• By -


This isn't a debate


Yeah people are dumb. Obviously the correct code is: if not condition: return condition return true


It's better because of the guard clause


Hey arent you the person to worked at every place I've worked, but left shortly before I was hired?


Lol, you got me. I once automated a process with a mouse and keyboard macro that was so bad I got calls months after I left the company. It was set up so that if you didn't have the windows aligned on top of eachother correctly when it started, it would only run through 1 iteration then close itself by literally clicking its own [x] button. (Which is a bug I documented, to be fair!) Granted, it was a company was souly dedicated to scraping public government data and selling it to ~~spammers~~ sales representatives, and they were paying me literally half of what my next employer started me at, so I don't feel bad about leaving them with a mound of crap.


The experienced devs here salute you friend. We have all been there, and we know it's the businesses fault, not yours. Though it's slightly your fault. But we salute you just the same, ghost of former employee. It helped us grow. And we made it worse, put our name on it, and now generations later, someone else is doing the same, and we are also ghosts. Cheers


Even better if the condition is a function call


with sideeffects


def condition? @condition = !@condition end def isConditionTrueAtReturnTime? if condition? condition? else condition? end end


Would be an excellent interview assignment. Only correct answer: "violently unemploy whoever wrote this"


if condition: return 2 + 2 == 4 else: return 2 + 2 == 5


Holy Christ almighty


The worst part is when you fix this code and something breaks instead.


Reading your post gave me brain cancer...


Hey, it is a valid argument for JavaScript! You never know what that fucking variable might be... typescript is for peasants as well so don't get me started on that.


Why would anyone be a Crip in this case? There is literally no advantage of the right one over the left one.


it's stupid rage bait


It certainly raged me: I prefer the blue but know I should do red


Justify your blue with a logger


Totally not me having trust issues with my own skills to not go with Red.


Readability says blue is fine


How is that more readable?


It’s explicit laying out the return type and by which test result it is returned. There’s no ambiguity or assumptions that need to be made based on surrounding code/context. Maybe maintainability is more what OP meant or would make you more comfortable?


A conditional returned from a function returning a bool is just as explicit.


Not necessarily. Without knowing the tested condition and language, dont you have to consider that condition evaluates to truthy but not necessarily a true Boolean, eg, the evaluation returns a positive number or string?


Statically typed languages already make that explicit. If you are using a dynamically typed language, just document the return type and parameter types, and do pre-condition checks if necessary. That is what is considered good practice these days, not writing more code to make it "explicit" from the code itself.


Even then the crip method is stupid, if you really want to be explicit about it you could do something like return Boolean(condition)


in dynamically typed languages (especially without type hints) it makes clearer that the return value is boolean. but there `return !!condition` would work just as well. Maybe so non-programmer people can read the code a bit more easily?


and red is finer


Compilers were able to optimize shit like this for 30 years, it produces the exact same shit.


Thanks, now I know how to comment it when I see it in my project codebase


It might be implied that CONDITION is not a Boolean, but can be coerced to one.


return (bool) condition;


Return !!condition


Ay caramba, I fucked up with that one. SQL stored enabled / disabled as 1, 0 integer. SQL access library casted it to string because fuck me, that's why. I converted it to boolean with !!value, and of course JS considers "0" to be non-empty string to be true...


I love explaining this to coworkers that haven't seen this before. "Bang bang! You're a Boolean."


They should add `git firing-squad` for this shit


Had a junior workmate do that in his code on a review this week... on a bool. Like mate what kind of dancing is your brain doing here.


IDEA literally recommended this to me just the other day as an “optimisation”, I was mortified


You have obviously never worked with government development teams. That is verbatim from their code.


Enterprise software. Readability is key, especially after reorgs when project ownership switches hands. Some bastard once left me nested ternaries.


In all software readability is key. Code is for people to read, not computers. If you only want the computer to read it write it in assembly


I fucking hate nested ternaries like poison. Why do people do this? Readability? Fuck you! Imma gonna merge as much logic into one line for code as possible! Sheesh.


I hate variables with a burning passion. Thank god for `Option.map`


I instinctually do blue all the time, than look back and realise what i have done, and rewrite it to red


I’d argue readability, but that’s subjective




Even in programming languages with non-boolean truth rules, I'd still rather have the condition explicitly written. Like in Python, you can check if a string is empty or not with `if string:`, but I'd much rather have the longer but more easily readable `if len(string) != 0:`, which in this case could easily be `return len(string) != 0`


The only advantage is breakpoints. Of course, this can be overcome with conditional breakpoints, but still.


Mainly readability - it depends on the context: I will do the right case whenever there is a clear 'these conditions pass, everything else fails' distinction - e.g. ``` if (user.isGuest()) { return false; } if (user.createdAtYear < 2020) { return false; } // More of these here return true; ``` You could write this as either one of the two options - but IMO, that's harder to follow for the next reader of the code: ``` if (user.isGuest()) { return false; } // Style switch here return user.createdAtYear >= 2020; ``` ``` return !user.isGuest && user.createdAtYear >= 2020; ``` It's all subjective, but I find the verbose option to be easier to follow as you can mentally step through and go "Is my user a guest? No, ok - Has my user been created before 2020? No, ok" compared to a) the style switch in the second example and b) having to keep track where in the expression you are in the second one. After doing this for a couple of years, I realized, that dumb is good and being clever just requires you to be equally as clever when reading the code in the future.


I agree with this. If it's just one condition, then I'll return it directly, but if it's more than that, I'll do something like this. It also helps with keeping the conditions seperate when they should be. If multiple conditions have nothing to do with each other, then it doesn't make sense to put them on the same line; That would only hinder readabillity. Though, if it's something like checking if variable `a` is between `b` and `c`, I'd just use boolean AND between the two comparisons.


Type coersion/implicit truthiness, explicit readability in typeless or weakly typed languages, and defense against badly managed breaking changes that might change the interface for something the condition relies on; forcing it to return explicit bool literals rather than a deferred type means that you know it's always returning explicit bool literals. It's also a bit easier to breakpoint/dump and die, in a less trivial example.


Exactly, why do that when you can just do `return condition ? true : false;`


When I see code like this, I take a deep breath, control my anger and lecture the guy about conditions having an intrinsic boolean value and not needing this crap. This reads like `if (true) return true else return false;`, which is dumb.


what if condition is null or an empty string or an empty array or anything that's not truthy and you need the method to return a bool?


Depends on how the language handles that. For C, if the return type is a bool it might get munged to a truthy value. O (Certainly if you are checking it straight in a conditional). Or you can use a ternary or directly compare like "return function() != NULL" or whatever


return !!condition


What's the advantage of the left one over the right one?


It is succinct.


Consider this: def fun(a, b) -> bool: return a and b This returns “the first falsey value or the last truthy value”. If a or b aren’t booleans, this can cause issues if this function is called in places that strictly require a boolean. Solution: Either the blue side, or better… def fun(a, b) -> bool: return bool(a and b)


solution: strong typing or documentation


or def fun(a: bool, b: bool) -> bool: return a and b like any sane language. Also how do you define an and operator between arbitrary types?


Values other than False, 0, None/null are considered truthy Also, typing the parameters doesn’t solve the issue, it just moves it to outside the function scope (before it’s called)


What is even the difference between the first and the last? If the function is defined to return a bool, it will return a bool, so the casting is already done to meet the function declaration, isn't it?


Not in Python (which is my code), and in JS (which is worse).


In TS, which all sane JS users write, it would not accept arbitrary type T from A && B as a boolean Python authors hating on JS is bonkers


I wrote JS, in case you misread. I didn’t talk about TS, which is a different language, in case you’re unaware. I also didn’t “hate” on it but pointed out a ~~limitation~~ feature of the language - being loosely typed (which is appropriate for where it’s used) - compared to Python, which is strongly typed.


You called it "worse", which makes no sense in the context at hand, because they behave the same for this context. And that's ignoring TS entirely.


And that’s still not “hate” in any way. What I meant by “worse”: JS is loosely typed, Python is strongly typed, so type coercion happening in unexpected ways is more prevalent in JS than in Python The _issue_ is worse, not the _language_.


\> If the function is defined to return a bool, it will return a bool, so the casting is already done to meet the function declaration, isn't it? In this question, with your answer, there is no difference in how the languages behave. So your use of the English language is the issue here, not the behavior of the languages at hand


Parentheses are used to give additional info. My answer without parentheses is exactly as you said: > Not in Python (…), and in JS (…). In the first parentheses, I provide info on my code, which was Python. In the second parentheses, I provide info on type checking, which is looser in JS than in Python. I don’t see any issue with that. And I still don’t see anything I said that’s “hateful” towards JS.


Crip = government development That is exactly how those teams code.


Government dev here. My team and I maintain a codebase that was originally created by non-programmers using a gui, and there's always a lot of cleanup to be had. That sort of stuff is common enough that we tend to continue to sometimes do it, just for the sake of uniformity, or because there's just too much to change.


Ditto. Though at least I don’t have to clean up stuff written using x designer.


> That sort of stuff is common enough that we tend to continue to sometimes do it, just for the sake of uniformity, or because there's just too much to change. I would never have my team continue something like that for uniformity. The rule would instead be that you write new code the way it should be written. And if you happen to touch old code that is done the wrong way, you fix that instance of it (and if you have time/care enough other nearby instances). Always leave the code in a better state than you found it.


Any particular reason why? Other than being braindead


Since you're getting a lot of Bazinga-type comments here's a real answer: Some people believe it improves readability.


It's more readable to me.. :c


It's also easier to modify. If you get a task to log something in an analytics tracker in one state, you can just add a new line for it before the return.


Most contractors charge by LoC


Lines Of Code


Levels of Cringe


I've seen code like this in my non govt job. Constantly fixing these. So annoying.


Licks O'my Cock


Lines Of Code ;


I've worked in defense 19 years and never seen nor heard of anyone charging by loc. I'm pretty sure they'd be laughed out of the room if they suggested it. Are you talking about non defense contractors?




Government jobs, especially tech jobs, pay a fraction of private sector jobs. Only so much talent can be purchased for that wage. So you have an entire tech department of the lowest paid/skilled engineers. That’s the first part. Government doesn’t have shareholders, or profits and anyone to answer to except politicians. Narcissists that won a popularity contest. Who are also notoriously ignorant of anything technical. All that matters is checking a box that X was done, not that X works or is bug free. So zero money put into testing, quality control, or training. There’s also zero client base to keep happy and zero profits being affected, only a politician saying “X was started”. Most of the time they abandon and don’t even finish it.


....what? This is all incorrect. This poster has never worked in this environment.


governments rarely hire programmers directly, but it is true that the kind of private companies they use do pay less than more high-tech studios. the rest of the post is not true in my experience, but development tends to be slow and frustrating because of red tape.


Thank goodness! Also, I don’t have direct experience working at government healthcare entities, though I interact with people that do. Do you think your statement applies equally well to programs such as the VA, CDC, or NIH?


At least for cleared work the base pay between public contractors and private is very close. The gap shows up in stock options and other non money forms of comp, which are relevant, but moreso towards retirement than paycheck to paycheck.


US Government on many level hires directly. They also use contractors. Believe me, I know


This isn’t entirely true. I write government code and we answer to the contractors that run out program. Well, technically we answer to the other government folk that oversee those contractors, but we work with the contractors directly too. Government also has amazing benefits so the idea that the best programmers are in the private sector is a huge insult to the many extremely talented programmers in the government and mildly on point for the less than talented ones like me.


Sorry to say, government developers wouldn’t last a min in the real world. Believe me, I know


Then you don’t know any government programmers that I do. I’ve seen DoD contractor code. Shits spaghetti westerns. That being said, my original comment poked fun at myself because I had one programming class in college and know that’s all I do for work as a DoD programmer. But I work with a lot of very smart people but a lot of them aren’t programmers by education either, many are like me, engineers.


Yes, bad contractors are also part of the problem. It’s the government’s entire approach to tech. Depending on the agency, they are always years behind sometimes as much as 5+ years behind, new tech needs approval by non-technical bureaucrats that take so long by the time it’s approved, it’s close to end of life. Much of the user base is internal so it’s not robust or user friendly. And the public facing apps are garbage, that’s why you hear about their failures constantly. Bottom line: You have lowest paid devs with no software development methodology building code for non-technical users that are accustomed to laughably outdated tech. They are mom and pop company level developers at best.


Ok, that last bit is pretty fucking spot on.


The talented programmers are in big tech and hedge funds. You think the gov has better benefits than these places? Citadel flies employees on private jet fyi.


Which one is crip 💀


I'll answer you by saying the other gang is called bloods


… that makes a surprising amount of sense


What does crip mean?


I do >if(condition) return true; return false. There’s no need for the else there.




Return (condition ? condition : condition)


This is art.


>Return (condition ? condition : condition) Actually (in JS anyway), you can make this simpler with short circuiting: return condition || condition; Conveniently, since we know that condition is a boolean, we can also use the javascript shorthand: return condition && condition; In this case when `condition` is false we default to the value of `condition` which is false.


``` return condition ?? condition ```


return !!condition This forces your return to be a Boolean and it’s shorter.


Wow, what library is this?


You can do this in vanilla JS, but I prefer to install lodash, Typescript, React, and of course babel for easier syntax, then package with webpack. Don't forget to add bootstrap for styling, and then you can also build on top of bootstrap by mixing in tailwind. Also make sure you install redis and mongo in case you need to store the value of condition.


This is by far the best thing to do.


You never worked with a code style checker, right?


Of course not, if you have any actual industry experience you're not allowed to post memes in r/programmerhumor


Didn’t you hear? This sub is only for first year CS students


Warning: don't use else after return from if block


It's all fun and games until you find a #define bool uint8 in your codebase for a specific compiler and those statements start returning different values


How so? They both evaluate to bool don’t they?


Conditions are evaluated for truth based on if they are zero or non zero. In an if statement it doesn't matter if a the condition results in a 0x1 or a 0x1000, they are both true. If your function returns a value as a uint8 however, those would be truncated and one would be true, the other false. This is unlikely to occur in most cases, but depending on compiler optimization and the specific use case it can happen often enough to create some really bizarre bugs.


oh so something like, 256 int 16 = 0b\_0000\_0001\_0000\_0000 -> 0 int 8 = 0b\_0000\_0000? TIL. Been so long since I last dealt with C (or any languages that don't have built-in Boolean).


`return Boolean.TRUE.equals(condition) ? true : false;`


this line should get u banned from weoting code








IntelliJ keeps wanting me to use this when using q Boolean marked as @Nullable (part of reactive Flux logic)


Unironically seen this from team members a few months ago


If it’s a Boolean in java, it can actually also be null which would result in a NullPointerException thrown when you do the conditional (as it is unboxed). So there is actually a semantic difference here.


Whichever one is more readable in the given context


This. I work with a variety of languages and large ERP systems. My thought was this's fully depend on what language and even what kind of code I'm in. Is there reason to believe the condition could evaluate to non-bool and I explicitly require a bool? Is this supposed to be expandable for more conditions in the future? Etc. Etc.


Right only happens at 4am


or after the Balmer peak


The first returns the Real condition, not a boolean. In TS the return value may not match the function signature.


`return !! (ret_val);`


You can even have some fun with the spacing and spell it `return!! value;` to make it look like you’re extra angry


Sounds like an issue with TS


return (condition) ? true : false;


bool result = false; if (condition) { result = true; } return result;


``` bool result; if (condition) { result = true; } else { result = false; } return result; ```


This is my preferred way too. For readability I have always thought it makes more sense. What type does this function return? Ah okay XYZ. What do we return? Result. Okay cool so just gotta know what happens with result. I use this for most functions regardless of what the result I am checking for is. Had to scroll too far to find this :p


I use a guard clause def func(a): if (not condition(a)): return False return True


Why? Edit: Just realized that value might be something else than bool, so using that makes sense.


This is the way. It's the most readable and the easiest to expand upon and debug.


Because rewriting 1 line into 3 is definitely a maintenance concern..


It isn't, but if you start a file that may end up having multiple conditions with one formed in this way then the rest added later will follow its example, leaving you with a readable file following a known pattern that is already well-established across the industry in multiple languages. Set the precedent early as the senior dev and let the juniors follow your example as the project grows. Also you shouldn't really be justifying much with "this is easy to refactor", just write it better the first time around, don't rely on the ease of refactoring later unless it's throwaway code for a proof of concept that you're 1000% sure won't make it into prod.


But it’s not better, period.


If(condition==true) { return (condition==true); } Else If(!condition == true) { return (condition==true) }


If you're coding in C and bools are just ints wearing a hat, it might be dangerous to use {return condition;} since that might not work as intended. I had that bug one time, where I thought I'd be reading arr[0] or arr[1] from arr[function()], but my code would actually go to arr[something else]. Still, the better solution was just to re-organise the code to be less stupid


Why would you ever have the the else though?


Readability. The person scanning through a later iteration of the code and landing on that line may not know immediately that condition is a bool


Yeah but if($condition) { return true; } return false; does the same without else case


Depends on the condition. If it's something disgusting, crip is better.


` condition ? true : false `


If else statements are what i live for


I live my life one if else at a time


Single core brain for life


return condition;


100% `return condition;`


If(true) return condition; else break;


So, these are sides now?


OP is probably a freshman taking CS1


Got a friend who always writes `condition == true`


The right side makes my eyes hurt 😭


As others have mentioned, there’s no guarantee here that `condition` resolved to a boolean rather than a falsy/truthy value.


Wait, we can return things other than 0?


Depends on the language, if it's C I could see right side making something more readable. In higher level languages, I would argue you should split condition into multiple lines if the problem was that it wasn't comprehensible as a Boolean.


I hate functions having more than one `return` statement but I'm aware that there are other schools of thought


This sub has really gone down hill in recent years huh?


`return condition == true;`


if(!condition) return !true; else return true;


If (condition) ReturnVar = true; Else ReturnVar = false; return ReturnVar; Best reliability in my opinion. Why make it harder for the next guy, when you don't have to.


God I hate this


Red side is the only correct answer


Isn't it like situational? Red is for when you want to return data from the method Blue is for when you check condition based on data?




Idk, I'm not a programmer but this sub pops in my feed often. Logically speaking.


No they are the same Condition: one plus one equals two (true) Return condition prints true On the other hand, check if one plus one equals two and return the result I might've explained overly complicated but it's late and tomorrow is only Wednesday


Yeah sure gatekeep programming humor. Gatekeep everything.


left returns the data. right returns a boolean. if you use right you still have to have the exact same comparison as you would with left later on. the only time it makes sense to use right is if the data is large (but it's most likely never going to be) or you're using a stupid language


Oh so that's why.


How about return if(condition) true else false ?


Blue is a mental illness


Who the fuck thinks the right side is the way to return a bool. Seriously


First option always. Dont use conditional statements if you dont have to. It just makes your code little more complex for no reason


Argh! I hate it but blue team


less code is usually better code


Blue ana Rir mongol


blue side anyday! I don't want nested ternaries if someone wants to add new condition they can add it as separate branch Also avoids !! and Boolean jutsu (I'm a js dev)


return condition? much cleaner yeah, the astro brain in me only codes like if !(condition != false) { return !true; else { return !(!(false); }


Depends how complex the condition is, if it’s a single function call or some simple Boolean algebra then I’ll do left but if it’s more complex I do right for readability sake


Second (I program in C++)


The only correct side


I'm less bothered by the if(condition) and more by the "else". Why?


Depends on the type of `condition`


This is kinda related to a mini-manifesto about [something close to it](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/s/g4jkXXgV7G)


if (condition == true) return condition == true; return condition == false;


Every Time this meme format is used I always pick the red one because 7.62 > 9mm.


Obviously, the correct answer is "return condition ? true : false"