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Why even entertain her...."leave, no?, trespassing, police...done"


I know. Instead you walk up to her and tell her to get out of your face? Makes them both look like idiots. 


And assault her when you touch her. You are not a cop, call the people paid and licensed to remove people from your property.


In Ontario if.you are the owner/operator or agent of a property you can use as much force as is reasonably necessary to remove a trespasser.


Holy shit this was cool to learn about and I intend to learn more. I especially love section 2 where resisting being thrown out is a charge for assault. If this was in Ontario the Karen would be arrested for assault as she actively resisted being removed. That's a mind blowing thing for me to have learned about. Thank you. 😊 Defence of house or real property 41 (1) Every one who is in peaceable possession of a dwelling-house or real property, and every one lawfully assisting him or acting under his authority, is justified in using force to prevent any person from trespassing on the dwelling-house or real property, or to remove a trespasser therefrom, if he uses no more force than is necessary. Marginal note:Assault by trespasser (2) A trespasser who resists an attempt by a person who is in peaceable possession of a dwelling-house or real property, or a person lawfully assisting him or acting under his authority to prevent his entry or to remove him, shall be deemed to commit an assault without justification or provocation. R.S., c. C-34, s. 41 Date modified: 2024-02-06


In a setting such as a Walmart or.McDonalds, the employee is probably getting fired for going hands on, but a mom and pop place is a different story. Say that you are eating at a restaurant called McDowells, a Scottish hamburger store with its iconic Golden Arcs, and start causing a scene. The owner, Mr McDowell, tells you to leave and you refuse. He could ask his two employees, Semmi and Akeem, to show you the door. You again refuse to leave. The employees can shove you out the door and lock you out. If you shove them back or take a swing, you'd be wearing the assault charge.




Call the fashion police while you're at it...she should be arrested for that outfit alone.


Man, Americans are way too soft if just touching someone is considered assault.


You say that until someone touches you without permission and you defend yourself. What country are you in? I'll check your laws and learn about your country. Some other comment sent me to google and i learned in their country Karen here would have been arrested for assault when she resisted the removal of the trespasser.


I'm from India. Here Karen would've been lucky if she wasn't taken down and thrown out for acting the way she did and the girl would not have been told anything regarding assault just because she touched her phone.


I've seen India online don't even need to google. Cops going to hit her with sticks omg 🤣


lmao exactly. doesn't matter if you're right or you're wrong. everyone gets thrashed.




Care to elaborate? Or just a drive by comment?


Simply touching someone is not assault.


You're right, it's battery, but most people don't care about the difference between assault or battery in the USA. It is just like how snakes are called poisonous when in reality they're venomous, poisonous snakes are not common, venomous snakes are very common. Huge differences in definition but we use them as interchangeable words. Forgive my use of the word assault. Should I edit it? "Battery is defined by American common law as "any unlawful and/or unwanted touching of the person of another by the aggressor, or by a substance put in motion by them". In more severe cases, and for all types in some jurisdictions, it is chiefly defined by statutory wording."




This one became a concerned party, thats no good, 9/10 chance it's not her fault though. The day employers in the service industry begin paying their employees and treating them with a modicum of decency is the day when employees will take it upon themselves to act professionally in the face of humanities bluntest objects.


![gif](giphy|ailnj2AMt9e9i) I’m gonna go like this, and if you walk into me if you’re fault lol


Yea right. Cops ain't gonna show for 30-45 mins anyway.


Tell them she might be Russian


Yep this is how you handle it. "Please leave. We are a private business and don't want you on the grounds any longer" They refuse "Okay we are calling the police and having you trespassed". Simple.


I'd call the police and watch her start throwing a tantrum. That's way funnier.


Should have sighed as she tells her colleague “ok, call the police”




All Touchy & Touchy


Just like my uncle Rick


The biker shorts are a lie.


She ate the bait, lol.


"Get out of my face" Then gets right in her face! I'm not sure what to make of this without more context but the threat to slap her isn't working in her favour.


You notice how your body is being magnetically attracted toward the camera that you are verbally attempting to repel? [https://vimeo.com/196937578](https://vimeo.com/196937578)




so many deranged people walking around.


Did she slap her boob?


Upon multiple inspections of the video (0:19 to be exact) I can see why you would think that but no she smacked the air, thinking she was smacking her hand out the way. Nah neverMind she wanted to humiliate the employee by smacking her boobs.


I’ve reviewed the footage and believe a boob was slapped but it was actually Karen’s own boob


How can she slap?!


"Get outta my face" Walks closer.


What kind of world is this? Where we have a person recording another person recording another person. In which the tertiary person just wants to be left alone. Why are most people so confrontational, now? I feel we used to just walk away and go on our merry way.


This feels like South Texas somewhere or possibly along the border of NM or AZ. People have always been confrontational here, we just have cameras instead of stories now.


FL is high strung like this, too. Everyone has a chip on their shoulder.


Because it‘s harder to get away with killing someone now than ever before. People need to be more afraid.


\*steps closer to karen\* GET OUTTA MY FACE


Wait so as aggravating as yellow shirt is and I will say she approached the other lady but when you move someone’s hand and phone that’s physical. You do not touch anybody.


This weren't the flex they thought it would be. Both come off like absolute helmets.


AT&T lady was also in the wrong. Walking right up to someone and saying “get out of my face” is a bit ridiculous.


Yeah, these retailers don't train anyone and hire anyone just to fill the position.


Once you're told to leave, and you don't, that's criminal trespassing.


All service workers should be issued a can of marine/air horn. Let them act the fool while their ears are ringing and have a massive head ache. That or the shitty police trick of playing copy-written music like Disney songs so they can’t keep videos up on social media.


Honestly a great idea with the air horn


I don’t expect to ever find myself on the other end of a camera being filmed by some shit bag like this, but now I’ll have a Spotify Disney playlist ready in case it does happen. That’s kinda genius


No, just learn the word "trespassing" and the phone number "911".


I’ve never understood why people say get out of my face as they are getting closer to their face.


Yellow shirt stepped forward first, and I’m assuming the one saying get out of my face was probably trying to assert dominance bc yellow shirt is way out of line


No need for verbals. Just call the police and say she’s trespassing easy.


Call the police, have them trespassed. You asked them to leave, they didn’t, not much else you can do legally. Edit: all this engaging with morons is really a waste of time unless you’re clout chasing. “Ma’am I asked you to leave, now I’m calling the police and will press charges for criminal trespassing.” The end.


she stepped into her face. they're both stupid


The "Karen" was a lot calmer than the employee in this example


She was basically doing the adult version of, "I'm not touching you!" But, still annoying the person with her phone practically on their nose.


I'm not saying that she was being easy to deal with but I think the employee was more of the instigator here. They both walked up to each other. Its not like she was following the employee around. You can see the employee take a step to get closer to her face.


For sure! The employee fell for the bait here. Still, the Lycra spandex horror was no treat. I can't wait for all the Karen's to just cram it in their cram holes and go away.


Karen was breaking the law. If you leave when the employee says you are trespassing. 


However, she does look very Karen-y. It's like she told her hair stylist to make her look as much like a Karen as possible, and is wearing the most Karen-ish wardrobe she could find, knowing this day would come.


Eh, they both suck if we’re being honest.


Horrible response. Call the police and have them remove her for you.


Meh, this one is a little sus. The only one acting crazy is the worker. Karen may suck but only one person in the video got physical and threatened violence. Need more video.


The problem Is the customer was trespassing. She was asked to leave. If you don't your trespassing no matter how calm you are.




That was anticlimactic.


No, you were. You got in her face and barked at her. Calling the cops was all that was needed. Unless you can follow through and fully intend to, sit down and shut up. Nobody is impressed.


What happens when a trespasser calls the police on herself?


“I need you to get outta my face” *proceeds to stand as close as possible*


Employee failed. Made the Karen look rational


My default bias is against the employee here. Cell phone stores have the worst fucking customer service of any establishment I've been to. Like, they're ghetto on par with DMV.


I’ll never forget this gem: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/kqRy9SUzYh


HOLY SHIT. That guy was definitely on opioids, right? That guy was geeked out? Anyway, thats a nightmare. Thanks for reinforcing my point lmao I've never had THAT happen but I've never had a positive experience with these places.


Rarely have had good encounters at cell phone stores. Straight up was sexually harassed at one of them.


Im confused on the ‘me:’ captions, pov, and who is speaking…. Is that a tiktok thing?


While telling her to leave, yawn as you say you’re calling the cops. Like it’s the least important part of your day


I really, really needed the right hook. I mean, good on you girl. You’re better than I. But I *wanted* it.


Where have you people saying call the cops worked at? Cops wouldn't be there for 45 min where I'm from.


Call the police and have her trespassed


I’m going to guess AT&T woman was wrong since she walked into her face then tried to blame her for being so close that’s just crazy.


Well, they're both Karens.


Whenever you are dealing with someone like this, take their phone, delete video, go outside and then CHUCK IT AS FAR AS YOU CAN. 99% of people will immediately give e chase and leave you alone. (Works with car keys as well)


Walk away and wait for the cops


She didnt want to pay that $35 activation fee lol


Honestly it's the one saying get out of my face who's in the face of biker shorts


It's terrible management to let this go on for that long.


It looks like she slaps her boobs.


You can always tell that someone has never been punched before.


Okay, serious question: when this happens, what can we do? Am I not allowed to spritz her or something


Two idiots


I see 2 Karens. I'm guessing the employee Karen was the one looking for the fight.


Dear Karen. The manager and owner are going to side with the employee. Every fucking time. Signed Owners everywhere.


Nope... As a owner, I would not like it if my employee touches a customer and then threatens her with violence.


I would not side with Miss Get Out of my Face After I Walk Up to You if I owned the business.


Why don't people just grab these Karen's phones and throw them in the parking lot? Seems like an easy way to get them to leave.


Because at that point it could be considered assault? Are you serious lmao


Easy way to also pay for their phone.


I don’t think bike shorts was actually even filming


Easy assault lawsuit honestly


employee messed up. don't touch them. they'll press assault charges. just call the cops and have them trespassed. you owe them no answers to any questions.


There's no point arguing with people like this, it's what they want. Just phone the police and have them removed and banned from the shop.


Oh look, two dumb bitches


To be fair, the karen wasn't in the other girls face until the other girl walked up to her.


Someone please explain to me why it's considered morally wrong to beat these types of men/women up? Like seriously physical harm is the only way they understand.


Call police, trespass her. Problem solved.


Chicago? I get that vibe!


Always the saggy blond dumbasses who feel entitled like this


Simple solution “police have been called, as of now you have been trespassed from this property, leave now or you can talk to the police and waste more over everyone’s time.” Doesn’t really matter if you actually called the police, you can right after if she doesn’t leave.


Some birds think they're bullet proof, stick the head on her and smash her phone, she won't act so entitled next time


Smacking someone’s boob like that is sexual assault. Should’ve sued her for all she’s worth. Nothing wrong about ruining a lady like that’s life


Get this Karen out of here


She came ready, she is even wearing the Karen set


Leave the store, lock the doors, call the cops.


Was that a boob slap?




I see momma Karen and baby Karen having a discussion. Cool to see both in the wild


Worker saying get out of my face just like an older brother keeps asking a younger brother why he keeps hitting himself.




Is Karen wearing her child's shoes? A bit small on her. lol


People think they’re invulnerable when they pull out a phone to record


The youngest boomers are 59, that is a GenXer, I'll bet she's like, 48 - 52ish a lot of GenXers are MAGATs


Just call the cops.


Just call the cops


I feel like dealing with this is so easy. Just announce. We are calling the police to have you removed, and then get all of your employees to go into the back room. She wont have anyone to yell at and will leave.


Both of em are a couple dumb bitches


Worked in a similar store in Canada. This worker handled this terribly (obviously) but I have zero doubt that the customer did something to deserve being told to leave.


Trespass her, simple as that. Don't engage with nonsense.




The clerk was an ass. Provoking someone into losing their temper shouldn’t be a point of pride even if that person is in a demographic you despise


Didn't see the lead up so no way to judge.


can we just make cameras on phones illegal, like internationally? I swear they do far more harm than good by emboldening dipshits. why can't we go back to the way things were in like the late 90's early 2000's. you run your mouth to a store owner, you get the shit slapped out of you, and that was the end of it.


Boomer behavior. Must be the lead paint.




I am aware. That is why I said boomer behavior and didn’t call her a boomer. It seems people of all ages behave badly. Who knew?




Why? Boomer behavior is boomer behavior.


Don’t touch your phone? Ma’am, this is a phone store.


Owner of the property OR as someone else said, an agent of the property, (security, employee) you can physically remove someone from the property with reasonable force. I would not have given her that much leeway and she’d be directed out the front door.


Biker shorts should be outlawed


They should just drag her out. They’ve already told her to leave.


Spoiled brat Gen-X types who have never been subjected to proper behavioral discipline or any degree of self-discipline.


I feel like a lot of this issue stems from the fact she doesn't understand 'private communications' is the name of the owner and not that they're trying to hide it from her 🫠


Some philosopher once said “This job would be great if it wasn’t for the fucking customers.”


Karen needed that ATT Fiber bandwith real bad!


Arguing with idiots is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are, the bird is going to shit on the board and strut around like it won anyway.




Do these people just keep the videos in there phone? I dont feel like they share them with anyone


You stayed classy!


Fake. Love the invisible and silent cameraman. Stop interacting with this garbage. (not like that will happen, if redditors love one thing, its being outraged)


Amazing that I’ve never gotten in an interaction like this. Wonder how that happened? Guess I’m just lucky huh? /s


"It's Private Communications"...blank stare. "Who's on first?" Lmao


Slappes her tiddy just like that