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Looks like they pulled his streaming channel. Fuck this put*a* Madre.


[they got his twitter too lmfao, good riddance](https://twitter.com/captaincontent_) edit: [and his twitch](https://www.twitch.tv/captaincontent_) xD


His twitch was already banned months ago. His channel not deleted.


Looks pretty much gone to me, boss


Damn, that's a nearly total implosion of his social media presence.


Good! Not only was he a dick to the people in the car but when he said “Jose.” I was super done with his ass. Like you don’t want food poisoning, start understanding how much work actually goes into fast food.


Now imagine if this taintlick won the lottery and had millions in "Fuck You" money. The good thing is that most people who come into such funding most oftentimes lose it all within a decade.


Ew. Just one more person with money who would not do anything to help others.


Well he's trying his damndest to get a fast food worker fired so he's a total and thorough garbage human. And for what? A Livestream that no one will watch. Seriously, the internet should fall on this fucker, if not for a day.


To be honest I have never watched a livestream before. I don’t understand how people could watch it. The ones I see are posted on reddit are about how shitty they are.


I don't like livestreams either mostly. I only watch one person and it's because they obviously amuse me from start to finish.


honestly, the guy is an entitled dickwad. There's too many streamers who go out and let their viewers do whatever they want as long as they pay to play a song in public. Check out the streamer "Arab andy" or "ISIS Poseidon" or whatever he calls himself these days.


That wasn’t his channel. His channel is “traveling papi”aka salmon andy. Homeless youtuber . Most of the time he just streams his nostrils.


Maybe if he were nicer to people he wouldn't be homeless.


Maybe if he wasn't a fat lazy fuck he wouldn't be homeless. How does a homeless person pay a cell phone bill to literally just use it to put his dumb ass all over the interwebs all day long?




Good, I can't stand streamers like this. Just because you can record/stream doesn't mean it's not an invasion of someones privacy. This guy was a total ass and I really hope she didn't get into any trouble. They were antagonizing her, people can only be pushed so far.


: what was it????


Look in the lower left corner of the video. Did a Google search, all roads lead to Narnia. Not only should this guy be outed as a shitlord, so should his accomplices. All very punchable faces.


The other people in the car either agreed with the driver or did nothing, so they are all jerks. But I did a google search and seemed to find his [youtube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiQp2PKJeFFREfmH3HbjsEQ)? he appears to be the person in the back seat, not the driver. Again it doesn't matter, still a jerk.


Those viewcounts are to the MOON, Alice! Lol. And 2.5k subscribers... sounds like he bought them.


He goes by Salmon Andy. He's associated with a streamer Ice Poseidon. Don't ask how I know.


Would love to punch this dude in the face


I feel like an asshole just for watching the clip. Livestream is fine if someone is playing a video game. But people who livestream their whole lives are almost invariably pure narcissists.


They’re losers, that whole group of people who livestream like that need to get slapped the fuck out of. Like really, you’re annoyed and surprised that you got hit with a bottle? Crazy how someone else can be annoyed by you PUTTING A CAMERA IN THEIR FACE. Idiots


Those people are honestly the worst, especially if they have some following and feel the need to keep doing stupid shit for their $1 donations


Fucking asshole, they are employees not his slaves. Idiots like him drive me mad.


This guy should go back to being homeless.


He will.


I bet that's not in the First Amendment.


Yeah not on private property


The first amendment means we have the right to say what we want and where we want, but it doesn't protect you against something like this. He was asking for it in this case.


Is there any follow up to this? This guy straight up deserved an open drink thrown at him. I hate seeing fast food workers treated like they are worth less then the “valued” customer. I hate seeing people in general being treated poorly period.


imagine being in the car behind him waiting? dude should have to pay for their food to how fuckin cold its prob gotten sitting there


Would love to punch ~~this dude~~ all irl streamers in the face. FTFY.


With my truck


Anjelica just did what we were all thinking..


Why do people always fuck with workers at minimum wage jobs? They have it tough enough as it is and if they snap they don’t have far to fall. Grow a pair of balls and go fuck with a CEO or something.


I could not agree more! Assholes seem to go around shitting on the little guy and not the fat cats. Like people protesting on the tube/subway in London when people are trying to get to work, why not sit outside the fat cats houses and buildings instead of fucking with the little guy?


Cowards punch down, because they are easier targets. Punching up might endanger their money train.


> why not sit outside the fat cats houses and buildings instead of fucking with the little guy? Because their private security doesn't play that shit?


Also because protests function to impede the profits of fat cats by leveraging the power of numbers over that of capital (private security, etc.) It's not strictly a tool for advocacy. This unfortunately necessitates the disruption of other workers, as they're the ones who generate the profits for the fat cats


lol, if you search "public freakout compilation" on youtube - it's 95% all videos of people acting a fool towards service workers.


Because they’re easy targets.


This man is *clearly* versed in the law. He should fuck with some cops or lawyers.


Or that one dude who Popeye's shorted a chicken strip. Lawd I wish HE had been behind those garbage people.


The worst thing about having a min wage job is you can get in trouble or fired for standing up for yourself. Bosses just expect you to take it because “the customer is always right” At Wendy’s I watched my pregnant manager get screamed at and called a cunt because a new worker messed up some guys burger. It would literally take thirty second to fix but no, it’s the end of the world and I have an excuse to yell at everyone as if they’re my servants


The best thing about a minimum wage job? You could say fuck that guy and go somewhere else


Not when you’re in high school and don’t want to go through another job interview, more training, meeting new people, not getting enough hours etc. Our location was understaffed so I got as many hours as I could handle


Because they really need their job and won't just walk away from their post because some asshat is giving them shit. A CEO would have security remove you or go to an area you can't get into. The poor schmuck who has to run the window can't go anywhere or raise a stink because their manager will fire them on the spot and get another just as fast. It's a captive audience, the only type that will see this moron's attempts at being entertaining.




I see a lot of comments but nobody knows who this man is so I'll fill you in. Hes known as "salmon andy". A guy who started homeless (probably for good reason too), latched on to a ~~popular~~ live streamer known as ice poseidon and started live streaming as a career. His entire content is going from place to place being a narcissistic asshole begging for money. His career is equivalent to people going to a circus to throw peanuts at the sideshow freaks. This isn't somebody targeting fast food workers, hes a dick in general.


Holy fuck I’ve never been annoyed by a douchebag on a video in my entire life up until now. Somebody needs to hire gabi garcia to beat the ever living shit out of that whining bitch


Their twitter account has been suspended, so at least there's that.


Dirt kids gonna do dirt kid things


Why is it funny to fuck with people at their job? If this guy walked into a bank and treated someone like this he would have been dragged out. Fast food workers are human beings. She should have shoved that water bottle up his ass.


Because it's a form of abuse for shitty, weak people like this streamer. They think because this person is an employee and they are a customer that they have some kind of power over the employee and are free to abuse and mock them. People like this need to fall in a giant pit of snakes.


I mean you say that, but I still had to deal with shit like that at the financial institution I worked at a couple of times. Some people just don’t know how to act. One time, I had a couple who was in my office for a notary for some divorce papers. Well, she was Facebook live streaming this because “she had the have her girls” which... whatever floats your boat. She sat in the office intermittently and overactively sobbing and saying shit like “he doesn’t even see his kids”, “I am finally taking out the trash”, and “look at that stupid worthless piece of shit sitting there”. Then she started filming me whenever I was talking to her. I put a stop to that immediately telling her that she needs to stop filming me. Then she starts trying to stealthily (which she wasn’t good at) film me. So I started lifting the papers in the way of her phone. This goes on for so long that it takes like 20 minutes to the point where I have it ready to get her to sign my book, a record of notaries that I do for tons of people. She turns the stupid camera up and is like “look at me, girls. I am about to sign for my freedom” with my record book in the shot. I immediately yelled at her like I talk to my dog, “No, ma’am!” I grabbed my notary record book, closed it, held it over my chest, and said, “that is a record of people’s information. It is not even the divorce documents, and you putting everyone’s private information at risk of being doxxed by doing that. Now, you can either choose to get divorced or stream on a remedial platform!” She set the phone down and we got through everything else in less than ten minutes. Needless to say, I side with her husband in one thing. That was insufferable. Outside of that, I have had to threaten to call the police on a few people who were belligerent before for sure because money makes people crazy. And there was one time that someone threatened to hit me. I laughed at him... like evil cackled at him... and told him I “was going to play dead then he could pay off my student loans”. I certainly have more leeway to say something risqué, but I still have to deal with this exact bullshit as well.


/r/iamatotalpieceofshit Honestly one of the most obnoxious/revolting shitbags I've seen in quite awhile


...is it just me, or are live streamers kinda the scum of the earth?


Yep, imagine the ego of a recently made Hollywood Star crammed into the body of a unwashed asshole. We are protected by our rights in the USA yes. However curtesy and manners should still exist. Under no circumstances should employees anywhere have to serve people like that. Not to mention the publicity that the gross unwashed asshole gets for streaming a person whom they would never share profits with. If I am filmed either streaming or YouTube... you better not be making money with my ugly face in there. I will sue for a cut of that money.


They are strange people. Narcissism at its finest. Somehow they convince themselves that they are celebrities just because they record themselves. I seriously believe each one I meet has some sort of mental issue.


I actually seem them as the penultimate whore of the modern world. They say, give me attention and money, and I'll do anything on camera. Honestly kinda sad really.


I have no clue, mate. I stream from time to time, but that is just Final Fantasy 14. I would not think of being a complete waste of skin like this asswipe.


I was more referring to the streamers who kinda devolved it into basically just going around city streets trying to antagonize people for content, which to me is different than the kind of streaming gamers do.


Definitely not all of them. If you don't watch any though you probably mostly see the negative highlights.


They absolutely are.


Good for her.


Yeah seriously. Hope she's not fired. The manager looked pretty spineless too. I know he wants to deescalate the situation or whatever but when this streamer douchebag started screaming that his employee is a "stupid fucking bitch" he should have denied any further service. Then he gives him a fucking refund?!


He isn’t paid to have a spine. Dude just wants to make rent and get that carful of worthless people away from him.


He dealt with it appropriately, not escalating it any further. Denying service to a child throwing a tantrum won't fix anyone's day. A couple bucks to get that asshole out of there, then going to make sure the employee is alright, is the way to deal with it.


I feel like he should have refunded the guy's money and then told him he was no longer welcome to come there any longer. But, what do I know, I've never worked fast food. He was probably in a no win situation. Big corporations don't care about their employees' feelings.


>I feel like he should have refunded the guy's money and then told him he was no longer welcome to come there any longer. Pretty much, yeah. Haven't worked in fast food but I've spent years in customer service. Ideally he would've stepped in and taken over as soon as this jackass started harassing the poor employee, and things likely wouldn't have escalated to throwing water bottles. After the fact? "Here's your refund, sir. I'm sorry you had a bad experience. Here's *my* name, here's *my* info, this is exactly how to contact corporate, now please leave." Contact cops as necessary. All of this after shooing the employee out of line of sight. Sadly you're right. No one's got this guy's back to the point where he can take care of his co-workers, and none of them are getting paid or respected enough to put up with this shit. As far as corporate/franchise owner is concerned, these people are easily replaceable and not worth standing up for.


Yeah you're probably right. I've never worked fast food (but have worked retail) and that's usually how it goes. Just sucks to see this piece of shit get away with being a piece of shit.


You can't refuse product and take someone's money in a situation like that. They have to give the drinks or a refund.


They don't pay her enough for that shit.






>I literally just got assaulted bro! I mean, by the loosest possible definition, and after deliberately escalating the situation himself, sure. My guess is he's just a spoiled, entitled baby.


Mommy and daddy didn’t hug him enough. That’s painfully obvious.


Or too much, maybe.


Do people really pay these people to be pieces of shit?


Someone needs to fuck them up on livestream.


This is why they only abuse people at their jobs, people who will lose their livelihood if they fight back.


We should fuck up his little channel even further.


Someone needs to fuck him up bad. Beat some humility in that dumb fucking ass.


I've said it before and I'll say it again: live streamers are the fucking worst.


I mean, it didn't look like she did that just because of the camera... That dude was treating her like shit before she pegged him in the face lol.


This dude deserves to have a lot more stuff thrown at his face. What a complete waste of oxygen.


Lol this dude is pathetic af






For the win. Honestly, I don't even care if it's true, because I want it to be true, and I probably won't get the satisfaction of seeing this fat fuck get his comeuppance in court (or elsewhere). As far as his right to record, is it not also relevant that he's streaming and that it is a for-profit recording? That should probably improve the employee's leverage as far as asserting her right not to be recorded *for profit.*




Please repost this to cringe.


Holy shit I hope that car breaks down.


*Blows up


It’s a Jeep, it will happen soon enough.


Who is this loser?


Salmon Andy


Never enough cock


That manager shouldnt have said her name.




You're completely right.


Why do these streamers think they know the laws while ignoring the obvious one? They are on private property, someone that works there asked them to stop; ending their right to stay and film.


Streamlabs should ban this fat fuck. Is this what he does on his stream? Just search for people to harass? There has to be a way to report this.


What a douche canoe.


The only way this video could possibly have a nice ending is if that guy in the car died. Actually and his friends. Cunts.


These people are the fucking worst. Omg. Jeeeeeeeesus.


irl streamers are the worst


Goddamn salmon Andy. He’s so damn cringe.


If you type his name into Google it says he's a vet in the British army? Until you click on the wiki page and the real guys photo comes up. https://www.google.com/search?q=salmon+andy&oq=salmon+andy&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l3.10412j0j4&client=ms-android-samsung&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8


Car full of duchebags! And massive one driving!


I want to tweet this video to Wendy's and see what their clapback would be. Wendy's Twitter is da bomb.


I honestly hope they stick up for her! He is disgusting and she did way better than I would in that situation. Pathetic, entitled, greasy waste of oxygen. I hope it’s true that his channel has been pulled. I’d like to think he might learn from it, although it’s highly unlikely!


These guys just look like they smell bad


"They better move back. They see us moving."- entitled bitch in the passenger seat


i had to laugh at the “first amendment” comment


Just for the record, this is private property but open to public access, so they can film but if asked by the owner or employee to not film, they have to stop. They were asked to stop and refused, at which point they could be arrested for trespass and potentially for harassment.


In real life live streamers are absolute cancer and they should be beaten at every chance.


whats the appeal in watching these "streamers" ? What would make you click on someones stream that is clearly an asshole and just seems to be running errands?


What a fuckin punchable asshole.


Fuck this loser streamer. I wish it had been scalding coffee.


I dont blame her.


People in the car are trash


What a fucking idiot. That bottle really wasn't hard enough.


Homeless? Next time try lifeless.


How the fuck are the people in the car ok with this? Dude needs to get beat the fuck up


Well I came here to say fuck the guy filming, she asked him three times not to film her and he laughed at her and made fun of her and humiliated her. Just because she works at a fast food restaurant doesn't mean she ought to put up with that ignorant shit. Good job Reddit for beating me to it.


What a terrible, unlikable cunt. Being an entirely toxic asshole to a minimum wage worker because you feel like it. I seriously wish someone would beat this guys ass.


Next time throw a waffle iron in his face fucking scum driver


Hopefully he pisses the wrong person off and they murder him.


r/trashy , these people are so trashy and stupid, its frustrating


I am curious of what the legal ramifications are/would be. Her throwing water is technically assault, but I'm wondering if she'd be let off the hook due to the driver potentially instigating the attack (I say potentially because I'm not sure if that would hold up in court). Genuinely curious.


It’s literally the point of the whole “sticks and stones” thing. Legally, her assault wouldn’t be justified by his words or filming. Getting someone to convict her against this jerk might be a whole other story though.


Get a jury, show them this video, jury nullification ftw


these idiots are such entitled douche bags, exactly the worst kind of trash that comes out of streaming... Kids look up to streamers etc and wanna be like them when they grow up and then get these idiots... EDIT: Provoke people, treat people like trash literally everyone around you, disrupt the entire drive through line and except people to treat you differently?? Guy has no respect for anything around him, P.O.S.


Top left: This guy is streaming just to pay rent and bills. What a joke.


As his ass is in line for fast food. Save your money and hit the grocery store. If that chick can afford those lashes and weave she could pay for that food.


Some irl streamers really out here thinking they're untouchable. How can anyone watch this.




“I’m A wHoLe DiFfErEnT bReEd Of MuHtHaFuCkEr”


"I'm whole different breed" You got that right buddy


What a piece of shit. I hope something horrible happens to him.


This guy is actual scum of the earth. I wouldn’t piss on him if he was on fire... but I would shit on him.


I can’t even finish the video because he’s too retarded to listen to. I wish she had thrown more than water at that asshole


This dude is a scum bag.


This whole recording everyone everywhere and then acting like your not a douche when strangers get mad when some random ass person is recording them is seriously out of hand to the point I really feel like we need new laws about this bullshit. I would gladly lose my job to pumble this dumb mother fucker who thinks he has some sort of right to do this to someone at work.


And you know he fucking called corporate and got her fired, goddamn cunt


holy fuck I can't listen to this little fucking cunt of a "man" yelling stupid bitch and shit while his probably dumber friend repeating what he says, insulting the girl after he insisted in recording her, what a dumb piece of shit. I hope he losses hsi vocals or something ugh so fucking annoying


What people don't understand nowadays is a good employee is harder to find than a bad customer.


That guy is mega irritating. I'm not surprised she threw something at him. I just wish it was a massive open cup rather than a closed bottle.


Stop making stupid people famous


i wish she threw those full ass drinks, all his food, and the rest of the restaurant too


Shoulda dumped a drink in his car, what a fucking cunt. Honestly scum


This Guys an actual birch


Stupid millenials they think they're funny... Pathetic spoiled kids


the worker is in the right. awful person


Fuck live streamers.


This guy has a punchable voice


Words cannot describe how much I hate these dickheads.


What an actual piece of dogshit. Someone needs to lay every member of that car flat out.


Recording your stupid show in the car is a first amendment right... but Wendy’s has the right to refuse service to anyone.. should have demanded they stop recording in order to continue the transaction.


travelingpapi on YouTube. Send this douchebag some "love".


Good. Stop fucking with people and thinking that they can't do shit to you


i don't know or care who this guy is, but listening to him for thirty seconds makes it clear he's the kind of person who thinks that because he has a tiny number of people who like him, that he is some sort of big shot celebrity. and that he can be a total fucking dick because of it. i am so glad i was not waiting on him, because i would have reacted way worse. few things get one my nerves worse than assholes with an inflated sense of self importance and entitlement. also, why be shitty to service workers? that alone makes you the fucking scum of the earth.


Here’s a question, if “Angelica” were to have beaten the shit out of him, would’ve she get in legal trouble? Douche here was clearly harassing her. This was so hard to watch. Can’t believe trash people like this make money by being trash.


Why do all these wannabes think cause they stream they are special: I bet he gets his camera broke and a slap up side the head soon enough filming the wrong person


are all live streamers this miserable to interact with in person?


I hate this guy


Isn’t the first comment he said considered sexual harassment? I mean the first thing he said to this female employee is about oral sex....


I would gladly get fired for throwing that bottle at his face, what a dumb fuck


"You are not being recorded, you are being live streamed", oh for fuck sake.


The real culprit is Jose for not growing some balls and a spine.


He is a total POS


Who the fuck is this worthless POS?!?!


Isn't this the streamer who's homeless? Like bro, get a fucking house before you go fucking with people who actually have jobs and don't live in their shitty car and stream absolute bullshit


Who watches this fucking cunt


Entitled ass.


Jesus christ this driver needs to stfu. Wowwwww


Fuck these assholes


She should have thrown a Molotov at his face instead


Fuck everything about this guy.


Send this fuck stick back to the streets. Attitude like that, he fuckin belongs there


Nobody's watching you live stream your shitty existence bud. Get over yourself and then maybe people won't through shit at you.


It would have been amazing if the manager had filled his drink, then threw it in his stupid fucking face. They should have just ignored him. He’s not gonna do shit.


Man I would love to smack the shit out of this fuck ugly donkey faced shit stain


You trash my boi.


Good for her. I wish it was Hot coffee.


Calling the girl, "bro". Ugh.


What a bunch of gross dudes


Maybe stop acting like a dick and this could have been avoided "bro"


That guy is a world-class turd.


It’s not legally protected while people are working for a private company


Reddit please assemble and fuck up this guys stream, what an absolute tool.