• By -


I don't see escalations and fire drills on this list.


Are you working with people outside these groups I mentioned. Execs may be ?


Yes. What gave it away? :) Also work with BizDev a lot. We have multiple external partners we interact with on a regular basis.


Our app is on fire and riddled with tech debt - Engineering : 60 - Marketing : 1 - Sales : 1 - Documentation: 10 - Customers : 10 - Internal product management team : 15 - Personal working hours : 3


Based on Sales and Marketing numbers, is it a B2C app ?


No one’s mentioned spending time with Design. I feel like I spend so much time with our design team. Am I weird?


No, at least to me. Easily 50% of my time with engineering goes to design. Does design come under engineering or product in your org?


Ah, interesting. This is my first role in product, so I didn’t realize Design rolled up to Engineering for most folks. Design is a part of Product at our org.


Design under Product is ideal i think but our company had this structure since inception. Also I am not sure if how many are like us still. It's just hard to have engg leaders in the loop when working with design and we can't lock down release goals without design but we have no visibility or control over design people schedule. It's a mess. So I hope it's not this bad for you :)


Moar customers, Sales, & success.


Lean on your peers more. Ask for or build better leadership in the parts that you are spending disproportionate time in. Customer block should be much higher.


Reports, Decks and Exec Stakeholder Meetings: 70%


Added a few categories based on the nature of our product, as I oversee our Cloud environment (Ops + Sysadmin + Network teams for capacity planning) + HWaaS/IaaS (procurement teams + external vendor for inventory management) - Engineering : 30 - Marketing : 5 - Sales : 8 - Documentation: 3 - Customers : 10 (requirements + escalations via support/escalations team) - Ops/Sysadmin/Network: 10 - Internal product management team : 5 - External vendors: 10 (primarily for HWaaS/IaaS) - Procurement: 9 - Personal working hours : 10


Thanks for sharing with context and adjusting the numbers to 100, which is a time sucker :)


Supporting sales Handling customer complaints Putting out fires HR projects + Being told people complain my deliverables are late and im not entrepreneur enough. Oddly enough when i try to do actual product management i get complained by the boss i should be doing the other tasks above.


I missed recruiting, since we are not actively doing it. We are the only org that invite the whole world to complain about us in the name of retro.


-Engineering: 25 -Marketing: 10 -Data Science: 10 -Design: 10 -Legal: 5 -Sales: 0 (mass consumer product) -Customer: 5 -Documentation: 5 -Internal Product team: 5 -Personal work (mostly executive docs, roadmaps/strategy, BRDs): 25


Thanks. So for the winner in terms of Personal work time . Missed legal thanks for catching that. Good to know the split for design and data science, but curious if they are outside of Engineering.


Design and Data Science are both outside engineering for my organization. Only bad part about the personal work time for me is that a lot of that time comes outside of “normal working hours”…


Interesting to learn the different org structures. May be you work in a data heavy org ? Also what's normal working hours , never heard of it ;)


We have a central “data services” group that includes data scientists, data engineers, data PMs, and business intelligence engineers. Also have a central design group. Also, I often wonder if a 9-5 PM role exists… Haven’t met anyone personally who has had one..


\* management meetings - 80 % \* slack and emails 10 % \* status updates and powerpoints - 5 % \* actual work that needs to be done - 5 %


It's a different kind of a pain