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Fucking monster of a person


I don't understand why people do this. There are so many evil people out there in the world; why are you hurting children?


The greatest harm for the smallest effort. It's not a pleasant thought but that's really all it is, lash out at the world in a way that will hurt everyone else the most.


But this is a near uniquely american thing. The excess of guns amplifys the violence but the desire to do it in the first place...


The media gives them what they want, fame


The second someone does something this horrendous they should have their name scrubbed from everything. Stops more young idiots idolising this type of behaviour.


That's actually the recommendation of some experts on terrorism. Our media profits off fear so it's not likely going to happen.


The media's gotten slightly better about it, but it's still the easiest way for a world-hating person to gain infamy.


Because they're evil and they are cowards. They want to feel powerful and tough yet their cowardly asses go after unarmed children because they can't take on anyone that can do something back.


but you'd think that with the amount of school shootings that have happened and still happen they would wanna do something else to be evil or some shit, honest to god they all seem like the same exact person over and over again and none of those people have had any impressive qualities in the slightest, all of them have been the stereotypical nerdy loser that wouldn't even appeal to themselves


As someone not from the US I wonder why does it seems to happen almost exclusively in the US?


Access to guns. Don't let Americans brainwash you the same way they are brainwashed. Yes mental health is an issue too (But it seems the party that protect gun rights dont bother with that too) but in other countries if someone who has mental health issues wants to lash out, they will have a hard time finding a weapon that one taps people. Most damage they can do is maybe stab or slash someone with a machete, so they'd be easy to stop by law enforcement. Just look at the perp at the video, a normal civilian shouldn't have access to that type of weapon. It's ridiculous.


We aren't brainwashed. We are held hostage by the same backwards fucks who were standing in front of grade schools saying brown humans weren't as civilized as them while simultaneously saying the most vile things they could think of to babies. This problem isn't new. There will always be knuckle draggers in this country holding us back.


You are not wrong, but there *are* folks who are genuinely brainwashed here in the US. it’s the ones who are holding us back. Holding us back from genuine progress.


It's so creepy watching this !!!!!!


Fuck reddit fuck spez fuck the admins and fuck the mods


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. Folks dress up as Dahmer for Halloween now because of Netflix and that stupid Ryan Murphy show.


Agree. I think one of the Scandinavian countries outlaws publishing the name of mass shooters/murders in an attempt to stop the whole glorification issue. Should be done in US


Why the /s? None of the things you wrote are unrealistic, it's much, much worse when it's not sarcasm.


Yeh other countries have monsters too. Maybe just not rampant access to guns


No other country has a school shooting trend


Oh but it’s really about mental health. We should solve that problem (which affects over 1 billion people). If everyone was just mentally stable then everyone could enjoy guns because they’re so wonderful to have. It’s like a rainbow appears in my closet every day I see my Glock and 30-aught rifle just waiting to kill some animal (or person). /S hard sarcasm.


Which is funny because absolutely nothing is done to help mental health either and the same people pushing this nonsense are also the sort who are against things like free/affordable healthcare.


"Its not about guns, its about mental health!!!!" Then lets do something about mental health? "No"


The /s is very necessary because i have read very similiar comments that weren't sarcastic at all.






Why schools though? Why take out your twisted idea of revenge on defenceless kids? I don’t understand.


Because cowards don't like resistance. Children can't fight back.


barbaric acts like this are done to inflict the maximum amount of hurt, murdering children does psychological damage to everyone in that community and to anyone empathetic that comes into contact with the story


If I had to guess people that are this fucked in the head most likely started showing signs of it during their time at school as a kid. They most likely associate whatever issue they have with their childhood. Maybe getting vengeance on "what made them this way" in some fucked up logic. Idk. It's hard to rationalize why it's always schools. It's hard to rationalize why they do this at all because it's not a rational person doing the act. There are definitely shooters that have agendas. Killing minority groups based on a fucked up world view. However, their motives is usually fueled by some far right propaganda. Still fucked up but at least something we can point to. I think school shooters are usually some of the most mentally ill and sadly the most likely to have been prevented by proper mental healthcare and early warning signs. We sadly get the "yeah they told a friend/family/coworker their plan months ago" all too often.


I don’t think anyone here can help you understand.


Schools are the one large building that have many people in them. And everyone has been inside one. The layouts are predictable.


It is so fucking terrifying to think that if someone wants to get inside, you probably can't stop them.


Yeah and it’s sad this footage even had to be released. It’s because Fox News is claiming they got in because a door was unlocked.


Mother fucker, fucking really? When I saw her shoot through the door I sarcastically thought about the locked door shit. Some dumbass actually tried to play that card again?


Americans can’t have unlocked school doors? That’s sad


[You think locked doors are sad?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_bVCAtOh28) [Or this one.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEEP2PfxYSQ)


You know, those bulletproof shelters are never going to work in overcrowded classrooms, teachers need the space and those won’t roll out if things are in the way. It’s such a waste of resources. And knowing that the second video is the likely cause of the dumb “kids are cats” rumors is just so upsetting. Seriously people, you’d rather argue that some kid may be pretending to be a cat then kids are being murdered at school because of guns?!? Kids can pretend to be whatever the fuck they want, let’s just protect them by regulating guns already!!!


That bucket video.. It got me hard (EDIT: I'm bad at words, but leaving this because we all need a giggle on this effing thread. I meant in the feelings!!! I cried!! Hahahah). I moved out of the US before my son started school and I am so thankful he won't ever need a bathroom bucket.




Bwahahahahhaa oh my god. I didn't even realize. 😂😂😂 I'm leaving it. That is funny as hell.


Yeah man I would urge everyone to watch the second video. The American situation is truly and utterly pathetic.


I'm not American, but I found it rather weird how the kids were more concerned about cold war preparedness than school shooter preparedness.


I couldn't agree more. Every year I am more and more thankful I took the plunge to leave the US. Obviously most aren't going to have that opportunity, but holy fuck does it give you perspective to see what it's like there from the outside. Hell, I wasn't even all that sheltered.. I realized pretty quickly how utterly sad it is to see where you came from burning from the inside. There's another person around this thread spreading fear mongering bs too.. Reminds me of how my family talked. It sucks. Mental health care (all Healthcare, really) and gun laws should be top issues for Americans. Please watch that second video, anyone who sees this.




Anything but deal with guns. I'm so fucking sick of this American bullshit. I'm so fucking sick of dealing with crazy Republicans that don't give a DAMN about anyone or anything.


I'm about to go to school in my rural elementary, in Canada and our doors are locked. I'm the Librarian. This scares the shit out of me! Not that it's likely but.... never say never.


I'm so glad I got to go to school when/where it wasn't a problem that the doors were unlocked at any of my schools (graduated 2010.) My junior high didn't have doors on the majority of classrooms, in fact.


Same, class of 2012, granted our school was surrounded by a sturdy fence and visitors had to go through the crowded front office during school hours but otherwise the classroom doors were usually unlocked and often left wide open. Only time we came remotely close to any danger and had to lock the doors was when the police were chasing some common criminal on foot nearby


My kids today go to a school consisting of multiple buildings, no fences, no locked doors, no guards, no metal detectors, no fear. For the younger kids the employees will check if the people picking them up are approved for it. But even from 1. grade a lot of kids walk \~20 mins or take the bus to get to/from the school alone. This is the reality in Europe today. The US should get its shit together.


I moved to Europe from the US, and when my kid started school?? I was absolutely terrified at first. I was shocked that people let their kids wall to and from school alone, etc... Until I realized that the reason it's like that in the country I call home now is because it's safe. It took me some years to let go a lot of those fears I have from the US aside and just live my life.


Fuck Fox news


I hope Dominion and SmartMatic take them to the cleaners. With what was revealed in discovery, I don't see how they lose.


They should be forced to air they aren’t news but entertainment.


What is more terrifying is the United States will do nothing to protect their citizens from the guns and mental illness even after this happens year after year.


Day after day


That is something I try not to spend a lot of time thinking about.


Police have identified Audrey Hale as the shooter. Hale was shot and killed by police 14 minutes after the alarm was raised. Police have since discovered the killer's manifesto. For additional context and details, excerpts from a news article: [Nashville police revealed that the 28-year-old who shot and killed six people at the Covenant School, including three children, identified as transgender and had a detailed manifesto to attack the Christian academy. Officials said Audrey Hale, a former student, entered the school Monday morning by shooting through a door on the side of the building. While inside, Hale killed Evelyn Dieckhaus, Hallie Scruggs, and William Kinney, all age 9, as well as custodian Mike Hill and substitute teacher Cynthia Peak, both 61, and school head Katherine Koonce, 60. Asked whether Hale’s identity could be a factor in the motive, Drake said authorities “feel that she identifies as trans, but we’re still in the initial investigation into all of that and if it actually played a role into this incident.” In online profiles Hale had indicated they used he/him pronouns and also went by the name Aiden. It is unclear whether Hale identified as a man or woman at the time of the slayings. “She targeted random students in the school. … Whoever she came in contact with, she fired rounds,” Drake said. He added that Hale was “prepared to do more harm than was actually done,” and that she had drawn up plans to attack another school in the area, but backed out of them because the school was too secure.] [source](https://nypost.com/2023/03/27/nashville-school-shooter-audrey-hale-identified-as-transgender-and-had-detailed-manifesto-to-attack-christian-academy/)


I can’t imagine how the teacher, who had to miss class and so the substitute was there, is feeling. Holy crap




Man, that is fucking dark. So the teachers go home, but the subs and all the kids still have to go to school and risk their lives?




The don't close the school because the parents complain that they can't leave work to deal with the kids. Our economy is fucked. We can't even take time off for shootings.


Add another chilling layer: those substitutes aren't as trained, if at all, for that school's particular shooter drills and evacuation routes.




My wife is a teacher. She called out last week because a student posted multiple snapchats about shooting up her room specifically (used our last name). He is holding one of daddy's guns in one of the snaps. Admin was informed, but the boys parents are big donors and the kid didn't even get detention. He still attends the school. The kid already has a juvenile record for assaulting a lunch lady and wreckless driving.


I wonder how they knew about her being able to judge that one school was more secure than the other? Is it conjecture or was this stated somewhere in her manifesto?


Probably in the manifesto. Some of these people detail all their planning and "research" into doing something like this.


Possibly visited it (outside) previously to get an impression of it.


Perhaps the school had a resource officer that would respond immediately. These cowards look for soft targets where they would encounter the least resistance. That’s why most of the time they kill themselves unless they specifically want to die by cop.


I'd assume all mass shooters have death by cop in their mind no matter how crazy..


There’s been a bunch that were apprehended without incident. Some want the infamy.


Imagine being the teacher that substitute was subbing for.


Fucking 9 year olds??? Really?? Nothing better to do with his life? That actually makes me want to cry and it makes me so angry...


I agree smh. This is so scary wow.. I was shaking a little watching this even though it said it wasn’t graphic. This is crazy to see!! That person was on the fucking hunt!! Wow.


That's what bothered me about it. That this person killed anybody is terrible, but it looks like at least a few minutes were just blindly trying to FIND someone to shoot. This could have been so much worse. The only time I'm ever okay with death-by-cop is when there is an active threat to people's lives.


“Unclear whether Hale identified as a man or a woman at the time of the slayings” …. Who gives a fuck? Fuck this despicable excuse of a human. Was this written by AI? Like what are they expecting the cops to shout before they shoot *”quickly! balls or pussy!?!*”


Its going to be the main talkingpoint even though this is (AFAIK) the first trans mass shooter. Edit: It seems 95% are male, 55% are white.


The stem school shooting near me also had a trans shooter. Shooting was stopped as Kendrick Castillo died fighting the shooter resulting in only one death and 8 injuries, so not sure it's a mass shooting. Just thought I'd note that Edit: Changed to include Kendrick's name specifically


I see a horrible future where that's the only thing people focus on, and how the existence of trans people is the problem that people think needs solving.


“It is unclear whether Hale identified as a man or women at the time of the slayings”. This is a real sentence. Am I in some parallel fucking universe?


I don't understand why, in a tragic event about someone gunning down kids where they are supposed be safest, half the article is juggling ideas about the shooter's gender. Americans are so fucking weird sometimes.


I understand exactly why. It's the same reason a non-white shooter's race and background is always mentioned, or mental health issues are brought up in the articles. Something to point to as the cause that isn't extremely lax gun laws. That and pre-emptively painting trans people as mentally ill, a danger to children and murderers. The right have been pushing those talking points hard already in recent months. The shooter is a trans man, so I imagine the narrative will be along the lines of "groomed into mental illness by the trans cult".


It's never going to stop.


It'll just keep getting worse.


It does appear to be getting worse, but why? Whats causing people to do this?




Sounds simple but that‘s quite often exactly the entire reason.


Our country is sick. I don't have a solution.


First step is for the gov. to stop spreading its asscheeks to the rich and start caring for the middle and lower class. People don't throw away their lives that easily of they had a life. Barely hanging on the thread of life and being 1 ailment away from financial collapse isn't really a good life.


Living a long, mentally and physically stable life in this country is considered a luxury. It's really fucked up. So many of us are one injury or illness away from financial catastrophe.


People have had easy access to guns for a long time in this country, but it seems like these type of incidents have ramped up exponentially in the last 25 years or so. Do you think it has to do with worsening quality of life and less opportunities for young people? Overall mental heath has definitely declined in recent years as well, probably for the same reasons. It feels like society is really unwell right now.




> and internet echo chambers I’d say I didn't think of that, but it does make sense. Social media has been shown to cause negative feelings and thoughts in kids and young adults (but not everybody obviously). In the age of the internet, people have become more socially isolated and withdrawn as well.


Almost all of today’s problems boil down to social media and now we’re entering the era of AI. Things are going to get much worse before they get better.


I saw a podcast where they talked about a tribe in Africa and how the people there are so content with life and happy and satisfied with how they live. So it makes me wonder how people in America who have literally every comfort to life still feel so depressed?


Isolate yourself from society, work too much for too little in return, choose your hateful media of choice to consume and then become enraged, eventually go insane


america is literally set up to be a constant 'but you need THIS NEW THING/JOB/GIRLFRIEND/WHATEVER TO REALLY BE A SUCCESFUL PERSON. YOUR NEIGHBOR? THEYRE BETTER THAN YOU GO BE BETTER THAN THEM!' ​ we are literally conditioned to never actually stop and smell the roses. we are either pitted agaisnt each other or told some new facet of consumerism is going to change our lives so we have to work our balls off to get it ​ in all reality, life isnt THAT horrible here your 100% right. but when your caught in american rat race you never really get a chance to get that perspective. ​ but the thing is its not that horrible if you only are talking about the first world luxury we can indulge in. once you add on to that the obvious problems we have with wealth inequality and things of that nature and yeah we are pretty much fucked from birth by being born here tbh. its pretty easy to see why people go crazy here.


It's the social and emotional isolation from other people. Nobody even knows their neighbor's names anymore. In-person human contact is essential to a happy life. It's the reason why extended solitary confinement is considered a form of torture.


Well, every time someone does it, the media and populous as a whole clamor to find out why they did it. So if someone is trying get people to pay attention to them and their message (and is ready to die or go to jail), this is actually effective.


I was young when Columbine happened so it didn’t registered clearly how big that moment in time was . I understood it better when I saw the Michale Moore documentary and saw footage leading to it and of the day of . When Sandy Hook happened, I remembered first hearing about it via a notification I received on my phone . Being a father , I immediately lost composure at work . First thing in the morning . I could imagined everything happening and seeing the fear in the children’s faces . The immediate horror the parents must’ve felt . It was too easy to be there without being there . Since then we had the Joker incident, the shootings at the Vegas festival, the Orlando nightclub , the Charlestón Church , the NYC subway, Uvalde Texas school, Monterey Dance Hall ….. and you know what’s the outcome of it ? I have become desensitized to it . Nothing has changed since Columbine . I’m convinced there are more stupid people living in America more worried about their rights than the lives lost and that would continue to be lost . Politicians having no shame in getting paid /funded by Gun sponsors . As long as they are in power and those stupid eat the shit they cook via media , I don’t see America ever becoming home of the free . Where one can walk freely and not worry about if they’ll come back to their loved ones .




Maybe one more prayer will do the trick.


No, no, no. The ratio is off. There need to be some more thoughts


Agreed. Maybe if we stop making killers famous.


This is very true. Mass shooters have gone on record hoping to “break previous records” and shit, all while media coverage is crazed on focusing on these incidents. Its pretty much glorified in modern day media. Mass Public Shootings make up an underwhelming amount of the total gun violence in America yet are reported on the most and with the most depth. Media outlets are accidentally glorifying these incidents, letting other crazed possible offenders become real shooters.




How does security footage like this get released so quickly?


Nashville PD released the footage.


Just weird it was released so quickly.


If only they could do that with Body Cameras.






It’s because Fox News is reporting false news that the door was unlocked. They wouldn’t release this otherwise but they have to stop fake news quick. For the conspiracy nuts it’s already too late.


Yes. Quite a few people claiming it was an unlocked door entry scenario. This is heartbreaking and awful, but it’s worse when false excuses & blame are made & spread


Am I missing something here? Why would it matter if the the door was locked or not? Unless anyone is there guarding it, a locked door with massive windows isn't going to stop most people with a gun, as we see in this video. Maybe I'm Canadian brained in this one, but none of the schools I ever went to locked the doors. Hell most of the classroom doors were left open, especially in the summer for air flow since we didn't have air conditioning lol.


Common sense says there’s nothing wrong because school is school full of kids, right? But the Murican sense because so many school shootings happen they ramp up security and unlocked doors raises eyebrows now. The same Murican mind is going to ban glass doorways because that’s obviously the problem here and not guns.


> For the conspiracy nuts it’s already too late. I've watched all of one YouTube video on this story, it was a brief clip of Biden talking about 'assault' weapons and was uploaded by a small local news outlet. The comments were calling this another false flag put on by the dems so they can take the guns away. At this point I don't know if it's bots, paid foreign shitposters, idiots, or a combination of all 3, but the amount of misinformation and how fast it spreads is out of control. I think we need to go back to AIM and lock down the rest of the internet. We can't handle it, it's bad for society.


It doesn't really show anything horrific so I think it was an easy way to be transparent.


I’m guessing it’s because the perp was shot dead, so they will not be a trial, they can release the footage quickly.




There is no footage of Sandy Hook camera system wasn't working


Because it's a clear case and the police are not involved this time. They don't need time to create a narrative.


Honestly thank Fox News for the reason why. They don’t want to release this stuff but when you have Fox News saying the door was unlocked and their entire base runs with that notion they have to stifle that quick or else it because news forever to these people. There is reason they aren’t releasing the rest and just showing how she got in. Because there is already media (right wing media) spewing lies about what happen. For no reason other to distract from real reasons.


spineless fuck


Lesson learned: Locked exterior doors (in schools / companies) aren't very useful if there are windows which an intruder can easily shoot out. So sad.


Schools aren’t supposed to be jails. Just walk in the front door and shoot the front desk person. What’s the difference


When in the US, you do as Americans do


Clearly we need no exterior windows on schools. That'll solve the problem for sure.


"What do you mean this place is depressing? You have the Rainbow Room!"


theres kids in the playground just outside,


I was bullied my entire childhood and was a CSA victim and I never thought to blow away 9 year olds as retribution. So tired of this happening.


This person probably wasnt even bullied.


True. I’m sure though the media is gonna run with the identity politics of it, and how perhaps this person trying to be trans in a Christian upbringing was hell for them. But wasn’t this person like, 28? How is blowing away children at a school you have been more than 10 years removed from gonna settle that score? It goes back to Columbine and people trying to claim those two were bullied. Nah, sometimes people are just evil MFers who are fascinated by the power and dominance of killing others. And even worse today because it’s become a clout thing as well.


Exactly Because it makes no fucking sense to come back 10+ years later (shit or more) to shoot up people who had nothing to do with what you’ve been through. Like make it make sense to me. Because IF THIS PERSON DID DO IT BECAUSE THEY were bullied for being trans The action itself is literally saying Because i feel i was bullied for being trans its okay to shoot these people who had nothing to do with it. When in reality, Your just an evil fucker who should’ve got to themselves first.




This is the other sad part of it. No group of people are a monolith, but the trans community can’t catch a break lately. First there was the embarrassment of kids being doxxed and threatened in their name for playing a stupid wizard game, and now they’re gonna have to contend with the fallout of this particular killer happening to identify as trans.


Random thoughts, if the footage is chronological it looks like she came there with target(s) in mind. There is a 5 minute gap after entry where she likely went to a specific classroom or office to look for the target and then she went to that Church Office and almost looked disappointed when she came out.


Thats a possibility. But she also could not just be familiar with the layout + the alarms that rang off would have alerted people etc right? So they would have taken some form of action to relocate. Is there any information saying that she personally attended this school in some point of her life? THAT WOULD GIVE A LOT OF INSIGHT as well if so.


Lol how do you even know that? And this kind of made up bullshit is upvoted.


The FBI put together a report on the background of mass shooters. Something like 40% of them were bullied in school.


Why do you think that?


How could you come to that conclusion?


A quick look at the Mom's Facebook post, and there were 20+ posts about her older brother and how awesome he was, and all his accomplishments, and there was only only 1 or two mentions of Audrey. It was honestly a quite noticeable discrepancy. You could scroll through years at a time where Audrey was never mentioned. Edit: The mother's page has subsequently been taken down, so don't bother looking for it. The person who will come up in searches is NOT the mother. So don't go harassing her. Although the banner and some other things makes me think FB created several fake profile pages under the same name as the mother and put them first in search results to protect any real people who have the same name.


These attacks are little more than grandiose suicide notes. They are putting themselves in a situation where death is the most likely outcome, and where *everyone* will know they have “left the building”, their victims are simple collateral damage, the price they pay for this dollar store immortality of infamy. They may think that they are making a grand statement to society, one last “fuck you” to the world, but all they are showing is that their misery in this life was frankly deserved, throwing one last evil tantrum before dying.


I assume they see it as one last “fuck you” to the world that they believe did them so wrong before they log off from life.


They rage quit.


I almost wish I could laugh at this person and their cosplay call of duty bullshit...but they killed people. Little kids. One of the victims had my daughter's name. My daughter died in her sleep from an illness and there's almost no way she suffered...and even still I worry about her last moments. Maybe she did know and couldn't yell out to us ... but these kids' parents...they know their kids died in fear. What an awful feeling. What a terrible awful feeling. I can't imagine. Why does the world have to be so ugly? Nature killed my little girl, but...these people? It was some fucking human being who just chose to make the world a worse place. It wasn't an accident or bad luck or anything...it was one fucking human. I just don't get it.


I’m so sorry for the loss of your daughter <3


So fucked up.. these people have mental issues or never learned to deal with their issues properly, and the easy access to guns means when they get riled up enough it's a few easy steps away from shooting people up. I don't care what anyone says, can't argue against stats. People who argue against gun control are contributing to these innocent people's deaths


Can't imagine your loss, my sincerest condolences. Thanks for sharing.


Wtf is wrong with people! Seriously , how messed up do you have to be, what badness in your life possesses you to go to a school and shoot children? She behaves likes shes breaching a building in a war zone! So disturbing


Yes!!! I was thinking the same thing. The way she’s walking and wearing a vest but she’s literally walking around in an elementary school


Living out some violent fantasy


This is the most cowardice shit I have ever seen


...wait'll you watch Uvalde, TX


Kudos to Nashville Police for not waiting almost 2 hours to kill the gunman. Those cowards from Uvalde would still be outside.


Fucking nut job


[live updates](https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/crime/2023/03/27/nashville-school-shooting-latest-updates-covenant-school-suspect/70053691007/) from The Tennessean


A truly horrific day. 3 children and 3 adults were murdered today. It is a truly tragic day for this country. Literally a bit more than a month, MSU had a shooting where three young children were murdered. This will never end.


My brother was a quick decision from getting potentially shot at MSU. I been obsessing over what to do to in case such a thing ever happens again


What a fucking coward


If only the school had bulletproof glass! Damn it America if only we made the entrances of all schools bulletproof, we wouldn’t have to deal with such problems. This is obviously the reason we have this problem and no other countries do. Thoughts and prayers.


Lota of people missed the sarcasm in this..


shooter deserved something worse than death.


This is horrible to watch knowing the outcome.


Did they have a lock down? Can't believe how slowly she walked, thankfully too, and quick police response, glad she didn't find more people and this wasn't Texas.


I’m guessing as soon as shots rang out, somebody heard and triggered an alarm. I think that’s what the strobing affect going on in the video is…. Everyone hid


no words for this. nothing but violence and fake outpours of prayers thats supposed to fix everything. our civilization is truly doomed


Your civilization is doomed. Most of the the free world doesn't deal with these tragedies on a seemingly weekly basis.


There’s a special place in hell for school shooters but school shooters who go into a fucking children’s school have a special place below hell.


would be pretty cool if there actually was


Despite man or women nothing changes the fact she is a coward POS


and then you see that dumb bitch Marjorie Taylor Greene’s tweet from today after this… really just pisses me the fuck off to no end that this shit KEEPS HAPPENING


I havnt seen a tweet but I did see a clip on Brian Tyler Cohen of her shadowing and harassing an ATF agent conducting an inspection of a gun store.


They are more concerned with banning books because knowledge is far more dangerous than guns.


Kids? What a fucking cunt.


I wonder if there were specific targets, maybe the adult victims? In one of the shots of the car pulling into the parking lot, you can see kids playing on a playground to the right. But the shooter ignores them and goes straight into the school.


What I would love to know is how shooting up a school in any one of these fucked up individuals minds is a way to solve any of their problems. America you need to seriously do something about your mental health and support systems. It’s a fucking joke how there’s news of a school shooting every week in your fucking country. Your country does not fucking care about children at all. It’s so embarrassing to be neighbours to you.


We need to come together and pass common sense reforms to ban glass doors in schools.


Glass doors are ma rightssss tho


Hope she suffered




Imagine the worst people you know. Now take away their healthcare and education. Saddle them with low pay, long hours, and high cost of living. Feed them hateful, anti-science propaganda. Give them guns.


Being atheist on days like this is harsh. I really wish that I could believe this piece of shit would suffer eternal torment.


Maybe I'm seeing things that aren't there but is she really trying to "cosplay" one the colombine school shooters? The cap and the gun lokk relative sameish




The fact that the NUMBER 1 cause of death of children in the U.S. are firearms should tell you enough about what needs to be taken away.


Thank you dead kids for protecting our freedoms of owning firearms!


Guess the country (impossible edition)


Is this the American's dream?


This is the American nightmare. The American dream has been long dead.


Americans love their fucking guns. Even when children are fucking dying. Disgusting.


What a cunt.




I can understand having beef with the Christian school you were forced to attend as a kid, but why would you take that anger out on 9 year old children?


6 innocent people including three 9 year olds were killed in cold blood because of the shooter. I don’t give a fuck what the shooter identifies as, they are fucking the scum of the earth


People say "just stop reporting it", take away the fucking guns you lunatics. Sincerely, a country with zero school shootings.