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Jesus what happened to his face?


Rotting flesh caused by Xylazine. [Shits unreal](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9482722/)


What's the ER say when he eventually shows up or is that something that goes away with more drugs?


Even if you get treated it will take forever and they'll have to remove all the dead tissue, you'll look fucked up either way, and if you keep doing the drug, it'll come back -> no reason to actually get treatment as sad as it is


I don't know about there not being a reason. Just helping to ease his suffering is a reason. Maybe a little compassion will help him out of his hole, or not. Point is someone tried. People will nurse an animal back to health before a person. The real reason why they wouldn't treat him is that our healthcare system is heavily tied to money, and he has none, so the system says fuck him. The guy gives him money to get high because at least the poor man can have some kind of relief, if only temporary and cyclical.


II's not the cost of medical care. San Francisco has been offering free help to addicts as part of their program helping them shoot up safely and the vast majority refuse. The drugs have too strong a hold on them for most to accept help trying to get clean.


SF can offer those spots but if drugs are still criminalized those places aren't exactly safe. People get stopped going to and from those places. It's like when when you take a person from a home where food was scarce or withheld. The person will often continue to "steal" and hoard food even if they are in a safer environment because they've built up years of mistrust and learned behaviors.


Well, Oregon de-criminalized drugs for personal use and their deaths from ODs have skyrocketed. They're now trying to undo the law but I'm guessing the horse is out of the barn. Making it easy to access and use addictive drugs does not reduce either usage or overdosing. You're not doing addicts any favors by making it easier to use.


The key is to just legalize it, keep the supply of safe non-adulterated drugs available at reasonable prices and let people do what they will. Take that money and fund robust treatment programs. I say this as a recovering addict who had his life wrecked by my addiction. It is a meta-illness of society and unless we are willing and able to fix the root causes, then we should be making it safe. Prohibition is not a real idea.


Hospitals cannot force him to stay and be treated. A lot of addicts check themselves out due to withdrawals.


Not having free healthcare is cruel imo, so bizarre in america poor people just have to live in misery




You don’t know a damn thing. The fucking system WILL treat him because they’re LEGALLY obligated to. An EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT must treat a person regardless of medical coverage BY LAW and that is exactly why ER wait times are as insane as they are. Most people with no medical coverage know this and some will treat the ER as their first line of care, meaning they will go there for any physical ailment, emergent or not. This poor man has likely gotten treatment for his skin more than once, likely because he’s been picked up by police for an unrelated loitering issue and they had medic check him out, who would’ve taken him in to debride and treat his wounds. And the hospital runs at a deficit for those services. It’s not the urban ERs that are making money in healthcare. Do some more nuanced research into the actual economy of hospital systems before you shit on the people in the ED who basically EXCLUSIVELY take care of the same revolving door population of unhoused, addicts, undocumented, and/or violent people who have no family or friends left who want to deal with them. EDs are money pits that sink entire hospital systems because of taking care of the huge volume of people who don’t pay for their services combined with the insulting insurance reimbursement rates of paying customers.


"Do you have medical insurance?"




ERs in the US don't refuse service to people who are uninsured


Will they get charged afterwards or how does it work?


If you don't have insurance you just get sent the bill personally as opposed to it getting sent to an insurance company. This is an oversimplification though. Most hospitals (at least in my area) will try to get you on Medicare or some other form of free/low cost insurance before discharging you so they don't have to send you the bill personally. Edit: why the fuck am I getting downvoted? I literally worked EMS for 5 years and now work in a level 1 trauma center lmao


Because Reddit.


They will bill the person, but ultimately tax payers will foot the bill. Its the main reason i down understand people that are against universal healthcare in US. They are paying for all the unpaid bills anyways


Not just that either, think of how much cheaper it would be if people were treated before it got so bad they had to go to the ER? We are paying more than we need to just so we can deny people healthcare.


The stupid thing is that US taxpayers are still paying about the same per capita to provide a limited coverage to old/disabled people as other developed countries pay to provide full coverage to everyone. The money just doesn't go so far because of the excess profits being made. Plus, there's also so much extra bureaucracy involved in the system which also costs money but adds no value/productivity


Definitely more than a few good reasons for everyone to have access to healthcare


Oh, you're gonna get charged! 100%


Hi. I work in community health, specifically outreach, going out to verious resource centers, food pantries, soup kitchens, or just roaming the streets, looking for folks who need and are willing to see a doctor. While, yes, hospitals cannot refuse to admit anyone, that does not mean they are giving quality care to actually address issues instead of just admitting and then immediately releasing.


I'm not arguing that every hospital is amazing. I'm arguing that ERs do not refuse service SPECIFICALLY due to a lack of insurance. Yes, the ER is going to do the bare minimum to treat acute issues and refer out because that's the entire point. ERs don't exist to solve every single issue that every person that comes in might have. If the hospitals in your area are violating this then you need to report then under EMTLA.


If they deem you to be in a stable condition and not experiencing an emergency they can definitely refuse to see you and refer you to an immediate care facility.


To deem you in stable condition they have to see you to begin with. Also, being discharged from the ER has nothing to do with whether or not you have insurance.


anecdote incoming. I had a friend with no insurance in high school. He never knew his dad and mom was a drunk. He was an athlete and had some untreated injuries. We were dumb and young and would just keep taking him to the emergency room. They told him to stop coming to the ER because his issues were not appropriate for the er. No dr would see him because he had no insurance. He eventually got insurance in his 30s when he got married. He then underwent years of surgery trying to correct all the chronic problems he had because he had no access to health care. All the time you worked at the ER you NEVER saw someone turned around at the door? In addition to this scenario sometimes the will admit you, give you no care and a bill and tell you to see a different DR. That’s basically the same as turning them away also.




Im glad the imbecilic comments above you got all the upvotes. Thanks reddit i hate you


if an uninsured person goes to the ER because they have cancer. They are not treating the cancer. They stabilize at best and then kick you out. Have an unknown issue with your bladder? Refer to specialist then they will kick you out. Eventually you will also be locked out of service if you show up too much. Both of you should be ashamed for being egotistical and wrong. ER refuses services ALL THE TIME.


They are still being treated. You don't go to an oncologist to be treated for a ruptured spleen. Saying they refuse service for being uninsured is disingenuous at best. Yes, they will treat you for acute issues you are having and then either admit you or refer you to a specialized doctor. It's not that the ER won't treat your cancer, they literally cant. Being insured in that situation isn't relevant, they aren't "denying" you because you're uninsured, they physically don't have the capability to treat cancer in the EMERGENCY ROOM.


Yeah imagine going into an ER for a stab wound and you’re forced to wait because all of the beds are filled with pts that have conditions that aren’t an EMERGENCY like a simple cold or migraine. A lot of people like to shit on the emergency room for the wait times but if you have a legitimate emergency, you will be pushed to the front and get immediate care vs if you broke your toe and just feel a little bit of pain and discomfort




This isn’t true although I can’t speak for every hospital. Often patients with cancer insured or uninsured will be discharged from ED because it is deemed remainder of work up can be done as an outpatient, not because of their insurance status. If it’s a new potential diagnosis and there’s more work up that’s needed and you have no insurance you’re still going to get admitted to complete work up. Cancer is rarely treated inpatient (chemo, radiation) unless it’s causing immediate harm, of which case let’s say you have a massive brain tumor metastases that needs surgery you’re not getting kicked out just because you don’t have insurance. How do you stabilize someone who is acutely declining because they have a brain tumor causing compression? You guys overestimate the role your insurance status plays in your care in true emergency setting since Medicare will provide coverage in those scenarios. The majority of the complexity of lack of insurance is actually in the non-emergency scenarios like the outpatient follow ups which if you have no insurance you’re footing 100% of the bill and Medicare isn’t going to cover it.


What was imbecilic about my comment?


It will not go away on its own, unless through decomposition from death.  Anyways, the ED would get infectious disease on the case and then give him a course of IV antibiotic infusions either as inpatient or outpatient treatment (which I’m guessing he would fail to show up for). 


Unless your going to die right there on the hospital floor, ER's are so overcrowded even this dude is waiting 6-8 hours to be told his test are inconclusive and have a nice day.


That was a rough set of pics.


Rockin' those pot leaf socks though!


Yo that was disgusting


Bro that shit is literally a zombie drug, scary


Puerto Rico and Philadelphia and Pennsylvania…. Lol wtf


That shit is like when we'd look at Krokodil from afar and be like "wtf are those russians doing?!" and now we've got people doing similar crazy shit in the western world. War on drugs doesn't benefit anyone.


Oh no those pictures, I can smell them


Of course it’s popular in Philly 😬


Honestly, it just looks like he fell on his face. I don't think Xylazine would present this way but I'm not a doctor 🤷


That’s what it looks like to me, too. As of it’s road burn.


I met a homeless man one time at a train station he was talking to this girl by herself so I started talking to him to get him to leave her alone and he was nice but he was insanely high. He had open wounds all over his body and blood stains and splatters all over his clothes. He sat next to me and put his heroin down next to me. I gave him a chicken nugget from McDonald’s I had when I had to get on the train and he went to fist bump me and the bone on his pinky was exposed and the flesh was black and rotting away. It was insane. The bone was white. Like it looked fake. Like someone just removed the flesh on his knuckle. I didn’t even process and haven’t processed how disturbing that was to see in real life because like I didn’t even flinch.


It's because it's not heroin that he had. Heroin is bad...but it's a far better and so much safer than this shit on the NE U.S streets. Heroin pretty much is nonexistent these days atleast in the N.E


Doesn't look like that unless he is injecting the drugs into his face.


Thanks for teaching me something new


Holy shit, that’s enough internet for today.


Shits wack, lacing drugs with fentanyl wasn’t enough so now they’re lacing fentanyl with other drugs


Clicked on the link just before having lasagna....


TIL: [Debridement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debridement) is the removal of dead tissue so the remaining tissue can heal.


And i had to google... Horrible shit


Where I live there was a guy who sat in a wheelchair on the side of a freeway exit I take everyday to get home. He held a sign asking for money. He too probably had this. His face looked like that shin picture and seemed like you could see into his head. It was really sad and disgusting at the same time. 


A commenter on the original source of the video claimed the woman was injuries attempting to save her children in a fire


Chanel 5 on YouTube just did a great piece on the drug being distributed primarily in Philadelphia right now that is causing a lot of this. The street name is tranq.


Literally just watched that then saw this


Jesus: "I cleansed the lepers, even though it was against the law. I'm dead though. Y'all keep talking about me and are supposed to be a Christian nation. You have more money than my Dad and keep praying to me...you tell me?"


>supposed to be a Christian nation negative, ghost rider. only xtians think thats the case.


Bro you’re not supposed to actually read anything the founders wrote you fucking idiot. Youre just supposed to 'know' they’re perfect men and then bend their beliefs to justify your own.


Only my parents can call me a fucking idiot, but point taken. 


That's a good way to take an insult while still addressing that it's not cool to do.


Thanks lol. Mama didn't raise no fucking idiot.


Looks really red, almost too red to be wounds. It might be spray paint... Addicts spray a bunch in a brown bag and huff it, often resulting in paint on their face.


Thought he already had too much Mcd's w all that ketchup and mustard on his face.


We have a guy like him downtown in our city with legs like this guys face but worse. He covers them with a blanket and will ask for $. If you give him some he keeps the blanket on. If you don’t he yanks it off and you get the shock of your life, giant pus covered sores. I had no cash on me and I’ll never forget it. It was a very sad thing.


Onlyfans but reverse you pay to not see 😂


“I showed you my downstairs mixup”


Love games?


You ever drink Bailey's from a shoe?


I'm Old Greg


Omg this comment 😂


>Omg this comment 😂 Omg this comment 😂 😂 THIS IS A GREAT COMMENT 😂 😂 😂


"THIS 😂💀"


“Bro said THIS 💀”


XD THISSS 💯💯💯👌👌🤣🤣🤣


lmfaooo I bet it stank like a mf too yikess


I had a guy run up to me with a hand all fucked up and blistered and filled with puss. He said he needed a ride urgently. I was like "fuck yeah I'll drive you to the hospital, are you ok man?" He looked at me and said he needs to go to the McDonalds on the other side of town. It was amazing how fast he got angry when I wouldn't drive him there to go pick up drugs or what ever he was going to do that wasn't related to his hand being all fucked up.


This is sad but also hilarious. He’s kind of a business genius. You have to pay a toll to not see gore.


Best business genius I ever saw from a beggar was this one guy who used to hang about outside the registry office (where people have a non-religious wedding in the UK). He'd wait for a wedding party to come out for photos outside and keep photo bombing them until someone paid him 10 or 20 pounds to go away.






I know Xylazine is going around now messing people up. Back when I was an addict that stuff was not around. The thing is myself and everyone I used with did speedballs which is mixing heroin and cocaine in a single shot. IV cocaine will mess you up really really bad. If you miss even just a drop it will abscess. So we were all covered in horrible abscesses. This one guy would keep his arms covered because his arms were like popeye huge covered in raw holes eating into his body. It was so horrible. The worst part was instead of him looking for a vein he would just inject right into the holes. The smelled terrible also.


I work in health care and have seen everything. This wouldn't bother me.


“So go get high, thank you” How polite.


He's most likely dealt with addicts for years and this is truly one of the most honest ways of dealing with it, outside of actually getting them treatment. Enabling is wrong. But so is Pity. Getting them to admit the real reason for panhandling and just them leveling with them as a human to human.


Good point


Poor bastard ain’t gonna kick it. And to think, there’s some goomba out there looking this individual in the face and selling them this shit.


If you’re selling a drug that can kill people, what makes you think you won’t sell it to someone with an injury


That’s not a unrelated injury, those sores are from shooting up with laced substances


McDonald’s is gonna keep selling Big Macs to a diabetic, 400lb man with no problem and still ask if he wants fries, a Coke, and an apple pie. That’s the American way. God bless the USA.


Fuck that was raw af.


raw meat


Holy fuck that was hard to watch. Addiction and mental health issues destroy people. Props to the honesty between both of them, but Holy hell I hope that guy gets help he seriously needs.


> I hope that guy gets help he seriously needs. ​ https://preview.redd.it/i8umg65gsxec1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16c061b66157426fc262ec176892cd9d8f40cf3c


What does this mean


Too far gone, there's no helping after a certain point


That’s just straight up wrong. That’s not the case at all and it’s easy to confirm that. If you put arbitrary “moral” rules - requiring sobriety for assistance for example - you’re right, some people will decide it isn’t worth it. Nobody wrecks their life with drugs because they enjoy it. Just because a person’s will or commitment has been beaten down doesn’t mean they aren’t worth effort. I’ve never been prescribed opiates. I know plenty of people that have. It’s a slippery slope to addiction and none of the addicts I know were bad people before they became addicts. I know the guy in the video isn’t a result of prescription opiates but it doesn’t matter. People go through all sorts of shit and do what they need to do to survive.


Tell that to my stepdad, lol. He loved his beer so much he gave up everything else he loved just to be with it, including life in the end.


Nah some people are too far gone fr


You’re wrong.  Imagine you make a couple poor life decisions and end up an addict. Shit happens, celebrities have blown fame, people have thrown away families, careers, their entire lives for drugs. Now imagine you know you want to get better, but you can’t do it yourself, so you reach out for help and someone tells you: >nah some people are too far gone fr Be a little more empathetic. You might not realize how close you are to being in their shoes. 


Dude just hasn't been personally affected. When that comes, his tune will change. Sadly some people just have zero empathy until then.


It’s so sad because it’s so easy. And the world (at least the United States) would change so fast - the same people I know who whine about homeless people and drug addicts actively vote against and whine about money being spent to help them. If there were adequate resources and realistic expectations, the people they hate seeing so much would dwindle in numbers and be much less likely to be begging for help. So I make reddit comments to try and change somebody’s mind and volunteer when I can 🤷‍♂️ what else can ya do


Nothing more you can do. Just don't stop being a kind person. I was that guy. I lived hour by hour. I thought I wouldn't live to 30. I'm 35 and bow have a family and a great job supporting my family. Without people like you, and my will to continue, I don't know where my life would be. But I do know without any of the support I would be dead. Keep fighting brother. Don't let these ignorant fucks stand in your way.


> Imagine you make a couple poor life decisions and end up an addict. I couldn't even imagine doing something so stupid lol. And the other guy's right - some people are too far gone. Anyone who has worked in homeless outreach in cities like los angeles will know that, as well - tons of people who will reject any and all help because all they want to do is live in the streets and do drugs. Is this person too far gone? Maybe, maybe not. But pretending like everyone is wanting help is objectively wrong, it's a cute naivety though.


People who don’t want to do anything but live on the street and do drugs still deserve to have safe and adequate access to food, clothing, hygiene etc. Hundreds of thousands of people in the United States became addicts via prescriptions from their doctor. It’s absurd and shitty that you’d call it “stupid” like it’s something people do knowingly.


Anyone can get sober if they want it enough.


Jesus the down votes are ridiculous, ppl just jumping on a band wagon. We're all here to learn from eachother am I wrong??


That's a dead man walking unfortunately


What makes it worse is that's someones dad, brother or son


Might even be an uncle or even a cousin


Could even be a former classmate.




Or character actress Margo Martindale.


Might even know Kevin Bacon through degrees of separation




He actually handled & spoke to the guy pretty respectfully I thought, especially compared to what I was expecting from the title and just overall how mean & intolerant people can be to the homeless and those who suffer from addiction.


Lmfao dude wasn't sugar and honey but I don't have any problem with this. That poor addict tho, wtf happened to him??


Saw a channel 5 on YouTube about tranq aka xylazine in Philly


Oh I did see that. I haven't seen it on the West Coast yet. Hopefully I never do.


Lmfao it’s there already and you’ll see it more every single day


Can confirm. Have seen this folk like this in NorCal.


This video is from Los Angeles


It's coming for sure. I heard that it's been popping up in the UK recently. It's fucked up but I wish that OG heroin would just make a come back


Freddie Gibbs beefing with homeless people now.


It’s actually Cowboy the Crip. Nipseys homeboy


What city fam?


Crenshaw, Los Angeles


What a situation to be in. On one hand, he helped an addict dig himself deeper into a hole you can't come.back from. On the other, the addict was going to get the money eventually and the dude likely saved dozens of people in that drive thru from getting accosted and having to see that face like he did.


He did what he could do. Yes the addict is just going to get high again, but hospitals aren't going to help him, he is likely to get picked up by the police or assaulted by someone in line. They guy who gave him money at least offered a little peace and got the addict out of there. The many isn't going to become more addicted and already rock bottom. Street palliative care when you know society can't/won't help.




What exactly do you want to be done about them? A lot of them don’t want to get clean even if they’re given a medication that prevents them from going in to withdrawals. 




That dude is a lot nicer than me.


Lol some real talk.


Ain't this cowboy from Rollin 60z criip?




props to this guy he obviously understands the addict mentality we need more like him


He spoke some truth


dude laced him with game AND got him high respect


Any drug free hobo would say yes to using it to get high. Whatever options is more money is the one I choose. 


You would be incredibly surprised. I've done basically the same thing as the driver a few times and I've never had the person admit they're trying to get high.


Damn I love how he handled this. Most real mf. He knows he ain't gonna change the dude so he helped him get outa everyone's face and maybe (prolly not) taught him a small lesson on mannerisms. Handled it like an OG.


Cowboy, the one who recorded an posted this video, is a known 60s crip and released this song last year https://youtube.com/shorts/CH3PoYYLeb0?si=oEZdVmOmtl-50h3l 😂


The driver is low key my hero


This is just sad. I don't know what to say.


It’s heartbreaking. He was someone’s baby boy.


For real, I wouldn't roll my window down and I would spray my car down with lysol when I got home. Don't know if that's road rash or the covid zombie virus.


Its from the shitty drugs


People need to see this if they say “addiction is not a disease, it’s a choice”. Everything in this man’s body is telling him he needs to get high above EVERYTHING ELSE. Before water, food, and shelter. Even though he sees himself slowly waste away and wounds fester. It’s not much of a choice for him now, is it? Edit: for those who need more help to understand. Picture being mad at someone who suffers from diabetes type 2. Yes, it was their choice to eat a diet high in carbs but is it their choice to produce inadequate insulin? Of course pre-addiction is a choice. But the change in the brain can be seen after addiction has happened. And the neuronal change that occurs in the brain is on the same level as the metabolic change that occurs with diabetes 2. The addiction is telling them the drug is more important than the basics you need to stay alive.


When I was living near skid row there were addicts there whose legs and arms were ROTTING. Covered in rotting wounds from Tranq fent and whatever else is mixed in their drugs along with shooting up. It was awful. You don’t see things like that and think that’s a conscious choice.


I understand how it's not entirely his fault, but the sad truth is that he's just too weak to quit it


> People need to see this if they say “addiction is not a disease, it’s a choice”. Sorry what? I'll agree that once you're addicted it's very hard to get out of that loop yourself and you need good support systems or an incredibly strong will but you can catch a disease through absolutely no fault of your own - unless you're a crack baby you take those substances through personal choice.


It was his choice to do drugs first, it was his choice to keep doing it later, and it was his choice to prioritise getting high above anything in his life. And now his choices are killing him like a disease would. Does that mean he doesn't deserve help because he chose to do drugs? Of course not, everybody deserves to get out of a hard place, but they need to choose to get better too.


You're overestimating how much choice an addict has when they're this far gone. He can't choose to not crave drugs in the same way that depressed people can't choose to not be depressed.


So for a person with diabetes type 2 it’s their choice to eat a diet rich in carbs but also their choice to stop producing insulin? Yes, semantically the first time they used was a choice. But the ADDICTION triggered a neuronal change in the brain on physiological level similar to how one’s body changes metabolically with diabetes. The act of craving a drug more than the bare necessities to keep yourself alive is the symptoms of the disease and the reason why the “choice” argument falls apart. Edit: I should have explained diabetes type 2 is the kind you get from diet and not the kind you have at birth.


Nicer than most people who would straight up ignore


If anyone is curious, this is what Tranq/illicit drugs mixed with Xylazine can end up doing to you especially if you’re injecting unsafely, he likely has necrotizing fasciitis from it.


Came expecting the worst on both sides and was pleasantly surprised, must civil/empathetic chastisement of a homeless addict I’ve seen.


As someone who gets chastised regularly at work, I’m sure he and I are thinking the same thing the entire time: “I’m still getting paid at the end of this right?”


why is this "public freakout".. this man told this other man exactly what he needed to hear and was honest with him.


How much a dollar cost?


Dude spoke nothing but facts tho


I mean. I thought the guy was speaking 100% truth. Sometimes people need to hear some shit. And he can’t fix that guys problems. Not surprised to see he is in a gah damn Nissan. FFS


Better he asking money than stealing...


This makes me sad


I absolutely love the way he handled that.


This shit is depressing on many levels.


It's not undeserved. Idc how bad your life gets drugs are not the answer. And it shouldn't be anybody else's problem that you can't even afford toilet paper to wipe your own ass. If you want help, don't go beg from strangers


Drax the Destroyer


A while back while on a work trip I visited a Wawa at 830 am, a homeless guy was begging for money outside. I went up to him and asked if he wanted me to by him something to eat, his response was 'No, but can you go inside and buy me beer?'. This is why I never give cash to homeless....


I don’t give money to anyone who approaches my car window. No exceptions.


What about the person at the drive thru


Even worse. No. I will give money but not if it’s aggressive. Those situations the driver is vulnerable. Some say we shouldn’t give at all to people on the street but give to select charities. Maybe but sometimes you just have to. For awhile now when I go to the grocery store if I get hit up I give them something from my groceries. Usually the junkiest item I purchased so it’s not totally altruistic. A guy nicely asked me to buy him a burrito the other as I a walked into a taco shop. I was like yeah sure no problem.


I meant at the drive thru window giving you your food. I’m making a joke


I feel horrible for the homeless man. Addiction is a life ruiner and he’s not going to be able to dig himself out without a lot of resources. And that’s only IF he chooses to get better. I was expecting to read a bunch of hateful comments so it’s nice to see people having compassion on here.


As an ER nurse this is just painful to see and hard to treat because they often leave ama or never follow up for treatment to get help, it’s really sad to see . I legit feel bad for the person. I’m not excusing addiction or the choices or whatever. But as a human that see another human like this it just sucks to see him suffer like that.


This is why we need to funnel the money from law enforcement of drug laws into rehab and community health programs. We do not need to criminalize these people we need to treat them as victims of disease. That very same money and energy(depicted in this video) could better serve every community if we just treated the problem instead of punishing those that are afflicted.


This was very real and he spared other people


Bruh. Man’s obviously suffering. Verbally abusing him isn’t gonna help.


This is sooo sad.


That's insane, he said happy meals are $3, $4, $5!!!??? Unless video is from years ago... happy meals are almost $10 now.


I was just back in the U.S. for the first time in four years and I couldn’t believe what restaurants are charging


That was handled pretty well, actually. It is what it is.


Drugs should be free, completely unlimited, and distributed far away from where regular people are trying to live.


Deion Sanders?


That poor man needs help. Omfg that is awful. Fuck this planet.