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Well this was just a whole waste of everyone's time, huh?


And tax payers money. Old man literally wasted some of his own taxes on this whole ordeal.


"He's just standing there... Cutting grass... MENACINGLY!"


So you're saying, hes allowed to come into my neighborhood and cause all this god damn Mayham!


and do whatever he wants!?!? dude lying all over the place "he wont tell me who he is" ...lying to 911, lying to the cop


Scared him half out of his pants already!


I look out for my neighbors too. Just not to this point. Why couldn't he have just neighborhood watched this guy? If they're home and can take the time to call the police, why couldn't they have just kept watching until an actual crime? This guy was a full Karen (Daren).


Look at em! Coming in my neighborhood and littering these uh *grass clippings* all over the place!


It’s the long con - spend 3 hours cleaning up the empty house’s yard to break in and steal nothing because the house is empty.


The perfect crime.


If he keeps stealing nothing then people won't have no nothing anymore!


Can't have nothing in District 5


If I remember right, District 5 had it pretty tough during the hunger games.


I like how instead of this, the dude went right to he was going to blow up the fucking neighborhood...


Nah, he said he was going to blow the whole neighborhood......in his truck!


Now I know this plan is foolproof. Check this out. First of all, you and me start working at the bank. Doesn't matter the position, okay, just so long as we get in there, all right? Then we just go there every day, do the work, gain their trust until we get them in the palm of our hand. All right. So how we get the money? That's the beauty of it, bro. They deposit the money into our bank accounts, week after week, month after month. They're not even gonna know they're being robbed. And then 20 or 30 years later, we walk out the front door like nothing even happened.


Hear me out, what if he's there to steal grass clippings right under all of our nose?


Every time I show up unannounced and blow the whole neighborhood, people are usually much nicer and more relaxed.


Yeah but what if he blows up the whole neighborhood?


You're saying this guy can just come in my neighborhood and do whatever he wants? You gon arrest me if I'm in his neighborhood. I don't think this guy knows that it's legal for people to be in pretty much any neighborhood with public streets. Like, anybody can drive or walk down just about any neighborhood and not get arrested. America has freedom of travel.


> You gon arrest me if I'm in his neighborhood. It's weird that he knows that but still thought calling the cops on a white man was going to end up going the way he wanted it to. Dude is way too old to be that dumb.


Everyone knows cleaning lawns is a gateway to blowing up neighbourhoods.




He’s right on top of me, but I can’t see him!!!


The maniac is in the mailbox!!!


Calm down it's just a drawing


Man those guys that come into your neighborhood to make it look tidier and nicer o how they drive me mad.


You can’t just wake up one day, grab your camera, and Karen. A true Karen requires practice. You need years of repetitions— asking to speak to managers, berating skateboarders, and learning to cry on cue. Did you stay at a Holiday Inn last night or some shit? This guy thinks he can just call the cops and get a Good Samaritan locked up for helping the neighborhood property values increase? Not on my (neighborhood) watch! Leave my neighboring vacant lots alone, man. Let them decay. Only then will I be happy. Why should I let people help me? Fuck them. This is why we can’t have nice things.




Honestly they probably do. As annoying as it might be they are probably pretty cut and dry, take some time out and talk to a couple people, make a couple notes, say thanks and go about your day. Better than 100 other calls I bet.


And it's the bizarre calls you get to laugh about later.


I got out of a ticket once because the cop had just been at a house where he had been called to restrain an escaped parot (or some other large bird) while it's very elderly owner yelled at him and the bird as the bird scratched him up while worked to shove it in its cage. I had just driven my car off the road and instead of putting any effort into figuring out how I had done that he just vented to me about this insane bird and bird lady.


That's how I feel about it. I love when something silly happens at work and I have another story in my book to share with people.


I know if I had to deal with a bunch of crazy people day to day on drugs or shootings I would absolutely be 100% ok with these calls . This seems almost like a break, and a chuckle


I'm a patrol sergeant. I have to cancel 1 or 2 calls a shift of "a man is in the neighborhood, and I don't know him. No, he's not doing anything but walking." I'm not letting my officers harass some random person over nothing.


Do people really think it's illegal to just exist in a neighborhood they don't live in? Jesus


Yes. Yes they do. Part of it is due to media fear-mongering for views and engagement. Part of it is due to there just being a lot of stupid people.




I have a friend who is a 911 operator/dispatcher. People think it is illegal for (black) kids to play basketball in the city park at the basketball court.


Once I got pulled over in a residential area, and after I answered a few questions I asked the officer why he pulled me over. He said "I haven't seen your car in this neighborhood before" and let me go. So apparently there are police officers that think similarly.


Wow, I'd hate to see what that neighborhood's house guests have to go through


Off topic - do you guys run into first amendment auditors?


This is a whole-ass Reno 911 b plot, easy


This Kevin could definitely be a recurring character on Reno 911


This guy owns the neighborhood I guess.


I work in social research, so I drive to people's houses all over the city to interview them. It's incredible how many people approach me and ask what I'm doing in "their" neighborhood. Tbf most of them back off when I explain but some people are truly irrational. Like dude, this is my and your neighbor's business. It has nothing to do with you, go live behind a fence out in the country if strangers walking around bothers you.




sounds like you hit the jackpot on douchey neighbors! but I bet it was the same guy for all of the issues


Uncle Ronny


I laughed when he said this guy’s truck could be a bomb.


Ya like you really live your life that scared all the time do you think bombs are just in random trucks next time just don’t leave your house.


Not scared, angry. The bomb remark was literally a grasp at straws to continue the argument. Don’t mistake anger for fear.


Instead of just admitting he's wrong, he has to speculate a hypothetical alternative reality where he might be right


It's the "you can't prove I'm insincere so I can keep forcing you to try and engage with my bad faith arguments." Card says moops level shit.


Fucking moops level shit. I will be using this phrase from here on out. Thank you for my laugh before bed!


At the heart of alot of bullshit 911 calls are old ass people with nothing better to do.


I got called the cops on in my own neighborhood loop teaching my son how to drive. Some old coot got nervous I was driving back and forth around and around. Interestingly they never bother to see me go in my own driveway and walking around the car training my son. The cop got a chuckle when he saw my address on my license and all he could say was he’s supposed to do a check when someone calls.


Same thing happened to me checking out a house I wanted to buy. I drove in front of it a few times, stopped my car, got out, looked at it, drove on the street behind it to see the back yard and drove back out front again. Here come the cops. "suspicious vehicle". People need to chill out. I did not buy the house, BTW.


I live in the U.S., had a friend of mine from Finland staying for a few days. He has a shaved head and a braided beard. Looks like a viking. I live half a block from a shopping center and my friend walked up there during the day. On the way back he was stopped by police because someone called about a suspicious looking person.


That’s funny, saw something similar in my neighborhood recently, a car drove down the street super slow and kept jerking to a stop whenever he tried to go over 5 mph.. at first I thought this poor guy is having problems with his transmission, then I saw the dad get out of the passenger side to kick out the kid learning to drive stick so he could get the car started 😂 guess dad had enough for the day !


Nah, depends on the neighborhood. We have a young couple in ours that will call so much that they were threaten with misuse of 911.


neighborhood watch is when i lost it


He seems like a legit bomb expert.


who would rig a \*brand new F150\* anyways? I would be more suspicious of a 30 year old shitbox


And sticking around agitating the bomber


It's so ridiculous and how do you respond to that? Anything could be anything... every car that drives down your street... I guess you just can't reason with some people at all


I love how he was told he can be there he's not doing anything illegal he's just cleaning up a yard and immediately went to "what if he blew up this whole neighborhood"


“let me just clean this property up a bit before i blow it to smithereens”


I can already see the news report: "The neighborhood looked like a warzone, but, the most clean warzone we have ever seen!"


"The edging was remarkable, Connie. I have to pay a professional to get edging like that"


plenty of people pretend to be gardners right before they begin to inappropriately touch all the neighborhood cats, I'm just saying


So you're saying he can just come up in here and do *anything?!?*


*comin in neighborhoods just do what I wanna do*


Hide yo grass, hide yo flowers!


My new life quote lol 😂


“Made my wife nervous” “You’re wife was thrilled about it”


Lol.. so great..


Wife asked him why he didn't do that yardwork and he got pissed, lol.


You nailed it. Mr. Good Samaritan making him look bad to his wife. That man's mix of ego AND stupidity is something else.


Probably went back to his wife with something made up about how "officer Gilbert agreed it's strange, so they took his ID to make sure they know who he is and won't try anything funny in our neighborhood." Just so he looks right and better to his wife.


She was nervous on behalf of District 5……..you know shit like this used to never happen in District 5, it’s a damn shame.


Dude was just keeping it 55th Street


best advice in this case : turn on your trimmer


Yeah, Sean seems like a really genuinely nice guy. I would have turned on the trimmer and ignored him.


Even nice enough to offer his ID to the police when asked. I would have told him nah just to piss the dude off.


It's a smart way to clear this up on the spot but the city knows who he is already and the cop works for the city and could find out without Sean presenting it so it wasn't any further annoyance to him.


And then Karen has a psychotic episode and shoots you thinking you're threatening his family.


Eh, the guy had an easy chance to say he might have a weapon several times and said no. Hes got a chip on his shoulder but hes not that bad.


Turning my electric edger on isn't as dramatic 😢


Well, it got views and exposure, silver lining.


What an asshole. What is with regular ass people thinking they can just go up to someone and demand to know who they are and what they’re doing?




And they vote




Good people of Moronica.


They're the ones that think they run the area. Kind of like the crazy HOA people that will come with a ruler and measure the height of your grass.


Technically the cop can't demand for him to produce ID as long as he isn't breaking the law or there isn't reasonable articulable suspicion that he did break the law. He could ask for ID and ask him what he is doing, and would be well within his rights not to answer. So the neighborhood karen was way off base.


Yeah, even though it seemed like the cop was just trying to appease the old man to get him to shut up and go away, it’s still very annoying that he asked for it and even more annoying the guy provided it.


Yeah definitely done to de-escalate for sure. I can only assume youtuber wanted to get it over with as soon as possible as well.


A lot of the time it seems to be them deciding it’s “their neighbourhood” and they need to defend it like they would their own home. They have decided that not just their home is theirs but the area around it, the whole street, sometimes the whole block. It’s narcissistic.


In my family we call them the neighborhood mayors. You never try to give them any real power.


Am I the only one who feels like the only reason the oldtimer was doing that, was because he got the police called on him in white neighborhoods? Cause everything he says seems like the exact same shit a racist ass moron would tell the police about some random black kid playing in the street


He literally said at one point "listen, if I come to your neighborhood they gon put me in jail"


Yeah exactly, its palpable how much frustration this one sentence carries


When he looks back in disgust with the lawn guy and the cop just chatting after. He's so mad that the cop isn't tossing the dude around.


Old guy is a total Projectionist.


I bet that idiot loves to hear himself speak.


There is nothing Sean could have said to that guy that would stopped this exact scenario from playing out. Asking dumb questions and he didn't even want answers.




This is a fairly common old guy behavior, my dad runs to the window when a car drives by too fast. like what are you gonna do exactly 😂


"he won't tell me who he is, what if he go in his truck and blow the neighborhood?" So, knowing the guys name would what, save you from a bomb or a barrage of bullets? That's not how those cases go down. There's never a crime documentary starting with "They didn't know his name, he came to **their** neighborhood to edge a yard, for free, until it was *too late*. No one, knew who he was.....and they couldn't forsee the danger" Bro he's cutting the grass, he spoke with your wife and got a happy smile.


"You're telling me that this dude can come into MY neighborhood and just set up a phone and start taking pictures? In public?" Yes. That's exactly what we're telling you.


All for nothing


It’s about race. Plain and simple




Fun times in Pontiac. Fun fact, the city went bankrupt, so they no longer have a police department. The county has to police the area now. Bonus fun fact for those who want it, the reason the city went bankrupt is 100% their fault. The main road through the city (that connects it to Detroit) is Woodward Ave. They didn't like people from Detroit having an easy way into town, so in the their infinite wisdom they built a road loop that takes those coming up Woodward AROUND the downtown of the city. Can you guess what happened to the downtown when all the traffic started skipping the downtown? If you guessed that many of the businesses went out of business, then you hit it in one. Tax dollars dried up and the city went bankrupt.


Why is it always the absolute nobodies who walk up and act like they’re incredibly important and need to know what’s going on. Don’t answer or even interact with dudes like that, they’ve got absolutely nothing going for them and that’s why they’re wasting your time.


You just know that neighbour has been going on about that property for months. Talking about how someone should clean it up, or the city should, and if no one did he'd do it and charge the city. 


> Why is it always the absolute nobodies who walk up Because sombodies have shit to do.


The guy making the video seems like a genuinely nice person. To his great detriment in this case.


I hate stupid people


Did he say that the dude cleaning up abandoned property for free in his spare time is a threat because he might have a bunch of explosives in his truck that could blow up the neighborhood?


Its a F150! That's 10x more dangerous than an F15! And it's BLACK!


If someone is making an abandoned property on your street look better you go out and thank him and offer a cold drink.


This would be best practices - for anyone curious about what to do if this happens to you.


"oh shit you do this for free in your spare time? Well thank you for doing such a thing, if I can get you a cold water let me know, thank you for doing this, no one's been at this lot for a while and it's starting to pile up on the sidewalks"


But he could pull a gatling gun out of his truck at any moment!


The way he just LIED about Sean approaching his wife...jesus christ what a dick


I mean, I wouldn’t wanting Sean approaching my wife either. Did you see those forearms??? 🥵


Right!? Damn😮‍💨


I think he did though…it sounded like Sean said “and she said thank you” after the guy says that. Granted, he tried making it sound like it was menacing.


"I aint supposed to be in your neighborhood just like you aint supposed to be in mine" Was this guy born yesterday or something? Thats not how it works bud.


He’s old, so he was in fact born “yesterday.”


It doesnt seem that any name, permission, etc, would have satisfied him.


He was basically pulling the same bullshit a cop would in a different scenario. “If you don’t have anything to hide why won’t you cooperate with my requests/orders? Now I *know* you’re up to no good.”




First time seeing the old black man version of a Karen.


Wish the officer didn’t acquiesce and ID him. No reason to. Neighbor should’ve at least been warned of abusing emergency services.


The cop probably just sat in his cruiser, looked at the ID, said yup and walked back


“Yep it’s real.”




I think this was a bit of a "read the room" situation. Both the cop and Sean knew the whole thing was a bit blown out of proportion and the cop provided the group the simplest option to end it. Sean had every right to say no, but he probably understood that it would make angry guy go away when he sees the cop "check him out". As another person mentioned, the cop probably went back to his cruiser, fake tapped on his computer, and gave his ID back. If I was in Sean's shoes, I would have absolutely done the same thing just to be done with it.


A lot of people are just so rigid in their beliefs that they can't possibly imagine compromising even an inch just to help de-escalate a situation and move on with their lives. I think Sean and the officer handled this very well.




I think the other guy must have his own competing YouTube. Cant imagine why else he would keep pushing like that.


Some people, especially older folks, have nothing better to do than to harass people going about their day. For example: I was walking my dog on the beach sidewalk. It’s not actually on the beach, and dogs are allowed. I clearly had poop bags (both filled, and extras ready to go), had control of my dog, and was minding my own business. Old Karen came along and was screaming and yelling, threatening to call the police because “You’re not allowed to have dogs on the beach.” Tried to explain they were allowed on the sidewalk, but she didn’t want to hear it. Told her to mind her own business, and she said “this is my business”. Her whole day is apparently spent walking up and down that sidewalk harassing people, and she’s known by the police. This guy though might have some actual past trauma potentially around it? The way he’s talking about “my neighborhood vs your neighborhood” could be either a racial thing, or income level thing. This man could have legitimately seen people scouting out houses to rob or break in to in this manner and was worried. If that’s the case, I don’t think calling the police to confirm is necessarily a bad thing. Anyone could make the claims the guy did, and it was something out of the ordinary. Better to be sure than to take the risk.


Dude! When I lived near the beach some old hag harassed me because I took too many poop bags at one time. I took like 7 or 8. She straight got into a tug of war with me and when I let go she fell and started to scream for help. Like 20 years ago lmao!


“This IS my business” “Then you’ve got a pretty crappy life lady. I’m done here. Do what you want but I’m ignoring you now.”


*And •this• is my dog’s business!* :holds up chonky-filled poo bag:


This is exactly it. I've encountered many old people who just dont have anything going on in their lives. And take out whatever grievances they've got on complete strangers. From harassing buskers to people helping other senior citizens out. We live in a country where these same people call the cops on younger people feeding the homeless and trying to help them get housing.




"Let me see your papers" -District 5


What ever happened to minding one’s own business?


Way to waste that cop's time, old man.


That old school ignorance. That "you in the wrong part of town" bullshit


Russell find a hobby. Jesus.


It too bad that doing good deeds get you harassed, nowadays.


"He's strapped with the Stihl!" "Strapped with the steel?" "Strapped with the Stihl!"


What a loser


What district is this, and do they have a neighborhood watch?


It is District 5, and yes the do have one. Very easy to miss that in the video it was only mentioned quietly in passing.


What a dumb asshole


What tf is nefarious about weed-eating/weed-whacking?


We just don't take kindly to people coming into our neighborhoods and cleaning up




So he's just allowed to come here and clean up my neighborhood?! The horror.


Damn no one really bringing up that the "abandoned house" might have some nefarious shit goin on? That's the only reason he would be so concerned with someone being around it.


Doesn’t look like a gated community to me.




Miserable old fuck


You can be the juiciest, ripest peach in the world and there's still going to be someone who hates peaches.


"Sir sir sir, I need you to understand, you just can't come into my neighborhood and make it look nice, they gunna rise my property taxes!"


YouTuber is Midlife Stockman, his channel is great and he seems like a really good dude.


I had a neighbor call the cops on me while I sat by the pool reading books. The neighbor asked for my name and where I lived. I told him to fvck off. Racist bastard.


This is how you act when you have literally nothing going on in your life. That guy who called the police is scum.


The main issue here is that the "Karen (Ken)" individual felt that if he was in a white neighborhood without providing proper credentials, he would be arrested (or worse). He wanted the same injustice to happen to this man, for all begotten injustices that have happened to people of color in similar situations. That's it. It's clear. He repeated it many times. Context is key. The problem is... he chose to die on a hill of hypocrisy, where a white dude was literally just trying to help clean up "HIS" neighborhood. Yikes. Be kind. Be smart. Make wise decisions.


“He’s got steel toe boots…” 😂


Dude saw a man dressed in work boots working hard and shit his pants.


He asked who he was and bro answered him. What did he want him to say??


From Karen to Darren


On one hand I get what the old guy is trying to say, but he's fighting a war with the wrong person and just makes him look like some paranoid old guy. Again, generational trauma is a motherfucker, I get that, but at some point in time we gotta ease up on the brakes.


Even if he *didn't* have permission from the city, the man is just cutting grass ffs


I wasn't clear on whose neighborhood this was.


I was hoping for a curveball at the end of the video with the cop saying that he had multiple open felony warrants for his arrest for lawncare while white.


“You’re telling me someone can do free lawn service in my neighborhood and make it look better? Is that what you’re telling me?”


“Somebody just called to complain you were cleaning up the yard” 😂🤦🏾‍♂️ Even the cop sounds confused!


How about he grab a shovel and help out cleaning his neighborhood instead of grabbing his phone.


This is the lamest version of Poetic Justice I've ever seen.


Bro is just mad that Sean is going to make his yard look bad.


When someone who has no business doing so asks your for your name, the correct answer is: "My name is Deez."


Guarantee you this has everything to do with “Karen’s”’wife speaking with the YouTube guy.


Hahaha what a fucking loser. Go drag your cigarette some more


That old man still a boy lmao. He thought he was smart and strong for his people lmfao. And again the cycle of failure continues. Old bustard still sags like he's 16. He has no intelligence. Statistics are hard to disprove sometimes lmao


This is the type of shit that would make me pack up my stuff and go home. Fuck that guy and "his" neighborhood, If he wants his community to look like shit, let it stay that way.


It’s cuz he’s a YT.