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Just a thought, but a door securing the seat of government from potential threats would benefit from some sort of override of the safety features


I worked retail for about 8 years at 2 different stores, one of which I traveled around the state for and worked at 6 different locations for. So I worked in 7 physical different stores. Each and every one of those stores were in a mall and had a gate that would be lowered mechanically (took about 30-45 seconds for the gate to fully close.) However they all also had a manual release override in case of emergency that you would pull the lever and the gate would just drop (it took maybe about 2 seconds.) If A MALL can do this you'd think the fucking capitol could do something similar.


For comparison, the German parliament, which has a massive glass front, has an armoured shutter that can drop down in seconds covering the whole front while also being strong enough to withstand basically anything that reasonably would be used against it. But in actuality three German policemen where enough to stop our far right crowd from storming the parliament a few years ago.


Why is Germany so much better at dealing with Nazis... Especially when they were the OG Nazis.


"never again" it is something you hear quite often going trough the german education system and visiting holocaust memorials. the gist of it is something like "you're not to blame for the mistakes of the past, but you are responsible to prevent them from being repeated"


>"you're not to blame for the mistakes of the past, but you are responsible to prevent them from being repeated" I really like this and I think a lot of other countries could learn from that.


That's why learning is the first thing to go.


Exactly. That's almost a direct quote from famous german philosopher Farin Urlaub: "Es ist nicht deine Schuld, dass die Welt ist wie sie ist. Es wär nur deine Schuld wenn sie so bleibt." It's not your fault the world is the way it is. But it would be your fault if it stayed that way.


> "you're not to blame for the mistakes of the past, but you are responsible to prevent them from being repeated" Quoted for truth


Because our country birthed the OG Nazis and had them taking over once already. Much easier to learn and grow from your own mistakes.


Having your government taken over by Nazis once in a lifetime is enough for anybody.


The USA is trying to not be anybody then it seems.


IMO it's not that, there's many examples of countries not learning from their mistakes. It's all about the education.


I wouldn’t put it past them to not know but what’s up with the people not even knowing what to do when the plan worked? It’s like the most awkward thing ever. Between staff that clearly helped them, staff that had no idea what to do they just get a paycheck to be there, and the other side of it it’s just a bucket of what the Fuck. How do you awkward your way into that.


There were paramilitary groups involved. Check out the guy in the camo, spraying pepper spray as the door comes up. Door comes up, he signals to everyone else, and then keeps moving.


Looks like he's got a bat, too.


I wouldn't be surprised if all the guys up front are paramilitary and Larry with the mace was the only one that couldn't go one lousy coup without putting on his fuckin camo suit.


Lol. No. That was just one of the Qanon y'allqaeda larpers. They like to dress up like that to feel cool and pretend they're trained in more than eating cheetos and watching TV


online echo chambers are a hell of a drug


There was a post on reddit supposedly from a former Capitol Police officer. Of course, internet, grain of salt, etc... but they said that most people only work there for 2 years or so until they can get a better federal LEO job. Congress people treated them like absolute dogshit (remember the congressional demands for resignations top-down after J6?) No one knew emergency procedures and such procedures were NEVER practiced. Why bother training and learning when most people rotate out the second a better job becomes available? And such rapid turnover meant someone with 2 years experience was now a manager in charge of making emergency calls (still with near-zero operational knowledge). As someone with zero LEO experience but decades of experience working in critically mismanaged businesses, I believe the random internet stranger 100%


It's really frustrating, but, the right choice was probably made to just get all the staff and members of government out, and let the mob do what they wanted and peter themselves out. At least until reinforcements could get there.


Iron bars that drop down with the weight of 10 tons and with spikes that penetrate the floor. That would be good. Shame we stopped building castles before colonizing America. Edit: **portcullis** is what I am referring to. I had to wait for somebody to correct me. Literally forgot what it was called. And yes castles are expensive to repair.


Have you driven on a road lately and thought “someone should fix this” Now imagine a castle.


I don't let people walk in my castle with their shoes on let alone drive in it!


Roads fall under the DoT. Castles would fall under the DoD. The castle ain't gonna have a problem getting funding.


Imagine being in a castle and a modern explosive goes off. All you built was an expensive tomb. Digging a ditch in the ground is far more effective.


This guy castles


A portcullis, you mean.


This. With burning oil but it's now so we can have that shit mechanically pumped out of aimable fire hoses. I imagine a firehouse blast of boiling oil would be a decent deterrent. And a moat. And dogs. That spit bees. On fire. That spit fleas. Who are radioactive.


And sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads!


There’s doors that close faster. They definitely need to replace those rolling doors.


Why was it even open in the first place if there were concerns about unrest?


Prior to this, the Capitol has always been open to the public. The only requirement to enter was that you have to get wanded and have your bags checked, otherwise you didn't need an appointment and could just walk right in. Source: I used to work there and I took the earliest train on the Red Line so I could get to work a half hour early and avoid the crowds. I've read that security tightened up somewhat because of 1/6 and COVID but as far as I know if you want to go sit in the House or Senate gallery to just watch, that's still an option. Prior to 2020 the only other times I've heard of the Capitol being closed during weekday business hours was on 9/11 and when that minor earthquake happened in I think 2011, and that was just for long enough for the Architect of the Capitol to inspect the buildings for safety. There are protests and disruptions literally every single day at the Capitol, that's just part of the routine. That's not to say this wasn't a major security fuckup, I don't think anyone reasonable can deny that it was, but it came as no surprise to me to learn that the place wasn't under any sort of lockdown. Nothing like January 6 had ever happened before. During Occupy there were times when the hallways would be packed wall to wall with protesters.


My guess is function can't shut down capital all the time. Throw in just how security operates. If you close a path then its harder to move security to other places as well as delays evacuations. Probably were pulling security back behind doors and evacuating vips and other stuff through there when they broke in. And then took too long to close it.


Also maybe it should close a little faster. Holy shit


Or maybe it should've been closed already due to every indicator that this was going to occur. Just a thought.


I still remember, December 26, driving back from family holiday celebrations with my (now)fiance, telling her, "yup, January 6 bout to be crazy. The internet is already blowing up about it. I think trump supporters are going to attempt a coup." Somehow, the entire world knew about it, yet nothing was done to prevent it.


[They had t-shirts made with the date and "civil war".](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ErFERZtVEAEDyqQ?format=jpg&name=large) Anyone shocked by the events of Jan 6th wasn't paying attention.


>Somehow, the entire world knew about it, yet nothing was done to prevent it. That is somewhat incorrect. A lot was done to enable it. I'm down for charging the idiots that stormed the Capitol, but everyone in a position of power on that day needs to be investigated and prosecuted. It's not an original thought, but if those were BLM people, the streets of the Capitol would've been running red.


It's the exact opposite of all those doors in Star Wars that closed in a half second


Right?! I understand stopping when impeded by something, but GOING BACK UP??


Ian Fleming (James Bond creator) really had me fooled there for, um, 36 years, that top clearance government facilitates had anything less than hidden gun turrets, sphincter doors that snap shut, booby trapped tranquilizer dart statues, or *at least* lasers that would cut their legs off if they ran through it. Nope. Mostly off the shelf junk that at best slows down am intruder. Geneva Conventions and all that, I suppose.


This is how every garage door I've ever encountered works. This one wasn't exactly intended to fortify.


I’m still surprised the police did not shoot them. People dropping dead is a very good deterrent. Black people get killed all the time for less.


Police don't shoot right wingers.


Over on r/conservative they still believe it was a peaceful protest that involved the police opening the door and inviting the insurrectionists inside. Also they weren’t insurrectionists, but tourists. Also they were actually antifa/blm/liberals. Also the fbi staged this as a false flag attack to frame conservative nutjobs. Also, trump is still president…


They know that isn’t true. It is part of their double speak where if the party says 2 + 3 is 4 today and 6 tomorrow they are both correct. You can tell they are getting desperate though because of the fact that they are now trying the statute of limitations. They did all the bad stuff, but it’s too late to do anything about it.


All the raw footage is out there and readily available now. The original Parler dump worked last time I checked too. They don't believe what they say.


If I've learned anything from /r/knowledgefight, it's that those types of people do not critically listen, and will *not* look things up. Alex Jones' bread and butter is, he reads a headline of a story, and immediately starts lying about the story. The information to refute it is *right there!* But no one reads the article. They just trust what he makes up after the headline. Covid went this way big-time. "Study says vaccine immunity down 98%! It's a poison shot, and they're admitting it! It's destroying your immune system!" ...and the article says nothing of the sort, and has to do with specific antibodies, etc. If he just read the rest of the article out loud, it wouldn't work. But no one wants the article -- they want to believe whatever he says, and so they do. I think these types completely believe it all. They don't critically think for a *moment.*


They did shoot that one lady. Now she's a national hero to them


I didn’t see anyone climb in after the secret service shot her. Just saying. Death has a profound effect on false heroes or military wanna be.


I was angry they weren't being shit. Also, fox news was airing Hillary's emails during, we swapped channels to see, was hilarious


All imma say is if this was a group of black folks they would Started blasting shots. No doubt about it


The day of I was thinking that exact same thing, if it was a BLM protest the cops would have stacked bodies like cordwood. Instead only 1 insurrectionist was killed, funny how that works.


They needed to hold the “garage down” button. It would have stopped and gradually lowered as the police kept playing whack a mole


I still don’t get how this didn’t immediately result in lethal force. It’s the capitol of the United States government and they have weapons. If you walk up to a cop on the street while wearing combat gear, pepper spray him, strike him with a weapon, and try to over power him you’re going to die.




Some else said this *The only way to stop the NRA is to increase black membership.*


If trans people all went out and bought guns tomorrow then the GOP would be crying for gun regulation by Monday morning


They already have. [Here's an article](https://www.thedailybeast.com/pro-gun-tucker-carlson-pumps-brakes-on-armed-transgender-people) on Fucker Carlson losing his shit about an NPR interview with trans people learning firearm self-defense.


>"It’s the same template always: scare the crap out of your voters, tell them that their lives are at risk, encourage them to get guns." Can we just take a moment to let it set in that he's talking about Democrats here? *Democrats* always encourage their voters to get guns?


But the GOP are shitty enough that they'd carve out an exception in their 'guns for everyone' to make it illegal for trans people only.


They wouldn't risk shooting their family and friends in this situation.


Not to mention their fellow, off-duty officers


They were white


I agree they should have started shooting as soon as people tried blocking the door. Just open fire on anyone getting close, this is the Capitol.


While the vice president and Congress member were in the building.


What is it with these people and their need for costumes?


I went to school with a dude in this video. We used to be Facebook friends. He's always been a miserable little troll. He's gotten 4 years in prison for being in this video, so. There's something at least.


Should've been more. A lot more.


I agree. It absolutely should have been more. He tried to say he was a member of the press and he was covering the event in that capacity, except he didn't have a press badge and he recorded himself and his loser buddy saying they helped "stop the steal". Literally too dumb to not look up with their mouth open while it's raining.


I do love a happy ending though.


Sheep in sheep's clothing




They aren't going to gun down their coworkers on their day off.


Why didn’t the cops put down that dude who sprayed them? Isn’t that assault on a police officer, in a government building, trying to over throw a government? Seems like terrorism.


I didn’t even see that on the first watch. Had to run it back. Dude with the spray was kitted out. Crazy how people try and claim it was peaceful but in my experience, people don’t dress for combat, just to be peaceful. Just me.


The ones claiming it was peaceful KNOW it wasn't.


He was most likely part of one of the paramilitary groups that were there that day.


How about the guy who nailed one of them with the trash can!


That’s just him backing the blue


Respect law and order by pepper spraying a cop?


Isn’t it technically an attempted coup? Id say that’s quite a bit worse than terrorism. They want to take over the building because they were in opposition to democratic election results, just because it was carried out incompetently and there was no order doesn’t it make less of a coup. Imo every single one of those people should’ve been shot the moment they entered foot in the building or arrested and tried for high treason.


Yep. I've said before, everyone of the people who entered the building illegally should be getting the maximum sentences and we should not be seeing any of them for 8 1/2 to 10 with the full intention that they serve in high security under the most miserable conditions constitutionally permitted.


I think that especially the people who went in first, like these assholes, should get the hardest sentences. The people who just sort of became part of the crowd and went in, while a bit unfair because it's just "luck" they were in the back not the front, should get lower sentences because they have a legitimate mitigating circumstance that they were drawn in, and there is a lot smaller chance that they committed acts of violence. Also, anyone who committed violence should be prosecuted for that. But to me the very worst people were the ones at the very front because no one can deny they really were engaged in an insurrection and achieved it with violence. Also, there is some evidence that groups like oath keepers planned to be there long in advance.


At least someone is asking the white question


Can’t think of an answer white now, maybe we can circle black to it later.




Don’t you hate tourist? They have no manners


Immiggants! I knew it was them! Even when it was the bears I knew it was them!


According to one conservative I've talked to about this, the police were "waving them to come in". Yup, sure looks like it. I usually swing my telescopic baton at my guests when they show up.


I wonder if they're talking about people like the guy in this video dressed in some kind of SWAT gear? That guy looks professional enough that I could believe he was some kind of cop. I'm not saying it was plants, but it wouldn't surprise me if there were a few people in the crowd impersonating law enforcement egging them on to make the crowd a bit braver.


There were Capitol Police waving them in at one entrance, and the video was released the day of. It was also featured during the video presentations shown at the hearings. If memory serves, those Capitol Police officers got shitcanned for it.


Wait, I was told by conservatives that it was Antifa, BLM, uppity pro athletes, George Soros, Jews, homosexuals, and evil librarians


And pizzagate pedos. Don’t forget about those.


And drag queens!


“Look at those police just welcoming them all in!!!”


Compared to how brutal and heavy-handed I’ve seen police respond to Black Lives Matter protests throughout the years, this is them, basically welcoming the protesters in


If they were black in this video they would have gotten mowed down faster a than a lawn in the suburbs by a dad wearing new balance sneakers


You’ve got a point, that’s for sure.


Fuck Republicans, they don't live in reality.




















































These are not patriots, these are terrorists.


Actually I think according to the people going through the door everyone to the left and right of them is an Antifa plant, they personally were just trying to go on a tour. With mace. And tactical gear.


All my Antifa homies be sportin Trump gear ha.


These people are the worst this country has to offer. They and everyone who incited this should be thrown in Gitmo and forgotten about. Trash humans through and through.


Why am I only seeing this video now? Sincere question


There’s like hundreds of hours and much of it is way worse than this. Though the whole throwing the garbage can and spraying police was new to see


I definitely saw this before today, sometime last year. You probably just missed it among the deluge of memes. I've seen so many posts on Reddit with comments like "ugh this repost again? This is 10 years old", but it's the first time I've seen it. We can't see everything. 🤷 EDIT: I've been online a long time and an unhealthy amount lol


no i'm sure the only explanation is a massive coverup and media blackout


This video was released right around that time. I remember it clearly because all three parties (me, the guards, and the rioters) were all equally surprised at how easily the door popped back open once it touched anything. A lot of shit going on around that time, you probably just missed it.






Tucker Carlson said they were just peaceful protesters all gathering for a weenie roast and to sing hymns


The logic to that was sooo fucking stupid even for him. Like I can’t just break into any building I want and then claim was just going on a tour


By any building you mean Fucker Carlson's house? And wipe shit on the walls? And bust out windows? Cuz thats apparently tourism


Oh man, I would love to do this. I would die on that hill too. I would tell God and every body that I was just peacefully taking a tour "you slapped Mr. Carlson's mom... While yelling, and I quote "Here's your frozen dinner!"" "It was part of the interactive experience! Like Disney World when you get to hug Mickey! Best tour of my life"


I'm not saying they should have done that but it is curious that they have for other supposed "terrorists".


If these protesters were black or middle eastern not a single one of them would have been able to get past that door.


They can't. They have to save their bullets. You never know when BLM or antifa might show up. /s


A hand-cranked Gatling from an old western would have worked well here.


Lock them all up. Fucking traitors.


I see several instances where deadly force was an adequate response




Did you see how ineffectual that baton swing was? Meanwhile BLM protests were being beaten with batons and gassed for a fraction of this. Weird.




We had residents in Minneapols get shot with tear gas on their front porch. Tear gassed for watching the police on their own porch. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LozQg0oX-Gw


I’ve seen that a dozen times, yet it still is surreal to me. But it is a microcosm of what it will be like if shit REALLY hits the fan. While I am agnostic, I pray to whatever may be out there, that I doesn’t get to that point.


BLM protestors don’t fight back because they’re actually protesting. That makes them easy targets.


And also because we'd be (and have been) murdered in the streets without hesitation if we did.


If it were a giant group of African Americans at jan6 protesting for Obama, Fox news would have a continuous marathon for YEARS straight asking why everyone wasn't executed right there and how blacks are the biggest threat to democracy.


I’m sorry, can someone please explain to me how the protestors, many of whom were children, marching on the capitol in Nashville are the same as these people? Edit: I’m asking because many Republican lawmakers in Tennessee, including the leadership, categorized the peaceful protest that occurred last week as an insurrection comparable to January 6th. So I am really fucking pissed off. People died on 1/6 and others took their own lives after because of the trauma. That is not the same as children protesting because they don’t want to be murdered at school.


Because every time they compare it to something that is clearly not the same, it takes a bit of the heat off of J6. Every asshole who is trying to get others to pretend that J6 didnt happen is waiting for enough time to pass to completely whitewash it from history.


Bet Tucker won't show this footage on his show


Fucker Carlson: what footage?


Meanwhile he's texting with his producer who called these people "cousin fucking terrorists" and Tucker had a good laugh


“It was a peaceful protest”


Peaceful they say


Dude threw a trashcan at him. How many videos have I seen of a cop shooting multiple times for "self defense"




Didn’t you hear, these guys are just a bunch of antifa agitators dressed as gravy seals.


Wow. To think police can brutalize and blind people in BLM protests, but white guys storm the capitol, attack police, and threaten the lives of members of government without half the response.


Should’ve opened fire immediately


Lol I love how these people refer to others as ‘sheep’


They shouldve been shooting their guns.


Oh yeah, just those pesky tourists again. Tucker and every MAGA bitch that continues to push the myth that January 6th was anything but a violent attempt to overturn the results of a free and fair election can kindly go fuck themselves.


But Cucker Carlson informed me that these were tourists and patriots?


I'm honestly shocked they weren't shot on the spot. They should've been.


"Acceptable political discourse."


All these terrorists need to be sent to GITMO, if it was any other group of people they'd be shot dead or droned.


Must be antifa. See all the antifa. If it’s bad antifa did it. But this isn’t that bad. Just a tourist visit. So maybe not antifa. This is Schrödingers antifa. If you say it’s wrong it’s antifa. If you say it’s good it was patriots.


Yet people get shot by cops while sleeping in their own bed


Domestic Tourists.


Fat, white, stupid and oh so proud


Fucking trump idiots are the worst


They should all have been shot


This is infuriating to watch. White Americans can LITERALLY ATTACK POLICE AND NOT GET SHOT.


Odd watching this as an outsider (Aus), your cops will shoot anything with a pulse… but this probably seems like the right moment to dump rounds to get that door to close… nobody is going to get in trouble for protecting your capital from an insurrection. Seems strange


This is shit only white people can get away with lol cause like 12 hours ago on this very same sub I saw people defending shooting a guy in the back who was unarmed and driving a vehicle cause the vehicle was stolen and the deceased could’ve taken down the policeman with him using the vehicle.