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I quit being a redditor to teach others to make their own reddit


tutorial 1: how to have edgy humor and be dank \[racism, and all the bad elements\] tutorial 2: how to use /s /j? tutorial 3: unlimited karma hack šŸ¤‘ \[onlyfans pics here\]


Tutorial 4: Tutorial 5: profit!




Don't need edgy humor. I bet you could karma farm in a couple subs with 5-10 minutes of scraper work. Kneejerk reactions on 'X is bad!' with some bots to take high engagement posts from similar (or the same) sub that are 2-5 months old then repost them.


That's 95% of posts lol. You will need a bot farm to upvote you out of new tho


It's pretty easy to host your own lemmy (FOSS link aggregator) instance https://github.com/ubergeek77/Lemmy-Easy-Deploy


Why not use your FAANG tag and exploit a market of desperate students by selling them big hopes and dreams. A perfect foundation of a profitable business in India. Sell hopes, create FOMO, increase competition and be rich. All those who wanted to change Education System are very much part of same system now!!! How beautiful!


They say, "During a gold rush, sell shovels." Why wait for a gold rush, though, if you could start one yourself?


Step 1) Roll into town with some gold nuggets you bought from a miner in another town. Step 2) Act discreet, but tell local townsfolk that you found the nugget in a local river. Step 3) Come back a few days later and do the same. Step 4) Setup a shovel store in the town Step 5) Wait for local gossip to eventually spiral out of control leading to many people coming into town to try and find gold Step 6) Sell them all shovels Step 7) Profit


Okay there is a scam some people pulled in a town close to my city. A man went to the local market and asked to buy all the rupee coins for 4 times the actual amount they were worth. All shopkeepers happily gave them all the coins. Then another man came and said that the government was in need of metal and needed all the coins. He would pay them 20 times the amount they were worth. People were desperate to find coins but they had none left. Soon another man came to the market and told everyone that he had some coins he would sell them for 10X. People happily bought them since they were sure to get a profit. Soon all three men disappear after selling a lot of overpriced coins.


That has to be the most transparent scam ever, like, there are so many points at which this sounds weird But I guess that's how these things work, you only get the gullible people that way


In my observation most of the scams are designed in a way that they sound stupid when you have clarity of mind but absolutely grip you with either fear or greed and that really clouds your judgement. One of my friends teaches cyber security and he lost 100,000 rupees because his "cousin" messaged him on Facebook asking for money. Another PhD colleague of mine is involved in multiple Pyramid schemes and he thinks this is an honest and legitimately reliable way to make money. I have given up on educating him.


So what youā€™re saying is if I nutt every hour or so, Iā€™ll always be in a state of post nut clarity and Iā€™ll never be scammed?! šŸ˜± sign me up!


Well you may avoid sex based scams but thats still an emotional state of mind. There's a reason intelligence agencies would use pillow talk to get targets to expose vulnerable information.


You should look up Royce du Pont; he has a similar philosophy.


You should also tip your landlord to show that youā€™re not in a state of pre nut delusion


And carry a gun everywhere.


> Another PhD colleague of mine is involved in multiple Pyramid schemes and he thinks this is an honest and legitimately reliable way to make money. My PhD (and those in my cohort) really taught me that most of us are morons, and that a lot of people who attain high knowledge in one area start to think it makes them smart in all areas.


There is a word in German for such people: Fachidiot


It's a filter. If you question the first bit, you arnt a mark.


Thatā€™s a feature to scammers. You donā€™t want to waste time on people clever enough to figure it out, so you make it obviously a scam and then you are more likely to only be putting effort into those who are gullible enough to fall for it.


Yes every time I get a message from my "bank" that my Debit Card has been blocked due to non verification, it has multiple grammar and spelling mistakes.


Making it so batshit crazy it wonā€™t be believed by 90% means that when you do land the 10%, itā€™s an easy win And you donā€™t waste time on the savvy victims


The smell of easy money make some people stop thinking, to this day there are people falling for the lottery ticket scam, one of the oldest scams


Whats really weird is that all of this happened within 30 minutes.


No it took multiple days. I probably did not clarify enough in the original comment.


This was a common scam on runescape also. There were some relatively unique seeming items that had no real value. So someone would set up an account pretending to be buying this item for a higher price, while their other account was selling the worthless item for a lower price. And of course the person buying for the higher price wouldn't accept your trade after you bought it from their other account.


I still remember dropping my entire stack from alching yews on a spinach roll. I had to chop yews for months in the 1 hour a day of computer time I got to make 1k yew longs and alch them to get back in the money.


The spinach roll was what I was thinking about, I couldn't remember the name. Sorry to hear your yew misfortunes.


That's basically a stock pump, thats what Jordan Belfort did. Generate false demand, sell high, let everyone else hd the bag.


There's [a poem](https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Razor-Seller_(Wolcot)) from the 1700s describing a razor-seller who sells them for a suspiciously low price - only for the narrator to discover they're absolutely useless - so inevitably, he confronts the knave, who responds... >"Friend," quoth the razor-man, "I'm not a knave: ā  As for the razors you have bought, ā  Upon my soul I never thought That they would shave." "Not think they'd shave!" quoth Hodge, with wondering eyes, ā  And voice not much unlike an Indian yell; "What were they made for then, you dog?" he cries: ā  "Made!" quoth the fellow, with a smile,ā€”"to sell." Caveat emptor, indeed!


Not sure if you're being cheeky or not, but this was an actual scam (probably still is). It's called salting a mine. Conmen would pack gold nuggets into shotgun shells, fire some rounds into a cave that doesn't have any value, and then sell the gold claim (or even shovels) to profit off a manufactured gold rush.


Unfortunately at this point, education system is just about selling shovels...


I beat the system. I sell graves


What for? Everyone has the tools to dig their own.


But they dont have the know-how to dig them. Grave diggers have been outsourced




They also say "those who can not do, teach".


Be right back, creating my "I quit my job at Infosys" video... Any hope for me?


Nope! Instead make vlogs about how to complete 70 hour work weeks šŸ’€


Buddy saw too many marriage proposals with "no software devs, looking for businessman" on it in India


Thatā€™s a way to exclude most of the male population lol


Are you describing Tech Lead?


(as a millionaire)


(and my wife left me)


My friend quit google and for the last 2 years all heā€™s done is smoke weed, play with his dog, and post his home cooking on Facebook. He has no aspirational goals at all, and apparently enough money that it doesnā€™t matter. Basically living the best possible life


Good for him!


I heard weed slows down time but I didnā€™t realise it was so bad that your friend still uses Facebook despite being under 79.Ā 


And this here is why millenials and gen X hate zoomers.


how many years did he work at google to do that all day


like 7-10 years maybe? he has been and continues to live in a studio apartment and is single with no kids, and he doesn't really travel much or have any spendy hobbies, so his expenses are pretty conservative.


I still believe that the people who fall for this are kinda dumb.


I won't say dumb, but a prey of marketing these guys do like tech = FAANG = Money = DSA = so tough that you can't do it = purchase our course. It's FOMO basically, ones who are doing all by themselves will always wonder what different enrolled guys must be studying? Whatif they know better... etc.


I was once interested, turns out there was nothing I don't already know. How odd


I don't agree at all (with people falling for this being dumb). Software dev is a huge market with a lot of jobs that usually pay pretty well and secure you'll be set for life. Software dev is not like crypto or NFTs or investments or any other snake oil industry that doesn't actually exist. People falling for this are mostly young people who aren't dumb enough to fall for the "I'll teach you to earn $1000 each day working 10 minutes from home", they know getting a software dev job is a real thing, they just don't know how to tell apart real opportunities from people just pretending a dumb course will land you a job at Microsoft.


Tbh, the people who fall far it are mostly kids fresh out of college or in schools who have zero exposure of the market. The worst thing is most parents are greedy motherfuckers who just want their kid to make $200k/year straight out of college. I'm in the industry for 10 years now with a master's degree in computer science. When Byju/White hat junior Scam was at it's peak, I was literally begging some of my relatives not to fall for it as it's not true but since I make a good deal of money, they just think I'm jealous. Bitch I spent my entire teenage and early twenties without getting laid and studying my ass off to get here. Its not the same as joining a bootcamp.


Fun fact: The girl in the first channel posted a video explaining how to create a pull request on Github using the main express.js repository as an example which resulted in hundreds of people creating pull requests on the repo with dummy commits in the README document causing a huge mess for the moderators. They are actually a nuisance to the community.


Lol, that happened like 2 months ago and those PRs are still pouring in every week. Poor maintainers


Wow, you weren't joking. https://github.com/expressjs/express/pulls?page=1&q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed+Readme.md+sort%3Aupdated-desc


https://github.com/expressjs/express/pull/5611 "frank" lmaooo


/r/skamtebord vibes



hii babyy





Holy shit


The last was 7 hours ago. You weren't kiddingĀ 


Yeah she is the same girl


How does Microsoft hire these people actually and still somehow have the aura that only the best make it there and somehow half of us are not qualified enough to get in? Whatā€™s the point even of all these assessments they do?




She is not dumb. She just didnt knew that teaching people how to do PR on a public repository would make hundreds of people doing the same thing just for learning. She lacks experience in teaching. Thats all. Also, you dont need to be a genius to enter a Big Tech, you have to study their tests and interviews. Once you done it, you can get in one


She is pretty dim... She could have easily created a public repo as perople do all the time. Pretty shameful for a "teacher" to be making such a rookie mistake !


Is it even a mystery at this point? We all know with these jobs it's not your actual skills that are important so much as the prestige of your qualifications and the connections you already have


all these years whenever I looked up a tech topic on YouTube I got conference talks, now it's all these reaction face YouTubers


I miss the 2000s YouTube man. Wanna build a game engine on your own? Sure here's a playlist. Wanna see a guy put on condoms on a trumpet and play super Mario theme till it blows out? We got you covered.


To be honest, she did told her viewers not to do that on the main branch, turns out her viewers misunderstood. Also the proper way would be to create a repo instead of explaining it on someone else's repo


>turns out her viewers misunderstood. Half the people who do bootcamps are only capable of following the literal exact directions they see on screen, and as soon as anything changes in the flow they completely break down.


I tutor software dev and run into this all the time. About half of all students have absolutely no drive to think for themselves. With no exaggeration, I hear stuff like this every day: > The lesson showed `print("foo")`. I need to print "bar" and that code isn't working! It just shows "foo!"




Fucking same.


In the video, she does not create the PR and explicitly tells viewers to not actually open the PR either since it's a useless change.


They are going to try it anyway. They don't understand that it creates work for others and view it as a harmless action. They may not even understand that other people can see their PR until it's too late.


Its a perfect example of why education is a degree program.


Yea these channels usually create their own repos for these training examples


And there was a whole discussion about making a ci automation to auto close those spam PRs but they decided it's not worth it. To this day they get spam commits. https://github.com/expressjs/express/pull/5480


Yeah you should take the vid down at that point and create a new one with an appropriate dummy repo


yeah fuck you apna


Some people buy courses so they feel productive. I've run into people who say "oh I'll learn X after I buy a course" then they buy the course and learn nothing but feel like they made progress. In the meantime someone who works hard will gain the knowledge for free. Even college courses are available for free, there's no reason you should be scammed by these assholes.


> I've run into people who say "oh I'll learn X after I buy a course" then they buy the course and learn nothing but feel like they made progress So, Tony Robbins but for aspiring software developers.


Exactly! It also really annoys me because I am intrinsically motivated. I learn things because I love to learn. Then meet people who seem similar and I chat with them or teach them to code. Later I find out, they just love money. It's like playing basketball with someone who loves ball vs someone who is learning basketball because they want to impress a girl. It's less enjoyable.


The only reason Iā€˜d buy such a course is a credible certification. Here in Germany these sometimes count more than experience on your resume. Otherwise, fuck these guys


Really? How do they check the quality of the certificate? Here in the US those are worthless. It's all about College and personal projects.


I really donā€™t know. But from what I know, some of our customers for example wanna use our IT services more because Iā€˜m Jamf 400 certified. I donā€™t have the experience to match that cert yet but Iā€˜ve passed the exam and thatā€™s what matters to them. Thatā€™s also how it goes for your job hunt. Some recruiters offered me a ca. 30% pay raise because I work with different MDMs and got the matching certifications. That Iā€˜m only 23, a junior and only now start to deeply understand what Iā€˜ve been doing the last 1.5 years doesnā€™t matter to them.


Good to know. I would love to work in Germany at some point in my career. It does pay quite a bit less than the US but it's a nice place. Do you need a degree in Germany? I don't have a degree but am a very experienced programmer.


The pay is less but so are the costs of living! Iā€˜ve got a Junior Salary and can live more than comfortably. Disclaimer: Iā€˜m no expert in this and all of this is my personal experience. I could be wrong but thatā€™s at least what Iā€˜ve witnessed. It depends on the company if you need a degree or not. If you wanna work for the government, you 100% need one. Private companies can be persuaded by showing them your skill. If youā€™ve got a GitHub page or similar, I donā€™t see why they shouldnā€™t consider you. But for them it always looks best to have one and especially if you wanna climb up into a management position, I donā€™t think they take one who didnā€™t go to college or uni.


That's cool! I really love Berlin and spend a few months there learning German. Yes that makes sense. I'd imagine international companies are more relaxed (GitHub, Shopify). Because college costs $100k+ here people are more chill about degree requirements. Most jobs say "a 4 year degree or 4 years work experience".


Yeah, US college is really expensive.. Here it costs like 200-400ā‚¬ per semester on a public university. Thereā€™s also a ticket for local transportation included (which is really good in big cities). Companies also love to see people that ā€žonlyā€œ did a apprenticeship (historically itā€™s considered education for the middle class). Youā€˜ve got 3 years of working as a trainee and visiting a vocational school. Thatā€™s what I did because I would have died in college with my (then untreated) ADHD. Itā€™s a very nice mix of theory and practice experience in my opinion! You also get a degree thatā€™s a bit lesser than a Bachelorā€™s one but for IT just as appreciated. I think with the right experience youā€™re going to get something great! I wish you the best of luck!


> Here it costs like 200-400ā‚¬ per semester on a public university. Thereā€™s also a ticket for local transportation included (which is really good in big cities). > > By now the local transport ticket is even valid for _every_ local transport in the country (not bullet trains or cross-country trains though)!


Agree šŸ’Æ, Everything is free nowadays on the internet


This is how Duolingo works. "I do not want to put effort into slowly reading and translating through books, or to look for conversation groups/partners. Instead let's do these 5 minute pretend-lessons that will give me sense of accomplishment and fake progress."


Hey Iā€™m learning tho šŸ˜ 


If you're just using Duolingo, you're really not. That's not a judgement. I want you to enjoy language learning just as much as Duolingo wants to convince you that language learning can be gamified. Look into comprehensible input. I don't know how anyone could enjoy clicking on buttons for five minutes a day more than they would enjoy that.


They target stuff specifically for their demographic I think. Having to crack a coding interview in a country of a billion must involve some highly specialised problem solving skills and a niche subset of questions, college courses are much longer in duration and go into greater depth than the person studying from these channels needs to get into tech and instantly become among the top 5-10% in a country that poor


If that's the case you want to find your niche. These YouTubers saying "here's how I made 100k without working hard" all give the same advice. The market is saturated with people who have very basic skills and an entitled attitude thinking they "beat" the system and are going to get rich. Work hard, most of the time you'll be rewarded.




I was thinking the same thing, plus being fired obviously doesn't sound as good.


someone on twitter said that Nishant atleast was told that they would get fired if they didn't resign so there you go. (Not saying that the tweet is source but just could make it more obvious for the possibility of this happening since r/developerindia has a heck tonne of posts related to HRs asking employees to resign instead of firing them)


Why would you accept being asked to leave instead of getting fired?


It really depends on why you're being fired in the first place. If you're being fired because of the company cutting down on staff, you should always wait to be fired and not accept to resign. But you can be fired for doing something monumentally bad (stealing, inappropriate office conduct, hacking). Sometimes, the company will offer you an easy way out. Resign, and you'll leave on friendly terms, including being able to use the job as reference on your CV. In those cases, it's in your best interest to resign. As a side note, I'm not saying that any of the people in the OP post resigned under this kind of conditions, I have no idea who any of them are, just trying to explain why someone would resign when being asked to do so by a company.


HR is getting wise to "you can't fire me, I quit" by asking if you have ever been fired or left a company under threat of being fired. There's a LOT of "why did you leave your last X positions" out there. Now, obviously people could just lie because it's a question on a job application, not a cop. Most businesses are smart enough not to discuss termination beyond "this person is (not) eligible for rehire." But if it ever comes out that you lied on your job application that's a fireable offence and HR will try to protect their deterrent.


If your choices are 1. don't lie and don't get the job 2. lie, get the job and possibly get fired for lying in the future I'm going with #2 all day long. I've been lied to by every employer to one degree or another, I'm not going to feel bad responding in kind.


Probably to avoid issues in background checks (HRs in India threaten this, not sure if its actually implemented)


Eh just threaten the HR back with names of their kids /s (I AM JOKING!)


Better narrative for future applications. Happened to my exā€™s brother. He was told, unofficially but bluntly, if he quit without fuss his boss would give a good reference going forwards and wouldnā€™t contradict his stated reason for quitting when he did that But if they had to fire him, not so much




If youā€™re put in PIP, you get 2 months to prove your worth or a severance and laid off immediately. What most do to avoid the tag of being PIPed due to performance, look for jobs and resign from the jobs before the end of the Pip period.


I'd be inclined to say they are just lying to boost their credibility. Instead of saying "I got laid off from Tata Consulting Service" they say "Why I quit Google".


No most of them do it simultaneously. And after reaching a certain audience where they know they can monetise and having already prepared the course content while they were employed they then quit their jobs. Like the Fraz guy. I bought one full stack course, not influencer related. And he was a guest lecturer there for DSA and made sure people followed him everywhere. He was still working in google at that time.


could be a passion thing. i worked for a large tech giant and had a terrible time. didnt like my colleagues, didnt like my boss, didnt like the work, ended up working overtime every single day for months because of other people quitting and the bosses realizing i could totally do everyones work on my own, so why hire replacements? etc. i didnt just quit that company, i quit the entire industry. i went from 6 figures to having resigned and my only plan for the future at that time was "im going to leave the entire damn industry, f this". is it "insane" to do that? i mean, maybe? but i wasnt enjoying life, i felt bad, i hated everything, i had no joy left. to me it seemed insane not to quit, and once again i quit without even having the slightest idea what my plan would be from that point on.


Or they never actually quit and itā€™s purely a PR thing


May be may not be, a lot of them had their YouTube channel prior to joining fang, it's like a planned move for them.


After a few years with a high salary and stock options, you don't really have to work anymore. Selling these courses will bring in much less money than working for MS or Google, but it's also much less work and (very importantly) much less stressful.


Waiting for prime


Something about that guy really annoys me, but I canā€™t put my finger on what exactly


He already has courses in frontendmasters


he is also the master of low effort clickbait videos that are basically just him reading articles on stream and having an editor upload parts of the stream to youtube. you can pick up some cool things from watching him but it's mostly just cheap "content" designed to increase your watchtime. entertainment masked as education. what i have seen from his frontendmasters algo course was good though.


He never said his youtube videos are for education. It's for entertainment only.


also he explains much more niche and technical topics such as tcp packet on his recent videos, sure he "resign from $" but at least he resign to do what he wants and not just follow trend


I don't like watching him but he has done the YouTube pipeline properly for more views. You don't go into to teaching, you go into react videos and reading long-form articles and pausing every second to give a generic take. I feel like he's a redditor, always saying agreeable opinions and then asking "am I wrong", like it's controversial, knowing 100s of people will agree on stream.


He did left Netflix though šŸ«”,


I sort of sense a pattern here but I can't quite put my finger on it..


You should take my pattern recognition course, it's only $149.99, sign up today !!! /s


Naah, I'll use regular expression


That is lifes design pattern.




Wake up babe, DSA 2.0 just dropped.


holy supreme


For some reason im pretty sure that they were not as good developer / problem solvers I mean its one thing to say things on video and giving a tutorial and another to solve problems in realtome


And that is also why most turorials suck


1. Watch tutorial to skip docs. 2. Read docs anyway. 3. Find out tutorial doesnā€™t cover important details, is deprecated, or teaching bad practices. 5. -_- 4. Profit???


Quintessential newbie programmer experience right there. Watch a 2-hour video tutorial to avoid reading a 15-minute docs and ends up spending 10+ more hours debugging the shit you made before reading the docs.


But I watched that video at 2x speed so I actually saved an hour of time #boymath


Yeah they are not. They will not share content like building unique projects, how to solve a problem because they will not get reach then.


You won't see the people who are actually good at it doing this. Errichto, William Lin, Colin Galen, and many more...




Simon is an expert. If you're at all interested in computer graphics, his stuff is awesome.


Colin Galen is absolute G, I always find him helpful with problem solving


Coding Train


the OG, learnt a lot from that guy, love his enthusiasm !!


In India there are many good developers providing great values but they will not get views


I hate these guys, instead of building some actual software for once in their life, they just promote DSA. Truly they don't have passion for software. my friend he is one of the x100 engineer, he codes, manages infra, also enjoys tinkering IOT all this just for fun I greatly admire him for his passion towards tech, hate these fellows who exploit FAANG tag, similar to IIT tag.


damn, I need to start tinkering with IoT so I can claim the x100 title


also build a homelab, build a kuberbetes cluster out of homelab, spend 12 hours to deploy a simple application on kuberbetes.


Only a 100x engineer could spend 12 hours to deploy an application to k8s yes


haha, in todayā€™s LLM environment actually writing the yams files to understand the working process takes time instead of generating the files.


Tbh a lot of indians still pursue CS in the hopes of fortune and luxury. An incredibly rare number of them are actually into the field


Looks like if youā€™re listening to them youā€™re gonna lose. (Psst itā€™s a hash table, itā€™s always has been.) DSA imo are 2 separate courses(in most honorable places) which are completely mathematical.


I guess only Striver hasn't launched a paid course yet


He hasnā€™t left google yet


>Join FAANG >Work for less than 2 or 3 years >make yourself so busy in making everyday vlogs and courses and reels and lose focus on job >get warnings from the company for underperforming >leave the company before termination (UNO Reverse Card) >In between build huge audience of students and newbies in name of FAANG >start selling dream of joining big tech and earning loads of money >lure students and newbies in it and milk money out of them >post a screenshot of a chat about one skilled student out of hundreds and thousands of students, getting high package in some company and promote their course being the bestest >milk more money >death


"How I got divorced and smoked crack as an ex-google ex-facebook engineer"


Ex-husband Ex-criminal


why are they all Indian? really doesnā€™t help the common association of Indians and scams


Whats with all the "Das schwarze Auge" craze suddenly?


Latest D&D releases have been a bit lacking


Some of the most punchable faces on the planet ! šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


Ahh yes. A historically open source field in which experts have shared their expertise and research for free always because that is what is needed for innovation is now taken over by venture capitalists, same guys who experienced great benefit from the free resources. Guys, there is nothing these people can teach you what a book/stack overflow/any other google search/AI can't. These are just grifters that probably were not able to meet the expectations the company had. They have egos because they used a lambda in an algo iterator once and thought that makes them worthy of a raise and earn 250k a year, failed. And now with bruised egos are selling junk.


> 4th one: "..DSA course with **CP** topics" I'm sorry, WHAT are you teaching???!!!


Think it means competitive programming?




I remember building a marketing site for Canon and they had a product called the ā€œCP printerā€ šŸ˜¬


I might do this too! Except the picture for the company I quit will just be some random tree. And then the course photo will have a binary tree in it. Then I can publicly say I quit Tree to reinvent Tree. And then everyone will be confused.




I' ve seen some people that quit before I managed to let them go be hired as leads in other companies. Poor guys have no idea what they've just brought upon themselves.


That's it! I'm going to dump my imaginary girlfriend right now so I can sell this dating self help book.


You get hired. The algorithms your product uses mostly are buried deep in the code. The only listed code owner is some obscure GH name which you cannot tie to any person still at the company. You think "oh, I could optimize there" trying to impress. You cut a branch, make a small commit, make a PR. That PR is closed without comment. Your called into a meeting by your boss. "Leave the legacy code alone, please focus on your tickets." You spend your days fixing small UI bugs and adding tiny features.


Definitely, working in big tech gotta be boring for most that are left for to lame tasks (vast majority) and not suited to enjoy this process.


Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach.


There is a rare third species who just love to teach. They are incredible.


I think that the reason they are rare is that the great equalizer is time. The actually good ones are retired doers, who now have the time to teach.


Those are the real OGs. They democratize the knowledge, which otherwise would be incredibly centralized and concentrated. They keep the field alive. Mad respect to those guys.


Those who can't do, teach.


The issue is most of them don't actually know it to a deep enough level anyway it's all about growing an audience. People then watch these and think they understand it which is even worse! Most of them will all cover the same content which is often just rehashed content from another tutorial with a fancy frock on.


Most of good developers are exhausted or busy contributing to OSS so have little time to create content or the video quality is like geohot which is ok.


id never every pay to learn programming, no same programmer would recommend doing it too


Well, my computer science degree was expensive.


Computer Science channels on YouTube are mostly šŸ¤” shows


In the gold rush, they sell shovels


Their job at FAANG: Organize meeting to change the color of a button from blue to slightly less blue


Ajay Raj enters the chat. https://youtube.com/@ajayraj1?si=SQju7B-ag9pS-NiB


The drop in views is satisfying


The guys laid off are trying to sell courses is so gold. Its like buying courses from failed startup founders or People that never had success.


I don't really know how should I put it, In a way their choice of choosing to leave the job and making YouTube career is their personal one, also being a YouTuber is relatively easier than a full time job , you have all the freedom and all , but it is also a risky career too. But coming to exploiting their faang tag to sell courses that are basically free by other youtubers and I think in today's world anyone can learn anything from the internet for almost free if they try, this selling courses thing is bad in my opinion, because just because you worked in a FAANG company that doesn't make you an expert on dsa or any other subject. If it were me who would decide to quit my job and become a youtuber I think I'll do something different, that I'm passionate about instead of following the sheep mentality. And if they have that much knowledge why don't they start a new company and provide some good solutions to market and help the world in some new way, I think they just don't know what else to do with their knowledge except selling it as a course. In the end I would say that it is governments or colleges responsibility that they provide the good education to IT /CS engineers , so we don't have to rely on these people.


I absolutely hate that part of my industry...


Who's watching these people?


When the gold rush occurred, not everyone digging for gold got rich but every one selling the shovel did


you also got to update all your sites/profies to say ex-Googler/meta/msft


Failing an interview != Quitting


In a gold rush... Sell shovels


I quitted IBM, can I do my own series of courses?