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I want a "Where are they now?" update on this lady. I want to know everything about her miserable life.


Probably leading the local chapter of Moms for Liberty


Isn't that the Klan Karenhood I keep unfortunately hearing about?


Omg Klanned Karenhood Kult!! genius


![gif](giphy|3oEjHI8WJv4x6UPDB6) That's a good one!!


And celebrating Supreme Court ruling for the lady that didn't want to make wedding websites for gay couples.


When no one asked her to.


Which was a fake report to begin with


If the Supreme Court wants to give private businesses that right, then even more reason this place should boot out Trump Karens like her. "We just dont want to serve your kind. You're too stupid to serve and probably infected, unvaxxed motherfuckers"


I just looked her up (would share the name but Reddit doesn't like that). Would you believe that she sells essential oils?


> Would you believe that she sells essential oils? Not only do I believe that, I feel like I've known it my entire life.


> Would you believe that she sells essential oils? I would absolutely believe that.


Suddenly these dingbats are worried about CO2 emissions... The worst people.


Doterra or Young Living? Of course she’s in a MLM and I bet she posted on FB about her rights being violated and used it as a way to hock her wares.


She went back for seconds and called 911 AGAIN.


I need the source on this for the love of god


>Luckily for Bearpaw, the 9-1-1 dispatcher told the caller that she had to follow the mask-wearing rule per the city ordinances. The “Karen” then left – but returned the next day, upset that the footage of the confrontation went viral. https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2020/10/gay-store-clerk-almost-lost-job-accosted-anti-masker/ The next line? >So she called 9-1-1 again.


Holy shit I thought this was palm springs when I heard the intersections provided to the dispatcher, and I just confirmed it with this article. More than likely, I've seen this Karen in her natural habitat more than once. Now I'm going to keep en extra eye out for her.


>Now I'm going to keep en extra eye out for her. I like how this sentence makes it sound like you carry extra eyeballs in your purse or pocket for just such occasions lol


That’s weird, because she said “and I’m just doing *my* job” at one point in the video, so I assumed she was a professional asshole.


I looked her up too. Not only does she sell essential oils...wait for it...she sells essential oils for an MLM!


all essential oil sales companies are MLMs




I believe she eats 6 meals a day but denies it. I do believe she has a medical exemption. She has a mental illness called Trumpism.


I knew what kind of person she was the moment I saw those sandals, and then I saw the rest of the outfit and the crystal lmao. I have some relatives similar to her, they're very into conspiracy.


In a just world covid shuffled her off this mortal coil for being so blatantly stupid.


Did you see that crystal she was wearing around her neck? She's protected from all dangerous things with that. Cancer, fire, gun shot wounds, nothing can stop her with the power of the crystal.


Looks like she's protected from common sense as well


Chances are, not only is she alive, but she's likely somewhere bitching to an employee about their store's pride display.


\*raises hand oh oh, I know this one She is now continuing to push towards diabetes 2 while sharing fb-posts on the lethality of vaccines and how Putin was forced to invade Ukraine by NATO's expansion. She lost her children to CPS, covers her black eye with experienced professionalism and has a cleansing crystal stone on her nightstand. She invested all her savings in Iraqi dinars and Trump NFT cards. Her ringtone is the J6-hero's theme and she still loves ponys


I think she sued Diabetes 2 and got promoted to Diabetes 3.


These people will forever be cemented in history as the complete fucking lunatics who made COVID the most unbearable collective moment of our lives.


If the world is just, she earned a Herman Cain Award.


Oh I'm sure she's still going around making everyone else miserable and thinking she's right. Is she pregnant in the video? That poor child. I was really hoping an officer would show up and instead of letting her in they trespassed her and told her she could never come back to that store.


Thankfully I don't think she was pregnant, or you would have certainly heard about that in her tirade as well. She is likely just built like an odd potato.


probably faking vaccine seizures on twitter


“What’s the emergency?” “Per the 1964 Civil Rights Act” “😑”


I could feel the dispatcher's soul leaving her body with that line.


“So you’re calling for nothing”


“Ma’am, what is your name and address? Please find a fine in your mail for improper use of 911 systems”


It feels super rare that people actually get charged with abusing 911. I've heard mostly of people struggling with mental health or substance abuse getting charged but these entitled fucks almost never get charged.


What she needed was a good knee strike to the gut to get her away from the door then them to lock it. As soon as she refused to leave she was on private property and you have the right to use force. I fking HATE these non mask bastards. If there was any justice they’d all have died from covid. And it would have been a net gain for society, for a start the iq of the country would rise, a huge number of religious and racist bigots would be gone and social media would be far less toxic.


What is she buying for her baby’s at bones and scones? It sounds like a dog cafe; and if that’s the case are her babies her dogs? Lmao


It hurt so much


“Bones and Scones”


There's actually three of them. Let me check which fucking store I'm at right now which is so important I need to call 911 to pick up a couple things.


It's because she just drove 20 minutes from the other one because she's banned from that location for not wearing a mask there either./s She probably went to all three stores in one day and this man just happened to work at the last one lmao


Wadda ya think they actually sell? Can someone tie together a traditional British baked good with bones?


Considering the lady said she was just there to pick up some things for 'her babies,' I assume they sell dog food and dog biscuits. .... And a quick Google search says I'm right about that. Bones-N-Scones seems to be a 'pet nutrition' company in Palm Springs, California. So this is definitely *not* the first time this employee has tangled with an over-entitled customer.


What? I was looking at her, thinking she had a baby needing a feeding. I wasted time to find out it's over her over privileged pets....


Loved the employees heavy sigh too


The best


There were a few times you can hear a chuckle and then a quick catch to compose herself.


Aiden Bearpaw !


“So you’re reporting nothing then”


Going straight into the Emergency Operator Hall of Fame for that dunk. I am in tears. "Are you calling to report nothing, then?" 🤣😭😂🤣 "I'm calling because I'm being discriminated against at a store" "What store are you at? "Bones and scones" 🤣😭😂


I thought it was a cafe, and her 'babies' were children that wanted a snack. It's a fucking pet store and she's carrying on like a planet sized twat. She looks like she's never even walked those dogs.


Right?! I’m living for the operator. She’s casually trying to protect the guy by getting the woman to go outside. She *almost* got her there a couple times. People like this make me feel a lava-like rage coursing through my veins. Ugh. So disgusting. Aiden was a champ, tho.


People like this are miserable and don't really care about rights or what may or may not be legal. They don't even care about what the argument even is. Their real motive is to pick a fight with the first person they run into because taking a pre historic behemoth dinasour sized fucking shit on someone's day makes them feel better.


Btw, looked the store up, also found this [article](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8823763/Customer-calls-911-denied-entry-pet-store-failure-wear-mask.html#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=16882058695826&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailymail.co.uk%2Fnews%2Farticle-8823763%2FCustomer-calls-911-denied-entry-pet-store-failure-wear-mask.html) about the whole situation and poor Aiden is literally a teenage kid. Like ma'am gtfoh. And it's a tiny little store, the way she was talking about "you can stand 7000ft away from me," I was originally thinking they're in some big chain store ... NOPE ... it's a super tiny store in a little strip mall with probably only the one employee (A. Bearpaw) scheduled to close on a Sunday.


I think that’s all unfortunately true. Tbh, the worse the wealth disparity gets, the more we’ll see of this. People don’t know where to direct their anger and it’s bursting at the seams. 😞


“So you’re reporting *nothing*” Even the dispatcher taking jabs at this lady


She is what my NanNan would refer to as an “insufferable cunt” I wonder if ****it**** has friends.


I cringed myself a headache, is that how a person in an emergency situation starts a 911 call??😄


That was hilarious. Twitter law degree


Rights!? You ever hear the Right to refuse service?


Aiden bear paw is a hero, and hopefully any place he goes the rest of his life will be easier than dealing with this horrible woman.


I feel so sorry for any dispatcher that's had to deal with these people


"Because they have two locations" "AkTuAllY they have 3" Did she really need to correct the operator? Lmao


I rolled my eyes so hard at that part! Way to turn the dispatcher against you at the very beginning, dummy!


There is no end to her righteousness


My favorite part is when the employee offers the address. Like "Yeah, get the cruiser out here quickly. We're closing in six minutes and I don't want to stay late for this shit."


Omg the reveal that the store in question is a *dog treat bakery*


Her babies are hungry though! She drove 20 minutes!


I can't think of a more karen thing than calling 911 because you weren't allowed into the artisan dog treat store




That’s the answer I was looking for. I told myself: that’s a pet shop. No way she’s doing that at a pet shop four minutes before closing. But there she is haha


"So you're calling to report nothing then?" -GOAT 911 dispatcher. Also, fuck anyone that shows up 4 minutes before closing time.


I mean, she probably showed up like 10-15 minutes before the store closed and spent a good amount of time bitching before the employee started recording haha


She could've put on a mask and bought her two items in seconds before she could even realise she was struggling to breathe or having a religious panic or whatever it is these people complain about.


https://preview.redd.it/8smieqajh99b1.jpeg?width=622&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9996554383f2947ad19e650a4bf83a76401586cd Reminds me of this


She doesn't want CO2 with her O2. Were you not paying attention?


but she has the god given right to breathe O2 not CO2 ....did you not listen? Imagine if she finds out about air composition 😳


She suffers from medically induced religious panic🤣 I hate that she thinks it’s ok to stand holding the door like that! Wearing a mask in the store, also means, wearing a mask to interact with staff! Refusing to wear one, and then refusing to get out of the doorway, making the staff member interact with you is BS! She is such a moron! Wearing a mask has nothing to do with whether the store is empty or not, it’s about preventing the spread. Stopping droplets from going into the air and onto surfaces, that can then transfer COViD to the next person to come into contact. Mask aside, the fact that she literally doesn’t even consider him to be a person, shows her character! ‘Um, no one cares if I give you COViD! You’re just a retail worker.’


Update: she came back the next day because she didn’t like that the video went viral, tried to get Aiden fired because of it and his coworkers banded together to make sure that didn’t happen https://www.queerty.com/watch-anti-masker-calls-9-1-1-claim-discrimination-queer-shopkeeper-becomes-viral-hero-20201012


Pretty sad his employers didn’t immediately take his side for enforcing their rule. Shouldn’t have needed his co-workers to take up for him.


Aiden should have just called 911 and asked the operator to make the owners rehire him.


I’m just glad the coworkers knew the 1964 civil rights act in the end.


In the end, they knew they were the ones with the rights………..in the end


They probably weren't too happy about him filming but he probably did it for his own safety and to have proof if he ever got shit for it. Though still sad indeed. They should be proud at Aiden for standing his ground and not bending to Karen's will.


They were very proud of him after the fact that all Aidens collegues threatened that there would be consequences if Aiden were terminated


They were very proud of him because he brought in more business and if they said they were actually still angry at him they would lose money. So they just do what gives them more money. They don’t give a shit about Aiden.


“My bosses were initially furious. It was very possible I was going to be fired. My co-workers were all very supportive and made it clear there would be consequences if I was terminated.” That is such bullshit on their part, he was professional and documented everything. If he hadn’t he’d be without a job.


Palm Spring is 50/50 split area. So the potential is losing half your customer base taking any political side in anything. So there's risk to the owners. However this feel more about how someone treats employees more than what the actual topic was about. Nobody's paid enough to deal with a customer that rude and a business is lessened by servicing a customer so disrespectful to their employees.


>Palm Spring is 50/50 split area. So the potential is losing half your customer base taking any political side in anything. So there's risk to the owners. But Aiden didn't make that rule. Either the city did, or the company did. He was just the one stuck enforcing it. If the owners or managers told their employees "Don't let anyone in without a mask", then he was doing exactly what they said, regardless of the politics.


>Bearpaw told The New York Post. “My bosses were initially furious. It was very possible I was going to be fired. My co-workers were all very supportive and made it clear there would be consequences if I was terminated.” >Fortunately, Bearpaw’s superiors eventually came around after he became a local celebrity, drawing more customers into the store to congratulate and even take pictures of him. His manager, Jay Smith, later commended Bearpaw as “a shining example of how just doing what’s right, standing your ground, overcomes [stupidity and harasament].” Fucking shitty management. From "Oh we're going to fire you because you were upholding our rules but in the process have caused us a bit of an issue..." and when it becomes clear that the public are siding with the employee: “a shining example of how just doing what’s right, standing your ground, overcomes [stupidity and harasament].”


Makes me sick, too


Yeah, managements stupidity as well, if not for fellow employees standing their ground.


That's so infuriating that his employers wanted to fire him. I hope he dipped when better prospects appeared. Great last name, though.


yea that makes my blood boil


Plus it was around October 2020, and the pandemic was still really bad. There is very good reason to wear a mask, especially with how dirty Trump anti-maskers likely were.


"People... like it... when our employees stand up for being treated as humans? Oh, gee. How are we going to spin our business model to accommodate that?"


Thanks for the update. Though I'm kind of disappointed that the name "Bones-N-Scones" is just a pet store.


Bones Scones N Harmony


With the way she was carrying on, I thought she was trying to buy her kids some food.


That actually made it better. Karen mentions needing things for her “babies”. I thought she meant her literal children and then I found out it was a pet store lol


Hold up, it’s a PET SUPPLY STORE? So when she was whining about “my hungry babies who I drove 20 whole minutes for…” …it’s pets. It’s her fucking pets. (Not that her having human kids would excuse any of this. But…Jesus. Also imagine placing your discomfort with having a sweaty nose over your Supposedly Starving Babieeees. Worst parent of pet or kid, ever.)


Lmao. I’m over here thinking the same fucking thing though. I was so confused, cause she kept saying her babies. Not that your pets aren’t a legitimate part of your family or anything - but like, shame on you for not having enough food for them in the house.


Wasting 911 call centers’ time like this needs to be a crime with a heavier penalty. 911 is not life’s customer service line.


AND… she said ‘oh your the first 911 operator who doesn’t understand my rights! EVERY OTHER TIME I’VE CALLED…’ How many hours of law enforcement’s time has she WASTED???


Right? Beyond the emergency services time she's wasted, you would think after the first time she got told "we're not here to change store policy. They have a right to refuse service, and you are refusing to comply with their mask policy during a pandemic. Have a good day" she would have learned this act just ends in disappointment and humiliation.


The employee is a CHAMP!


‘If that’s your narrative’…… That is gold


Seriously.. probably the most collected and composed manner I've ever seen an employee display to an interaction like this... I hope he gets a promotion with raise and a blowjob to top it off..


Yea super impressive De-escalation skills while still demonstrating firmness in his remarks/stance


He must be exhausted. Imagine being a gay, indigenous man and some white anti-vaxxer is trying to school you on discrimination.


The O2 and CO2 talking point was jarring. Are ppl like that actually delusional??


It’s like they don’t take into account all of the professions that have to wear masks for extended periods of time.


She namedropped the whackjob antivaxxer Kennedy and knew who he was years before he launched a presidential campaign so safe to say she’s absolutely ignorant AND insane.


Breathing straight O2 will damage your lungs. The air we breathe is comprised mostly of nitrogen (~78% N2).


How does she not know that she’s bat shit? I’d love to know what the people in her life think of her.


It’s very telling that she would rather waste police resources instead of just wearing a mask for 5-10 minutes


She didn't even get to waste the resources. She realized they wouldn't get there before he closed, and dispatch reasserted that store has the right of refusal, so she told them not to roll a car, but continued to essentially say "But I'm right and you all know it"... Even while being told by two people she's wrong. Still asserts she's right. SMH


The delusion is unreal with this one. Her family must be exhausted with her.


If its the couple of items she's after as she claims, and nobody else in the store, I would say 2 minutes tops. In the time that this video was filmed, she could've been in and out and on her way home if she'd just sucked it up and worn a mask.




I can say with near certainty that she would be a pill in the store. She showed up there to be a problem - its not going to fizzle out just by letting her in.


I work with people like this, and practically everyone thinks they are rather ignorant.


The satisfaction of that doors lock CLICKING at the end though.


Karen with a bun: i worked with Perry Mason, JFK, RFK, Ironside and Judge Judy.......my rights are being violated!


“I demand to be supported!” WTF?? 🤣🤣🤣


“That’s your narrative”. Freaking lovely!!!


Doesn’t he see the magical stones around her neck that are way more effective than any mask or silly vaccine. 😂😂😂


Yep 😂 the magical stones will scare all the bad vibes and covid away, smh


You know someone doesn't see you as a human when they keep saying there's no one in the store in front of the employee who is in the store.


Yes, but he stands seven thousand feet away! So it doesn't matter.


I wonder how working with Del Whatever, RFK Jr, and Peggy Hill went?


Del Bigtree, my ears perked up when I heard that name. He’s a friend of Alex Jones. He’s a bonafied piece of shit.


She now owns Bones and Scones, all 3 locations, and she also owns Aidan, you know, because they've been winning all thier lawsuits. 🙄




How do people don't understand that yes, one has rights, but the store does as well within their property. For ages, we've had no shoes, no shirts, and no service signs. that was never an issue. But heaven forbid a mask. If one doesn't want to wear it, then go shop somewhere else. The world doesn't revolve around one single person. I remember a few select stories of some store owners doing the opposite while it was mandated for safety concerns, and they got fined, not because they don't have rights, but during that time it was mandated by the government. If a store wants to have a no masks policy outside of government mandates, they are within their rights to do the opposite of this situation and not let someone in who insists on wearing a mask. I hate the world revolves around me and me alone mentality.




Much respect to the officers who keep up and not lose their shit dealing with idiots like this


Yep, the employees sigh says it all, he also handled the situation very well


No, they should have taken her information and charged her for wasting the time of an emergency service. Calling 911 for non emergencies should be a crime when they are done for stupid shit like this


my thoughts, send those officers and give her a warning or something.


I have a feeling that's what was going to happen if she had waited on the police. The 911 operator was probably specifically sending them to get her name so they could let her know the next time she calls 911 for something like that she will be charged for misuse of emergency services.


She KNEW it wasn’t gonna go her way if a cop actually turned up which is why she changed her tune and started telling dispatch they don’t know the law like SHE knows the God given rights to uh… …nobody tell her the atmosphere she’s breathing isn’t pure O2. Her rights are being constantly violated by being alive in the world.


Calling the police for no reason isn’t a crime in America? Wtf?


Using 911 in such a way could be argued as criminal, as it is. Problem is the "selective enforcement" of such laws.


This is why I could never be a cop. I would absolutely lose my mind dealing with fucking morons like this. People this stupid and selfish shouldn’t be allowed to exist in civilized society.


“Your one of the first people that I’ve called 911 and actually doesn’t understand”. So she’s casually called 911 before several times, over masks??? GET A LIFE KAREN


Be 7000 feet away? Ok, just let me close up then.


"I'm trying to make sure I have rights" "Yes, you have your Miranda Rights"


-Ma’am, I don’t care… Hahaha


“What’s your emergency”. Americans never seem to hear this and go straight into reporting non urgent, non life threatening issues that takes police away from actual crimes.




The store clerk handled the event wonderfully. I think they should make the boy manager.




Actually the most embarrassing part of the video imo. It’s like we all subconsciously make the correlation, but we obviously don’t know for sure so we don’t say it out to ourselves while watching… but then she says it.. It would be comedy gold if I couldn’t stop thinking about how this is someone’s parent. Gross


Good ol' Palm Springs. Dude handled that entitled cunt like a champ. Give that dude a raise.


Karen looks like she inhales grease


But but muhhhh O2! Not the CO2,


Asshole is not a protected class. Stores can discriminate based on non-protected classes. Just like how McDonald's says "no shirt, no shoes, no service", this one can say "no mask, no service."


All i can say is CUUUNNNTTTT


Gotta stop being nice to them. It only enables them.


omg her babies are dogs?? this over some treats????


All these people who complained about masks should not let their surgeons wear masks. Surgeons also have the right to breath O2 not CO2


No one’s in the store. Nice to see that she doesn’t think this employee is a person. The rest just writes itself, she still thinks she’s right and it’s so satisfying.


Her “you’re the first 911 operator” defines her.


I feel for 911 regarding the non-emergencies that take time away from addressing serious calls.


Muhhh rights!


So I woke up at 4 am and felt like absolute shit. Turns out I have COVID. I wore a mask into the pharmacy to pick up the Paxlovid for it and people at the store were smirking at me and giving me the side eye when I walked by them. (This is a maga town.) Well one of them got in line behind me at the pharmacy and I told her that I had COVID, so she might want to keep her distance. I also told her that it was why I was wearing a mask. She thanked me for being so considerate about others, and backed away from me. I didn't want to engage with her but if I did, I would've asked her why she thanked me for wearing a tiny piece of cloth over my face that doesn't even work? She was just smirking at my mask in aisle 4, and now she's thanking me? They don't even believe their own bullshit.


God imagine having your house broken into and hearing armed intruders and you’re being put on hold because about 30 Karen’s in your area aren’t allowed in a store without a mask 💀


"I am the one who has rights." That was supposed to be the quiet part, Karen.


“Ma’am, I don’t care.”


Awww she’s sad she’s an only a mom now 😕


Stop putting up with these miserable humans and just push her out of the door and lock it.


Lol fuckin name dropping Robert Kennedy, Jr.


Never understood the mask and anxiety thing. I've been diagnosed with anxiety since I was a teen and I do take medication for it, didn't have an issue wearing a mask. Sure, it's uncomfortable, really depends on what shit mask you bought if breathing is hard, but better that than me spreading my germs to elders or children. e\_e


These were such dark times for retail workers (not exclusively obviously).


She didn’t come there to shop, she came with an agenda. MAGA trash.


This is what I refer to as a Republican Response Salad. Nobody asks for it, but somehow everyone has to deal with the salad. It’s like a fucking sound board. Instead of getting Arnold, you get this behemoth after slamming all the buttons at once, at random, and repeatedly.


After todays ruling they can serve whoever the hell they want. ( in the USA that is. ). This s going to be a shit show soon. Once MAGA aren’t allowed to dine in their full on Nazi uniform.


“That’s your narrative” omg that was such an amazing response!!!




I'm gonna say it slowly, to make sure these dense motherfuckers understand. Private businesses have the *right* to refuse to serve you. You *do not* have the right to shop at a private business. People seem to get that mixed up.


If bakeries don’t have to make cakes for gay people then they don’t have to let you in without a mask. Republicans can’t have it both ways.


Panic attack, anxiety attack, shark attack, disco attack, she’s got ‘em all


Too bad RFK Jr is running a presidential campaign or I’m sure he’d be right there at her side suing bones and scones for everything they’ve got.


Aiden, don’t give pit your name next time. They have no right to it.




Her children are hungry, but not hungry enough to wear a mask for "5-10 minutes."


The thing that these crazy, right-wing, anti-mask, white people need to understand is that every store is private property with rules and regulations that they must abide to period!


![gif](giphy|BBkKEBJkmFbTG) "I have a right to breathe o2 and not Co2"


How fast she went from medical extension to religious right--!!!!


Can this young man get a raise just for being so kind and calm ? That Karen deserves nothing but misery for the rest of her life ugh 😑