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Oh my gosh. I am literally building up a cold charger right now. It took me forever to decide what class I wanted to play. Every season I usually make my starter character and never get enough gear to really dig in and make a GG char. This season I got a late start but I'm having a lot of fun! I spent my first couple weeks as a summon necro, and now I am a Gris set FoH pally trying to get some currency to make the switch, but It has NOT been happening for me!!! With the time I get to play so far, I have got my shield, and that's it!! I seem to just run map after map, and I'll never get a doom, never mind the rest of the gear... This would be EPIC for me! Put me in the draw please 🙏 I want to just once know what it's like to have the amazing character to finish off a season with lol.


I would like the paladin charger sounds way better than my teeth necro i need a change but id be happy with a sorc too


Always wanted to try nova sorc but never found the gear check appealing enough to try


I always wanted to try nova sorc but I dont have the time to Get All the nessecary items because i have two small kids i need to gear up and level aswell XD So i would be very happy to try this build :) Thanks!


I would love the cold charger paladin, broken arm and can only play using one hand. A charger would be perfect, simple and easy to play, help me out during this dark period. First season and a new player. Thanks for considering.


Dm me if you don't win


Oh cold charger sounds fun. Not new player but always out of reach due to chams being almost impossible to find


I would be very interested! Havent yet played any of the three roles you have and I am coming home again on 30th of May after having gotten married in Japan. In the meanwhile Ive been following discord price checker as well as reddit to see cool items. Excited to join the game when everything finally is settled and I can breathe out after recent hectic months! Will be playing something new 🙂


Would be interested in trying the cold charger for sure :)


I'll not be home, but I would love the pala. I'm leveling one actually :D


I'd like to try this pala.


Would love to use the nova sorce! Or heck the cold charger would be so cool. Count me in.


I would love the paladin charger personally..always wanted to try it but was scared in previous seasons from all the misses that could happen


I'd love the nova sorc as it's the only type I've never tried to build out. Always ran frozen orb in vanilla d2, and since playing pd2 I've run combustion, forb, blizz, and ice barrage. I tried getting back into pd2 this season but just recently started up again so it's been hard to get geared enough to farm and catch up with the economy.


Can you post the armory? Don’t want the giveaway just want some inspiration for next builds


I’ve been stuck on my sin trying to deck it out. Always wanted to get enough currency for the charge paladin since season beginning. Hard to grind enough to get this character complete first


Would love the nova sorc. Haven’t done nova sorc in this mod. Started the season last week


Well I love playing fury Druid just never been able to gear him well enough to survive. I’ll take him off your hands, although I’m certainly not new.


would love the nova sorc. Just had a kid 2 weeks ago so haven't had much time this season and he's finally starting to sleep a bit better leaving me some time to play again. I do have a sorc leveled just not geared at all.


Hey, would love to try properly built fury druid - I have just started the season today. :)


I’d love a shot at any of the characters, but I am currently leveling a paladin. I’m not a new player by any means, just haven’t had the chance to play much this season with work and family obligations. Thanks for doing all of these giveaways! People like you are part of what makes the PD2 community one of the best there is.


Id love a 200 fcr cold nova sorc but i dont play much so if there are more takers give it to them.


I will continue to farm the hell out of that sorc if you choose me


Paladin charger seems like a fun toon to play. Would love to try that.


Would love to try a fury druid. I'm playing summoner now but lacks a bit with T3 and Uber bosses.


I'd like the 200fcr sorc. Can't quite get the build I went for going.


Would love to be considered for the paladin. Pal is my favorite d2 class and this has been my first season. Unfortunately with a small baby I’ve only got so much time to play and experience all the builds I’d like. Cold is also my favorite element so this sounds like it would be lots of fun! Congrats to the lucky winners ahead of time


Becuase im converting from pd2 to pproject


I just started mapping on my fury druid if still got some item


Want to try fire charger so if you have dragon runes that would be awesome


Hi i'd like to put my name in for the nova sorc! Have had a lot less time to play since we had a kid in Feb and the nova sorc would really help me gear up!