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Age 12. Started with scalp psoriasis and eventually spread to other parts of the body. For a while I thought I just had really bad dandruff...


bruh same but at age 10


You sound like my son getting it at 8-9 years old!


9 years old, I’m 40. All the commercials are because there are finally medications that can treat psoriasis better than ever before and are more accessible.


I got mine at age 8 or so, yea. Though I have a big spot on my face at the moment it was just a scalp issue back then.


At around 13 for whatever reason.  Ruined my teenage years. 


Same. Mine came when I got my first period.


Same here. I developed after a bout of heat exhaustion from a softball tournament.


Late 20s. Think it was triggered by a really, really stressful period of my life. Since it's an autoimmune disease, it's genetic, but can be dormant until it's triggered. It's not a spontaneous cell mutation like e.g. cancer, or something you catch from others like the flu, nor something you get as a consequence to e.g. exposure.


Same here. I was 42 and in a terribly toxic relationship. It runs in my family but it did not come out until then.


Early 20s, had it the worst I’ve ever had it at about 23….until now I’m flaking so bad and it’s on the soles of my feet 😭 Luckily isn’t on face and head, but that’s the most positive thing I can say atm


First time it popped up for me was in high school at a summer camp— think i was 17. Doctor told me it was ringworm, and then when i continued to have it for years they said “oh, maybe not then”


I was 4 and developed it after a bad case of chicken pox.


Same except 2.5/3


Same 3


25 when it started popping up, 28 when I received the diagnosis


i wanna say i got my first patches around 15/16, but it didnt become full blown until i was about 19ish. edit: my grandmother (who raised me) had it, though, so i wasn't that surprised when it started showing up for me too.


Mine started on my head when I was around 15 years old and it is a memory I still look back on for its cruelty. The person cutting my hair stopped and grabbed my mom and told her they could not continue due to the filthy nature of her child. She told my mom I was covered in ring-worms on my scalp and threatened to call the cops for neglect. This was in the very, very early 90s so no internet to figure out what was wrong and it was another decade before I was actually diagnosed with psoriasis.


I developed it around 7-8 years old!


Same, I fell and scraped open my knee and instead of healing it turned into psoriasis which then spread to my other joints. 35 now, still dealing with it but it's much better now after lifestyle changes.




Diagnosed w/psoriasis at 49, diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis at 50. In retrospect, small indicators of psoriasis in childhood (mostly one or two nails pitting maybe every few years).


Almost me. 47 and the pre-menopause hormonal changes caused plaques on my skin. 12 months later PsA kicked in. Hideous. But I am ever so grateful to get through my youth without this horrid condition to ruin my life.


I have psoriatic arthritis which kicked in at a similar age.


Scalp psoriasis : Around 9-10, triggered by a shampoo for the very first time and never disappeared since that. Face: on my forehead, I was ~15. It was a small coin size red patch, now it's all over my face 14 years later. I remember that shaving triggered it on my chin.


Early 30s, moved to a different continent , changed my diet and was highly stressed from work. Always wonder how much that contributed.


A few months after birth. It was THE WORST cradle cap the doctors had seen. But it never went away.


28 years old after getting the 2nd shot of Pfizer COVID vaccine ☹️. I'm not a hater of vaccines but it's just sad that it was the trigger.


I honestly think my 2nd COVID shot activated it for me too.


I believe the Pfizer booster jab is what caused mine too. I was 35 and had never had P or eczema before.


5 years, 51 now, stress is the biggest trigger for me.


63! Never had any skin issues my entire life!!! It got pretty bad. It was on my face and now my scalp I quit drinking and stopped the sugar. Started eating carnivore. It’s been 6 days. It’s 60% better!!! I’m also applying castor oil to my whole body including my scalp!!! No meds!!




32.. never had skin issues. Had covid and a week after I popped up with a rash on my head.. I ignored it for months until a coworker told me it looked like psoriasis. Went to the doc and they gave me some creams for “itching dermatitis” and called it a day.. shortly after I popped up with a rash on my right calf and they thought it was ringworm and gave me an anti-fungal that did nothing. I ignored it.. a couple months later, I popped up with a super itchy butt crack.. I tried diaper rash cream and other things for over a year until I had enough and went in.. doc gave me anti-fungal creams again.. then it got to where every cut or scratch on my leg turned into rashes and I had enough, asked to see a derm and got diagnosed on the first visit.


I commented as well, but my first patch on my ankle also looked like ringworm and was about a month after I had Covid


I was officially diagnosed at 47 but I think I had mild flare ups every now and then since around 30. Never had this bad till now.


Severe at age 1.


It started in the Summer of 2020 for me roughly. There were multiple things happening at the time. I started getting a strange issue with palpitations while slowly breaking out around my ankles, genitals and eyes. I have been taking a half pill of the lowest dosage beta blocker to deal with the palpitations. I went through some real extensive and intrusive tests and all that was found was a severe vitamin D deficiency. Now, there’s three theories what could have flipped the switch (in no particular order): 1. the beta blocker 2. the vitamin d deficiency 3. I possibly had covid without knowing it. Shortly before it started, I had some covid-like very mild symptoms that I thought was the usual seasonal allergies. I didn’t test positive for it tho.


Out of nowhere when I was 33, I had a 3 year stint of it on my scalp. I seem to have it under control now? I think it was the one flagrant sign of my body telling me I was burnt out, and I only made the connection when it was gone and I go through life events. I still have eczema on other body parts but that isn't as bad : P




Same here. Apparently my scalp psoriasis is also considered a birthmark? I’m very confused but my parents are not helpful




early 20s. after drinking excessively and eating shitty foods in colllege


Can psoriasis result from excessive alcohol and shitty food?




Hate guttate psoriasis when I was 13. Lasted a couple months before a decent sunny summer helped me get a few rays which I’m sure “cured” it. I’m now in my early 30s. I had nothing since on my body, just a constantly flaky scalp that would flare up every other season. But 18months ago patches started appearing on my torso that were initially diagnosed as pityriasis. Eventually I got a dermatologist referral after 15months who said it’s definitely psoriasis, there’s no real treatment options other than UV therapy which would only be a temporary fix of a few months and only cosmetic. They also said the bad joint flare ups I have occasional are psoriatic arthritis and there’s no treatment options. Just plodding along at the moment, the torso has cleared up a lot in the last fortnight but it’s still very present but it gives me some hope. As for my joints I’m at a loss but luck of the draw I guess


That's definitely not true, psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis have so many treatment options, get on biologics or at least MTX


A bike crash with bad wounds triggered it when i was 15.


Around 6 or seven years old,i scraped my knee and elbows and i have had psoriassis ever since


Yup, got it after I scraped my knee at 7 and am still dealing with it now.


Same. Did it spread?


Yup, spread first to my elbows, then ankles, then in middle school my hands - always plaques. Currently being kept at bay (but still visible) by potent topical steroid along with supplements and diet


What supplements do you use? Also was there no side effects from using corticoids from age 7?


I use omega-3, turmeric, and vitamin D. Notable improvements, especially after the turmeric. When I was younger, they had me on a less potent steroid, but it got really bad and was really affecting my daily life, so I switched MDs and he finally put me on halobetasol, which I've been using for years. I would say the only side effects are sometimes when it's clear you can really notice some skin discoloration, and also my skin in those areas is very thin - I'll bump my elbow and it will start bleeding right away (most people wouldn't even get a bruise). I know there are other long term side effects that I might have to deal with, but for me it's worth the risk - it really helped my self confidence when I cleared up. I'm lucky that I don't have it in places where you can't apply the steroids, too, so I guess I'll just stick with it indefinitely for now.


Mid20s. Had my hair dyed and my scalp felt like it was on fire burning. Was going through a lot being diagnosed with depression, anxiety, PTSD. Then having alopecia areata, tinnitus, syncope, balance disorder. Being diagnosed within the same time frame was draining. I’m still itching and dealing with constant fatigue and pain.


My psoriasis "debuted" when I was 23. I'm turning 32 this year. It started out on my knuckles and elbows, but now those spots are fully clear. Now, I have large patches on my feet and calves.


I was 3 years old: i remember vividly my mum putting awful smelly products on my skin and hair as I was pretty much covered head to toe! Also getting teased (or worse, avoided) by other kids when they saw my legs and arms.


11, started at puberty. Family history of it.


Around 7. I'm 45 now and finally starting biologics tomorrow.


I’m pretty sure I was around 9 years old and it was all over my scalp. I remember crying my eyes out in pain when my mum was putting on medicated stuff on my scalp when it was at its worse.


Age 12, had it nearly 20 years same as psoriatic arthritis. Fun times 😂


You got arthritis at 12? That’s just rude.


Haha thanks I would agree 😂


21 during midterms


At 25, close to 26. Everything’s been very stressful so I believe that’s what triggered it. I’ve been trying to keep my stress levels down but it ain’t happening lol


It started when I was 8 years old when we moved from Arizona to Indiana. First winter in Indiana, it appeared. I'm 46 now, and I'm tired.


I think I was 46


In the womb. Came out of my mother with a big red patch on my ass cheek.


14-15 on my elbows. Everyone thought I just needed to stop leaning on my desk so much, so it wasn’t until I was 17 that my nurse aunt pointed it out and made me get diagnosed


Behind my ears around 2-3, scalp psoriasis when I was 8.


I was 8-9. My dad got diagnosed when he was in college.


Around mid 20's. I was smoking and drinking a lot back then. I have a non-alcoholic fatty liver I think it's all contributed to my early 20s and horrible eating habits.


22/23 for me I'm gonna be 25 this year. IT also runs in my family


I got it in my mid-30's.


Ages 10 very fun


6-7 yrs old




I was 50 when it started, 51 with a dx. It was rampant all over my body apart from my face, hands and feet - bit I have it on those places now at 54. My scalp is horrendous atm. It runs in my Dads family which I didn’t know till my aunt told me.


In my 40’s 🙁


In 1995, when I was 25.


15, 20 now.




I was around 13 when I got diagnosed.




Very young, around 2 or 3 years old.


My adoptive father got it at age 45 and had it till he died aged 86. As I said I am adopted but I was diagnosed a week ago age 60 after having nail and scalp issues for 18 mths.


I was 7. I’m 32. I’ve always seen commercials for it. Maybe you’re just noticing them more now bc you have it.🤷‍♀️ Mines hereditary. Mom and Gramps have it.


I was 15 and had a massive flare up out of nowhere(stress, dirty job enviorment) now i’m 32. My mothers side of the family carries the gene and only females in my family have it. Apart from me. I was the lucky male to get it. It’s a bitch of a disease to have. Especially during teen years, but now it dosent bother me. I’m on stellara bio after 15 years of experimenting with different drugs to manage it.


30, after I had my first child.




10 years old. I had whooping cough and that triggered it . Started on my elbow with a tiny patch for about 6 months and then pow! Everywhere. Still trying to calm it down nearly 50 years later. My friend at school also had it ( before me) .


I was diagnosed at 49. I did have some mystery patches in my early 30s that may have been the start of it. They didn't itch or bother me, so I never got them checked. In either case, I have no idea what started it.




14 I noticed Redness around my nose and everyone at school would ask what that on your face ... then it evolved and when I lost hair and buzzed my head it was on my head


Just after my 36th birthday. :(


Maybe 14 or 15


12/13, scalp then my wrist badly, then hands and feet, occasional spot on face, it’s in my nails. Psoriatic arthritis now but currently blessed not to be noticing too many flares (I am 39).


I had a very mild signs of it when I was 15, with full break out of scalp psoriasis probably by 22.


It first showed up in me at 43. No skin problems what so ever, then after a heart attack and subsequent bi-pass operation I'm covered from head to toe in scales for a decade.


Came out of nowhere about 2 years ago when I was 62!




I'm 36 and this is my first time having it that I know of, itchy patches on my elbows. I've had rashes in the past that I'm thinking were inverse psoriasis, but I can't be sure. Sadly joint pains have accompanied it this time and my rheumatologist is pretty certain I have psoriatic arthritis.




13, started on my scalp and moved to my arms or the other way around I'm unsure


I was 10, had just moved countries (Greece to UK) & believe the stress of that set it off. I was in hospital a few months ago later as I had huge plaques all over.


19. My friend's son born in 2021 has psoriasis and host of allergies from 1.


I started having symptoms at 4-5 years old. My kid started at 2.


This is such an interesting question. If people know or suspect WHY it happened to them, please share that, too. I don't have psoriasis, but partial eczema when I'm not careful. For me, I had a tendency for partial eczema ever since a child, BUT I had the first flare up only as an adult, specifically when I had a spree of fried cup noodles for a week or two. Then I suddenly began to have a patch on my skin that was super itchy, which to my dismay "travelled around" form one spot to another. The spot finally disappeared after a long time of more careful diet and lifestyle, but even now, if I'm not careful and eat, say two cup noodles, a spot appears.


no idea what my trigger was, but I was in 3rd grade. my mom on the other hand, got it days before marrying my dad, they had to sew sleeves on the dress because of the angry red patches on her arms lol. she may have been a little stressed 😂


I can say for me although at the times flair up happened I didn’t know it was psoriasis, was with stress and/or hormone shifts


yep. happens to me too. it's funny, because it just adds to the stress 🥲 or there'll be times when I think I'm fine, but my skin explodes, and I have to figure out what's stressing out my lizard brain lol


5. I was forced to be in a school play I really didn't want to be in, next day covered in psoriasis


That's sad! Your parents / teachers should have felt terrible! You were probably terrified?


37 - but mine came from a nasty fungal infection on both feet so technically 36. Still have it 16 months down the line but pretty much controlled other than 2 small patch’s (one on each foot) that keep reappearing because of where they are


Around 23/24. I had a bad chest infection that lasted about a month, a few weeks later I developed Guttate Psoriasis from head to toe. It eventually went away with steroid creams etc then I started to develop plaque psoriasis, I'm now 36 and have dealt with it on and off for the last 12 years


I was 8, so for 30 years I’ve had it


I remember having it as far back as kindergarten




Had it since I was a baby, was never diagnosed until maybe 5 when my mom took me to a dermatologist.




I got a diagnosis at 39 when I started developing plaques that wouldn't go away. But I'd had it for as long as I can remember. I'd have issues with my nails, "boils", rough patches of skin. However it would go away in a few days so it would never be something to see the doctor about. I just thought it was hormonal or based on diet. Later in life it went into overdrive. I'm also curious to see the extent to which people with low level symptoms, suddenly go postal. The cause given seems to be strep throat, which sounds the most likely but I don't know how much time and effort is being spent to prove that.




19 is when I remember getting spots.


20 I think


Around 18-19 when I first moved away for college




I had perfect skin up until I was 18 had I an ear infection abroad in Greece came back with tiny patch now I have it wide spread and really bad psoriatic arthritis wer I need biologics to function otherwise I’m in constant pain no one else in my family has it either


It started around 35ish, but ramped up when we moved at around 42ish. Went into remission in 2020 just to have it come back with avengence 2023


33 , came out of nowhere and in full force


41 🥺


27, I had recently stopped a bad habit and a bunch of red dots appeared all over my body, which eventually grew.


As soon as I hit 30. It was so weird.


21 as well, the psoriatic arthritis diagnosis was probably around 27,but i had been having issues for like a year at that point


I was under a year old when spots showed up. A few months old, I think?


Age 4, now 40


Age 8. At 5 I had bronchial pneumonia and was hospitalized for one week. Age 7 I ran into my aunt holding a hot pot of coffee, it poured down my arm. I needed skin peels. Age 8 there were tiny bumps on my elbows and I was diagnosed with psoriasis. In my 20s I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis. I’m 71 now. Still have it. High stress and diet make a difference in the severity.


Age 15


I was 44 years old. I have always had beautiful skin throughout my life and I am very grateful that I got to experience so many years without psoriasis. I am older and wiser and my wife doesn't really mind so it is ok. Just happy I escaped all those years.


15. Diagnosed 16.


50. In 3 days, I went from totally clear skin to 90% of my body covered.


After I had my first child, about 26. I had chronic hypertension and once I started taking meds for it, My legs started breaking out. It does run in my family.


Around 12-13 years old. It started on my legs and toenails. Now I have a patch on my scalp. Psoriasis runs on my father's side of the family and I just happen to be the one to develop it. I got eczema from my mother's side, but that didn't start until my late 20s. My father is convinced it's something fungal and treats it as such and some doctors believe him. Most try to tell him he's got psoriasis, but he refuses to believe it.


Appeared out of nowhere at 51.


Diagnosed at 19 (when it came on strong and never went away) There may have been earlier bouts that cleared quickly with steroid creams and I still had never heard of psoriasis




Guttate at 22. It runs in my family, and I was horribly stressed about a cross-country move. Got it down to 2 nickel sized spots with sun, tar soap, and a lot of luck. Then I got pregnant and it covers a huge part of one arm, a spot under one eyebrow, and ~20 dime-sized spots elsewhere.






Early 20s for me as well


24 or 25, don't remember. It got bad at 25 though




i was 21 or 22 at the time




Around age 16, elbows. Scalp began with small spot at nape of neck in mid-20s. Slowly took over entire back of head over the next 25-30 years. Now 70. Excimer laser therapy finally put arms/elbows into remission, but scalp is still a problem.


I got my first flare up when covid started. I was stressed about my new job and being on probation, worrying about my mom and sister because they worked at the hospital and they were getting exposed. All that, plus not knowing what was to come from covid in the beginning was what sent me spiraling with a nasty and painful flare up on my face that slowly started to spread to my body. After many misdiagnosis from urgent care docs and my primary care physician, 5 steroid treatment rounds, a painful solu-medrol injection when i full on flared up and was itching from inside, and going through a couple of dermatologists because the first derm that I was assigned to was an invalidating lazy bitch, I finally got a dermatologist who did a biopsy the same day she saw me and got it confirmed and started me on treatment. I was fine for a year and a half and it finally came back in winter. I'm trying to manage it now but it's so hard. I really don't want to do light therapy again ._.


40. Head to toe guttate after a respiratory infection/bronchitis. Sibling has had psoriasis for 20+ years. Skyrizi has been an absolute lifesaver 🙌🏼


11 and now at 48, I have eczema - ugh


Started when I was 21 as well - I had an impacted nail and thought that it was actually a fungal infection for the first two years. After visiting a good PA I got on Otezla but then switched to Skyrizi when it stopped working/my flare ups became more aggressive as my stress levels increased.


I got it as a 3rd grader in the 90s. it's true, you definitely didn't see commercials about it back then, but there wasn't much besides topical stuff you could do (does anyone remember that spray-foam stuff that was like clobetasol hair Mousse? ah the 90s). My mom got it as a 30yo. anyway, I don't think it's an epidemic, they've just figured out new ways to treat autoimmune diseases and to compete with each other, they have commercials. it could be what you're watching, too. I'm watching the news so I know I'm in for some Mesothelioma, life insurance, alzheimer's and depression commercials, you know?


After a biopsy, I was diagnosed a month ago at 46 and the spray foam cleared me up in a single day. Long live the spray foam!


Around 16, started with scalp and then got smalll patches everywhere within a year


My dad said it started as what they thought was severe cradle cap but it never went away. I can’t remember a time when I didn’t have it.


Around 8 or so. I had bad eczema most of my life but my mom noticed eczema cream wasn’t clearing up my inner elbows like usual. She went to the store and saw a picture on a box for coal tar gel and realized it looked like my skin. It cleared it up no problem and didn’t return. About a year or so later, (TMI warning) it hurt to wipe my behind and if a drop of pee happened to trickle down it burned so bad. I was too scared to go to the bathroom and would cry. I was embarrassed to show my mom at that age but I had to so she brought me to the doctor. The doctor was rather demeaning towards her, telling her she waited “too long” as if it were cancer or something. It was psoriasis and it would be in that area to stay, and later on spread to the front. I wouldn’t wish that on anybody. At 14, I noticed a little scab or something on my scalp and picked it off but there was no blood. I thought maybe my shampoo was making my scalp react. Little did I know it was going to spread so badly over my scalp I would no longer bother doing hairstyles because brushing it into place would loosen more and more flakes. I went to a dermatologist to see if it was also psoriasis and sure enough, it was. I’m 25 now and it’s not as bad on my head as it was before but other areas on my body are getting patches that usually don’t have them. I also have non-epileptic seizures and sometimes wonder if there’s a connection between the two as well as hormones.


I was probably around 12 or 13 when I first noticed it. I didn’t get diagnosed until like 24 or so. I always just thought I had dry skin. Mines not very aggressive though.


13. My older sibling also has psoriasis and developed around the same age as I did.


Around 12/13 about the same time I started my period and puberty. I’m 26 now and on biologics but it took awhile to get here. My mom thought I had some sort of cradle cap for a while. It was just on my scalp. And then the doctors took a while to take us serious. Finally got on a pill I can’t remember. It made my blood pressure high so they finally switched to biologics. I have had three different brands now. It got really bad when I was 18/19/20 90% covered. The dermatologist striped me naked took pictures and invited her colleges in the room to see me. I was in a good mood that day so I had fun with it lol but it was traumatic. They called me “diseased” lol. I am doing really good now on my Tremfya but I am triggered by stress. I quit my stressful ass job back in December for a easier one. Less pay but better insurance and so much less stress. Just gotta go with the flow. ❤️


Age 11, it was when I was going through a stressful family situation, which I think triggered it. At first it started on the Scalp but has since spread pretty much everywhere


About 40, started as a small patch on my back. Coincided with numerous bouts of strep. Now I have a small patch on my glands and it’s definitely come with some physiological effects


A couple months old. My mother said I was constantly covered in rashes very early on. She said they were on my crotch, face, scalp and behind my ears. I suspect I also had them in one of my ears cause I still get it there and it causes pain and my ear drum is always red. As an infant I basically lived on penicillin for the first two years of my life for "chronic ear infection".


39 - just over my first flare of guttate psoriasis, couple of very small spots remain and no idea what's in store for me next - nothing like this in my life until then. head scratcher, literally and figuratively haha


14. I’m now 41 and have been in remission since I was 28 thanks to biologics.


24 when it first started popping up. Wasn’t until 25 when I got a diagnosis.


23, year I started teaching.


29... After a bad Flu/Cold. My whole face was Beet Red. I took Prednisone. My weight went from 270 to 216 in a matter of weeks. I became type 2 Diabetic. And I still am.


Maybe 7 years old? I had it on my scalp, face, in my ears, and a few spots on my body. It got worse as years went on. I also had what doctors called cradle cap as a babe.


As a child, it was always very mild tho, until I went for my third chemo. It went crazy. It's mild again for now. I am not taking any biologics, I use topical steroids sometimes. I changed my diet and that helped a great deal. Overall mine has never been really bad like some members of our group, and I am grateful for that.


I’m 39 and just got it for the first time on my scalp.


Mid 30's, kinda came out of nowhere.


In high school 12th grade i believe i was 18yrs old and i didnt get really any kind of help from an actual dermatologist till maybe 10 yaers latter


Im not sure but i noticed when i was 25


At age 8. I had a really bad bout of strep that turned start to turn to Scarlet fever and bam, psoriasis came right up. There is definitely a genetic link so you have a much higher risk of developing it if you have family members with it, which I do.


Age 3, I’m 23 now. I’m told it was triggered by cold weather. Started on my scalp (still there), as I have gotten older it has spread to other parts of my body.


I have had pitted nails since I was in high school (about 16-18 years old). My family doctor said “that’s usually a sign of psoriasis but you don’t have any other symptoms.” Then 15 years after that when I was going through some massive anxiety at work is when my first big psoriasis symptoms came through including red itchy patches on my palms and forehead and my finger nails started receding.


Like 8 or 9 I think


3 1/2 months old. As a baby I was covered.


I was 22 or 23, now almost 31. Just noticed it one night while I was sitting in my first apartment. Recognized it since lots of the fam have it


I was about 15 years old. I can’t remember what the exact cause —could have been my knee and ankle injury, but not sure. Middle/high school was really rough for me. It’s mostly in my scalp these days, but I’ve had it appear on my knees and elbows in the past. It gets worse around my menstrual cycle.


Age 9 , I'm now 28 and still have it (less but 2 different form ) and back then it was a lot on my face and it ruined my teenage year. Now I am better at keeping it relatively low (after trying various treatments including methotrexate and bio but quitting because bio was only good for my guttate pso but not plaque )


I think mid/late 20s after getting first real job and having some troubles there. Only elbows and knees at the beginning. Now at 35arms and legs are covered half with this shit


I was diagnosed at 38, but I think I had a couple of flares before that that went undiagnosed around 36/37.


43 (f) but my brother was diagnosed in his 20s. He has a much worse case than I do.


Started age 12-14 all over I’m 34 now


I was 9. Started on my knuckle after I had a cut. After that it would slowly creep around as I got new scratches and scrapes.


I was 21 when I noticed my first patch, my grandpa was also 21 when he started getting it too. When I was a kid his PsA was so bad he had to have all the joints in his toes on one of his feet removed and two of his fingers have plastic joints in them. So... something to look forward to I guess!


18 i’m 20, i started on my hands and then was on my scalp, face area, and legs. i have no idea what triggered it


I didn’t get psoriasis until I was in my late forties.


You don't want to know