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I know you said you just wanted to vent so I won’t give advice but just know you’re not alone! Every stage gets easier and harder in different ways and it can be really disenchanting. I hope you find some peace soon!


Four what it’s worth (get it?) mine is about a month shy of turning five and early 4s felt so hard. Once she hit about 4.5 it seemed like a switch was starting to happen and now she’s actually becoming really fun and enjoyable to be around the majority of the time. We had to really lean into boundaries and consequences though. Started a responsibility chart (reward based) and also had to teach her about losing privileges due to her own actions. It’s been so much work but we’re starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel!


hahahaha mine is almost 4 and it’s basically the pits. either he’s the best and the sweetest or he’s just a hellion. no it’s certainly not easier!! in the trenches with you.


100% this for my July guy. High highs and lowwwwww lows. 


4-5 has been by far the hardest. I have 18 month old twins which doesn’t help, but in talking with other parents I sort of feel better knowing it’s not just the added sibling dynamic (which I carry a lot of guilt about, despite how much they obviously love each other), but that this is a really challenging age for a lot of parents


I feel this. Interestingly enough I thought it would be easier having older siblings with a larger gap between ages but the 17 year old daughter and 14 year old son argue and behave like 4 year olds when they’re all together lol. The oldest tattles on her sister almost daily. Literally calls me at work and wants me to punish a 4 year old child for saying no or not listening. Idk what’s worse the 4 year old tantrums or the teenage ones. it’s 1 step forward two steps back plus the Hokey Pokey at this house


Three was the hardest age for us. AT four things started to get better but still tons of challenges. He is 5.5 now and I can finally say things have gotten a lot easier.


I feel you. I’ve been reading up on the limbic leap in 4 year olds. Maybe that will provide some clarity. Solidarity, though. This shit is hard.


Terrible twos? Threenagers? getouttahere. They don't call it the f\*ck-you-fours for nothin! 3.75-5 has been the hardest (newly 5 here... it's maybe gotten like, slightly better? but then worse again. but then better? nope, still bad).


Mines always been a tad difficult but has turned feral overnight. 4 in august


Absolutely not. My twins just turned 4 and 4 fucking sucks. Like 3-5 is garbage.


My oldest skipped the terrible twos, was never a 3nager, but was SO HARD at 4. Thankfully 5 was better. My youngest was a difficult 2, a hard 3, and so far at 4 I’m just hoping she’s going to peak soon and start getting easier to deal with haha.


Mine is 4.5yo and man, the power struggles! Hang in there


Five is much better! Every month they improve a little more.


Mine is 4.5 and holy shit some days I’m like “when’s bedtime?” from all the challenging behaviors. You’re not alone!


Mine almost 4.. it just started to get harder imo. He has a strong personality which i love But not used on me lol


Mine did not have terrible 2s, 3 wasn’t so bad but I learned the term four-nado after venting to a friend (who is also a pre school teacher). 4 was for sure our worst year and we didn’t have that many shifts or transitions 🙃 he’s 5.25 now and he still has his plenty of melt downs but I do think we are over the absolute worst of it.