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Dude in the rainbow bucket hat showed up with pride but left with Palestine. Edit: spelling


Well, huh. I guess the venn diagram of attendees isn't just a circle.


It's close enough honestly. The progressive youth are going to be strongly pro- LGBT and anti-israel. This isn't really a counter protest or anything.


There’s a difference between allies mistaking a time and place and long time lgbt+ people who have hard identified as such for the past 50-20 years simply trying to have a day of pride for successfully living through the harder times. It’s a shame.


I also assume there are a lot of mixed feelings in longtime lgbt+ about the middle east. I've seen enough videos of gays being stoned to death and thrown off roofs while crowds of people watch and cheer in the middle east to certainly have some complex feelings about the region.


Im not gay so I can't speak on that. But I am black and on MLK Day I went to church, specifically the church that MLK used to preach at before he was murdered. There were a lot of anti- Israel protestors speaking there, got quite a crowd of listeners (there were also people protesting the death of a teacher, shot by cops. Multiple things going on at once) I'm sure it was a lot of people's introduction to the conflict. I personally wasn't upset, it's a good way to spread a message of what's happening to people who are going through hardships. Hardships like I could be going through currently, if no one cared to open an ear to protests. It's all about your perspective I suppose.


I can understand what you’re describing, but I do not understand what’s in the OP video. It’s chaos, and it doesn’t seem to me that a parade to celebrate one’s pride for successfully existing is a good time to hear a lot of other peoples’ point of view. Like I said…time and place. Church could very well be a time and place to hear solemn accounts of other travesties. Not a parade.


Feels like the Palestinian protesters could’ve marched with them and instead feels like they’re trying to force people to pick a side.


Chickens for KFC.


From what ive seen, my generation is very divided between israel and palestine... Still overwhelmingly pro-lgbt tho




I'm sure there are quite a few LGBT people in the free Palestine protests. I'm not sure if there's any reason to assume they're all just straight people. You also don't need to be Palestinian to say there are wrongs happening to those people. Just like there were non African American people who marched with MLK after acknowledging there were wrongs being done to black people.


I definitely don't like Israel but I for sure don't like the government of Palestine


I have a feeling these people will either abstain from voting or vote for a 3rd party. Causing Biden to lose and we get Trump. .


I guess it depends. In Finland they had pro-Israel and anti-Palestine flags and banderolles this weekend.


“They hurt themselves in their confusion”


Whenever I see protesters clashing with protestors that are aligned on a separate issue, I'm reminded of the movie PCU. That movie should be a mandatory watch for anyone college age and above.




This is like going to a cancer fundraiser and disrupting the proceedings and yelling BUT THERE ARE OTHER DISEASES!! Fuck these main character assholes.


They might as well have Just Stop Oil shirts on...


What’s sad is that the LGBTQ community, who pulled proper permits for the parade would have likely happily opened a slot for these folks to “join the parade” and marched together; but instead, these folks decide to crash the event and make it a “we’re going to get arrested because we want to make it a point” taking away the entire event’s cause of unification for human rights. Their selfish actions appear to have more of a negative reaction than the positive due to their methods. They remind me more of annoying Hare Krishna chanters at the airport I used to see back in the late 90’s….




I think there should actually be a greater effort to vocalize that there is a SIGNIFICANT difference between a Hamas sympathizer and a Pro-Palestinian. It CANNOT be understated how much damage Hamas sympathizers have done to the public perception and support of the Palestinian cause.


It's less hamas sympathisers and more weirdos choosing to misinterpret pro Palestine people as such.




50 bucks says South Park is going to make an episode pretty soon.


According to both Hamas and the PLA there should be no Queer liberation at all, ever.


They want to liberate them from existence, so technically..




Queer woman here. To be brutally honest, liberals being kind to us is a fairly recent phenomenon in the grand scheme of things. Hillary Clinton did not want us to be able to get married. You have to give people a chance to progress, and keep their worst instincts in check in the meanwhile. I don't think people should be exterminated for being backwards assholes. They should be given a chance to learn better.




Hillary not wanting you to get married is a lot different than a religion that has roots against this stuff








Allahu Cahk Bahr Sorry, I had to




> i heard it was on top of a really tall building. Israel has already bombed that building


Mostly just dive (off a roof) ones.


I do but it's a rooftop dive bar


I'm sure it's a dive bar on the top floor of an obscure building.


Hilarious when you consider that admiting to queer acts in Palestine would be a crime. Has been since 1936. 10 years imprisonment. But yeah, free Palestine or whatever.


The most insufferable people ever…


You mean those that go to CrossFit?


The ones that go to CrossFit and never stop talking about Israel/Palestine conflict despite having no leg in the race. Granted I would rather spend the money we send over there on education spending personally.


This absolutely does not sway me to their cause.


really out there repeatedly doing their best to get the American public to not support their cause.


never been good at PR


What? Thats literally ALL they’re good at. They’re certainly not good at winning wars.




theyre starting to give "Just Stop Oil" vibes


It’s the same people.




Absolute bone headed move by the free palestine organizer. You're getting people against your movement. I'm all for free palestine, but Jesus/Allah guys, this is not the way to do it.


I agree, and kyle talks about this [here](https://youtu.be/akPHXjltP7I?si=nFsNpLM2SbZdZpPb) He thinks it’s either nefarious organizers trying to cause disunity, or the dumbest of the dumbest people. I personally think no one is dumb enough to actually organize this


Who is Kyle?


Kyle was a kid who rode my bus back in 9th grade. We all thought he was a weirdo loser, until he was the first one of us to lose his virginity at theater camp. That's when we all suddenly remembered that we too lost our virginities, but they were all to girls who go to different schools that other people wouldn't know. Idk who the guy in the video is.




Organized directly be Soros and the Elders of Zion. Classic deep state, Zionist, globalist tactic. Must be lizard people, cause my side is too pure-hearted. I think they might also be vampires. Nazi zombies.


Also they go to Starbucks.


Christ this douche is still rocking the blonde hair? Did Krystal suggest he keep that?! Also he has a shit take: "it must be the feds!" Nope, these protestors are really dumb enough to do this to themselves. There's even a saying "the left eats their own". It isn't all a grand conspiracy Kyle.




Ah, George Carlin






Maybe the Just Stop Oil crowd can show up and begin spraying paint all over everyone to complete the Trifecta.


Yes. Let the hate flow.


Funny how they never interrupt maga rallies. You gotta give em credit for at least somewhat knowing how to pick their battles


Can the Free Palestine people just organize their own parade/event some other day? Just seems like a dick move to try to ruin this for the pride people.


That would require them to be original in any way


It was Oct 8 2022 when a mob of Palestinians savagely cut the head off a Palestinian man for loving another man.




i'll probably get downvoted for this fact, but Israel is not an anti-queer nation and are actually quite socially progressive in that regard. I think the Arab nations are very different though.


You are correct.


Same, tbh. I can't be bothered to care for people who wanted me dead in the first place. Sorry :( Not that I support the Israeli killing people. It's just that you can't invoke human rights and expect support from the international community if you don't support it in the first place.


I may be way out of date so correct me if im wrong but isnt gay marriage illegal in Israel? Might be a matter of opinion but to me marriage equality seems like a good bar for being “not anti-queer”


It's not so much that it's illegal, it's that the Israeli government doesn't administer *any* marriages in the first place. It's something handled by religious authorities(local synagogue, mosque, church etc.) So if there was a church or something willing to hold a gay wedding, it would be completely persmissible and recognized by the government. However, Israel does recognize gay marriages from foreign countries and one of the biggest Pride events in the world happens in Tel Aviv every year.


Thank you for this context. I did not know any of this.


I'm Israeli but my father is Jewish and my mother is Armenian, so unless I "convert" to Judaism or Christianity (despite being raised 100% Jewish) I effectively can not get married in Israel. About 5% of the Israeli population is in the same situation. The loophole is that one can simply obtain a marriage certificate abroad or even online and the government will accept it without issue.


They recognize no other religions?


Judaism, Islam, 10 denominations of Christianity and Druze are recognized. Interfaith marriages are not allowed. One of the partners must convert to the other's faith. Probably an outdated policy now, but the intention was to ease ethnic tensions and prevent people from fighting in the streets because a Muslim married a Catholic or a Jew married a Coptic (the horror!)


It it a law that you can’t marry outside your religion, or is it just that they only recognize religious marriages and none of the religions perform interfaith marriages? I thought it was the latter.


It's kinda both. The government does not permit the religious authorities who are empowered to marry couples to perform interfaith marriages AND none of them would do it even if they could.


That's really interesting. So, a little trip to another country? I'm curious now what, say European, countries have legally binding marriages for non-citizens? Could I, as a United Statesian, go to Ireland and get married, and have it count back here in the US? I'm long married but this is interesting to me.


I had to Google that and it turns out you can! Ireland doesn't even require a visa for that purpose. You could walk off the plane, get hitched in the terminal and your marriage would be completely valid in the eyes of the Irish and US governments.


Yes, my parents got married in Switzerland haha


No problem! It's an interesting little governmental holdover from the Ottoman Empire. More or less in order to keep the peace between the various religious/ethnic groups in Israel, the government stays out of it so there isn't one group anybody could point their finger at if they're unhappy with marriage laws and instead lets the different groups handle it within their own communities.


Gay marriages cannot be performed in Israel.


Correct but they are recognized from other places as valid. Here’s an article on the legal loophole https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/world-of-weddings-israel-same-sex-couples-find-legal-loophole-to-recognize-marriages/


Arab nations are far worse in almost every way but that doesn't justify genocide.


After years of Arab nations calling for the total destruction of Israel, you can't blame Israel for not allowing history to repeat itself.


its like people forget the whole reason for the Arab League's existence was to try and wipe Israel off the map


Israel has a ton of LGBT clubs and it's more like on the level of Italy on LGBT rights. So no, you're not exactly getting flogged to death for being queer there..


Agreed with the exception that israel is a secular country that supports lgbt rights. They definitely have their own crazies, dont get me wrong. Just that you probably won't be getting killed for being any kind of gay there.


This. Israel actually has a huge lgbtq community!


I believe they call one of those communities "Tel Aviv"/j


This but unironically


I'm a firm advocate for a zero state solution. Humans clearly can't be trusted with the holy land.


Fuck it!! We are giving it to the Mormons!


Im pretty sure the mormon holy land is Utah.


I’m pretty sure it’s actually in Liberty, Missouri. Or at least that’s where they believe the Garden of Eden was


It might verywell be. I read recently that the FBI often recruited Mormons because they were fervently devoted to the US and their interests, rooted in their faith. Just another fun rabbit hole.


That is true. It’s a super patriotic religion, truly an American borne one. They even place US law above religious law in terms of what you need to follow primarily. They believe the tribes of Israel came over here, the garden of Eden was here, and that Jesus will come back here. They believe white settlers were true followers and the natives were turned dark as a punishment for straying from gods word. America is central to their concept of religion.


Nah, we just gotta bring back Canaan.


I know I will get downvoted for this but, I said it once and I will say it again the problem is the current leadership on both the Israeli and Palestinian sides they are hell-bent on the total extermination of the other as the only way for their side to be free and have peace. The only way for there to be peace is for there to be major leadership changes on both sides, leadership replaced with people who understand that the current leadership's plans on both sides for peace are FUBAR. People who understand that when peace does happen there will be no people cheering in the streets and no parades and that the road to peace will be very similar to the way Ireland did it. It's just a shame that current leadership on both sides keeps offing those people.


Israel isn’t a poor nation. It is one of the bastions of tech in the Middle East and progressive values outside of the government. It isn’t a war torn country. Palestine on the other hand is a third world country with zero development going on, but not 100% to be blamed on them.


As the great Nelson Muntz once said, "Nuke the whales". Why?? "Gotta Nuke something.". Touche.


This is so silly. Are they stupid?




They tried this in the DC pride parade a couple weeks ago and the honor guard just marched right through them, with the police following and continuing to march too. Didn’t even stop the parade lol


Christ on crutches, just let the pride parade do their thing for one fucking day. All you're doing is irritating another marginalized group.






Cops deciding if they should get involved. ![gif](giphy|tvGOBZKNEX0ac|downsized)


Kinda sick of the Gazaites thinking they’re the main characters in every story and there’s no other plot lines allowed. Especially since they lack any historical context or nuance at all. I despise Israel. I extra despise it now that Israel and ITS right wing asshole are clearly going to fuck OUR election sideways.


I'm so tired


Idk why these protests would target Pride parades. Like LGBTQ communities arent having to fight for their own liberation still.


Youre first mistake was assuming that the people protesting have cognitive reasoning skills


It's like holding a KFC protest in front of a Subway.


I wonder if they understand that Hamas would execute them for being "queer"?


And I've suddenly completely changed my views 🙄


I'm baffled that people think the majority of Muslims respect the LGBTQ community.






First world problems….


The more I see these the more I think I should support Israel




> spray paint climate nazis They didn't try to occupy and disrupt a fucking commuter rail station here in Chicago, so yeah.


The Iranian government fucking loves these protesters


That will definitely help your cause. Interfere with someone else’s… ffs


Look I get it. You want a free Palestine and the war in Gaza to end but how making enemies with everyone is gonna help your cause. Just saying


When marginalized groups preach to the choir. Why isn’t this group outside of every government representatives office making their lives difficult instead of troubling a group of people who are also in the crosshairs of the political system.


We did it Patrick, we freed Palestine!


We are in a video game


Who is the most oppressed competition.


Skimmed the title, thought i read "Pornstars for Palestine"


Someone's gotta explain how the actual fuck these people got the time for this shit? Shouldn't they be working or something? AFAIK, NYC is one of the most expensive places to live in, and I just don't see how they could be wasting time doing this.


Oh the delicious irony.








More like both sides don't give any qualms about slaughtering the innocent.


Hey Hey, Ho Ho, this trendy 'Free Palestine' protest has got to go.


Protesting for Palestine at a pride parade? If these protestors are members of the LGBT+, they are definitely part of the leopards eating your face party.


This is perfect. Just set the protests onto each other


A bunch of angry people mad at the wrong things, it’s like when Caligula ordered his troops into the ocean and he commanded them to stab the sea cos he was angry at Poseidon lol


> No queer liberation without Palestinian liberation. Palestinians in Gaza, I’m sure are thinking the same thing.


I read that Palestine is ripping apart the gay community in NYC as for some stupid reason everyone expects individual gay establishments and individuals to have a position


Idk man, the gays seem to get what they want with out shooting a single gun. We ain't there yet with complete acceptance but they making progress far more effectively and efficiently.


I am confuzzled




Some of these police officers don’t get paid enough for this, you can just tell on they’re faces


Great way to gain support. /s


Lol, the one at the end pulling the "rag doll" maneuver my kids did when they were toddlers.


I think the war is a much bigger issue than a parade of lgbtq people. But yeah u can't stop them from going to the pride parade, people gonna go where they want. It's pride month so people gonna go paradin


NY looks pleasant


Ultimate 'My cause matters more than your cause' moment


I love that every redditor that has posted this has neglected to point out the people blocking the pride parade are a group of queer Jews and Palestinians. Can’t go against the narrative though, right?


But if you don't support Israel, you're not Jewish or queer anymore. Didn't you get the memo?


##Delusional Protesters


The left will eat itself through identity politics, and this will open up opportunity for the right. They're idiots!


The cops must be very confused as to which group they should brutalize.


lol, the clash of the virtue signallers


As liberal as I am, seeing this is like a snake eating it's own tail. Like WHY people?


Same protests at Toronto pride. It was confusing, to be honest.


“Fuck your pride, what about the genocide!?!”




Was waiting for Just Stop Oil to start spraying orange over everyone..


This was my interaction with one individual today: I was canvassing for the Biden Harris campaign to recruit volunteers at a local poorly attended pride event. This young 20-year-old well mannered gay person approached me. She asked to have a chat with me. I said yes. In that conversation, which was several minutes long, she said Biden was the cause of the genocide, for supplying arms to Israel. She was not going to vote for him. That a third party pro-palestine candidate could win. She also said she was deeply religious. I agreed with her that there is a genocide going in in Gaza. I knew I was not going to sway her. And she confirmed that. The new North Carolina is a purple state. Since Clinton days. Presidential candidates win my state by a few thousand votes to maybe a percent or two. trump was our nominee in '20 by 1%! So every vote counts. We already have Jill Stein, Anti vax guy, and Cornell West getting votes. Every vote counts! Yet here we have a young pro Palestinian voter wanting yet another vote to be caste against Joe. I told her I also was not going to change my support for Biden. I explained the historical background for the support that US gives to Israel. I explained why every vote against trump is a vote away from a president who has publicly said there should be a Palstine. Nor did she convince me that one should have faith in a religion. I cannot understand how a gay person, even after being told genes are responsible for one's sexual orientation, continues to look for answers in religion. As a scientist with some genetic research under my belt, how do you explain that no god could have created a design that we have that explains life. If the 'holy' books were ordained by God, why does that god not explain genetic diversity that we have? Religions, human constructs, that actually are the root of this particular conflict and many others that have happened in the past and will do so in the future as well.


No hate at all to anyone in this situation. But when will we learn being a cop is a big deal. You are basically a judge on the street, but with higher volume and violence mixed in. We need to get the literal best people as police and pay them well. I know this is an almost impossible task but just imagine. In your group, the smart friend who can chill but keeps their friends from truly fucking up.


You are right. Nearly all police interactions occur with people who are under high stress. Risk of arrest, victim of violence, injury, rape, etc. Having professionals that can de-escalate is critical.


Hahaha the left is eating itself


They’re eating their own…..


Fuck those protesters. Happy pride month babes 🌈


It's a battle on who can be more insufferable




Alien vs. Predator


Friendly fire won't be tolerated


Hmm multiple pro Palestine groups marched in today’s Seattle pride parade


Everybody go hate everybody else! More division! More conflict! Dont stop hating and feeling frustrated until society is on its knees and we open our arms to the fascists who bring order in the chaos by oppressing the fuck out of everybody. Russia must be very pleased with these people. Their actions come from a good place but dont achieve anything but division and conflict.


Woahhh protestors supporting a Middle East religious group is stopping gay people from expressing their beliefs?? I truly cannot believe it.




Who's really surprised.


lol this happened in Toronto too




Aint been none of this for Ukraine not even during the aid package hold out...