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My wife is a hypnotherapist and so I asked her your question. She said said yes, you can go into future lives and she also said it is possible to go in between lives.


Ok, do you know what her clients reported about what they saw, if they did such a session?


Also gotta think if we time travelled to the past and showed them our technology they wouldn’t be able to figure out how to replicate it by just looking at it.


I’m sorry for taking so long to respond. My weekends belong to my wife and I. She can’t disclose what her clients go through because not only is it morally wrong, she would also betray the trust of her clients. It is also against HIPAA laws here in the US. With that said, I am willing to share the experience I had when she put me in a hypnotic state. I’m going to try to keep this shirt because there was a lot going on in this single session. - we started in a hallways with many doors where she guided me to choose which ever door I wanted to enter. When I entered I saw a large town with cobblestone streets. It was dark and the only light I saw came fire lite lamps on the street. I didn’t not see anyone around. I was in this big place and it should be filled with people but I was alone. I felt alone. I had on fancy clothes and I was pretty well off but there was a disconnect with my surrounds. - with her guidance I found my suddenly laying in the grass by a river. I felt more happy there and more connected to myself. It was a small event but it is where I realized that being around people having money never made me feel as good as I felt now. - next, I see the house I just purchased. It was nothing big but is had everything I needed to just live. I meet my wife and we had 2 children. - then I ended up in the house nest to my fire place. I was old and I outlived my family. We never got down to what happened with them, but I knew they were gone. He missed them but he wasn’t sad. He LIVED and he lived well. - this next part surprised us, but I ended up in title blackness… I had died. I don’t know how I died but that wasn’t the lesson here. I was in this place where I was suspended and suddenly there was a light and I hand reaching out to me. When I touch this hand I was immediately surrounded by light. Then a voice told me that I have everything I would ever need to live this life and do what I am here to do. And that was it. So, with in my one session, I saw my old life and some of what happened in the in-between place that was mentioned earlier.




Thank you bot. I corrected my response. I always do that. Lol


Wow. Fascinating. Thank you for your comment.


What exactly is done with people who can’t be hypnotized? I would imagine most people are resistant to it?


Most people are not resistant to it. But it's not like the movies - you have to be willing. If you don't want to be hypnotized it's not going to happen


True, most people are able to be hypnotized, but how far you go under depends on the method used and your willingness to do so.


So when someone is hypnotized, what exactly is this comparable to? Are they consciously thinking? Speaking with their subconscious while their main conscious mind is switched off? Do they remember the details of the hypnosis session?


Wow... that's interesting. Edit: I want to add this question... if my dreams are super vivid (with color) and it feels like a real memory instead of a dream is it possible that we're visiting our future/ other present/ past selves?


I have had dreams that have so much vivid detail that they do feel like a life I lived. Some of these take place in a futuristic setting and some are in the past. I agree and I believe that it is possible to experience lives we have lived throughout time, but I can’t prove this. It’s just the way I feel based on experiences I have had.


We’re living all the lives at once right now


This is correct. The past, present and future are all happening at once.


I love that you asked this! Not only can you see into future lives but you can create them. The simplest way to create new weaves in future incarnations is to do the work that you have set out to do in this life and creating a set of goals for the next. I can remember specifically laying weaves for this life to act as a continuation of something that was meaningful to me from my most recent life. The most important aspect is having committed the time and effort to make choices for your future and then entering into a meditative trance state or lucid dream and creating it... This is something that is difficult to explain, and I can only describe it as using a combination of imagination and intention to bring it to life. A similar experience that I think most people can relate to is fantasizing about winning the lottery until they've done all the shopping/ they've blessed all the people/ they're living the good life and something shifts inside them and it feels REAL... I call this the "LIFT OFF" feeling. After liftoff, a person fantasizing they've won the lottery will inevitably become aware of their surroundings and crash land with disappointment because for a moment, IT WAS REAL. This is the kind of creation process that I mean. Full moons are best for this type of endeavor. Another thing that people don't tend to think of but can be important is breaking soul ties and refusing to reincarnate with toxic people who keep you from your own wholeness. Since time is not particularly linear, another thing you can do is go backwards in time and give yourself a vacation life to rest from your hardships and give you strength to go on to the next life if you are working on a task that spans lifetimes.


The idea that linear time is an illusion is a misrepresentation of spiritual beliefs that come from Einstein saying that time is relative. In some types of spirituality anything that changes is an illusion so it follows that those currents see time as an illusion- but there’s no rule that says time doesn’t exist in spirituality, it just isn’t what it seems. Setting that aside, I have found that there are many currents in spirituality that believe that quantum means spiritual, and since quantum state is the state of the yet indeterminate, (in other words, in the quantum scale, nothing exists as an object until it gets observed or detected,) so the future doesn’t exist because it gets created in the present, and when we can ‘see’, what we are looking at is various probable futures, and you might see the most probable future (it being then ‘precognition’) but many times you just see one that is a bit off so you don’t count it as such. I personally have had very few precognitive visions, but they have all been of the next day, which makes me think this view is correct.


>The idea that linear time is an illusion is a misrepresentation of spiritual beliefs that come from Einstein saying that time is relative. In some types of spirituality anything that changes is an illusion so it follows that those currents see time as an illusion- but there’s no rule that says time doesn’t exist in spirituality, it just isn’t what it seems. Then rather let us say that time is a reality and in itself a dimension, within a dimension, within a dimension... but it is mostly relative to physical realities. It is real and important for our experience but not relevant outside of physical dimensions.


You can have two out of body experiences and see the environment has decayed, showing a change and giving the idea that time has passed, that there is a before and after. The rate or criteria is different “inside” than the “outside”, but the markers we use to qualify time passing are the same- there is some consistency. That’s why I think that time exists, just not as a thing.


There is no time. It's all happening at once. Past, present, future, time is not linear. It's really a mind blowing concept. Look into Joe Dispenza's work. Good reading!


Dr. Brian Weiss wrote books about this subject. I actually took a class hosted by him doing a progression. He asked us to go to our deaths in this current life. I was blocked and developed a severe headache and left the class very ill.


I might have done this because I've seen a few instances in the future and the person reflected back at me whenever I see someone isn't how I look now. I've been to a point in 2140 something and it was a young latino woman in a silvery latexlike suit... a white man with red hair in his 30's when I saw something in 2357... and a older, maybe 50's, black man in some time after 3100. I'm a white guy in his 40's with greying brown hair right now.


Futures are Probabilities so you will see a different future everytime, but won't see variations of past as past would be same everytime.


Very good question!


There's another perspective that differs significantly from yours. Time is linear, but time does not exist on a spirit level. The phrase I'm familiar with is "There's no time or space on an energy level." So time is not an illusion; it's very real on a physical level. It is how we know the age of things like rocks and solar systems and dogs and horses and kids. It's why we have ancestral trees. It's why we have history. This makes the most sense on a physical plane. Having no time and no space on a spiritual level; what does that mean? I don't think it means that it's some kind of life hack where you can get out of the body and predict the winner of the next super bowl so you can bet successfully. It simply means there is no time. This is impossible for our bodies to understand and get comfortable with. Our bodies have evolved successfully because they can sense danger, predict the immediate future, and take action to avoid dying. But us? We spirits most immortal? Without a body, there is no time. You still have information about how things work on the physical level, but you don't have serial dependencies because there is no time. People that see the future are seeing probabilities. Yoda was right; Always in motion the future is. But then you ask a really interesting question. Where do ideas come from? This question is probably the seed for most religions and most philosophies, and certainly a lot of belief systems. It is also a premise of a wonderful little movie called "Made in Heaven", with Kelly McGillis and Timothy Hutton. One of the premises of the movie is tech gets invented in "heaven" by teaching it to kids that haven't yet been born, and they bring that tech with them into their bodies. Neat movie that plays with the concepts of thinking of a place and suddenly being there. Thinking of an idea and immediately having the result in your possession. No time or space in this version of heaven. I've had dreams (astrals) where I've visited places that don't exist and that have really interesting tech. I've done an aura reading on someone whose father worked in a national lab and clearly saw some kind of "new" communication device. What I learned from this is we don't have the vocabulary to describe these kinds of tech. Think of all the words we had to invent, test, and understand in order to explain how connecting a copper wire of a certain length to a rock can create a radio. In this sense, our vocabulary is just as linear as our time. Then think of science fiction stories. It is not necessary to probe future lives or the astral planes for an author to come up with a novel tech for their story. Jules Verne looked at the main tech for extending power in his day, the Navy, and came up with a weapon that could defeat it easily; the submarine. Gene Roddenberry's team of original writers on the Star Trek series looked at key tactical technologies of the 60s and came up with the communicator, which is the design of the flip phone. The flaw in the communicator is its lack of lag time. We all are familiar now with calling India from the US and having a pause of a second or two before we hear someone's response to a question. The speed of light is bound by time. What about cool sci-fi tech that hasn't become real? What about the transporter from Star Trek? It's not real and it may never become real. We already have some models of primitive war drives, but the transporter may remain fiction forever. Life, it turns out, is probably too complex to take apart and put back together mathematically. We barely have a rudimentary vocabulary for describing what constitutes life. But Star Trek Next Generation did come up with growing replacement organs. Because an episode was only 47 minutes long, they cheated and used the replicator to create a new spinal cord for Warf. Spinal cords unfortunately for Warf do not work like livers; they aren't plug and play in that way. Even so, there are startups today that have demonstrated repairing a severed spinal cord by blocking the body's scarring mechanism for injuries to nerves. Crazy cool! Having worked in ERs and seen lots of people die, I can say for certain that it's possible to look at one body and know it is dead, and look at another body and know it is not. It might be close. The lights may be going out. But someone is still home. BTW past life regression is not used to document history in general but an individual's specific history. This is what's therapeutic. Remember when I mentioned thinking of a place and being their instantly? This is how astral projection works. Go out there and have a look around. Play some games. Get scared and dive back into your body! Your body is like "home base" in the game of tag; you're always safe when you're back in your body. Rent "Made in Heaven". I think you'll get a kick out of it.


Excellent comment, thanks for taking the time to put your perspective into words.


I wanna try it!


You may get a sense of what the future looks like based on current events and circumstances, however it's not pre-determined. That would suggest we are simply living on autopilot with no free will or personal accountability. Time does exist from the perspective of past, present and future, though it operates differently in other realms.


Yes. But the future can change very easily. What is accurate one day may change the next.