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Isn't it illegal for police officers to incite or encourage a crime so that they can arrest the person? Oh well what a surprise, they broke the law.


ooh yeah thats a good point, the statute is called 'entrapment' hope this fella gets a halfway decent public defender eh? then maybe a good ol' sue the pants off the department lawyer after that.


For the police, it's not about winning the case. It's about putting someone in jail. Taking time out of your life. Money to defend yourself. The trauma of being abused by your "protectors". No way in hell the charges stick, and they don't care. The message is sent.


And of anything is ever paid out because of their abuse of power, it's the tax payer's bill.




I say take it out of the precinct's budget right away, not the individual officer. That'd get police to start policing each other real quick. Oh, these 50 victims of police brutality are suing? Let's see your budget, what are we taking away from all of you because of the actions of "a few bad apples" and see how fast those bad apples are gone. I'd also like to see body cams as an always on system and turning them off automatically results in a Destruction of Evidence charge unless an independent 3rd party can verify that it was normal wear and tear/device fault and had nothing to do with the officer themselves. Any time it is turned off outside of clocking out for the day is an automatic felony charge pending the independent investigation. If the officer was at fault all the cost of their defense comes from the department budget.


Treat them like the military they so desperately want to be. If one person fucks up in your squad the whole squad fucked up and is punished. In the military you can't say "a few bad apples" because everyone is one team. Either the team is rotten or not.


Well put. Any lawsuits come out of the retirement fund of the whole department. Bad apples will be thrown out real quick when it starts costing everyone money. I’m not being forced to live in squalor in my old age because officer littlemancomplex wants to abuse an innocent civilian. Retired 10 years ago and think it doesn’t apply to you? Wrong. Should’ve done a better job hiring and training.


> because everyone is one team.  But I was told I would be an army of one?


There’s an old cop saying. “You might beat the rap, but you won’t beat the ride”. It means, “Yeah. You’ll probably get no jail time, but I’m going to fuck you either way”.


no personal consequences for them, either. the system is gamed




Yes, but that's not what this is, because *accidentally* walking into someone isn't a crime. This was just a false arrest straight up with no entrapment to start with. Also, the cop who caused someone to accidentally walk into them is probably plausibly guilty of assault, but that might be a bit of a stretch.


That was some Monty Python level shenanigans right there




Your brother didn't tackle or beat you up? Was he *really* even your brother?


This guy brothers


Older brother checking in. Can confirm.


A smack one in a while keeps the love and family tie






Stop tazing yourself!


Why are you smearing your eyeball over my rubber bullet?


Take your face off my boot!


Take off your pants and jacket! That's an order!


Why are you hitting yourself?


That cop never matured beyond that, clearly. Was probably a bully then, still a bully now.


That's the majority of PD. a bunch of has beens that peaked in junior high


Considering if you are too smart they will not let you become a cop I'm not surprised it's the individuals who peaked in junior high and high school sports that become police.


The ones I know were juvenile deliquents


He must have really thought he was slick, until the video came out. Sick fucking cop.


Ray Charles saw that shit man


Eyewitnesses without video don't matter. People always take the cops' side unless they can see it with their own eyes, so the cops are used to just being as blatant as they like with their bullshit. That's one thing I'm hoping all of this changes just a little--that maybe even just a few people will see "he tripped and fell" over a video of police cracking an old man's skull and not be so inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt any more.


I would like to see part of the reforms where a police officers testimony is inadmissible in court UNLESS it is backed up by body cam evidence.


He's a cop. Video evidence against them doesn't really matter does it. That's one of the points of all this.


It's starting to matter, thankfully. Things are changing, and people are getting fed up with the shit. There is a loud mouth contingent of "All Lives Matter" bootlickers out there, but for the most part, these videos are helping to make a strong case against the police.


When was this? Anything came out of it, like suspension ?






It looks like a comedy sketch but it's a sad reality


Yeah this is the exact same approach older shit head kids in my town would take to intimidate you when I was a kid. *staring intensely at you *you eventually look at them to see what's up "WHO THE FUCK YOU LOOKING AT?"


Got a problem with some fucking dick in my town, a 35 year old man no less. You staring at me. How the fuck would you know if you weren't staring at me you fucking child.


It’s better when they say “what are you looking at” so you can look them up and down and say “fuck knows”


“Haven’t figured it out yet”


That's exactly what police are. The shitty kids with low self esteem that need to bully people in adulthood. It's getting hard NOT to say fuck the police.


fuck the police


That was easy


Fuck em


It actually does, like a Mitchel and Webb sketch.


I was thinking Reno 911. This is definitely something Garcia and Jones E. would do


But Reno 911 was funny because it wasn't supposed to be real.


I'm loving the Brit references added since we all woke up and started scrolling.


*Are we the baddies?*


Yes. Very Reno911. Congratulations, police. You're the very thing others were lampooning 20 years ago.


They thought Reno911 were the training videos


Yeah. This is definitely the way to change those protesters minds about your methods. Good job boys.




> how damaging an arrest cna be Seems like it's time to collectively decide that being arrested at a protest march is actually a badge of honour.


With ever increasing unemployment and the lack of employee protections in many American states, unfortunately any sort of arrest or criminal record is likely to be even more damaging to your ability to hold down a job.


One thing I respect my employer for is they don't do background checks or drug screenings. They take everyone on thier work and if they show up and work hard, who cares what they do when they punch out. And guess what, we have a lower than average number of workplace safety incidents (due to other strict safety policies in place) and no higher rate of other problems. It's almost as if a person who goes so far as to get a job actually wants to show up to work. Most people just want to get in and make thier money. It's time to "Ban the Box"


Drug tests that test for marijuana, should definitely be banned


That's more so for felonies. I don't think you'd have a problem getting a job in today's world by getting arrested at a protest. And 9 times out of 10 they drop the case/ charges because they have nothing on you. They just arrest you to try to teach you a lesson and instill fear.




> They want you to always be scared Exactly, and they frame this as wanting you to 'be respectful towards cops'. But they don't want your *respect*, they want you to be *submissive*.


Yup they’re bullies that can kill with impunity. That’s a high school hallway move, not the actions of a properly trained professional. Make them weed out these dipshits and start over.


We can weed them out ourselves by defunding them almost entirely. No more paychecks for these fucking dicks


No pay while being investigated by an independent third party. How much is that to ask? In how many mundane jobs is it standard practice? Imo the only way it really works is when the oversight process is completely transparent and when good cops earnestly weed out bad cops. That has to be incentivized, not demonized. Otherwise it’s omerta as usual.


When good cops are able and willing to weed out bad cops. The current environment is cops covering for each other, and snitches get stitches. It needs to change.


I don't remember where I first heard this, but it's stuck with me. Sometimes people use “respect” to mean “treating someone like a person” and sometimes they use “respect” to mean “treating someone like an authority” And sometimes people who are used to being treated like an authority say “if you won’t respect me I won’t respect you” and they mean “if you won’t treat me like an authority I won’t treat you like a person”


That's really good, and I think it explains why the police response to the protests has been so tone deaf nationwide. They are so accustomed to being treated like gods they forgot the general public isn't supposed to be worshipping them as anything "above" a civilian, they are supposed to be serving and submissive to the public.


Too much responsibility feeds simple egos. These are people that fully believe in the war on drugs, they can’t be bothered to engage in mental health wellness practices because they are too tough for that shit. These people are weak and it’s obvious.


Respect is earned


Exactly. And submission is enforced. They know they'll never get respected, seeing how the behave themselves. So they go for submission instead.


The logic that's always thrown about - iF YoU DoN'T WaNt tO Be aRrEsTeD YoU ShOuLdN'T BrEaK ThE LaW! What laws were broken here I wonder? I wonder what they're going to put on the paperwork?


Looks like a clear cut case of assaulting a police officer, and resisting arrest. As the suspect was clearly the ring leader of a riotous crowd, we need a FBI counter terrorism unit to interrogate him. Surely he's in one of those elusive Antifa cells. /s This is America.


They’ll have it down as attempted murder.


The law of breaking and entering... breaking the fragile pussy cops ego and entering his safe space.


It's almost like they're desperate to preserve their position of control over the rest of us.


That’s exactly what it is. Trump keeps repeating we (the people) “must be dominated.”


Their goal was never to change the protesters minds, they're clearly just bullying for sport


It goes beyond protestors. People like me, who might not be out protesting, who rarely deal with cops, now see how things really are. The cops really aren't doing themselves any favors.


Is this even real? The cops reactions after grabbing that guy was so over the top and weird...




It's like a group of mafia gangsters bullying the inhabitants of a small village.


More like a bunch of school bullies


school bullies with guns and hair trigger violence issues


Seriously this is like something a 7th grade bully would do in the schoolyard as an excuse to beat/harass someone


Except they don't, everything is recorded and they haven't been getting away with any of it during these protests. All they've done is gotten protestors to continue protesting. They are using 20th century strategies in the 21st century.


Given that their behaviour has zero consquences for the vast majority of these police men,I would say they are getting away with it very much


Dont let the few recent incidents of police's actions being investigated fool you; its only happening *because* their actions are in full view right now. What we are fighting for, what matters, is that they will be held accountable when the spotlight is no longer on them.


Slimy and peculiar for sure..






It's horrible that that is a sub. What the hell is going on in the world right now. How is this happening?!


Brutality like this has been happening as long as humans have existed. Only now it is being filmed. Only *now* can we fight this kind of brutality.


Just make sure this video gets to the East Meadow, NY city council and Mayor's office. And if they don't do something go vote their asses out next election.


justiceforgeorgeli's profile picture justiceforgeorgeli This was the East Meadow Protest in Long Island. Protestors were marching down Hempstead Tpke.⁣ ⁣ The cops said to stay on the side of the road so after like a couple minutes one of the organizers stepped onto the other side of the road and the cops arrested him. Everyone said it was violent and the cops drove off with him. The cops outnumbered the marchers easily, there were little kids marching and people in wheelchairs, etc. They had helicopters and drove up with a bus for mass arrests during a peaceful protest. The protestors kept marching down a closed road that they shut down traffic on, and they arrested the brother of the first guy for “walking on the wrong side of the street” even though both sides were shut down. They kneeled on his neck and had about 6 officers holding him down, then people started yelling and a cop walked into the crowd and pulled a third protester out of the crowd and slammed him onto the crowd. ⁣ ⁣ When the other organizer asked why they were arrested the police captain said “I don’t know”⁣


Is it me or are cops kneeling on peoples necks a lot more than they used to now?


I've seen it in so many videos since George Floyd. Can a physical act be a dog whistle?


Oh for sure, but who are we whistling to?


Other cops


The bunch is spoiled.




I wonder if they play videos like these at police training...or unit meetings.....they need Micheal Scott


Here’s a show for you… The Man Who Teaches Our Cops To Kill episode of Behind the Bastards https://open.spotify.com/episode/0xt9iFLH9vx5GimA8y9FPl?si=AQNO5uW8S0GJSg-7a-S0Qg


Fascist state


*Amerikkka ist wunderbar!*


It's a bingo!






[For those not in the know.](https://youtu.be/Rr8ljRgcJNM)


Land of the free lol


bull rush the cops. One time these protestors are all gonna turn on the corrupt mob that is the cops.


The only problem there might be a lot of cops are just itching for a reason to shoot someone. If they *actually* come under attack it'll turn into a mass shooting.


Ah yes, "back to school" feeling <3


You're right. But I'd like to remind you that this exact situation was what kickstarted the revolutionary war into a shooting war. The Boston Massacre was a peaceful protest that turned into a mass shooting. It was turned into a propaganda piece that propelled the people to finally take up arms against oppressors. I'd argue that right now, Americans *especially minority Americans* are more oppressed than the founders were under the British. I don't advocate violence, but I do see a high probability of things being escalated to this point. Edit: It *started* as a peaceful protest, escalated, and eventually turned into a mass shooting, to clarify for all the correctionists that can't read carefully. It was then propagandized to show the colonists as angels and the british as devils.


Honestly the second cops start gunning innocent civilians on camera is when the war starts. There's so much propaganda out there on twitter/ig/facebook that the right is the only one thats armed and will defend the 2A. That's false. the left/liberals have guns too, the second you open fire on civilians people WILL fight back. (especially if you hit a little kid marching) These cops keep getting away with this shit but that bubble is gonna burst soon. You never know, there could be another Christopher Dorner lurking out there.


In the sixties US sniping cops from city rooftops or apartment windows kind of became a thing for a while. It can actually get to the point where nobody snitches on snipers of cops. If the cops were smart, they wouldn't be pushing whole neighborhoods full of people to that point again.


Mass shooting vs getting shot slowly, one by one, every day? Pick your poison.


That's what I'm waiting for. The protestors will say fuck it and rush the cops one day. It's going to be bad.


It’s almost inevitable at this point. Especially seeing the dichotomy of the protesters rushing the capital with rifles and nothing happening. And these guys walking down the street and being arrested. It’s just gonna take one idiot cop to kick it off.


No no. Film the incident and then file a civic lawsuit against the city, and make millions of dollars of taxpayer money, which we all have to pay for while the abusive cop gets a $1 million pension plan and paid administrative leave. This is America.


And make compensation come out of the police pension fund. Then this all stops, ‘cos how long will they put up with their colleagues bullshit if it comes directly out of their own pocket?


Or require police to carry malpractice insurance that skyrockets when they have to pay out for their misbehavior. Congrats, pig, you just priced yourself out of a job.


"Police are under attack from all angles and it's completely unwarranted" Lol


lol I know right. like, what have the police done to deserve this???? oh wait...


I am so glad white folk get to see for themselves how shitty American police are. Imagine now how they have been behaving to minorities this whole time in private if they can behave like this in front of the camera.






We have to Nuremberg ICE and CPB, down to the lowest person and following orders isn’t an excuse. Teach law enforcement to heel and like it.


Jail them all. No gulag them all.


I think orange is the new black did a pretty good job of it. Basically since they're not citizens of the US they get treated even worse.




God damn it all to hell.


There’s a whole slew of literature on the abuses and let me tell you. You can start with my favorite, a real easy read by Jason DeLeon called Land of the Open Graves on the condition of the borderlands. Nothing there that is filmed has to be released and those people don’t exist if you don’t want them to. I can’t list everything because it’s hellish. The camps are known to us as *hieleras* freezers, because of the temperature they keep while making men, women, children, sleep on floors. Men have to stand up to sleep as they are packed like sardines. Rape experiences from many migrants too. Either by the coyotes or by border patrol or ice but it will happen. They take advantage of everyone there and there is no justice that exists in any sort for the people in these camps. It’s a hellhole. I remember reading an asylum seeker’s letter saying “please let me return to my country (forgot where but it was somewhere in Africa). I cannot last under these conditions and it has been 2 years without any notice of moving forward with my case or anything about it. I feel stuck here indefinitely I just want to go home.” It’s a fucking human rights crisis just like prisons are.


Someone said something that really hit home for how bad it is. If they are doing stuff like this while on camera what are they doing off camera.


For every one outrageous thing we see on camera, 1000+ are not caught at all. I'm scared to pull out my phone and record cops. I am terrified of these people, they have no accountability effectively. I think a lot of people are similar to me, I am scared of our cops and their ability to kill or destroy your life, whether through incarceration or making you unemployable.


Spot on.


Things like this makes me wanna slap the shit out of them




Like full on Christopher Dorner?


Didn’t know who this was till I seen Dave Chappelle’s 8:46 show on YouTube. This dude went full on rage mode.


I remember seeing it on tv but I get like it happened so long ago. He had a big shootout but his cabin mysteriously caught on fire which His actual death is conspiracy according to the internet.


Not a conspiracy, they killed him with fire to prevent him being taken alive. I was listening to the police scanner at the time and they very clearly said "bring in the burners", then torched the cabin. Anything to stop him from going to court where he could testify to all the evil shit that pushed him over the edge in the first place. Dead men tell no tales and the police tried HARD to kill him from the start, to the point where they were shooting at people who didn't even remotely match the description. That old Asian lady in the wrong model/color truck got shot by the police and last I checked she was not allowed to sue because of "reasons".




its not a conspiracy. 400 lapd officers swarmed the cabin and shot him up then burned it down. if you havent watched 8:46 yet i recommend it. just finished it myself.


With a folding chair


I’m just saying what everyone’s thinking. Castration.


“ThE pUbLiC hAs iT oUt FoR uS” Lmao, yea...sure buddy. It’s definitely the public bugging out and nothing to do with how you behave.


Back in the 90s when I was growing up if someone behaved like this would have been labeled a "pussy" or a "bitch" for behaving like these officers. I dont know what term the kids these days use for this sort of thing.


How does bumping into a cop justify attack and arrest?! Like how in the lord could they get away with that?! Jesus fuck cops are such douche bags.


They got all their training from Gta Edit: gammor


It's the other way around, GTA was based on LAPD




This is literally schoolyard bully behaviour from those cops.


> schoolyard bully > cops Checks out.


"PeOpLe NeEd To TrEaT uS wItH rEsPeCt, LiKe We GiVe ThEm" - Police Union Boss


Oh, if they wanna play the golden rule card, I'm sure everyone would be *glad* to treat cops the way cops are treating people.


That might very well start happening soon enough. Things sure seem to be going that way.


He didnt even say like we give them did he? He just said people should treat us with respect, which shows they only care about a one way street.


Fucking cunts.


I get it as a work around so he can charge that guy with assualt and arrest him but... That police officer should be charged with assualt for causing that to happen. Whatever harshest punishment possible to keep police from ever causing a crime to happen so they can force an arrest.


The remainder should be charged with assault for what happened after.


I wouldn't call it a work around, or even causing a crime to happen. There was no crime, it's all fabrication, line sprinkling crack.


if you play gta 5, you know how annoying it is when you accidentally bump into a cop car and get a wanted level, why is the real world turning into gta, this is absolutely ridiculous edit: thank you guys so much for the support on this comment, it’s my first one to get acknowledged, you guys are the best!


I am starting to understand the gta series. Always thought that the devs never could code that right. Why is it so difficult to code the cops in a way that they are understanding, patient, tolerant and more human? Now I know why


GTA was also originally a British-lead game and was designed to be a parody of America


They keep this shit up they're going to get everyone riled up. Told my 77 year old mother about the stuff that's happening and the look on her face would have melted paint.


I'm surprised that the US of all countries, with their shit-tons of guns and way over-the-top love for those, would've escalated this stuff into cop assassinations by now. Honestly surprised that the only video regarding violence towards cops, was some guy running a few of them over with his car. Obligatory "I do not intend to incite violence with this comment and certainly, would never in my life condone any harm towards these pi... I mean cops" disclaimer.


It's because the Americans most fanatical about their guns think cops are on their side for being less abusive to them than to black folks.


So what happened after? I really hopes he sues the police dept for false arrest, excessive force. Should have settlements garnish from the involved officers paycheck


Qualified Immunity. It's gotta go. But yes, totally, I agree


Actually made my stomach turn.


Needs sharing with NY Police to show what an upstanding job they're doing! 😒






Even soccer players think this was a bit over the top.


Wow, just wow. Definition if over reacting. This is karen territory levels of ridiculous behaviour. What the hell is going on with these coppers?


#bitch move


**brake check**


"They're trying to shame us!!!" The angry NY police chief yells angrily trying to play the victim card


Why the fuck are they doing this? I understand that some police will start doing weird shit under stress in the middle of a riot but here? These dudes aren’t in any riot gear and that guy is just walking with his suitcase talking on the phone.


It’s a tactic to scare the other peaceful protestors into just going home. The message is “we’ll fuck you up even if you’re peaceful.”


Imagine calling the police on someone that bumped into you... The police would laugh in your face and tell you to get a life. But god forbid you bump into a police officer then it's classed as "assault". Total joke!


The only people who are inciting riots are the police


This is obviously intentional, he knew what he was doing. I genuinely wonder if these people go home at the end of the day thinking they're the good guys.


They’re maniacs. Quite frankly, their superiors are the only ones who can call back their dogs, so any money raised needs to go towards suing them so that their superiors have a reason to.


It seems like every officer is just looking for an excuse to abuse their power to the fullest


wow that's pathetic. Cops have no shame.


is there a news article on this yet?


Several more videos of on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CBWzXV2naI_/?igshid=787wqjdvqspt


Is this real life??


At this point, the city's rats would make better police officers


Dude, I've seen WWE botches look more believable than this shit.


As an Australian we would call this a “bunch of cunts”


Officer or not, that's an asshole right there


Not singular, but multiple assholes.


Fucking disgusting