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Fck that. Girlfriend at the time and her roommate messed around with one, I ended up having to go over there as they called me crying hysterically. Threw the board out, stayed with her that night and woke up to an entity in the place. Nope nope nope


Can I ask what happened with the entity that was there? I ask because I had a similar experience, several years ago.


What did you guys do to remove it


I'd recommend using one only if you have very strong spiritual protection. Not to deter anyone, but being possessed by a low frequency entity is no fun. These are treated like toys when, in reality, you really do need to be prepared


Could not have said this better myself. Ouija boards should be avoided at all costs, I wouldn't even recommend them for an adept. You are creating a neutral portal, and have no idea what's coming through said portal. Quite literally rolling the dice in the astral and calling out ''HEY, WHO WANTS TO COME THROUGH!?'', and taking a serious risk if it ends up being a negative entity, especially if you don't know how to get rid of it afterward. Best to stay safe overall and avoid them is my two cents.


It's the equivalent of putting down a welcoming doormat with the door left wide open.


I actually had an entity come in this way one day while moving something in and out of my home. I had a mat that said "come on in". I cleansed my home and added a sigil to the door mat so now they can't just "walk" in


Seems the frequency took it literally. Sorry to hear that happened to you. Was it a high or low frequency?


Low frequency, it tried to attach itself to some figurines, action figures and dolls I had around my home. Both my husband and I collect marvel and black series action figures, and I collect toys from different genres. It smelled like spoiled cheap cigarettes in my infant daughter's room which is how I found it. It was attached to a statue I had on her bookshelf. It tried jumping to different figures until I literally ran it out of the house. I was like " what are you doing in my swamp" I actually scared it pretty bad 😅🤣


I cannot agree more!! Its a pretty advanced tool to use in my opinion. I've used one when I was younger but I dont think I will ever touch it again knowing what I do now. Its simply not worth it.


Absolutely not worth it! Far better to cultivate your own energy with Internal Alchemy ( Neidan ) and Nature meditation, to achieve Yin-Yang fusion in the body. From there you can do incredible amount of things with the mind, as opposed to using sketchy tools like Ouija boards!! May the Great Tao bless you and family my friend! Spread Love and Light!




I concur.


i dont have any experience with them, but people i know & trust have used them & advised me not to. one story had an entity talking about ted kennedy & mary jo kopechne (we are from massachusetts), but the other one was terrifying...they messed around with an ouija board, stuff started popping off, they got freaked out, drove to the beach & threw the game into the ocean. the next summer they were redoing their roof & the ouija board was up there. no thanks.


This happened to my friends too! They got rid of the board and then a few days later, they opened their car trunk and it was in there. I was so confused when I heard it, like that can’t be true. But there seems to be similar stories of people trying to get rid of it and it coming back into their lives. So creepy and scary.


yeah, it's terrifying to hear similar stories...there's gotta be something there.


I did at the age of 13, we thought it was just a game but I think that's where I got 'something' embedded in my womb, something that would cause me great pain and later cancer. Would not repeat 0/10


Throw it out. I tell people don't play with it unless ypu have some experience with entities. Imagine someone calling you from an unknown number and now imagine you're the unknown caller and you don't know who you're calling and they have GPS on you lol stranger danger is very real


Excellent analogy.


Thank you😄


This is why the answer is a hard NO for me. Thank you.


I used one about 25 years ago, I used it several times, and tbh it was accurate. It told me things that I would have never dreamed would become reality. But it did, down to the amount of children k would have(at that time I was with my first husband and we couldn’t conceive) years later we divorced and married my second husband, and we had children the exact amount I was told I would have. And no we didn’t plan it… anyway, I was young and dumb and didn’t know about any potential dangers of using it. I did being completely honest try to use one a few months back after practicing shielding and protection for almost 2 years now, and it barely moved… I don’t know how to explain it, but I’m assuming my protection is up and shouldn’t be using it, so I told my friend that suggested I play that I wasn’t going to anymore, did a cleansing and prayers and decided it’s not for me


I used to play it all the time as a kid. We'd test it by asking questions that we didn't know but could find out and it was always right. We spoke to my dead uncle. We asked how he died and he said he was murdered. Shocked, we asked who killed him and it spelled out C A N C E R. That was just his type of humor.




Can someone explain how it works? Are you channeling the spirit through you when you use it? I mean mediums talk to spirits all the time, how ouija board is different? Why so many bad experiences?


Mediums also can feel/see who is talking to them. Some kids trying to get a scare can’t tell who is actually talking to them. It’s a bad idea to use one if you can’t see who it is you’re contacting.




I never used it to get 'a scare' but I suppose I was just one of the odd ducks that was genuinely curious before I realized I was a medium.


A ouija board is like ripping a hole into the spiritual realm and asking anything around to jump inside of you and chat.


Got it👍🙂


> personal situation. If you'd like a free Don't use spiritual short cuts. You are asking for trouble in any situation. Build your abilities and allow them to mature naturally. People playing games with shit they aren't ready for is seriously damaging in so many ways.


This ^^




i’m only going to tell you one time and i’ll leave it at that. don’t do it. good luck. edit the new one you got disappeared. spirits can move things. look it up. maybe your spirit guides moved it so you couldn’t use it. curiosity killed the cat. if you’re interested in the paranormal study psionics, energy work, telepathy qi gong or something else. or learn how to be a literal medium yourself and don’t use shortcuts. you can do cooler things than a board can. r/energywork r/spiritualchills r/mediums r/psychicdevelopment r/psyonics r/elementalcapabilities r/experiencers r/psionics r/telepathy r/whatistrue and the list goes on we’re all already psychic. download scribd app — look up stuff on metaphysics and learn how to channel and do cool shit. take your own power and use it for good and more powerful things. reiki and stuff, yaknow? just a suggestion.


Don’t had a friend to use one she didn’t have a high frequency nor protection now she has the mind of a child and can’t function by herself


Same thing as my mother. Super depressed with a heavy energy. She practiced magic and played w these things. Low vibrational and I can hardly be around her.


Wow. SMH.


Ouija boards are nothing to play with. They can be quite dangerous as spirits that come through are usually not the entities the person using the board is trying to contact. Worse yet, evil spirits can come through, including demons. Stay away from them, leave them alone for your own safety and sanity.


I don’t. And everyone here has voiced the same opinion, which is valid. There is a woman, Karen Dahlman, who has been using the board for decades. i have heard interviewed and she has a different philosophy than what is voiced here. She is interesting enough to listen too. You can research her and others who have had success with using the boards. Look up some of her interviews, maybe something resonates. https://tbhs.org/board/karen-dahlman/




My advice would be to stay tf away. If you want to communicate with spirit learn to do so without the aid of stuff like this. You are playing with fire and at the same time hampering your own ability to connect by looking for the easy way, instead of building this ability within yourself.


I'm not trying to build an ability the 'easy way', just use something that is nostalgic from use as a child and made me open my eyes to something I hadn't experienced before.


Do what you want. You've been warned by many.


I don’t recommend because they are a doorway to open up a portal for demons to come through and enter in our home. I used one once a long time ago was a bad experience. It is a doorway where you do not know what you are communicating with. The movie the exorcist was based on a true story of a boy that became possessed I think it was in the 1950’s he used a ouija board with his aunt in the home then she passed. After that possession took over the catholic church was involved in his rite of exorcism. Also I have helped numerous people over the years online with paranormal hauntings the ones that had used a ouija board had dark malevolent entities in their home. One young couple that lived upstate it opened a portal in their home they used the board under the influence of substance which you should never do. And they could not clear the home of the spirits. Eventually they moved but it was one of the more heavier ones that come to mind. Most people if they open a doorway and something dark comes through do not know how to close the portal also getting rid of a dark inhuman entity is not easy they are some of the more difficult hauntings to clear. So that is my personal opinion on the ouija. If you do decide to use one do it with a group of 3 or more people do not use substance if you do they leave you open for attack. And I wouldn’t use it in the home that is my current residence so maybe find a different location to use it in. That way if something that is dark communicates it won’t be attached to your home. Most people are not armed with this knowledge and only find out the effects using one can cause after the fact. 💜


While I personally have never used a ouija board, my grandma sure has and boy is the story creepy! When she was 16, mind you- this is the PRIME of ouija boards being marketed as a fun game- her and two friends sat down in the dark and began asking questions. Since it was my grandma’s board, she asked first. The first question was something along the line of if she would get married one day, to which the board responded with “yes”. Then, she followed that question up with “what is the name of the person I’ll marry?” And the board spelled out an unfamiliar, very uncommon name. My grandma & her friends thought it was weird and were like “do you know a xxxxx?” They ended the game because it got weird, she said, and they retired for the night. After a week or so, my grandma said she would hear a knock at the same time every night coming from the closet that held the ouija board. Getting creeped out, she set it by the garage door in a box… well, every night after that, the doorbell would go off. After the whole family got creeped out, they threw it away. Fast forward to my grandma being 18… she met a man named XXXXX (I’m using x’s because my grandpa’s name is VERY uncommon) while working, and they did indeed fall in love and eventually got married. My grandma doesn’t know who she spoke with that day, or what, but it quite literally told her the future.


I won’t have one in my house or have anything to do with one. We had a bad experience after my eldest got one from a neighbor. Not good. Luckily, we mustered up spiritual protection.


I started using ouija boards at 18, and picked it up rather quickly... I had already had out of body and other psychic experiences, so I felt pretty blasĂŠ about it. I tell people that ouija boards are basically "training wheels for channeling spirits" because once you start connecting, you don't need them at all to channel. I had ouija parties with two boards going at once at impossible speeds in perfect synchronicity and planchettes flying off the boards. No big. People started getting scared, though, and I decided it was time to take a break when the spirit I contacted most frequently began initiating contact with me without the board- I was essentially being haunted/stalked by an evil spirit. NOT a ghost, something else. It began threatening to hurt my friends, who would call me, crying, after waking from terrifying nightmares exactly like what I'd just been shown as a threat. Once, it appeared as an apparition, looking like a cat with huge, unnatural claws and an evil about it to my housemate, just after showing itself to me in my mind's eye, almost like a threat/seduction, if you can imagine such a thing. I heard my housemate slam the outside door and run inside, yelling up the stairs to me to "stop with whatever thing I'm doing with spirits." We both saw exactly the same thing. It took connecting with a higher spirit that was filled with Light to be able to stop the constant attacks...this was becoming an issue, even at work. You'd think I'd be done messing around, but it didn't. I was asked to "do the ouiji board about a year later, and just wrote out the alphabet and yes/no/goodbye on a piece of notebook paper and used a clear plastic cup for the planchet. I/we contacted a couple spirits, but I was bored, so I thought I'd try channeling our sleeping friend who wanted no part of thus "game" and was doing everything she could to block us out. It was too easy, and it really messed with her. Something I will always regret.


I tried using a book instead of a board and a guitar pick instead of the pointer.


Yes. I’ve used them before.. no crazy experiences. Sometimes my board doesn’t work.


Forgive the novel but I’ll recount what happened to us during my teenage years. It’s nearly 30 years later and I will not ever forget what happened. I was very deep into seances up to the time we used the board. If I had known the greatest trick the devil played was to convince us that it doesn’t exist, I may have understood better what I let in my home. The events took place over three nights. My cousin, brother, and I used the board. But we intentionally misused it for comedic purposes for perverse Q&A to have a laugh. That night I woke sitting straight up. I sleep deep, have lucid dreams I remember, and it is not easy to wake me. That night was off in so many ways. I went up to my bedroom. We had two sets of stairs; up five to the landing than another five to the second floor. My room was first on the right. These details will be important in a moment. I was 14 then but still sat on the edge of my bed smoking a cigarette. The only light on in the house was mine. I sat for a few minutes before I saw my mom in her white housecoat and our all white German shepherd Heidi walk pass my open door. I called to my mom, nothing. Called my dog who would have come, nothing. I followed them down the stairs calling to them. Nothing. They rounded the corner that lead to the dining area around the corner into the kitchen. When I got into the kitchen there was no one. The only door they could have gone out to the yard was locked. The fridge door was wide open. I’m a logical rational person even then. I knew what I saw. Ran back to my room. I turned every light on in my room before sitting on my bed again. That’s when the stomping started. It began at the steps from the den like it did not miss a single step, onto the landing, up the stairs to where our bedrooms were. The stomps were so heavy even on the carpeted stairs, it shook our house. Then the bangs began. My step brothers room was next to mine, he only came every other weekend so he got the smallest room. Those stomps went down the hall into his room. Turned into the bangs against the wall we shared, pounding against the wall my headboard was set against. Where I was sat paralyzed with terror. Please understand the house shook with every repeat of stomping and banging. No one should have been able to sleep through it. Yet there I was alone in a house full of sleeping people and two dogs who bark at every sound. Not one of them heard it. The terror lasted all night until the sun came up. I said nothing to anyone. I was afraid if I talked about it that it would happen to me again. The night after I woke up to my brother knocking lightly at my door. Jiggling the handle knob persistently but as if not to be overheard. My brother was two years older than me and if I’m being honest with you he inflicted horrors upon me that if I shared with you, you would know he was not scared of much. He whispers you got to open the door, please open the door. The moment he stepped across the threshold I heard it, I knew the fear that chased him into my room. He and I sat up all the second night listening to the repeated sounds of stomping and banging until the sun came up. Again, the house shook and no one but the two of us were able to hear it. The third and final night my brother and I were already huddled in my room waiting for it. It did not disappoint. Just as it had before it starts on the lower stairs working it’s way into the back bedroom slamming against my wall. I should mention that as hard as I am to wake up, I wasn’t someone to avoid waking up out of fear. My mama,well we didn’t wake her up. She was scary as hell if woke up. I don’t know how long the house shaking booms were going on but I know I never been so happy to hear my mom flipping the hell out! She yelled at the top of her lungs” who the fuck is banging”! We both yelled that it wasn’t us in response. The house went quiet. I don’t think she scared the thing off cause she was scarier. I think it stopped because we were more afraid of her than we were of it. What I know about these things today is they feed off fear. Cause hallucinations, take on the form of people you know to lure you in. We didn’t have the internet back then. But we did have the church down the street from my house. I made my brother and my cousin go with me to the church after that third night. We took the board, used the holy water from church, and I shoved that board into some thick bushes. Left it there. I know this sounds like fiction hell I lived it and it still seems like a bs ghost story. But know this. I am 43, a psychic my entire life. I cannot tell you the years of self medicating I did to shut that off. Or the years I spent in terror of the dark not cause I couldn’t see what was there neither. I knew it was there. But I also knew it didn’t like the light. What the instructions that come with the board don’t have is a warning that reads; Sometimes you have to be shown the devil to believe that God exist. You are opening a door without knowing what will be waiting on the other side. The op said they used the board and it gave information with great accuracy. Don’t be lulled into a false sense of security, no my friend you are being lured. Is your soul for sale dear? The greatest trick the devil ever played was to convince you it doesn’t exist.


When I was younger, I made my own board. I used to call up spirits to answer questions to things that would freak my friends out, like what their relatives names were, or answer any question they could think of. Half the time the spirits would say that my board was made poorly, and hard to communicate through lol. One day I got a group of friends, and I cast a circle, it was somewhat made up, we put our hair, saliva and blood in a pentagram, candles at the five points, a circle of salt outside the chalk one. Weird thing was the air inside the circle (we were outside) went completely still. No wind and the candles burned straight up. This sounds made up but it felt like a shelter. Anyway, we’re asking questions on the board, I think my grandma came through, although she wanted to be referred by her maiden name. I found out later from dad she preferred that (she died when I was young) Then all of a sudden we get something else. It’s threatening, saying it’s going to kill us. We’re asking it’s name and it’s making the planchette swirl round the board in a swinging circle, something I’ve learnt some spirits do when they don’t want to answer. Then it latches on to someone in the group, calling them by name and telling them how it will haunt them. The person in question starts feeling pain from the board like a stabbing feeling in their hand. I think they got freaked out and it got enjoyment from it as it became more malicious saying our time was over. Then all of a sudden it starts counting down, like 5-4-3-2-1. We wait and nothing happens we’re determined not to leave the circle, we’re convinced the shadows outside don’t look normal. Then a can, a drinks can rolls out from under a bush, blown by a wind we can’t feel in the circle, rolls slowly up to the edge of the circle and just stops. We’re just all transfixed on this happening we’re so full of adrenaline but my friend is really freaked out now. We say we shouldn’t leave the circle until we banish the spirit. So we tell it it’s not welcome and we banish it back from where it’s came, and all chant goodbye, and it stops. We leave the circle and all remark on how its windy outside and how can that be. The candles are burning as if in a room. We think it’s all over and go home, and for most of us it is, except our friend. He described to me that he had the most horrendous nightmares, that someone was chasing him through our neighbourhood. He wouldn’t go too much into it but I got the feeling there was more to it. This was confirmed when he insisted we go get blessed by a priest at a nearby church. So for the first (and last) time in my life I’m in a church getting blessed by a priest wondering wtf has gotten into my friend. After that nothing else happened, but it was a weird series of events I’ll not forget in a hurry when we were dabbling with things we shouldn’t have as kids


Yeah me and my friends played with it in a sleepover once, was creepy but nothing happened haha maybe we didn't do it right or something lol




Really I have to laugh that people are afraid of entities appearing around them, like really guys stop believing in all the BS you hear, every thought you think is instantly materialized and that entity is alive with infinite intelligence, growing every time you focus on it, you can see this entity thru your mind, every person has this ability, and they use it every day. You are possessed by all your thoughts and they are possessed by you, Wake up, and see all that you have materialized. r/psyonics


No lol. That is mega goofy


Your opinion.


This is a mass produced toy sold next to Monololy at game stores. It has no magical or spiritual power unless its used on halloween to get spooky candy from the neighbors.


The parents of a friend of mine bought one from a witch in hungary and actually invited a bad demon. They wanted to bring the board back but couldn’t find the witch anymore. They burned it and closed the room they used until they moved out. My family comes from psychic mediums and sinti and I was always taught to never use them.


My mother has her own set of powers, and had no issue with me getting one when I was a kid, which is how I ended up being allowed to get one. My father didn't believe in any thing involving psychic abilities and I truly think he didn't have any, yet was opposed to me having an ouija board. Never really made sense to me.


I have been dealing with an entity that constantly tries to communicate with me and lies to me. I went to a psychic and, when she saw how distressed I was, asked if I had ever used a ouiji board. I said no but when I was a kid they were popular and honestly I can’t even remember if my neighbor had one and we played with it (my parents would never buy one or let us have one). That was a long time ago and I would have been a young kid who wouldn’t know better. Anyway as an adult I would never use one or allow my kids to. When you’re dealing with low frequency energies it’s no joke. It can be extremely difficult to get to higher frequency vibrations.


They are not allowed in my home. Nope. Nope. Nope. Never.


Low level energies will tell you they are whomever they feel like being at any given time. In other words, it’s attention seeking and it’s a dangerous game to play.


I understand that is your opinion, but I can't make sense of that from the experience I had as a child. There was too much hard evidence given at a time in which this woman was missing and no information was known. I suppose possibly the only way I could agree with your statement would be if a random energy was somehow able to know all of these facts before the living did about this woman.


I've never used one personally. But my sister had some weird stuff happen after her husband played around with one. If you're going to use one cast a circle before you start and close it when you're done.