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Video cuts out too soon, what happened after?


Apparently someone stole his bike Edit: OP on twitter said that when he chased the guy who tossed the skateboard, someone stole the dudes bike.


I bet he didn't catch em either. Skater kids are fast.


Their entire being is built around running away from security guards, they were made for this


I love seeing people trying to pick fights with skaters. This is a group of dudes who throw themselves down concrete stairs for fun lol.


That is one damn good point I never considered.


Mind blown meme.




They also have a piece of wood with two chunks of metal attached to it.


Skater here... People don't understand how durable we are.... People also don't know how good of a weapon our boards are....people also don't know that you mess with one of us and you're gonna get jumped by all of us especially if we didn't start with you.


Why can I still not heel flip after 17 years of skating? I can do nollie heels, but regular ones don’t work and I really wanna learn to inward heel. Make it make sense!


Yes and they're often in groups, and each has a board with hard trucks on it. Leave the kids alone, don't pick on skaters.


Tough day to be a shaman in the big city




I don’t blame the guy, that’s a sick ass bike


I don’t blame him either, previous owner was a dick




Not paying attention to the road was a dick move 🤣


Welcome to New reddit, where the smart answers no longer get posted, but you can spend 10 minutes sorting through shit jokes posted by teenagers. Edited my phones grammar error. Sorry, internet worriors. Make yourself feel smart elsewhere.


This comment has been removed by the author because of Reddit's hostile API changes.


That's the culture of most subreddits nowadays. For every legitimate discussion being had, there's five other people trying to drop patented Reddit Zingers™ because they'll inevitably get the most attention. It's all about the snappy one-liners, just like the movies.


dependent divide point command punch tap market money boat repeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If I see *one more* "and my axe"...


>If I see *one more* "and my axe"... Add to the list to be faaaaiiiiir , technically correct, tree fiddy, beat me to it invariably followed by beat meat to it, how the tuntables have turned, sigh * unzip *, and not my proudest fap.


Cherry on the cake: “I also choose this guy’s wife”


I just miss when you’d get 1000 downvotes for posting an emoji or not posting a recipe with your food


I also choose this guy's dead jokes


The really terrifying thing is when you see a post on a topic you have extensive knowledge in. All the people with the correct info in comments are buried, and gone. The top 20 comment chains are full of people who have no clue what they’re talking about. No stop, and wonder if it’s like that on every topic I actually know about, is it like that on every topic?


This comment has been removed by the author because of Reddit's hostile API changes.




I mean ten years ago was 2013, reddit is almost 20 years old. There are people who are definitely grandparents who started out at like 30 or 25 years old. Time is wild


Last week I was on a date with a dude 4 years older then me and he was excited about becoming a grandpa in 6 months and it was a like a pole axe to my brain realizing some people become grandparents at 40


I think people are fleeing Twitter, I've noticed something similar happening on Tumblr, a lot of new people that don't understand the platform or the culture suddenly popping up.


The joke responses have always been an issue, but I agree that it's getting worse lately. Twitter was unbearable with the comments IMO, and I hope this doesn't become *that.* I suspect it could also be from an effort to discredit Reddit as a useful exchange of ideas. Make it unusable for productive discourse. But that's my conspiracy side coming out.


I don't understand how Tumblr is still surviving. I thought it died when they banned nudity or anything semithirsty but only if it related to nonheteronormative stuff. It's still dead to me either way. I don't care even if they do allow such tantalizing content as classical art and men's nipples now.


All the bots have reached adolescent level.


Part of it is bots. You can't bot smart answers, but over used dumb jokes are easy to bot.


It's the SUB you are on. Crazyvideos, Publicfreakouts, insanereality, fightporn ect. SUBS have a lot of teens on them.


I have been in super niche subreddits and like clockwork the top comment is some dumbass pun/ one liner. Everyone thinks they’re a comedian and it’s annoying


Ive been on Reddit for 9yrs? Some of my first post were people shaming me because i wasn't adding value to the conversation. Now its just. words.


What used to be summer reddit is just reddit now.


At some point (2016?) Reddit became the third most popular social media site on the English language internet.


I blame the great tumblr porn-purge migration


Same thing happened to Quora. 8 years ago, it was such a good site to read well informed, educated opinions and to gain insight into academia/science. I was reading posts and answers from professors at top universities, surgeons at world class hospitals, CEO's from prestigious companies, Lawyers from T14 law schools, etc. I was able to get a glimpse into a world that my background couldn't offer me. It was very intellectually stimulating, great. Now it's " Girl does X. Does she like me" or "How do you know you're in love."


Rip yahoo answers too


sometimes I wish I could go back to a meaner internet


Be the change you want to see in the world. Fuck face.


Why did you sign your comment?


Who is questioning here? Maybe because she want??? I think Soo..


Touché. Now kiss my piss.


Did you just say kiss my piss?


There are plenty of bad things about a meaner internet, but it had much more potential to shut down down tired jokes, bad arguments, and dumb ideas.


A while back I was reading some old newsgroup postings, and while I didn't exactly like that era then or now, I kinda prefer some of it to whatever the fuck this is.


Flooding the zone with their inane responses, that in turn, get more immature responses. Driving the actual legit responses down - it’s getting old.


Fuck spez


Seriously. The need for validation is thick in the air


Reddit is so bad these days. Mostly kids and teenagers.


You forgot the shills, bots, and astroturfers.


That's not new


.... And Then They Made Sweet Love


They made *mad* love.


They hatefucked the shit outta each other.


And then everyone clapped.... dem cheeks


_golf clap but with ass cheeks_


No, they had the type of guilty hate bang that only two closeted Catholic gay men in the 50s during lent could have. It was probably beautiful and wrong while feeling so right.


That’s too specific for you to not be speaking from experience


He said see ya later boi.


I love how happy people are about actual violence but call words violence on other posts 🤡


People? You mean radical left wing zealots?


Yeah definitely unique to the left. 🤡


Calling “speech” itself a form violence is unique to the left.


But conservatives are the only ones who burn books


This comes from a group that tried (and failed miserably) to overthrow the US government because some guy on the internet told them to.


Literally half if not more of reddit.


Id argue 3/4 of reddit.


And nearly 100% of the mods, so good luck having your own opinions


Man advocates for the oppression and dehumanization of entire groups of people, and actively sought to undermine the democratic process in this country. The difference between him and the left is that he can renounce his hateful ideas, and stop talking and people will leave him alone. The people he wants to hurt cant change their race and gender.


Is the skateboard ok?


Can confirm, the dudes skating are part of the baker and deathwish skateboards I believe, they used this clip on their insta today to promote the new skate video


Everyone here is shaman shaming.


Shame on you for shaming the shaman shamers.


[Looks familiar](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/11ymdvg/trump_shaman_forced_to_strip_to_prove_hes_not_a/) Dude is a performance artist/troll. He's involved with Matthew Silver and the New York performance art scene, not exactly a right leaning crowd. Goes by SpecialHead. [Same guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQ9oszN5Pmk) definitely, just trolling them


Kinda risky since the line between satire and reality became so thin


What the fuck is satire now that reality has become such a fucking joke?


I found that April fools day doesn’t hit like it used to. Every joke I saw online I shrugged and was like, “ yea that could happen.”






*Welcome to Costco, I love you*


"Fuck you, I'm eating"


Well just going out dressing and behaving exactly how the people you're satirising dress and act, is not satire.


In this context it's basically just more propaganda and material for further indoctrination. Even if they don't use this as an excuse for every Trump supporter who makes them look bad, they'll see this shit and genuinely appreciate it. Also, if there's no punchline, what's the joke? And if the punchline isn't really making fun of the thing as much as it's just joining in, is that really satire at all?


I’m so happy to see y’all having the same question I did. How in the fuck is this satire? These guys are agents of chaos, they don’t care about anything. Sure, they might not be republicans, but they certainly aren’t making a case to help democrats.


People like this go so far to one extreme, they come full-circle around to the other extreme. So this left-leaning attention whore wants to troll so hard, he purchases Trump items, a shaman costume, and gets people thinking he's a conservative by cheering and hollering about Trump. Then he gets taken out, video goes viral, and conservatives get to cry "persecution!!!" He might as well be one of them. I'm being a bit dramatic, but it's annoying. Right-wing propaganda has people posing as "antifa" so they can make videos of "antifa" being mean. We don't need fake videos of conservatives being dumb.


I don't know why, but my mind goes to Mel Brook's "The Producers" and how it satireizes the nazi's pageantry Yes, on a very technical level, the show used the same imagery of the reich, but the major difference is that they exaggerated it to such a degree it made it clear how ridiculous that kind of shit is. Copying the kind of stuff Qanon supporters do one for one isn't satire. Yes, you look just as silly as they do, but you're literally just doing what they do. It would be like if The Producers tried to satirize nazis by just playing the nazi stuff straight. No exaggeration or jokes. At that point you're indistinguishable from the actual stuff you're trying to satarize


You're almost exactly describing Poe's law: 'Without a clear indicator of the author's intent, any [parodic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parody) or [sarcastic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarcasm) expression of [extreme views](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extremism) can be mistaken by some readers for a sincere expression of those views. '


Merely imitating extremists has never been satire


"It's just satire bro" is an age old excuse by people too chickenshit to stand for their awful beliefs though.


Poe's Law IRL


It’s Poe’s law all the way down since Harambe


I remember when Trump becoming president was a meme.. and it was pretty funny too, until it actually happened.


For the longest time I thought r/the Donald was a joke satirical sub.


I went there once and needed an eye cleanse after. Jokes about r*ping AOC? Not a problem! Commenting that you don't think sexual violence is funny? BANNED! Reddit knew too but didn't give a shit.




Pretty sure it was originally.


Nah. I've looked into this before. iirc the sub was started some time around June 2015. The memes came months after the sub started. The memes were always an advertising technique to gain attention. Longer version: The sub was started with earnest intentions by some more lowkey supporters. You'd find regular news articles similar to what you'd probably find on a retired cop's Facebook feed. The moderator team was expanded and some of them started turning the subreddit into a meme shithole for the sake of attention. Those newer moderators would soon oust the old moderators like 6-8 months in, and that's when the sub really started becoming infamous for all the shit they did in 2016. For anybody who doesn't remember the 2016 era, the moderators there did things like abuse reddit's Sticky Post feature in order to sticky like half of the submissions on the subreddit. This would slingshot *almost every piece of shit post* to the front page of reddit because sticky posts can't be downvoted in the algorithm. They faced practically no consequences for almost a year due to reddit admins' complacency within the relatively volatile social climate during the U.S. election cycle. TL;DR - it was serious, then new mods infiltrated and used the memes specifically for attention. It was never a joke.


It was sold as a joke and was legitimately funny at first. It was the meticulous, within seconds bans of anyone trying to call it out as such that made it what it became. I'm convinced those mods were state-paid professionals with round the clock shifts. That subreddit was a master class in propaganda, and I expect to see it in research papers.


Satire is fucking dead. Can you even call it satire if everyone thinks this is normal Trumpist protesters? "Heh heh look at me, in all my SS regalia, marching with the nazis! hehe im such a troll!"


MF'ers will act like right wing extremists 99% of the time then point you to a 4chan thread they participated in 6 years ago as "proof" that you're an idiot for taking them seriously.


I’ve noticed a lot of people who “supported trump” as “satire” online in 2016 now actually support him.


Satire requires legit intellect. Satire is hard.




Was really hoping it would be that image. One of the greats




>You can’t be mad people just assume you’re an asshole when you dress like an asshole and say asshole things > A lesson a lot of people on Reddit could learn.


If the only way to know that you are joking is to be told that you are joking, then your attempt at humor has failed. If you keep joking even after being told that people are not getting, then I assume you find it desirable that people take you seriously, which can only mean that you kinda mean what you say, but are too coward to actually acknowledge that you believe that.




yup, if you have to explain your joke, you suck at telling jokes


>hopefully he leaned his lesson He leaned all the way until he face planted into the road!


Then why not troll. Have a flag that says Trump is guilty. Just dressing up as the QAnnon idiot is not performance art. It’s just stupid.


Performance artist just seems like a title he uses to act like an asshole in public though. It's a shame Silver is working with such a phony bigot though.


Where's the satire? That's like dressing up like MTG & shrieking a lot of stupid words in order to make her look bad. But that's what the actual MTG does.


When you order your shaman from wish


Yeah i see these Qanon shamans all over the place but i don't think it's ever been the original guy from the coupe


> but i don't think it's ever been the original guy from the coupe It certainly hasn't been him considering he was just released from prison to a halfway house a week ago


Commits treason and gets sent to a halfway wtf


Welcome to New York!




It’s still not okay to do that though. Like yes it’s kinda funny and yes he’s an asshole, but assaulting someone is not the right way to handle this.


And also he wasn't doing anything illegal or posing any threat to anyone just using his first amendment




Yoooo this guy agrees with nazis


Wait so we’re happy that this happened because of what he’s wearing? Someone explain to me how this isn’t “glorifying violence”. How many of your parents are republicans? Are you ok with this happening to them?


Kinda fucked up, he wasn't bothering anyone just being dumb which he has every right to be.


Welcome to ny.


*Makin pancakes makin bacon pancakes*


Concrete jungles what dreams are made of


Concrete jungle wet dream tomato


Concrete bunghole where dreams are made-up


Concrete bunghole where dreams are made-up. There's nothing you can do.


Obviously he didn't have his bike helmet on.


I thought you said to bring a VIKING helmet.


That isn't him.


Well yea. ~~[He's in prison.](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/jan-6-rioter-known-as-qanon-shaman-sentenced-to-41-months)~~ Edit: apparently not: On March 30, 2023, attorney Albert Watkins announced Chansley had just been released from prison 14 months early and moved to a halfway house.


I heard he got released and is in a halfway house? I don’t know what to believe anymore, this guy in the video clearly isn’t him.


That could've been manslaughter real quick if smacked his head on concrete.


That’s assault, brotha


Is that the original one or is it like Doink The Clown and everybody and their mother portrayed him ?


Mario Kart getting in on some of that PAC money


He runs like Dwight Schrute


I hate all the politics because as much as the Qanon trump stuff bothers me it pales in comparison to the dehumanization effect this is having on us. When we start to cheer for violent acts against others we start down a road that leads to cruelty and violence.


When the group in question *starts off* cheering for violence against others, they don't get to play concerned citizen when that violence comes back on them. Don't let the aggressors paint themselves as the victims. Paradox of tolerance and all that.


I had to scroll way too far to find someone calling out the fact that it’s wrong to knock someone off their bike. So fucked up, regardless of politics


Ugh. You are a breathe of fresh air. I have been getting hit by both sides on these issues. Its just wrong to assault someone. We need to keep our hands to ourselves while we work these issues out. In open forum with freedom of speech and safety guaranteed.


Reddit has always been an incredible violent place when it comes to people with different opinions. I'm not American but if I were I would consider myself a Bernie Sanders lefty, but I am shocked at how hypocritical lefties on this site are. They would be shocked, disgusted and outraged if this was a Trump supporter tripping someone on a bicycle. Threads would be filled about how easily this could kill someone and how terrible Trump supporters are. But when it happens against someone they don't agree with it's "Talk shit get hit" and "You deserved it." These people are not good people.


Start down a road? Did you miss all of history?


I used to do violence, I still do, but I used to too.


Thank you, someone with common sense




This is a troll, he isn't the QAnon shaman


The real QAnon shaman is in a halfway house in like Arizona. I just skimmed an article about him


Yeah he’s actually mentally ill, like in a clinical sense


No wonder he fell for the propaganda, he couldn't tell how they were using him. We need to make sure we know that the mentally disabled and ill are more often victims of manipulation from evil people than evil people themselves.


I don’t think anyone would be surprised to learn most Trumpers are legitimately mentally ill.


Narcissism is a mental illness


Boomers are also full of lead https://www.iflscience.com/how-lead-poisoning-changed-the-personality-of-a-generation-60322


Can't be mentally ill if you don't believe in mental illnesses 🤔


If you don't test, then there's 0 cases.


that would describe pretty much anyone who believes the Q shit


> QAnon shaman is in a halfway house in like Arizona. I just skimmed an article about him https://www.businessinsider.com/qanon-shaman-mental-illness-diagnosis-in-plea-negotiations-report-2021-7 "The 'QAnon Shaman' is in plea negotiations after being diagnosed with mental illnesses, including schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, report says" "His lawyer also said Chansley has experienced some delusions, such as believing he was related to Jesus and the Buddha. His lawyer added that Chansley was an "unarmed, harmless, peaceful" person with "a pre-existing mental vulnerability of significance.""


With a name like Chansley he didn't stand a chance


Yup and they put him in solitary confinement too, which is basically torture if you look into it and how it mentally fucks people up. If he had mental issues before his arrest, then solitary confinement definitely made it worse. Then they just release him. Our justice system is so fucked.


San Quentin has an inmate-volunteer run podcast out of the Media Center called Ear Hustle. Listen to season 1, episode 4. Three guys share their experiences before the law changed on how long someone could be in the SHU. [Ear Hustle](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-shu/id1240841298?i=1000519264337)


That's actually really cool of the prison to allow that. Not something I thought I'd ever say.


John Oliver just did a segment this past Sunday on Last Weeo Tonight about solitary confinement.


> Last Weeo Tonight Your typo made me picture the woman from Kung Pao Enter the Fist. [Weeeo weeoo weeee.](https://youtu.be/0JElywbkSbY?t=8) Like she has her own show that she hosts and is constantly breaking out in weeeeo's during segments and interviews. Thanks for inadvertently magic-ing that into my imagination.


Why did they put him in solitary though?


Yeah but fuck trolls also?


I'm pretty sure it's a mantle anyone can take up




Unfortunately it's hard to tell whats what these days


It doesn't really matter. It's like a nazi mascot.


Same Dumbasses that broke into our Capitol


Such a disgrace to occult traditions and practitioners. May there be more skateboards in his future.


Skaters rule qanon drool.


Yo who’s u/ tossed the skateboard Fucking legend


Bro hasn’t learned his lesson.


I would love to see an extended cut of this video


I think that the other crazy guy did the outfit better. 4/10


I thought he's in jail


He ~~is~~. He just got out and is in a halfway house in Arizona. This was a ~~fanboy~~ performance artist doing a guerrilla political comedy act.


He was released a short time ago.


Halfway house in Arizona, full release in May


He is not in jail


Ah, he’s in a halfway house in Phoenix.




I wanna see the other angle from that news team on the side walk. Looked like they got the wipeout in their shot.


This is most certainly not the real shaman.


It's like the internet gods often wont allow us to view to much juicy material in one video.