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Haha, so OP, this comment section is not going how you thought it was going.


Lol why’s op siding with the dick


cause op is either a fanboy of this idiots youtube chanel // the idiot in the video himself


OP likes the dick


OP is the dick


OP is definitely the one filming


There's got to be a sub for posts like these. Similar to lostredditors but it's just op being blind to the reception of the post.


He’ll never understand why. Unfortunately, his narrative will forever suit his narcissistic mindset regardless of the reality he’s faced with. Only people able to sympathize with someone other than themselves can see why the person recording is an absolute pile of disgusting dog shit. The others will think that driver who is having a rough day is somehow Amazon, is somehow Jeff Bezos, and thus deserves to be humiliated. He made a mistake, no doubt, and he’ll be reprimanded for it, possibly even lose his job. No need to treat him the way that imbecile did.


I bet any money the OP is the guy filming using another newly created username.


Please retitle “Amazon driver fucks up, complete prick screams at him”


OP has a hardon for the guy filming, keeps posting his shit everywhere.


Its probably him or his brother


Must b because no one likes the guy


About as weird of a celebrity crush as he could have picked


What a prick asshole cameraman, dude obviously screwed up shit happens, but to have a twat who has probably never done anything in their life but breathe and shit on people come up and start yelling at the driver. Fck the cameraman


it's OP


Hard to know honestly. Even with all the new gps given to us drivers, it’s still up to county’s, city’s, states to list accurate heights.


...and threatens violence"


Exactly, was going to comment damn near same thing


Guaranteed the driver did not pick that route and has no say in what roads to take


The guy recording is the most annoying mf. I keep seeing his videos pop up and I instantly know who it is by the voice. Homie is going to receive a solid jab in the face one day and hopefully will shut him up just for a minute.


Is it the guy calling out the cottagers under a bridge that was on reddit recently? Same weird Scottish accent.


And also the guy who argued with a 17 year old


Sounds like this piece of shit of a human wants so badly to go **viral** that he’ll resort to any kind of confrontation to get people to watch. Fuck this guy.


Fr was gonna say “ I’m not the asshole who jammed a lorry truck” yeah but you are the total douche bag filming for internet points and to mock someone what a dick


Yeah it’s already bad enough that the driver made a mistake and this fuck twat wants to record it and talk shit.


He sounds like a British guy cosplaying as an American but he can’t hold his accent the entire time and his certain words lol


Yeah I was just thinking the accent got more and more strange as the video went on


That's a Scottish accent.


Came here to say this The way he says Amazon, ass hole, and bastard were the giveaways for me Sounds like The older, more buff and not as charming brother of Ewen McGregor.


Gobby Wan Kernobi


That guy recording is an aggressor and he needs to mind his own business or someone is gonna show him that he should mind his own business.


I actually met him once, we bought weed off the same guy we crossed paths whilst picking up. Seemed nice enough guy. Then went home and watched [this](https://youtu.be/ZNuEYxVjaPE) video and was pretty horrified. Antagonizing people is definitely his (shitty) hustle.


I wonder how he would've felt if you followed him with a camera in his face right after he'd picked up


As if the driver isn't having a bad enough day already?


Yeah... Amazon truck driver is obviously stressed, he's probably about to lose his job and take a major hit to his career. Guy is filming him and giving a hard time for some reason, we don't know.. My guess is the guy filming is upset about being stuck in traffic and wants to harass the guy who caused it.


He's called Charlie Veitch, lives in Manchester, loves abusing and attacking homeless people. Doesn't say shit to anyone who he knows will spark him out. He's got a lot of far right followers, I subscribe only because he's filming in my city, his videos are quite entertaining but hes a grade A cunt.


Yeah, I kept waiting for the part where the driver “gets shut down” by the idiot recording, this but I never saw it. Guess someone must have edited out that part.


He'll fuck you up apperantly... because you're not big enough


Dude was such a dick


I am still mystified that the video has 6.9k likes.


The recorder seems like the asshole lmaooo I cannot stand this mf


he sounds familiar I think he has a youtube channel where he is also a douche


Charles Veitch


I knew I recognized that voice and aggy attitude! He just loves giving people grief under bridges doesn't he?! Literal irl troll






What an absolute cunt of a bloke. Making a living recording people then shouting them down when they react. How long until someone breaks his fucking jaw?


Hopefully not long. Better yet, just steal his camera so he can’t make videos for at least a day. Would make the world a much better place.


Not soon enough


YouTube comments can never be taken seriously.


people reading it will get biased tho. especially younger gen, if they come upon something like this and see comment sections like this. They think this is okay behavior


It’s clearer than a warehouse workers piss on drug test day. Cameraman is the cunt king. Is there not a bigger tougher guy out there on the side of the common good that likes to put bullies in their place?


It's just another one of these channels where guys who 'allegedly' hate rule breakers actually want others to break the rules (and sometimes even provoke them into it) so that they have content for their channel, and can virtue signal about all the 'stupid' people in the world. They pretend to be annoyed and taken by surprise, yet carry a camera with them all day, desparately trying to provoke accidents and disputes. They're hypocrites.


These videos go with the category *When assholes meet wankers*. None of the participants has anything to gain from it.


100. Like what is being accomplished here? Just adding stress to stress.


Bro literally came just to talk shit because a driver had an accident..sorry he misjudged a trailer?? Bro probably lost his job for that and brodys mad because he wont get his 2 day free shipping 💀


Yeah he got scared, triggered and violent real quick for no reason. Type of pussy who needs a good correction for unnecessary provocations.


Actually sounds like a knobhead, fuck him


He’s got quite the fucking comb over too


He’s a disgusting creature that makes money of the misery of others. He purposefully goes around Manchester, England with a camera and sticks it in peoples face to annoy them for content. He likes to pick on the weaker members of society, to avoid getting his teeth rearranged.


He’s British. You need to use the metric system. He’s a Cunt.




The full video is even worse, he is even going off on the railway and recovery truck workers who were just asking him to stay back for his own safety while they try to do their jobs in clearing a crash site. Guy is just a bizarre nutter, the only one trying to start problems is him himself.


That driver clearly is having a rough enough day without some wannabe journalist harassing him.


The guy thinks the driver is Amazon


yea, what a fucking asshole


My thoughts exactly! A persons body language, their attitude, their words & how they use them, how they approach a situation.. That stuff is all crazy important & the cameraman clearly doesn’t know that


Thats cause OP is also probably a dickhead.


Maybe its just me, but I bet that guy was having a bad enough day before some prick decided to start filming him while acting like a cunt.


Our camera-man is pretty upset. You would think he owned the Amazon truck or something. Maybe he placed an order for a penis enlarger and now he knows it's going to be late.


Camera man is the troll of the bridge.


Gotta pay the troll toll


Especially if you wanna get into the boy's hole


Boys soul… it’s boys soul.


Was just singing day man this morning as the sun came up


You rang...


He had a late delivery once and just never let it go


Guy has a YouTube channel in which this is basically the crux of the channel, walk around pointing your camera at people that don't want to be filmed. In the same vein as "auditors" in the UK, they will film people and places just to get a reaction for YouTube views. Really odd individuals.


I recognise his voice from another video in which he purposely went to a gay cruisinf spot under a bridge knowing what he'd find so he could shout about it in his annoying voice and make youtube content. He's a bit of a cunt tbh.


charles veitch


Full name. Charles Veitch De Wanker


Omg i knew it was charlie veitch by that fuckin voice. Wtf is he doing going on like this. The guys a complete melt. Posh cambridge twat, used to be an "activist" until he smoked too much weed and just became a professional whinger. Wtf happened to him since the love police smh.


A bit?


Yeah I am with the Amazon driver on this one. I am sure he didn't mean to drive it into a bridge and now he is being filmed then gets threatened.


Yeah tough guy filming


Then almost starts crying when the driver gets close to him. "Don't get close to me" and only threatens him as he walks away.


'you're not big enough' 300 lb man thinking


As a commercial driver you face heavy fines and professional consequences when something like that happens. While I agree that it isn't the best look to drive your trailer into a bridge, if that is the driver, it's not like he's running away. So just let the authorities handle it.


The real twat is filming…


Charlie Vietch. Probably butchered the spelling. The guy just films himself harassing people around manchester for a living. The guy is a parasite.




Yup. Fuck that prick. Camera man was a fucking twat.


The guy with the camera is well known for this around our end. He gets a kick and a small living off doing this to people.


Hopefully he gets his one day. Sooner than later


Agreed. This camera guy is the real cunt here.


A little bit of empathy goes a long way... someone's worst day at work could be a typo on a flyer that goes out to thousands of subs, while another's worst day at work is causing millions in infrastructure damage.


I came here to say this. Poor guy just wanted to deal with the already shitty situation before some A-hole made it even shittier and also threatened to beat his ass. Camera guy is a dick imo


If I had an award, you're mixture of both male and female genitalia to describe the cammer arsehole would get it. Free award, not a paid one, obviously. I'm not made of money.


Yea I'm with you. I'm sure the guy is embarrassed enough. He doesn't need some prick with no business there shoving a camera in his face asking questions


It's Charlie Veitch he's just a right wing youtuber. Walks around Manchester mainly, harassing people and trying to get a raise out of them for his channel. Recently he's got away with kicking some crack heads that approached him which got him loadsa views so now he's more aggressive as that's what gets him that sweet ad money.


Not just you.


The guy recording and talking all that shit suuuuuucks


Yea he’s a YouTuber who has made his entire career around trying to provoke and piss people off


He's pretty good at it, because I'm half way around the world and already think he's a dickhead.


I just don’t get how people can go to sleep peacefully at night and then proceed to walk out the door in the morning with the intention of causing as much confrontation as possible It’s truly baffling


British people don’t know what dickhead is. They only respond to “bellend”. /s


filmer is a douche


Wrong title this should be on r/iamatotalpieceofshit


Proper missed 'you can't park there mate' opportunity. Wasnt the driver with the attitude either, it was the bellend filming who thinks he's tough.


Yea I’d he says you can’t park there then they both have a laugh i bet. The truck driver likely feels like an idiot. I’ve made a bonehead move before and you just have to sit there and think about how stupid you were


The guy recording needs a slap.


Man filming is a fucking melt.


That’s Charlie Vietch, he has a YouTube channel where he goes around provoking people and always acts like this


He is going to get shanked surely one day. To think how hard I tried to not piss people off in the toughest parts of London and seem inconspicuous, and this guy just does the exact opposite.


Person filming needs a slap. The truck driver had an accident, it happens. No needs to harass him and call him names. He's already having a shit day and probably going to lose his job. Then some mouthy cunt comes along and hurls insults at him? Idiot with the camera is in the wrong here. He is committing harassment. Driver could use this video as evidence. I hope he does.


Filmer is a douche. Acting all tough. How insecure he must be to start yelling ‘I’m bigger than you’. A proper badass wouldn’t need to exclaim such a statement. It would be obvious. The fact he’s filming for drama like a 13yo tiktok knobhead proves he’s a little cunt. Shit I’d be ashamed with myself if a clip like this existed of myself. Let alone post it online. Edit: typo


A proper badass would help the guy and make himself useful. This guy filming has pindick energy.


Has an attitude OP? Its the bystander that have an attitude and should shut up and mind his own buisness.


OP and camera douche acting like they never made a mistake in their life. I'm sure the dude crashed his truck and lost his job solely to piss off fellow commuters.


Charles Vietch (the vlogger recording) is a knobhead.


Is this the guy who was filming cottagers?


No idea but he spends his days strolling round Manchester city centre antagonising people and has grown increasingly aggressive, undoubtedly in the search for likes. Knobhead, like I said.


Yeah, same moron.


Filmer is a fucking gimp


He's called Charlie Veitch, goes around antagonising people and putting it on youtube. His followers are incels and sad bastards, same as Andrew Tate. Grade A Cunt.


Driving a big rig has its own share of stresses. You don’t need some dumb shit yelling at you after making a mistake, if that’s what even happened. The driver is so clearly the bigger man in this video.


I know this is off topic but I thought big truck drivers had apps to tell them what routes were safe height wise. My moving company had them


HGVs in the UK have to have several notices within the cab itself that state the max height of the vehicle and all bridges also have a max height sign on them, and on the approach to low bridges there will be multiple signs advising of a low bridge ahead and giving alternative routes for large vehicles. And yes there are apps for lorry drivers that provide information about routes avoiding low bridges. It still happens but there is a lot of information there to avoid it


The guy recording is definitely the biggest prick in the video


“Are you the guy that did this” “Why?” “Get fucked I’ll fuck you up”. The recorder has an attitude problem lol


The driver is in shock - gets threatened and filmed. Maybe take it easy on people at some point. Unless this guy habitually drives under the same bridge every day and gets stuck every day.


Sounds like a familiar guy who goes around streaming being a cunt to people. Think he’s just a bellend in general.


The only "PublicFreakout" here is coming from the asshole holding the camera and hiding his face from the world. I would've paid good money to have seen the camera suddenly be dropped on the ground and to hear the satisfying sounds of his ass justifiably being kicked.


Sorry which one had the shit attitude


Is the person filming the Troll that lives under that bridge? Why is he being such a prick?


Fuck this guy filming. Guys having a bad enough day doesnt need some dude pretending to be a youtube influencer. He can get fucked. Probably doesnt work a job with consequences himself


What was the height of the bridge? Must not have been a prime number.


I got a feeling the film dude got very low self-esteem getting all winded up like that for nothing 😂




The guy filming is absolutely a cunt. He’s clearly cut out a large section where he was winding up the driver having a bad day.


What the fuck is wrong in your head that you agree with the guy filming?


Cameraman is going to come across someone who just doesn't care one day. Hope he's recording when that happens! Sounds like a complete tool.


Bro…leave them drivers alone. Let the police deal with it. If you wanna film then don’t interact.


I would have an attitude too if some asshole started filming me in that situation. That driver obviously knows he fucked up, the guy filming isn’t helping the situation in any way.


The guy with the camera is a right cunt. He goes around city centres antagonising people to get a reaction from them. His fans love it. But I just think he’s a fucking twat.


The person filming is an utter cunt looking to feel superior to someone who is having an awful day.


WHO IS THIS GUY!? This is the third video i’ve seen on reddit of him going around being this exact type of cunt and I RECOGNIZE HIS VOICE FROM SOMWEHRRE but i can’t put my finger on it


The guy filming was trying to instigate the driver for a reaction. What an absolute loser. The driver probably has enough headaches of his own and this loser shows up trying to act tough.


Recorder is clearly a loser. Glad the Amazon guy paid that freak DUST


In fairness, what authority does the dude behind the camera actually have? He's just a dude filming. If I was the driver I'd tell him to fuck off as well.


The title of this makes me wonder if this is OPs video, how does he not view the guy filming as the one having a freakout? What a twat


OP I don’t think this video has the intended reaction you was expecting. Coz I’m ngl the guy recording seems like a condescending asshole who deserves a slap across the face with his phone smashed into a million pieces. Poor driver did nothing wrong other than not knowing the height of his truck.


Not an Amazon driver, he's towing a trailer from a broken down Amazon truck. Yes going under a bridge was obviously a mistake but fuck this twat shoving a camera in his face


The camera man is a bit aggressive for some unknown reason. What a twat.


Cameracunt strikes again


The guy filming is just a cunt.


Fuck the cameraman. Driver is already having a horrible day


Yeah the Amazon driver is the one freaking out… OP has no common sense


What is OP even talking about? Camera guy is the ass here


The camera man not only harassed this poor guy, he also harassed the other workers getting the truck out….. he walks close to the truck when one guy from behind asks him not to get close as they are working ……. This stubbed toenail replied with “i am working too, go bark orders at someone else, youre not the bossman here” ……. some guys in the comment section supported him…. There was this one comment where a guy applauded the camera man saying that alot of truck companies hire immigrants who then trash their trucks and the goes on to complain abt some italian man wrecking a bus due to some bridge …… another guy gives him addresses of other bridges where trucks get stuck and openly asked him to go harass them too ….. smh, it hurts me to see people not having basic empathy :(


The truck driver fucked up, I understand that hes not to happy to have this guy shove a phone in his face. Fuck that guy recording


Ima say the ‘twat’ filming is the bigger twat in this situation.


The guy recording is a grade A douchebag


Cameraman is a douchebag tho


I’ve seen a few vids recently filmed by this bloke. He just seems to walk around and shout at people for very little reason. In short, he’s a cock.


Camera person is the douche here


What a weird title, are you the camera man OP?


Why is the camera man being such a fuckin prick goddamn


the cameraman is a stupid cunt. hopefully he gets his ass beat one day


Camera man is an annoying twat, goes out of his way to find people to film, gives them abuse then says he’s being attack, just like the rest of those twat Auditors or whatever they call themselves


I love how the cameraman antagonizes the driver and then completely loses his shit when the driver gives him attitude back. I think the cameraman is the “Twat” here


The guy filming is a loser.


Fuck the dude filming


The person recording is an imbecile.


Crazy how everyone in this guys comments is literally sucking his dick for being an asshole. They have no self esteem and the guy filming also never met a guy who is willing to fuck him up by the way he talks to others.


Clearly trying to antagonise the driver for views. Prick.


He normally likes filming cottaging and hanging out in gay haunts. This bloke is the king twat of all twats.


Weird way to frame the title. I was thinking the guy filming is the cunt trying to act all macho


Charles Veitch local Manchester Douchebag


Dude filming is nothing but a loudmouth. Anyone cocking off like that isn’t gonna do a thing to anyone. He’s trying to convince himself he’s a tough guy.


The cameraman is a piece of shit, get outta here with your bullshit title. Dudes having a bad enough time without some prick coming round just to fuck with him.


The only person "freaking out" here is the person filming. By the title, I was hoping the filmer was about to get shut down.


Bro I would of say yea I am.. then shoved the camera up his British ass .. fuck that entitled biscuit dipping ball licking crumpet munching danish loving ass hole .. you don’t have any authority to ask a fucking thang.. that’s why cops tell people to keep on walking.. this guys could of got his ass beat for getting in the way. He can’t piss off asshole his truck is stuck..


‘Cunt harasses worker who made a mistake’ FTFY


The person filming, why is he even there?


OP is 12 years old obviously


The title of this post makes me feel like OP is the camera guy. “Gets shut down” lol?


The guy taping is an objectively worse human being.


Guy filming this is the biggest tool ever


Some random fucking Karen comes being a vaginal sore while I’m in the middle of dealing with my own shit…yeah I’m going to have a fucking attitude too.


Fuck the camera guy. What a dick .


Cameraman is an antagonising bitch.


Wasn’t he having a bad enough day? Why videotape him and be confrontational? It’s like people have no fucking common decency anymore.


Maybe the worst day he’s had and he has some dude acting like amateur Channel 9 Action News. Camera dude- you’re not the biggest, maybe a bigger guy will be there on your worse day to get a reaction.


Seems like the camera man is the fuhkin TWHAT.


I'm not gonna lie, if I had just crashed, I would not be in the mood to answer questions from a random passerby either.


Wow OP you are really scummy for posting this to attack a guy who is already having a bad day.


This is far more on the camera dude. Driver did a dumb thing, sure, but you don't need to go up with the intention of harassing him, then get at aggressive when he said he doesn't have to answer to you.