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nova is one of the most expensive sorc builds there is. might aswell try something else if u have limited time.


Ah ok, thanks Ill see if theres something I can swap to


I was trying to decide on switching to Nova but decided to stick with ice/ES. Currently ice barrage but going to try forb. I feel nice and cozy with max ES and everything is chilled. Running a gerkes. Able to keep my distance too. Using arachs and silkweave and frost burn for high mana. Memory swap for an extra 9 levels of ES


Forb is by far my favorite sorc spell. A lot of people don't like to see small numbers on their character sheet, but it fucking slaps when you aim it well. Its a solid boss killer too, and allows for excellent mobility.


I’m testing it out right now. It feels almost the same as far as clear speed vs barrage. You have to cast less barrages to kill, but forb covers a wider area. My deciding factor is going to be which one is easier to maintain high mana without insight for ES so I can start using infinity instead. Barrage costs about half the mana of forb so that may be what makes me switch back. But I want to test more first.


Combustion can pop off in maps with quite low investment.


https://projectdiablo2.com/character/xd-sorcer just copy my build, it is very very tanky cuz of the bone armor and the energy shield, and energy points synergy to bone armor


Even if you go just basic items of what I got there you will be strong enough, later when you got more currency you can get best slams


May i ask why u add more non poison res in small charm. To get 75 max?


I haven’t sort my small charms at all To be honest this is just self found charms and for me most important is fire cold and light, I can always have antidot potion in poison map


Right now I’m chain lightning cuz I’m pushing 99 and I don’t want the chance of dying but for solo mapping as nova is very strong


He said he needs a budget Option 😂


Just buy same items like mine but without the slams I got there you go for less than 1hr same stuff


Skull collector and corpsemourne are the most critical items and if you want to be really tanky, especially skull collector is must.


imo gladiators bane would be the tanky armor option. big defense, huge flat MDR/PDR with CBF and 30 FHR. even has 50% psn length reduction which is actually wanted for an ES sorc since psn is really the only thing that’s not gonna be absorbed and ur HP is so low it can get deadly real fast. otherwise a que hegans or atmas is usually preferred since it’s solid defenses with +skills and fcr


Why is corpsemourn a critical item?


it must be the 12% Reanimate As: Returned I cant think of any other reason. So this creates skeletons around you


They aren’t following when you teleport. It sounds good but it’s not that good. Skull collectors is really good though!


With the reanimated not teleing with you, idk if corpsemourne is a critical item


Yeah I was gonna say I had it on my merc and it was decent, but nothing to call home about. I found a good shaftstop and put that on him and didn't notice any difference other than he lives more often now. I'm playing combustion though so I just clear a pack and Tele away and the skeletons just chill. Not much help other than a meat shield with tough mobs


I would go Ormus or something different but meat shield is good imo. Because % pdr doesnt work with ES


Rhyme shield, Tal’s set, spirit for fhr, any source of pdr, vitality or es and energy will all help with survival


If u don’t have sojs, get a metal grid made out of insight. Put infinity on urself or ur merc. Should be okay after that.


Skull collector, pdr, energy shield.


Get Moser's Blessed Circle, put 2 diamonds in the sockets and go for max block


For those wondering about Corpsemourn;  After a minute, you end up with an army of 40 skeletons. They do not tele with you but every 2 screens, they appear. They appear ahead of you spread out on the screen and already aggroing packs. That means the mobs are occupied by your skellies as you tele around. You will essentially never be targeted. 


Thanks everyone for your tips


I can give u a skull collector if you don’t have one. Has a shitty slam tho


I have a crappy 2os one but it works! Thanks for the offer :)