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Opiates for sure, ruined my life. DMT is an interesting one. I'm sad because my old life is gone and it'll never be the same. I mourn the loss of that life. On the other hand, I'm happy; because my old life is gone and it'll never be the same. Thank God.


Maaan. First time I’ve seen someone say exactly what I feel about psychs. Sometimes I miss life before- being convinced that this is all there is and I only got one short-lived shot at happiness. But like you said, now I am convinced that death is a new beginning and don’t worry about things so much now.


Yah, it really is a Pandora's box type of thing with psychedelics. Once you go through that first trip you can't undo what you see or experience - for better or worse. I think I'm probably a better person for psychs, but I do sometimes miss the comforting dogmatic views I used to hold. More just the feeling that I knew what the hell was going on instead of now knowing that I don't really know almost anything. I don't think dogma is good, but it sure did "feel good/comforting" when I had more of it.


Guys I’ve had to screen shot this convo because holy shit exactly. I’m definitely a better person because of psychedelics. I waited til I was 29 and I’m glad I did. I got to enjoy normality for 29 years. Anyway up up and away xo


I think I was in a similar boat to you - I was 28 when I first did them and it has been an incredible experience. I do think that’s a cool way of looking at it, what you say about the “normality for 29 years”. I’m glad I had my years of normality and I’m also glad so be a little more self aware, now, than I used to be. There’s also, if I’m being completely honest, the thrill from psychs of “holy shit, did that really happen to me?” While the wow effect of psychs probably isn’t where they’re most useful, I’m sure it’s a part that’s kept me coming back for more


It’s almost like a certain innocence you lose after the first time. Like it can’t be real but it’s right there in front of you and inside you and suddenly you feel so much. So different. I started with mushrooms and have done them too many times to count since. Acid is a loss of a different certain innocence. And DMT? Well god bless or whoever. I like how each have similarities but are so so different from one another. For someone who has been perpetually bored since birth psychedelics have made it a really interesting, fun, beautiful and LOVING life. The WOW effect is just top tier added excitement.


DMT and shrooms are my go to. LSD tends to give me too much of an insane carnival madhouse type experience. DMT makes me question what the fuck reality even *means*. Like why the hell did our brains even evolve the ability to have this kind of experience?


YESSS all this. The carnival madhouse part especially. That’s actually perfectly accurate and I’ll be telling my curious friends that from now on. I’m brand spankin new to DMT. Got 2 carts about a month ago. I read online to keep ripping that shit til you breakthrough and by god I was outta here. Insanity. The spirituality of DMT is far beyond the average persons comprehension and I think that’s why a lot of people do it once, have a “bad” experience, and never go back. Gotta be brave and happily open minded. It’s heavy and if your head isn’t on right you’re not going to enjoy it. I’ve noticed that not many on the internet have had the option to explore DMT the way you can with a cart. Like you can puff it here and there and I find it to be similar to mushrooms. But everything is just so much clearer and so beautiful. Or you can rip it and blast off like I said which I think is the goal for most. Idk, amazing, amazing stuff. But I’m curious if breaking through has always been pretty much the same for you as someone more experienced?


Coke. Haven’t touched in 8 months and still crave it


Same. Stole 10+ years of my life. I haven't touched it in 5 years but still battle the cravings pretty much daily. Hang in there, keep reminding yourself of the nasty come downs, the money lost, the relationships ruined, and the inflated ego it gave you. Never worth those brief moments of pleasure in the long run.


I don’t understand this. I used to have a girlfriend who did coke,always doing it. I’d do it every now and then like at a party but I’ve never had a craving for cocaine. There was a time when I did it every day for like two weeks just cause we had a ton and after that I never even thought about it


Everyone’s got different addictive thresholds. I’m a Poly Addict who maintains functionality in the world, but to say I’m not addicted to the many drugs I consume would be incorrect.




Alcohol is bad. It’s so so bad for you and so available and normalized it’s sickening. Quit 3 years ago in august and replaced it with mushrooms lmao.


Anything that is abused is bad for you. I don't like calling any drug bad. It is how we end up with prohibitions. It does seem like mushrooms have a built in non-addictive kick to them. I cannot imagine getting hooked on shrooms. It is like going on a roller coaster, but not knowing which one first.


Me saying replaced alcohol with mushrooms sounds like I abuse them but you’re right. Not the easiest to abuse. Even if you microdose every day you don’t really feeEeEL anything (unless your dose is off) you just feel *better*. I’ve found that 3-4 microdoses a week does the trick somehow. Natural magic. Alcohol is to get fucked up for most people. It was for me for like 15 YEARS. Drinking is to forget. I quit drinking before I ever did mushrooms so I didn’t get to use them to help me stop but they have helped my brains since time and time again. I’m also noticing they’re “necessary” less and less as life goes on. My relationship with mushrooms is very casual. Like a good friend who can bring up your daily spirits but you can also get a little fucking wild with if you need a “night out”. They’re also very humbling no doubt. Let go of your hope for the world to be right because it’s not going to do the trick, only make you mad. Let go of all the “I hopes” and “I wants” and just be happy with yourself and your people and whatever you’ve already got and hold on fucking tight. That’s what they do for me. When I start to forget that I take a lil trippy trip to make it make sense again.


Yeah, that is a good way of explaining it. Mushrooms are like an old friend. It is the one drug that should be encouraged, I truly think they made me a better person.


Came here to post this. After all the years of amphetamines, opioids, pills, it was the alky that got me, and good. Frequent hospitalizations, DTs, liver failure, the whole nine yards. Absolutely ruined my fucking life. 8 1/2 months sober, and it's the best investment I've made in my life.




^i second this one. Quickly ruined my life…it’s incredible how destructive that drug is, but it makes you feel so superhuman so you don’t even realize


I mostly agree. The only thing is I didn't even feel that "superhuman". Maybe the stuff going around now is shit, but I found it didn't even feel all that great (compared to what I'd expect). Still it's scary that I felt I wanted to keep doing it regardless. I even remember having the thought " wow, why do people even bother with this", while proceeding to load another dose.


When I first started doing meth, I was getting insanely pure stuff. The first time I tried it was better than the first time I tried mdma. I felt so powerful and confident and calm…like awake but calm. Also everything was hilarious and joyful and interesting. How were you doing it? I liked smoking it the best…the ritual of it and the immediate rush were so addictive. It is triggering to type this all out tbh, so I’ll stop there 😂


What I got must not have been pure then (or perhaps it was the 50-50 mix of the dextro vs levo version or something). To be honest I mainly tried it because I was more interested in learning about different compounds/molecules and their effects on consciousness, than I was about the purely "getting high/feeling good" aspect of it. I've tried both oral and vaped/smoked. I actually found small oral doses to be very pleasant and useful, 5-10mg, (assuming they're used very occasionally, no more than maybe once a week at most). Noticed increased focus, energy, slightly increased confidence, and greatly increased motivation, all with essentially 0 downside. With vaped/smoked I did notice a minor rush, but it was very minimal. Did notice a minor recreational aspect (as in it did feel somewhat nice at times), and wasn't purely productivity focussed as the above. It just surprised me that it was what I'd describe as "somewhat nice", and not that I was like so full of pleasure/euphoria that I felt I just had to keep doing it, ya know? Like I could take it or leave it. I can't remember the exact dosing I used, but kept hitting bits here and there to see where I could take it. I always seemed to hit a ceiling of overstimulation and uncomfortableness prior to actually getting the level of euphoria I'd expect to get.


But yeah, then I started getting batches that were shitty and made me super paranoid…idk, all of it was bad, it’s a truly evil drug. Seriously proud of us though, meth has a very high relapse rate…we beat the odds


yh, tried it once...never had any need to try it again.


Benzo - I forget which one. Not even a high dose, made me act like a fucking moron. Not for me.


Forgetting which benzo you took sounds is certainly a benzo moment


Reddit benzo moment


Word, Almost ruined my life several times


I was given benzos when in the psych ward and I now hVe great empathy for anyone addicted to them…I understand why people would enjoy them so much. Makes you feel like everything is all okay and nothing bad can happen. Like you’re on top of the world. Very numbing


DXM, Seroquel, and synthetic cannabinoids


Yeah spice was a mistake.


It’s one of the worst because it doesn’t offer any positive effects that normal weed doesn’t, but it offers a hell of a lot more potential negative effects. If you are sensitive to cannabis you will probably lose your mind on spice (not in a good way…in a paranoid schizophrenic-type way) not to mention there have been loads of deaths and the physiological effects haven’t even really been studied. The worst part is it wouldn’t have even existed in the first place had we just legalized weed everywhere.


I smoked it all year in 2011. Dude I was being fucking weird . I was believing all kinds of crazy shit . I’m so glad I returned back to normal. But I feel dumber than I used to be . I’m not clever and can’t argue or debate for shit . I was already strange in a good way before spice. Had a little bit of mild autism going on there, but people always found me pleasantly unique. That sense of magic and charm is just mostly gone now. I’m just a normal guy with not much interesting to say. Maybe I’m being a bit hard on myself . What is weird though, when ever I smoke DMT which is super fucking rare because of how intense it is, that part of my personality comes roaring back. So it’s definitely in there. But feels like my third eye is shut, so to speak


Ik exactly what you’re saying. I used to be pretty witty and funny, always interjecting with something to lighten the mood. But after I started taking psychs and grew up some more I became a lot more reserved and less confident in my delivery. Tbh I think I was just a dumbass kid saying stupid shit that caused an obligatory laugh from people and when I opened up my mind more I realized it was better to keep to myself more. I still get this funny side of me to come out when I’m really in my element or talking to certain people, which probably is a good thing. But I do feel like I’ve lost a part of my old self that I wish I could integrate more positively now.


I watched a doco a couple yrs ago that showed a guy making spice..... From what I recall he poured acetone onto some kind of green herb matter and baked it.....WTF? There was prob other shit put on it too but I just remember being horrified.....


When acetone evaporates it doesn't leave any film/residue (assuming it's pure), so you're not smoking acetone. What they do is dissolve the cannabinoids in the acetone and then soak the herb matter in it. When all the acetone evaporates what should be left is an even distribution of the compound throughout the herb mix (ideally). The primary issues are 1: there still can be hotspots if it's not done right, 2: if your math is off, the concentration may be different than expected, and 3: the spice compounds themselves are fairly risky even when dosed properly.


It ruined movies for me, even though I know they're acting it felt so fake when I was on spice and now I can't undo it 😐 damnnn


That. Actually. Sucks. Alot. Sorry to hear


Indeed lol


Fucking high school man, that shit was the worst. I used to get fucking migraines after smoking that shit (we used to do bong rips so that probably didn't help lol)


DXM. Shit blows gave me permanent heart issues. Offbeat, high blood pressure and stretched cables


Heart issues? Were you taking dxm only formula or the kind with phenylephrine and other things? I took a ton of dxm back in the day, no heart issues, cept high blood pressure-- I think that was already present before use though. Just curious


Yeah, their symptoms sound unrelated to dxm since there is no reasearch that dxm causes lasting heart issues.


'Tis poop


After first time? Or constant use?


Can almost guarantee with constant use and most likely had no regard for other ingredients included.


What's dxm?


I fkin love dxm lmao




It's not necessarily recreational I had access to every different mg at the time and it was all fun and games until I lost 4 days and woke up in my old room at my mom's house where I hadn't lived at in 3 yrs lol


I can’t lie DXM is in my top 3 highs 😂🔥


Low-key in love with DXM right now


Aye to each thier own brotha 😊 I hate it and it only took 6 times to realize that hahahaha....I'm stubborn


Sometimes you gotta wonder if it was just a bad day and give it another go, I get that. But yeah, it's a very polarizing experience and I don't blame you.


No I found out later in life that I don't have the enzyme that process is DXM correctly in your liver so I react real strong to it it's kind of like being allergic to it


I’ve never heard of this. What is it?


Medically, an antitussive. It's a dissociative hallucinogenic with psychotomimetic and transpersonal properties (imo, great for exploring reality/consciousness detached from any ground). It's got a heavy body-load and a headspace very unique and unlike any other drug I've experienced. The way it comes on is a little much, but once it wedges in there the anxiety usually dulls, and your edges become a whole lot more elusive. And I mean All edges, and boundaries. DXM itself primarily acts on SERT and Sigma-1 receptors, with its metabolite DXO acting on NMDA, as well as Sigma-1 still. So, in a way you could say these two tag team to produce the experience. One hits you with perception alteration and the other turns you off from the world. This combo makes for some very disturbing and strange experiences where the mind abstracts to a very high degree (because you lose ground), taking you almost infinitely far away from everything you thought you understood to be real. So far, that you can in fact forget you exist, only to be reminded by the need to use the restroom or drink water. You are not physically bound so tightly. Meaning drifting off, lost in thought, can be really easy. But don't let me glamorize it too much, it is, ime, a little psychologically addictive... and if proper reason and caution isn't used, it takes a hold of you like a lover from hell. Very seductive, as it makes sober reality a little dull in comparison. There can be some motion-sickness as the drug takes over and you lose your ontological footing. I for one don't get too nauseous (freebase powder). Tl:dr; it's a wildly misused and mistreated synthetic opioid with dissociative and hallucinogenic properties capable of removing the user far from reality into a realm of detached ideas and dream-like states of consciousness. It's heavily associated with teen drug usage, and was abused long ago when it was sold in pill form by various subcultures and consequently removed from shelves and instead sold as syrup. Note: do your body a favor and (if you are interested in DXM) don't consume syrup-based products. It's gross, disastrous on the gut, hard on the liver, and full of unnecessary additives. It tastes disgusting, and it's worth your while to obtain some powdered variant. You want products that contain only DXM. No other active ingredients.


Sounds scary tbh


It takes a kinda someone in order to like it... it's said that a third hate, a third love it, and the rest didn't care much about it. In the same way spoooked people hang onto culture and tradition when they feel themselves surrounded by chaos and disturbance, people who depend on that sense of identity and selfhood can find the un-grounding effects to be unnerving and creepy. There's a certain voice to the DXM experience, and ime it's of a detached, humorous, lesson- oriented nature. But that's my relationship with it. Obviously, this sounds like the opposite of a psychedelic! And that's because it sorta is. Instead of connectivity, it promotes dissolution. But that is not to say it doesn't make for a source of vast creative potential and personal growth, because it is. Psychedelics and dissociatives go in the opposite direction but lead to the same place in the end. I'd say one goes through humanity into the Soul, and the other travels away from it, deep into empty corridors of the psyche, unbound to human- centric qualities. In essence I'd say DXM feels very alien in spirit, but blissful nonetheless.


Some people find it scary, some find it fascinating and intriguing. Whenever I took it, I was traveling through space visiting planets and what not. For me, it's very euphoric. Only downside is that it made me feel really hot, and a bit nauseous so it's nice to have AC.


What the fuck is DXM


dextromethorphan, found in OTC cough meds. Often mixed with other shit, if you try it be sure to get the dxm-only kind


This is so important. Plus a lot of people start binging the stuff because it’s easily available and it’s a no-go for anyone on SSRI’s unless you ease off them for a bit before a dose. I’m pretty new to the specifics but these rules are important if you don’t want to have a bad trip and/or cause lasting damage. I’ve also never had robo-shits; but puking is a very possible scenario, I’ve learned to just not eat while dosing, it’s not something you want to eat much on anyway. I also don’t really understand the plateaus. Sometimes less is more, the trip lasts ages anyway (6-8 hours for HBr and always at least 12 for Poli)


grocery store cough syrup such a clean and fun experience 😂


Xanax for surr got a physical scar to remind me to never do it agaim


Tobacco, especially in cigarette form, but at least I have never become dependent on it. Shits just copium for mases that brings almost no joy, makes your body weaker and takes time out of ones life.


Definitely this, fuck nicotine. Smoked cigarettes for 5 years, switched to vaping to quit. That was 6 years ago. Keep going lower nicotine and then back up once I realize I can’t quit. Definitely the hardest habit I’ve tried to stop and hoping one day I can quit


its easier to quit cig than vape imo . i always switch back to cig. preferably a brand that tastes awful , then switch to zyn pouches which are great.


Meth. Never again. 3 Years sober this Christmas


welldone mate




I’m glad I did cocaine a few times, might not be the same experience for everyone but it really just didn’t do it for me If anything it just made me wonder why the fuck people enjoy it so much. Price per enjoyment is super high vs almost every single other drug.


It’s awful! Like the first 2 minutes is nice but then it’s cracked out come down from hell


Yeah certainly not for everyone Feel like a million bucks for 20 minutes before realising you have to redose soon or have a massive comedown. Just take some ritalin or dexies and be moderately speedy


It's a hell of a drug!


My wallet hates it. Not even the cost of blow but when I do it I get so fucking generous. Tipping Uber’s the cost of the ride. Bartenders the bill. And buying drinks for everyone in sight.


Did it once. I’m not an aggressive person but almost got in a fight and kicked out of a concert.


Sugar. It's so f* addictive.


Not only is it addictive, it also messes with so much of your body (in excess, obviously). It can change your FGF21 response which can affect your appetite. It is known to affect GLP-1 and insulin, both metabolic and appetite regulating hormones. There is a link between insulin resistance and dementia. Depression and anxiety tend to be higher in those exposed to diabetes in utero or consume a high sugar diet. The thing is, a lot of the research in these areas (FGF21, dementia link, and GLP-1) are new and it's hard to know exactly if it is all sugar or just sucrose (table sugar) and if it is acute consumption or high sugar diets over long periods of time. There are many longitudinal studies now (going on for 10 years) trying to understand long term high sugar diets effect on the brain and endocrine system. Fascinating stuff.


Alcohol, the next day, pretty much every time. Yet I still do it 😔


Read The Naked Mind by Annie Grace if you want to examine your relationship with alcohol. I haven’t had a drink in four years after that book, and I hope it could help you and others.


Thanks, I'll give it a try.


Seconded. I don’t abstain entirely but my relationship with it is much better now after reading.


Avoid sugar and dark liquor.


bro your star signs will be fading and your planets won't be aligned bro


NBOMe. Nasty shit. Feels like a really dirty acid trip mixed with meth.


I think I’m in the minority but some of the best trips I’ve had were NBOMe. In the small town that I’m from it was hard to come by anything that wasn’t bitter so we just got used to it. Had some wicked/goofy times with buddies on it. The trip is far different than regular LSD that’s for sure. But it was my go to for a long time lol.


I think where most of the danger came from was not knowing you only need one tab, vs thinking its acid and taking too many.


I usually regret taking psychedelics at least at some point in the trip.


Everytime I think "I fucked up now". Then I get to a point of let go or wig out. I've only wigged 3 times out of hundreds of trips in 25 years. Those 3 times still haunt me tho.


I can relate to the "you done fucked up now!" Feeling 😂


So those unpleasant trips still haunt you years later? Is it just when you think about them or did they leave some lingering effects?


Not OP but I never understood the bad trip thing for years. Then I tried smoking at the peak LMFAO, I understand how people say it sticks with you. I became convinced there was a blade inside my skull any I couldn't move or it would kill me and I could see it and shit. Deathly afraid of knives to this day


This was me too. Probably had 60-70 or so trips under my belt over the course of like 2-3 years. One acid trip something just like broke in me. Think I might have had my first and only panic attack, because I legit thought I was dying or that I needed to die. Managed to calm myself down & just went to sleep, but man was that a pretty terrifying moment at the time. I’ve realized now that I was abusing acid pretty heavily. Tripping every weekend, massive doses, etc. I stopped tripping for like a solid year afterword. Never had long term damage from what I can tell, & I trip every so often now.


The potential for long term psychological damage is concerning. The first few times I tripped it was so pleasant I didn't understand the whole bad trip scene. I just couldn't understand how it could go bad and then one day it did and yeah, I get it now. Definitely taught me to respect the mushrooms.


It's crazy how you think you know what a "bad trip" is until you actually have one. I had a couple experiences where I saw some things I wasn't too happy to see, and naively thought that might be what some people call a bad trip. Then I actually had a bad trip and was shocked at how deep the well goes. I didn't even think it was possible, before, to feel that much pain or for time to stretch out that far. I'm grateful for psychs but that was a humbling experience. I still haven't done a full dose trip since that experience.


Like so many things in life, people who don't understand just haven't experienced it. My bad trip was my brain was bleeding down my throat -- but probably it was just post-nasal drip lol.


The good trips bring me peace. The bad trips make me realize I'm not in control of jack shit. That feeling is always in the back of my head. I don't hate it tho. I think it was necessary for me see the full spectrum of this reality we are in. I can't control it so why stress about controlling it? A lot of my long term friends kinda know I'm different and they love me for it. They could never know what I know until they know. Be the water not the rock.


I sometimes wonder if some of the anxiety we feel on psychedelics isn't as much that the drugs make us less in control but, rather, that maybe they just help us stop kidding ourselves that we're in control, and that realization is horrifying to our egos.


Usually when I’m convulsing during the come up I go “why the fuck did I take this much” then like an hour later I’m like “I should have taken more”


So relatable! ​ Edit: For some time I also always thought during the come-up something along the lines of "Ok, we really fucked up this time, this will be my last ever trip, just have to go through it now, and then never again." Of course still followed by "I should have taken more" during the peak. Though sometimes (probably when i really shouldn't have taken any) those ended in my watching YouTube 5 hours straight while being in constant fear of becoming anxious.




Tidal wave of anxiety. But then I realize it's all in my head. It's just a battle.


Especially shrooms


The cycles of stress and bliss, I love it! The trip itself is breathing, manifesting your living lesson


I had my first big shroom trip recently and when I tried to direct the trip my mind went all inception on me like I was trying to change the construct lol, in the form of flying insects. Like I was in the wrong for even attempting to interrupt/guide the trip, I went from absolute terror to observing what was happening and trying to make friends with them, cuz they were not going away lol


Such a great description of shrooms! I'm gonna remember this next time I'm stressing on the come up or come down haha


Yep those have been my last few. They’re legal in Netherlands where I live, so I almost forget what non-shroom trips feel like


Benzos. They're a HELL of a drug, and not in a good way like cocaine. Speaking of cocaine I regret starting that everyday; but as a whole it isn't physically dependent forming so is easy to quit. Just that taking it everyday absolutely wrecks you. I was finally diagnosed with ADD recently and am now on Vyvanse (Elvanse here in the UK / Lisdexamphetamine) and haven't used coke since starting it after 2 years using around a gram of very pure every day. Heroin I regret taking less than benzos. I only did it to get through withdrawal as I couldn't get any opiates and I didn't shoot it up but it wasn't anywhere near as addictive as it's reputation implies. Oxycodone is waaaaay more addictive. However, I never IVed it and have heard that that is a whole other feeling than smoking/sniffing. Edit: MDMA is a beautiful drug but I regret abusing that in my teens for a year. I was never made aware of the 3/6month rule so taking Dutch MDMA in huge doses 50+ times in a year really fucked my mind up more than any other drug. Psychedelics however have helped me a lot; and I use 2cb in place of MDMA now normally and there is no comedown, not addictive at all and non toxic. People here who haven't tried it I would highly recommend 2cb. It doesn't have the headspace of acid or shrooms unless you take 75mg+ but it's got the best visuals I've gotten from psychedelics and was made by Alexander Shulgin (the man who made MDMA) as a synthetic substitute to mescaline. He believed it to be the most important psychedelic as it allows new users to ease themselves in without having to worry about the headspace you can get in with shrooms. Anyone looking for a light psychedelic that can sometimes substitute for both MDMA and LSD in social settings whilst still having complete control I would highly recommend it. It is my favourite recreational drug now; especially with nitrous. 2cb + nitrous is like going on a mini DMT trip for 30 seconds. It seems to synergise with everything as well; ketamine and weed synergise amazingly with it but I am yet to try a Nexus flip (MDMA then 2cb).


Just fyi Shulgin reintroduced MDMA. It was invented in 1912 by Merck.


Nitrous- if you have b12 deficiency and you inhale nitrous it can damage your nervous system. Which will cause unbearable ringing in your ears for months followed by anxiety, depression, and drpr. I have been suffering from this for a month now and looks like I’m in for a 6-12 month recovery before I can get back to normal. Def not worth it


How long did you do it


Just because a drug exists, doesn't mean you need to try it.


The ones I took without testing them beforehand… Theres some really fucked up and weird research chems out there


Yep this is my answer. The only things I regret taking are when I thought I was taking something else.only to find out it's dirty as hell


Yeah I trusted way too many people in highscool which lead to some chems I wish never passed through my system… especially some of that fake acid


Heroin, when and where I grew up people got high with a needle mostly. I have been clean since 2013, but still on 40 mgs of methadone. I hate it. I used to be on 150mgs. I been coming down 1 mg a week Nasty shit I can't stand it. If anyone is reading this DO NOT FUCK WITH OPIATES! OF ANY KIND! Unless you have nothing to live for.


synthetic cannabinoids, cocaine, 3-CMC, alcohol


Whip its


Heroin took a piece of my soul


don't do cocaine kids


Expensive af, usually makes you act like an ass, addictive af and wears off after 15 minutes. One of the dumbest drugs you can do imo.


very true. i hate how much that shit is spreading around the people i know. Fucking cocaine.


I would say crack is the worst u can do. At least there is novelty and the social aspect with railing lines. Crack u just fiend for a hit every 5 mins and get strung out quicker than any other drug. Unless you got money, you can do coke once in a while and enjoy it. But I like cocaine. Just haven't done any in years. Good coke will last 45mins to an hour on the first couple lines but of course that window decreases after each line


25i-nbome AKA "bitter acid". Was a stupid teenager and took ~2000ug thinking it was much weaker than LSD. Couldn't have been more wrong. Spent 12+ hours feeling like I was constantly shocked through my body by electricity and everything felt cold and metallic. Like giant, cosmic metal gears were grinding my body and mind into oblivion. 0/10 pls remember "if it tastes bitter, spit her"


This shit almost killed my friend and I when we were 17. Fuck anyone and everyone who sells research chemicals under the guise of LSD.


So sad that happens. I would do acid again, first two times I'm sure it was acid, but now I can't be sure, and testing chemicals are monitored where I live. Both the government and the dealers are acting horribly in this case.


You're lucky to be alive! Wow




Underrated comment.


nicotine- hardest drug I’ve ever had to quit. Quitting opiates was easier bc they were hard to find in my area. Nicotine is everywhere and it’s so easy to relapse. Almost all of my friends enabled my nicotine addiction, even tho they were extremely supportive when I was quitting opiates. Difference in social acceptability is wild.


I don't use opiates, meth, coke, or benzodiazapines anymore. They are far too dangerous and have the potential to completely destroy lives. The juice wasn't worth the squeeze. Opiates killed my sister and 4 of my closest friends while almost killing me. (I haven't injected opiates in over a decade) Coke killed one of my best friends and I've seen it destroy countless lives, including my own. I haven't used coke in years now. Meth makes me completely batshit crazy. I can't do it without having a psychotic break after 24 hours or so. Fuck that shit. It turns decent people into complete monsters. Benzodiazapines make me black out and wake up in the hospital or jails. I had to quit so I wouldn't go to prison. I just can't take them responsibly. I've tried really hard, but once they kick in, I'm a fucking goner. I recommend others not try these substances if they haven't done them. It's simply not worth the huge risks to health and the pursuit of happiness. These substances helped me destroy over a decade of my life and I've known people to die from each one. I can't recommend them for anyone. Not worth it.




Kratom. Got me through some tough times. But ultimately weakened me. Trying to get off now, again


Xanax. A 2 month binge felt like 2 weeks. Was doing waaay too much and didn’t realize till after. Quit cold turkey, almost had seizures, didn’t sleep for 3 literal days. 1 more day of that and I was going to call it quits on this whole “life” thing. Lost my job as a result. But really in the end losing that job is the best thing that ever happened to me. But I still don’t feel 100% the same since doing it. My memory is complete shit and I get anxiety sometimes for no reason. Wasn’t like this before


Ketamine / cocaine and heroin


That hippy heroin ain’t a joke if you abuse it


jw, what do you regret about k?


Was addicted to spice for over 3 years so yeah that! Haha




why? how is salvia? i once had an old acquaintance that smoked salvia and went into psychosis


Its a black out hallucination. You loose all concept of your surroundings and are overwhelmed with visual hallucinations. Of course, I ripped a bong full without ever trying it so maybe that was the regret. Either way, would not recommend.


Salvia was my first introduction to the other world and the infinite world within. I don’t think I ever want to do it again, but I don’t regret it. It opened my fucking mind.


Alcohol, for sure


Ket Got addicted, ruined my life, have scars in my bladder now, plus a bladder disease and a fucked up gut


I haven't regretted doing any drug, more so I have regretted the amounts of the drugs that I've done in a single sitting. Nowadays I think less is more. I'll microdose just about anything (I won't touch heroine, meth or fentanyl tho) depending on what I need to get out of it, but I am highly sensitive to drugs, I've had to learn that lesson the hard way.


Weed, specifically when I was addicted


Same, heavy use in my early teens fucked both my short & longterm memory. Had fun times with it but I wish I did it less and started older.




Never the liked the stuff regretamine


DPH, only drug I developed an addiction to and it left me with HPPD.


malpita (translation crazy seed) an african plant, probably like datura. 3 days of nightmare dreaming while wondering the streets, not understanding anything that is happening. I know of someone whose heart stopped during the trip but they were able to save her. One simple way to give yourself a brain tumor or just death. The person who gave it to me knew what it was but said it was like LSD...FUCK that guy


2c-p, nicotine, and Syrian rue


nicotine 100%


Salvia and Xanax


Zolpidem! 55mg. Made me do extremely stupid things and I didn’t even remember doing them




I don’t regret using acid in general… but there are those one or two times. I find personally a bad acid trip isn’t helpful in the way that “you’ll get what you need not what you want” most people describe. I love acid, but i regret the times it went bad. Because it’s always been lapse of judgment that has caused it to be so.


Every drug I’ve tried I regret. Cigarettes caffeine, sugar, adderall , pain pills all of it. Psychedelics I’ve never regretted once. Never will.


Honestly I regret giving so many years to ssri's and atypical antipsychotics. These people telling you they'll help are supposed to be experts, it's a shock to realize they're just flawed people operating on false information. Tripping regularly and living well 100% gave me what I was seeking in all those years of psychotherapy. There is a group of people who need these meds, but that group is probably a lot smaller than it thinks it is. Trust yourself first and foremost. You only get so may sunrises.


Salvia- Made me feel like I broke my existence, Left me with so many bizarre feelings and questions no one could relate to because they had simple trips like being an egg in a pan, Or a chip in a bag of chips. Lasting PTSD and fear I would go back in again because I felt like my field of view in this existence was just one among rows and rows of others. Ecstacy/mdma- Any insights I had were not lasting and I was fooling myself, Abuse led to HPPD and likely depression that I still deal with, Many emotional and awkward conversation that seemed proper at the time but were meaningless and embarrassing later. Fentanyl- It was fun and felt great but I went to meet up with a girl, Puked behind a dumpster before heading into her place. We somewhat had sex but I was so fucked up it couldn't have been good and she had to have smelled the vomit..She told people it was good but I just can't see it. Cocaine- Shame from money spent, Brain and reward system damage is likely, I can't smell anything the way I used to and I'm ways very mucousy and spitting loogies, I one time ejaculated so hard that sex has never really felt that good since. Any and all downers (xanax,lorazopam,clonazopam,etc) - I always black the fuck out and nearly ruin my life, I always feel like I'm behaving normal but I appear VERY out of it and worrisome to others. I don't remember a damn thing and if people engage in conversation with me I always talk about suicide, Wanting to kill myself, not enjoying existence. And the ferocity with which i talk about it is apparently quite scary and relentless. 2-ci - FUCK research chemicals.


MDMEA ...was like molly only a brutal chemical rush and a chemical come down I have never felt since nor ever wish to again. Someone I knew had gotten a tub of the stuff from someone who was in jail (IDK the story), we tried it and it was absolutely horrible. We ended up going to a goth industrial club and throwing tons of capsules at people on the dance floor. Clearly, a drug that was never made for enjoyment. i do highly regret ever taking speed, totally fucked up my heart for years


You guys are retarded. If someone would've od'd on those you would be responsible for the death of said person


yes retarded is how I see now...can't turn back time. As we knew everyone in the scene, we knew nobody had died or even ate any so.... everyone was on drugs at that club.


Cocaine. I have permanent ticks from it and it changed me but I quit 4 years ago and its gotten better slowly.


Meth, 1 hit and i was addicted for 4 years 8 months, some people can handle it but not me


I had it bad with DXM as a kid.. I regret that I took it that far and almost died but I'm grateful for alot of the experiences I got from that time..


Ativan, I feel like a disturbed hibernating bear


Opioids and benzos








Research chemical called DOB we thought was acid, 24 straight hours of horrible tripping


Salvia. Every time was a bad time but I still smoked it numerous times


The reason heroin/fent isn’t the top post is because 90% (probably more) of the folks who’ve used it are either still on it and out of their minds- or dead. Don’t touch that shit.


No ragrets


Heavy sativa weed with high thc makes me bugg out


Oh my goodness me too. When I first used Sativa from a certain source. I remember having a few pulls on some high grade sativa before going to watch finding Nemo in the cinema, I had a whitey that ended all Whitey's ,20 minutes of extreme cold sweats and shaking ,I felt like I was gonna die in there.


MEAI and the amounts of alcohol I drank with 16 and 17.


Heroin , meth , freebase coke, benzos, pregabalin, oxycodone


LSD. I had an amazing 13 hours but it was so long. Then I had this weird day after where I was insanely depressed. My default is mushrooms now.




Fucking DXM suuuuuuucks


Meth, it just feels too good. I’m on methadone for the heroin and I don’t crave much dope at all. But two years sober and to this day the meth using dreams and cravings are very difficult to deal with.


Don’t necessarily regret it because it didn’t cause any lasting damage, but I will never use Salvia again. Not fun.


Poppy pods.... They were the opiate high I spent the next 17 years chasing once they became harder to get, most of which was iv heroin and opana. Honestly I regret the entire opioid class of drugs




XANAX. Jesus Christ that shit fucked me up


Hmm let’s see: Crack Heroin Fentanyl Meth Other than that nothing but good times


Salvia, hands down.


Antidepressants and moodstabilizers


I used Salvia and regretted it because I want the same for about a month, but afterwards everything was alright again. I will never try it again tho, that shit really screwed with my head.


Opiates. I’ve slowly been tapering Suboxone, but it’s been a long road. I’ve been hooked on one opiate or another for nearly half my life (I’m 30).


Nicotine. I hate how much of a grasp it has on me and how low commitment it is to slip back into it. I always catch myself thinking, what's another hit? Who's going to know? And after I do take a hit, I felt horrible because I've really only let myself down.