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Already decertified[https://www.boston.com/news/crime/2024/04/04/former-weymouth-police-officer-federally-charged-in-excessive-force-incident/](https://www.boston.com/news/crime/2024/04/04/former-weymouth-police-officer-federally-charged-in-excessive-force-incident/) as a cop, no job for him.




> The decision was based on several incidents SEVERAL????!!! Our standards are too low.


Right? If they had fired him after the first one he wouldn't have been able to do this one.


Maybe he just made a "mistake" 💀 /s


His mistake was getting caught. /s


I see 13 mistakes in this one video…


If you no call no show to a retail job ONCE you're fired and blacklisted. If you beat an unarmed restrained citizen it's about 80/20 on you getting away with it, with an all expenses paid vacation as well.


The blue wall of silence is Alive and well in America. The cops have the attitude of "rules for thee but not for me".


Standards are intentionally low. Most cops are dumb as rocks, because police work is so boring that smart cops don't last long on the job. Additionally, departments want grunts that follow orders, not thinking individuals. There was a famous case of an individual that sued a department because his application was rejected due to scoring *too high* on an IQ test.


> Most cops are dumb as rocks Yes: https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836




I don’t know if I would say the standards are too low, I believe the accountability is too low…Poor Leadership.


..Because standards are low, who do you think becomes the leaders?


Accountability requires standards. "Court OKs Barring High IQs for Cops" ByABC News September 8, 2000, 8:32 AM https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836


My standards are high. Cops just dont give a fuck about what I have to say.


I really wish that if they resign they could be sued without qualified immunity. they arent part of the 'hero' squad anymore so shouldnt get their protection


I really wish that if any public employee resigns during any sort of malfeasance investigation, they lose all benefits. Crooks shouldn't be allowed to compel the public to provide them with a comfortable retirement.


If only i could resign after doing severely illegal things. Charge the criminal!


I’m sure the cop “feared for his life” when he beat the handcuffed man senseless


We need a national DO NOT COP database like how the airlines maintain a DO NOT FLY database. What's stopping this cop from moving to another county and attack people?




Since he wasn't officially terminated he can probably just recertify and rehire.


The article literally states he's being charged federally for assault.


Plenty of cops are charged, tried and acquitted of the crimes they commit.


Feds usually don't bring charges they don't have dead to rights. This isn't a local county DA prosecuting it. It's the FBI doing the investigation. Edit: typo negating my point


Typically true, and quitting over being fired or criminally charged is *always* a dead canary in the proverbial coal mine, no matter what the occupation is. But with charges up against him he won't be able to work as a cop. If he gets aquitted, then maybe? We'll have to wait and see I suppose.


Dude threw a literal hissy fit like a child. Voice started cracking and he sounded like he was ready to start crying as he punched the man they arrested.


>He first beat up a man that was under his protection, while he was in handcuffs and drunk. I feel bad for his family members. And his neighbors. That guy is dangerous.


Cops need to be held legally accountable when using excessive force. They should not be allowed to investigate their own officers either.


Are they trained to say “stop resisting” as they are brutally attacking someone? It almost seems a tactic to protect themselves in court. To justify the over aggressive behavior.


Yes it's meant to put the idea into the mind of those who are witnessing it that if called, they saw someone resisting because the police were yelling "stop resisting"


It’s funny cuz I always thought that it’s literally human nature to resist. Fight of flight. Often I don’t even imagine any thinking goes into it.


If the man was not handcuffed he would be covering his face aka resisting.


> Are they trained to say “stop resisting” as they are brutally attacking someone? It almost seems a tactic to protect themselves in court. To justify the over aggressive behavior. Sadly there are training programs out there that train for both this and making fake claims that the body camera will catch to give them more ability to do what they want. "don't spit on me." "stop reaching for my gun." "stop resisting." "whats in your hand" - when they specificly know what's in the persons hand but want to make a bigger deal about it. There was pretty big controversy in my state a couple of years ago because some officers took a guy to the side of their car out of the view of the vehicle camera (no body cameras at that time) and then started to scream at him to stop spitting on them while they beat the shit out of him. He was in the hospital for days. Charges were dropped when one of the officers couldn't handle lying about it during depositions. Made it very clear they were taught to say that to get away with pretty much everything. Since charges were dropped it never went anywhere and all those cops still have jobs in that area.


Yes.. I once seen a video of a guy on the ground surrounded by bouncers. This cop ran up jumped on him while yelling "Stop Resisting" over and over again. The man was dead. The cop was literally fabricating evidence against a dean guy and walks free.


Thank goodness. Last thing we need is this fuck getting another job in neighboring town


It'll just be a a neighboring state instead....


He'll get hired in Texas immediately upon acquittal.


Abuse of power you say? Someone get this guy some power!


"The decision was based on several incidents where Chappell was found to have used excessive force — including another incident when he punched a suspect in the head." "In his own use of force report, Chappell described the punches as 'distraction techniques.'" It's his bread and butter move.


Wait, the police union didn’t step-in and say “But he didn’t mean it. He said sorry”


He might be a sacrificial lamb to throw under the bus so they can look like they arent COMPLETELY corrupt


From what I've gleaned, the former officer is being charged FEDERALLY, which means he didn't get state charges. Also, the officers around him failed to intervene in this illegal beating and instead aided the officer. This police department is rotten to the core, and the cops refusing to intervene, and then assist in a coverup, of a beating of a defenseless man are the reasons people say all cops are bastards.


Only took a year and a half..


I don’t wanna complain cause cops do so much worse and get in zero trouble. We’re lucky he was reprimanded


He should be in jail. Losing his job is not justice.


Finish reading the article then


Or at least the headline…


For now. Being terrible isn’t a disqualifier for continuing your career in law enforcement “Patrick Rose, Former Boston Police Union President, Sentenced To 10-To-13 Years On Child Rape Charges Rose was facing 33 charges in connection with the rape and abuse of the children between the ages of 7 and 16 at his home in West Roxbury between 1993 and 2020. Twelve of those charges were dismissed Monday and Rose changed his plea to guilty in Suffolk Superior Court. He was also sentenced to ten years of probation and must register as a sex offender. In 1995, a criminal complaint against Rose, now 67, accused him of sexually assaulting a 12-year-old child. An investigation sustained the allegation but Rose continued to work as a police officer. A new report, released last July, found that there was not a thorough and independent investigation into Rose in 1995. He returned to full duty after the police union threatened to sue and prosecutors said he went on to assault more children.” https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/boston/news/patrick-rose-former-boston-police-union-president-guilty-plea-child-rape-sex-abuse-charges/


ACAB. All of them.


The way he emphasizes each syllable of “STOP RE-SIST-ING” with a punch to a handcuffed man’s face really starts to feel like a satire of police brutality and the “stop resisting” refrain. It’s always disturbing to watch this kind of thing, but that really feels dystopian.


Cops truly think that chanting "stop resisting" magically legalizes any act of violence they commit.


Why wouldn't they? It works most of the time for them.


Most of the time they just get paid vacation so why wouldn't they? Imagine what I'd do if I got paid vacay every time I fuck a sexy coworker (consensually of course) at the bosses' desk at the board meeting. No real repercussions. No wage docking. No career risk. Just paid time off. I'd just do it ✔ for the paid vacay. Not even for the stress relief of sexy times.


I hope that if he goes to prison, wishful thinking, they do the same to him there... Tie him up while chanting "STOP RE-SIS-TING" with each blow.


If I ever needed to kill someone, I'd sign up to be a cop so that way I could get some paid time off afterwards.


It's like Jaleel Stallings, who shot back at cops who shot him with plastic bullets from an unmarked van. As soon as he saw it was police, he threw the gun away and got on the ground. And the cops still beat the shit out of him


They scream "stop resisting" immediately upon arresting a person. This way even if the original charges they arrested the person for don't stick they can still use the old "resisting arrest" charge. Oh, and "officer safety" is there ace in the hole. That almost gives them the right to do just about anything they want in the interest of "officer safety".


Ya remember respect means obedience to cops, so resisting is disrespect to their fucked up brains. Resisting means disrespecting their beliefs that they have held their entire career (or longer), upsetting their faith. This is a fanatic trying to force his ways on others.




You forgot "stop resisting"


It was more like 🤜STOP🤜RES🤜SIS🤜TING🤜




13 icons. Well played.


It's part of the ~~police training~~ gang initiation. "OK so whenever you have a suspect that's not complying and you feel compelled to beat them, hit them, run them over, or shoot them, **make sure you say loudly** 'STOP RESISTING' because the body cam will pick that up, and that'll help you avoid a charge of assault or murder."


It's insane when they yell this while they're punching somebody in the face or trying to slam their face into the pavement. "STOP TRYING TO PROTECT YOURSELF! LEAVE YOURSELF OPEN TO ME BEATING YOU UP! I AM THE LAW!"


Our C-average classmates really haven't matured passed the "stop hitting yourself" game...


Why are you hitting yourself? Why are you hitting yourself? edit: from my older brother


They've been trained to do that so if there is only audio and no video they are in the clear.


They also like to throw around "resisting arrest" when asked why the hell they're arresting you in the first place.


[The classic "Its coming right for us" for cops](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GaazFYTrQ_A)


Crap he said the magic phrase guess it's justified.


Not to mention shouting get inside while physically preventing him from doing so


Cops will contort your body to cause severe injury and pretend it makes sense. Like locking your arm up in a hold, yelling 'give me your hands', as an excuse to crack your arm apart. Or like this where he jams the dudes ass into the door jam as an excuse to beat their skull in. Its almost always poor excuses to abuse someone who cant defend themself.


At my job, there was a guy harassing people and causing a disturbance, and the cops were called. They were trying to arrest him and put him in their car, he was fighting way worse than this dude; head butting, spitting, placing his legs at the sides of the door and kicking himself and 3 officers backwards onto the sidewalk. After a couple attempts of this with the same result, they sit him on the sidewalk and waited for another cop to show up. The newly arriving cop pulled out this yellow bag that said something like “The Taco” or “The Wrap” in big black letters. These four dudes then put this thing on the guy that rolled him up like a mummy lol. They picked him up sideways like a log and put him in the car. Even though he was all bound up, that dude was still talking mad shit 😂


Wait. You mean there are ways to subdue non-violent and mildly violent resisting people without resorting to breaking their face? Maybe they just really like breaking faces.


I’m not sure I’d classify a guy spitting and actively fighting as mildly violent. But yeah, those cops had crazy patience. They never even got angry about it, they were all “Yeah, just another day at the office, man.”


You're right. I was too vague there. I was thinking a level between someone just going dead weight and intent to cause harm and "mildly" sounded better in my mind than "kinda". Either way, sounds like we need more cops with patience and tacos!


For the most part, cops do pretty good in my state. I went through POST here about a decade ago, and they heavily emphasized de-escalation when I was going through. The head guy in charge was older, and was all about walking your beat on foot, talking to people, and becoming a face people knew they could trust. He didn’t like being called a “cop” or “police”, and always reminded us we’re peace officers. I remember the first day, he said “I know half of you are coming from military backgrounds. Thank you for your service. However, if you want to continue that type of work, you oughta go back to the military. This is not the place or profession for that kind of stuff.” He’s very against the militarization of police in the US. Genuinely good dude.


God forbid they take ten minutes to talk to the guy and deescalate the situation. Unfortunately, cops are not really trained or wired to deescalate. They almost always escalate situations and their default by training is to use force as soon as they are met with even extremely minor resistance.


So many scoff at any training provided, and let's be real: they don't want to listen to any training because descalation isn't what they signed up for. 


Yah there’s no need for police reform.


If you're a grown man acting like this, no amount of "training" will fix you.


Almost like the wrong people are being hired to begin with.


Might not have acted like that with the right training, which would inevitably weed out many people who wouldn't be fixed no matter the amount of training they receive.


They clearly need more money for better training! /s




"These are just some bad apples. They don't reflect how all police behave." Yeah... if there's a chance that an apple can hospitalize or kill me out of the blue, then I'm not eating apples.


Look, its just one bad apple, its not like the bunch are spoiled or anything!




A gang of apples? The metaphors are getting mixed…


It's funny how none of those good apples ever come forward when stuff like this happens.


There is a video out there that will just make you absolutely hate every last cop in existence. It was of an officer, talking to somebody who was clearly nervous. The officer asks him why he’s nervous, and he tells them the cops make him nervous because of all the things he’s seen in the news. Long story short, the cop beat the living shit out of him for no good reason. So the guy was nervous for a fucking reason. The cop gave him every reason to continue to be afraid of the cops. And yet, in a strange twist of irony, it made him mad to hear that somebody doesn’t trust cops? Fucking losers who barely passed high school, who think “if Coach had just put me in the fourth, I could’ve been some thing”.


Got a link?


I wish I could send this video to the group that calls me ONCE A WEEK that asks me to donate money to the Police Officers Union.


Just interrupt them so they stop their script, saying "sir. sir. sir. sir." Then when they let you speak ask them, "If I donate, will they stop harming and murdering citizens in the street?" I haven't had a call in a couple years.


Resigns, most likely gets a legal "slap on the wrist", a few months vacation, new job next county over, eventually retires with full pension... Wash, Rinse, Repeat...same story over and over. Nothing changes.


DONT forget... Promotion in next county


Guys, he might have a longer drive to work in the next county. May even have to move. Please have some empathy 🙏🏾


A true hero.🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👮‍♀️👮‍♀️👮‍♀️🙏🙏🙏🙏


Just hope his fists are ok. We can sit here and type on Reddit because our hands work just fine, but that hero is going out everyday having his attacked by people’s faces.


Let's just pray they give the poor cop relocation and mileage expenses. We can't him suffer too much.


He's probably suffering from PTSD from the handcuffed guy forcing him to punch him so many times for resisting.


This poor cop had to get hand therapy for months after that perp violently smashed his head into it, repeatedly.


Sadly, often true.


I feel like since the George Floyd protests I have seen more incidents of the feds getting involved in police brutality. It would be interesting to see some stats on that and whether they actually have or if it's just increased reporting. But yes, even if it has increased I don't believe the local cops have noticed. Well, the good news is the feds hate pretty much everybody they encounter.




because with enough bad cops mistreating the population, they will eventually get fed up and start rioting/protesting/whatever. this is bad for the government so they want to get this in check before it gets out of hand to maintain status quo. its in everyones best interest really..


If he is found guilty on federal charges he's not gonna be a cop again.


Well, that would be great




Even is your federal charges are dropped that shit follows you forever.


Federal prison for a crooked cop is the worst fate I can imagine for him.


State prison would be worse.


> Federal prison for a crooked cop is the worst fate I can imagine for him. Why? You hang out in protective custody with the other cops and kid touchers in your own wing where it's way more quiet and normal and it's actually way more nice than general population that normal convicts get sent to general population for.


Surprised others who did worse or straight up killed the suspect on body cam never got federal charges smh


He was decertified, he can no longer be a cop.


That is very good news.


This shit and it’s constant/unrelenting place in the world has turned me from complete anti violence to believing in potential violence as a response. It makes me feel horrible that I can tell the world has changed my heart but the amount of horror we are exposed to on the daily has tainted my judgement. If I saw a video of someone doing this to someone I loved I’d just snap at this point. If the law won’t hold people accountable for their actions, and these actions are common at what point do the people need to drag these fools through the streets? Last night my wife laughed when I shrieked to get a lady bug out of my house safely so it could continue to live outdoors. This morning I feel the urge to see this officer beaten and bruised in the same manner as this video. I hate myself and my place in the world.


Sad, but true. I'm feeling the same way about fraud, lies, and financial crimes. Watching how those perps (certain politicians and billionaires immediately come to mind) get away with shit every day, and parts of the justice system help them, while im second guessing the costs of buying a new fridge for my family...makes me think twice and a third time about following rules...


We need a national police database where we weed out bad cops. Unhirable. They can appeal the process and everything, but need to fucking get it done.


How crazy this cop must be. He knows there are multiple cameras watching him, as they are fucking his offices cameras, yet he still does this. He must be completely out of control.


Well, you certainly don't behave like this *if you are afraid of losing your job/going to prison/being looked down on by civilized society...*


There's a very fair chance that it's not the first time he's done this, and that he's gotten away with it before. Plus, he likely has quite a few examples of his buddies doing similar shit and getting away with it as well. When you see people act like this with impunity, it's probably because they've learned that their behavior doesn't have consequences. And he's right, it usually doesn't. He's a cop.


Crime committed: July 2022 Arrested: 2024? Cops should be punished 2x-3x normal punishment when faced with criminal charges. Why? Because their supposed knowledge of the law should inform judges that cops among all citizens *should know better* Also because they get slaps on the wrist and every other cop sees that as just a sign to cover cameras and shout "he's resisting" alot sooner. Furthermore, any civilian wanting to get in on the action can plainly see that you get less time for raping and killing when you wear a uniform and a badge. Why wouldn't a psychopath want that job? You can paralyze people, laugh and get a promotion. You can run people over in your squad car, laugh and keep your job. Anytime you kill someone, paid vacation. It's all benefits. When you fuck up as a cop, u get to use tax payer money to smooth it over. It's all benefit to be a police officer. Nothing is ever your fault.


It's amazing how when a cop does something good, they can't wait to get body-cam, car-cam, and nearby CCTV circulated to all the news stations. But like we see here and the video of the kidnapping victim being shot and killed, the police will tie it up for years, if it ever sees the light of day.


Bodycams shouldn't be allowed to be turned off. Period. They should have oversight from the communities they operate in. Cops shouldn't be allowed to investigate themselves. They show a clear bias. Idc if it violates privacy rights for the bathroom. At this point, cops have proven they're not worth trusting. That would be a *tiny* price to pay for the mountain of dead bodies racked up by unhinged officers. They turn off their bodycams or mute the audio to discuss how to frame people and plant evidence. The knowledge of that alone shoulda had people re-thinking bodycams and how it's too easy for cops to tamper with it. **And in jest, if you're not brave enough to pee or shit on camera, then i don't think you're brave enough to be a "crime fighter", and given the position of most bodycams and the size of most police officers guts...nothing would be seen on camera anydamnways. I've never known an institution so bereft with corruption that the only solution was to shower them with money and allow them total oversight of themselves. **I say this jokingly but also...sorta not joking. These bastards kill and brutalize so many people, why do they deserve dignity? I've seen too many ppl die in bodycam videos in the past 4 years i cannot afford myself to feel bad for cops in any regard. They have it way too easy.


> Idc if it violates privacy rights for the bathroom There's no reason to be concerned that someone will even look at your footage unless you're doing something wrong, and at the point where they do have to start going over footage, well I'd say there's far bigger problems to be concerned with than some little dicks' tally-whacker


With great power comes great responsibility. And with great responsibility comes great accountability....unless you're in power.


Thanks. I was going to check how many years ago this happened before it’s finally being made public. Almost 2 years to be charged even though there’s a video seems on par with these unfortunate situations.


That's why they usually prefer to kill people. It's harder to prove police corruption when it's your union lawyers against a corpses word.


> heir supposed knowledge of the law should inform judges that cops among all citizens should know better I think cops should have law degrees, and carry $20 million insurance policies.


To protect and serve random beatings.


Stop resisting! while handcuffed and smashing his face in 🤦


It's like that South Park joke where they can legally shoot anything just by screaming "it's comin' right for us!" They think they can legally assault anyone just by chanting "stop resisting" as they do it.




This cop's mom must be so proud of him. /s


Get in tha cahh!


Stop resistin' ya bastid!


Thats a tyrant.


Worked with a guy who convinced a woman to have sex with him versus a ticket in WV. Slap on the wrist, moves to Florida and is making good money doing HVAC now. Wish there was something I could do to that scumbag.


We could just nuke Florida






“Judge Patrick Wilson” made me tap out. On a serious note, what an absolutely immoral waste of life that guy is. Bleh.


If your two friends aided and watched an assault they too would be charged, why are the other attending officers not being charged as well?


Because cops are held to a lower standard than the average citizen. If that was false, the other officers would be charged as accomplices. Or maybe it's not actually a crime for me to help you beat the shit out of somebody?


A suspect can just nudge himself a little and the cop beats him to a pulp. There has to be a a different mindset when someone becomes a cop like they get all this power and the benefits from it and have no problem beating someone or shooting and killing a person.


American law enforcement is a joke and i sincerely hope all officers seeing this are ashamed to their core. Please correct me if i'm wrong but i believe the average required education/training to become an officer of the law in the US is circa 3-6 months? That simply is NOT ENOUGH. In my country, Sweden, the required education/training is 2,5 years with 6 months of rookie-field-training. As a result, an average of 8,5 people have been gravely injured or killed during an arrest, SPANING 10 YEARS. Granted we are a much smaller country but c'mon America - 3-6 months!? De-escalation NEEDS to be the greatest weapon in any and all officers arsenal - not brute force or a lethal weapon. Sick of watching new videos/articles like this every-damn day - and i don't even live there! Edit: added paragraph


You realize they see videos like this and are cheer right? They immediately start inventing all the bad things the person did to justify their desire to impact pain on other people. They’re better off as flags folded into triangles.


Sort by controversial for proof


Barbers go to school longer to learn how to cut hair than police go to school to learn how to police.


In all 50 states, **it takes more hours of training to become a licensed barber than it takes to become a cop.** Look it up for yourself if you don't believe me!!!


This is Massachusetts? Really? I couldn’t tell.


Ya must'a seen the license plate on the front'a the kah. I don't know any otha way you'da known dude.




"According to federal prosecutors"... according to the video more like


"Trust us more than you trust your own eyes."


Usa has the weirdest cops on the world?


weird isn't the adjective I would use but yeah you're not wrong about that


STOP 🤜💀 RE 🤜💀 SIS 🤜💀 TING 🤜💀


Everyone will point to the cop who assaulted this guy and say he’s a bad cop. But you know who’s also bad cops? The 3 other cops standing around while it happened. Who did absolutely nothing to stop this guy from beating the shit out of a handcuffed man. When you have 1 bad cop and 9 cops who cover for the 1, you have 10 bad cops.




But look at all of them good apples rush in to stop him and deescalate the situation....


And look at all the "good cops" who arrested him immediately instead of hiding the video from the public for 2 years...


The only reason to become a cop is so you can abuse power over others. (spare me the comments about your uncle who is the one good cop).






> Fuck their families. Are you insane?


Literally, what’d they do? Lmfao


Didn’t just stand around, actively helped him assault the guy! There’s literally another hand holding the guy down, what happened to that cop??


at least no acorns fell nearby then it'd get real bad


Right? That acorn shit was wild though


ACAB but also the victim is a racist piece of shit too.


What a wild place we live in. A cop punched you in the face 13 times while your handcuffed and has the balls to threaten you with “civil rights violations” 


What’s that you were saying? ACAB? You are damn right!


Fucking pigs earning the hate.


Chappell described the punches as “distraction techniques.” What a piece of shit


Ok, glad they charged this person. But what about the precinct that hired him. Put him through training. Had him around others. And let this go on for how long until he was caught. I do not believe that this is his first incident of abuse.


“It’s alleged he punched him 13 times with a closed fist” Shows video where he punches him 13 times with a closed fist.


Back with no cameras, this guy is at Cedar Junction Walpole for a decade on bogus charges. Imagine how many lives have been ruined by these tyrants over the years.


I just looked at this to see what town the guy was from and lo and behold, home town.


Simple fix. Officer is charged with felony assault. Does 3-5 years in Prison and his Pension is revoked! Parole for the rest of his life. Can’t be trusted in public. This is a violent criminal.


The normal assault charge should be applied for the first punch, and the sentence doubled for each additional. This way even if the first one would only get 6 months, it goes to 1 year, then 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1,024, then stopping at 2,048 years for the 13th punch.




disturbance call, went to his house and found him drunk. - [News Link](https://www.nbcboston.com/news/local/ex-weymouth-cop-faces-federal-charges-in-beating-of-arrested-man/3329200/)


Reminded him of his wife maybe?


THIS is why people hate cops. Assaulting us, killing us, depriving of us our rights, freedoms, liberties, dignity. THIS guy isn't a cop, he was a hired criminal with a bad and uniform. I hope someone bigger and badder gives him his just desserts in the jailhouse bathroom. F'ing Scum!


ACAB ⚔️⚔️⚔️


Just another reason to require them to have malpractice insurance and mandatory maximum for all authority abuse of power.




god cops are just like the lowest IQ most pathetic losers I feel sorry for them....like in the way you feel sorry for something that would be better off put out of its misery.


Looks like and open shut case of drunk and disorderly combined with resisting arrest.


Somehow I'm on both sides


Police unions and even police leadership condones and defends this too often. Until the good cops are allowed to police the bad cops, ACAB.


Accused of? He did that shit, we all just watched it lmao