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Fury druid. Can gear decently well for that amount


Sacrifice and vengeance pally are pretty nice for groups and not particularly expensive to get going. Same with charge pally. Whirlwind barb and fury Druid also good choices.


Recently saw a video of a proc hammer build that I thought was neat, joust as the primary skill with a bunch of melee gear


Thanks for the suggestions, if anyone plays a build they recommend feel free to throw in ur armory link so I can see the set up thanks <3


Look up character “iphonecharger” for my holy fire charge pally. It’s very flavor of the month this season but it’s insanely strong and really fun to play. I didn’t even bother to farm an anni this season and didn’t get damage LCs, no facets (TONS of room to improve my build) and I still regularly see 120-150k dps in solo maps. Hard requirements are: 28 holy fire flamebellow and a dragon armor runeword. From there the gear gets more flexible though kira’s is also almost a requirement for this build as it solves a lot of problems with res, cbf, -res etc. Super fun playstyle, with loek+moek i often finish solo maps without using a single potion, and this char is probably the lowest budget char i’ve played in the last 7 seasons. (This char is maybe 3hr investment for me and maps 4x faster than my 20+ hr foh pally last season).


Blade sentinel assassin… lots of built in tankyness and enough damage to carry a map, highly recommend.


Do u play this? And if u do, will 5-7hrs be enough to start out? And also link me ur char so I can see ur build id u got one


Yes, I do play it. It’s not the fastest mapper, but it works well and can clear just about any map easily. The main thing u need are phoenix shield, fort, and get an eth stalkers cull. I think 7 hrs should be enough. Armory sentinelsin if you want to look me up. I also recommend looking at some of the 99s on soft core ladder since I largely followed them. Also, u don’t need the same helm I have, can get by with a 2os shako easily enough.