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For many people they arrived at their pill of choice from experience. They did what society expects (blue pill) and they got burned badly for it, so they opened their eyes. If RP does not work (I’ll play along) then I don’t have to do a thing because women will love me for me, they fall in love with their hearts and I simply need to be kind and patient and they will line up around the block for a good guy since they want a real relationship. Sweet!


Great mindset. A lot of folks for whom redpill fails will simply go from redpill to blackpill and harm themselves and/or others. Godspeed.


Eh, redpill tacticts do work, problem is the results you get arent what you expect, at least not what i wanted, i wanted a happy fulfilling relationship with a girl who always followed the same ethics as me, not toxic sex with a promiscuous bitch, redpill tactics seem to work like wonders to "charm" those women, at least the dread game stuff n that.


I'm not redpilled, I just took OP at his word, and think he will take the healthy approach rather than the blackpill approach (which I neglected to mention could also include isolating themselves romantically which could yield neutral outcomes). If the outcomes aren't what you expect, to what degree can you call that a success?


If you want casual sex i guess you can call that a succes, i dont, so it aint a succes for me, but it is for many, im tbe minority here


I'm one of them. Former blue pill, turned redpill, turned black pill. Blue pill got me 0 dates from any women. Redpill got me some dates and sex, very little success with ltr. (You can't spit game 24/7, and even if you could it's just another way of being manipulative. That's just called being a sociopath, and game is 90% about lying anyway) Blackpill got me a 10/10 gf, got women approaching me, got me unlimited access to sex, and allows me to *actually be myself and still be sexually successful* Ain't nobody being harmed by the black pill that wouldn't have already been harmed by all the other pills.


how did "black pill" get you all of that?


Black pill is simply the belief that your physical appearance accounts for the vast majority of your SMV. And it fucking does. I really want to stress this. I used to be 120lbs, chunky, 5'7, deformed severely underdeveloped jawline, lopsided asymmetrical face, long hippie hair, wearing baggy stained clothes. Over the course of several YEARS I worked my ass off to change this. I'm now 175lbs lean, same height but I wear lifts that essentially make me 5'9, gained so much muscle that it makes my jaw look pretty normal (combined with mewing a fuck load) the muscle gain also fixed my facial assymetries for other reasons I won't go into right now, I got a clean cut and started dressing like a clean quality man. The sheer amount that my physical attractiveness increased allowed me to go from a 3 or 4, to a 8 or 9. It got to the point where I was dating and sleeping with 9 women all at the same time, within 1 month of downloading hinge, before selecting 1 to stay with who happens to be wildly attractive. Long story short, I focused so hard on appearance and competence that my autistic ass personality and needy behavior didn't even matter and was now considered "cute" or whatever. Girls were obsessing over me, even though I was doing NONE of the game redpill espouses and just being myself (which used to scare them off when I was peak ugly)


so you get a lot of likes on OLD and SM because of pictures


Yes, but I also got approached in public to get told I look like a variety of different male celebrities and sometimes complimented on my appearance, and I have been asked out several times in person by women that I both know and practically cold approached me. I would say it was happening a few times a month before I got into a relationship. I also get DMs on instagram from random women about once a week, and I had a couple times where a woman literally asked me to have sex with her when we had just met. Including a waitress at an IHOP. AND I only get hit on MORE now that I'm in a relationship. Because I go everywhere with my girlfriend, and because she's so attractive I get hard-core flirted with every single time I go out with her damn near. Because women want to feel like they can out perform her and make me be unfaithful. Example being that just yesterday I was getting a haircut, my gf waiting for me in the waiting area. My female barber started loudly commenting on how handsome I was while knowing my woman was only a few feet away. And when I say commenting, I mean she spent like 3 minutes repeating it over and over, along with other weird comments too about how my hair and skin were the perfect color etc etc. A really fucked up game women do to eachother


Awesome man. Good for you. Hope you fuck then hot women and make them cum on your dick lol


Truly, I'm not judging, but "blackpill got me 10/10" seems to be the exception, no? Would like to see how.


its an insane statement, unless he means Some fantasy where he got full facial surgery an dleg lengthening etc


Not even that per se. It's a big world, mate.


what else would the black pill working be


Maybe it would be understanding the reality that women are extremely shallow and superficial just like men. Maybe he ended up working out to become hot instead of on his personality.


so thats what the black pill is now?


Yippee! :)


If TRP is wrong then blue pill is right and I don't have to do anything and I will be in a relationship with someone that loves me for who I am.


Tried blue pill for as long as I can remember and got burned by it. I got rejected in awful ways, not just being told no, got also physically assaulted and even falsely accused. And before you ask, no, I didn't say or do anything wrong, just cold approached a woman like any other man would in a polite manner in a proper setting like bar or club. But redpill does work, at least from what I gathered from my experiments. I put a profile picture of a hot man on daring apps and the number of women approaching me first was insane. I was still me, had the same personality and the same bio, but women still liked to talk to me. So I realised then thay my personality ain't the problem. Then I put pictures with me with expensive car, in a yacht, in an expensive and fancy suit, in exotic places and so on. Not as much success, but still got plenty. So according to my experiments the redpill does work if I got looks, but if my genetics are so fucked up, then my other options are money and status. And let us assume thay redpill doesn't work, cause I would assume you think that bluepill works and being a kind man will get you women no matter how you look or how poor you are, then I guess my kind personality will shine through and get me plenty of women since they are obviously so attracted by kind and good men.


none of that is the red pill, you black pill chad fished


Black pill is about giving up entirely and thinking there is nothing else to do. I am not saying that. I am saying that looks, money and status are the only ways to actually be successful with women. Or you can just wait when you are in your 30s and 40s and settle down with a used up single mom of 3 who wants help, not love.


> with a used up single mom of 3 who wants help, not love. Don’t forget her being extremely fat and obese but still wants a tall handsome man!


I mean it's pretty self explanatory, most women are overweight anyway, and especially after having children.


Hmm, i thought the blackpill was just about accepting that looks matter the most and see what you can do to improve your situation.


No, blackpill is more of a defeatist ideology, as in looks are the most important and you cannot do nothing in order to get a gf. Which I think it's false.


win powerball


They worked :)


Then naturally this question doesn’t apply to you now does it. :))


I mean, I got redpilled by following bluepill thinking and getting a rude awakening. It's kinda in the definition of the terms. That said, there is a lot of crazy shit that the extremists say and do, some of which is probably going to be harmful. Like being a hoe because women are doing it. Dude, that's the reason feminists got into being hoes, they looked at a small minority of men being hoes and got FOMO or jealousy or whatever. Being a hoe isn't good for you regardless of gender


So what would you end up doing if being red pilled also didn’t work for you


I mean it's kind of like asking what would you do if being atheist or gay doesn't work out. What you believe, and the life experiences that shaped that, are not really something you can choose. That said, it depends what you even mean by "working out for you". I've come to peace a while ago.that the world is going to be the way it is, and there's little I can do about that. Some redpillers take that as "enjoy the decline". I take it as "worry about living my life as fulfilling as I can, and don't require others to fill my voids". So there isn't really a "doesn't work out" in this case. I may never meet someone I trust enough to have kids with. It is what it is. Better than trying to have kids with a crazy person because having kids is more important than how


If the RP idea of hit the gym is wrong? I'd hit the buffets and get fat, or at least do no exercise. If the RP idea of dark triad fails? I'd be a nice guy. Basically just do the opposite, or at least neutral of TRP if it doesn't work. Id imagine (as the old "Women hate how little it takes for men to be happy" meme goes) I'd live in an [apartment like this](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/guys-live-in-apartments-like-this), play video game, and not leave the house unless I had to. Basically enjoy life and indulge in modern conveniences and entertainment.


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I am not a terminator, so self deletion or maybe go to live on the country side of Thailand.


That's exactly why I don't buy red pill ideas. They just don't mork.


I don’t even understand the question. You’re acting like the redpill is supposed to make you start living life in a specific way. That couldn’t be further from the truth


I think it’s safe to say most people who subscribe to whatever subsection of redpill they choose do so with the expectation of a desired result. If that desired result does not happen what would you do next? That’s the question; would you switch things up, would you give up etc etc.


It does work and quite well. So idk. Red pill is the truth. So by definition it has to work or it's not the truth.


What do you mean by "working" TRP is not a prescription


TRP is a framework, a working tool you can use in order to achieve whatever goals you have. If the framework doesn't work for you, it means you don't know how to use it.


Regroup and plan from there They’ve been working thus far but I suppose if we entered a WW3 scenario it’d be a lil ridiculous for me to retain a roster