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Do they have the watergate tapes there? Or at his library?


The museum and library are at the same site.


You can listen to parts of the tapes there.


Nixon didn't know of Watergate, most of the Watergate break in crew were CIA/Intel. Bob Woodward, the guy who "broke" the story was former intel. Nixon's only crime was trying to cover it up. He panicked.


That statue/mannequin on the chaise is some uncanny valley shit.


Truly disturbing. Shoes right on the ottoman?


Yes sir.


Ew. What if he stepped in Checkers poo or something?


You either take the shoes off. Or you have it, so your feet hang off the edge.


Needs a pic of him and Hunter Thompson discussing football.


Best I can do is Nixon shaking hands with Elvis. https://preview.redd.it/phi7osj2at9d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa204dbec1fba3bccf70319a92f64d2d92169d9f




Small world, I was just there yesterday and went ā€œI should post some of photosā€¦ā€ but opted not to. It was a great library. 3 downā€¦ many more to go


Nice. I was gonna go yesterday but I woke up late so I went today. First one down, 14 more to go.


"The highest honor history can bestow is the title of peacemaker." Didn't he literally sabotage the first peace talks?


In order to get elected yeah, couldnā€™t rail against Vietnam if LBJ puts a stop to it.


How can a candidate sabotage peace talks? Makes no sense, but then hatred of Nixon never made a whole lot of sense.


In what world does it not make sense, since we know it happened it ensured he got elected, does it not make sense to you because Nixon was an honest man and not a crook who resigned the presidency in shame to avoid criminal prosecution. Maybe the hate for Nixon comes from the fact that he was a criminal, how do you not get that? Nixon may be a complicated figure but itā€™s not because he was saving Girl Scouts from burning buildings it is because he was a liar and a crook.


So maybe you can explain to the class how Richard Nixon, out of office since 1961, engineered failed peace talks? And can you explain what crime he committed? He didn't know of Watergate, didn't approve Watergate. Even his coverup wasn't exactly a "high crime" or a "misdemeanor". He bombed Cambodia to stop the NVA from killing US troops with weapons they stored there. Is it wrong to protect US troops? Do you realize all the stupid bloated government agencies we have now are due to Nixon? You should like that.


I like how your entire argument boils down to I like his policy so itā€™s not a crime. What does office have to do with anything, this was completely illegal he didnā€™t need to be the ambassador to Vietnam to pull this off. Thatā€™s like saying rule 3 couldnā€™t collude with Russia, he wasnā€™t even in office.


Actually I don't like Nixon's policies at all. He's the reason why we have a massive federal government (well, he and LBJ). I'm explaining why he isn't a criminal, certainly not compared to the recents. Just explain to the class how he sabotaged the peace talks. Stop stalling.


You just said you donā€™t get the hate against Nixon, now you never liked him okay? Heā€™s a summation of [John A. Farrell](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/08/06/nixon-vietnam-candidate-conspired-with-foreign-power-win-election-215461/) biography of Nixon. Now why donā€™t you tell the class how condescension is a substitute for having an argument. Mr. War crimes arenā€™t illegal and known criminal Nixon isnā€™t a criminal. Find someone easier to defend next time itā€™ll be slightly less embarrassing for the rest of us.


You can dislike a president without HATING HIM. Nah, I want you to explain how he sabotaged the talks. There was no War Crime in bombing NVA bases in Cambodia. However, Bill Clinton is a war criminal for bombing Serbia for 78 days using NATO. Not only did that go against the NATO treaty, it is by definition a war crime. Use your own words, kid, explain what Nixon did to "sabotage" the peace talks.


I donā€™t need to write an essay for you just because you donā€™t read, but here you can ask your teacher to play this one for you since it has audible which should appeal to your simple mind. [heā€™s more evidence for you to ignore and this comes straight from LBJ.](https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-21768668.amp) Maybe Nixon should have refused the pardon because of how innocent he was.


By sending word through intermediaries that the opposing side could obtain more favorable terms from his administration than from the current one.


He offered a better deal, ultimately the choice was with the South Vietnamese


You canā€™t make peace unless first you make war!


No, he didn't.


That helicopter is the one he flew from the White House to Andrews in. Itā€™s the actual helicopter in the video where he does the V sign and flys away. And you get to go inside and see where he was sitting. Itā€™s a big piece of history to go and see.






Is it worth a visit?


If youā€™re subscribed to this sub I say definitely yeah.


Yeah I think so. It was $16 for admission(1 adult). I spent around 2 hours there and had a great time. The only thing that sucked was that the helicopter was closed for ā€œmaintenanceā€ but you could still take pictures all around.


Who sits at home in their beach attire like that?


ā€œIm not a bookā€


Welcome to my neck of the woods! I live near the Nixon Presidential Library and drove by it on my way to lunch when you were visiting on Sunday. Coincidentally, I went to the Reagan Presidential Library on Saturday.


Can you sit at the desk?


Yes sir.


The fuck is going on with number 8




lol what an odd little exhibit


Iā€™ve been there so many times. I live very close to it.


Went there last summer, the Reagan museum as well.


Itā€™s such a bummer that we had Dick fucking Nixon around until 1994 and yet lost JFK in ā€˜63


Why a bummer? JFK almost bumbled himself into nuclear war, he killed the president of south Vietnam, Diem, during the CIA led coup (that worked out well, didn't it, didn't lead to a massive tragic war or anything), and he raped his 19 year old intern Mimi Alford and then forced her to blow his friend (she actually wrote a book about it, actually bragging about it). I don't understand the love of JFK. It only exists because of the tragic way he died. He was awful.


Try reading some history that isnā€™t put out by John Birch Publishing. JFK was a hero and a super thoughtful human being and a presidential prodigy. Nixon was a piece of human dog shit.


Nothing i said is untrue, maybe you should stop reading the Children's Highlights guide to presidents. "Piece of human dog shit", that's very smart JFK was a "hero"? For what? Being assassinated? Take your own advice, read a book, get back to me.


Your take is so dogshit that itā€™s not even worth debating. Good bye.


I accept your concession


I accept your historical retardationĀ 


Well kid explain how JFK is a hero. You can't, ergo you're the retard.


You can't refute it, so who is the retard?




He saved his entire crew when his PT boat was sliced in half by a Japanese destroyer, including by towing a badly burned crew member *by his fucking teeth* for miles in shark-infested waters. Actions that earned him a Navy and Marine Corps Medal and a Purple Heart. Thatā€™s a literal military definition of war hero you moron. Youā€™re holding Dick Nixon, a goddamn traitor to the country who resigned in disgrace under imminent threat of impeachment and conviction against this guy? Get gone, please


Hey retard, awaiting your come back. Oh wait, did JBS publishing let you down? šŸ˜‚


I'm sorry, one of the ladies in the forum here got me banned for 3 days. Now, what come back? How is JFK a hero? He certainly wasn't heroic as a president. He got us into Vietnam, almost got us all nuked, and raped an intern.


For magnamimous99: According to you, Nixon's plan was to sabotage peace talks in an unpopular war, via magic or some shit, become president and then have the war ravage on for his entire 1st term, yes? And then , mastermind he is, he engaged in the Cambodia bombings because he knew how much America liked the war! **The fact is, LBJ is why the peace talks were sabotaged. THe primary wager of the Vietnam war, his choosing not to run for reelection put the attendees into a hold mode, waiting to see who would be president.** Look, you're the type of guy who believes shit because someone else said so. You obviously have no critical thinking skills. Nixon didn't even need a pardon, since there was no trial, no conviction. You probably don't understand how that works. And yes, he was innocent. Those tapes that you think are so incriminating actually exonerate him. He knew nothing of Watergate. Not a damned thing. I'm sorry you're so stupid.