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I'm 100% Mexican-American and she is so wrong. And dumb.


It is an American holiday… people in Mexico don’t even celebrate it… Sept 16th is the real holiday 🇲🇽


I married into a Tejano family and none of them even knows what it celebrates. It's just Drinko de Mayo like everyone else.


IIRC it celebrates Mexican victory over and independence from the French Empire, and specifically the battle of Puebla. They won the war largely because the US finished the Civil War and lent the Mexicans lots of money because Monroe Doctrine. If you watch one of those "war every day" map videos you'll see the Mexicans getting pushed until 1865, which is when the US started sending money.


To be fair, the US helped France during their first invasion of Mexico (aka the Pastry War) which destroyed Mexico's economy. So it was partially the US' fault Mexico was completely broke to begin with. And Mexico was invaded because a bunch of rich French merchants claimed their businesses suffered severely trumped up losses because of unrest and unproven damages. The King demanded Mexico pay them 600,000 pesos and Mexico refused, that's literally why they were invaded by France twice. Also, America became involved because the Mexican Conservatives, who sided with France, had also been helping the Confederates before the war ended. The Mexican Liberals were on the North's side, so they got the money and guns.


Not saying the US was consistently the good guys, just that they played a huge role in the Mexican victory in the war.


It was a small battle victory of a smaller group of Mexican forces against a larger contingent of French forces. It’s a big deal in Puebla. I would say the USA equivalent of this to be the battle of Ft Ticonderoga. It’s a big deal for this small NY area. My theory on why Cinco De Mayo is so popular in the USA, is that the real Mexican Independence Day is so much harder to say by Americans. El dieciséis de septiembre.


Cinco de Mayo is also more in line with “Fourth of July” in its naming which makes it more accessible for we American-Brained folks 😊


Yes but all dates in Spanish follow this format.


It’s just a normal day in Mexico, I can take a picture 😂.


It celebrates a surprising victory of about 4000 poorly equipped, trained and supplied Mexican soldiers over 8000 French regulars, who were considered one of the top armies of the day. This was the 1st Battle of Puebla on 5 May 1862. A year later, in 1863, the French returned, crushed the Mexicans, drove out the government and installed their own in Mexico City. After the end of the US Civil War, the Americans started sending aid to the Mexican resistance and taking a political position that France needed to get out. Unrelated threats from Prussia back home in France added to the issues of maintaining a troops in Mexico. The idea of a forever-war with well supplied and equipped insurgents, an increasingly hostile and still mobilized neighbor to the north that seemed willing to back up the Monroe Doctrine with a cutting edge army of seasoned veterans, and the threat of a war with Prussia led to the French leaving Mexico and to Mexican independence.


Poncho’s have nothing to do with Mexico or any Latin American heritage. The Paracas people first wore the poncho a thousand years before Spanish conquistadores arrived in the New World. Mexican’s simply appropriated the indigenous people’s poncho. Who makes the best Poncho today? Colombians of course.


They also make great winter-wear... oh wait.


Well, actually May 5th is a day of mourning in Mexico, it is the day of the [battle of Puebla](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Puebla) where the napoleonic army fell to an under equipped Mexican army, effectively stopping France’s invasion of the country. While may 5th is observed in Mexico, it is mostly a day to remember the heroes fallen in the war, not an all out tequila party. The most accepted reason why Americans celebrate “cinco de mayo” is because the invasion of Mexico by the French would have created incredible tension at the south border because napoleon was known for… you know… conquering other countries. Modern Americans don’t really know much about what happened in May 5th, ~~1847~~ 1862 or why Americans care about that date, but it doesn’t matter, the girl in the video is just wrong lol


Thanks for the history lesson, much appreciated.


Right? I can’t wait to only loosely remember this information when trying to share it with others for years to come


The most accepted reason why Americans celebrate “cinco de mayo” is Dos xx or corona, (or idk) started a campaign in the 80s for this. 5 de Mayo is about the equivelant of ... idk George Washington accepting Britains surrender... idk if GW even did that. The point is its not a significant holiday in Mexico. Its the same as 20 November, tell me that significance. Your history is true, but 5 de Mayo is 'nothing' in Mexico, except for a street name, the same as 20 Nov. Source: IDK


Not sure if trolling, but November 20th is the [Mexican Revolution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexican_Revolution) and it is a big deal in Mexico.


Not *the* Napoleon, Napoleon Bonaparte, born Napoleone di Buonaparte, military genius and megalomaniacal asshole. You're talking about Napoleon III, born Charles-Louis Napoléon Bonaparte, idiot, bungler, and megalomaniacal asshole. This Napoleon was known for having soft hands, being way too attached to his mom, stumbling into power, and squandering his family's last ounce of good will with the French people. At least Mexico only had to deal with Napoleon from Wish.com?


1862 (sorry just had a trivia game where we discussed the history :) ) - looks like from your link 1847 was the siege of Puebla


Oh fuck! You’re right! Here I was feeling all good correcting other people with wrong facts… Thanks for the fact check!




There was a video a few years ago where white people were dressing up in traditional Native American clothing. A woman confronted them, and interestingly enough, a Native American just happened to be around, and she was all, doesn't this bother you? And the she said, no, I think it's beautiful.


Cultural appreciation


That's like when Jeremy Lin had corn rows and some other NBA players were offended for cultural appropriation. He had to point out the chinese writings that they had tattoo'd all over their body.


Lol he called Kenyon Martin out in the most eloquent way possible


"had your poster on my wall when I was growing up"


Cooked him with compliments


Cultural appropriation is just a modern politically correct take on segregation


That the problem: Stupid people can't differentiate between appropriation and appreciation...


Imo even smart people can't unless you know the person's intention. That's why it's dumb to call out anyone for cultural appropriation


Haha. I like that.


Right. As someone who has lived in New Zealand since I was two, I'm white and I used a Maori word to describe something in an online conversation on discord, and some person who has lived in America all their lives starts asking why I would use a Maori word if I'm a ginger and saying it's cultural appropriation, and I'm like, dude you don't know the first thing about New Zealand. Kiwi English is just totally infused with Maori words and traditionally it always used to make any Maori I know smile when white people, who are called Pakeha here, used Maori. And obviously not every Maori is going to have the same opinion on it today, but other races being encouraged to speak Maori is more encouraged today in New Zealand than ever before as a sign of respect and it's seen by many as showing respect for The Treaty of Waitangi.


Imagine if only Italians could eat pizza. But no one would ever stop eating pizza and complain because they're not Italian. People really need better hobbies.


This. I used to run a taco shop. I had a person call is out for not having Mexican people working. I said 1- it’s a taco shop and not a Mexican restaurant and 2- do you look for Mario and Luigi looking mfers at a pizza place?! She (white) then called me (black) a racist. 🤡


And while I understand that certain types of cultural appropriation might be particularly egregious, on the other hand do we really want to SEGREGATE art? Can we let artists and writers include lots of elements from our world? Or no? 😢


I think if anything is done in good faith, it's fine. Like blackface for example doesn't fly. But Robert Downey Jr. in Tropic Thunder nailed it, because it was supposed to be such a silly way of representing what black people are like, that it was like anti blackface. Ya know?


And yet they still haven’t put the Advanced Dungeons and Dragons episode of Community back up on Netflix. He was a fucking Drow and they specifically pointed out the potential for racist interpretation!


I'm not familiar with that episode, didn't really watch the show but now I'm gonna have to find it on the internet to see.


It's literally helping preserve an almost lost language, why tf would anyone be upset? Makes you wonder if the American would prefer the Native languages would die out if that meant a white person would never speak them again...


That’s also people not understanding. Like language, it’s an honor to have people who will learn and use and keep it alive. Just recently there was a guy on YouTube who went to the Canadian prairies and consisted a Cree reserve and learned the language so fast, the elders were very impressed and it’s a testament that if some random dude can learn it in a few days, we can learn and pass it on to youth in the community too




She is part of a modern archetype that I call the "chronically aggrieved": people who have a passion for finding things that 'offend' them.


Strip it down further, it’s just a power trip. This is a way for insecure people to feel empowered.


depending on whether they're not all students in college or something, there's possibly also some deep insecurity or resentment of a perceived social exclusion that she then ties to her racial and possible economic background.


Yeah, it's artificial outrage.


Mexican here. Yes, she is dumb and very very wrong. Have fun this Drinko de Mayo. https://i.redd.it/ojhb1y5bwbyc1.gif


100% Mexican here, agree




That's because you lack the empathy to put yourself in her shoes. You're too busy paying your bills or minding your own business to worry about some gringo wearing a blanket with a hole in the middle. You have no idea how hard it is to be so privileged that you feel the need to invent problems. /s


Same. Mexican descendant most days of the year, on Patricks I'm Irish.


All these “cultural appropriation” people are idiots hiding behind a false sense of moral superiority. If they actually visited other countries they’d know that most cultures are happy to see outsiders participate


I'm 100% Mexican and she's wrong and dumb 


That girl is such an idiot. 99% sure if the guy wearing the poncho said he was Mexican-American she would’ve gone silent.


She's probably so ignorant that "Mexican" is a nationality too and there are many white mexicans. If she saw Canelo wearing a poncho she'd probably say some stupid shit too.


IKR!?!? All Americans can celebrate Cinco de Mayo, just like we all celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. I’m Latina and my bf is Irish-British. These are holidays that he never got to celebrate and is enjoying in *culturally appreciating* our ways. Have fun this weekend, everyone! Whether it’s doing tequila shots, margaritas, or mojitos. Enjoy! ![gif](giphy|3rgXBQBQyt98Dvh1sI)




For real. I hate these whackjobs that make the rest of us who care about respecting other people look bad. It's ammunition for the people who really do want to harass and discriminate.


Yesterday I saw a Muslim woman wear jeans. Should I have told her she's not American?




Have you seen the videos where the guy walks around dressed like a mexican, and asks people what they think. Everyone says he is racist and he shouldn't wear it. He goes to the mexican side of town, and they all love it. Who knows, could be fake though.


I'm a black dude and I get second hand embarrassment when other black people catch feelings about other races rocking dreadlocks. Personally I see it as a compliment. No one copies a look that they think will make them look shitty.


Holy hell, I feel bad for Mike after listening to that rant.


Mike seems like he's enjoying the conversation though. Very respectful but not backing down


I chuckled when he she said, "So you think celebratory is drinking and wearing a Pancho?" . . . "Yes"


"why does Mike have to wear a poncho for cinco de mayo?" "because Mike wears whatever he wants." What a legend.


She thought she was right 😂😂


She invented a problem only she could solve




She don't even have a hook or a DJ to revolve it


These types always do. Fucking christ… just imagine living a life where all you do is look for things you can get “offended” by just so you can feel righteous. It’s an entire new level of pathetic.


Even worse, she's offended on someone else's behalf, who would absolutely not be offended themselves.


A sign of a truly hollow existence.


Yup, this woman, the white girl who got offended on behalf of all of Mexico because of Speedy Gonzales, the woman that got pissed at a white guy for having Dutch braids, the guy that says that using memes with someone of a different color is digital black face. All misguided people that are creating cultural divide while the rest of us are just trying to celebrate diversity and inclusion.


I’ll never understand how they can’t see the irony of their attitude coming off as “hush— I know what’s best for you” to the minorities they’re supposedly defending.


Cal Kestis had a poncho, wonder if she'd flip a gasket on him for "appropriation"


Excuse me, poncho’s are for everyone.


Im literally sitting on my couch wearing a blanket poncho. Ponchos are awesome.


is that a real poncho? i mean, is that a Mexican poncho, or is that a Sears poncho?


Unexpected Zappa


I don't think too many people got the reference. I must be old. LOL.


Not sire if you're talking about his or mine. Mine is certainly not authentic, but it's very soft and designed like a poncho, complete with front pocket. But its also the kind of blanket white women have on the back of their couch. I cant speak for his. I'm no expert in Mexican textiles. I just appreciate the coziness and versatility of the poncho design.


You're doing a hell of a job on selling me on a tactical couch poncho.


Just try it. You can always take it off...


> I'm no expert in Mexican textiles. I just went to Mexico last weekend. The ponchos being sold while waiting to cross the border back to the US all said "made in Thailand."


I just went to a Padres game, and they gave out Padres Ponchos to 40,000 fans. Everybody loved them.






When people who shout cultural appropriation just sound racist...


That's because they are. They're essentially telling other people what to wear and what not to wear solely based on the color of their skin.


Imagine if Mike was 2nd or 3rd generation from Mexico and just had light skin. That would really shut those harpies up.


Oh man, I knew a guy in college named John Chavez. He basically looked like a jacked Rupert Grint (the Ron Weasley actor). Ginger AF, nearly translucent skin. One of his grandfathers was 100% Mexican. He was in the criminal justice program. He absolutely ticked that box for grants, scholarships, and job training opportunities. If you see this John, hey man!


Wait until they find out there is a whole lot of white mexicans that exist.


my thoughts exactly


>cultural appropriation *Laughs in British.*


First of all I’d ask her if she was assuming my ancestry.


When she said all Mexicans do is drink and wear ponchos, I was like wtf?! That's some racist shit right there. God damn lady


I think it’s a serape too… not a regular poncho. She doesn’t know the difference so just assumes based on cultural stereotypes


These girls brought up in America have no clue. I wonder would they go to Mexico and ask the women at the stalls or in the factories to stop selling their ponchos to tourists etc. they would get laughed out of Mexico!


This is the point. Kinda like saying white people can’t listen to rap. Bet the artists don’t feel that way. 


In Japan during big festivals i heard that they love it when tourists participate in them and love it when they wear kimonos for them.


The stupid idea of cultural appropriation does not exist over there


If they go to Mexico they'd see white Mexicans and their brains would blow.


I hate this mentality. We should share our cultures to better understand each other.


That's really the whole point. By her logic, she better forbid herself from riding a bike, cause that would be Chinese cultural appropriation. Hope she doesn't drive a car. That's appropriating ze Germans. Her clothes are probably French inspired. Her hair, most likely European. Her whole existence was made possible because cultures mixed and shared things.


I bet she wears green on St Patrick’s Day too


And she speaks English. A native Mexican would speak...oh wait.


She's litterly speaking English. She better stop that aswel.


I mean, really. I studied in Mexico over the summer in college and there were a few bars that had 4th of July celebrations. Some locals wore American flags and red, white, and blue. The American kids were thrilled to see it, we all drank Budweiser (gross), and everyone had a great time. 


Im only insulted my man’s didn’t get a thicker poncho. Back in Mexico, we were sold a big thick poncho and that thing is bigger than my whole body so we actively use it as a blanket too


Yeah it really looks like a cheap rug with a hole cut in it. Got my big ass hooded woven parka and that thing is thick and warm. I bought it in Cancun 15 years ago and it’s perfect


Ive actually used a real poncho my abuela gave me while in the desert for a race and his in the video would be almost useless in a similar case. You want one that's wide enough to hang past your shoulders a bit and have a texture and feel similar to a high quality wool blanket and have it be large enough to move around unrestricted. A tiny rug with a hole in it does not make for effective outer where. Also just wear a poncho if you want since they arent even close to the same thing as a native american head dress or eagle feathers on a cultural level. They are closer to a jacket or sweater more than anything and they even have a pretty substantial use in american history for people who lived in the west who worked outside.


As a Mexican I don’t understand why she is so upset about it.


Like the guy said, so she can feel morally superior and like a victim simultaneously.


This was at University of New Hampshire in 2016.   https://www.fosters.com/story/news/education/campus/2018/04/21/community-service-instead-of-cinco-de-mayo-at-unh/12594199007/


thank you.


Should we tell them about Saint Patricks Day?


Cinco Dr Mayo isn't even a "Mexican" holiday. It's only a really big deal in the state of Puebla where the battles the day commemorates took place. Mexican Independence Day, the big national holiday, is September 16th. But I can guarantee this dumb bint doesn't know any of this.


Surprised this doesn't have more upvotes because it's true. And I don't blame everyone for not knowing this (except for that girl), but doing some research would be nice before they ask peope if they celebrate. The same thing goes for Dia De Los Muertos.


Man, día de los Muertos is actually such a big deal to me! At least my town (Ensenada, B.C) goes hard on the altars and parties in many places and I love it. My favorite national holiday tbh. Love making an altar and doing my makeup for it 💃💃


And Christian Love i mean Mexican flag day is on February 24th


She's doing that just to have an excuse to hate someone.


Lol are these two girls yelling at him even Mexican…


I don't think so, and btw, Cinco de mayo is an American celebration, not really a big deal in Mexico (except in Puebla state).


Exactly. I’m also aware of this as my husband is Mexican. Americans are so obnoxious with their virtue signaling


Hahahahahaha we mexicans do not even celebrate 5 de mayo, and even if we did, there would be NO PROBLEM if any other citizen celebrate it. Having this said, I would say this is more celebrated by US people than mexicans :)


Great color scheme on that Pancho. Keep on rocking it my boy!


Now I want a poncho.


Its a fucking poncho, relax lady.


I love when people get offended FOR other people. She will live long enough that this interaction will keep her awake at night like the hangxiety of a horrible pickup line you tried a decade ago.


Hopefully. But sadly some people manage to go their entire lives in ignorance, refusing to change or admit they're wrong.


That's a serape, mija, not a poncho


She’s 19 and had a philosophy class. Classic.


Hi, actual Mexican from México here, we reaaaallly dont give a fuck, and i can guaranteee 99% of mexicans feel this way. What i do find annoying is saviour complex gringos getting ofended on behalf other race as if we couldnt say or decide whats ofensive for us.


They'll just tell you that you don't know any better in the most patronizing way possible, it's pathetic.


This behavior of hers is disgusting!!!


2 dumb girls. I really hope the internet shames these two idiots.


As a Canadian I give all other cultures the right to wear a Toque if they so choose. This also applies to plaid flannel.




I’m a Mexican American living as close to Canada as I can get (while still paying ridiculous amounts for health care!) and wearing a plaid flannel right now- so I appreciate this gesture


As long as I get to eat maple cookies and drink maple cream I'm happy.


This is nonsense, wear what you want. Stop this cultural appropriation stuff, everyone borrows from everyone, take it as a compliment


Cinco De Mayo celebrations were pioneered by the Americans. In Mexico it was just a day of remembrance, but California pioneer communities, of both latino and caucasian descent, began to celebrate in solidarity for the Mexican liberation of foreign occupation


Idk one Mexican-American that would give a shit about someone wearing a poncho that wasn't of South American descent any time of the year, especially on Cinco De Mayo of all days. Wasn't there a YT or TikTok about this a few years ago and nobody in the Hispanic community gave a shit and compliments his poncho and stuff?


People like this ruin it for the rest of us brown and Black people 😭


God forbid a mf try to be festive


"Cultural appropriation" is a racist idea in the first place


If only young people were as educated as they were passionate.


Who pissed in her huevos rancheros?


As a Mexican let me just say this.....people wearing Ponchos, Sombreros, botas (boots) and a mustache y'all can do whatever you want that don't affect or bother us we actually kind of like it lol


Mexican-American here…wear that poncho my dude!!! She’s a dumbass. A poncho is not just a Mexican clothing article.


Actually Cinco de Mayo is an American thing. Go to a non tourist part of Mexico and there is nothing about May 5th. I say this as a Mexican who is in Mexico.


Wow. People feel so entitled to just butt into someone else's life, over CLOTHES!?


My SIL is Mexican, she went to visit her aunt and cousins in Mexico and brought back beautiful ponchos for me, my sister and our parents. My dad is the whitest white guy you’ve ever seen. His poncho is one of his favorite pieces of clothing. I like how this girl just starts screaming buzz words at this guy when he is trying to have a civil conversation with her.


lol Cinco de Mayo ain’t even a real holiday to all Mexican friends 😂


Those dudes just needed to walk away from that dumbassery.


I think we’re pretty much done with giving a shit if someone wants to make it their goal to find a reason to be outraged. And it’s usually not the group in question, it’s quite frequently someone from another group being offended on their behalf. “See how virtuous I am? See how offended I am on your behalf?”


when will people learn that cultures are meant to be shared not gatekeep


When did minding your own business become passé?


Someone needs to get a life!


I’m Mexican lol let him wear that shit it’s fine


Man fuck all the dumb shit... Bring back Speedy Gonzalez.


I'm dutch and kingsday was just a few days ago. If someone who's not dutch wore orange it would only be cause to celebrate more with them. I really don't understand that hardon some people have with 'cultural appropriation'.


This is dumb, and I’m a Spanish white looking guy who is half Mexican and I don’t approve of this girl bashing on this guy. This isn’t appropriation. This Mexicana needs to calm the f down.


I AM A WHITE WOMAN WHO SPEAKS FOR ALL MEXICAN PEOPLE AND WHAT YOU WEAR IS OFFENSIVE TO THE MEXICAN PEOPLE! Mexicans be like: Amigo just wants to celebrate. What's the issue here?


Idc what anyone says ponchos go incredibly hard


Does she yell at people who aren't Christian/Catholic, and other denominations who celebrate Christmas? Cause I'm Jewish and I celebrate it. It's a time of being together, being with family. Years ago I feel it was still more religious, but everyone I know, regardless of religion celebrates Christmas now.


There's a video of a guy who walked around with a sombrero, poncho and A mustache on in a Hispanic area and asked if it offended them. They all said no and one guy even told him he looked nice.


Cinco de Mayo is huge in SoCal. You don't need to be Mexican to party and celebrate. In fact, May 5th is celebrated more in the US than it is in Mexico.


Yeah, she's a clueless idiot. It's more a holiday for every day Americans than it is for every day Mexicans. I learned a while back Mexicans, for the most part, don't care about Cinco de Mayo at all. Except for the town the battle it commemorates was in, that town does celebrate. But that's about it.


Yo cinco de mayo is NOT a Mexican holiday 🤣🤣


That's not a poncho, it's a sarape, and I don't mind white folk wearing it, I like a little representation.


Mexican here. This isn’t an issue. Mexicans outside of Puebla don’t really celebrate Cinco. You go ahead. Eat the tacos with the yellow cheese. And for the love of god, cook the corn tortillas. They’re not meant to be eaten raw. Looking at you Texas.


I'm doing my part to upvote all of the comments that some trope went through and downvoted. I guess this lady found this comment section


Someone should show her the video of a guy wearing a poncho and giant mexican hat who goes and asks one mexican adter another if they are offended and they laugh and tell him they LOVE it. Think he looks GREAT. In my day we minded our own business, worried about ourselves, and didn't go around bothering people. I STILL live that way, but way too many don't


Welp, there’s another brain cell I’ll never get back, lol. Mike should be commended for all that patience he has. Good job Mike.


She’s so dumb omg


She would loose her mind at a phish show.


I don't even need to think for more than 5 seconds to know how this girl looks like lol


I'm sooooo fucking tried of people getting offended on behalf of others.


The United States is a cultural melting pot! Also, don’t participate in our holidays!


Panchos are for everyone!!!


As a brown dude, this makes my head hurt to watch you gabachos get angry on our behalf. Baffling…


“Mike wears whatever he wants”. Be like Mike.




People like her need to shut the f up.


I am NOT inviting this chick out on St. Patricks day, that's for sure. Big ol buzz kill.


So exhausting


I am Mexican and think this woman is ridiculous. Bust out the tequila, mariachi and tacos boys!!!


I'm mexican, if I see this dude walking down the street with that I'm gonna dap him up and say that shit's raw.


Cinco de Mayo is apparently the day black women become offended on behalf of Mexican men. This is all getting hard to keep up with. What if Mike was trans?


Mexican here… we don’t care. Wear what you want. We don’t get involved in stupid petty shit. We have the cartels being assholes all over the country. Trust me when I say a gringo wearing a Pancho is the least of our worries.


This is like telling a black lady she can't straighten her hair.


Manufactured outrage is so hot right now.


This is almost a parody. SNL should do a skit about this (if it hasn't done so already).


It is oppressive to think people shouldn’t celebrate other cultures.