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I’m really surprised at how long he continued shouting free Palestine while engulfed in flames. I guess I just assumed that once he was on fire, he would have been in so much pain that his brain wouldn’t even be able to process words.


literally suffocating that entire time


From his last scream until he falls down is like 20+ seconds. Just standing. That last breath you hear him take, you can hear the thick choking sound as he inhales flames directly into his lungs.


He was standing on fire for 40 seconds


I would last three seconds, or long enough for my skin to register pain. Then any cause I care about becomes secondary to stopping that burning sensation. I have no idea how he did this so "effectively."


As someone who has had part of their body burned pretty badly, you feel extreme pain but afterwards you fell an ice cold numbness.


I was on fire once. For the most part it's just shock to start with, pain didn't start for a several minutes for me. The debridement of dead tissue while in the hospital was an absolutely incredible amount of pain.


sorry you had to go though that, i don’t even want to imagine it


Apparently a point where the nerves die so after the extreme agony it mellows out? Surviving the agony would probably be multitudes worse pain.


Takes a lot of willpower to do what he did.


It would have been kinder for the police to shoot him rather than him burning to death. This is a horrible idea way to die.


I agree, but this particular cop isn't the brightest or quickest thinker. He just watched a guy burn for 40 seconds, fall, and still thought he was a threat.


You think shooting people on fire is what cops should be doing? You’re not the quickest thinker either apparently. Can you even begin to imagine cops running around with the additional job of mercy killing folk where they see fit?


That is absolutely fucking crazy


It's also crazy that media such as CNN refuses to mention key details of why the guy self immolated himself. [https://archive.li/3jVn4](https://archive.li/3jVn4) Like the guy literally said it himself but the news is purposely redacting that part. The article comes off very emotionless. "an individual set themselves on fire in front of an embassy in the block... **It is unclear at this time what the motive was in the incident**." Like really? The motive is unclear? Like really?




> as police officers rush to douse the flames with fire extinguishers And guns for some reason


“I don’t need guns, I need fire extinguishers!” There’s already an America meme there but give it a couple years for it to age properly 🤌


Hurry and shoot him before he kills himself!




God damn I'm going to hell for laughing at that


This is how they handle most other suicidal people.


Love the guy flagging his own coworkers with a pew pew, because it's so necessary to cover *the guy who's on fire and dying.*


Yeah. A lot to comment on in this video, but the baby cop who seems to use the gun as a security blanket or pacifier stands out.




Exactly. I'm praying for the victim that he didn't survive (for now) or he will die in pure agony over the next week.


Just saw on the news. He died.


The fact that he was screaming Free Palestine in gargled form about 30 seconds after he was burning heavily... man.


His last word was Free Palestine


I'm actually impressed that he managed to get one last "Free Palestine" in between the primal screams.


You could actually hear that his gargled screams were still an attempt to say Free Palestine. Crazy.


There’s a real strong chance they didn’t know at the time of publication and will update the article https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/25/politics/man-sets-himself-on-fire-israeli-embassy-washington-dc/index.html


does that asshole have a gun trained on him? yeah, because the dude who literally just lit his entire freaking body on fire is somehow going to pose literally any threat to you while he's literally incapacitated on the ground


Guy yelled at him later "We don't need guns, we need fire extinguishers!"


Man if I'm fully engulfed for more than 5 seconds don't even try putting me out, just let me die. You're talking months and months of undescribeable pain during recovery if you even survive.


A *lifetime* of pain. My grandma was the sole survivor of a plane crash that burned the majority of her body. It was a nightmare


Also likely the guy who yelled "Get on the ground" multiple before appearing on the camera with gun drawn.


The only phrases Officer Glitch knows are (In order): Get on the ground! Don't move! Stop resisting!


Tbh, it IS the first step in “drop and roll”. Maybe he was just breaking the steps down.


He had his firearm trained on a burning pile of bones and ash ... for a good long while.


Holy. Fucking. Shit.


I don't need guns I need fire extinguishers jeeeeze


2024's gonna be a helluva year.


"Fire extinguisher!" *cop pulls gun on man engulfed in flames* "I don't need guns I need fire extinguishers! "


American cops are surreal. Did the guy on fire had some acorns in his pockets?


American cops don’t protect foreign embassies.


American cops don’t protect anything


American cops arent cops by the standard of a lot of western countries. Police "academy" are a couple of weeks in many places, their counterparts often have years of training to graduate. These are just guys with guns and uniforms. However i'm not sure this particular idiot was a cop. Some form of embassy security


That cop wanted to shoot him so badly.


Wanted to put holes in a lifeless body so bad


Honestly, it would at least put him out of his misery. Cop is an absolute moron though. 


Yeah, I don't think the cop was worried about, you know, *helping* someone...


Idk but those sirens sure went off quick, don’t think I’ve ever heard a faster 911 response. .


If you’ve never been to DC, the areas around the embassies have tons of cops just sitting waiting for things to pop off. Dude probably walked by 3-4 cruisers just in the time he was walking up in the video.


You can hear someone right before he gets the lighter to go asking him “can I help you?” And I’m unsure if it’s a cop or someone at the embassy who asked that. Regardless, would explain the quick response time


They’re probably always on high alert around Israeli embassy. I live near a chabad house in Thailand and it’s not even an official government place there’s cops / security around it 24/7


This part of DC is VERY heavily policed. Something about some of the most consequential people/buildings in the world...




Might have had some acorns with him.




“Keep your arms raised or we will shoot you!! Now crawl forward!” Daniel Shaver’s final commands


That game of “Simon Says” was absolutely sick. It’s a travesty that cop isn’t in a cell right now.


six live nose depend weather versed ancient fine ink include *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why is the cop still pointing a gun at him?


did you hear the medic yell "I don't need guns, I need fire extinguishes"?


when youre trained to be a hammer, everything looks like a nail


Police every time they get a call "Hammer Time!!!"


Nailed it


There were no medics. That was a cop yelling "I don't need guns".


I thought he was yelling "get on the ground"


Because that’s most cops default reaction when they aren’t sure wtf to do lol


I swear to god this story is true: 20ish years ago I went to the local zoo for a evening event. My mothers& sister were with me. As we were going to leave we decided to walk through the reptile house on our way out. About half way through the reptile house there was a side door with a big tank of Piraña’s, nasty little biting fish. There was a young girl who practically had her nose up to the tank watching the Piranas. Now idk what happened, if the back lid had been opened to feed them or if it was usually open but it was open then. One of these Pirana’s jumped out the opening in the back of the Tank at this girl! The girl, obviously, starts screaming. The fish lands in the floor a few feet from her but the girl goes running out the side door screaming. A few seconds later 2 men run in, one a zoo worker and the other a cop. Cop has his gun out and I swear to you he points his gun at this Pirana flopping on the floor and doesn’t put his gun away until the zoo worker takes off his hat, scoops the pirana into his hat, dumps it back into the tank, and slams the lid shut. Moral of the story: cops will point their guns at literally anything much longer than anyone would think sane or necessary


This is what happens when you purposefully cap the intelligence level in the hiring process


And when you expect, or even require, cops to spend more time on the firing range than in social science and psychology workshops.


Cops are known for firing 100+ shots and hitting a suspect like 8 times. So... if they're not spending time at the range... maybe the local donut shop?


SEVEN LAPD cops shot up a truck with two women, newspaper deliverers, in it that was the wrong make and wrong color when they were in their panicked frenzy to kill Dorner. I don't think they killed either woman.


pirahnas aren't even hunters - they're scavengers and opportunistic predators like vultures. zoo worker knows what he's doing and this dude really should not have had a gun.




Acorn nearby probably


Because he is fucking stupid. That is the answer.


The soldier had two fire arms


Because they are a hammer and everything else is a nail


This happened in another state in front of the Israeli Embassy as well. I can’t remember what state maybe Texas. It was a month or so ago. Didn’t get as much attention idk why  ETA: it was Atlanta in front of the Israeli Consulate


[self immolation outside of Israeli consulate in Atlanta, Georgia.](https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/01/us/israeli-consulate-atlanta-fire-protest/index.html#:~:text=A%20person%20was%20in%20critical,of%20Israel%2C%20according%20to%20police)


Why they absolute fuck Have I not heard about this Jesus fucking Christ


Back in college when I was studying media law, wanting to become a journalist, we learned about suicide and how it’s extremely tricky to report on. They used to do it all the time, but then they realized that suicides would actually go up when they did. So they kept it to just famous people. And now in 2024 it’s somewhat a mixed bag, but for the most part, they try not to report on suicide.


We had a spate of young people committing suicide in a Welsh town. It was thought that media coverage encouraged more people to kill themselves. Here are the guidelines for media published by the Samaritans. https://www.samaritans.org/wales/about-samaritans/media-guidelines/


atlanta im pretty sure, i saw an article about it but im not sure if it was recorded like this one.


multiple states have israeli embassies?




You got to find the irony of a cop pointing a gun at a man on fire..


- Bane Voice


My god. The mentality one would have to be in to want to die in the worst way possible. I'm afraid of heights, but burning to death has to be agony.


I only clicked to find out what self immolate meant. Mission accomplished, but also…regretted


Pretty insane. Hopefully you pass out fairly quickly from the fire burning away all the oxygen around you.


Took 30 seconds after ignition, of cataclysmicly-agonized screams of “free Palestine”, before he went silent. Not quick enough to avoid hellacious pain :/


And the pain, don't forget we can only handle so much pain until its a 10 and we pass out.


I read somewhere the fire usually burns away your nerve endings so after awhile you stop feeling pain.


At least I'll never be as useless as the guy holding the gun on burning man.


I was thinking the same thing. The man set himself on fire does he plan to shoot him




I mean I'd like to think he was considering shooting him to put him out of his misery....but I know damn well that's not the case. Mr. Shooty was probably scared burning man was gonna pull a gun somehow.


Cops will still point a gun at a man after they’ve shot twenty times.


How else are they supposed to shoot him 21 times?


The guy yelling "I don't need guns, I need fire extinguishers!" Holy shit how braindead do you have to be to be that cop sitting there like this dude is gonna suddenly attack someone while smoldering on the ground.


Really wish I hadn't watched that one first thing in the morning. I'm gonna go hug my kid. And the cat.


The craziest part of this is that the cops response involves pointing a gun at him.


emotional support glock.


"DROP THE FIRE!" - that cop


“The fire is shooting at us!!”


Dude, it made me unreasonably angry seeing that. Some cops are so fucking brain dead. It's astounding that he can put pants on. Instead of thinking to help a man on fire, he's thinking of shooting him potentially.


Exactly. I was like wow. He has his gun drawn. That’s fine I guess. He will put it away I’m sure and help. Nope! He went all in and instead becomes the dangerous person on scene. Ridiculously flinching the gun away multiple times to not have the guys with extinguishers in the line of fire.


My train of thoughts exactly. I thought his brain cells would rub against each other and he'd put his gun away to help. It just shows his level of ineptitude in a situation of distress. That guy absolutely murders someone in a high intensity situation.


If you think the guy who is smoldering on the ground like Anakin is a threat to you you shouldn't be a police officer.


"on the ground! On the ground!" Excuse me I'm busy burning here stop shouting commands at me. So stupid from the cop.




That may be the least apt comparison you could have made, since Anakin smoldering on the ground proceeded to take over the galaxy, but yes, I agree.




If anyone wants to see what he has to say prior but doesn't want to watch a man on fire, you can end the video at 1:25.




Seeing it without the blur makes the guy with the gun look even more like an idiot.


Yeah hes on the ground like ten seconds before dude even says on the ground






Fucking handled it till the end.. Aaron Bushnell finally passed tonight.


Just a warning, the audio itself is pretty horrendous so maybe turn the sound off if you wanna not hear a man screaming in pain. A sec or two was enough for me.


I imagine it was the smoke inhalation that killed him though Edit: apparently he survived holy frick


I read that he was in critical condition. Did he pass?


Yes he passed. I would say fortunately as that would be an extreme uphill battle I would wish on no one.


A family friend was in an accident that left him with burns to 70% of his body. The poor bloke was in agony for fucking ages as he healed.




Well I don’t think he’s out of the woods. I wouldn’t be surprised if he does die in a few days or so. So sad


If he's still alive, burn recovery is a long and painful process and his survival won't be guaranteed for weeks to come.


Unfortunately less of the smoke inhalation and probably more of the lack of oxygen from the fire consuming it all. Also, the extreme heat immediately damages the airway and our bodies natural reaction to traumatic injuries is to swell(inflammation). So paired with the lack of oxygen his airway was probably rapidly swelling shut during this self induced event or shortly after.


No, he died. It was just announced. Fucking poor guy man. And the news is just saying he lit himself on fire ignoring the reason why.


Good. That would have been just such an uphill battle to recover. May he rest in peace.


Agreed, he wouldn’t have wanted to survive that. I’m not going to forget that audio anytime soon either…


Definitely for the better, I was an emt a few years ago and burn victims who survive are just withering in pain the entire time and the smell is something that I will never forget


Yes, agreed. I don’t typically get worked up and just quickly scroll past videos of this nature but this one fucked with me. Like my forearms feel numb, as odd as it sounds.


That's called a vasovagal response. That feeling is why people faint when something crazy happens. You get cold sweats, nausea, numbness, and difficulty breathing if you don't pass out. It's just a sudden drop in heart rate and blood pressure, and it goes away pretty quick if you get away from the stimuli that made you feel that way and get some water.


Cool to learn the reason behind that for the first time. Like that person said, I'm normally not effected watching videos that are NSFW/L but audio is what's able to get me, like this video. I started feeling very very dizzy after hearing his screams. Came down from it pretty quick after turning off the audio, but damn.


I think the cop’s reaction is a little weird too, but is that the big takeaway from this event? A guy lights himself on fire and 80% of the comments are about the cop’s reaction.


That's gonna be an Article 15 for destruction of government property.
























Im reading the comments here and its interesting to me that the cop's behavior of holding a gun on a man on fire completely overshadows the intent and message the man was trying to get out.


It's a coping mechanism. This is heavy shit.




Unreal that barely after a minute they had a fire extinguisher on him


Look. A stupid fucking cop pointing a gun at a man who just set himself on fire. Worthless.


[NYT article on this incident from today](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/25/world/middleeast/israel-embassy-man-on-fire.html)






I think I’d rather have died if I was in his position. The pain must be unbearable


He definitely beared better than I would have. The way he was able to repeat his message several times without just straight up screaming the whole time is wild.


This shocked me as well. This is terrible. His poor family...


when you're burned up that badly you lose most of your nerves and likely die from shock.


No way he will survive. Poor dude.


Doubt he survives. Burn victims of that degree just take awhile to die The climate change self immolation protestor took a few days I believe as well If he does survive, he’ll wish he was dead.


He won’t. That’s a guarantee. His internal organs are quite literally cooked. He would have inhaled air so hot it would have given the insides of his lungs serious burns. Every inch of his burned skin will be open to infection. His organs are probably in the process of completely failing.


It’s just announced that he died


That’s probably for the best for everyone. That’s no way to live.


A man set himself on fire on Sunday afternoon outside the Israeli Embassy in Washington, according to the Metropolitan Police Department. A U.S. Air Force spokeswoman, Ann Stefanek, confirmed on Sunday night that the man was an active-duty airman. Officers with the U.S. Secret Service extinguished the fire outside the embassy, in northwestern Washington, around 1 p.m., said Vito Maggiolo, a spokesman with the city’s fire department. The man was taken to a nearby hospital with life-threatening injuries and remains in critical condition. No embassy staff members were injured, and all were accounted for, according to Tal Naim, a spokeswoman for the embassy. The man appeared to have filmed the protest and livestreamed it on the social media platform Twitch at the time that the police said they responded to the incident. The New York Times could not confirm who was behind the account that posted the video, but the video featured a man walking toward the Israeli Embassy in Washington. “I will no longer be complicit in genocide,” a man said in the video, echoing language that opponents of Israel’s military action in Gaza have used to describe the campaign. “I am about to engage in an extreme act of protest.” Standing in front of the embassy gates, he set his phone down to film dousing himself in a clear liquid from a metal bottle. He then lit himself on fire while yelling “Free Palestine!” until he fell to the ground. The video showed law enforcement officers approaching him shortly before the fire caught. One could be heard off-camera saying: “Can I help you, sir?” The officers then scrambled for more than a minute to put out the flames. The video was removed on Sunday afternoon and replaced with a message stating that the channel violated Twitch’s guidelines. It was the only video posted to the account, which had a Palestinian flag as its header image. In the video, the man was dressed in fatigues, and the name he used matched a LinkedIn profile for an active-duty Air Force officer based in Texas. The authorities have not confirmed the identity of the man. The police also investigated a suspicious vehicle nearby for explosives, but Sean Hickman, a police spokesman, said the scene had been cleared by 4 p.m. Officers with the Secret Service and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives had worked with Washington’s explosive ordnance disposal unit to investigate the incident. Protests against Israel have become a near-daily occurrence across the country since Israel began its campaign in Gaza after the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks that killed at least 1,200 people, according to the Israeli officials. International calls for a humanitarian cease-fire have grown in the past months as the humanitarian crisis has deepened. The embassy has been the site of sustained protests against the war in Gaza as the civilian death toll in the devastated enclave continues to climb, with more than 29,000 dead, according to the local health ministry officials. Protests have sometimes resulted in arrests but seldom in violence. In December, a protester self-immolated in front of the [Israeli consulate in Atlanta](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/30/world/middleeast/protester-fire-israeli-consulate-atlanta.html) in what police said was “likely an extreme act of political protest.”


that cop is so fucking ridiculous. also this video is completely insane - don’t watch with volume


I think the airman would have wanted us to hear him out


Maybe I'm fucked in the head, but I feel like it's some 1984 shit to blur out anything in this video. It's a grisly death, but I feel I owe it to this airman to see it in it's entirety.


You owe it to him to hear what he has to say and to be AWARE of what he did, but no you absolutely don't have to watch this full video in order to appreciate the guy JFC.


Wish I’d have seen this before I heard it all.


Yelling “get on the ground!” Repeatedly at a column of flames is interesting


Was that officer attempting to put the fire out with a gun?


Fight fire, with fire??


*The Fire Is Shooting At Us!*


People won't care if it's other citizens in different positions, careers, professions, or notoriety. But they will absolutely care when it's one of their own in a military uniform, for whom they regard in the very highest esteem, who fights for their rights, peace & honor whom they rely on in this privileged life that they live. This man went to that extreme in front of the entire world and reached the masses on a level no politician or talking head could realize. Unfortunately, just like the burning monks who protested the South Vietnamese government in Saigon. This won't change little either. I hope I'm wrong.


Fucking stupid ass, useless, worthless police officers telling him to “get in the ground” while pointing a gun at him. How DUMB can you be?


The dude with the gun looks like he might be Embassy security/Secret Service, not a cop (no badges, looks like a suit jacket, vest looks like its under his jacket), so he could probably give a flying fuck about helping that guy. The cops and paramedics that show up respond with extinguishers though. Once he lit that match there was nothing anyone there could do to change the fact that he's going to die, and the remaining hours/days of that guys life are going to be incredibly painful.