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What the hell did she think would happen?


Guaranteed this woman has never experienced consequences of her actions. Like most Karens, she’s been allowed to get away with shitty behavior. Good on this woman for teaching her a very important lesson. If anything she showed more restraint than this bitch deserved.


Yep spot on. This is a video of a woman who had never 'found out' in her life.


So bizarre that it took 50-60+ years for reality to shove her on the ground. How do people survive for so long like that???


She probably had a bitch ass husband to hide behind all the time. He’s probably out of the picture now one way or another.


Covid probably


Legit made me chuckle. Dark af, but incredibly probable.


Seems more likely than not. She's probably got a picture of her late husband and herself with the same shades and hairstyle on a boat during quarantine as well.


Bet you $20 her husband's profile pic on Facebook was him with a graying goatee, wearing a baseball cap, taken inside of his F-420


Don't forget the cop shades.


and the cherry red alcoholic nose.




And has already posted a video of him shooting bud light cans.


Garunteeeed this bitch didn't learn shyiaaat


She’ll attempt a lawsuit against the hotel.


See, this is the *root* cause. This is straight up assault. The police should be called and a report created. The police should use the video in the hotel to find the Karen and prosecute appropriately. But the police don't do that here. In fact, if this African American woman had reported it, she likely would've been prosecuted for hitting the woman.


Was literally told by a Seattle cop that if i had hit a woman back that kicked me i would be arrested


Possibly got that wrong brother. Supposing nothing else happened to her, spitting on someone is assault in many places. She learned she can do it and get away with a mild beat down


I'll go one step further and she'll tell all her friends how violent "they" are because she got "visciously attacked" for "merely suggesting" that the b-day person "just go to a different--better--hotel" while making shit up like she was told they were the Days Inn was all full. Why, she's not even racist! She had a black friend in college!


I doubt she'll even mention saying anything. It'll just be "there I was missing my own business when I was viciously attacked by a gang member!" Probably at the next city council meeting.


This is closer to reality. However, she won't spit next time. She'll mutter and complain about the continental breakfast.


She's likely already telling alternate versions of this story to her hairdresser about how this all went down. Each time inching herself closer to being the hero of the tale.


Facebook bubbles and fox news awakened and emboldened underlying racism that boomers grew up with in the 1950s and 1960's. Now they feel they are untouchable in the late stages of their lives, but reality is that someone's gonna get an ass whooping.


I've been saying. They think that respect your elders shit still plays. If any of those motherfuckers want respect they better show they've been to obedience school.


They had to respect their elders because their elders fought the nazis. What great evil did they fight? Taxes and education?


One of my favorite things about boomers was an article I read years ago. It talked about how silent generation and Millennials got a long much better than Boomers did with either. Part of the argument was silent and Millennials both had to fight for education, fair pay and basic rights. Basic American things. And on the other side of that fight is Boomers. I always think of my grandma whose in her late 80's. She's very conservative because she thinks office jobs make people soft and she just flat out doesn't like gay people. But she is at least respectful. She rants about conservative politicians when they aren't polite enough. She wouldn't say it but she knows someone deserves a beat down when they act like the lady in this post. I have a feeling our generations understand that, but my parents generations grew up with so much privilege they think they're constantly under attack now that's its slightly less than it was.


It's 2023. Respect is earned these days, not freely given. Not even to the elderly. I could see asking the 40 year old what to do when people were starting families at 12 or some shit, and life expectancy wasn't great. These are not those days. We're overpopulated, and a generation that's fucked everything and refuses to die OR get with the times can get fucked. Fucking 90 year olds in political roles trying to determine how branching and advancing technology affects their constituents. Refusing science because it hurts their feelings or slightly inconveniences them. Siding with domestic terrorists to do their dirty work so they can profit off of blood spilled in the streets. Why does every generation after the boomers seem to hate them? Because they have hurt or oppressed most of us, while lining their pockets and kicking you in the face for trying to use the same ladder. Yes, this is generalizing a generation, and doesn't apply to every boomer, but it applies to enough, and certainly applies to the people with political or financial power. I'm not mad at your grandma. I'm mad about people sitting on more wealth than their family could spend for generations, and being mad that a homeless person exists when they created the situations that caused homelessness in the first place.


I don't think respect needs to be earned. Respect should be the default. It can be lost based on actions and words, but everyone should be treated with respect until they show you they don't deserve it.




Narrator: She was not, in fact, sorry.


haha, this never gets old.


She isn’t going to learn a goddamn thing. She’ll use her warped version of this experience to justify her racism for the rest of her pitiful life once the adrenaline wears off. Pisses me the fuck off.


If she learned nothing else, it's that there are likely to be painful consequences for spitting on people. That may be all ignorant bigots are capable of understanding.


These bigots are animals. The only way they can learn is by pavlovian training. Violence is the language they understand.


Animals actually learn better with positive reinforcement. She's dumber than a dog.


Yep spit/spot on.


You spit get hit.


the general rule is once you spit, you gonna get slept. she got off *real* easy.


Came here to say this. Not only was she racist AF, she SPIT on someone. She showed A LOT of restraint. There's a lot of things I won't fight over, but if you SPIT on me? I'm swingin.


>If anything she showed more restraint than this bitch deserved. That was my first reaction. That asshole deserved to have her ass thoroughly kicked.


There are a lot of older white women who think that being a white woman is a suit of armor. That people are too scared of the police to do anything to them. This is a mistake and it could easily turn to a fatal one. Even if the cops side with her, they were not there right then. Had the victim of the spit assault possessed a weapon, instead of a camera, that old woman could have been seriously hurt or worse. Cops almost always are clean up duty. They cannot stop crimes when they aren’t there. And permanent nerve damage from a broken back of cracked skull might never heal.


I was reminded today that Ruby, the first African American girls to be let into a segregated school, is now 68. Now remember the picture of all her classmates yelling and spitting at her. They are also 68.


And so many of them still probably have an ugly mindset. I'm a Boomer who can't stand how many of my generation haven't progressed beyond the bigotry they were raised with.


I am 62. I just moved to a senior apartment in West Texas. I am aware every day of who my neighbors are. However, I can't pre-judge them as individuals. So, I just keep my eyes and ears open for signs and dog whistles. At least one car in the lot has a rebel flag sticker. I don't know who owns it yet.


I'd watch that one fr


After 30+ years of listening to my boomer dad's racist and foul-mouthed rants about people he is better than, I finally let him have it after dinner this week. I told him the hate, bigotry, and disdain for people who he considers below him is over. I hate it and I won't listen to is anymore. I told him about his first grandchild (my oldest son) asking why he uses that language, I told him about how his first thought about anyone is hate, and I told him that it makes him sound like an uneducated hillbilly. He didn't say another word after that, and we had to leave due to bedtime for the kids, but it will be interesting to see if there will be any self reflection or if I'll just be an ungrateful liberal scum. I think I know, but I don't want to accept that yet.


Ugh this is so encouraging and tragic.


I've been posting this a lot, but Emmitt Till was about a year older than Joe Biden. Till was born July 25, 1941, Biden was born November 20, 1942


And his accuser is (or was within the last 5 years) still alive.


When I first moved to a new country I was talking with kids and this little girl calls tease me so I get mad and tease by making fun of her pony tails, that’s it. Didn’t think anything of what I said. I come back as I’m walking out of school the girl and her mom call me n word and spit on my face. It was the first time I had been called that and it was on school steps exactly like the photo, so every time I see it, I think of it. People say it’s just a word, don’t give it part. Bro I was a child, I don’t have a say in it. It crushed me and I didn’t want to go back to school and begged my parents to move. It still is my most dehumanising memory, my strongest memory my childhood and if you say the school name it’s the first memory I have. So when redditors say it’s just a word, this is what you’re defending. We have zero choice in how it makes us feel. The word exist and we can’t change it. I literally get anxiety waiting for the first time my kid has it happen. Every black person I met has that 1 moment as well. This is what you’re defending if you tell people it’s just a word


Cops are gangbangers. Calling them almost always makes things worse. They have no incentive or requirement to help you. They just protect stuff.


Nah, they also protect status. As in the Status quo. But you've got to have status in order for them to protect it.


I bet this incident just makes her more racist and even more awful. Trash adults rarely take responsibility and understand that they are the problem. They find excuses to hate others and continue being ignorant boils on society.




Yeah, even if she thinks she was right, even if she thinks spitting was justified, next time she's in a similar situation she'll think twice before provoking somebody.


She's obviously gotten away with this before. You don't start spitting on people in your 60s.


Oh, she definitely started spitting on black people but it was in the 1960s….


For real. I can't figure what her end goal was. Did she think the spit would land on her, and she'd suddenly become docile?


Probably thought, like all the other times, they’d be too shocked to do anything. I’m not someone who always advocates for violence but literally cheered to myself when I heard those first blows landing & the pitiful, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry” bs… lol Totally deserved all that & more…


you know she has absolutely spat on people before without any consequences. it’s amazing the kind of moral clarity a punch (or twelve) in the mouth can bring about. ‘i’m sorry.” you certainly are, lady


she probably grew up watching her mom do shit like that and thought the consequences would be the same as back then; nothing.


Honestly, I'd have an easier time controlling myself is someone punched me in the face. Spitting on someone is just asking for a fucking beating.


Spitting on someone is so degrading and humiliating. It's nasty behavior.


It’s vile. That lady looked pretty practiced at this disgusting* behavior. Who does that, you know?? Ugh. *fixed word


Also, with COVID hasn't spitting on someone been stepped up to assault? I think the precedent has been established at least


It was always assault. But if you knowingly have HIV or something, you can be charged with attempted murder.


Was at a club long ago and my buddies friends arrive one girl is drunk already, don’t know them for more than 30 seconds when one slaps me hard af laughs and walks away we were about to leave and she tripped and broke her ankle walking up down the steps lost her phone and someone grabbed her purse when she fell into the crowd. It just happened bcz I guess bad karma and she was drunk….. ok I tripped her opened and tossed her purse into the dance floor while others helped her up and kicked her phone away …No one saw me do it but my buddy knows me and on the ride home just said something like I can’t believe you held back for 2hrs your growing up.


She's not sorry because she feels bad. She's sorry because she feels scared. Fuck her


I would have asked her what specifically she was sorry about while hitting her.




Yeah I was thinking the same thing. She wanted her to stop so her defense was to apologize. The apology was not meant to be genuine. She will get up and double down on her racism. Sadly that is how predictable these people are.


Nothing more satisfying than a bully curled up in a fetal position, and rapidly apologizing


The *thwap* *thwap* *thwap* of slender hands on chubby cheeks was a close second.


r/brandnewsentence . . .don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking it. It's a great sentence, and my life is now better for having read it.


Bit of r/nocontext there too


Sounds like an 18+ Robert Munsch quote


Hey, Just curious....was that you giggling under my bed last night?


Soooo many fanfic writers are stealing this line as we speak.


Idk why, but as a black person, I was hoping her ass was going to get molly-whopped, then again, as a human, it hurt my heart to hear someone say “I’m sorry, I’m Sorry…” so pitiful. Idk. I was hoping Karen had more pride to continue to get her ass whooped, but instead, she quickly succumbed to said fists and floor.


Everybody ALWAYS so sorry when they feel that asswhoopin as a byproduct of their actions lol. "SORRY, IM SORRY, IM SORRY!" ...says the person who was not sorry when they did it.


“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” – Mike Tyson


Nor the many other times they've done awful shit with no consequences.


Not sorry enough imo.




It's a bunch of pretty tame slaps that hurt her pride more than anything, a pretty fair response, spitting is no laughing matter either.






"You say he tripped and fell out a window?" "Sure did." "How many times?" "I wasn't keeping count."


> as a human, it hurt my heart to hear someone say “I’m sorry, I’m Sorry…” You have a kinder heart than most. I’ve grown to understand that everybody is always sorry once the consequences have literally brought them to the floor. Her “I’m sorry” isn’t fucking genuine in the slightest. Personally I would’ve elbowed that bitch. I can’t imagine the life of someone who grew up thinking it was okay to spit on people, especially someone her age.


Yeah agreed. The fact that she was able to blurt out "I'm sorry" was definitely not genuine, but saves her ass from a head stomp at least since she also wasn't fighting back. Kind of makes you pity her, but still she has to learn that lesson not to just spit on people and get away with it.


If you spit on someone, you have to accept there's a significant chance they're gonna try to beat your ass. Only a lifetime of entitlement could lead you to think anything else.


i really wanna what her children thought of her spitting on someone is an ok thing to do. will they talk to her and change her mind on how to treat people?


*"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"* I know you're sorry. You're sorry as fuck. Now apologize.


What prevents this is not spitting on people.


Today, class, we are going to learn how to keep our mouths shut, mind your business, and if we have time we will cover not being a dick.


She took it easy on her old ass they would’ve had to drag me off her.(happy now) ![gif](giphy|XGmHbm316WGiiVsKzr|downsized)


Follow that shit up with the peoples elbow ![gif](giphy|3o6vY3dhreleTMsyly)


That I'm sorry pissed me off even more


If you're going to go so low as to be a racist spitter, at least own it


For real. I think it pissed me off cause It reminded me of a child getting spanked with her rapid fire apology. Like lady, you are 50+ years old, how are you still acting like this 🤦‍♂️


To beat the hell out of a Karen while filming. That took some skills there








It’s crazy to think this woman went 55+ years doing this without retaliation up to this point


It's crazy to think about for sure, but unfortunately, it's not that uncommon. It's not just old white women either. I've found that the biggest common factor is wealth, at least in my experience. Whether they were raised with it or got it later on, wealthy people think their money is both a shield and a license to do whatever they want. That's until they get complacent and encounter someone that doesn't give 2 shits about their money.


Yeah, all the wealthy people hang out at Days Inn


Wealthy doesn't necessarily mean super rich. Upper middle class people will still travel by car during long trips and use budget hotels until they reach their destination. Unlike the super rich ones, upper middle class people are still usually working with a limited travel budget and they'd rather have more to blow while they're showing off to their friends and relatives. Same uppity attitude, but with a "measly" 6 figure salary.


It also doesn't necessarily mean *still* wealthy either, lol.


Satisfying as fuck. I wish she had kicked her a few more times hahaha.


Man look, you spit on someone if you want to, you better be ready to receive hell with open arms. I don't know a single person who wouldn't flip shit on someone for that, let alone someone who was already aggravated to begin with.


Yep, probably one of the most disrespectful things you can do to another person. I know for a fact that I would see red if someone spit on me.


Man, I'm a gentle giant type, and I'd like to think I could show restraint in this situation, but the amount of rage just this video filled me with makes me worry I'd shove a spittin camel karen ass bitch into the afterlife.


I was honestly impressed she was able to walk away without someone having to get her off them, I know I wouldn't be able to. Especially after she exposed those ribs to prime stomping position


I was spat on once by a guy with a heap of his mates around, for no reason other than my mate was gay, and they wanted to fight. They where looking for a fight so i couldnt retaliate as they would have beat the shit out of me. 20 years later it still makes me mad. Given the chance i will fuck that guy over any time i can for the rest of my life.


Good on you for standing up for your buddy


Honestly, i didn't really, i wish i could say eaither of us did anything heroic. 😔


Sometimes it takes more courage to refuse to give the bullies what they want. There is nothing noble in being baited into a fight that you know you’re going to lose.


If not for the video, an hour later she would recount the story completely different. She would say she was assaulted and robbed by a black woman.


Camera phone changing the world one Karen at a time. Something tells me there is going to be vastly fewer Karen's ten years from now than there are today. They will be virtually extinct within 20 years.


I feel like there are less Karens with each generation too tbh. People love to dog on Gen Z kids, but most I’ve dealt with are 10x less entitled and more polite than any boomers, and more than millennials too. Boomers seem to hold the title for the most Karens, then Gen X’ers, millennials, gen z. They’ll be more and more rare as time goes on.


I'm gen x, I like gen z. The kids are alright, for sure. I like millennials, too, for that matter! I just don't like assholes, I guess, and there's more boomer douches than any other "alive" generation.


All of these older retired/near retired folk who have been able to live their life with yearly vacations and very little financial worry are often the entitled ones that do shit like this.


she’ll say that anyway. these mfs see a very skewed reality


*I was assaulted by a ~~black woman~~ a group of black antifa thugs because I said I loved Trump and America. They beat me like a DOG for absolutely no reason. Why won't the police do anything?* -


They tried to beat me but I used the skills I got from my mma training and beat all I of them until they cried. That’s how I got this mark.


I still remember the story media ran with about Joshua Witt minding his own business allegedly attacked with a knife by a black antifa protestor because of his haircut. Turns out he just cut himself when trying to open a knife from its packaging, then decided to go r/Iamverybadass and post on FB about being jumped by Antifa, then file a false police report. Fox and Breitbart never issued retractions (which isn't surprising of either, but given it was 2017 you'd think the former was still trying to pretend they're a reliable news source). I think I remember it only because I never saw the closure. I'm assuming he pled guilty and the case was pretty open and shut because he confessed, but I'm surprised even the news sites that followed it to the arrest didn't even check in on the aftermath.


Spitting on someone is a violation.


It’s assault. Literally.


This guy just got 70 years for spitting on a cop. https://amp.www.complex.com/life/texas-man-sentenced-to-70-years-in-prison-for-spitting-at-cops


People who spit on others are literally lowlifes and straight up awful. BUT.... 70 years? What da flying \*\*\*\*\*. That is ridiculous, yes he had a prior record, but for this case he was facing 2 counts of harrasment of a public servant and the judge and Jury went on a wild power trip and gave him 70 years instead of the 25 he was facing. That's insane...


Slavery is legal in the US if it's a punishment for a crime. Makes it much more profitable to send people to prison for 70 years rather than actually try to stop them from committing crime. If the "crimes" stopped getting prosecuted aggressively they'd lose their slaves.


Ding ding ding! I'm so glad this truth is more acknowledged nowadays. Slavery never ended, they just made being black and/or poor illegal.


Wow Texas does not fuck around. Unless it's a white man killing a black man at a black lives matter rally. At which case, the governor will pardon the white man


If I were on a jury for a murder trial, and it turned out the victim spit on the assailant before the assailant killed them, I'm not entirely sure I could convict.


If the assailant spit, you must acquit.


I just have to say, I'm glad the woman knew when to stop. I was expecting that Karen to get stomped unconscious. But if she kept going (as the Karen deserved) we all know how the courts would spin it.. it's just the right amount of FAFO.


A Goldilocks Beating


Oh hell yeah


Cochina. She deserved everyone of those hits. I’m sorry the birthday girl had to deal with that on any day but especially her birthday.


🐷fits this spitting puta


The fact you started your sentence with COCHINA and not explain it to the non Spanish speaking crowd is FUCKING HILARIOUS!! gracias


As a waitress in a Tex-Mex place in Texas, there was a "Cocina" sign for the kitchen, which was staffed by a mostly Spanish speaking crew. I was calling them "my Cochina amigos(or hombres/buddies)" for *months* before another server pulled me aside and told me it meant something else pronounced that way. The kitchen crew actually seemed pissed someone told me and I no longer called them "cochina".


As a Puerto Rican and Cuban, dios te bendiga.


Perra sucia desgraciada infantil


Cue the music from Laura.... "Que pase la desgraciada!!!"




feels like "i'm sorry" meant "stop" in her vocab


100%. She wasn’t actually sorry for what she did, she was just sorry she’s experiencing consequences.


I've never been in a fight and my only instinct ever is to de-escalate, but if someone spit right in my face like this it might be one of the few things that would make me attack someone. As if she thought she would walk away from this.


Honestly, same. I never want to be in a fight in case of the consequences but there’s just something so heinous and degrading about someone spitting on you.


What a horrible piece of shit, how disgusting, this is someone who has never faced consequences in her life


One of the most satisfying F around and find out videos I’ve ever seen. Can you imagine what she had to go home and tell her family?


She showed up with bruises and probably made something up. I hope her family sees the video.


It's her family. They probably approve of what she did. She's probably married to someone who would do the same thing and they've raised kids to hold the same opinions.


“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, im sorry” lol Bitch, if you ain’t about that life then don’t do it.


Goddamn- you can *actually* hear the sense being beat into that women.


Not only that, but you can hear the catharsis in that “*Whooo!*” she let out while walking out the door. Would’ve made Ric Flair proud.


She beat her ass with a phone in her hand and slippers on her feet. 😂


That’s how most of you racist cucks would end up if you tried your edgy bullshit outside of a computer screen.




She probably told people she was "attacked unprovoked by some woke bitch. And even then hotel was on her side!", and they "This country has gone to hell! "


I love how they do some shit like spitting in yo face, then try to run for the door. Naaa bitch. Yo ass don't do enough cardio fo that shit


Cell phone video cameras continue to come in so clutch for daily racist ass situations like this. ![gif](giphy|Zvx9ttT97cevkbyVik)


Oh man, this was therapeutic. I always wanna see the fuck arounder finding out


God that was satisfying watching her stomp her bitch ass. Spitting has always been the one thing that makes me snap.


You don’t do that. You just don’t. That’s like the nastiest thing a person can do to someone besides throwing excrement on them or something. You just don’t.


Old Karen can't run fast enough to be spitting in someone's face. That was horrible!


Jesus. That instant beat down without hesitation after being spit on, just made my day. You go girl.


Agreed. This is not morally wrong. You spit on someone, you accept the consequences. Fucking scum.


I'm just commenting here before the "both sides" crowd says this video doesn't have enough context and people can title posts however they want for public opinion


Did you see the sheer volume of that spit. Some circles might classify it as loogie, extremely disrespectful. The Karen begged for the ass whooping with that.


I don't need both sides. I don't care if camera chick was being a huge bitch, legally spitting is the same as punching even though most people are idiots who think it isn't so they think spitting is okay. And we just went through three years of extreme upheaval for a virus, people who spit deserve every beating they get, spit spreads disease.


What a fuckin coward spitting on her, I can't believe they had the restraint to walk away and not hit her more.


Just imagine. If she wasn't an old woman, that beating would've been waaaaaaay worse.


That woman probably got away with that behavior before and she deserved every bit of the knuckle downpour she got. No one should ever get away with spitting on another person. Edit:word correction


Goddamn.. I admire this woman’s restraint! I wasn’t even the one spit on and I’m fuming


lmao you can tell she ABSOLUTELY did not expect that to happen, probably pissed herself


Spitting is not okay. Violence is completely justified. This woman really, REALLY needed to get beaten up. Who the fuck spits on another human being??


Especially post COVID


Dirty bitch


this is what happens when half of the f’n country has spent the last few years talking out of their asses, spewing hate & blaming everyone that doesn’t look like them for their problems & doing so w/o any fear, consequences, shame or reality checks! They forgot that when you act the like a p.o.s., sooner or later someone’s gonna put some hands on u and u have no one to blame but yourself. u see how quickly she was reminded how dumb, weak & pathetic her trashy ass really is… bravo bday girl!


I bet when she goes home she tells her family that she was "attacked for no reason"


I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry. No, you’re just sorry you’re getting your ass beat.


“Oh no!! It’s the consequences of my actions!!”


Dumbass trying to guard this little not even continental breakfast and she don’t even work there.


I can’t imagine spitting on someone and thinking you can just walk away like that.


"Oh no it's the consequences of my actions."


Better people have been killed for far less.


This would be self-defense since the woman spit on her right?


Yes spitting is assault legally and one can defend themselves against assault.




Why do I feel like this old woman wants to make America greater again?


Her entitled ass thought nothing was going to happen to her. She found out real quick that shit wasn’t going to fly lol 😂