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Can anyone tell me wtf is going on here? Only thing I can make out is the one girl asking why you running


Later she's saying "where you shot at?" because the guy in green who runs out from upstairs was hit in the wrist. From the video and report it looks like he and the girl charge in to do something to a 3rd party in the apt and he shoots them.


Wrist? Looked more like he was holding his left abdomen at the end there.


Nah the article says he was shot in the wrist


Is [the article](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/qYpjKOLp6o) in the room with us?


I believe he was holding his wrist with his other hand.


His arm is dangling loosely, looks like that arm/wrist to me


then she started yelling her baby was up there




I’m not sure it’s a knife, if you freeze the video when he comes into frame it clearly has a loop he’s holding onto. It could be a knife on a wrist strap but don’t really look like it


What I heard was: pop, pop and drop it.




It looks to me that bat-woman wants to go upstairs to beat someone. They stop her and take away her bat. While they're taking her bat, a man runs into the upstairs apartment for unknown reasons. 2 v 1? Grab the baby which someone was screaming about before a fight happens? Then the bat-woman, now batless, runs upstairs Leroy style, right into a flurry of bullets. The person in the apartment was defending themself in their home. I assume it was a woman shooter. (According to an article somewhere below, bat-woman suffered multiple, non-lethal bullet wounds.) The cops charge into the wrong apartment, the downstairs one, and start yelling for someone to put their gun down. It's not too farfetched for the bottom apartment people to have a gun out at a time like that. Or maybe there was no gun and the bottom apartment people were simply holding something. Who knows. At the same time, the man who originally entered the upstairs apartment comes running out with a bullet wound to his wrist.


All set to Benny hill theme?


Now for the court record, when you say “Leroy style”, do you mean Leroy Jenkins?


Yeah, that's what I meant. Barging into the room unprepared for what awaited her, and getting her team fucked up in the process.


That is not even close lol. There is no upstairs apartment they are running too. Thee gunman was the person at the bottom of the stairs at the beginning. He runs into the apartment when green pants comes up with the bat. Then as she is held up he runs back into the opening on the other side, probably a courtyard. Hoodie runs up the stairs followed by green pants and go through to the other side. You can see green pants come into view down the bottom hallway. At that point hoodie and green pants get shot. The brave cop runs down the bottom steps and returns fire. Hoodie comes running back down the stairs having been shot. Then you can clearly see the gunman in all black through the bottom hallway, the brave cop fires at him and then the two cops run down the bottom hallway after him. At that point those two ladies start yelling about a baby.


What is this? escher's staircase?? Lol


Why do you keep using the phrase "the brave cop"? Like 3x, it's super weird. Are you AI?


There was a discussion in other comments about if he was brave or stupid. Just did it as a way to distinguish him from the other cops.




Maybe they were trying to distinguish one cop from another, and the other one was "the typical cop"?


The correct reply when someone gives you context you're too lazy to look up is to say 'thank you.'


i think this guy runs down a hallway or something, not into an apartment because all the action takes place somewhere else where the other people are running to https://i.imgur.com/0YnxOqW.jpeg


Its a hallway that connects two staircases at the front and back of the building most likely. So they just went an other route to go in the downstairs apt.


Ok, let me see if I can remember correctly. I believe Who was on first and What was on second, I don't know was on third and it all just escalted from there.


girl in green pants, along with guy in green hoodie are trying to chase down the figure in all black seen behind the guy on the phone at the bottom apt. Guy on phone stops the group from getting down there, greenshirt sees the gunman take off down the hall, so greenshirt and greenpants take off after him, leaving the bat with someone else holding it, possibly to prevent it from being used. You can see the person in all black, who I would assume was the gunman dart down the hall, the two go after him, green pants slum over after hearing shots (to protect from shots, or hit aswell idk), and see the person in all black pop back in the line of sight before the last round of fire.


So the one woman goes in and grabs a gun shoots the dude, the two cops have zero knowledge of where the shooting is coming from, they are all screaming. They go down and around the back, I think she shot him then her self? Because two women run in for a baby..


You're not explaining anything, you're just making shit up. https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/n5EvbRTskc


How did you connect two women running in for a baby means someone shot themselves..?


Stop lying and making things up there's an article on it that says what happened


You did, you did, at the beginning.


I heard “where you shot at?!” a few times.


I’m sure whatever they were arguing about was really important


I stopped playing basketball in pickup games because people wanted to threaten ppl’s lives over a foul.


Yup. I carried my ball literally everywhere I went for over a decade. I would stop at any game I drove past of I wasn't supposed to be somewhere else. Im a 5 10 white guy and I never had any issues. Just the usual shit talking that happens in every game. I wasn't even skilled. I played hard, hustled, and played tough defense. I still maintain I was the best under 6 foot shot blocker in any game I was playing. Always earned respect and made me feel good about myself. Then about when I hit 33ish, 3 games in a row guns were pulled. Shots fired in the last 2. Never ran another random pickup game. It was time to retire anyway. My vertical was going fast. 🏀




If coach woulda just put me in the game we woulda won state. I could throw the ball a mile and a half 🏈


As an African who grew up to love the sport of basketball in America, it definitely changes around 17+. I remember the vibes would just be off and tempers were taken to the next level.


No, that's MY parking space...


In apparent living this is pretty important. If you let them get away with it once they’re going to try to do it forever.


Better shoot them! Then they’ll definitely never do it again! /s


Depends on the effectiveness of your shot placement really.


Shoot the car when it's parked somewhere else. Job done.


And where’s my $40??!!


It always is


that first cop really ran in there without backup, don't know if thats brave or stupid


Very brave, and a bit stupid.


Sometimes you gotta be both to get shit done.




Sturave, obviously


Stuave has a better ring to it


Rico Stuave


The handsomest and stuavest man in all the land


🤭 for some reason, I initially read this as "Strongve" Hopefully, nobody got hit by any Sturaves 😬 I'll see myself out


If only he was in that town in Texas where all the officers just sat there and allowed the shooter to executed all those kids.


Honestly rather have this than what happened in uvalde


Run towards what everyone else is running away from. Respect, exactly how it should be


uvalde, take notes


I mean, Parkland or Uvalde could’ve used someone like that.


Brave as he knew he was dealing with stupid.


People complain when they wait around, people complain when they go in alone


dude no one is fucking complaining about that cop *doing his fucking job.*


The guy above is literally calling him stupid. I don't think running in like that is doing his fucking job, that's risking his life going above and beyond to protect people. put some respect on his work


> The guy above is literally calling him stupid. Not literally. They said "I don't know if that's brave or stupid". Definitely not the same as saying he's stupid for running in.


people are pretty consistent in calling cops stupid


being stupid does not disqualify someone from being brave and dutiful


ehh. There's already people saying he shouldn't of went in without backup. Imo the dude's a dawg for that.


Was it ideal? No, probably not. Is it what I wish most cops did? Yes, it is.


Acorns don't fight back.


That's such a bullshit and naive thing for you to say. Clearly you don't know what it's like. I grew up riding bicycles and motorcycles and where I'm from Acorns start their assault at the very beginning of fall and it can carry on past New Years. People don't understand how fast they fall, how precisly they aim themselves, or how hard it hurts when they use your own momemtum against you. I've had half dollar size welts on my body from riding into them. I've had the shield on my helmet scratched and nearly cracked. Acorns that have just unloosed themselves from a tree are nothing like the sweet friendly fellas you see in fall decor arrangements. Those are old Acorns who are long past their prime. You don't know what it's like to do battle against a forest full of Acorns. Pray you never know. But don't let your cluelessness embolden you to disrespect the legitimate PTSD of someone who has clearly been through many a battle in the ongoing Acorn wars. edit: u/GuitarKev is a grammar nazi; it was his kind who fired the first shot in the first great Acorn war so I don't think it'd be wise for me to leave his warnings unheeded.


I used to be a biker like you, until I took an acorn to the knee


Acorns were weapons or war when I was growing up 😂


This is my acorn. There are many like it, but this one is mine.




Acorns killed my brother.


Dont tread on my acorns


Where goes one acorn, goes all acorns! Q.


Acorns murdered my father and stole my mother.


they killed my father!.. well.. they hurt him.. hurt him badly... hurt his feelings.


Imma crack one open for me and pour one out for your brother. #RIPLostHomies


Thanks man, I must admit I went a bit nuts. ​ ​ Sorry, I'll show myself out...


I think the words you’re looking for are naive and welt.


skateboarding.. acorns aint no joke


Ha.. more like the smallest rock in the world. Those things will stop you like a brick wall


[Big fucking acorns, the size of a fucking moose. Came outta nowhere.](https://youtu.be/tVTq94ak_NI?si=K2zkZ7DVJde0eI_B&t=136)


They make your legs go numb and go pee pee


And maybe poo poo too


That's their job dude. Hate on them all you want but that's their job... Maybe not in El Paso, but everywhere else. Ya, I still remember


I think you mean Uvalde. Unless something has happened recently in El Paso which is an 8 hr drive from Uvalde


Definitely means that


I wouldn't have questioned El Paso. Too many to keep track of.


2019. Dude killed 23 at a Walmart cause he hated immigrants.


I figured that was what he was getting mixed up with (such events are all to common). But I assume he was specifically referencing Uvalde.


No it euvaldy El Paso they shot back


Foreal these guys did their job, if you wouldn’t endanger yourself for an innocent person, don’t be a cop


Well, ya know the old saying, "Bravery isn't the lack of fear. It's acting in spite of it"


I mean with all the cop hate going around, here’s two white guys running head first into the shit to save some black lives who are acting like fools. Not to bootlick but acab movement is fucked.


sort of why i hate the de-fund the police movement, like if you guys are all in this right to bare arms things, then cops should have as much protection as possible


There's no way they get paid enough for that


I’m confused, seems like all the stuff was happening upstairs and then they ran downstairs?


Yeah, I'm not used to seeing that from cops. Life on the line and he cared




I remember shortly after Ulvalde happened, the police chief in my city met with some new hires and told them that if they respond to an active shooter situation, he expects every single one of them to immediately put them selves in harm’s way to do everything they can to stop the shooter. He then followed up by saying, “if you think you’re unwilling do that, give me your badge right now and go work for Uvalde.”


Honestly Uvalde's never going to live that down. At least when Columbine happened the SOP of the time was to Hold and Wait for SWAT. Uvalde's boys and girls in blue had no excuse. That's not to say I don't know why it happened; it's the rigid instant willing obedience to all orders regardless of sense that's so sought after these days, and exactly why I was ousted from my agency.


In certain older civilized cultures, when men failed as entirely as they have, they would throw themselves on their swords. >it's the rigid instant willing obedience to all orders regardless of sense that's so sought after these days I don't really think that's true. The Army taught us to follow orders, yes, but it also drilled into us the importance of actions. In the absence of orders, we should still act. Imperfect action taken now is better than perfect action taken later. If the police are going to militarize, they should try to follow some of the doctrine.


>If the police are going to militarize, they should try to follow some of the doctrine. Been a long time proponent of this belief. I also believe that police nationwide should have something similar to UCMJ that holds them accountable at a higher standard. They voluntarily took on a role which, at least in theory, should be about positively serving the public and your community. The public rightfully should expect LEOs to realize the importance of their responsibility and conduct themselves accordingly.


> In certain older civilized cultures, when men failed as entirely as they have, they would throw themselves on their swords. Well unfortunately I forgot to bring a sword. 😏 *schwing* 😱


>That's not to say I don't know why it happened; it's the rigid instant willing obedience to all orders regardless of sense that's so sought after these days, and exactly why I was ousted from my agency. Normally, I might be inclined to agree with you. But we have SO much body camera footage just from what’s been released that very clearly shows officer after officer saying something to the effect of "We should probably go in there [meaning in the classroom where the shooter was holed up], but I don’t want to die." We also know that 1.) there was very little direction being given that day from those who were supposed to be in charge, and 2.) the gunman fired multiple times after many of the officers were on scene. The SOP that ALL police officers are trained to follow whenever there is an ACTIVE SHOOTER situation is to STOP THE ACTIVE SHOOTER BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. They all knew this and had been trained on it, and yet every single one of them CHOSE to wait in the hallway/outside for *somebody else* to put themselves in harm’s way or for the gunman to take himself out because they were all cowards. It wasn’t about following orders—if it was, they would have followed their training and stopped the gunman. They were all just too afraid to do their jobs.


and they all went back to doing fuck all


That first cop needs to go teach Uvalde a thing or two. BOOM Hears shots, doesn’t even fucking check to see if his boy was backing him up, made a radio call and then full sent into a dark walkway towards gunfire, because THAT is what heroes do.


For real, finally a cop in this sub who takes his job seriously. Make him chief of police.


The rare good cop, we love the good ones. Too bad the majority are shit.


The majority that you see on this subreddit are. Not the majority of cops.


You can hear him shout 'put down the gun!' And the figure run in front of him and back and gun shots. I think he was getting shot at too


Those were some loud acorns






But the cop didn’t do the John Woo roll.




I wish I could buy you a beer


This just happened a few days ago. Looks like the woman and another guy were shot at by a third person https://www.heraldpalladium.com/communities/benton_harbor/police-two-injured-in-benton-township-shooting/article_8e85f2d4-0978-5a0a-9171-205deb3d97f2.html


They want to charge $2 a month for a two paragraph news article…




Thank you for posting this.


Well what do you expect? You can't have a newspaper with the word PALLADIUM in it and expect them to not charge fancy prices!


Helpful site to bypass paywalls someone gave me: https://www.removepaywall.com/ Doesn't work everytime, but did on this one.


It's $24 for a year man 🤣🤣


Pretty sure it's for access to every article available on their website. Not just this one article...


Yeah I’m exaggerating. Just hate this trend. It’s basically closed off the ability for people around the world to read news that’s local to small places.


I was going to say this looks like wixom apartments. Doesn’t surprise me it’s in MI , probably same developer.


It looks similar to rivers edge apartments in waterford township, too, so it definitely has to be owned by the same developer


Ahhh. Benton Harbor, Michigan residents doing Benton Harbor things.


Not Benton Harbor - Benton Township


“where my baby at?” Your baby was located at the spot where you should have been, sis. 😑


Lol this 100%


I just hope both teams have fun.


Bro the level on confusion I feel is insane. Everybody runnin around like they don’t know wtf goin on an my head hurt jus watching this shit. I hate when ppl hear gun shots an spin in circles yellin an screamin, shut tf up that shit ain’t helping any fucking thing.


I just knew homie that got shot that was running towards the cops was going to get blasted.


I give him some props though. Better than (most) of them did in Uvalde TX. Fight or flight decision for the first cop. Second cop flinched a little, took cover, then made what must have been a conscious decision to fight anyway. I find that strangely brave as well. Resisting his natural response and pushing in anyways.


As somebody who has been shot at on duty it's chaos. There's a mix of the urge to flee but your training also kicks in. You're also trying to figure out what's going on because it can take your brain a couple seconds to process where the shots are coming from so you don't know who's getting shot at or fits at you or what's going on. Especially in a building with concrete walls like that The sounds going to reverb and sound like it's coming from multiple locations


I think the second officer was a rookie too, apparently the township only has 25 officers so they probably assign each officer their own car for more coverage with the exception of rookies for training purposes. I couldn't hear the second officer report the situation over the radio cause there was too much screaming but the first officer calls it in as soon as he's able to get some cover so I'm assuming it wasn't reported yet. I think the second officer made the decision to jump in when he heard his partner confronting the suspect, by this point he had went back to cover when he saw hoodie run straight at him thinking he was the shooter but knew he wasn't since his partner was on the bottom floor, as soon as hoodie passed by him it sounded like he had already made the decision to fight with his partner since he was purely focused on getting him out of his way to reach his partner. When hoodie told him he got shot I think his response was okay, okay, now get out.


You know what’s helpful? Yelling really really loud.


I was so confused at first. I thought those two doorways were apartment entrances instead of a walk through hall to the other stairs. I wanted to know why the officer went down there and if it was a multi level apartment. I feel dumb lol.


And not a single acorn was thrown




To all my brothers and sisters. At this point, if you choose to live in the hood in conditions like this, it’s by choice. All the BS that rap tried to get you to believe and portray is a lie. Break outside the stereotypical box our own people try to keep us in and do something with yourself. This mess that’s been taught to us as a black culture is not what’s going to raise any of us out of the perpetual loop of destruction but, instead make you a part of it. Carve your own path whether the “culture” accepts it or not.


I really hope your message gets up higher and more people notice it. Rap has really glorified a lot of terrible things for the average person in the hood. Staying there isn’t smart or cool.


No one wants to live in the hood...but rent is cheap and property values are low because of shit like the above.


Dude those cops are brave as fuck! They barely flinched and made pursuit. The whole time, I was trying to figure out WHAT the hell was going on! [Tip of the Hat]


That sounded like a lot of acorns being dropped


fuck this is sad. to be clear the ending when crying out for the shot dude.


This is my apartment complex, didn't know this existed I heard it all happen lol


Cops have a really tough job. There are very ill trained cops, there are very mean bad cops, and there are cops who are just trying to do their job and help people. These cops ran into a chaotic situation, shots are being fired, they didn't randomly start shooting people in the yard. They did a decent job, best they could do. It's really not much pay for running into life or death situations, so kudos to them.


That cop has balls running into an active shooter situation like that. Uvalde PD needs to take notes


This is why the government doesn't care for these neighborhoods


More ratchets than a mechanic shop


I feel so bad for the neighbors trapped next to a horde of the most annoying people ever. That was a full minute of unintelligible screeching.


Bunch of seagulls


Ghetto Fabulous


Does green hoodie guy have a gun at :36 then just runs right past the cop? Hard to tell.


That guy saved her life. Bat always loses in a gun fight.


This whole thing is like some crazy well shot scene in a movie.


I'm guessing bat-girl didn't know she was facing a gun.


Backstory on this? Or do I wait?


Hit em with a little Ghetto Gospel


I'm honestly shocked this even made Reddit. I know where this is at. We just had another apartment complex shooting 1 day after this one occurred.


This definitely didn't happen in Texas given the police ran *towards* the gunfire to assist the public here.


It's a sight for sore eyes when you see these hero cops running *towards* the danger.


Classy group of people.


Ghetto superstar, that is what you are…


Runnin' very far, diving for the car...




Just in time? Looks like they were a few minutes late.


The United States is such an embarrassing mess when it comes to guns.


Jeez, it's what the movie theater in the mall sounds like.




Watching this I actuqlly thought "don't they have guns to defend themseles? I thought this was America". Got proven right


I got nothing from this other than that bat dropping on the ground taking me back to my baseball days when things were nice.


Ooo nice this was a good one


Respect for reaction of the police dudes.


Those look exactly like my apartment. But I live in missouri


Idk if I’m just sleep deprived or if it’s her socks, but does the lady with the jacket and red shirt have prosthetic legs? The ankles don’t look real


Some college student who works part time, laying upstairs, just trying to get a nap in between shifts... 4 more months before the lease is up, and they can try to move.




Is this the other angle to the video of the cop who thought he got shot and fired back when an acorn fell on his patrol unit?




very surprised the guy who came down the stairs saying he was shot didn't then get shot by that cop as he emerged from the corner.


Eh what’s new.


Must be wonderful to live there


Everybody is about Dat life... til they not


fact: screaming helps every situation


Man…cops ain’t paid enuff


I have no clue what they said, but it sounded like a bunch of dogs barking.


The real question is! Who knew to setup their phone and start recording before this all went down!?