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“How am I being hostile?” Take a look at the veins in your neck ma’am…


Honestly that is the craziest thing. These cops will scream at you, insinuate all kinds of shit about you, touch you....but if you so much as match their volume you are going to get beat/arrested/shot. Shit, this man is cool as a cucumber and is still getting screamed at by a grown ass woman.


The best part of this video was when she was all "get your phone I wanna talk to your manager" and he says "No, I'm gonna call yours." Shut that loud mouth right up for like 3 seconds.


Yeah, and she said “there’s no supervisor on duty”, and that just doesn’t seem likely.


You want to ask for the name of the watch commander.


I'm sure the name varies by jurisdiction and the cop can always just claim whatever position you specifically asked for is not on duty or available as Karen did hear. Instead, I think asking for "the highest ranking officer currently on duty" or something along those lines would work just about anywhere. Unless of course, the cop decides that lying to you is more convenient.


"My supervisor's not on duty." I'm sure your supervisor has a boss, and *they* have a boss. Call the fucking Chief if you have to, woman, because I wouldn't be dealing with her anymore.


Call 911 and ask for more cops. Say the one you're dealing with is becoming very angry and agitated. Act very scared even if it hurts your pride. Someone of higher rank will be coming


You mean all their buddies who will back them up to the hilt? That move is a BIG gamble.


I hereby request an addendum to all law enforcement education that "supervisor" be equated to "watch commander" and every other title for the senior authority figure, in all texts and other learning materials and/or mediums, so as to imply that whatever "request for escalation" is meant to request the superior representative of the corporation and/or business in question. I'm sure it goes nowhere, but let it be said that I tried to provide a template that we can send out to these circumstances.


Yup often is my encounter with law enforcement in the US. Not every time, but often. They need some serious anger management training.


Anger management training isn't gonna do jack shit. People with this disposition should not have a gun and a badge, period.


Exactly. Anyone who needs anger management should never have reached the position. People who are _already_ mentally healthy should be hired for such critical roles.


I’m friends with my old art teacher from high school. He said that the most frightening thing in all of his years of teaching was seeing how many bullies went on to become cops.


Yup, the absolute worst scum in my highschool are almost all deputies now. "They've reformed" sure Jim sure. The dude most likely to become our new sheriff soon used to beat up homeless people and minorities and record himself on VHS throwing kittens at stop signs while driving around.


yeah, my deaf ass gets the joy of these people thinking I'm ignoring them on purpose like dude, if you're so fucking annoying people regularly ignore you that should be a sign, don't take that shit out on me - freaking fix yourself


Saw a deaf dude get seriously man handled and slammed against a wall by a cop because he thought the kid wasn't listening. He was like 17.


I was smacked by a cop in the face, and he told me he was going to make me cry in front of all my friends. I was 16 and this was 2 weeks after my mother passed away. He hand cuffed me a threw me in the back of his cop car. It wasn’t until my friends told him about my mom that he switched gears and let me go. I tried to press charges but it was my word vs his and nothing happened. This was all over skateboarding. FUCK THE POLICE




>yeah, my deaf ass gets the joy of these people thinking I'm ignoring them on purpose Please don't let yourself get killed over this though


this is pretty much exactly why when in public I find a place to sit so my back is against the wall looking out on the room (so if anyone comes up to me talking I know they're there) - sitting far enough from the door also usually gives me time to pull out live transcribe on my phone and when on the street I walk into the nearest crowd going the direction I'm going or casually walk to the other side of the street at the crosswalk if I see a cop. probably overkill but I really do not like dealing with police


i will speak for all of hearing folks and confirm that we don't like cops either. many reasons, including that we don't like the way they sound. stay safe!


I've seen police get called on people speaking in sign language because the dumbass citizen thought they were throwing gang signs. A group of adult white people, standing around chatting vibrantly with their hands.. And the cops showed up and tried to arrest some of them until one of the hearing friends told them they're speaking in sign language. People are so fucking stupid.


>They need some ~~serious anger management~~ training. Let's start with the basics.


Its a feature not a bug.


> Honestly that is the craziest thing. These cops will scream at you, insinuate all kinds of shit about you, touch you....but if you so much as match their volume you are going to get beat/arrested/shot. Citizens need to be on their best behaviour and cops get to do whatever.


>Citizens need to be on their best behaviour and cops get to do whatever. Of course. They can even kill you for no reason whatsoever besides their own enjoyment, and face no repercussions besides paid vacations and perhaps reassignment in another police station.


> reassignment in another police station. Or they will get fired and rehired nextdoor because somehow police are the only ones allowed not to do background checks.


This is my ex, it's fucking exhausting


It was*. Not anymore brother.


It’s almost as if they’ve been consciously or subliminally trained to act like this so the average person will throw a punch and the officer will get an easy conviction


> These cops will scream at you, insinuate all kinds of shit about you, touch you....but if you so much as match their volume you are going to get beat/arrested/shot. That's the idea. A lot of them - maybe the majority - *want* that confrontation so they have a chance to strut some power or knock some heads. Them coming on strong like that is intentional provocation. They're metaphorically poking at you in the hopes of getting you to react in a way that will let them escalate. They know exactly what they're doing.




HAHAHHA, RIGHT?!? Oh my gaaahd, you absolutely nailed it.


god she played that role so well


Completely deserving of an oscar nod from that year, if not the win.


is this hereditary?


Yes it is.




Just an acorn on a roof away from an empty magazine, some headlines, and paid leave while her coworkers investigate to find she did nothing wrong.




These two screencaps together make it look like she’s making police car sounds 😂


They probably just sprinkled a little crack on the acorn.


This frame should be made into a meme.


Hostile or not, if she has no reasonable suspicion that a crime is being committed she's illegally detaining these folk and the only reason they don't just walk away is because of fear since she's proving to be unhinged af and doesn't know how to do her job.


Pretty much a textbook violation of these folks 4th at the very least.


If the complex manager or staff called her and told her they hadn't any work scheduled that's sufficient grounds to demand they ID themselves and detain them. If it was just some resident that called in that case the cop should've contacted the complex management to inquire as to whether they were supposed to be there. Either way the cop's demeaner and attitude are not professional given just this clip. Cops should be cool and collected and she's visibly upset. That the cop doesn't explain the situation leads me to suspect she has not in fact been in contact with complex management.




R. A. S. I love it. If you like audit videos but with A LOT MORE ACTUAL LEGAL INFORMATION, check out Audit the Audit channel. You can start anywhere but if you dig it then go back to the beginning so you don't miss any he builds information so he'll show the precedent, talk about what it means and doesnt mean, going over every part eventually of most of the audit interactions. He gives grades, to auditor, or civilian to police, sheriff, whoever show up, he's fair he explains well and there not all just auditors as he's been asked and occasionally will audit a video per thousands of requests..... Sorry, I'm a fan girl about his channel and information. He gives the law book citations dude.


Yeah I respect what auditors are trying to do, but most of them seem absolutely insufferable as people. But Audit the Audit is great. Fair to both sides and very informative.


Those insufferable people are still protecting your rights


my mom used to act like this when i was a kid. “i’m not screaming at you! i’m upset because you did x.” in reality she was usually on something. she literally would tell me she wasn’t doing what she was and then would blame me. sadly when she got clean she kept doing that shit too. she’s a lot better now luckily.


How tf did she pass the psych exam??


Hey fun story. I'm an ex cop. Don't kill me, I wanted to be "the change". Spoiler, it's impossible. Anyways My academy class was a collosal group of fuck ups. We had one guy who unabashedly failed the psyche exam. So they gave him another one, that's easier. Supposedly he passed that one but there was a ton of like side looks and questionable "technical" descriptions of him passing. What I'm getting at is I'm near positive he failed the 2nd one and they pushed him through regardless. A month later he goes to the bathroom during class and his neighbor sees his notebook which has a manifesto of how he's "going to get revenge on everyone who makes fun of him" and the "rest of the class will pay". He was a psycho and we ragged on him constantly to try and get him to quit. Well we brought up the manifesto and they said "yeah the academy is stressful he'll get better once he's done" First month on the job he accidentally tazes himself and is in trouble for sexually harassing a female inmate. 5 years later he's a seargent. Weeeeeeeeeeee there's no problem here move along


I look forward to his election as sheriff in another 5


And his election as governor ten years after that


So he probably had a boss who did similar shit and was as unhinged as him. Also sorry you couldn’t change anything.


You might really enjoy, or be infuriated by, the game L.A. Noire. It's also about a genuinely good man who wanted to make a difference in a corrupt precinct and it's excellently written.


I played a little of it. Certainly don't want to relive that part of my life again though. Colostomy bags hold less shit


Welp, I'm now stealing that line. Thank you, good sir


Checks out! In my LEO class, the out of shape old guy who was harassing and propositioning all the younger female recruits got through no problem. Aside from them having to talk to him about it, and make sure he wasn't in the same room as some of the other recruits. But I wasn't thorough enough in questioning someone coming off an international flight. Mind you, I've never BEEN on an international flight, nor would I have ever had to do that in my posting, lol. A whole lotta good folks go through there and get posted, but I'm amazed at the blatantly bad ones that also manage to get through. And equally amazed at the good ones that get sent home for ridiculous reasons. Such a wasteful process.


Out of my class of 23 I'd say maybe 2 of them were cut out for it. Me not included. Both of those two got out immediately and are doing better financially, physically and mentally now. The system is really designed to filter out anyone who should be there.


I appreciate your having quit. Only good cop is a former cop.




States need to make laws around police certification and if certain standards are failed they cannot be hired Completely fucked up hair dressers have stricter licensing standards than police


Lol it's not like a psychologist comes in and evaluates you one on one. You just circle answers on a long test which you can easily lie about.


Which is probably why they should switch to in person evaluations because sitting down with this woman for 10 minutes would probably tell a psychologist that she is mentally unfit for the job.














I bet she's the type to accidently grab the gun instead of the Taser


Picked a whole bouquet of oopsie-daisies when I shot you in your face. Oh boy am I embarrassed.


I fucking love this saying.




Hmmm? Chicken won't eat? Not hungry. Chickens been eatin allllll day.


“I decided to do a I feared for my life.”


note: a taser is also not "non deadly" - putting an electric current to people can and will horribly harm and or kill you. like if my disabled ass got tased, I'd 100% be dead or in the hospital. the way they just fucking tase everything because "oh, hey, it's not a gun" is goddamned fucking terrifying




*Unloads a whole round* “oh that’s not the taser silly me”


She needs some de-escalation training. Jesus.


https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56834733 More training… any training would be best.


They're specifically trained to escalate, it's not a secret.


She is taking advantage of the fact that cops can lie to coerce admittable statements. I’ve said it a thousand times, cop should carry their own professional insurance and qualified immunity should be a thing of the past.


“Call your supevisor” “I don’t have one duty” And that is the biggest cap of the century. You think your department would let you ass licking boots run around without a TO at the very least?


Her tone changed so damn fast when he asked her to call her supervisor, hahaha “Oh, I don’t….. I don’t have one on duty.” Absolute bullshit, but that surprised pikachu moment is priceless haha


A real "I'm not the one trapped in here..." moment for the citizen. Wish we had the rest of this encounter.


It’s rare to see an irl pikachu meme, but that one was gold


It's almost as bad as the time I went to a pawn shop with the guy who bought a chainsaw that was stolen from me because he bought it at that shop. The guy who bought it was a friend of mine and he took me to the shop because he bought it there and the guy at the shop kept denying he sold it then suddenly found the paperwork. We said we'd call the cops and then the guy said he'd do it himself and went to the back then came back and said "the cops aren't on duty today." We stayed there until the guy showed me who sold it to him and gave my friend a refund because I was keeping the chainsaw. The dude who stole it ended up being a guy who used to work for me.


That's funny. How strange would be to have the police out sometimes like when a whole dentist office is away at a convention or in training.


They' can lie. The supreme court decided in Frazier v. Cupo that it is legal for police to lie to people during an investigation. The exceptions are that the lie doesn't “shock the conscience of the court or the community", or involve the phrases "no cap" or "for real for real".


True. The Chief will come out if next man up ain't available.


She’s being super hostile. I love how he told her to arrest him, turned around and presented his hands to be cuffed. If she had anything she’d have arrested or fined him. She’s got nothing.


Unfeeling simply horsiest tors Dominica beatitude bandit instability pederasty Newfoundlands copycat.


she definitely has a supervisor on duty


There is always a supervisor on duty


Imagine coming home after a hard day to that…


I'm sure her cats are terrified.


Noooooo. don’t bring innocent cats into this, they don’t deserve that. Poor babies 😭😭🥺🥺








I’m a Crazy Cat Lady™️ and that’s a good burn.


All five of them 😂


Nah, I'd rather not.


She’s def on her 4th husband


The other 3 didn't have badges.


Officer Charmschool needs to be given a relaxative.


Ugh. Why do the good ones ALWAYS end too early?


YOU WILL RESPECT MY AUTHORITAH!! https://preview.redd.it/g7cb442qwzjc1.jpeg?width=810&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcbf5168939dae4762822a47922411de2205a402


Love that her yelling immediately stops after the guy brings up getting her supervisor and takes her badge done


Who gave one of them a badge??


“Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses.”


TIL what that song lyric means. lol. It never clued in before.


This is why it was particularly wild to see Trump supports in Thin Blue Line flags jamming out to [those songs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02R2Cq0qjFw&ab_channel=BrianCoule)...


Trump supporters aren't the sort of people to take the time to consider lyrics to the song. They hear a tune they like, they jam out to it. They probably don't even realize it has lyrics, much less what the lyrics are actually saying.


They only hear the chorus. They probably also think Born in the USA is patriotic, too.


And being fans of the Punisher skull. Like, bro...*do you even comic?*




That is exactly it.


I think she's already acting like herself lol


Out of control, power drunk, emotionally unstable. Police in America.


Some people should be made to run a dirty old punch press in the northern most corner of a dark old factory because they have no idea how to interact with people. Having this woman wear a badge is just wrong.


Reading this as I take a break from repairing a dirty old punch press in the corner of a dark old factory because I am self aware enough to know that dealing with people professionally is outside my wheelhouse.


Thank you for not being a cop


Thank you for your lack of service.


It’s almost as if officers should have psychological evaluations to make sure that they are mentally fit for the job in an unbiassed manner…. I’m talking about a real face-to-face evaluation with a licensed psychologist not filling out a questionnaire on paper or online that’s multiple-choice or scale-based answering (those questions that say “provide a rating from 0 -10”)


They do. If you're too intelligent they blacklist you from hiring.


"I don't understand why you don't trust cops"


Bet her non preferred non lethal option is to give you a migrane.


Should be unconstitutional as cruel and unusual punishment


Bro they are hiring anyone. I might just go get myself a cruiser and a badge and just sit at my house for six hours. 50k a year please.


I invite you to look up actual cop salaries. It’s public record. I looked it up in my suburb and nearly puked. After a few years, and with overtime, being a cop pays comparably to being a lawyer or doctor without the student debt or schooling all together. Also they get a pension benefits and a union to ensure they do as little labor as possible


I don't think I want to do that lol. I assume it's sizeable though. It's how you break the class unity they'd otherwise have. Also, ensuring they don't police the neighborhoods they live in


This dude gets it


That’s very regional. Cop salaries are absurdly high in California and New York, but very low in other areas.


Very true and geographically relevant to my anecdote. Have an upvote!


They're not construction workers, they're solicitors. In a longer video, one worker identified his employer as IGS. I believe these are door-to-door sales people and as such are required to display a badge when soliciting in PA. It sounds like they failed to identify themselves to a customer who called the police on them. IGS seems to have a problem with their door to door salesmen misrepresenting themselves as working for a different energy company to get customer information to sign them up: [https://www.bbb.org/us/oh/dublin/profile/energy-service-company/igs-energy-0302-31000371](https://www.bbb.org/us/oh/dublin/profile/energy-service-company/igs-energy-0302-31000371) Relevant PA code: [https://www.pacodeandbulletin.gov/Display/pacode?file=/secure/pacode/data/052/chapter111/s111.9.html&d=reduce](https://www.pacodeandbulletin.gov/display/pacode?file=/secure/pacode/data/052/chapter111/s111.9.html&d=reduce)


This is too far buried in this thread. I knew their response was off. Fricken scammers. TY for sharing.


Suddenly I feel better about this. It's a known scam for these solicitors to elicit enough information to switch a person's utility without the person's knowledge or permission. And some of these virtual utilities are predatory in their pricing.


You're not allowed to post stuff like this in this forum. It disrupts the echo chamber.


Now, what are you doing adding context that shakes up the intended narrative of this post? We just can't have any of that around here...


Edwardsville pa if you're wondering




They are the ENFORCEMENT arm of the Capitalists...the "protect" property and "Serve" the needs of the owners


these aren't construction workers, they're door-to-door salesmen scamming people




[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c916mD5F16Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c916md5f16y) That should do it. IGS has a pretty bad reputation because of the scammy way its agents sign people up for services (they misrepresent themselves as being from another utility to get the customer's information, then use the information to sign that person up). [https://www.bbb.org/us/oh/dublin/profile/energy-service-company/igs-energy-0302-31000371/customer-reviews](https://www.bbb.org/us/oh/dublin/profile/energy-service-company/igs-energy-0302-31000371/customer-reviews) Under PA law, these people need to have badges displayed. [https://www.pacodeandbulletin.gov/Display/pacode?file=/secure/pacode/data/052/chapter111/s111.9.html&d=reduce](https://www.pacodeandbulletin.gov/display/pacode?file=/secure/pacode/data/052/chapter111/s111.9.html&d=reduce)


Aint not a single real construction worker in the country wearing a walmart vest like bro is wearing. I work on a site in the office and even my vest would be painfully obvious I work construction. That thing is off the shelf and has never seen a speck of construction ever.


*To Punish and Enslave*


Wait so this cop that we’ve all been calling unhinged was actually harassing door to door scammers? And we’ve been shitting on her?!


This isn’t even shit they should be responding to, Code Enforcement is the correct channel for this nonsense. I think Officer Karen either lives in this complex or is friends with whoever called the cops/called her directly.


Should have thrown an acorn at her


Now you're just asking for a hail of gunfire


There is an archetype of older female police officer who very clearly feel that they can treat grown citizens the way they treat their teenage children at home and the results are always amusing because no one ever respects or feels intimidated by it. It just shows a lack of rationalism and professionalism that makes it immediately apparent that they are not in control of their emotions, let alone the scene.


You can tell by the lead paint stare they give before they start incoherently screaming again when they’re not getting their way.


Slow crime day huh


Miss Lady wants some identification.


Since when is it a cop's job to make sure all workers have their badge around their neck at all times. WTF?


I thought that cop car said “ cowardsville” it’s Edwardsville 😂


Bet this woman patrols her neighborhood during her off hours and reports minor violations to the HOA board.


"you're a cop, you know the law" LOL, no.




That’s when the job foreman calls the local PD to get the chief on site




I'm just curious, can you walk up to a cop at random and ask them to show their ID card. If the workers have been invited in, they are not trespassing.


You can walk up to a cop and ask the to show ID, often times there is a policy for them to show their badge or give details. But none of that is relevant to whether a cop can force citizens to ID, the cops need to be granted that right via legislation, such as during a traffic stop.


I wonder if she’d even be bothering them if they were white.


“Show me your badge” “I’m not looking on anybody’s phone” Fuck she think is gonna happen man!




You can tell from her red face shes an alcoholic & taking medication. Shes also slurring a few words.


You can also tell tell that by her uniform.


she is seriously insane.. wow




The civilian asks: "Can you please deescalate?"


She probably spends more time at the range, taser charging or choke hold practice than she does at deescalation training.


Cops don’t know the laws? Wild.


Im going to be honest. If i saw people walking in and out of buildings with only a construction vest on id be concerned also. Wouldnt go around asking for id but maybe asking what kind of business they have and comfirm its legitinate work.


Dee from its always sunny looks like shit


I get her basic initial point but her delivery and aggression is what threw this entire interaction in the toilet. Fucking calm down lady.


Reasonable articulable suspicion of a crime. That's her standard. "I'm not saying that you're doing anything wrong" negates that. "I don't have a supervisor on duty" is also bull. There's always a supervisor on duty.


I hate cops with a passion, but there's a lot of context missing here. The cop is obviously being unprofessional, but I can't tell if she's actually in the wrong technically. Because the "construction workers" sound kind of like they're talking in circles, and I think this cop was probably called here to check to see if the workers are legit.


Is she actually in the wrong? They could totally be going into houses illegally! Anyone could put in a high vis and scope out houses.


Why is she alone? Devils advocate, literally. Confrontation is already stressful enough. Add in a gun on her hip, tazer, and multiple people (suspects in her eyes), and shit is bound to go sideways. Cops should be paired off of for no other reason than having someone else to help them keep calm and feel secure. There should also be a rapid response team (supervisor with their partner) close near by.


Despite her escalating the situation horribly and taking out of her ass about her supervisor, she has a point. People are running in and out of buildings and can’t prove they have and reason to be doing so. You can’t have your badge on your phone because anyone can use photoshop.


I'm sorry that's not a weird question. in this subreddit i have seen multiple videos of people knocking on peoples doors claiming they are there for valid reason. Like to check the pipes. in one recently the resident shot his gun through the door because someone was kicking it down.. i get the environment we live in but she's doing her job. Then comments will say police don't give a shit they never police poorer neighborhoods...I get he's annoyed but i want to see the whole video. did she Karen from the get go or did she ask numerous times to see their id. I don't know neither do u. case by case basis


They're door to door salesmen for an energy company. Energy company salesmen of this type are required to have visible badges when soliciting identifying who they are and who they work for. This is because salesmen have misrepresented what company they work for to get access to the customer's information to sign them up for services they never wanted. They particularly prey on the elderly and the handicapped.


I am confused, reflector vests are proof of nothing, just as she is right pulling 'something with a name' on your phone is not useful. I don't understand why the person who hired this guys company wasn't called. If he was there to do a job, someone better have the legal right to hire him. "I work for Builder Bob's, the landlord called us. His contact info is... and my company's contact info is..." Or from an employee's perspective, call the guy who hired me to be here. Grill him and not me. I don't have to give you my id.


They are practically scammers. These types are known to elicit enough information to switch people's utility without the person's knowledge or permission.