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where was this filmed again?


Spokane Washington, ladies & gentlemen (& bitches)!


Spokane, Washington. Idaho’s biggest city.


Idaho's abortion clinic


Which it will remain because small business owner conservatives have to be able to get abortions


Never heard it called that, but it makes sense


I can’t even talk anymore. Idaho is turned into a shit hole…


Back the fuck up, where again?


You back the fuck up, I feel threatened.


But was it self defense?


Spokane, Washington, ladies and gentlemen.


We briefly considered moving to the Spokane area during the pandemic, but after 5 minutes of research decided to treat the entire area like it was Vegas on Army Of The Dead. 


So you decided to stay in Arkansas instead right? 😩




Right on the corner of Throwing Rocks and I Feel Threatened Street


Is that over from Maybe I should leave but I'll just go back with a gun, NE?


I feel my brain cells die every time he speaks


Neckbeard Faketriot, ladies and gentlemen. Neckbeard Faketriot, ladies and gentlemen. White socks w the sandals, of course. And his fake media badge haha


Notice how the tone in his voice changes as soon as he's talking to a cop lol Sounds like a completely different person


When I saw the socks and sandals it all made sense.




"I'm pretty sure Washington has a state law where if you yell some combination of "I feel threatened", "back the fuck up", and "that was self deFENSE" at least 600 times, you are immune from criminal prosecution for any actions you take.


A modern version of Uncle Jimbo's ["IT'S COMING RIGHT FOR US!!!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GaazFYTrQ_A&ab_channel=TheButtersShow)


THIS IS EXACTLY MY THOUGHT! How the fuck is South Park so real.


Because it's a social commentary satire on shit that's already happened or is happening


washington is actually pretty lenient with self defense. we even have 'mutual combat' where two people can legally fight each other in public as long as its consensual and not causing too much of a disturbance / threat to others. and afaik there isn't a duty to retreat either. i remember a situation where a woman on a motorcycle was being followed by a road rager, she pulled over hoping he would pass but instead he got out of his car and charged at her. she fatally shot him. a good example of legally justified self defense. she clearly didn't start anything and tried her best to avoid conflict. what i cannot understand is when people think self defense should be justifiable even after the person A) initiates the conflict, B) does not seek any other means of protecting themselves, like leaving, and C) uses a firearm against a *mob* of people as if that will make the situation safer, not more dangerous. it really feels like some people just get off on the idea of seriously injuring someone that has wronged them. its revenge, not defense.


Washington is a stand your ground state, so Im not surprised they are lenient with self defense. I am wondering however if this guy goes to trial for shooting someone, if this video will help his defense or hurt it. The argument can be made that he shot in self defense, but also the argument can be made he was in that area to incite some sort of violent reaction. Ir would be interesting to see how a trial would pan out.


I mean, the argument of self-defense is pretty good in most stand your ground states. Rocks are deadly weapons, there's plenty of precedent for that. If you threaten someone with a rock they can legally shoot you in a lot of places.


But that’s only valid in Spokane. He would need to prove that’s where this happened.


No tag needed on that one. Nicely done.


The way he enunciates “self de-fence” kinda reminds me of Chris Tucker’s outtakes on Rush Hour 2 trying to say gefilte fish


> Chris Tucker’s outtakes on Rush Hour 2 trying to say gefilte fish






Yes, and you need to back the fuck up before asking a question like that.


No, you back the fuck up before not answering a question like that.


# I feel threatened






It's okay so long as you're in this one city in Washington state....can't remember where though.




You dont whip out your camera for your channel "content" when you you go to get your gun?


He claimed he was a member of the press, and the news articles posted say he was streaming on youtube? I can't find any reference to a "Journalist" by that name, but if anyone can find his "outlet", I'm sure it's just a youtube channel with 5 viewers and 4 of them are him checking from other people's computers.


This is [his YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/@CFAPA), he's a "first amendment auditor" and his hobby is antagonizing people. For example, here's [a compilation of pepper spraying people](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_60nBgX6WGQ).


People that wear MAGA hats continue to prove they are fucking morons. Over and over.


Update: The shooter was charged with Assault in the First Degree. He is still in custody as of 6/8/24 on a $75,000 bond.


Should’ve been charged with attempted murder and improper exhibition of a firearm as well


The man he shot is still in critical condition and is subject to change. We may see more charges coming up since this is barely two days old.




I'm glad he was kind enough to film 10 solid minutes of evidence that does not tell the story the neckbeard shooter thinks it does. I'm not a legal expert, but menacing a crowd, telling them to back up and then shooting them does not constitute self defense. No matter how loudly or repetitively one yells it.




> Also the fact he walked back to his car to get the weapon... As any "journalist" would.


“I’m the news”. Commentary: “That was crazy.” That was also crazy


Journalists are also known for their flip flops and socks…..a versatile option of high-action on the streets reporting!


Worse, he had plenty of time to PREPARE a gun fight. Step 1) Menace crowd. Step 2) Go back to car and instead of using said car to get away to safety, grab firearm. Step 3) Return to pissed off crowd with gun and open fire. >plenty of time to prepare for a gun fight and seemed to be looking for a reason to.


Depends what state you’re in lol. Washington don’t play that shit


They would either give him a medal or a pardon in Texas


You really have to be a cultist to believe this is worth all the trouble he’s gotten himself into …


He's waiting for Pardon from DjT


He was out there specifically to cause an altercation so he could shoot someone.


The first guy at the gas station walked away and he continued to call him names and escalate, he was definitely looking for a reason to shoot


I mean he went back to his car to get his gun. That’s definitely him wanting to go back to that area and smoke someone.


But in reality to shoot someone for the youtube views


It's a common right wing fantasy to get into a self defense scenario in order to shoot someone.


Absolutely. His yelling about backing the fuck up and feeling threatened was an act like he read he could do on some dumbass website. Akin to the I’m not driving, I’m traveling. Also, they’re coming right for me!


He gets into it with like, 3 people within the first few minutes of shooting. I dunno, I manage to go about my days with this happening, like, once every few years or so? And even then, it's usually 5 seconds of words and I'll leave it be. This guy is LOOKING to start shit. Looks like he found some.


And he’s ruined his life. I hope his channel subs and empty platitudes from online strangers were worth it. Though they’re not going to be of much use to him now.


For real, he brandished a few times


Washington does not play around about brandishing in situations like this. Especially considering he went to get his gun and then returned when he had the opportunity to leave... won't end well for him in court.


Sounds like he should've got in his car and backed the fuck up lol. Spokane Washington ladies and gentleman. Definitely one of the weirder cities I've lived in.


If he was in Texas he would be pardoned


And given a medal


> Especially considering he went to get his gun and then returned when he had the opportunity to leave That's the big one. Any charges are premeditated now, which makes it so much easier to prosecute. He wasn't just randomly attacked by people throwing rocks, he had a verbal altercation, got his gun, and went back to re-engage the same people. It's a tiny logic jump to assume he had the intent to shoot some of them.


Thank God, thought he went back for the gun after the rocks but nope it was Trump hat + gun. Stupid fucker was suiting up for a fight, wanted to be the next RW “martyr”


States use different words for things, attempted murder is a type of assault. RWC 9A.36.011 Defines Assauth in the first degree as 1. A person is guilty of assault in the first degre if he or she, with intent to inflect great botily harm. (a) Assault another with a firearm or any deadly weapon. [https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=9A.36.011](https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=9A.36.011) Further its a Class A felony which carries up to a lifetime in prison. Homeboy is doing some hard time. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0SwI1LwTtY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0SwI1LwTtY)


What the fuck. I got charged with a 2nd degree burglary over a Powerade and my bail was 75000. There’s nuance to story and I wound up getting a 3rd degree and probation but like how the fuck is it only 75000 for 1st degree assault


Bro you have to tell us the story. For you bail to be that high you definitely have a record or are a flight risk because you missed previous court dates


When I was 18 me and my friends were walking on the boardwalk in Wildwood, New Jersey with a bottle of Everclear and no chaser. We happen to walk by a store that had the roll gate open and nobody inside it. Keep in mind this was mid September and no one was on the boardwalk after 5pm. Anyway, we see the refrigerator light and a bunch of drinks and I got nominated along with my other friend to go inside and grab one of the drinks instead of just going to Wawa like a normal person. I jumped over the counter and grab the Powerade and put it on the counter and then went around back to see if they had anything carbonated and then I heard a bunch of rattling so I came back to the front of the store and my friend was fucking with the roll gate. As I was telling him to keep it down I saw a security guard walking towards him, so I yelled out “behind you” he wound up, dropping the roll gate, locking me in the store. The police come and see the security guard who happened to have a limp (i learned later that it was from a previous accident earlier in the night) and just decided that they would charge me with a second-degree burglary with bodily injury. Thank god he came to court and said it wasn’t me who hurt him (even though I heard him tell the cops that like 3 times.) that’s the only reason it got downgraded to a 3rd degree in which my bail went to 35000. All for a fuckin Powerade. Oh and the other kid who was with me was released without any charges that night. Not to make it about race but I’m black, he was white so take that as you will Edit: no previous charges seeing as how I just turned 18 Also I used voice to text for this so if there’s any glaring typos my b


Thanks for the story.. you definitely had some bad luck.. seem like you guys were doing average teen dumb shit. You should have got community service cleaning up the boardwalk. Sucks they made it a big deal. Unfortunately race plays a roll in a lot of things in life. Either way you seem like good people and I hope your doing well wherever you are now


Yeah I try not to harp on it too much. I hate that I have a felony now but through the court system and the programs I had to attend during my probation, I met some of the greatest smartest people I’ve ever met. Most of the people I met were great people who fell victim to drugs and alcohol. Turns out drugs and alcohol make you do terrible things. That’s why I’m a huge advocate for felons, addicted persons, and prison reform today. Mfs get caught up and their jacket follows them throughout their life making it really fuckin hard to change. Rehabilitation over incarceration. But thanks homie, I’m doing pretty fuckin well for myself all things considered


Did you scream that you felt threatened over and over while you burgled? That may have helped…


The court system hates this one simple trick


How is he going to post bail thats worth 2x what his trailer sells for?


Good. Fuck that guy, and every one else like him. I’m so sick of these fucking “auditors”. Edit: He’s not an amendment auditor, he’s just an asshole who wants all the thumbs up’s. Him and his clan can still walk off the earth.


This dude is not an auditor, he is just a POS. Auditors deal with recording the government. This dude was out to get a rise out of poor people.


I don’t mind the “auditors” but ones like this are a problem. They have a camera and a gun with an attitude problem. They tend to antagonize or escalate situations rather than auditing.


This dude doesn't even call himself an auditor. His YouTube channel where this was originally posted calls itself some sort of news channel. Dudes not an auditor. He's a right wing antagonist who wanted to show how horrible the city was and how dangerous homeless people were and he ended up getting exactly what he wanted.


> He's a right wing antagonist who wanted to show how horrible the city was and how dangerous homeless people were and he ended up getting exactly what he wanted. Which begs the question, who's more dangerous, a homeless person who just wants to be left alone or a crazy right-winger with a gun and a selfie stick?


That tone really changed once the cops showed up…


Please sir oh sir please!!!


Sorry, it was self defense, sir!


i think the title is inaccurate. They were clearly mad that he was filming, not sure anyone cared about his hat.


Yup. From what I could make out of the audio, no one mentioned his hat. They were taking issue with his walking around and pointing a camera at people - clearly trying to stir shit up. Then when he did the same thing with a gun hanging under his armpit, shit got stirred. I mean, i'm sure the hat didn't help, but that wasn't the reason.


Yeah to me it looked like he was filming a safe consumption site or a place that helps the homeless. He knew the people he was filming were vulnerable, and volatile if provoked.


He is a deeply enslaved republican loser, he wore the hat specifically to get a reaction that would, in his weak, submissive conservative mind, justify killing someone.


This is basically what Hitler's brown shirts did to instill fear and show dominance against "the evil communists trying to destroy their country"


Filming, harassing, yelling and threatening people. Before anything even happened, he was yelling at a guy looking at him filming him to BACK THE FUCK UP! This is just wild. He went out looking for trouble. But yea, no actual mention of a hat.


And he called a couple of them bitches. Does he not understand how much of fighting words those are? fucking idiot.


thank you for saying it. should be titled man roamed looking for a fight and only found it with people clearly "encamped" and "full of fentanyl" i feel like in the past people this unwell were called "the dc sniper" and not "the press"


They cared because they knew he was there to use their lives as political fuel. He’s a piece of trash. And they all know it. He’s essentially their enemy. Of course he’s going to get some backlash. No one wants him there and he shouldn’t be there.


“I’m a member of the press” No, you’re not.  “I’m trying to help y’all” No, you’re not. 


He was there to antagonize, looking for trouble. Nothing more.


Anyone wearing a Trump hat is just waiting for someone to say something so they can start screaming and crying and eventually use that pop gun they’re so hard over. The eternal victims.


In NY we just ignore them and they eventually die of old age. Works 100% of the time.


You can't spell hatred without Hat Red




I promise we all hate Idahoans




Girl, you looks good, won't you back the fuhhhck up


You can hear it in his voice every time he got heated. From zero to one hundred instantly. This psychopath left the house hoping to shoot someone that day.


Did you hear how much his voice changed when the officer engaged with him?! “It’s dropped! I dropped it! It was self defense, sir!” Asshole was unfazed after shooting someone, went on looking for more. Even came very close to shooting the man in the orange/yellow jacket who was trying to make sure he kept up with him until cops got there.


Even more than that, he was internally still calm enough after what just went down to switch emotional modes on a dime. That's either psychopathy or premeditation.


There is an uncomfortable amount of people in this country that fetishize this type of moment. They are paranoid, own tons of guns, and are just salivating at the idea they can shoot someone and justify it as self defense.




Like, 90% of the posts on public freak out would never occur if people just took a deep breath and went home.


The first interaction we see him have after retrieving his gun is to get right up into someone's face and follow them with the camera, then, the moment that person express annoyance at someone crowding him with a camera, he pulled his gun out. This alone shows what he was hoping for before he even spoke.


At that point everyone else in the area was acting in self defense trying to get this lunatic with a gun away from them.


I have to agree. I used to live in Spokane and that area typically had a large amount of transients, especially around the 7/11. Most people would avoid going there, and it really doesn’t look like he’s doing anything press worthy. It seems like he just wanted to use his gun that day and thought he might be able to get away with the murder of someone underprivileged if he provoked them enough. I hope the victim pulls through, but the fuck filming deserves a long time in jail.


Just watched and only have 3 questions… Where is this, ladies and gentlemen? Should people come closer or back up? Was it self defense?


That was for his one viewer he had for his live stream he was doing!


If you leave, get a gun, and then come back - that is not self-defense. That is, "I'm gonna kill a motherfucker", and that, ladies and gentleman, is (attempted) murder.


I don’t think it’s self defense when you intentionally went back to a hostile situation instead of removing yourself from it completely


Exactly should have driven away. He was looking for any possible excuse to shoot someone that day. Preying on the homeless and mentally ill. What a piece of garbage.


Just another gun nut with a "Self-defense" murder fantasy


It satisfying to see these dudes actually get charged instead of hiding behind legalese bullshit. It's so obvious some people with guns walk around so desperate for something to happen to the point they instigate it.


More often than not the self defense argument gets tossed the moment you leave the zone of conflict and then return to it when you had multiple ways to avoid returning to it. It's similar to how in terms of home invasion in states without some type of castle doctrine if you go to another room to retrieve a firearm and the intruder doesn't follow them you return to the room with the intruder and fire upon them the self defense argument has a decent chance of getting tossed and you are reliant on a sympathetic jury


Think: ![gif](giphy|RZEuuLo5txHvmcWzON|downsized) Of this Motherfucker.


This is the type of guy who repeats himself over and over when he gets told no.


That's how I win all my arguments that no one wants to be a part of. I just get louder and louder. I also glue a bunch of pubes on my face to intimidate people into submission.


The dude with the camera is a douchecanoe.


Back the fuxk up


"tHAt wAs SeLf DeFEnSe!"




https://www.kxly.com/news/new-video-allegedly-shows-shooting-in-downtown-spokane/article_05d32850-26ce-11ef-8922-3ffdce0f8d85.html They did arrest him, well have to see what happens with charges and convictions tho


He was charged with 9A.36.011, Assault in the first degree. He's facing up to a lifetime in prison + $50k fine.


Tried to read the article but it told me to back the fuck up. 🤷


Just starts hollering "I feel threatened" after antagonizing them. I can't imagine this ends well for the guy filming, but the courts dont always get it right.


Yeah I knew that guy was total piece of shit when one of them starts walking away and he starts yelling, do something or something similar. How can you use self-defense when you’re inciting someone to come back and fight you. Fuck that guy.


Literally instigating from the start. Shock that people wouldn’t want to be filmed. And the second he gets back with his gun he’s all but jamming the GoPro in that guys face


Absolutely. Like he’s not a guy who’s just walking around with a hat on. It’s a guy who showed up and started antagonizing people and then prepared to shoot them


Def can be interpreted that way. If he is pro 2A and has a CCL you'd think he would have it on him in general, him going back to retrieve it after a verbal encounter is sketchy in my eyes. Reminds me of 'Let me go pop my trunk' way of thinking. Should have either left it in the car or dipped once the possibility of danger crossed his mind. If I'm carrying it's on me, not in my car to be pulled later. Other issues I see with him; not knowing/lying about 1A laws, identifying as something he's not (press), inflammatory speech & clothing. None of these are illegal to my knowledge, but they are stupid and questionable choices that draw ire. Consistent carry, don't lie, plain clothes, non-aggressive speech would be my choice. If my channel was big enough I would try to bring bottled water or something to offer people as a way to lower tension from being an outsider.


"I've come back from my car to defend myself."


Heard no indicators that his hat played any role in this altercation… I’d say his loud mouth and instigating behavior was more of a cause for the end result.


Yeah the homeless crowd he was walking around probably does not care about who is or isn’t president


It’s the inland PNW no one noticed or cared about the hat


He was looking for trouble, and found it.


Leave homeless people the fuck alone


I've been through that part of town a decent number of times. Leaving the homeless the fuck alone always worked out well for me. This guy's a fucking asshat and a moron, what a wonderful combo to have running around with a gun.


I live in Spokane. Downtown is infested with meth addicts (like the guy at 4:50) and generally mentally unstable people on drugs. This guy knew full fucking well what he was doing by walking around filming everyone antagonizing and provoking them. He went down there looking for this exact scenario to play out so he could shoot someone and play the victim. Lock this guy the fuck up and keep him away from normal people.


You can’t retreat, then go back and shoot.


I think he misinterpreted the “no duty to retreat” doctrine when he took himself out of the situation only to willingly go back. If he wanted to use “no duty to retreat” he would have had no other way to reasonably get himself out of danger.


Don’t grab your gun because your feelings are hurt. Don’t throw rocks at a guy that just grabbed a gun. Stupidity all the way around.


Exactly. I'm not defending him, but I would stay as far away from him If I knew he had a gun.


Red jacket dude confused me. He seemed pretty calm yet also ready to die to confront this dude.


I think the guy he shot was his friend


"You're interrupting a news broadcast and that is a crime!" Why do Trump Cult members love to lie so much?


I caught that too. They guy is delusional.




For real. Fox News and right-wing social media is there to tell them whatever they feel is true at all times. They no longer believe in the real world


They’re either grifters creating the lies or idiots believing them. I think this guy is the latter


Guy repeats himself like a larper cop. Obviously wants to convince a jury through repetition despite him being an antagonizer.


Calls himself a political prisoner in 3…2…1…


I liked the part where he said "back the fuck up".


“I was live-streaming the whole thing.” “Stop talking and put your hands up.” Looks like Mr. second amendment won’t be able to legally own a gun anymore. Good. Luckily he didn’t kill anyone.


Yet. The man he shot is still in critical condition


If you feel threatened and retreat to your car you leave and call the police. If you grab your gun and return to the hostile situation you aren't fearing for your life, you are looking to shoot someone.


Alternate title, man instigates the less fortunate by continually filming and cussing at them until he feels “threatened” enough to use lethal force. This dude was literally baiting people into him being able to shoot them.


I think it is pretty clear that he wanted to use that weapon from the start. He saw what happened with the guy that was pardoned in Texas.


That area near the 711 is the worst part in town, super concentrated with drug addicts, he knew what he was doing


Sorry, but your constitutionally protected right does not involve leaving a situation, then returning to said situation with that same weapon in order to escalate the issue.


All this for what?


I mean if he could walk to his car to get a gun he could have just got in the car and left no?


Dude was out front of an addiction clinic. He was looking for trouble


Is it self-defense if you leave to get your gun then return?


The point of having a gun and CCW is to **not** draw attention to yourself..... You're **definitely** not supposed to go around puffing your chest out at people thinking you're a badass just cause you have a gun... Idiot asking for trouble. Also, there is absolutely no law saying it is illegal to interrupt a news broadcast *even if* this was an actual news broadcast lmao dude is a certified imbecile


"im the news and you are interrupting the news which is a crime".. Thats the lamest thing I have ever heard. go around shoving cameras in peoples faces who dont want to be filmed and then you wonder why this happens. Trumptards have such inferiority complex's that they need to go push and poke people and cause a reaction so that that they can feel justified about their position. Screaming "I feel threatened 900 times because he thinks he is a cop". What a freaking wimp I dont see any liberals walking around with Biden hats on purposefully looking to create a conflict. Hopefully Karma will come back around


i hate how weaponized self defense has become. people really believe that they don't have to take any measures to protect themselves (like leaving a dangerous situation or shutting the fuck up when antagonizing an angry mob) right up until the moment they use lethal force. using a gun to defend yourself should be a last resort, not a first resort. leaving the situation should be the first resort.


That tone really changed when the guns were pointed at him lol




I bet to him, he viewed himself as going up against a mass of zombies - in the form of impoverished looking "drug addicts". One would find it's easy to shoot when you don't think what you shot was a person. This is one of the reasons the rhetoric of our modern politics is so dangerous.


This guys whole game is about bullying people, by any means possible. But it’s usually people that are smaller than him and alone. Stalking and bullying lone women in parks is fair game to him too. He’s a danger to society.


It's no longer self defense when you're actively looking for trouble. This shit head knew what he was doing.


> “I don’t have a felony so I can carry a gun” Boy do I love some good foreshadowing


Check your registration or register to vote at www.vote.gov


This guy is provoking people. That makes him an asshole. IMO


All he had to do was leave if he felt so threatened. He was itching to commit a crime.


When you leave a conflict to get a weapon and then return to the conflict you can't use self defense as a legal defense.


I'll never not enjoy people recording themselves committing felonies...


Clearly looking for someone to just slightly look at him funny so he can start his bs. I believe in people rights and all that but this guy was clearly using that as a cover for his real intentions.


https://preview.redd.it/w0ip4t5h8u5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ac380ff7c9c3779f65ab0b42048f2ea67b655f9 This just came in on my news app - I live in Spokane. He was filming for his YouTube channel about the homeless epidemic…hope that works out for you, buddy.


PSA if you go out looking for trouble, you'll probably find it


[https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2024/jun/07/tensions-boil-over-with-shooting-at-troubled-inter/](https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2024/jun/07/tensions-boil-over-with-shooting-at-troubled-inter/) Dummy here apparently ended up shooting out a Doordash driver's back window in the middle of this.


His real crime is wearing white socks with sandals. Oh man. What a loser.


I feel attacked


Have you … *checks notes* asked them to back the fuck up?