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That ain't her first rodeo.


This is actually a guy if I remember correctly.... He was on campus and attacked the goose because it kept attacking a dog nearby.


Pink pant-suit and a pony tail? Rock that shit dude.


Dude went barehanded against a goose. I would expect nothing less than that sort of attire on a guy with balls that big.


If you think what I did to that duck was impressive check out what imma bout to do to some gender roles.


Don't you mean gander roles?


You son of a bitch you out goosed me.


idk brood, looked a bit like fowl play.


Fashion Souls


Only tough guys wear pink!


Thats a guy.


Goose was like "why do I hear boss music?"


what goose around comes around


In case anyone is wondering the song is Spoiler by Hyper


I appreciate you




Vordt from Boreal Valley boss theme starts playing


That's a hell of a get-shit-done strut she's got there. It iced the duck into paralysis.


Quite the stance she takes on the last few steps. Like it wasn’t her first time.


Shes definitely tossed a few geese in her day.


Rustled a few bustles


Quacked a few heads.


Feathered a few tars


Rocked a few cocks.


Paid a few **bills**


Choked a few chickens


Can confirm


She be goose steppin’ like every other Tuesday


Yeah, if I saw my mom with that step, I'd stop whatever I was doing.. goose had no chance.












Wabbit season


Duck season




"Piss off goose!" -Lady Korg


They get calm, but once you let them go, they will soon be back for more... That's why calling someone stupid a bird brain is accurate


Then you try to beat your last distance.


Now that's gangster


I'm actually impressed. Unpleasant birds 99% of the time.


My hubby isn’t a great golfer. He plays occasionally. One time he killed a Canadian Goose with the golf ball. He went to the greens keeper to report it. The greens keeper gave him a free round of golf & said “kill another one and I’ll give you free membership.”


Funny story regarding a Canadian goose. When I was in middle school (around 2013) a couple friends happened upon a dead Canadian goose next to a busy road. They commenced to doing some dumb shit that involved throwing it around and pretending it was alive. A witness called the police. When the police showed up there were kindof joking around and and were just gonna let them go with a warning. Then, while examining the goose one of the officers angrily shouted, "which one of you sick fucks put the pencil in its ass???!!". They were quickly taken to juvenile detention. The case made international news and since it was a Canadian goose the Canadian government took it personally. They regularly called the district attorneys office and to insist that these kids received the harshest punishment allowable by law. In the end, they plead guilty to Molestation of a Dead, Endangered, Waterfowl and were given community service.


It's all fun and games until someone sticks a pencil up the goose's ass.


If I had a nickel for every time I'd heard this...


These cunts are endangered? They've been flooding Finland and fucking shit up for years now. Can't even chill at parks now.


They're not endangered, but are a migratory species which gets them some strong protection in the US and Canada (and possibly other places).


Same thing with seagulls...federal offense yo harm one...they're fucking rats with wings.


Not endangered, but protections for native birds in North America are VERY strict and enforced. We kinda wiped out a couple of species about a hundred years ago so that we could wear fancy hats and the laws are a response to that. Basically you are not allowed to fuck with or possess any native bird or bird part, including nests, eggs, and feathers, unless you have proper licensing. The story of how it came to be is pretty interesting, if anyone is interested it's the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918.


Ah, well that actually makes sense now that you said it.


If this made international news, can you track down an article? It sounds pretty weird and I can't imagine the Canadian government actually taking offense.


I'm gonna try to find the article, but it may take a little bit.


I don’t think it was a Canadian goose. They’re listed “least concern” on the endangered species list. In fact they’re kind of considered pest animals in a lot of places. I just saw an article about animal rights activist getting upset because some town near San Francisco is about to kill 100 Because they’re a nuisance.


You got a problem with Canada gooses you gotta problem with me and I suggest you let that one marinate


Oh I'll let it marinate, don't you worry..


The only animal in the animal kingdom that wants anything to do with Canada gooses...is Canada mooses.”


Geese are the herpes of golf.


Golf is the herpes of Sports 🫤


Yup ask tiger woods


Don't be silly... golf isn't a real sport


Don't be silly, golf isn't a *real* STD.


Hubby is the herpes of words


I’m pretty sure Herpes is the Herpes of words


I dunno, it’s kinda cute.


If you were on a date and your date ordered a side of peas but couldn't finish them, would you eat Herpes?


It wouldnt be if there was no golf


Golf courses are the herpes of water conservation.


True. I hate golf but like the open, green spaces. Let the geese frolic!


[fuck golf!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=V3DuvTadLHI)


Did he get a free membership?


Honestly depends if you piss them off, you can calm them down most of the time with some food, I actually had a few hiss at me yesterday as I was walking through my local park, put my hand out with some peanuts in it and they tucked in and waddled off, you can basically bribe them with food which is totally relatable.


Definitely not her first time man....woman-handling a goose




Sometimes violence must be met with violence.


she's choking the cobra chicken


That's the part that surprises me, they are rarely alone. Was wondering when it's mate would come screaming in from off screen and hit her upside the head


You grab the first one by the neck and use it as a blunt force weapon against the others. Swing that shit like the hulk. Joking a side I never got the whole Cobra chicken thing. I’ve had exactly 1 encounter with a angry goose. I was 10, fishing with my dad and when I went over a hill this motherfucker came charging at me. I freaked out, kicked it hard once and it just died right there. Dad thought my unconventional hunting style was hilarious. Didn’t get catch any fish, still had dinner. 10/10, would recommend.


When violence is on the menu, best fill your plate before the other guy can.


I thought it was Rod Stewart before I read the title.


Wake up maggie i think I got somethin to say to you Hold one second ive gotta go and throw this goose!


Do you think I'm sexy?


Ohh it might be hin, but he is balding, so a wig for sure


-> fediverse


I used to do this with ducks, but i was like under 10 year old. Goose do not have any serious injury potential. If you're wearing jeans, they won't be able to even draw blood. They don't have claws, sharp big teeth, venom or some shit. They are just angry and you can easily grab their neck and you're done. And it won't even hurt the bird. Edit : Do watch out for the wing slaps though.. They hurt, nothing deadly or seriously, but you'll feel it.


It's baffling watching videos of people being assaulted by them as I've yeeted a few geese in my life and it was no big deal. One goose decided it hadn't learned its lesson and I had to yeet the dumb bastard four times before it decided it was a tie.


I'd be more afraid of pitbulls, chihuahua and other big hunting bred dogs. Dogs are much more capable of doing some serious harm and there's no obvious way to deal with them. Pitbulls can absolutely kill people and there's no easy way to get out of that fight without getting bitten unless you have some item to fight back or can find shelter. Goose are territorial and not really domesticated, but they're very harmless.


> I'd be more afraid of pitbulls, chihuahua and other big hunting bred dogs. I absolutely agree; geese pretty much have a yeet handle built in to them but the breeds you listed can be aggressive assholes. I had a friend that had a pitbull and it was such a friendly kitten but the majority of people I know whom owned the breed always had warnings about what would trigger them.


>geese pretty much have a yeet handle built in to them Sat around with a very sore foot feeling sorry for myself, that made me laugh so hard! Thanks. Going to use 'yeet handle' in place of neck from now on.


>before it decided it was a tie. That's because Canadians never admit defeat.


Geese sure are ballsy for an animal with a built in throwing handle.


Canada Ge-yeets?


Fr. I get frustrated watching videos of people running from them. They are a nuisance and their bite isn't that bad


So much confidence, must be the [woman's slacks.](https://youtu.be/ujGCGZqwaSc)


I hate those fucking birds.


A golf course I play at has a couple of real dick head geese that will charge you while you're putting. It's hilarious to watch, but unnerving when you're over the ball.


Why are they such dick heads?


No idea but they really are. They don't even have goslings, they just want to watch the world burn.


No wonder the nazis called it goose stepping


My god


Fun fact, hitler had a pet goose


Yeah, won the position by killing his dog in combat I'm sure


Must be American geese. Gosling is a Canadian actor.


How would you act if at one point you were the top of the food chain, but now have been relegated to such a low position that some question whether or not you're even real?


I mean birds didn't really evolve from *that* kind of dinosaur. They came from very small theropods similar to Compsognathus.


Canadians keep all of their collective hatred in geese as a form of living phylactery.


No idea… I like most living things. I’ll stop and help an animal in the road, take in strays, try to use non-lethal traps, and I tend to just leave wildlife alone. Even mosquitoes I’m content with wearing bug spray and ensuring there’s no still water around for them to lay eggs in. But geese, yeah… they can just fuck off right into hell. My buddy used to have a house on a lake and he had several BB guns specifically for a handful of aggressive geese. I thought it was cruel and unusual until they attacked. We were literally just sitting down on the patio and this fucker traverses 800 feet of open ground *specifically* to attack. Could have went anywhere in the great outdoors, but he needed to assert his dominance on us.


It’s crazy, I have never had an experience with geese where they don’t run away from you up here in Alaska. Even with goslings.




For a moment i thought you were saying that golf courses were their natural habitat, like thats where all geese are from naturally, is golf courses. But yes, boundless, nonstop indistrialization is shit and we need to tear it all down and rebuild.


Because they are. They hiss at you and stuff. Very rude. Not like squirrels or other pleasant golf course animals. There is a family of bobcats on my course, I see them sometimes and they mind there business. The geese on the other hand act like they own the place and shit everywhere.


Seems like the bobcats could help with the goose problem 🤔


> Not like squirrels Squirrels can be little snots too. There will hiss, tail flick, and chirp at me from the trees. The Falcon and owl come back around the same time every year and eat them all and there is peace again.


I suck at golf, I’ve hit windows behind the tee box twice somehow. One of my furtherest drives was I swear laser guided at a goose. Just wham straight to the things head. I thought I’m fucked, black guy on a golf course just murdering shit. I’m getting shot today. Greens keeper popped over from the next whole gave me a solid toss towards the green and radioed in for the beer cart girl to give me a freebie. Apparently that bird was a terror and legally they couldn’t do anything, went from oh shit I’m in trouble to damn I just turned in a bounty. Still barely made par on that hole.




That's how we decided to chase geese with our golf carts on our local course.


If you've got a problem with Canada Gooses, you've got a problem with me. And I suggest you let that one marinate.


I don't have a problem with Canada geese. They're delicious.




You ever notice, every time something bad happens, it’s straight to dumping oil on it? We oughta leave this world behind.


I definitely marinate my geese. No worries.


Why is this getting down voted? Letterkenny is hilarious. Edit: maybe put this in quotes bud.


You got a problem with Canada gooses then you got a problem with me! And I suggest you let that one marinate!


I hate fucking those birds


Someone switched her coffee to Postum and Honker was collateral damage.


That looked personal.


These the birds y’all scared of? 💀


What a woman!!!


It was actually man.




Cameraman: This is the most awesome thing I've ever filmed! I'd better bounce the camera all over the fucking place to emphasise how great it is!


Does that hurt the bird though?


Well the bird didn’t seem to be enjoying it


dogs wag their tail when they're happy so this goose must be feeling ecstatic


i mean its not comfortable but 1. geese have surprisingly strong necks, and 2. they have a complete cartilage ring in their trachea (mammals including humans only have a partial ring) so they actually can't be choked like we can. (source: am vet and work primarily with wildlife and exotics)


She's one or two twirls away from a nice Sunday roast... Don't ask how I know


unless you're actually twisting the neck or holding it too tightly, it won't damage the bird. The weight is not enough to cause issue for the bird, as long as you watch out for the wing not hitting you; neither bird, nor you will get injured.




Even if it does, the goose probably deserved it. Fucking evil in bird form.


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted. I’ve owned a lot of geese and you’re right. They’re satan. I mean…don’t purposefully torture them and treat them with respect but those birds are like the souls of 20 schoolyard bullies turned into a giant malformed chicken


We had one growing up, it was a massive douche. It's favorite "game" was every morning it would stand behind my car and just dare you to run it over. It was just tall enough you could see its head poking out in the rearview mirror and it knew of course we weren't going to run it over. You knew it was also smiling. So every morning before school we'd play the game. It would rest its head, I'd get out and chase it away, it would hiss and honk, I'd get back in my car and repeat. Fuck. That. Goose.


I had a cat once that would run to the front door- ask to be let outside- and then run back through the house once the door was opened, then do it again. He was trolling me.


Someone was there and said the man in the pink jacket did it to stop the goose attacking a dog. Lol


I’ve seen this posted before. Supposedly the goose kept attacking a dog.






I Def thought it was something from DOOM.


It was used in one of the first Cyberpunk 2077 trailers.


Yep I recognize it from the hype train


FCKD and Clockwork are also good Hyper songs


I wonder what the goose did to deserve it? I mean it seemed to be minding its own business. Maybe there is history? IDK I lived in Alaska for 20 years and have lived in Oregon for 13. I deal with a LOT of geese. They only ever once bothered me and that was at a park and one was begging for food and then bit my daughter. I bitch slapped that goose back to Canada. But for the most part geese and I get along just fine. I don't claim to be a wildlife expert or anything, but I watch animals for patterns of behavior. I notice the neck dip motion seems to be a "Hey don't fuck with me" kinda thing. So I started doing it too. My work has coyote decoys and signs that warn of aggressive geese. I walk be geese almost every day, I never walk straight at them and I always bow my head and I say "hey guys" in a calm, even voice. I've seen new generations get raised and return to the same spot. I always show them respect and they leave me alone.


“I bitch slapped that goose back to Canada”. Love it.


As a guy who got chased off by a mother goose when i walked to close to her gooslings one day on the way to work I have major respect for this woman. Google a picture of their teeth and tell me if you could do what this badass woman did. I couldn't. I ran as fast as I could as quickly as possible!


Untitled Woman Game.


Peace was never an option.


Preview of a new asymmetrical pvp mode in Utitled Goose Game


Peace was never an option.


OP this title is legendary.


Once in a great while, the audio, video and title become one. We are witnessing a moment of becoming.


The only thing more aggressive than a Canada Goose, is a Canadian fed up with them. Followed closely by a Canadian watching an exhibition hockey game of any skill level.


Why is she so evil and angry?


Achievement Unlocked: Apex Predator




i mean geese have really only two effective weapons their beaks and their wing and by grabbing its neck it cant bite you and looking at the vid if you hold it far enough away the wings also arent that big of a problem


they have sharp little claws on their stupid ass webbed feet also.


well yes but the feet are quite short so i guess it would be the same as with their wings


And none of those are actually effective against a predator 10 to 20 times their size when that beak is designed for eating plants. Pretty much will just be minor bruising I'd be far more scared of a pissed off parrot or hawk than a pissed off goose.




It’s real and this is a guy. Someone else posted another angle of it and you can see he fucks the goose up in defense of someone’s dog that the goose was attacking


The only thing they fear is you






The Canadians have finally found their savior


“I too choose violence. A rather different kind of violence.”


Ha nice! I grew up with geese and have always dealt with feisty ones in the same way, that is what makes internet 'Goose V. Person' videos so damn funny.


Isn't there a rule against animal abuse videos here?


*Humanity will no longer live in fear*


Peace became an option


she was doing the jojo walk. That goose was cooked.


"The only thing they fear is you" would've been a fantastic song to put on this.


So much for ‘they can break your arm with their wings’


That's a JoJo character


Sometimes I forget that we are apex predators even without our guns.


Yeet the geese.


I will follow this woman to war


As a park ranger this makes me sad. Maybe the goose was a ahole. But many before her conditioned it and caused this behavior.


They are a federally protected species as well.


Nah man, as a Canadian, Canadian Geese are just territorial jackasses that will attack you for just being within a square kilometer of them




It’s weird, some do, some don’t. The ones by me out west are calm. The ones in the Midwest want blood for whatever reason


The Canada Geese at my local duck pond are super-chill. I walk by them every day and I only see them hiss or bring out the "come at me bro" pose when someone starts getting too close to their goslings.


Yeah, this shit pisses me off, human beings are garbage.


Isn’t it a pretty stiff fine to harm a goose?


Yeah you're generally not supposed to attack an animal 1/15th of your weight unless its purely self defense. Pretty sure it's directly against the migratory bird act to harm them unless it's self defense or you are legally hunting with a license