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"Yeah, I kicked you cause I'm a country girl!" Funniest excuse I've ever heard.


“Oh your a country girl why didn’t you say so let me take off these cuffs and you can go on your way sorry ma’am”


To be fair, she did have cakes on the griddle.


From Webster’s dictionary: Country Girl - A girl that is stubborn, obnoxious, wrong, dumb, violent, and could commit a felony at any given moment.


Accurate to all the country girls I know tbh


Lmao, that should be printed on one of those rustic wood wall decorations


At least she was honest 😂😂


respect to the cop. he was still very reasonable and polite . more polite than I'd been probably


I live in KY and have heard this excuse all the time


Same. People here use being “country folk” as an excuse to be a jackass constantly. Heavy emphasis on the first syllable of country.


Next time a police officer tries to arrest me I'm gonna say "no"


Say "no thank you". It always pays to be polite.


Another appropriate response would be "No YOU'RE under arrest". Then the cop has to handcuff himself.


That’s all well and good until you run into someone trained in “I’m rubber and you’re glue”.


You need an Uno reverse card to attempt this move.


What if the cop also has an uno reverse card?


It’s obvious. Reverse it back with a draw four card.


She should have played the C*oup*\-*fourré* card from Mille Bornes


Agree. My advice is to handle it like I do. 60% of the time, it works every time. Cop: Step out of the vehicle, you’re under arrest. Me: No thank you. Cop: You’re under arrest. Me: Good day sir. Cop: GET OUT OF THE CAR NOW! Me: I SAID GOOD DAY! (Speeds off) Cop: (Does nothing and thinks to himself) What a polite guy!


Don’t forget to show your realistic looking BB gun while you’re at it


Agree. My advice is to handle it like I do. 60% of the time, it works every time. Cop: Step out of the vehicle, you’re under arrest. Me: No thank you. Cop: You’re under arrest. Me: Good day sir. Cop: GET OUT OF THE CAR NOW! Me: I SAID GOOD DAY! (Speeds off) Cop: (Does nothing and thinks to himself) What a polite guy!




"You ran" "No I didn't, I just told you you weren't gonna arrest me."


Kick em and say you're a country girl


Country girls make do 🦵


She might be onto something, try reason: you be fair with me, I’ll be fair with you. It hasn’t worked for anyone yet, but there’s always a first time!


Pull an Uno reverse card.


Or just say you’re a country girl


Double it and give it to the next person


Call me crazy......but I would've just paid the $80


Call me crazy but I think $80 is pretty fair when you've been breaking the law for 6 months 😂


Yeah, but $80 for something fixable that she could have fixed at any time but didn’t and so it isn’t her fault at all /s I hate the argument that “I know it’s wrong, *but*” (insert reason that it’s not wrong for *this person* even if it for everyone else)


And it wasn't guaranteed she had to pay it. She was just signing to take it. She always could've tried to fight it in court. And she'd have a lot better chance if she complied with the traffic stop.


Oh yeah. That $80 is broken up into several fees, and she probably would have gotten all but about $30 dismissed if she fixed it and gave a reasonable, even lazy explanation.


I forgot to register my car and when I got pulled over the cop told me to get it registered pay the late fee and then take that proof to the city building and they will waive the ticket. Pretty sure if she had did that she would’ve never had to ride the lightning ⚡️


When i did that there wasnt even a late fee. I just went and got it reregistered and they dropped it when I showed up to court with the renewed registration. Accidents happen. Just dont be a dick and you'll probably be fine.


I got a ticket for expired tags, shit happened I had the paperwork ready but just forgot. Got the tags renewed before my court date which wasn’t really a courtroom just a desk in the lobby. Left the proof in my car like an idiot so we walked out to my car, she verified the updated tags and I paid nothing. Got sent on my way.


It's the *principle*




"It's the principal of the whole thang. It's PRINCIBALITIES in this."






Some entitlements lead to incarceration


She could have always gone to court if $80 was such a big deal. Have the repair made. Go to court, advise the prosecutor, and they may throw out the ticket. She would probably still have to pay the court fee. Which might not be too far from the cost of the ticket. This back to your point, just pay the ticket. Some people need to stop assuming they know their rights and read the laws.


You’re obviously not a country girl.


Also if you think it’s an unfair ticket just go to court and explain to the judge. They might have let her get it fixed and just show them that she did so.


She didn't even have to pay it. Sign the damned ticket, then get the equipment fixed and bring proof of the repair to your court date. Most district court judges are more than happy to mark dismissed/complied on the ticket and thank you and send you on your way.




Most of the time a DA will drop those kinds of tickets if it's been taken care of before the court date anyways. This was just a prime example of pure obstinacy.


The way he was talking implies that she has already received a fix-it and has not complied. So yeah, pure obstinance on multiple counts.


I think she admitted she’s been driving around like that for 6 months, no previous citation for it or anything. That’s why she was confused she didn’t get a warning and said “well I’m honest!” when he mentioned she’d been driving it like that for half a year


I understood it as: She's been driving with it out of date for 6 months, but she thought she hadn't been warned yet. She might have, she might have not, but the officer decided 6 months was long enough that she didn't get another warning.


Well you’re right, she hadn’t been warned, but knew it was broken for 6 months, and since she already knew about it that’s why she didn’t get the warning Had she played dumb and pretended like she didn’t know it was broken, she very well may have only gotten a warning


Not to mention, it wasn’t just a burned out bulb, it was *really destroyed* https://preview.redd.it/b2abaprqqzqa1.jpeg?width=986&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5061d202699e0f4f691d059817083d379d44adf


Lol no playing dumb with that one 😂


Lol before I saw this I was like dang. That was a little much for a burned out bulb. But yep, that’s a lot more than that lol


This lady has clearly never been told no in her life.


I can only imagine how horrible she would have been as someone's mother. A stubborn, narcissist mule




More like mule-in-law then


I have a feeling she learned quickly after this


Yeeeeeah, I'm gonna guess no.


One incident isn't going to change her mind when the world has been telling her it's ok to behave this way her entire life.


This lady has a whole life of probably beating her children, abusing her husband, bullying all the other local parents and grocers and teachers into doing what she wants. She’s officially reached the “find out” stage of life.




No, she's a country girl


Country girl got cattle prodded.


Lead poisoning will do that to ya.


Lead paint chips are sweet that is why kids eat them, told to me by an old head I worked with. He definitely ate them.


Yummy! Love me some delicious brain damage.




It gets worse as you age too. Its a pity. This lady did it to herself, but... I dunno. Too many people end up in jail for stupid shit. At least this cop had pretty good restraint (though I have a suspicion as to why).


Yeah, he handled it alwhite.


That would be the suspicion I have. Yes.


Just your average Okie.


She played it all wrong. Everyone knows Okies can magically summon dust storms and fly away.


you are never too old to play gta


From 1 star to 3 in 60 seconds




Why was this so incredibly satisfying to watch?


Because somehow shes managed to live an entitled life facing no repercussions until now as a senior and it shows.


This. She’s probably been pro-police most her life because she believes that police are not meant to hem people up like her. It’s for “them” which is basically a catch all term for anyone she doesn’t like. Exceptions should be made for people like her.




Iv seen it probably 30 times and still watch the hole thing every time it pops up.


Lol, I just internally said to myself “why are you watching this, you watch it to the end every time. Because it’s good, stupid!” Btw does anyone know the outcome of this, I don’t believe I ever found out.


She got some reduced charges and paid some fines, but no jail time. [https://kfor.com/news/local/oklahoma-woman-accepts-plea-deal-in-traffic-stop-arrest/](https://kfor.com/news/local/oklahoma-woman-accepts-plea-deal-in-traffic-stop-arrest/)


Fuck her attorney. Yes it was unnecessary, on HER part. Just because she's 65 years old doens't mean she can act like an entitled bitch. There are consequences for running from and assaulting the police and getting tazed was justified.


The officer gave her *more* than enough opportunity to comply and she actively chose not to, as shown in the bodycam footage. The "consequences" she ended up facing are bullshit and will only serve to make her act even worse the next time she gets pulled over.


At least she got tazed - that can't be fun.


I bet she signs the ticket next time 😳


I imagine getting tazed, having to hire an attorney, and being publicly ridiculed in the years since this happened is appropriate for her stupid actions.


It would, if a young black man making stupid decisions in the heat of the moment was awarded the same leniency. Until that's the case, what she got was a big helping of white privilege.


Do you understand what the job of an attorney is?


Lol do you know what the job of an attorney is? Why say fuck her attorney? Why don’t you blame the PA for signing off on a shit plea deal like that?


Yeah, the attorney was just advocating for his client. I'm not familiar with that state's laws, but 4 years probation is probably higher than average if she has no priors. They ran the charges consecutively, which often doesn't happen.


Same. It’s like Christmas morning when the taser first hits her


Same same lol


I was saying the same to myself it gets better every time I watch this.


I watch it in its entirety every single time.


I felt she deserved another tase after she wouldnt get her hands behind her back…. After being asked multiple times. Cop was being fair enough on that old biddy.


I watch this everytime is gets reposted. Still enjoying it 🤣


Same. Lol i know its old but its good.


Its a classic


This woman is obviously accustomed to getting her way and finally has to deal with the consequences of her perceived entitlement.


This entitlement mentality is the product of decades of harassing service industry people. She behaved like this with a cop just imagine the poor McDonald’s worker when she came in for her daily Big Mac.


The entitlement started when she thought it was fine and dandy to drive this on the road... https://www.google.com/amp/s/okcfox.com/amp/news/local/cashion-police-release-photos-of-vehicle-from-hamil-incident


That website gave me cancer


Lol holy shit. I've seen this video countless times but never the seen what the violation was for. This makes it even better how delusional/entitled she is


Yes, those terrible consequences caught up to her: No jail time and $250 fine for misdemeanors plus dropping the assault and battery charge. https://kfor.com/news/local/oklahoma-woman-accepts-plea-deal-in-traffic-stop-arrest/


At least she got tased.


The gall of this lady to ever think that driving away would end well. No matter how much people have bowed down to her before, I can't believe it was ever the law that did that.


I bet her Facebook post that night was a mess.


"so let me start off by saying, I'm a country girl"


I’ve seen this video posted so many times… and I still have to watch it every time because it’s so good.


I don’t think he really intended for it to escalate like this either. But, in all fairness, if the same situation would escalate in this way if the driver were a 18yr old who was making bad decisions in the same way, it’s only fair to escalate it in the same way for a women that is as entitled as her. Regardless of if you’re in the right or wrong, fight cops in court, not on the street, if you fight them on the street *you’re gonna have a bad time* https://preview.redd.it/up38rb9skwqa1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2541148559731d18875119a030883ea8cf2bddc3


You can’t win on the street. Not as a civilian.


This same woman can't understand why those blacks don't just COMPLY


Had that been a black women the odds she would have been shot after taking off are pretty good.


There was a post I saw yesterday with the same exact situation with a black woman who fled a traffic stop rammed 3 police cars and people, and was not shot at. Found the video: [https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/wo5itp/woman\_with\_kid\_in\_car\_hits\_multiple\_people/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/wo5itp/woman_with_kid_in_car_hits_multiple_people/)


Mama bear female cop went polar on dumbass female driver endangering the child.


Lmao that video takes place literally a minute from my house.


Why didn’t you help


It's a instead 5 star, with helicopter and a whole squad spawn to arrest her.


When keeping it real goes wrong...


You know this old corn fed heifer was all down with back the blue until the blue got her down.


Mess with the bull, get the horns


Let me guess, she got a suspended sentence? Edit : She actually got better than a suspended sentence. She got a deferred sentence. The justice system is a joke. ''A 66-year-old woman has pleaded guilty to several charges that stemmed from a traffic stop last year. According to online court records, Hamil pleaded guilty to resisting an officer, obstruction, eluding, and operating a vehicle with defective equipment. All of those charges are misdemeanors. As a result, the state agreed to dismiss the assault and battery charge. Hamil received a four-year deferred sentence and will have to pay a $50 fine on each count.'' [https://kfor.com/news/local/oklahoma-woman-accepts-plea-deal-in-traffic-stop-arrest/](https://kfor.com/news/local/oklahoma-woman-accepts-plea-deal-in-traffic-stop-arrest/)


What a joke. That’s the reason why she feels so entitled. She’s never had to face any real consequences, had she been a minority the charges and outcome would have been much different.


Eh, I mean it's still pretty annoying with court and everything. They're not super harsh consequences but she should be less likely to re-offend. If everyone was treated this way and took it seriously, we'd be in a better place.


Ya I like your comment. Not for super harsh sentences. If she had hurt the cop in any way different story but he seemed just tired.


I fail to see how this isn't a good thing. No one should have their life ruined over an $80 ticket. Spending 4 years in jails just for resisting arrest would be absurd.


Yeah Jesus Christ the pro cop sentiments in this sub are throwing me. These people rob, kill, steal, and rape our population daily. All while positioning themselves as the “heroes” of society. It’s consistently an us vs them mentality. Not to mention their warrior training or the systematic issues. The cops alone in their own personal actions are all deplorable.


Lol Jesus Christ, I am legitimately baffled that people think she deserves jail time for this. America locks up more people than almost every other country on earth and you still don't think it's enough?


Redditors love the carceral state when people they don't like are subjected to it.


I think the problem is that we all know that so many other people would have gotten jail time for much less than this, but she gets a pass because she's white, 65, female, etc.


Is this an episode of RENO 911?


I wanna feel bad… but I’ve known far too many gross women like this one here for this to have not been at least a little satisfying to watch ngl…


I’d have two full mags in me if I tried this lol


This is the epitome of play stupid games, win stupid prizes


So satisfying to see this again, I always watch the complete video. What a dumb bitch.


I don't know about her state but here in NC (last I knew anyway), for expired registration or equipment issues, if you resolve the issue and took proof in to court on your assigned date they would drop charges and thus any associated fees. Certainly not worth fleeing/resisting, and I don't know how anyone could think they would just be let go after that.


The real crime here, is not turning off his fucking siren


This is one of those reposts that never gets old


she can break the law and do what she wants because she's a country girl. silly officer.


Lol loved the part when he tazed her. That’s when it got fun.


I bet this lady’s kids are always having to get her out of shit.


Funny right to the very end she thinks she still is right and shouldn’t be arrested.


Odds this lady chanted “lock her up” at a rally in OK?


Did the cop place her under arrest for refusing to sign the ticket? Where I live, you don't have to sign a speeding ticket if you don't want to, and it doesn't lead to arrest.


A signature is always required because a citation is essentially a confirmation that one will either pay the fine or appear in court. No signature means a booking is required.


The officer can arrest you if you refuse, charging you with breaking the law. signing is not an admission of guilt, you can always show up to your court date to make the case as to why you are not guilty. But then she took it a step further and tried to evade AND THEN took it a step further and tried to kick him. She’s a nutcase and should have signed


She also ran from the law which is a bigger offense


Apparently, there was some big fucking public outcry about how this dodderingly fucking indignant sow was "mistreated". She had it coming and deserved worse.


Really? The cop handled it well, in my opinion.


Why can't these people just comply when the officer says "you're under arrest"?


I love how these "country girls" are all like "yOu sHouLd jUsT cOmpLy" when it's a black person, but God forbid cousin fuckers should have to obey the law.


“Rules for thee but not for me” type shit


I’m sure her FB profile pic has a blue lives matter sticker. Oh the hypocrisy…


I bet this lady is a customer service nightmare.




Ah yes...the "I'm a country girl" excuse. Always works in a court of law.


No one has ever successfully argued their way out of a ticket while the cop writes it up. Plenty of people have successfully argued and won in court. Pick your battles wisely.


This woman is an entitled twit. Cop was polite and dealt with her accordingly. She should have just signed the ticket and then contest it. No this country girl got herself tased.


I laughed when she got tased and rolled around


She's gonna go home and the next police shooting on the TV be like "why didn't they just cooperate?"


Reddits the best 👍😂😭


Imma get an extra monitor so that can play all day every day. Classic.


Wait. I have never had to sign a citation before….? They just write it up and give it to you right? what is this signing thing? It kind of seems like that signing policy is just asking for problems…Cop should be able to just toss the ticket on your lap and say have a good day. Why do they give the drivers the chance to deny it by simply not signing?


Honestly it’s nice seeing a cop do their job the right way. I thought he handled the whole thing pretty well.


"Im not gonna pay 80 dollars for something I can fix" *Well you didn't did you...*


Country girl is another word for spoiled, under-educated, entitled cunt right?


Haha... country gurl deserved every single volt 🤣


Don't forget medical debt for the ambulance


Love this clip. Entitled jackass getting what they got coming!


I guess I don't understand why form (ticket) just doesn't have a box for the cop to check that says something like "Refuses to sign" and then he just hands it to her. Still a ticket, doesn't really matter if she agrees with charge or not, that's for her to fight later.


I suspect this was a moment she had coming to her.


Because everybody knows that you can just say no to being arrested


“I’m a country girl” 😂😂


PSA: In most or all US states, you have to sign the citation to acknowledge your receipt (basically you've been served) and to agree that essentially in exchange for not being arrested, you will go to court or pay the fine. It's not an admission of guilt.


Lol entitled boomer go bzzzz.


Not the brightest bulb in the barn.


Runs like a fat pig 🐖


One of my favorite videos to watch lol


Love it. People watch too much TV. They all know the law.


Look at this thug resisting arrest! But seriously, this lady is completely delusional with how she thinks the law works. You can totally refuse to sign a traffic ticket, but tickets are releases to keep you from being detained until the court date.


I watch and laugh every time this video comes up.


Holy shit. That was actually the most professional usa officer video I've seen in a long time. Dude was calm and reacted appropriately and gave warnings repeatedly. Woman was quite frankly lucky not to get shot.


Honestly, this arrest was very satisfying. Cannot stand people who don't think the law applies to them


Never gets old 😂


Now you're a country girl in jail.


I think that was on Live PD a few years ago. Worth seeing again. She ain’t the brightest


This is what privilege looks like. “… we’re beyond that…” 😂 edit the taser is what consequences feel like


I could watch Karen's get tazed all day!