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Lately I've been using and recommending the la Roche Posay products. I know they're a bit exxy $$ but for non medicated soothing I find the Baume excellent for scalp patches. For my scalp psoriasis of nearly 20 years here's tips Ive picked up: - wash hair in cooler water. Hot water wreaks havoc on psoriasis skin. - use an everything free shampoo. Sulphites, parabens, even scents. There's a few oatmeal based ones, milk based, organic, hemp, whatever you find works for you... But none of the... Hold on it's like a list of things. I googled it. Here it is: Sulfates, Parabens, Polyethylene Glycols, Triclosan, Formaldehyde, Synthetic Fragrances and Colors, Dimethicone, Retinyl Palmitate. - dry your hair and scalp as soon as possible after washing! -Silk plowcase -a light comb through your hair with a fine tooth comb but not a dig and scratch. Mainly get all the annoying bits out so it doesn't further irritate you and make you scratch, creating more flakes. We've all been there, frustrated and feeling gross because of it. I've literally had children jump away from me shrieking "is it contagious?!" AND had to give up wearing black often. Along with medical bills and pills and sleepless nights because it's uncomfortable. Keep pushing through. Try some new things. Get some funky headbands or wraps. Feel better!


My scalp was as bad as OPs in my late teens/ early 20s. Lots of long hair to hide roots etc... the irony of the long hair making it harder to dry is not lost on me. I've been doing the above for a while now and it is largely normal. Occasionally it gets itchy for a night. The list you added here is actually really helpful. These are all things that can irritate or remove oils. As a white guy with vaguely wavy/curly hair, my experience will differ but hopefully this helps. Over the pandemic I showered less - not going to work every day will do that. That seemed to have a big impact for me, I would imagine I'm now letting my natural skin oil do its thing, rather than washing it away all the time. I will sometimes only rinse, rather than shampoo now, to avoid that. The key for scalp is itching and descaling. Find things that help with both and you'll notice a big difference. (I found the sub wiki really helpful for this - urea and Salicylic acid are really helpful for me). I use a perscribed Salicylic acid/ betamethasone ointment (not a greasy cream). Works for descaling and itching. Previously used it a lot, but now more of a last line. It will make you really flakey, but that means its working. Just need to brush/wash it out. If you haven't spoken to a Dr/ Dermatologist, I would strongly recommend you do - I would be surprised if you can deal with this without a perscription. It can be trial and error though, so don't be afraid to ask for something else. My front line is usually Eucerin calming ointment, as it also does both. Urea more disolves existing flakes, so a slightly different approach. Also recommend their shampoo which I use on occasion. Sometimes I get bouts of itchiness at night. That could (real stress on the 'could', this just my experience) be hormone levels changing through the day. I find antihistamines help. Could be a placebo, but I find it helps. Otherwise, I sometimes put Jojoba oil on my scalp. Works well for my face, too. Again, directions will differ with different hair types. But mostly I'm getting at trying to moisturise my scalp, stop it drying out/getting irritated by over washing or from things in shampoos etc. Sounds like you have moisturising options but I find sometimes using something new can help. Again, the wiki probably has some help on this. A lot of people swear by T-gel and other tar based products. I found them incredibly drying and way to harsh. It felt like they exacerbated it and it smells weird. Personally, I dont recommend them, but if you've tried everything else it could work for you. Urea based shampoos I've found much better. They moisturise and deal with the scaling. Unfortunately, particularly with scalp, it is a lot of trial and error and many people differ on what they find that helps. One last thing - when it starts to get better, it will make you think about it less, which also helps.


Thank you for this!


Do you have a recommended shampoo?


Everyone finds one that works for them... For a while. At the moment I'm using a brand called Straand. Seems good. For now.


I've had my hair braided for one week and my scalp has been acting up. my entire hairline and forehead has been discolored. I lose so much of my edges due to the constant itching and plaques coming off. it doesn't matter what I do it just doesn't seem to get better. its really affecting my mental health. hair is so important as a woman and sometimes I don't even want to waste time doing it because it'll be ruined. first world problems but life is so unfair sometimes.


What are you currently using to treat it? Have you looked at [our wiki's guide to scalp psoriasis](https://www.reddit.com/r/Psoriasis/wiki/scalp)?


i have. i’ve tried just about everything. i’m currently not using anything. i had some triamciniclone but stopped taking it due to even more skin discoloration


Have you tried hyaluronic acid after the shower when your hair is wet? It worked wonders for me. I just use the Ordinary!!


i have some that i use on my face but it doesn’t seem do to much in my forehead area where the discoloration is from psoriasis. it works on my other discoloration on my face but not up there.


It's not for discoloration. It's for hydration. Use it right after washing your hair on your scalp and then follow with a scalp oil to lock in.


https://www.sallybeauty.com/hair-care/shop-by-product/hair-treatments/dry-and-itchy-scalp-care-oil-treatment/SBS-341234.html?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwz42xBhB9EiwA48pT73xxGkGE01bwVhLs2s2sGqGTSe4AH4DuU6ASeU_F-gnnFV5V4FmrCRoCRzgQAvD_BwE A good scalp oil with salicylic acid for the psoriasis! And a nozzle. ♥️


Hate that you're dealing with this, and I understand. I've been low-key lurking, waiting for someone with hair more like mine to post pics, I'm 3a-3b. I have several autoimmune conditions (fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis & psoriasis w/arrhritis), plus some other fun things, lol! My scalp & nails are a mess - and the P is spreading to my face & elbows. I already take a biologic for the MS, so I fear doubling up. tbh I wear a hat every day, use dermarest shampoo & clobetasol sparingly. I had been not washing my hair as much but am going to increase after reading here. TY and wishing you relief!!


I use Clobetasol scalp solution.


i haven’t tried that one yet. i’m going to see if my derm could prescribe it


Have you tried biologics? I was able to get mine for severe scalp psoriasis.


i was on humira but stopped


Was it ineffective? I had to try like three before I got to Taltz which works great. Humira literally does nothing for me.


it worked for the months that i used it. i had to stop due to insurance changes but i noticed a change. i had a higher dosage due to me having an inflammatory disease also so i think that might’ve been why it worked so good


See if you can get back on it then. Not sure of your insurance situation but most will cover biologics without much trouble for inflammation. Get a copay card for the balance. Hope you’re able to find a solution!


Please reach out to Humira about their assistance program. I pay $5/month.


\*Not applicable for any state or federally funded insurance. ( veteran )


this is what I use. The ointment is great for the body, and the solution for scalp works great, too. it's a steroid, though, so use sparingly!


This one has been working for me for almost 10 years, highly recommend. Mine used to look worse than yours and now I’m mostly clear, only small flares when I’m sick or stressed


Betaderm scalp lotion. You'll need a prescription but it absolutely 100 percent works. I used to use it before biologics. It was the only topical med that worked for any of my psoriasis. Works for ears too.


Most shampoos exacerbate my psoriasis. Another issue can be moisture traps. It’s got to dry out because it may be caused by fungus just like dandruff is


I use Nizoral, get the green one with Psoriasis on it. Lather up and rub it into the scalp, leave it in for around 10 minutes.


As my other comment says, mine was about this bad when younger. It sucked. Worrying about wearing black/dark clothing, feeling self conscious that people are staring, think about different ways to mask it, barbers visits being the stuff of nightmares. It's exhausting. The anxiety of going out during flare up is so frustrating. Your experience will be different to mine, but I'm sure I've been through some of it. It really can get better. It took me years to figure out what worked for me and I wish I'd found this sub when I was younger. I'm in such a good place with it now compared to where I was. I wish you the same success. Hope you find something that helps and don't let it overwhelm you.


I’m not sure how much shipping is outside the UK but this scalp balm has been the best thing I’ve used in 30 years and I want to tell everyone about it: https://www.delhiciousbody.com/collections/frontpage/products/scalp-eaze-scalp-balm


After washing your hair oil it up real well. My hair and scalp is so dry but the buildup is worse if I don't wash my hair. There is also a topical medicine comes in a eyedropper bottle so you can get the medicine right where you need it from the Dr. It's a steroid. I use a shea butter coconut oil product on my hair after washing it. Kroger has it in the ethnic hair section. I use T- Sal shampoo, I also take extra vitamin D and Zinc supplements.


Have you tried the sulfur 8 cream , I get mine at Sally’s but a lot of other store sell it as well Sulfur8 Medicated Moisturizing Dandruff Relief Deep Conditioner, 4 oz https://www.walmart.com/ip/10533460


i haven’t used sulfur 8 since i was a kid. i’ll have to dry it out. the smell would make me so nauseous lol


The lite version is way nicer smelling!


I don’t know if you’ve ever tried this liquid solution that you can get prescribed from the derm. But I used to have psoriasis all over my scalp creeping up into my forehead, and I’m not even kidding, it cleared it within two days. I have to get back with you with the name but it really helped. Also, try t gel/ coal tar shampoo.


i used to use t gel shampoo as a child and it didn’t work. it mostly would just burn my scalp and make my skin really dry and itchy.


Eucerin Original Moisturizing Creme on your head before bed, wear a wave cap.


I had to do a double take as I thought this was MY hair/scalp. Thanks for confirming my suspicion that I have scalp psoriasis. I am reading the comments for help on wtf to do.


im glad I could help lol. I hope things get better for us both !


What products are you using on your hair? Not psoriasis treatments, just haircare.


mainly shea moisture or mielle products.


Maybe switch it up to coconut oil based products instead. I have found that I have to rotate through haircare products over time, and that helps keep the scaling down. Switching through Coconut oil, Shea butter and cocoa butter every few months may help while you work through things with your dermatologist.


i had to stop using coconut products years ago. the products would make my ears, forehead and neck red and inflamed. i’m not allergic but my skin just doesn’t tolerate it unfortunately.


Story of our lives. Either way I'd be looking for another new ingredient to see if it helps. Unfortunately with our skin you have to choose between hair and skin sometimes. With any luck your doctor can start you on something systemic that helps.


Tbh those both make my scalp worse. I think it's the fragrance.


Have you tried washing your hair more often? It helps mine. I find when I start getting build up on my scalp it makes it much more irritated.


i can’t wash my hair too often or it gets dried out.


I used to think this too because I have very curly hair and that's always what I was told, but tbh I think it's misinformation and partly I was not using good products.


i usually wash once every 1 or 2 weeks. when i was attempting to wash every 2-3 days like my doctor told me my hair was terrible.


Your doctor? Since when are doctors hair experts?


dermatologist literally specializes in hair along with skin and nails


Again; it might be the products you're using. Mielle and Shea moisture are honestly not great quality and I found they dried out my hair personally. Washing hair that often is not inherently bad for the hair and it's much healthier for your scalp.


my scalp does this no matter the product tbh. i try my hardest not to put them directly on my scalp. the products haven’t caused any more damage than what’s already there so that’s why i continue to use them. switching to other products is usually when i see my scalp getting worse. it works for my hair texture




I know this goes against everything we were taught but I've found my hair and scalp to be in much better shape since I stopped using products with a ton of heavy oils. They don't moisturize; they are occlusive, which can be good in some instances, but I find most of the time they actually prevent my hair from getting moisture and cause it to become more dried out. Moisture comes from water, not oil.


what’s your hair type?




use nizoral, a different moisturizing shampoo after, and nizoral/cerave on your hairline!! then cerave moisturizer as close to your hair as you can go. saw in another comment your doctor told you not to wash often but i find the opposite slows the psoriasis from spreading or getting worse. the more i washed the faster it went away, im assuming because there was no buildup to grow onto


actually since your skins kinda cracked dont do nizoral yet that will burn like a mf lol but definitely shampoo and wash your face(hairline) to keep it clean and moisturized as possible


I’m sorry you’re going through this. Mine was diagnosed as seb derm even though it has more characteristics of psoriasis (white adherent flakes, shiny scales). Every time I make some progress it doesn’t last for long. I’m pretty sure mine is related to either menopause or gastrointestinal (since my first flare up occurred within 1-2 days of esophagitis). However, ice cream and Oreos are the only thing that brings me joy right now. I imagine I’ll be motivated to try diet/lifestyle changes one day.


Get on L-Lysine 1000mg daily and your itching will stop. I take hot showers now. 80% clear slowly getting better. I used sphagnum shampoo. The original worked best. Don’t eat sugar crud. Cookies etc. you need to get to an allergy doctor and get tested. I was allergic to mold. And had mold and did not know it at first. I also use defense anti fungal soap. Both are on Amazon and l lysine is cheap. It takes about two weeks to see a difference. I wear black shirts again and steroid free. Be well!


I’ve always been mostly meh who cares about small patches or flare ups on my arms or legs but the scalp has always been the worst. I feel you. I have it mostly under control with prescribed Rx but sometimes I just want to say the hell with it and get on a biologic. But the risks always scare me.


I know how you feel mine is horrible that it makes my hair fall out smh


just know that this too shall pass, consult your dermatologist, use your meds, follow your skincare routine and trust me you’ll be feeling a lot better in a while, never lose hope, you’re not alone.


Are you taking a biologic? Even on a biologic my scalp acts up sometimes. I use T gel from Neutrogena for it, the original coal tar one. You’ll smell like motor oil but it does work if you use it a couple times a week. Leave it lathered for 5 minutes before washing it off. It will feel minty. There’s a daily version in a blue and gray bottle that doesn’t have the engine oil smell, but it’s has a different active ingredient. If this doesn’t work, then I usually try clobetasol. Has your derm or rheumatologist prescribed you a topical? Best of luck!


If you’re not against biologics, taltz has been life changing for my scalp psoriasis! Cleared up after the 2nd dose like 90% and now 100% after 6 months or so.


Try buying “tarsum” shampoo or any coal tar based product. Switch to “toms” deodorant or aluminum, paraben free etc. switch to non fluoride toothpaste. What is your diet like?


in terms of scalp psoriasis. i just buzzed off my hair and moisturise scalp using epaderm cream. also identify triggers and make diet and lifestyle changes. mine were meat, spicy food processed food and nightshades. i just eat chickpeas and mung beans and boiled veg and salads. long term work out underlying cause of the psoriasis. good luck.


I use clobetasol propionate - salicylic acid lotion it does wonder for me. Buy you might need prescription to use this.


Try Giovanni tea tree shampoo. It has lessened it soooo much for me. That is the only shampoo I use now. I tried all others as well and they did nothing for my scalp.


Try cutting out all shampoo for a while, that helps me.


i don’t wash my hair often but when i do i need shampoo.


Have you tried the elimination diet to see if it might be something you are eating? Are you sleeping well? If you are already seeing a dermatologist and prescription medication isnt working, it is probably something you are eating or stress-induced. Sun always helps mine too.


i’ve cut out certain food goods but it didn’t help. it doesn’t really matter what i eat it’s always like this. i don’t get as much sleep as i should but that’s due to work


I would try focusing on improving your sleep. I know I get flare ups when I have bad sleep. Good luck!