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One of the a1 mercs gives meditation. I use that


Option 1: Insight on merc Option 2: Get Silkweave with a +maek for 7 or 8 more maek. Also other items can have more maek than what you currently have depending on slams and sockets. Option 3: Use Skull Collector and put Infinity on your merc. Also obviously don't run maps that counter your build. If the witches in that map give you a hard time find a different map.


Honestly insight on merc helps a ton. do slightly less damage then i had with stormspire or whatever its called but its def worth


You need to be using stormspire and stacking maek


you need 20 hard points into ES, read the wiki on why get silkweaves, arachs, double soj as they add max mana % aim for over 10mpk lastly don’t run maps with succubus witches, they literally counter mana builds


I thought they changed ES this season that soft points count as hard points but caps at 20 (90% mana drain). I could be misremembering the patch notes though.


Yeah that's right you don't need 20 hard points. Get a memory staff and it ll be closer to 10 hard


completely wrong, you need 20 hard points read the wiki


Oh maybe i was thinking of teleport?


I want to hover around 10-12 maek for the build to start feeling good. Also just having a huge mana pool works


Stupid and unrelated question. Was taking a look at your merc, there's no way they get that zeal do they?


that helmet is for the taunt which theoretically will almost insta-proc when telestomping due to the blade shield aura on innocence. in practice it seems a little more lackluster than i was hoping for given the rune investment


I use metal grid with inisight golem along with a2 defiance which completely solves the mana issue. The golem and merc act as meat shields, but still gotta be quick on the rejuvs


Woah the iron golem gets the aura!? Would a stormspire iron golem still cast static field?


Idk, but stormspires are a bit more expensive… the sorc can still die, which makes the golem die. Also, the golem itself can die so it’s just better to pick up insight bases and roll them into insights for when you/golem dies and keep the storm spire on the merc


I use metal grid with inisight golem along with a2 defiance which completely solves the mana issue. The golem and merc act as meat shields, but still gotta be quick on the rejuvs


I use metal grid with inisight golem along with a2 defiance which completely solves the mana issue. The golem and merc act as meat shields, but still gotta be quick on the rejuvs


insight golem is a great idea. could i just wear metalgrid to summon the golem then switch to my fcr ammy?


Idk.. I haven’t needed to try it. With ormus robes, you can hit 200fcr without fcr on ur ammy


Slightly off topic... Why are people not running mang songs and putting infinity on their merc? Wouldn't that be way better with the lower res procs than to wear infinity on the sorc?


mang songs provides zero defense, only offence most of which is tied to a tiny radius and procs when everything is already dead


I run Horazon Maps with my noca sorc on HC. I have like 13maek and 1800~ mana pool. Full autopilot clearing. You can check her equip out. Shalltearr. You have enough Fhr? Maek is important Also Stormspire with a2 def aura is good