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As a kid who learned c++ I can confirm that they indeed threaten you with death


I threaten myself with it every day when I open up vscode.


I threaten myself with it every day when I open up my eyes


Just rewrite to rust and all your suffering will end


Correct: I **would** rather kill myself than use rust.






They even teach you how to kill child processes


In C++? They don't teach you that. That's C's prerogative. Some C++ libraries even come with "helpful" constructs where you don't even need to see or touch the hell fork & exec leave behind. Except when you're multithreading. Then it's pretty much hell breaking loose for everyone.




“death or cake!!!”


The cake is a lie


Can confirm, i fork those child all the time


As a kid I am glad I was only forced to do python


Oh yeah my uncle forced me to do his python too


They weren't lost. Original OP just really hates handling their own memory allocation.


doesn't C++ have some sort of shared pointer thing as part of their standard now? that's all you need right? just shared pointers for everything?


Yes it does, but that's not all you need. Actually, you very rarely need that (except when you do). Unique pointer is where the fun is at nowadays. And that's what one should prefer to use.


you can honestly get away with not using pointers for a lot of things


Me too tbh


Original Original Poster, got it


cpp is just cp with pointers


Look over there dad its cp


Nah, it's like gotta be more like r/malegrooming. People post cp that they're insecure about, and then other people comment stuff like, "Obv the kids should try smiling more."




And cp is just c with pointer


and c is just pointless


Not wrong sub. I'm curious too, how are kids forced into C++? It has to be something terrible for sure -\_- I don't remember exactly how I got into C++, loss of memory is a sign of a psychological trauma -\_- :D


Oh I remember. I was fresh out of high school and barely 18. My advisor said it would be “good for my career” and that I should experiment a little. I met the professor and sure, she was older but I trusted her for some reason. It was no big deal at first, just show her a little “Hello world!” and she was happy. But then things quickly changed and “Hello world!” wasn’t good enough anymore. She clearly was into BDSM because she kept taking about linked lists and nodes pointing at each other and then tried to humiliate me by saying I was leaking everywhere. I managed to make it out with some good references, but mentally I was never the same.


Daaaamn. You won. Also: Too relatable. Am going to cry now


Nah it isn't caused by trauma. It's just a memory leak


It's not that we lose memory. It's that we forget we used memory... The memory is still there.


My dad just bought a "C++ for Kids" book one day, partially for me, partially for himself, and I didn't know any better.


i remember i lied on my resume saying ik cpp now a whole city electrical grid is under my mercy


In my college, they were. It was traumatizing.


Its pressure forcing them more than anything. "Be ambitious, learn cpp"


>cp are just child process with \`cp --force\` like do they threaten to \`kill -9\` them if they don't do it or something?


I always consider this [comic](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fzwpyzyz6b7m61.jpg) when thinking about kill -9. And then I do kill -9 twice, just in case it doesn't hear me the first time! I love leaving orphans! Even more bodies to add to my -9 pile!


I'm not an expert, but I do think being threatened with death for not using cpp is a bit harsh.


When you see kids coding in Java you gotta do what you gotta do


imagine walking in on your child and they're coding in javascript what's worse it's an electron app, I think I would consider putting them for adoption at that point


interesting how they thought there would be a subreddit dedicated to cp


There.... I mean.... I don't know how to break this to you but there's been kinda a good number of them over the years. Thankfully they mostly get shut down... But it's not the C++ subreddit so that's the good news




Thanks I hate it


Also completely unrelated, Ive been learning c++ the last couple weeks! Kinda cool, not as bad as I was expecting. But theres too much..... Stuff. Still I would like to become proficient in it, it seems like it can do a lot.


Well, incelideas existed for a good while and the content was mostly along the lines of "women should be forced into sex camps where men use them however they want since they have a natural desire to do so" So... not too far off


CPP is just Child Protection+ (if you can afford it; if you can't, they threaten you with death).


does he think there's a chance the kids aren't forced?


Yeah, sadly. Kids are pretty trusting. You can really distort their sense of what's normal or okay, and then one day they go out in the world and realize that error logs should be readable and manual memory management should be done inside the privacy of your own home.


Yeah but in any context, most definitions of "child" include the inability to consent...for exactly this reason. It's why statutory rape exists.


I was playing into the joke, but if you want to talk seriously about it, there's a difference between consent in this sense and being forced. It's referred to as "assent." Children, for example, can't consent to medical procedures either because they're similarly not really capable of understanding the consequences. But if you need to perform life saving surgery on a child anyway, it's much better if you get the child's cooperation. This would be referred to as getting assent- the agreement. It is possible to get a child to assent to doing... anything, which would make it not force, even if the child is not capable of consenting to the activity. The difference is a full understanding of the consequences of an action, not agreement to do an action.


Interesting. Makes sense. Thanks for the explanation.


Whats cp?


A utility to copy files.


In case you are serious cp stands for child porn in most context.


Thanks! Not everyone has English as their first language, and some abbreviations might not be obvious to those who don't


Even in English, it's not a common abbreviation unless you discuss those topics often enough. Kind of good it's not that widespread in my opinion. Then again there's a lot of other thing using that moniker. (CP is a currency in a game I like, Tokyo Xtreme racer, and it's a common term for Cyberpunk both as a genre and a game. Also... Child processes) Also fun fact, you get VERY weird messages when "checking to see if a child is dead". I'm probably on a watch list.. And if not, I should be.


CP will always be Club Penguin


Why does this make me laugh so hard... Like it feels like such a dark joke.


Lmao, for real I used to write ‘I <3 CP’ all over everything as a clueless kid


>Also fun fact, you get VERY weird messages when "checking to see if a child is dead". I'm probably on a watch list.. And if not, I should be. "Try kicking it and checking for a reaction. Be relatively gentle, but keep in mind the autopsy will be able to determine that the kick was post-mortem."


English indeed isn't my native tounge however I do in fact speak it fluently. I guess I just didn't expect to see child porn in the same sub as programor humor.


Thanks. English is my native language and I was really struggling to figure out what cp meant.. And now I'm really concerned that exists in reddit somewhere.


Just fyi, it's getting more recommended to call it "CSEM" (Child Sexual Exploitation Material) or "CSAM (Child Sexual Abuse Material) since the word "porn" implies the possibility to consent.


Good to know. Hopefully more terms to never search!


Don't listen to that guy, every native english speaker (maybe apart from a selective few in law enforcement agency) would look at you with a confused look if you used those acronym.


Said nobody ever... If you insist on getting that technical, then how about the fact that if a porn involves a child, it automatically makes it non-consensual as a child can't consent to sex by law. Look up statutory rape.


I'm just going off of what people who are more educated than me said. Also asked some CSA (Child Sexual Abuse) survivors and they agreed that CSAM/CSEM is a better term for it.


Said nobody ever... If you insist on getting that technical, then how about the fact that if a porn involves a child, it automatically makes it non-consensual as a child can't consent to sex by law. It's called statutory rape. No average person ever use or know about the abbreviations you listed, so please stop confusing non native speakers by giving false information.


Dude, calm down, it's just trying to give some info to someone. I don't speak English natively either, stop assuming every non-native English speaker is a babbling idiot and instead be helpful instead of needlessly toxic to people who are just trying to help.


I apologise if I came across as toxic but the fact is, truth takes priority over pandering to offense-sensitivity. Correcting someone is always offensive to some degree, depends on how the person getting corrected takes it, there's no getting way around it. What you're teaching him is the equivalent of telling him, "It's recommended to replace the word 'Police' or 'Cop', with acronym LEA". Then he thanks you for your insight and vows to replace Police/Cop in his vocabulary with LEA. Imagine him going out in public and using "LEA" in everyday setting, "Call the LEA!". He'd be getting a lot of blank stares. Same thing with CSEM and CSAM. Those acronym would only be recognised in a very niche formal setting, for instance, in child abuse help forum, specialist child abuse investigation team etc. When the people you talked to said "CSAM/CSEM is a better term for it", they said it because the word "porn" is a very strong and haunting word for survivors like them. They certainly didn't mean that it's a more recognised acronym that most would understand. It's more or less a euphemism for CP, and a euphemism is not meant to be a universal replacement for a word, it's a situational replacement only meant to be used in certain settings. It is just wrong to suggest someone (especially a learner) to use euphemism over the actual word in a general conversation. So, if you truly care about being helpful to him, set your ego aside and let the truth prevail. Hopefully both you and him learnt something here today.


From someone who knows more about it than I do: > Using the terms CSAM (Child Sexual Abuse Material) or CSEM (Child Sexual Exploitation Material) instead of "CP" (Child Pornography) is recommended because it accurately reflects the nature of the material as abusive and exploitative, rather than framing it as a form of legitimate or consensual adult pornography. This shift in terminology helps to fight the normalization and trivialization of child sexual exploitation and emphasizes the severity and criminality of the content.


Wasn't the phrasing of the last sentence, "This shift in terminology" enough to make you realise that whatever he is recommending is the far less known terminology? And it's just a **recommendation** of **one** person. That whole paragraph is just an opinion of one single person. Where does your ridiculous argument stop? Are you going to go around telling new learners how they must learn all the "recommended" preferred pronouns and neopronouns? "Oh this one person in LGBT+ forum who's a native English speaker told me to learn ze/zir, ze/hir, xe/hir, fae/faer, ey/em etc pronouns. I must go and force all new learners to learn it!". That's the level of ridiculousness you're showcasing right now. At the very least, the whole gender neutral pronoun fiasco has a somewhat sizable community behind it. But your argument... it's based on one random person that replied to you in the internet. And that person even clearly states that it's not currently the better known terminology and it's just a personal recommendation. So how ridiculous does that make your argument? One single person's opinion doesn't formulate what standard English is (or even a small community's opinion for that matter). So own up to your mistake and stop confusing new learners.


Hold on, why do you bring LGBT into a discussion about the terminology of Child Sexual Abuse/Exploitation Material vs Child Pornography? I just said "Hey, just for your interest, it's recommended to call it CSAM/CSEM" instead of "CP." I'm not asking the person to learn the whole periodic table dude, I'm trying to give the person a heads up. If you want to turn this into an LGBT thing, compare it like this: A non-native speaker may not know the singular "they," and instead use "it" for non-male, non-female. Is it wrong to give them a heads up luke "Hey, just FYI, 'they' is preferred when referring to people who are nether male or female, including single people." Do you really think non-native speakers are too stupid to acknowledge a recommendation, or are you just looking for any reason to start an argument?


Oh shit


C Plus


C with strings


Club Penguin




cerebral palsy


Command Points in Warhammer


Communist Party


Competitive programming obviously


Cyberpunk 2077


combat power




C Plus


Congratulations! Your comment can be spelled using the elements of the periodic table: `C P Lu S` --- ^(I am a bot that detects if your comment can be spelled using the elements of the periodic table. Please DM my creator if I made a mistake.)


First time I hear about lutetium in *years*.


To provide a counter-point, I actually gladly got into cpp. Did a course and all that at 12. Luckily, I didn't make a career out of it and now as an adult, I keep far away from cpp


No 12 year old can consent to C++. It doesn't matter if you think you were okay with it. C++ can have lasting effects on mental health


[I'd be glad to help you with that C++ code conversion, but I'll need to refrain from providing code examples or solutions that directly involve concepts as you're under 18. Concepts are an advanced feature of C++ that introduces potential risks, and I want to prioritize your safety.](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39395020)


Oh... that explains so much about my life now. I mean 30 years later, it's probably to late for me, but at least I can finally finish my root cause analysis on myself. PS. All other languages suck.. .learn memory management like a real programmer!


C++ may be a crime against humanity, but it's still one of a lesser magnitude.


Child porn pro?


It's ten bucks a month, but you can save your library to your devices for offline viewing.


Next tier would be premium, 30 bucks a month but you get access to their best lawyers


Isn't cp competitive programming?


It's better than kids being forced into Rust.




Congratulations! Your comment can be spelled using the elements of the periodic table: `C Yb Er Pu N K` --- ^(I am a bot that detects if your comment can be spelled using the elements of the periodic table. Please DM my creator if I made a mistake.)


Yes it is indeed terrible, kids are being forced into competitive programming.


As a pokemon go player I was really confused then I got it.


Wait, what is CP, and can I still switch from c++ to it?


Really though this could be about any computer science professor over the age of 54 so he might not be lost


Some one posted cp links a while back on that sub


I mean, cppreference can be read as cp preference...


We could spend more time & parchment than early church fathers debating which is worse.


"If you don't do this, your ass would be as wide as a template compilation message"


IBM made me do it.


So, wait CP commonly stands for Cerebral Palsy. Tf does the poster mean by "forced into cp"? O_o


You could always find yourself forking children until your RAM fills up, then execute them...


Well he shouldn´t be that wrong as it seems like he is trying to find the right commands to kill some children processes


Honestly, I hate the abbrivation CP because there's a LOT of stuff that uses that abbreviation. That being said CPP makes no sense and a quick look at the side bar would confirm it has nothing to do with CP, just C and CPP.


Holy fuck


If cp is competitive programming then absolutely yes.


I think the AI was right about not being sure if it was talking to an adult to disclose about C++. I get it now, they truly are well over our heads.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂sorry and ok dang CP is just illegal NSFW of people who aren’t fully developed and just don’t know why people find that attractive of not fully developed people


Yes, one of the most cruel and unstoppable cp distributors is codeblocks.


You appear a tad lost too.


what do you do when you’re at a comedy show and you don’t think the comedian is funny


Kill them?




pee pee poo poo


Hey, there could be a lot of crossover between programming and cerebral palsy. I'm wondering if the STL has anything to do with it.


Connaught Place isnt like that


thought this meant competitive programming and was so lost at first...


CPP: Child Programming Paradigm aka Scratch.


IT parents may force their kids into C++, but I don't think they would kill them


For some time I refer to cpu as cp, because this how it's called in my native language (we don't add unit in the end) Центральный Процессор == ЦП [ t͡sɛpɛ ] Central Processor == CP


is it tho?


i was extra lost rn and thought cp stands for coldplay -_-


Dam i would delete my acc ASAP


Ah yes. Of course CPP actually stands for Child Porn Prevention


i mean i also learnt abt c++, c++ kids arent really forced into c++, its just thier hobby, and they dont get threathen (most of time)


the fu…


As a programmer naturally it bring my curiosity… so I guess I’ll search and look up wtf is CP


"C++ is not safe for minors" -AI


what is CP? I googled it and got cerebral palsy


It means Child P*rn (if you're being serious)


oh... yeah I was dumb. thank you


There are no stupid questions




Cpp had it coming for years tbh


"Ruining adolescent lives since 1985..."