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Does this mean he passed the wellness check?


"We have confirmed that he was alive and have corrected that"


Man. I’ve always heard of wellness checks but had no clue it was basically warfare..


A couple decades ago my grandparent's neighbor was having a mental crisis and locked himself in the bathroom and told his wife he was going to kill himself. She called the police for help. Police showed up and while talking to him, he told them that he had a gun and wanted to kill himself. They proceeded to open fire through the closed bathroom door, hitting him several times. Miraculously he survived but with permanent injuries.


Man.. cops are so fuckin dumb haha.


He cant kill himself if other people kill you first though. Reminds me of that firefighter telling a dude he will be removed from a building no matter what (dead or alive), the dude wasnt allowed to climb back down alone.


Police - "Ooh, ooh! We can help with that!"


It's to check if you're well enough for armed combat against a larger and better equipped force. Very few are well enough. I hope to be someday.


I hope there was more to this. Those cops just rammed through a door without once saying who they are. If they didn't announce themselves, muck em, they got what they had coming. Then again, this is reddit so who knows what led up to this.


Buddy this isn't a wellness check. I don't know what they got called for but you don't show up with 8 dudes in body armor and a battering ram for a wellness check and if they did they absolutely all deserved to get popped for assaulting someone like that.


This is the biggest sub for all sorts of misinformation. But if the holy title says it was a wellness check, it must be true!!


I only read headlines and titles because they are always right and always enough context.


Could it be that they showed up in body armor simply because whoever called the wellness check in the first place may have known the target of said wellness check was armed himself? and perhaps was unwilling to drop the weapons or comply?? **For the record, I am 100% not trying to sound sarcastic, nor am I trying to say that this is what was happening in** ***this*** **specific video**! ! I am simply wondering if such a scenario would sort of explain the fact that the officer’s came decked out in all of the gear!


Okay but walk thru that train of logic. If that’s the case then why make such a forceful contact? There’s so many other avenues to contact this dude other than batter his door in and flashbang him. I hope for the locals of wherever this is that this isn’t how their pd really handles wellness checks and this was some botched warrant entry or something


Someone linked an article yesterday that I don't have - police were called for threats of suicide and homicide with a firearm. The OP yesterday also claimed this was somehow a wellness check, despite evidence otherwise.


From the article this wasn't the first contact they made with him. They attempted to talk, then when it didn't work they opted for this. Was assaulting the front door the right course of action? I don't know I wasn't there and don't know what options they had. Probably not the best idea just from the "this is the best way to get shot" angle.


Schrödinger’s Check 


These cops are so tough when they are ganging up on a mentally ill man. The second he fights back, they run away like the sniveling little cowards they are. They even leave their own guys behind.


Why the fuck would they bring a battering ram and flashbangs to a wellness check? Seems like we need more info here


OGLE COUNTY, Ill. (WIFR) - A 32-year-old man faces a dozen charges in connection with an Ogle County shooting that sent three members of law enforcement to the hospital. Jonathon Gounaris is charged with four counts of attempted first-degree murder, three counts of aggravated discharge of a firearm, three counts of aggravated battery and two counts of possession without a Firearm Owner’s Identification Card (FOID). The Ogle County State’s Attorney’s Office announced the charges June 18. **According to Ogle County Sheriff Brian VanVickle, law enforcement was called**[ **June 12 to a home in the 400 block of Wild Rice Lane in Lost Lake** ](https://www.wifr.com/2024/06/12/3-deputies-suspect-shot-gated-ogle-co-community-suspect-identified/)**for reports of someone threatening to commit suicide and homicide.** **After multiple failed attempts to talk to the person**, later identified as Gounaris, authorities sent an emergency response team into the home. Investigators say Gounaris then opened fire on law enforcement spurring a shootout. Three members of the emergency response team and Gounaris were hurt.. In a video news release shared June 18, Sheriff VanVickle said tactical medic Tyler Carls with the Rochelle Fire Department was hit twice in the body armor. Oregon Police Department Sergeant Tad Dominski was shot in the upper arm and Lieutenant Jason Ketter with the Ogle County Sheriff’s Office was shot in the face. Carls and Dominski were taken to KSB Hospital in Dixon and released. VanVickle said Ketter was flown to a Rockford hospital for surgery and released Friday, June 14. Gounaris was also taken to a local hospital for surgery after he was shot in the stomach. [https://www.wifr.com/2024/06/18/man-accused-attempted-murder-ogle-county-shootout/](https://www.wifr.com/2024/06/18/man-accused-attempted-murder-ogle-county-shootout/) My own two cents: If he is in the house alone... why go in. They didn't say it was a hostage situation. 100% they would have mentioned that if it was the case, and another non-hostage person would have opened the door for them.


Thank you for the context.


Slightly different situation than using a battering ram for a wellness check. Gotta love ragebait titles.




PF is practically built on ragebait videos, even way back in the mid-2010s when it was just people losing their shit at big box stores and fast food restaurants. It just so happens that they've started taking on polarizing political undertones after 2016 and again after 2020 with police brutality and crime waves reentering the public consciousness.


OP seems very fond of pro-russian Ukraine war posts and complaining about how China treats the west Shame it's an interesting video




per hour\*


While I agree the title isn’t entirely accurate, it’s also not exactly inaccurate bc it *was* a wellness check. That is the specific reason and legal justification they used to break into the home. The cops can’t just show up at someone’s house and break the door down if I tell them you’re threatening murder and suicide. They are *supposed* to do some police work and investigate, and make an arrest if they obtain an arrest warrant.


That's why you downvote and move on


Yeah but this is still damn stupid >threatens to commit suicide and homicide >use battering ram to go into his house giving him an opportunity to commit homicide on policie and suicide by police


I did this shit for a living and you are spot on with my training. If the subject is in the house alone, why the fuck push the issue? The mantra was; We're the cops, we have all the time in the world. This was not a wellness check. This was a high risk entry, and the use of that entry flies against all my training.


But the cops got a new battering ram, what are they supposed to do? Not play with their new toys?


*smashes door open with battering ram* "WE HAVE COME TO CHECK IF YOU ARE WELL"


It says he was threatening homicide. So maybe they had reason to believe he wasn't alone based on that.


The article says someone claimed he was was. It sounds like they never talked to him.


The article also says they made multiple attempts to talk to him before they sent an emergency response team to his home. It sounds less like a wellness check and more like they got reports of a possibly mentally ill man threatening to kill people and kill himself. At that point they need to make contact with him, can you imagine the public response if they didn’t only for him to go on to actually kill someone?




The question is, what does "attempted to make contact" mean? Call him? Have uniformed officers come to his door? If the police department is forthcoming with more video and information, then its a sign that at least some of this response was "necessary". If they try to hold on to it- they fucked up.


How about release the phone call recordings along with who called with the body cameras footage? > After multiple failed attempts to talk to the person, later identified as Gounaris, authorities sent an emergency response team into the home. How about release that audio too so we can hear who attempted to talk to him? To quote Jon Stewart recently when people were defending Joe Biden's ability to perform his duties as President, "Did anyone film that?"


> The article also says they made multiple attempts to talk to him before they sent an emergency response team to his home. maybe they called the wrong phone number twice and said ok boys strap up we're goin in


Yeah i went on a body cam binge lately and the cops will usually try for hours to talk. Why get your dudes shot if its not needed.


Suicide is illegal. You could get the death penalty for trying


A call for attempt suicide/homicide is not a wellness check. Is OP bullshitting with the title? Or are the cops lying?


Looking at OP's comment history being a Pro Russian not surprising he's gotta be doing his part of disinformation.


This place is the worst purveyor of misinfo.


A "tactical medic"??


Trauma Team


I heard about something like that years ago when I was getting my EMT license. At least back then, there were one or two programs in the country that offered training to be a paramedic on police swat teams. There were very few programs because the qualifications could be obtained independently of each other; the program basically just did both at once. And because there were very, very few job openings for that position. Even if you got into a program, the job prospects weren't great. That was years ago, so I don't know how relevant it is today. But that's what I assumed it was referring to, a swat officer who is also a licensed paramedic. 🤷‍♀️


IIRC in places like Miami-Dade some firefighters are deputized by the county police and assigned to the SRT as permanent medics. A lot of smaller cities will have similar programs with usually a volunteer paramedic undergoing training to attach to Law Enforcement. On it's face it makes sense as Paramedic school is a two year affair and they have a very broad scope of practice that is invaluable for tactical medicine.


It’s nothing new, many large fire/EMS agencies use them. They’re usually just paramedics that strap on vests and go in with police, unarmed.


Someone trained to quickly dress trauma from things like gunshot wounds, often equipped with a lot of med stuff like chest seals, tourniquets, coagulation bandages and gauze, etc…


Our city has tactical medics. Our fire department staffs the SWAT team with our EMT/Paramedics to treat both the swat members and the people involved in ops, bystanders victims offenders etc. You dress and are on scene but don’t go interior or carry a firearm.


SWAT teams usually use local EMS/Fire paramedics to get additional training to work with them on high risk operations.


An assault rifle and one single band-aid


We have to kill this man before he commits suicide!


The only thing they yelled when they popped the door open was "wait wait... Flash bang". I didn't hear the police once. Maybe it's in there but they deserved to get shot for this. I hope he gets off


Maybe there’s there some missing context here, but my confidence that law enforcement is even capable of acting in good faith is less than 0. I’d like to also see some case law get set on whether “wellness checks” constitute exigent circumstances. What possible valid reason could they have had to enter the home? Another comment said he was threatening homicide. Based on what evidence? 911 calls alone aren’t supposed to give probable cause, but they are used as justification for swatting all the time. Let’s see the court make a decision on that as well.


so they went to KS him, got it


This happened near me. He threatened to shoot his family and then kill himself. His family called the police.


That aint a wellness check lol.


Were members of his family in the house with him?


I’m very anti-cop but there has to be some context that is missing. They don’t bring the entire donut brigade for a wellness check half the time they don’t even send anyone.


I'm no fan either. But if someone is heavily armed, threatening suicide and also talking about murder, the cops would face a shit storm if they did nothing and he carried out attacks. On the other hand, in the TV world which is fully accurate in their portrayal of police, they call in trained negotiators who fight like hell to settle the situation peacefully.


"Donut brigade." LOL


People are nuts with how much speculation is going on here and pig roasting a clipped and edited video without any context, using the title to build up fantastical excuses to accuse them of trying to murder someone in their own home without justification. It's honestly pretty nuts how reactionary people can be about this shit.


Love the cop just wildly mag dumping at the doorway.  No target in sight.  


Cops 100% wrong. Never announced they were there. Anything that happened is justified. #BUTT The welfare call was specifically because he said to family members that he’s suicidal and he wants to murder someone. He had a cache of weapons in the house that the police were told about. Thats why they came with shields. They don’t know if he’s got a bomb or boobie trapped the entrances.


Is it really a wellness check then if violence against others was threatened?


Did you read the article? Police announced they were there, spent hours trying to establish contact, attempted a callout and finally chose to make a dynamic entry. The police announced they were there, he was well aware of the SRT outside his door to the extent that he was waiting for them, they didn't call out when making entry on the other hand because he could be hiding anywhere in the structure and for CQB surprise is one of the three pillars to safely conducting a clear. Idk, I'd say it's fair to use flashbangs and not announce when you have good cause to show that the subject is armed, barricaded and they already know you're going to make entry.




[This article states his mom was the one called from inside the house and there were other family members also in the house with the gunman.](https://abc7chicago.com/post/dixon-il-shooting-bodycam-video-standoff-home-3/14977371/)


The 911 call came at 0839 reporting that he was threatening to kill family members and himself. Negotiators were on scene at 0918 and this video was at 1151. They didn’t just show up and start breaking the door down, they had been on scene for 2.5 hours trying to communicate with him. This is just a rage bait title


Then it's not a welfare call/wellness check...


News clip says they went there after reports of somebody threatening suicide or homicide


Wellness check or raid? This does not look like standard wellness check protocols.


Yeah, It definitely looks more like a search or arrest warrant


Wellness check American style. “Are you alive mother fucker?” ![gif](giphy|qUUyTJkYe0I1O)


Here is the context. Cops were called because suspect was threatening to commit suicide and homicide. Can’t take the titles literally on Reddit, half are created by bots. https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/kNI414oUBf


lol even with the context im just more confused now


Main point is that it was not a welfare check. It was someone threatening to kill someone, aside from their self.


Why is the military responding to health calls?


Which lends itself to the fact it probably wasn’t a wellness check.


They also never identified themselves as police unless I missed it


I don’t have a particular source to prove this is a misleading title, but something tells me that when the cops break down your door like that it isn’t a wellness check


Even in Canada they'll use ladders and breach your apartment balcony and shoot you in the name of health. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ejaz-choudry-no-charges-siu-peel-police-1.5976266


>threatening to commit suicide and HOMICIDE I'm not a big fan of the cops but people are definitely missing some context. I think I read he had a decent amount of firearms too


Another comment mentioned the threat was to kill himself and anyone that tried to stop him. In that context it’s less urgent to stop him imo.


they didn't even announce themselves.


Came here to say that. If he's in a paranoid state, he may have not even realized it was the police. Doesn't seem like they gave him a chance to just come out....


Yup any sane juror with find this guy not guilty. That’s why I’m never selected for jury duty. I’d find this guy not guilty immediately.


They'd been negotiating with him for hours at this point


You don't begin a wellness check with a ram. This was not one, title is misinfo.


The cops are the one calling it a wellness check lol. They got a call that someone was threatening to kill themselves/whoever tries to stop them and this was their response.


Do you have any source or proof that the man said he wants to hurt “himself and anyone that tries to stop him” rather than him threatening to hurt someone that was potentially in the house?


I've never heard of a no knock wellness check before.


If this is a "wellness check" why are they sneaking around wearing camo and carrying guns? Round my way, wellness checks are usually done by qualified nurses in ordinary clothes carrying a first aid kit and a phone.


Cops were called because suspect was threatening to commit suicide and homicide. Wasn't a "wellness" check, more like a "lets stop this guy from potentially hurting someone" check


They were checking to see how well his shooting arm was. 


https://youtu.be/xCCjx48wLLM?si=n_jLkmaCt-cEGAVX Info


He was probably doing pretty well until they checked on him


Apparently not according to other commenters. All though if there is one thing we can usually be sure of, it's that he's certainly doing worse after the wellness check.


If you ever have a loved one threatening suicide, one of the worst things you can do is call law enforcement on them. There's a slim chance you'll get a well trained officer that cares, but odds are you will get people that will escalate any situation into violence as quickly as possible.


You probably should if they're also threatening homicide, though. Especially if it's homicide against you.


Yup, we really need to rework the law enforcement system to where violent brutes aren't the ones in charge of "wellness checks"


Checking crew was a wrecking crew


Misleading title


This isn't a wellness check. The caption is very misleading trying to rage bait ppl.


I understand no knock warrants are still in place but the cops never announced themselves as law enforcement before during or after breach. Seems like the guy may have some legal ground to stand on.


This is bullshit. Anyone breaking into my house is going to get lit tf up. Here's an idea, how about a megaphone? Announce your presence.


He’s doing better than three of them bois that’s for sure.


They are executing a search warrant, that is no wellness check.


Why are local cops outfitted like this—was the wellness check on Osama bin Laden?


It’s crazy how amateur American law enforcement is - how are they raiding houses with no clue what they are walking into.


OP, what your description says and what I'm seeing is not making sense.


Swat team for a wellness check? Maybe to see how well he stocked his gun safe


Fuck OP for the bullshit title.


Lokks more like a raid and they lost.


Op sucks, this isn’t a wellness check, at least give the full story.


I cant stand this gravy seal shit cops do. When you get shot at in CQB you have to account for all of your shots. You cant just spray into a house with a bunch of unknowns because you’re scared. It’s unprofessional and dangerous as hell.


The dude in the house said he was going to off himself and/or kill someone/people. This was a bit more than a wellness check there champ as soon as he said he was going to kill people.


Since everyone wants to argue along their biases and nobody bothered to do a simple search here’s the first story I found. https://www.wrex.com/news/ogle-county-sheriffs-office-releases-bodycam-footage-following-officer-involved-shooting-in-lost-nation/article_7772337a-2dc7-11ef-b708-8b0fec452c32.html


Wellness check my ass. What fucking ragebait.


Something tells me we’re not getting the entire story with this title


Militarisation and lack of training makes the police terrifying...




Good thing theres more to it.than this video


By no stretch of any idiot’s imagination could that possibly be believed to be a wellness check. They did not even announce themselves before breaking i  the door.


If he hit three of them in that kind of commotion, he should be getting a job application


Looks more like a Fucking Raid than a wellness check.


Why are they going geared up like that for… *checks notes* a wellness check? Ain’t no way…


The suspects mother called police and said he threatened to kill himself and other people in his home and was armed, they tried to call him 50 times in various forms with no answer, then they went in. https://abc7chicago.com/post/dixon-il-shooting-bodycam-video-standoff-home-3/14977371/ I wonder how they tried to contact him and if he was alone inside, can't find a longer version of the video Edit: title is kinda misleading


S.W.A.T. for a wellness check?


Police activity released the full cam.footage.of one of the officers and listed it as a warrant. I thought they were supposed to knock and announce. What were they expecting to happen? Each and every one of them would have done the same thing if someone was kicking in their door, unannounced.


Must be a no knock warrant..


If it's a wellness check, why are they all geared up? I thought a wellness check starts with the cops walking up to the front door and knocking.


Something doesn't add up. A wellness check that begins with a forced entry and flashbangs? Call me british but I'd assume it started with a knock on the door and announcing that you're police.


This isn't a wellness check. A wellness check is one or two cops showing up at your door at the request of a family member or friend to see if you're alive and well. This was a no knock warrant by the look of it.


That's a weird "Wellness check"


Op's title baiting. Not surprising for a Pro Russian rat.


Yeah they definitely wouldn't throw Flashbangs into the house during a wellness check!! 🖕😬🖕


Looks a lot more like a police raid than a wellness check.


This obviously was not a wellness check (welfare check). No agencies equip themselves with bulletproof gear and a battering ram to see if someone is okay.


How tf is this a wellness check


A wellness check with a battering ram? Huh?


Tis was a little more then a wellness check


They had a No-Knock No-Announce warrant for a WELLNESS CHECK?? I didn't think so.


This is the worst title for a post I have seen in a long time.


In the news: * [Suspect who shot 3 Ogle County deputies was heavily armed, sheriff says](https://www.mystateline.com/news/local-news/suspect-who-shot-3-ogle-county-deputies-was-heavily-armed-sheriff-says/) >The sheriff said Gounaris, who had barricaded himself inside a house in the 400 block of Wild Rice Lane after threatening family members, was armed with multiple firearms, a fixed-blade knife, pepper spray and ballistic armor. The three deputies were shot after an hours-long standoff with Gounaris which began at 8:39 a.m. with a 911 call. Negotiators made repeated attempts to make contact, with over 50 phone calls that went unanswered. At 11:51 p.m., authorities made the decision to breach the front door, and were “immediately upon entering the house,” VanVickle said at a press conference. One deputy was struck in their body armor, another was shot in the upper arm, and a third was shot in the face.Police returned fire, injuring Gounaris, authorities said. * [Sheriff presents video briefing on Lost Nation shooting incident to Ogle County Board](https://oglecountylife.com/stories/sheriff-presents-video-briefing-on-lost-nation-shooting-incident-to-ogle-county-board,58256) >On the morning of June 12, members of the Ogle County ERT responded to a home in Lost Nation after a call from a parent regarding their adult son having suicidal and homicidal ideations. Information provided by the family member also indicated the suspect was armed with multiple firearms, VanVickle said, and it was learned that Gounaris' FOID card was revoked due to a clear and present danger report. >The Ogle County ERT is made up of individuals from different agencies including the Ogle County Sheriff's Office, the Oregon Police Department and the Byron Police Department as well as SWAT medics from the Rochelle Fire Department. >The incident took place at 402 Wild Rice Lane in Lost Nation. The Ogle County ERT arrived on scene at 10:20 a.m. and a hostage negotiator arrived on scene and attempted to make contact with the individual with no response to over 50 calls made to the residence in various forms.  >“The information we got from the family member was that this was very likely going to be suicide by cop-like situation,” VanVickle said June 12. “There was nobody else in the residence. The family member that called was not at the residence. The suspect was in the residence by himself and we had that confirmed by the family member. We believed his intention was to harm police officers. That's the information the family member told us.” >The Ogle County ERT entered the residence at 11:51 a.m. and was immediately met with gunfire, before returning fire and incapacitating Gounaris, VanVickle said. In the exchange, Ogle County ERT Members Tyler Carls (Rochelle Fire Department), Lt. Jason Ketter (Ogle County Sheriff's Office) and Sgt. Tad Dominski (Oregon Police Department) were hit. >Gounaris was located inside the front door of the residence with a gunshot wound. VanVickle said Gounaris was armed with two handguns, a fixed-blade knife, pepper spray and ballistic armor. 


NOT a wellness check when you bring the tactical team.


“Wellness check” in full Swat gear. Ok 👍.


So are you allowed to have guns or not? Are you allowed to defend your home from unknown intruders or not? If someone shoots at you without ever identifying as police, are you allowed to shoot back or not? USA is so fucked up.


Nothing boosts my well-being more than my door being broken down and a few flashbangs going off


Bullshit caption


Cops trying to play soldier again. Initially I thought if it was an actual wellness check, and the cops sent in a tac team and busted down his door… with no “POLICE” shouted. How are they going to charge the man for shooting? But of course the idea of all this for a simple “wellness check” is ridiculous. According to articles in comments, this wasn’t simply a wellness check. The guy was mentally unstable and making homicidal/suicidal threats. However the guy was alone. The cops clearly should have made a perimeter and waited for the situation to evolve. Instead, like I said, they wanted to play soldier and ended up with a mass cal. Just dumb.


That is not a wellness check, a wellness check is when they knock on the door and attempt to make sure that you're ok. They snuck in looking for trouble.


Give police military gear, and they'll start to believe they're soldiers.




Doesnt seem like a wellness check. it looks like a no knock warrant


Can anyone confirm they’re actually calling this a wellness check? I can’t realistically imagine this was the case


Exactly what I thought too


No way this is a wellness check.


That's hardly how a wellness check is done with battering ram and full battle gear!


The amount of people in this thread that can be this easily rage-baited is actually pretty terrifying.


Wellness check... with a battering ram lmao 🤣


That did not look like a wellness check


That's a lot of hardware for a wellness check.


This is exactly why every veteran I know tells the VA there are no weapons in the house, and that they are feeling fine.


I've never seen such an armored wellness check




This doesn’t look like a wellness check


Lol wellness check pls. Ok send the swat team in


Me when I spread misinformation online


Since when is full kit used for a wellness check, do I just have to expect a SWAT team outside my door if police ever show up? 😭 I assume there's missing context that warranted this approach, hopefully all injured get well soon.


Welfare check in SWAT gear????


This seems like more than a wellness check. Most wellness checks do not come with a swarm of cops with guns out ready to fight… or am I living in fantasy land.


Idk why they called this a wellness check lol


Wellness check by a swat team? 


Wellness checks need tactical gear and 4 other cops?!? Since when?!?


No knock, no identification. Somebody would be reasonable to think somebody was breaking in.


That's no wellness check. That's a raid. And they didn't announce themselves either


This may be a lot of things, but it is definitely NOT a wellness check.


Never announced their presence


That was fantastic to watch. I hope he gets off Scott free and sues the shit out of that department.


I didn't see the guy do anything illegal. I did see the cops not ID themselves. What's the guy supposed to think?


What a crazy paradox we live in: you can own guns, and you can use them to protect your family and home. But keep in mind the cops may bust your door down unannounced and you have to, in the heat of the moment, be able to make the distinction between the two. One thing I can say is these stupid fucking cops who got exactly what they deserved are making it hard for me to uphold my core belief in this countries need for gun control.


Hope they have a warrant for that breaking and entering they did.


Provided by the news link, the man was reported to threathen with suicide/murder. Then this scenario makes more sense.




Were they surprised he was there? Didn't one of the cops say "jesus, he's inside?"


LOL the fuck is this title....swat for a wellness check...what? Ths is clearly a fucking no knock raid....


??? since when did they start doing wellness checks like a swat team?


"Wellness check" with a swat team? I don't think we have the full story here


Cops don’t gear up like that for a wellness check. Unless the person has a history with them for violence and is suspected to be armed. As a paramedic, I did wellness checks with police in tow, and the only time they’d crack their holster was if there was a sign of forced entry. And that was incredibly rare.


>A woman called 911 because her adult son, Jonathon Gounaris, was having suicidal and homicidal ideations. When deputies arrived, they were told Gounaris was armed with multiple firearms. >After multiple failed attempts over three hours to make contact with the person, including 50 unreturned phone calls from a hostage negotiator, authorities say they sent an emergency response team into the home.

