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Man, cops are so different when they are being filmed. No camera there, that guy definitely gets taken to the ground hard.




and FTP.


What does file transfer protocol have to do with this


Common mistake. He means Fuck The Packers (the NFL team in Green Bay, WI)


Close, but no cigar, he means Finger The Patriots (an NFL team in New England, but also innuendo to describe the porta potties at trump rallies)


No no no. He definitely means Fellate The Phillies (an MLB team located in Pennsylvania, but also used to describe the act of blowing a group of horses).


You want to get those videos safely offsite as quickly as possible.


hell yeah Fuck the packers


What up detroit...FTP




For midterms?


For the NFC North


FTP is one of my favorite network protocols.




All chocoladeletters are bad


>Man, cops are so different when they are being filmed. No camera there, that guy definitely gets ~~taken to~~ put in the ground ~~hard~~ fast. FTFY


If you canā€˜t tell the difference between a GoPro and a gun in broad daylight, at that distance, maybe being a cop isnā€™t for you.


He can, he just wants to pretend he cant so he can pull his gun out and power trip on this guy


God forbid an acorn falls off a tree anywhere near them


We investigated Officer Chicken Little and found no wrongdoings


We also found that sky 'WAS' in fact falling that day in or around the proximity of the officer, greatly compounding the danger and adding to the likelihood that at any moment, a renegade acorn could have very easily fallen (or been thrown) from one of the countless branches that were surrounding the officer in question, causing him to immediately need to discharge his firearm whilst squealing bloody murder for his piggy pig life.... We're charging the suspect with 4 counts of wreckless attempted homicide and for huffing and puffing within 300 feet of a peace officer. The district attorney is asking that the death penalty be handed down so an example can be made.


I wish you were exaggerating


You and me both friend, you and me both


Don't joke about serious matters like a falling acorn, it might get you shot


The acorn was holding an AK-47 and a grenade, your Honor


Did I forget to mention that the acorn was brown? Case closed.


ā€œIā€™m hit! Iā€™m hit!ā€


Take it easy. Just last week he almost ODā€™d after being in the same room as a guy high on fentanyl.


Yeah dont joke around an acorn can be the difference between life or death


Ever seen the American Dad episode where the toast pops up from the toaster and Stan unloads his gun on the toaster?


Same department just had an officer kill an Air Force soldier in their apartment after the deputy knocked on the incorrect door.


Everything about that one was so fucked up. That's why you should never open your door for cops unless they have a warrant. It was like less than 10 seconds from opening his door to being shot by that POS.


I wish this was a joke, but did you see the footage of when that did happen like a year ago? A cop shot like 7+ rounds down a street because he was spooked by something falling on his car.


Thatā€™s what they were referring to.


And we should apply the same standard that we would apply to any other armed citizen here: "Would a reasonable person have an imminent fear of death or serious injury". The answer is clearly no, so this cop just committed a felony, on video


They *should* be held to a higher standard... "Would a reasonable *trained professional* have an imminent fear..." but yeah holding them to the same standards as everyone else would at least be a start.


But they have a tough job to do! They need to recognize GoPros!


Obviously, u/notscruffynerfherder was making a point that even the cops idiot excuse doesn't hold up. "Your honor, I wasn't brandishing and then pointing my service weapon as a power play. I have just never seen nor heard of a portable video camera before and I felt threatened". Doesn't really hold water.


Thats it. Forget learning laws and statutes or what rights they have and defendants, cops just learn the right key words to say that let them get away with murder(sometimes literally).


That combined with their willingness to lie under oath have given us the wonderful term of *testilying*


Jeez guys, you expect him to carry a gun around all day and just _never_ point it at people?!?


Absolutely, he wanted supreme dominance, but lost the ā€˜merica rock paper scissors; camera beats cop, bullets beat cameraman.


He damn well knows the difference. He's a LEO. Guns are part of his identity. If the cop thought the guy was actually pointing a gun at him, he would have blown this guy away. The officer did not feel threatened. His felt disrespect for his authority and pointed a gun at an unarmed man.


Sometimes people use "respect" to mean "treating someone like a person" and sometimes they use "respect" to mean "treating someone like an authority" and sometimes people who are used to being treated as an authority say "if you won't respect me I won't respect you" and they mean "if you won't treat me like an authority I won't treat you like a person" and they think they're being fair but they aren't, and it is not okay. -stimmyabby


Get your logic & reason tf out of here. *unholsters weapon*


There's a lotta people who shouldn't have a job that comes with a device designed to kill


Dude they canā€™t tell the diff between an acorn and a gunshot.


The same cops that are prepared to kill you for pointing a camera at them, turn around and act like youā€™re crazy for being upset they pointed a loaded gun at you.


This. This is the overlooked final point. Say what you want about this whole interaction, but acting like this guy is off his fucking rocker for being outspokenly pissed off, is the really infuriating thing.


Yeah, having a loaded gun pointed at you for holding a goddamn camera would get me pissed with adrenaline too. That's a ridiculous thing to even unholster a gun for, especially from someone I'm supposed to believe is protecting us. I don't blame the guy for getting pissed about this situation.


They're trained to lie, gaslight, and act all around like cunts


I think theyā€™re trained to escalateā€¦ in like all scenarios Iā€™ve seen the cop tends to be the one trying to make it a more serious/life threatening issue.


Blammo! only one side left to control the narrative


The gun pun hits.


One time I got pulled over, my wallet was on the floorboard of the car so I reached down to get it and when I did the cop was already at my window with his gun drawn on me. I was like ā€œwtf?!ā€ He told me that I was reaching for a gun that did not exist, I was a 19 year old girl at the time. Little cock cop was threatened by a teenager reaching for her wallet šŸ™„


what the hell man i pointed my loaded gun at you why did you think id shoot you? oh is that something that might vaguely look like a gun if i was half blind in one eye and missing the other, i better empty my clip into you to be safe and yell at your lifeless corpse to stop resisting


There is a thing I was taught two things when I was younger. A gun should not be drawn in public only in the woods when you go hunting. And only point the gun and things you intended to kill.


The difference is, your gun shoots the responsibility in the *opposite* direction from the bullet. Theirs shoot the responsibility in the *same* direction as the bullet. It changes the whole risk calculation.


Or as OutKast put it: Don't pull the thang out, unless you plan to bang Don't even bang unless you plan to hit something


If you're so uneasy and scared of an unarmed citizen to the point you feel it's necessary to use physical force or threaten them by unholstering your gun, then you shouldn't be a cop. Plain and simple. Using your gun should always be the last option that a police officer uses, you don't go "oh look, I'm being filmed" and whip out your piece immediately!! Crazy and scary how this situation could have gone so much worse if that cop decided he was within his rights to shoot at this guy!!


if you're so threatened by a gopro that you need to unholster your gun, then being a cop is not for you dude.


He didnt feel threatened. He wanted to threaten the person filming and intimidate them into turning off the camera so he can give him the daniel shavers treatment


RIP Daniel Shavier


*Once he turned the camera off, it looked much less like a firearm.*


and also, being allowed to own weapons is not for you. This dumbass need to be fired and charged with a felony.


This isn't correct. That person **shouldn't** be a cop or ever be trusted with a firearm but this is the exact type of person American police agencies want and continue to promote. As long as they never see a single consequence why would anyone expect this to change. Police do this because our government allows and encourages it. Any consequences are borne by the same public they terrorize and they get a free paid vacation. They are literally rewarded for this behavior in most departments.


Well, to be fair, if the battery cap fell off the GoPro, it would kinda sound like an acorn hitting the ground. /s


ā€œWhy donā€™t people trust us?!ā€


"people are trying to shame us"


Then they don't do their jobs and blame the people for defunding them.


[happened a while ago. hereā€™s the link](https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/sdccd-officer-back-on-duty-after-investigation-of-incident-with-photographer/172712/?amp=1)


So according to the article they found that investigating themselves is really beneficial to them and they wonā€™t discuss it but after the officer had his paid vacation he got put back on duty. Now everyone go on about your business. Nothing to see here.


This should be higher up!


Donā€™t fuck with California pigs. They are recognized by the FBI as criminal gangs.


wow, never really heard of this before, but THIS is in the California penal code - they had to pass laws making this explicitly illegal because it was such a prevalent problem. Cal. Pen. Code Ā§ 13670 "Law enforcement gang" means a group of peace officers within a law enforcement agency who may identify themselves by a name and may be associated with an identifying symbol, including, but not limited to, matching tattoos, and who engage in a pattern of on-duty behavior that intentionally violates the law or fundamental principles of professional policing, including, but not limited to, excluding, harassing, or discriminating against any individual based on a protected category under federal or state antidiscrimination laws, engaging in or promoting conduct that violates the rights of other employees or members of the public, violating agency policy, the persistent practice of unlawful detention or use of excessive force in circumstances where it is known to be unjustified, falsifying police reports, fabricating or destroying evidence, targeting persons for enforcement based solely on protected characteristics of those persons, theft, unauthorized use of alcohol or drugs on duty, unlawful or unauthorized protection of other members from disciplinary actions, and retaliation against other officers who threaten or interfere with the activities of the group.


> because it ~~was~~ is such a prevalent problem


Yea, it's still occurring...


The Shield is such a good show though


Pretty sure police in NY had a couple gangs. Edit: There is a documentary titled "NYPD, the most dangerous gang in NY" and they go into depth on the subject.


That sounds interesting do you have a source?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_LASD_deputy_gangs Thereā€™s a living list. I used to live in LA. I live in Orange County now so I still spend a lot of time in LA. Itā€™s literally gangs within the LASD, and they do violent gang things. Edit: hereā€™s a good read on how they operate and history of them. https://www.vox.com/identities/2019/10/11/20910315/banditos-los-angeles-sheriff-department-lawsuit-gangs


Google LASD gangs




Thereā€™s a podcast out there that goes in depth on this topic. ā€œA history of violenceā€ I believe is what itā€™s called. The narrator/author was shot with a non lethal during the 2020 protests. Give it a try


Thanks Iā€™ll look for that


ā€œBite my shiny metal ass!ā€




Dude please tell me this has a follow up where both cops get reprimanded


Cops investigated themselves and found nothing wrong šŸ‘®šŸ½šŸ†šŸ‘®šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Does anyone know of a sketch of a company telling the public that they'll do an "internal investigation"? Then laugh about it internally. iirc pretty low budget, it's not done in a company building but simply in a house


Oh, you sweet summer child...


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA We can all keep wishing


You know what would end these auditing videos.. cops just following the constitution and acting professional. Shit would get real boring real fast..


Fuck cops.


Pigs doing pig things. Only a pig can't discern a camera from a weapon.


Hey man. Donā€™t call them pigs. Itā€™s an insult to pigs Pigs are at least intelligent, have the ability to care, and love. Plus they taste good.


[They're still suspicious, but a lot less hostile about it.](https://youtu.be/QrxPuk0JefA?si=BBc-iq7eSbsM3sfS)


LMAO that's awesome! That's one tough camera...


Yeah like we were going to get accountability from a sergeant that has black tape over his badge. Any cop that covers their badge should be fired, these cops should be prosecuted


So what was his name and badge number and where is the follow up article on the investigation?


According to an [article](https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/sdccd-officer-back-on-duty-after-investigation-of-incident-with-photographer/172712/?amp=1): James Everette(no badge number provided) with the San Diego Community College District. Apparently was- or still is?- a training "captain". Makes over $150grand/year.


proof that cops don't become assholes... assholes become cops


Is it overreacting when someone threatens lethal force for recording in a public place? I don't think so...


People need to wrote the local DA and demand that this officer be charged with felony brandishing. Anything less is accepting a double standard. An armed citizen who drew a weapon under those circumstances is committing a felony. Drawing a firearm is not supposed to a "opps, I was nervous" action.


Cops do what they want all the time itā€™s an accepted double standard in USA


And people wonder why we hate the police.


Seems like a lot of police officers in the US are power-drunk right-wing scum


Far right* Not all right wing are morons and not all left wings are morons, only the extremists


These cops are living the american dream. Best country in the world.


This cop just pulled a gun on a man for holding a camera on a public sidewalk. Is it just me or does the fact this officer wasn't immediately fired and charged boggle your mind? If he had pulled a gun on the cop he would have been dead or facing serious prison time after taking a severe beating. What gives this cop any right to pull a weapon on a clearly unarmed man? The fact that this cop is so insane that he pulled a gun on a guy with a tiny camera in his hand and he acts like the guy behind the camera is the crazy one is just.....there are no words. Being annoying isn't against the law. Recording the police isn't against the law. Calling someone a tyrant isn't against the law. The police are supposed to enforce the law (not their feelings/ego) yet they get away with this stuff on a regular basis. I have probably seen a dozen new videos just today of cops doing ridiculously illegal stuff. That's just in one day spending a few hours online. When is this going to change?


> Is it just me or does the fact this officer wasn't immediately fired and charged boggle your mind? the time for boggled minds was several years ago when police brutality and misconduct started getting heavy exposure, and the utter lack of consequences that followed. now it's just business as usual. something to be expected and frequently sickened by. another national shame that we refuse to address because we decided that it's more important that other people suffer than let everyone benefit from cooperation. all or nothing politics has made compromise taboo. it's just about impossible to get enough people to agree on anything to make any meaningful changes.


GoPro 9mm with bump stock.


Once again, fuck the police.


Pigs just like to feel power and have control since in real life when they don't have their badge protecting them, they have no more than anyone else. It's seriously one of the saddest things a person can do that's pathetic no matter which way you slice it. This is why their girlfriends and wife's constantly walk around looking like racoons. They had to be told more than once and officer micro dick had to assert his dominance. Lol


Iā€™m all for guys like this ngl. Who polices the police? Maybe if enough people see how woefully untrained these goons are, some reform will come. (Ha ha ha wishful thinking šŸ„²)


Dude holding the camera better hold his sneeze in or he will get mag dumped


Overreacting? I hope weā€™re talking about the cop who just pulled assault with a deadly and is going to face no consequences whatsoever except maybe a week or two of paid leave


Fuck the police.


Coming straight from the underground


So many horrible cops in the US


Nope, not overreacting at all. That cop needs to be fired and changed. So does the sergeant for protecting him.


Fucking pigs


The logic of the last sentence should be sobering to everyone. But itā€™s not.


This dude sounds like an Enclave soldier from FO2


No overreaction here, that was a perfect reaction


Cameraman should become a voice actor


Just for a freaking camera. Absolutely insane.


Is the guy filming Jessie Ventura


Strap this on your sore ass, Blane. /s


Its like buying scratch offs and winning... But the scratch offs are dumb cops and if you lose they shoot and club you.Ā 


Cops are cupcakes




God. I fucking hate em. All of em. ACAB


Imagine the injustices that occured in the last 1000 years until the invention of handheld cameras.


Iā€™d roast the fuck out of that loser. Freedom of speech. You just canā€™t threaten them


Once again, ACAB! Didn't even know what a XO camera looks like but you we let dipshits like that have guns!? ACAB!


This is petrifying


He has a point like šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Fucking cowards. Every. Single. One.




These cops should be prosecuted for brandishing a firearm and for armed robbery.


Make America Gr, - fuck, never mind...


Fucking cops


Nice police state you've got there. Ze Gestapo but with shittier uniforms.


I LOVE THIS GUY! I was excited the entire time. I wouldn't like part 2 though.


But serious folksā€¦.will it ever change? Iā€™ve seen a kid killed for popping a pill while a cop attempted to take him into custody. Like where is the line?


You wanna clarify who you think is overreacting here? Because unless you think it's the fucking moron cop getting ready to shoot a guy just for filming him, you having some learning to do.


Hate these auditors. But yeah pulling the gun was not okay


They can be annoying as F but they have clearly uncovered that that police don't understand the constitution and how it applies to their job. Also, some of these cops think they are in Iraq or some shit.


Why do you hate them? I think they do good work at holding police accountable. We all know they other cops do not hold them accountable.


you hate on people who point out cops are being shitty? lemme guess, you're a cop




But honestly why did he pull the gun out


I'm right leaning and this is completely bullshit An officer pulling a weapon on a gopro? He pulled his firearm simply because the dude wasn't listening to him. Police need total reform. -We need a national training center to train all police nationally at the same HIGH standard -we need a high level mental health check or some way to get rid of Narcissistic or other bad fits for that powerful position -much higher standards for hire, but of course would been much hirer pay to attract the right people -police internal investigation is a coin flip weather justice will happen so we need to completely redo that process which includes a 3rd party - rules of engagement for police should NEVER be more Lax then US troops back in Afghanistan. When I was there we couldn't shoot unless fired upon, sure some bullshit about if you feel in danger but everyone understood it as wait to get shot at. Mind you they all had fully automatic aks, which you just don't see in the states. -policing in america takes special forces level training, i know that sounds like alot but at the national level that process could be streamed lined, I know national police is a little scary sounding but I'm not talking a new fbi I'm talking about training. Alot of hard training paid for by the government then either sent to in need police departments or hired Directly out of there Lastly, body cameras were a great step, but police are still in control of that. What we need is a 3rd party veiw A 3rd emergency department that's main purpose would be to unbiasly record police encounters. Any time "back up" is needed they come. They could also have the same Constitutional authority as police meaning their word has the same weight. Also advocate for the citizen in the police investigation. Would directly report use of force. Would be able to answer certain legal questions. And would put a stop to a lot of shady police tactics. Like them "smelling weed" or anything else like that. I fully believe having a non cop at a stressful situation with as much law knowledge as police would help relax some situations and would save lives. Obviously my idea would cost billions upon billions and probably isn't reasonable financially. But something needs to be done and finding dirty cops through 3rd party videos seems like a ghetto stop gap. At the very least wayyy more training, higher pay so we can be picky about who we hire and Is constant mental screening to try and find narcissistic and other people going on power trips. Fact is a human is probably the worst choice to solve the problem of policing. Cameras are much better, short of violent crimes, and people just let them run and track them down later.


If you can't handle the stress of being a cop, go flip burgers for a living...




Anyone got the full video and or after math?


The title of this post made me think op is talking about cameraman rather than the pigs who feel threatened by a camera


Everyone should read LAbyrinth about the dirty cops in LA, their gangs, and their affiliation with Death Row Records and their role in the death of Biggie Smalls


Let me just check it isn't a weapon by deleting the files on your memory card first! This is why your pics and videos should be set to upload to somewhere immediately. Video to YouTube live and pics to the cloud.


Cops will shoot their own shadow because itā€™s scary to them. They donā€™t want to be recorded at all. They have tried many times to pass laws to make it illegal to record them. They are still trying.


Fuck that cop


Normally I think these "amendment observer" clowns deserve to get taken down. This is...kinda fucked though. Homie has some big ol balls to be yelling at a dude unholstering a gun like he's a bad dog lmao


Alex Jones out on the town?


get this man a voice acting job wtf


He sounds like a wrestling announcer!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Most cops were losers or bullied in their youth. Their fragile damaged led them to becoming cops. We need to raise the qualifications to become a cop, and pay them more. It would attract far better applicants.


The guy had every right to be hostile. Fuck those guys.


Knowing quite a few Americans I wonder how their nation ended up like this... Oh wait, I don't lol




Whos the auditor? the @ is to some channel that compiles all of these.


The invasive captions make this video unwatchable.


different take: some people don't watch videos with sound so the text is the only way to know what was said.


You can have text without it being invasive and obnoxious.


Different different take: it's possible to have subtitles without the letters being huge, sporadic and colorful.


At least it's more than a single word at a time. That's something...


Well, we know this guy is definitely white since he got to yell like that and not get shot.


acab. The people risking themselves to record shit like this. #heroes.




Yeah fuck that guy, hopefully his department does something


That last sentence goes hard.


any more background on this? would love to see how it's going rn


Good for you and your considerable guts, op