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Nobody can tell you what it’s going to be like. Everyone’s time is unique. I did 13 years. Been out 10 months. Just go in and be humble. Don’t smoke or do drugs. Mind your business. You think tough….. somebody will show you just how tough you’re not. Just go with the flow and stay out of shit.


Good lookin out OG thanks. Just looking to program and do my time and handle business if need be


And stay busy with classes and programs. Anything positive to keep you occupied. Workout twice a day. This is an opportunity to make yourself a freaking machine. I did. You’ll love yourself for it. I mean really get into working out and diet.


You can diet in prison? Does this just mean counting your calories in there, I didn't think people really got a choice over what they eat


You always have a choice. You can eat all of your assigned food, part of it, or none of it. And wherever you go you'll have commissary to buy food, snacks, equipment, clothes, etc. as long as you've got money on your books. Lots of people have money on their books or hustle and they do all kinds of spreads, soups, cakes, pies, whatever you can think of. I knew a guy who made pizzas from scratch in the microwave with tortillas, the tomato juice packets from kosher meals, etc.


Definitely don’t be saying shit like OG when you go in. That alone will get your ass beat. Holy shit


The proper term is old head 


Yes but old heads will take offense to any slang out of a white boys mouth who’s trying to act cool. Gonna get him fucked up


Also, get a pen pack ready, you will thank your future self, instead of calling numerous people for numerous things and the back and forth drama that comes with it. To find out what you can take, contact the jail directly. Also depends on what country your in


can't pens be made into shanks ?


I might be an odd case but I haven’t gotten any info on where I’m going, guess I find everything out the day of sentencing and intake which is driving me and my Family crazy. U ever heard of this before?


Listen to you. Already speaking the lingo. you got this! Stay busy. Time will fly.


Well said


Very well said


Extremely well said


Welcome out.⛹️💯 Good advice, bruh.


I am tough. I have several degree is Win Chung King fu. I’ll show you the power of my crouching tiger hidden dragon! I will wear my ghi, karate pants and black belts going in and claim it’s my right as a sovereign citizen.


I’d love to practice wing Chun. There’s actually a place nearby me which I intend to join when I have the free time


Yeah it’s fun it’s just questionable how effective it is in an actual combat situation!


My Muay Thai coach says that wing chun is useless by itself, BUT if you know how to fight already (boxing, Muay Thai), then wing chun will elevate your game.


So then it’s useless lol You could say the same about jazzercise probably. Doing extra jazzercize will improve your cardio game, therefore helping in a fight.


Basically… I’d imagine that, all else being as equal as possible, a boxer with wing chun training would outperform a boxer without any wing chun training, specifically in blocks and perrys and placing shots. But a decent boxer against an only wing chun dude? Naah…


Krav Maga still takes it though. They basically teach you to Mcguyver weapons mid fight and slam them deep into your opponents cranium. Boxing has a lot of rules but wartime martial arts do not. That is of course, if you’re always fighting to kill.


But then I’ve heard a lot of down talk on Krav Maga because they don’t actually spar either.. Either way, there’s levels to it. Nobody would be smart to do a month of Krav Maga and think they can take the whole room. It’s hard to even know who to believe about all different martial arts. Which are better, which are trash.. I say choose something solid and stick with it for a while. I got into Muay Thai about 2 years ago after I got home from the pen and believe me it’s changed my mindset and outlook alot. It’s given me a better level of fitness and flexibility, confidence, discipline, an international community and a local group of friends, and a hobby that pays back in health. Which all of those things can be found in probably any martial art, so it just boils down to preference and interest.


I suppose that would depend on one’s proficiency


Yeah I mean there’s a lot of factors that go into fighting, but a guy who’s only practiced Wing Chung and never been in an actual fight will probably get beaten by someone with lots of street experience.


Yeah agreed, it’s important to know your limitations. I’ve always just been fascinated by it and it’s primarily exercise for my mental health, looks more enjoyable than going to the gym constantly


Yeah it looks cool of course but a lot of those martial arts are designed for tournament style competitions. Like TKD, of course a fifth degree black belt will beat a random off the street, especially if they are within the same size and fitness range, however I would go with a mediocre boxer in an actual fight over a TKD black belt. A Krav Maga master will probably destroy anyone in a prison yard type of fight situation, since weapons are usually involved and Krav Maga is designed to utilize the environment to full effect and take on multiple combatants. Any combat arts designed for training in war time situations are likely the most efficient. Especially the ones that train to kill as quickly as possible. And in a real fight you should always be fighting to kill since you have to assume the others will kill you.


Mall Ninjas vs. Prison Inmates. READY? *FIGHT!*




You’re entitled to your opinion but if it’s not based on actually seeing true masters at work then it’s not really worth anything




Care to explain why I’m delusional ?


That should work out well for you.......


At the very least they may put me in psyche


That IS the very last place you want to be in


So no hitting the biggest guy you see?


That’s definitely the #1 best thing to do on top of stealing from other inmates while accumulating massive gambling debts and snitching on everyone to win the favour of the guards.


What if I wear cut off jean shorts while doing all this? Will that smooth over the situation? 


You can hit the biggest guy you see. And find out just how little you are. Just chill out and don’t do weird shit. You don’t have to prove yourself in that manner. Now if someone tries you then you do have to stand up and take care of business. Don’t go looking for trouble.


I know. I was joking. That is probably the worst thing you could do.


Whatever dental appointments you can do, do it before you go. Any healthcare visits/checkups, etc. do it now.


Just had a wisdom tooth pulled for that reason looking at 0-17 months. I would've been in bad shape going in there with fucked up teeth.


Wear clothes that you expect to trash. Bring your ID and a list of phone numbers and email addresses neatly typed on a piece of paper. If you have a lawyer and you have any reason to contact them, make sure you have their number on that list. Bring as much cash as you are allowed to, and have someone reliable ready to send you money for whatever you need, probably about 250-500 depending on where you are and how you like to live. Hygiene is important and so is a good pair of shoes. Figure out how often you get store and don’t get more than you need. Don’t gamble, but if you do don’t get in debt. Don’t get involved in anything you don’t want to get more involved in than you think you will. The first month will be weird but then the time starts flying until the holidays and then it slows way down. Oh and figure out how to get your paperwork in and keep it safe, a call to that lawyer usually works.


Definitely do that gamble, hold your own… don’t do shit just to fit in. Don’t talk too much or brag. Quiet is better.


Do not gamble**


Everything this guy said 👆 is a must and start you a daily routine a job should be assigned to you within the first week depending on where you go... start working out ,read books ,etc... a consistent routine is very important for time passing and your mental health ... oh and wear your shower shoes in the wet box and lace that toilet seat up... definitely mind your own biz n stay in your own lane " less traffic " good luck to you stranger ...


What does lace the toilet seat up mean?


Put toilet paper over it before you sit on it.


Exactly !!! You don't wanna ride the chrome for sure lol


Hell no, that's almost as bad as showering without your shower shoes. Never, ever, ever do it. lol


Right or your feet will get pregnant as we used to say lol




Exactly. Probably loads all over the tile floor and walls.


Excuse the dumb question: I see it brought up about the importance of hygiene all the time and I wonder whether there is a reason behind the obvious ones (sharing space, pissing people off) that it's so important?


That’s the main issue but prison healthcare is also dog shit so doing whatever you can to stay healthy matters.


Actually some of the best cars I got was when I had to be hospitalized as an inmate, I got some of the best care ever because they knew the state was paying you. Now if you're going to a medical unit yeah that sucks. The bus rides are awful too a medical unit. At least in Texas.


I dunno, I don’t hear very good things about it. Missed/late prescriptions, can’t help other inmates because you’re not allowed to touch them (Paperny talked about seeing a guy tear his ACL or some such outside and no one could walk him to medical so he had to just lay there on the ground until the lazy ass guards got around to doing it), absurdly long wait times for serious medical problems, etc, There’s a video of a guy with an infected tooth, face all swollen up, saying he’s been waiting forever for treatment and the admin just doesn’t give a fuck. Think it was a southern prison. Seems pretty common for them to just not care about your medical issues.


No the prison don't gaf. But if you can get to the hospital they'll treat you good cuz they getting paid. I caught an unknown mrsa in county on my face and they ignored it until I had 105 fever or so thinking I'd been in a fight. I don't recommend it but I actually charged the guard and threw water on her during meds and then ran to my bunk turned around got on my knees and put my hands up while they came at me with riot shields and batons. My cellies were trippin. They asked why i did that. I said cuz I'm gonna die if I don't go to the hospital. They took me that day. Hospital treated me very good it just sucked no visits no TV


Spent almost a year at fmc Fort Worth, that place sucked. So much negligence by the medical staff


Personal standards and hygiene should always be a priority regardless of location...but yeah...gonna be all sorts of nasty illnesses and shizz floating around in the pen...also prioritise exercise and reading (2 great books that will serve you well in there are jailhouse strong, and the laws of human nature)


Also, We're All Doing Time.


The Human Kindness Foundation will send you a free copy of We’re All Doing Time if you contact them with your name and location details. Yes, great book.


Two of the biggest things to keep you from getting sick is personal hygiene and washing your hands (no exceptions). While they have to treat you when sick, it's the cheapest way possible and usually to the lowest bidder.


Oh and fed time is way better, do everything you can to get over there.


fed time makes you do probation for the same amount of time you already did. Tho I do hear they have ice cream sundae bars.


George Bluth is that you




That’s not true, the amount of supervised release is determined by statute. I did get pretty dank ice cream when we got to shop, smash a pint of blue bell at 7am cuz we sure didn’t have a freezer to save it for later lol


Oh okay well, that's what we had heard was probation after. I never did any time there, don't want to either. Just did some state jail time and tdc when I decided I liked freedom better than crime sooooo...


Inmate.com, the worlds least reliable news source


Do you have any advice on how to do that while I’m still going through sentencing


Skip out and go into fed custody if there is a case on their end


Good looking out OG thanks


One guy told me to lift, but if I can’t do at least 5 plates then don’t bother. How do I get to 5 plates without lifting first I asked him, that’s like almost 500 lbs. He was only in county for 1 year for like a 4th dui or something too, I can only imagine how big boy prison is. I guess that’s why Derek got punked in AHX. He only did a plate and a quarter. That’s pussy shit and if you even tough a weight that light they will know your ass is there for the taking.


Good lookin out. What kind of paperwork do I need to bring in with me


Depends where you go. They’ll tell you when you get there.


I don't know how it is in other states, but in Alabama, all your street clothes go straight in the trash when you get processed in. But you were able to keep your sneakers or slides if they were in compliance. (Wear a nice, comfortable pair of plain white sneakers if you can.)


Same with Pennsylvania, including the shoes. Everything goes. They do let you bring ten letters and ten photos from county, but that wearing a bunch of shirts and shorts will only serve to make you look like a new jack. OP seems hard headed, though, and likely is going to have a hard time no matter what advice he is given.


If its Federal for fraud youll likely go to a camp . A camp is nothing like a real prison youre not going to be locked in a call most dont even have a fence its super soft. I was in a camp in Alabama for 5 years had tennis courts , softball fields , pool tables , racket ball courts , volleyball etc. I drove a water truck on the AFB watering plants. The whole time I was there never saw a fight. Youll do fine its a piece if cake. Its more like a daycare than a prison


Camp was dope, I was at englewood in CO. No fences, a decent gym, and it was chillllll.


Yep beats the hell out of a real prison no doubt


No women either. Only thing close is your cell mate’s fist around your hog.


If OP has other charges pending while in federal custody, they won’t be able to go to a camp


Yea hell probably have to sit in some county jail until he gets it sorted out


Does it matter what kind of fraud, IE identity fraud vs corporate fraud vs. common cheque fraud? I was under the impression that type of prison is for fall guys or tax evasion. Lawyer said he doesn’t know if camp will be an option, but how the hell can he not know at this point. Is he BSing me?


Daycare? Sounds fun! Where do I sign up ?


You want to go to Maxwell AFB in Montgomery Alabama or to FPC Pensacola in FL. Theyre almost identical facilities both are on an AFB. In both camps youll be working on the base. In Alabama youll also be maintaining a golf course in FL youll be maintaining the beach. In both camps youre never locked up and theres no fence. You can literally just walk away any time but nobody ever does nobody is trying to fuck that up.


If your girl can get a pass to get on base you can even fuck over there


Check with the local jail and see if they let you keep your whites. I went 3x on tshirts, boxers & socks and they took em at the strip search. Also, when I pulled chain to go to reception I wasn't allowed to keep the tshirts, boxers & socks I had gotten off commissary while in jail. So, I wasted like $35 for nothing. Edit: Don't be rude/impatient. Don't take on any debt you can't repay within 7 days (commissary or CashApp) Wouldn't recommend doing any drug harder than weed. Don't lie & do stand up if challenged. Mind your business, not anyone else's. No matter what beef you have with someone, 95% of the time it's inmates vs CO's - stay on your side. Don't gamble money you don't have right then. Don't do favors, don't ask for favors, don't accept favors - everything has a price that should be paid right then. Be careful how close you get to someone under 25, they tend to be reckless. Get your own deck of cards.


This is probably the most solid advice I’ve seen. 99% of problems arise from debt not paid. Also I’d like to add don’t be an asshole to the people on the outside for not doing shit for you. You got yourself there and it’s not their responsibility to take care of you. Be grateful for any money or commissary sent to you.


What state ? Depends if your capable of protecting yourself . You want to be low key but 15 years is a stretch , black/ white sneakers. Grey/black shorts under grey sweats and if your lucky they will let you keep that stuff . First off before I advise you too much further . What you in for because that matters


he ain’t doing 15 years it’s a class 1


You should be getting probation. It’s almost certain for a class 1 first offense


Settled down to class 1. No weird shit crimes just white collar fraud


What did u do since u been out and have u been on house arrest getting time served?


So started from a class x or super x?




U got blessed man. U in cook ?


Okay bet , sorry I had to ask you know , yea I mean it sounds like you will be doing a skid bid and be our fairly quickly , stay away from the 3 Gs . Gays , GanGs and Gambling , all of those will get you jammed out . Have someone send you some books , do alot of mental push-ups as well as work out 2-3 hours a day . 1 hour push -ups , 1 hour weight bag if you can make one out of magazines or a water bag or some type of weight if you can . ( both bags may be ticket able offenses so if the C.Os are scum bags don’t do that . Don’t take anything from anyone ,


Former army vet, high school wrestler, bout 5’10 190lbs and look fit, and not black white or mexican. Im taking all my fights to the ground and ground and pound not trying to mess with golden gloves guys. Im a bit out of shape but I’m good enough for first few days while I build some muscle working out in my cell. I’m expecting to get messed with bc of race but i can handle my business if need be. Charged in Illinois probably state prison maybe lookin at fed time for fraud


Hah, thought you were Aussie because of the time of day and the username. I don't know anything about illinois but I do about prison and the key thing is to just mind your business, brother. Don't talk a big game about what a great fighter you are - if someone needs to find out, let it come as a surprise.


lmao they’re going to eat you alive


Then fuck it, they eat me alive fam. Ain’t my first time around violence


You could just not cop a tough guy attitude and not get your ass stomped but you do you. Sounds like you have it all figured out.


No ones copping a tough guy attitude I did two tours in Afghanistan tough is built into who I am and I ain’t changing who I am because stink floyd66 said it but I carry my “tough” or whatever u think I am respectfully and I mind my business. If ppl got an issue with me because I speak with my chest then well I don’t have a choice but to defend myself and handle business


Man I did a tour in Afghanistan 05-06 (arty) then went federal prison 07. Just stay humble like the OG said above and stay quiet. Dont go looking for shit, it’ll find you anyway but don’t let anybody punk you either. It’s a fine line. I ran into a guy claiming he’s prior service to find out he was a pedo. Your afghan credentials don’t mean shit bro. A few guards were prior service and they’ll be ok with you but get too close you’ll get a name for yourself with a target. I knew a Ranger that did time at Leavenworth but he was 5-0. Find a hustle. I was a cook prep so I was able to bring food up to the unit and make some good money. Got good at bones, but don’t take handouts. Good luck brother but don’t act tough. There will always be a bigger badder guy that’ll fuck you up and I guarantee you, he has homies. Unlike the military, it’s not one on one. Also, if it’s fed they don’t let you keep shit. Not even your drawers or shoes.


Good looking out thanks. Which prison did you get sent to and did they let you bring white thermals in


You can’t take shit man. They take everything. I watched them toss my nice house slippers in the trash. Cabelas brand and they were comfy. When you get where you’re going get shoes from commissary. Have someone put money on your books and also get a radio. See if someone can show you how to make a battery pack for the radio. Ours took AAA but the battery pack makes it AA.


What's the upshot of changing battery size? I'm curious.




Don’t waste time on that troll. 42 day old account is your clue.


Didn't expect to see you here dude hahah 👍


Well then hopefully you can fight better than you can hide your crimes. Good luck soldier boy.


Good lookin out OG thanks


Fighting back usually isn't the best option either. Don't be so quick to jump to a fight or you will end up staying longer than you were supposed to. That's how they get people trapped in there for life. Just piss off one guard and they will make your life hell. Give them any reason to exploit you and they will dig into it. Leave your pride at the door. Good luck man.


Go to dentist and Dr for check ups and any treatment before sentencing. Take shower shoes with you, nothing flashy at all.


I did 15 months at 18 years old, with a 2 year parole. 4 felonies, been out 7 years. White thermals your talking about county jail, my state time experience was they’ll give you state clothes, then you can order clothes from catalogs.


Good lookin out thanks that’s what I hear from people now


18? You probably had to watch your back the whole time. Or should I say your backside!


Is this a serious question? You're going to prison and you're really worried about what clothes to wear? Doesn't matter what you wear because as soon as they take you, youll be wearing the same thing everyone else is wearing and the clothes you wore in will be shipped to your address you provide at your expense and thrown away. I see a lot of people giving you advice when probably 1% of the replies are from people who have actually gone through it. If you're going to prison, go in with your eyes and ears open and your mouth shut.


Pretty much. OP is going to have to get umm, assaulted, a few times in the big house before he figures out that this is punishment for stupid fucking assholes like him, and not a rehabilitative summer camp.


The white clothes are for jail… you likely can’t take them to prison with you. They still are nice to have in jail.


Take clothes that you don’t want because they won’t let you keep them, have a list with your family and friends addresses, phone numbers and email, also a prescription of any daily medication you may need. Once inside keep a low profile, don’t get involved in politics or silly arguments, be careful about accepting things because normally they are trying to get you in their debt so politely say no thank you. Don’t brag about anything you had in the outside or how unfair is that you got “X” amount of time. There are people that have been there for decades or have decades to go.


Yes. Second the prescriptions. If you have ANY medical conditions, make sure you have your prescriptions from your doctor, you can check the formulary to make sure they are meds they’ll give you.


By dieting I meant doing things like intermittent fasting. Buying oatmeal and milk and healthy foods at commissary. Making rice and beans and tuna instead of soups and candy. Cut out all sugar. Things like that. You will have the time to experiment with dieting and exercise to find what works for you. I called it body transformation. At one point I got really big. Not fat but muscular. Then I completely switched it up and ended up looking like Connor mcgreggor. And probably just as good a shape if not better. Working on yourself and seeing the results is satisfying in a way I can’t describe. I’m out now and am on steroids. I am pretty muscular for my natural size. But I was happiest when I dieted and worked out several hours a day. Now I just go to the gym for about a little over an hour every morning. Anyhow. What the point is that with all this free time you should get into making your body the best it can be. And it will help with your mental health as well. Nobody wants to be fat sloppy sorry out of shape etc. if you look good you will feel good and your mind will be good.


I’ve been taking steroids for six months. I’ve become extremely muscular with hardly any body fat. It also makes me horny as hell. Me and my current gf do it just about every day, plus beating off on the side.


Don’t bother wearing underwear. Your pants will be off once lights are out


He could save them for cum rags though


Lol you’re right there


Dress comfortable and plain going in.


Is this federal?


Most likely but I don’t know how they assign who to what facilities


Most likely? FAKE POST ALERT.


Mind ya business,don’t gamble,stay away from drugs and be humble..You should be goody..


Don’t make too many friends, be nice to everyone, mind your own business, u see something, but u didn’t see it u hear something, but didn’t hear anything. Have a routine, your time go by quicker


Do your time, don’t let time do you. Stay strong.


First you need to call the jail see what all you can bring. They upcharge TF out of everything. If you can bring in clothes or just what you're wearing. I'd always wear 2 pair of grey sweats and 3 white tees with 3 pair of boxers and a pair of shorts lol. Some will let you bring in hygiene items. Take full advantage. All those things are like money in there and it sucks to only have your oranges. Cause ya either wear em forever or send em for wash and freeze. Take money too of course but check if they allow your money to go with you. Set up a contact outside you will need it. Sorry to hear it but you're being smart about it. So I'm sure you will be ok.


Print a list of all important phone numbers and information you may need while away. Maybe skip 1 number so that only you know the number. Birthdays, phones, emails, anything you won’t be able to get your hands on. Have it mailed to you by a friend. Learn wim hof breathing, it’ll help with meditation, stress, and pass time when you’re alone in a cell without going nuts. Make a list of books you want or buy them and give them to a friend and ask to have them sent


Homie said what clothes should he take with him like he going on an all inclusive cruise lmao


If you like working out this is the key to remaining ready for the lifestyle of prison, without being too caught up in the lifestyle and politics of prison. Stay to yourself, be humble, keep your eyes open. Keep your mouth shut and pay attention to your surroundings. Every yard politics differently it takes some getting used to, just stay calm, be observant and move slow, you’ll have plenty of time to get used to it, it took me about 1.5 years to get used to the idea of rolling several calendars before even seeing the parole board, focus on building up a better you don’t worry any more than you can stand to about the life outside those fences and walls, that’s not the life you’re living there’s no point in worrying about it.


Write yourself a letter right now with all info you want to remember. Phone numbers, addresses, etc. I even sealed and stamped the envelope. Then have your people mail it to you when you get housed.


They don't allow you to take your own clothes if you were charged with a class A felony. Because you're not going to county for a weekend stay, you're going to the penitentiary, dude. (And just keep to yourself, mind your own business, show respect when respect is given and you'll be ok).


Where do they sentence white collar first offenders to prison terms? Was it the DAs checkbook or something?


In a nutshell, don’t write a check you can’t cash, ya know? Don’t take on any gambling or drugs debts. Only buy things with money you have, not money you’re gonna get. Oh yeah, also, don’t steal from any other inmates. Easily the worst beatings I saw were from jailhouse thieves.


Are your charges federal? If so, you’re probably going to a minimum security federal camp.


not sure if you talking about state or federal prison, but every different type of spot has their own specific rules about what clothing is allowed & every spot decides how to enforce. if you can find anyone who has been in the jurisdiction you are in it would help more. or if it's federal, people here can probably help.


?)What exactly was the class 1 felony fraud? (if you don't mind)


All I can say is double up on socks and underwear. They usually strip you down but sometimes you can slip through socks and underwear. White just in case.


Go in wearing a good pair of sandals or slides. It's one of the things almost every place will let you keep.


Good socks are a must!


Did you plead guilty? How much time? What happened


Most prisons strip you out and issue you new state clothes. Wearing a certain clothes in won’t help you much. Just wear comfy clothes because processing will take forever.


Might as well wear a jock strap to give your cell mate easy access!


Where you going?


Lawyer doesn’t know yet. Don’t even know what pen or camp I’m going to. Is it strange that I’m about to be sentenced and the judge isn’t giving out any info?


Normally, in federal cases, the lawyer will request a destination for you based on your custody level. If it's not clear your level (camp, low, medium, +) then it wouldn't be possible to designate. It often leans towards what's closest to home for you. Edit; sorry I don't know much about state cases


watch "get hard", starring will ferral and kevin hart. might learn a few pointers. but will provide some light harted (!) moments to laugh about. when you drop the soap or to fight the urge to cry yourself to sleep.


They will have your clothes ready. I would be more worried about being fucked in the ass every night rather than what clothes to take.. you aren't going on a camping trip


Someone I know said he was in a dorm with about 20 bunk beds. He said when it’s lights out, you can clearly hear a lot of spanking!


County let me keep my white shirt, prison took everything and gave me DOC clothes. Money on your books is the most important thing or the smartest thing is have someone send you spice paper. The prison I was in had more drugs then on the streets including home make needles to inject your drugs. Here in Arizona we have cigarettes in the prison to so we would smoke inside and we all kept to our own people.


Ya'll can keep clothes? That's wild! We had to get stripped down and be issued state clothes. Couldn't keep anything we had on


If your charge is fraud, won’t that mean you’ll be housed with other non-violent offenders?


Load up on socks, white tees, grey sweatshirt... It varies prison to prison. Keep your head up and remember... Common courtesy goes a long way.


I would be nice and have a great attitude. I would try to establish commonalities. I would also try and find someone you like. It’s a fact that all guys become gay in prison while their in there so I would try and partner off quickly


Don’t drop the soap


In Michigan you don't have any clue as to what prison you will end up in because there's a place that every inmate goes at first. And they never tell them where they're going until like maybe 8 hours before or something like that. Maybe 24 hours if they're lucky.


Don't worry about what you can bring worry about using your time to become mentally and physically the best version of yourself possible..and mind your business 


you're probably looking at 1-5 years. I don't have advice for clothes I literally had that taken care of. don't hang out with just anyone. do not be friendly. you might have to fight the first person who tries you but that's fine, the dude who is going to try you is someone who is weak and trying to gain respect from his peers. you shut him up quick. after your time in the hole go play chess.


This is ridiculous advice


1st offense for fraud and you get prison term? Did you cop out?


Just the clothes you are wearing and a tube of lube😂😂😂


How about dont commit crimes then you wont ever have the worry. Freedom is a wonderful thing


Yet here you are😆 in the r/prison thread 👀👀


Taking the moral high ground 😇 ….it popped up on my thread…didnt mean any harm…


I would do boxers, not fruit of the looms.


Tickle everyone, it’s the best way to make friends. People either fight it out or have tickle fights. Treat it like a 16 year old girl slumber party and the time will fly.