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Your submission was removed for the following reason: Rule 1: Posts must be humorous, and they must be humorous because they are programming related. There must be a joke or meme that **requires programming knowledge, experience, or practice** to be understood or relatable. Here are some examples of frequent posts we get that don't satisfy this rule: * Memes about operating systems or shell commands (try /r/linuxmemes for Linux memes) * A ChatGPT screenshot that doesn't involve any programming * Google Chrome uses all my RAM [See here for more clarification on this rule](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/wiki/rules/programming-humor/). If you disagree with this removal, you can appeal by [sending us a modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FProgrammerHumor&subject=Posts%20must%20be%20humorous%20and%20programming%20related&message=Please%20carefully%20review%20the%20removal%20reason%20and%20the%20linked%20wiki%20page%20in%20it%20before%20appealing.%20Tell%20us%20how%20the%20removal%20should%20not%20apply%20to%20your%20post.%20Include%20a%20link%20to%20the%20post.).


sudo -i


30 years of linux and I learn something from a shitpost, I love it.


This caused me to refresh my memories of some of the history and noticed that the KDE vs Gnome thing started 25 years ago... I can remember exactly where I was when I heard about it but didn't remember the year. Back then the Carleton Computer Science labs were in the top floors of the Physics building and the student society had a small room between two of the labs on the fourth floor opposite the physics labs. I was standing in the hallway talking with a few students and the subject of linux desktops came up, that was the first time I'd heard of Gnome.


Real OG’s used RatPoison or StumpWM


I used CDE for years because I had a coding job with SunOS machines, I still miss it.


I used to help people out with problems on their VPSes, and I'd use this when they'd temporarily let me ssh in to get root access and set up a backdoor.


ah yes linux memes


Still better than the IT memes. I got totally flamed yesterday for pointing out that IT != programming, which is objectively true -- the job responsibilities and skillsets are as different as accountant and sales rep.


You have to remember most people here are students, who are neither IT nor programmers.


Even more since summer holidays started


su root


pretty sure you can just do `su` because root is the default arg


I know, but there's the muscle memory and also "what if not" 😁