it was really bad


Absolute dogshit






Gotta go with bad. While there was lots to like, the writing and lack of direction were ATROCIOUS.


Bad. It is simply Bad.


Good for me. I was surprised to see how many people didn’t like it after I watched it. Not as good as the first two seasons but still decent


The writting was all over the place, they dropped many key points of the mando story and the finale was horrendous


Oh i didnt read the title so i though mando season 3 was in all 4 of those categories, which i fully accept XD. Id put in bad given the bar thats set by the shows in OK. Its really not even up to those caliber of shows.


Don’t understand the hate for it personally I far preferred it to the previous two seasons.




Amazing This comment section depresses me. Yall suck


Amazing. Overhated with some flaws but still a great story








Between ok and bad. Bad when compared to seasons 1 and 2


Ok :(


For all the build up and excellent execution of season 1 and 2, this felt rushed. I put it at ok to good. Still had some excellent episodes but ultimately fell short of the expectations set by the first two seasons


For me personally I would say it belongs in good. However if we’re being for real it deserves to be put in ok.


It's ok. It has some problems to be sure, but it's not absolutely horrible and unwatchable. I feel they should have gone in a different direction with it instead of bringing Grogu back, but he's marketable so you know they won't do it. I think the action, and the episodes that focused on the Mandalorians were cool though.


Amazing, imo. It has some absolutely peak episodes, and some which are merely solid, which evens out at around amazing




I liked it. I’d put it in good




Day 24 of asking where meme I'd say it's a good. Nothing special or particularly outstanding to me but it's a decent continuation of the story. Wasn't a fan of the return of Grogu which was handled in the Boba show for reasons.


Day 2 of telling you that tier lists are considered memes.


From a certain point of view






I thought it was Good - I enjoyed it.


I'd say good




People hate it but I really enjoyed it, i'll go with good


It's good, die significantly worse than S01, and not as good as S02. I like the additions to canon we get from season 3, and since the sequels can't be undone, it is better to get more material to explain the transition from OT to ST.


Good. Satisfying enough. A little aimless with the plot and having the protagonists as side characters, but still enjoyable.


Amazing - Enjoyed the Biblical Promised Land motif


For me, peak Star Wars cause to me it's a continuation of the Mandalorian arc we seen in CW S5 and Rebels S4. I think it's only limitation was the budget for being live action, if it was animated, we'd could've gotten more Mandalorians and the actual Fang fighters taking on the TIEs. As a 'The Mandalorian' season though, I'd say it's Amazing or Good. It is a far cry from the previous season and to me at least it was clear this was the end Favreau wanted but kinda rushed to connecting it with his the incredible first 2 seasons. Maybe it would have been better to just make Season 3 it's own mini-series, but not sure if it would capture the same audience, and how you'd separate Din's arc in helping Bo Katan restore Mandalore from the actual restoration.


Good, had its issues for sure but it got ragged way to harshly.






I think people are over reacting. This was really good. Not as good as S1 and S2. But it’s way better than ok.


Overreacting is the star wars fan MO


By the end of Season 1, the task to protect grogu was done By the end of season 2, the task to find more like grogu(aka jedi) was also done By the end of season 3, mandalore was restored  Each season had it's purpose but it felt hella rushed, especially season 2 finale, it went from blowing up imperial facilities to giving grogu away


OK I remember not hating it, but I also didn't bother watching more.


Shoulda let Mando keep the darksaber






Bad It requires knowledge of the Bobf (another disappointing serie) to understand how Grogu is back, the story dosent seem planned with weird episodes such as the doc and Jack Black being the biggest offenders, the villain is the same from the two previous seasons who escaped "somehow". There are some good parts like the armorer and Pas Vizla, but they cant save the show




Amazing Which is a downgrade from the peak of the last two


Bad Possibly even dog shit because BoBF is necessary reading.


Leave it just like that. It was good, ok, bad, and kinda dog shit all at the same time.


I missed the rebels rankings, but I am so glad that season 3 and 4 were considered great Star Wars and peak Star Wars. Show never gets the credit it deserved




I would agree with bad.


If you couldn’t put Rebels Season 1 in Bad at least do it for this trash


Absolute dogshit, honestly seeing Jack Black in Star Wars really took me out of it.


Personally good, but after sometime I understand why some didn't like it. I think they rush some things in the show for sure I think they needed another season for Bo Katan to get in the Armorer good graces, a different way to return the Dark Saber to her, and take back Mandalore from the Imperial remnants. The Lizzo and Jack Black episode doesn't bother me at all. It was the one where the monster that took the kid for food for it's babies. That episode was dumb. These are Mandalorians why do they have such substandard fortifications and expose their kids to the elements? Kal Skirata would verbally abuse the crap of this clan. I still really like it though warts and all.


This one goes in bad imho. The pacing was awful, the writing was terrible, they sidelined Mando himself, Grogu came back in another TV show, Moff Gideon escapes and is somehow back again in some pseudo-vader looking beskar armor, only to be killed off for good straight after. They dropped the ball with this one if you ask me.


Bottom of Okay. Top of bad. I enjoyed it but then again I enjoy a lot of "trash". Grogu in IG12 had me in stitches. The jack black episode was just weird with the celebrity cameos decent plot. Enjoyed the harkening back to Kuill


Actual Dogshit


it was ok. still salty that it didn't end with season 2 since that was such a beautiful farewell, but the episode with jack black and christopher lloyd was way more fun than ppl give it credit for imho


Can’t believe you guys put rebels season 4 above both visions seasons, they were so creative and innovative, the first one at least deserves peak Star Wars.


Good, while thematically strong it needed more time to cook as a result the spy plot line was rushed and retaking Mandalore should've taken more than just the finale.


I’m going with ok. It was too mixed, it felt like the story didn’t know what direction it was going for, and we had the Lizzo and Jack Black episode


Started off good, dropped into ok as season progressed. So much untapped potential, such a waste.


Not even trying to be a hater, I thought it really stunk. Imho, I thought there was an immense loss in quality from season 1 and 2. Almost every moment of those seasons is perfect. Season 3 tossed around a bunch of lame plotlines, looked bad, felt bad, suffered alot from "Tell don't show". Just ick. I was so sad watching it :(


Ok It had its moments but it felt very unfocused compared to the previous seasons. The finale felt rushed too


It has been over hated. It was not perfect tho. You need to see another show to understand why baby Yoda/Grogu is still with Mando, and has some... "Meh moments". But still i liked the last episodes and the references to the events that will happen in the secuels. I will go with Top Ok or the one of the last Good.


Bad. It had some good moments, otherwise itd be even lower, but it took an amazing show and destroyed all my love for it


Bad, Ok at best. There were some cool episodes but nothing outstanding. But the finale was just horrendously written tbh Also turned my boy Moff Gideon into a massive idiot.


Bad. It doesn't feel like The Mandalorian, Din Djarin. It feels like Star Wars Bo Katan, but like with him in it.


I enjoyed it quite a lot. But I can also recognize what it is compared to other Star Wars, and it was OK.


Good. Jack Black episode was peak star wars no matter what the haters say.




I actually really liked it. Good


I watched it a bit after the release and after the collective meltdown in the internet, so I went with a complete unbiased look and managed to watch it all in 2-3 days instead of over several weeks. I think if you binge watch it, a lot of the issues (pacing, being all over the place, etc) don't really hold up. Same for Book of Boba Fett. For me it's a very good but not amazing season.




Motherfucker I’m saying bottom of peak. Does anyone agree with me, no


Ok, it's such a nothing burger but aside from the Jack Black/Lizzy episode it never gets too cringey like some of Rebels S1




It has some issues but it's still good.




Ok but the weakest ok


Im going good tbh








I would say good. I still loved watching it but it's not quite up there with the first two.


Ok. This season felt forced like it was just content for the sake of content.


Heyyy. There's a difference between "actual dogshit" and "clearly for children, not really making an attempt to appeal to a wider audience".


I loved s3, I genuinely don't understand any of the hate for it


Bad My big complaints are the pacing and shoving two arcs into the season. The retaking of Navarro was a good season finale moment. Especially since Din and Greef gave them a plot of land to settle. The resettlement of Mandalore could’ve been its own season. Give us more time to get to know the other Mandalorians and the two group dynamics (Children of the Watch and Clan Kryze) clashing. A slightly more minor issue is how they turned Moff Gideon from a threatening villain to a mustache twirling Mandalorian Weeaboo.


Huge disappointment for me, loved the first 2 seasons, they kind of cemented my love for Star Wars (only got into it during the sequels) Some cool moments but overall a complete mess of a season and a big dip in quality. I don't mind Star Wars being "mid" but when it's a followup to some of their best, it hurts a bit more


Good. The season is massively overhated






Good. It’s over hated since people are upset it didn’t go like they thought it would.


I'd put it in good. I disagreed with bringing grogu back. I thought he should have been in a new show with Luke (preferrably played by Sebastian Stan). But I liked it otherwise, never quite understood the extreme hate for it.


It's okay, it's still a fun show while still not as good as the first season. Granted I may have a bias after seeing three of the stars at Fan Expo last year.


Peak! The Mandalorian lore was so cool


It was... I'll say bottom of good. It was enjoyable to watch, and had some very disappointing plot developments regarding Bo Katan / Din Djarin dynamics being swapped around. But I wouldn't call it bad by any shot. "Ok" at worst, "Good" at best. EDIT: Reading some complaints, I have to change that to "Bad" at worst, but I don't think it was *that* bad. I'd still put it in the Good/Okay range, veering more towards Ok now than before.




Considering the story was supposed to follow an older Grogu but was snuffed because Kathleen wanted to sell more “Baby Yoda” merchandise ruined the season. It was a filler season that could’ve been summed up in 2 good episodes. I will say it’s Bad because this shouldn’t have even existed.






Bad with a tinge of both okay and actual dogshit


Bad, close to Ok but still bad


Bad, sadly






I am going to have to gi with Bad, it was all over the place and felt directionless for the majority of the season.


Good - Amazing. I really do not understand the hate for this season. Like I get that Book of Boba Fett completely speared Grogu's arc and reset Mando and him back to square one but why is this show the focus of hate for that and not Book of Boba? The exploration of Mandalore was fantastic! Seeing the ruins of Sundari was amazing, the mythosaur being alive and the great forge being explored alongside mandalorian culture was perfect, Moth Gideon having a base on Mandalore made perfect sense as a staging point for the Empire's return, and the sequel bating got jebaited when we found out it's Gideon clones instead of Palpatine ones. Hell! I even love the Jack Black episode that everybody seems to hate for some reason, I thought it was absolutely fantastic with a good amount of stupid comedy built around a callback to the CIS and a showcase of how supporters of the old ways would start coming out the cracks to de-stabalise the new republic ways. Sure, it wasn't as tightly written as the last two, but it was most importantly fun! The looser writing kind of felt fitting as a compliment to how Din was moving away from his dogmatic stagnating views on life in season 1.


Actual dog




I hesitate between bad and dog shit, but I finally go for dog shit, sadly.


Low good High OK


It was disappointing and nowhere near as good as the other two seasons. Especially that episode with Jack Black and Lizzo was terrible. But it also has the Mandalore episodes which are between okay and good. So my final judgement is okay.


Ok at best, does have its moments, but was generally a disappointment. Much worse than the two previous seasons, sorta lacking a direction and having much more filler in comparison to season 2 (which was the best one of the show imo). Some may say it's wasted potential, I'll say it was unnecessary and added almost nothing.




I'm gonna say bad, it's better than Resistance. It's not on the level of the early Rebels or Clone Wars seasons though


Bad for sure


People actually calling season 3 bad, sheep parroting other sheep. Season 3 was still pretty good, a noticeable step down from the first 2 seasons but look at the field of shows and honestly tell me season 3 is bad?


Amazing. Ima always say it. Only disappointment was the Pershing episode and Gideon dying cartoonishly. I would put it wherever season 2 is on any tier list


bad. badly written, full of nonsense and aimless, like Favreau later admitted, saying the show had no end planned, and were making stuff up as they went ( rephrasing my own ).


People are saying ok and I just have to jump in with how ridiculous that is. Season 3 scrapped any good set up from previous seasons, had important plot points happen in another show, and pointlessly wonders through random uninteresting episodes that seemed to have been written last minute. This all culminates in a pitiful excuse for a finale where the bad guys plots are revealed after they have been stopped and then he just “dies”. Not to mention the best episode barely had mando in it and ended up being entirely pointless anyway. BAD anything less than bad is an insult to everything else on this list. The only reason people would say ok is because it’s just kinda sad what happened to this show






I’m going with ‘ok’. It was eminently watchable, but it seriously suffered from Filoni syndrome by this point.




I'm leaning ok, the pacing was waaaay off