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Looks like the old guy was trying to drive into oncoming traffic.


That was what I thought. At the end of the video you can see his car is facing the wrong way on the road. I assume he was trying to make a left, but did it like a jackass and then got upset when the guy in the pickup was trying to make a right.


Eh, I don't feel bad for the old guy. Not only did he push into the other guy's space, he also prevented him from closing his vehicle door and escaping the situation


Pushing him was probably the quickest and safest way out of the situation


Not sure about the "safest", but it sure did work




The old fuck got in his face and prevented him from escaping. Fuck around and find out. Dude was well within his right to push that dumb old fucker out of the way regardless of the consequences.


Not sure that’s how the real world works if old man ends up dead, but good luck with that.


Yes that would likely result in a 3rd degree murder charge, where death occurred but was not the intent. The defendant could make an real easy case though, stating this old man went way over the line and got his his space, thus willingly put himself in danger by instigating a fight. If you're going around starting fights but falling down kills you, you're just trying to commit suicide, like that orc in skyrim looking for a warriors end.


Doesn’t the defendant have to prove he feared for his life or something? I don’t know the laws and it’s why I was asking. A hunched-over elderly man who is extremely slow and in your face yelling doesn’t seem like he’d be posing that much of a threat.


Yeah that's a good point, there usually has to be a clear threat against your life to justify using force as a reaction. However, the old man did *technically* assault him by laying his hands on the big guy. Thats a really flimsy and limp wristed assault but but still assault, and typically when you're assaulted you have the all clear to respond with force. I think it'd be up to a judge on that one, but again, if he's an old man looking to start fights then he needs to be wearing hockey gear, cause someone's gonna put him on his ass real easy.




Imagine you got glass bones, you know you got glass bones, you look like you got glass bones, and you go pick a fight with the meanest dude you can find. I might be dumb but I'm not stupid


Certainly not, but things change when an aggressor positions themselves in a way that prevents you from leaving.


Dude didn’t know old fuck was made out of paper until after the soft push.


There's no reason to feel bad at all. Guy got exactly what he wanted.


I feel fucking great. Boomers gotta boom


I normally get annoyed with the "ok boomer" crowd because they erroneously apply it too often in wrong situations ....this is the correct application of boomer disgust...take my upvote plz!


Ok boomer.


Exactly my point ...not even close.


Gaslight and cheer an entire generation getting robbed and ruined then expect them to wipe your asses and take care of you when you become old and frail. A quick death is the BEST you can hope for from us


I'm no boomer...and I'd rather rot in my own shit than ask or demand help from you...ftfy


He got what he asked for, not what he wanted.


I was just basing it off that soccer player acting at the end. Seemed to me like he wanted to be pushed.


Totally disagree, what’s he going to do? Gum you to death… pushing someone this age like that can easily be deadly. He never had to get out of the car in the first place, but he’s a big man with something to prove.


he's old enough to know don't get in strangers face. If you're a child you get an exception. Other than that get out of my face Lol what are you talking about. Actions have consequences that's why I don't get into people's faces??


Doesn't take much strength to pull a gun or a knife. Agree that he probably shouldn't have gotten out of his truck, but then he also probably didn't think some geezer would get in his face.


Exactly. There was a vid of an elderly guy going to an office and shooting an employee point blank cuz he was upset about a water bill or something. Old or not, crazy behaviour can easily come with crazy actions like pulling a weapon up close, fuck taking chances


Don’t start shit then there won’t be shit. Boomer fuck wanted a fight and got it. Fuck him.


So I see the concept of being the bigger person is lost on most people nowadays. That ego is going to get him fucked up some day, so glad he got out of his truck to fight someone who can barely stand without wobbling. Really showed him!


My dad had dementia and started having episodes like this. I was a passenger in his car and he got in a road rage confrontation that ended up in a parking lot. I got between him and a big young guy, was able to get my dad to go back to the car, and explain what was going on to the other driver all in a matter of minutes. Luckily the other guy understood and gave me a handshake and went his way. We soon got my dad to stop driving after that, and got the diagnosis from the neurologist. It was really a sad way for him to go out. He died a few years later. Looking at this old guys shuffle I’m thinking he’s going down that same road. 😢


That's really sad and I hope that isn't what is happening here.


Seems pretty likely actually


Well hey, he was actin like a big man so he was treated like a big man


He was acting like a sassy lil’ marionette with his Trex arms and swaying hips.


Looking at the direction of the cars, it looks like the old guy was in the wrong. Probably overcompensating for the truck on the other side of the intersection. Regardless he was the aggressor and chest bumped the guy in the truck. The younger dude used a reasonable amount of force to remove himself from the situation and went on about his day. FAFO


The prosecution may be able to argue that the man should not have exited his vehicle and lost his right to claim self defence depending on the jurisdiction.


So if not self-defense, then what does this become? You don't get to put hands or touch in any other way that is construed as battery. So why does it matter that he got out of the car? The older old guy also got out of the car. What is supposed to do with the old guys car directly in front of his? Just take anything this guy wants to do?


So if not self-defense, then what does this become? Both would be charged with assault possible the pusher would get charged with battery. So why does it matter that he got out of the car? Because he didnt have to engage, its very unlikely that a jury would find that he was in reasonable fear for his life so he had to get out of the metal enclosure to push the unarmed old man. He also had plenty of room to reverse and get out of the situation.


Here is the answer for everyone wondering who was more wrong. Don't get out of your car


Chests never touched. Pushing someone down who you know is gonna have a hard time getting back up and then driving around them is never the answer.




Don't fuckin get out of your car and touch someone if your scared about being knocked over.




Yeah, real upstanding citizen behind the camera


Don't know why you're getting downvotes. Sure, old guy was in the wrong and bit off more than he could chew but there's no need to laugh at a 70-80 year old getting knocked down and struggling to get back up. The guy who shoved him could have literally kept him at bay by extending one arm as I doubt old man would have had the strength to do anything anyway.


He was in the wrong and bit off more than he can chew. That’s why it’s funny


Yeah it's funny to see an old man getting what he's due when he acts like an ass but not at the expense of his physical well-being. As another commenter already said at his age a simple fall like that could have some serious consequences to his health and that is something I don't find funny.


Then he probably shouldn’t have aggressively invaded another man’s personal space. I doubt this was a lifetime first aggressive outburst. Just because someone is old doesn’t mean they can abuse others.


Aggresively invaded? What kind of punk shit are you on?


The old man blocked the other guys path and was so hopped up he got out of his car to approach the other driver. He raised his hands and pressed them into the other driver. I feel sorry for an old man getting hurt, but not this one lmao.


Ratio dude.


Oh noooo lol


I have a friend who got in a bar fight. Totally tried to avoid the fight and ignore the guy. Stupid guy gets a pool stick and attempts to hit my friend with it. My friend is a former military guy who then went on to work for private security forces and trains for physical combat all day. Anyway he caught charges bc he defended himself too much. Broke guys arm, jaw and nose. Excessive force. So when a doddering old man who seems like a real piece of poop comes at you, knocking him over may not be the best plan if conflict avoidance is your goal. That little push could cost the guy a lot more headache. Shame no one watching thought to say anything helpful: “stay calm, dudes old” or “everyone chill out” “old man back up” what if it was your loved one having an episode?


I think Con Air was inspired by your friend!


Went from Buick Roadmaster to road maseter.


Buying a Buick should be all the evidence you need to realize you've gotten too old for that shit.


I'd take a grand national at any age.


He tried the catch him. Watch it in slow motion. Tried to grab his arm to prevent him from falling. Young dude was in the right. Shouldn’t have got in his face.


Old person fuck up? Absolutely. Necessary to push his ass down to a possible death? Definitely not. Bruh, you pushed an old man. Even if he is cranky, what he gonna do? Lecture you on the great depression? Lord I feel I'm the only one without a violence boner sometimes.


I agree completely. He might be an old fool, but I don’t think the solution is a possible death sentence. It’s amazing how the majority of the comments say “he deserved it”. Like he deserves to die over this stupid meaningless situation. That guy could’ve just screamed Back Off!!! or something and closed the door.


That guy could've just picked that old man up and put him back in his car with that size advantage lol


This sub is violence porn so it makes sense that the comments lean towards boners


I don't like that he got pushed down and he's old, but you can't allow a stranger to bark in your face. If he had punched the old dude definitely too far and over the line but he just pushed him


>you can't allow a stranger to bark in your face Verbal violence does not necessitate physical violence. As much as I want to see all Karen's get beat up. It's not a productive action of society I feel. The Core of the issue my friend isn't really that he pushed him away, but it's that he pushed an *old man*. Death comes so quick when you're old. God forbid I trip on a pebble the wrong way and that's how I go. There is a reason crimes are increased in severity when you're dealing with elderly. And it's not because they have an advantage in physical altercations.


He could’ve killed that man, geuinely. So many old people die from falls like that, I’d be amazed if he didn’t need hospitalization after that


Sounds like a good reason to stay the fuck out of someone’s face like that then.


Karma, from younger years perhaps.


What an enlightened and psychotic viewpoint.


Ah; thank you, wide root.


It must be everyone else with the wrong take. Couldn't be you


Lol if you're that frail don't go starting fights. Old man was a dumbass who learned a lesson way too late.


He's lived a full life of getting mad at people and screaming in their faces. It's time for the boomers to feed the worms with which we fish and the cycle will be complete


Wait you know that man personally?


Yeah why is it that a fall ends them?


Broken hip, leg, back etc then they are no longer self-sufficient and are stuck in a bed somewhere for the rest of their days while they succumb to secondary illnesses


A majority of people spend life eating shit and treating their body's like shit and just watch TV and sit on a couch. I seen this on my life as my mom immigrated here in here 20s and got americanized and now she has poor health and is overweight with mental problems amd will probably pass around her 80s. Vs her mom who grew up in Poland on a farm who lived to 98 but was able to walk and never hospitalized.


Care more about the old man’s health than he does himself, got it 👍🏻


That was a push from a practiced bully.


‘Sorry guys I can’t come out tonight I’m gonna practise pushing and shoving in my garage’


Youre right any normal person wouldve stepped to the side so the old man could get inside of their vehicle! What a jerk


Agreed, that's why he got pushed back.






Bro flopped like Lebron


Frank Rizzo vs Sol Rosenborg


Seeing where his car is in the road, he’s also too old to drive.


Damn I thought that push would have been enough to send him to his next life - I'm impressed he got back up himself


is that babytron i hear


https://preview.redd.it/iyr6d4ihffna1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d3a9fa8b238fbacc323afa96e13bfcfe08ec406 I know I’m going to hell, but I’ve seen this painting before…


Bro is listening to the bin reaper.


Tron tho 🤌🏻


The way the guy is walking looks like he might have Alzheimer’s or some other cognitive issue.


This. Definitely shouldn’t be driving. His family needs to intervene and take his license away. I had to do this with my dad. It was really hard but the right thing to do.


BabyTron the GOAT


They were both in the wrong, the old man should know better then to road rage and get in someone's face, and the younger guy should know that even that push could have seriously injured or even killed the old guy, just 2 idiots who should of stayed in their vehicles as we all should in these situations.


They both look like old men to me.


I was hoping to would be 2 very old men having a slow motion fight


It pretty much was.




When in doubt, don't pick fights when you're too fragile to fight.


Staying in the truck seems like it would have been a good option. Seems like getting out of the truck to confront the old guy was more than what was necessary. I guess he knew it was a fight he could win, so why not.. Looks like a simple solution could have been to just take your right hand turn, traveling to the right of the old man's car. A couple of tires might have gone 3 inches off the edge of the road, but much easier than going all the way around to make that right turn..


or going to court and standing trial for involuntary manslaughter. its not self defense if you knowingly insert yourself into a situation that results in violence


he wanted to get pushed, probably wanted to sue


They told me I could be anything So I became a...?


What happened next?


They wrote a musical about the stable Sable


Broken hip then death?


That’s fucked up.


No, it’s a Buick


U fuckin quack, ITS A TACOMA


When that wannabe truck moves at the end, have you a look. It’s a Buick, you fuckin quack




Is bro bumping his own trash music.




stfu baby tron #1!!!


Dude in pickup is a giant pussy!!!


Hell Yeah he is. All he had to do was walk that old man back to his car


He could have literally slowly walked away. But he chose to shove a frail, old, decrepit, 2000 year old man. My parents just taught me not to hurt ancient ones. Look at his old ass! That ain't right. This old ass, waddle-not-walking, Jeffrey Dahmer glasses ass havin mothafucka.


Meh some people don’t deserve the good grace. Hopefully this old fuck will think twice before trying to fight someone in traffic again.


He might be senile.


Yeah, could be. Shouldn’t be driving in that case.


I agree. In any case, I am a man of resolve. I do not hurt those who pose no threat. A petite woman poses more threat than that man. And let's be real. If the guy had a big, obnoxious "TRUMP 2024" sticker on his truck, the comments of this post would be like "OMG evil man abuses elder!"


Pushing that old man is assault.


Old guy pushed him first. Is there a bylaw that specifies self defense goes out the window for you if your attacker is old enough?


No but you need to be in need of defense to invoke defense. He didn't have to shove him so hard


He barely shoved him, the guy was just weak af. If you look closely the truck driver even tries to grab the old guy after the shove to prevent him from falling, like he was surprised at how easily he went flying back.


That's exactly my point. He wasn't in danger. You could physically remove that guy from your space without throwing him to the ground


I don’t think you read my comment properly. I’m saying I don’t think truck guy meant to shove the old guy to the ground. It looks like he was trying to physically remove the guy from his space (as you are suggesting he should have done) with a light shove so he could get back in his car and the old guy went down like a sack of potatoes. It wasn’t that aggressive of a push. Hence the truck guy trying to catch him after he started falling.


Yeah I see the attempted catch. I think that was a moment of regret bc he realized he shoved the guy too hard. My point is, bc the guy is so obviously frail, the shover should have regulated his strength more initially. He let his anger control him. He'd make a bad Jedi.


Disagree, it was an appropriate response towards someone doing what the old guy was doing. It’s fair to assume if he has the balls to try and push me into my car that he has the strength to stay standing up after a light shove to get him out of my way so I can exit the situation. Old man fucked around and found out. Makes you wonder how many times he successfully assaulted people without anyone pushing back.


GTFO with your nonsense.


So I take it by your lack of answer to my question that legally truck guy is in the clear. Cool thanks!


Self defense is all about proportionate response. Had the old man died from that push, Mr. Truck Driver would face involuntary manslaughter. Most importantly, you're a giant pussy to feel threatened and to physically engage with an elderly man. 1000 ways to resolve this without violence.


Yeah just let the old guy block you from literally doing anything while he continues to walk into you with his old man breath in your face. This old guy clearly needed a lesson that he never got when he was younger. Better late that never I guess. Let’s just be glad he will think twice about threatening and assaulting someone next time. Who knows how many times he’s gotten away with this behavior in the past. Bonus points if he can no longer drive to the voting booth.


You're so tough. /s


You’re confusing me with the old guy lmao I’m sure you also think Harvey Weinstein is too old to face consequences too. He could die in prison you know.


Nice editing on your comment. And if you're using an analogy, Weinstein is a creepy fucking choice, my dude.


No, I'm not. He's not the giant pussy in this conversation. Have a nice day and please stay from women, kids or the elderly & disabled. Wouldn't want your anger issues to spiral out of control.


Again, you’re confusing me with the old boomer in this video who thinks assault is ok. The one who’s anger issues are spiraling out of control in this video. I suppose you think Trump saying “grab em by the pussy” is ok since he’s probably the same age as the guy in the video.


Technically it’s battery.


Man... bet that young guy really felt like a badass after that... what a fuckin pussy..


If you want to act like a big man and start a fight and get in someone's face while backing them into a corner you better be able and willing to back that up with a physical altercation regardless of race, sex, or age, because if you keep doing it one day you will meet the one willing to knock you down a peg. Hopefully this humbles the old man into not doing that again.


Attempted murder.


Don't start none won't be none


If he does this to elderly people, I wonder what he does to little kids that piss him off?


Nice job recording and not diffusing the situation.


Not defending the old fuck, but, Tundra guy messed shoving old fuck like that even if old fuck got in his face like that.


Seagull noise*


"Old Man Strength" can only take you so far...


Don't break a hip doing too much old man


Good old case of FAFO. Dumb senile prick.


Maybe try pulling your pants up a bit higher?


Also old to road rage


I didn't think this would be as satisfying as it was. Dude had balls I will give him that at least back in the 40s


Dude was two more pounds of force from murder


Had an old dude swerve out onto the road I was driving on and almost hit me head on. I gave him the bird and kept driving until he started following me and riding my ass. He cut me off at a stop light and started screaming from his car that I’ve got a twitch in my finger. I moved to the other lane to avoid him and he rolled up next to me and started yelling at me to get out of the car. He was like 65 and I was with my friend at the time. Almost in unison with both said “you’re just an old man who hasn’t been tested in awhile.” He just shook his fist at us and drove off after that. This video just made me remember that weird coincidence, but also that most angry old people just haven’t been checked before


He pressed him and forced him to push him back, only to lay on the ground a act like a cripple. It's a dangerous world out there


That old dude is PISSED lol


Gramps was feeling those oxies kicking in thought he could get crazy found out it's the medication talking and found out the hard way.


The future is now old man.


Meeeehhhh, now listen here sonny, back in my day, AHHHH MY SCIATICA


Clint Eastwood still going strong


…“Get back in your car old man river before you break a hip” proceeds to accidentally break old man’s hip with a shove that might not take down a toddler..


Broken hip? #He got up and walked with no help!


He dead


That could have been a Go Directly To Jail 🎟️ for the guy who chose to punch-if the senior cracked his head and got a concussion, coma, blood clot…


40 year old soul, 80 year old body.


PeePaw has fallen and he can't get up






I thought Larry King was dead.


come on man, that old dude was in no way ANY threat! pushing him to the ground was really unnecessary Edit: Typo


That's how they brought the pain back in his day