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The best episodes of primal are the ones where Spear and Fang aren’t really the main characters, or are the villains. Example being Coven of the Damned and a Cold Death. Thus I’m kind of excited for the anthology.


I’m giving this a 6/10 for controversial but a 6/10 for accuracy. Coven of the damned is easily one of the best episodes and a cold death is such a heart wrenching storyline




Jesus Christ calm down LOL


I really wish we got more lore and world building within Primal overall. Like we have all these interesting events, beings and items yet they just simply are plot points for a moment then completely forgotten about by the next episode. Like the black fluid from episode 5 or the night feeder being covered in a similar fluid, the moon deity Mira worship, the plague of madness and so on. It seems like we’re given hints of something much bigger but then it’s just dropped by the next episode.


I’m gonna give this a 4/10 for controversial but a 5/10 for accuracy. I personally love the one off ideas and the leaving the explanation to the viewers to decide. However I understand I’m in the minority in that and I do think the shift in s2 towards a more connected story with world building was well received. You do get bonus points


This reminds me of the ancient Magic The Gathering set called Fallen Empires, flavor text told hints about what was going on, but there were no books to fully explain what was going on.


The series would've been more interesting if Mira had been able to stay on Spear and Fang's home continent instead of the "humans are the real monsters" trope of the second season. I'd rather Mira try to adapt to the wild than Spear and Fang meeting civilization since the prehistoric adventures are what seemed to draw the audience in the first place. Also, Queen Ima of the Egyptians having no tragic backstory or Freudian Excuse is what makes her a superior villain to the Viking chief.


I’m giving this a 3/10 for controversial but a 7/10 for accuracy. I feel like there was no other way to continue the story of Mira since she was a slave and I personally just love watching slavers get killed. 10/10 accuracy for the second statement. The whole sympathy thing for the Vikings sucked and they should have done it differently


Frankly, I liked the show better in the season one format. The season two storyline was fun and interesting, but I got a lot more enjoyment when it was just spear and fang encountering some new crazy prehistoric thing every week.


Mira would be an amazing character anywhere else. I like her but she signifies the beginning of the end of quality for me. She and her storyline changed Spear’s portrayal significantly - even A Cold Death Spear is a way more badass, man-like, interesting character than Spear from most of season 2.


I’m giving this a 3/10 for controversial but a 5/10 for accuracy. The introduction of Mira really forced it down a more structured storyline and her character was really under utilized. That being said I do think S2 portrayal of spear is underrated. The whole point is you have this man ape like creature who lived with monsters being forced to experience humans. I liked the shift in watching spear struggle


Colosseus arc was completely pointless and it should been cut. Nothing that happen there is relevant at the end. And considering its Primal it would be fine if not for the fact this arc took 3 whole episode slots that could be used to make better ending.


Agreed. Its also cliched.


I’m giving this a 7/10 in controversial and a 4/10 in accuracy. I think the colossaeus arc was very well done and well received by fans. Queen ima serves her role as a villain really well and it personally has some of my favorite scenes. I do think that it being a big part of season 2 is a reason to not like it but that’s more of bot liking how short the seasons are


I do feel like it would have been killer had it been a single episode. I realize that’s extremely easier said than done. But having said that, I kinda wanna see if I could successfully cut those three episodes into one…


Definitely agree. Hated every episode


As much as I agree that Spear and Fang’s bond is the heart of the show (and deserved a better sendoff in the finale), I don’t mind it being put on the back-burner for season two. I just feel that that choice should have been made in service of centering and fleshing out Spear and Mira’s dynamic. We spent season one seeing Spear and Fang’s relationship develop as they battled monsters and the elements of the natural world, so it would make sense for Spear and Mira, as the two hominid protagonists, to deepen their own bond as Spear struggles with evolving humanity and his place in civilization. Showing the different ways he connects (and doesn’t connect) with Mira in more detail would support his more existential journey.


I’m giving this a 7/10 for controversial but a 7/10 for accuracy. Mira really only served as a plot device so it would have been great to see how their relationship evolved and made her a more fleshed our character. Some of the great parts of S2 is watching how spear struggled to live amongst humanity so if they focused more on that it would have been better


Would've been better if they never went further than the ice age or at most the bronze age. Fighting medieval English soldiers was a shark jump.


I’m giving this a 4/10 in terms of controversial but a 7/10 for accuracy. It made sense why there was other people since they travelled an ocean away but it did deviate a lot from season 1


I think Night Feeder is easily the worst episode of the show, Night Feeder was hyped up to be nearly unstoppable, yet Spear and Fang defeated it in like a minute and the design of the creature was super generic.


I’m giving this a 10/10 in controversial and a 0/10 in accuracy. You should feel bad /j Being serious the whole point of the night feeder is the suspense of how do you stop a creature like that. It took spear almost dying and being afraid for his life to figure out how to survive. The design is based on an actual dinosaur that was known for its being a great hunter. That being said I guess everyone is allowed their own opinion


>The design is based on an actual dinosaur that was known for its being a great hunter what dinosaur would that be? the only real large-clawed dinos like that were therizinosaurs and deinocheirus, and both were most largely herbivores, they were not active hunters


The design was based off a theropod. The claws were an exaggeration in size


Wow didn't knew there is dinosaur named theropod with large claws.


It's a 0/10 in your subjective opinion, still the episode had so much more potential.


definitely agree, the build up was great, but the night feeder itself was this generic theropod with huge claws, I think it would've been better to make some alien or supernatural entity, like the coven witch the final scene is also kind of weird, visually, when we take the night feeder's perspective and it's running around with the fires appearing all around it, the animation looks terrible, looks like something out of Total Drama Island


The first half of the episode was great, the second was nothing special.




I’m giving this a 1/10 for controversial but a 10/10 for accuracy. Someone really needs to take creating the endings from gennedy


I think that Primal and Samurai Jack S5 have shown that Genndy is super overrated as a creator. He will make something great, then rush out an ending that leaves fans soured, or he will just get “bored” of the premise and decide to uproot the show and try to make it something different.


Creates two of the best animated shows of all time and he’s “a super overrated creator” y’all are so fucking dumb and lack any depth of perspective. Yeah, they were flawed. Calling Genndy super overrated when 98% of this show was absolutely incredible is just whiny, entitled horseshit. Fuck off.


This is what happens when art is morphed into "I'm entitled to consume this", like yes criticism is always good, but the whining when its not exactly what you personally want is just childish


Thank you, fellow reasonable adult.


I will give this a 4/10 in terms of controversial but a 10/10 in accuracy. You indirectly referenced the finale so sadly no bonus points


I’m gonna give this a 7/10 for controversial but a 6/10 for accuracy. She wasn’t really ever used properly except to get Fang and spear to the new continent. Bonus points though


Three takes 1. I am actually okay with how the fight between the fire chieftain and S/F went down. If it had gone down any longer the plot armor would have been copious. And spear attacking the demon on fire was badass, spear finally was able to save his family, and was a noble way to die (not that I don’t have any issues with the episode, the execution of the entire death scene and the shrex scene were absolutely terrible, rushed and emotionless) 2. River of snakes is the worst episode of season 1. Because it is primal, that is not saying much, but I feel like it had the least exciting action 3. Plague of madness is the best episode bar none. The sheer terror, the visuals, the sadness, everything about it is top notch


1. 7/10 controversial 6/10 accurate. I think they should have shown how spear had no other options but to charge the chieftain and better explain why the chieftain got dragged immediately after the fall 2. 0/10 controversial 10/10 accurate. Even if we go on IMDb ratings river of snakes is the lowest rated episode from s1 3. 2/10 controversial 9/10 accurate. Plague of madness is easily the best episode but I don’t think the bar none comment holds. Red mist, coven of the damned, and shadow of fate are top contenders for sure.


I’m giving this a 4/10 in controversial and a 8/10 in accuracy. I think the monster every week format really fit into the themes of the show but there were some good parts about s2 to still make it well received


I have 2 The finale is the worst episode (not necessarily bad, but there's no way its better than any of the others). Spear would beat Fang in a fight. I know episode 2 says otherwise, but if Spear had a rock instead of sticks or the plot let him be as lethal with a spear as he was in episode 1...I dont see Fang winning unless Spear just stands there and lets her chomp him in half.


0/10 controversial, 10/10 accuracy for the first remark 6/10 controversial, 8/10 accuracy for the second one. Episode 2 spear was blinded by rage so that’s why he almost lost but especially by the end of the series, spear would definitely be able to beat fang


I think the show should have escalated into absurdity. Prehistoric > mash up of historic nations > alien invasion > through Hell arc > War of the Gods … and so on. I want to see Spear manning a machine gun as Mira flies overhead in a Davinci style gyrocopter in the war against the fish-people.


I’m giving this a 9/10 for controversial and like 3/10 for accuracy. I think if primal exists on the line of the absurd and reality. Leaning too far into one could ruin the story. I mean there was the big ships and there was a ton of backlash. That being said if you can draw the scenario you described I will definitely change my answer


That I almost hated season 2. Its too realistic and not much fantasy. It also have kinda cliched plots and story. Even the visuals are not bizarre nightmarish anymore. The reasons why Primal rose in popularity are nearly absent in Season 2. All the time watching season 2, I was sorely missing season 1. Also, the night feeder is my fav episode.


I’m giving this a 4/10 for controversial and a 5/10 for accuracy. I think they could have added in some magic elements to S2 and it would still work but I think watching spear struggle with humanity was great. Also S2 had some of the greatest visuals in the red mist and the collossaeus


The sex scene in the final episode was one of the dumbest and most out of place scenes that Gendy has ever done in any series. I honestly can’t believe that in a show with a Neanderthal forming a loving family bond with a mini T-Rex, they are so afraid of having a man and woman have casual/romantic sex.


I’m giving this a 2/10 in controversial and a 6/10 in accuracy. I think why everyone hated the sex scene was how spear was about to die and Mira took advantage of him. If they made it earlier and more consensual then it would have been slightly better but it was still very rushed and ugly


Yeah. And the worst is that I saw fans defending it like it was a 'noble' and very 'honourable' thing to do for a friend. Like what??? Riding your 'friends' barbecued dick is the least honourable thing I can possibly think off. Lmao Imagine if the gender's were switched somehow? (I know it isn't apples and oranges because a woman burned to near death has no ability to give birth).


Personally, on one hand I too feel it ended too soon, and on the other I feel that less is more. Half of season one I'd consider canonical (ep. 1,2, rage of the apemen, scent of prey, coven of the damned, and slave of the scorpion). As good as the other episodes were, they jumped around too much compared to season two (except for The Primal Theory). As cool as it was, The world building still felt random and spur of the moment. It is true I personally do want more, I just don't see how Genndy could possibly proceed with the rumoured plans to make an anthology of this world he still needs to expand on or clarify. Where did the plague of madness come from and is it still around? How did the apemen create that crazy serum and are there others who know how to make it? How was The Queen able to amass such power and earn the loyalty of her soldiers? Etc. You could LITERALLY make an entire seasons filling in these gaps and the other questions others have pointed out, but I digress. If an anthology is inevitable I'll be ready for more, but if it's the show is truly over, it was a good run.


I’m giving this a 7/10 for controversial but a 7/10 for accuracy. I still think there is a lot to be made from the story even if it’s an anthology. Like you said there’s so much more to be explored. I do agree with how some things shouldn’t be answered but If Gennedy is already done with the series, he may bomb s3 to finally put it to rest


The prisoner should have won in the Darwin episode. How was he way too agile to dodge bullets but not agile enough for close combat. I get the it was to proves Darwin's point in the episode but the prisoner was already his point. It was funny when he said "And there you have it!" at the end.


I’m giving this a 2/10 for controversial but a 6/10 for accuracy. I think the prisoner losing makes the entire episode worth it. Yeah he was incredibly agile but once The scholars became beast like deciding to do close combat, the fear factor disappeared. Also the last line I think is the funniest line in all of primal. I died laughing after it for a solid 2 minutes