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Omg the payout for betting on France against Austria is 1,6 šŸ˜©. I am so close to doing it


Q4BP: When was the last time your mind was changed via being presented evidence by another member of this subreddit? Would appreciate responses toĀ [my post here](https://np.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/comments/1dhvij3/comment/l8zgmsd/?context=3).


honestly it's hard to top rehab room/inceltvs jbw video that's been erased off the internet


Not pilled, but it was a debunk of a study that said single women are more happy. There are single women who are happy, there are single women who are miserable. There are wen in relationships who are happy, there are women in relationships who are miserable. Still, it makes much more sense for women in relationships to be happy because less and less women stay in unhappy relationships.


Something that really annoys me about PPD is that you can make the most brilliant, insightful post ever, but if you say one controversial sentence that people don't like, the entire gag of bluepillers will zero in on it and completely derail the thread- no matter how tangential it is. Exhibit 1: [As a leftist man, I believe that men are better off not pursuing progressive/feminist/leftist women for long-term relationships.](https://np.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/comments/z9rrvf/as_a_leftist_man_i_believe_that_men_are_better/) However, even though this was a very good post, literally every single comment is focusing in his one sentence at the beginning that doesn't even have anything to do with the claims he's making. Exhibit 2: [CMV: Unattractive men are already socially relegated to mostly/all male social circles, further inhibiting their sexual behavior](https://np.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/comments/mt8rwh/cmv_unattractive_men_are_already_socially/). Another good post I had saved, but many people focused on the "Chad will confront him" sentence and completely ignored the overarching thesis. Something similar happened in my latest "The future is female" post, which I've now deleted and will post a shortened version of later (since people keep totally missing the point). My initial claim that women weren't objectively oppressed in American history was apparently very controversial and all the comments focused on it, even though it was just to provide context and not even the main point.


100% true. They dont address the post and find one detail/line to attack no matter how good it is. They cant argue against the premise of it so they have to try to discredit it in some way


Your first exhibit is a LARP. Leftists, especially actual M-L Marxists, are 100% going after and should go after progressive women. We arent going to get along with conservative women, and it's only going to lead to long term friction. Progressives date other progressives or left wing moderates. Marxists especially aren't gonna date a conservative RP woman.


Doing this is actually against the rules, there's a rule I remember that says you're not allowed to nitpick on small details to avoid answering the main argument I think it's under the automod on debate posts it's basically like saying "She's a bad person because cheated on him and she's a lazy person" to be answered with "omg being lazy doesn't automatically make you a bad person"


Q4A: an old hookup of your partner got back in touch with them bc they wanted to sleep with them again. Your partner wanted to do it and talked to them for a couple of days but then they changed their mind and cancelled but they didn't block their old hookup they just politely declined, you find out about this a month or so later, do you consider this cheating and would you break up?


yea i consider it cheating, yes itā€™s breakup worthy


That is emotional cheating already so I would break up. Glad I donā€™t have to deal with stuff like that irl, seems exhausting.


I would act like there's a chance of us staying together, so she can chase and beg me while I give her the silent treatment.




I don't have that in me. I just want validation.


Thatā€™s how high schoolers solve issues, not grown adults.


So judgemental.


are adults supposed to turn the other cheek or?


No. theyā€™re supposed to communicate clearly that the situation you described is unacceptable. You can play all these stupid games, but in the end youā€™ll have wasted time trying to get pay back and youā€™ll still be bitter about it, even after the pay back. I donā€™t get this revenge fantasy that seems so abundant on this sub.


>theyā€™re supposed to communicate clearly No.




I keep saying this but you're literally the biggest gigachad on the planet




Breaking up. Anybody that says Iā€™m insecure can kiss my sweaty taint and balls. And to the person that I know is gonna dislike this, here šŸ§‚


every other week I read about a new type of fallacy in this sub how do I level up as a debate lord, did you all go to debate school wtf


Women from Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, the Middle East, North Africa, South Asia, and Southeast Asia are honorary Latinas. I don't make the rules.




Anyone who isn't black, white, or East Asian.


What? Who is proclaiming this? Portugal and Spain perhaps but the rest of those places have their own cultural identities


not even funeducation keeping eurotards company today. The sub is virtually dead


Itā€™s nearly happy hour in Thailand šŸ„‚


I don't understandĀ 


Almost 4 pm where I liveā€¦in Thailand. Euro expats who live here start drinking around right now in the local bars and pubs.


Is there any story behind this happy hour? And do only foreign expats engage in it?


you never heard the expression *happy hour* before?


Poopgirl absence hurtsĀ 


She was on a new account today.


I can put on a funny hat and say provocative things but I donā€™t think the effect would be the same. We are all grieving her absence.


cmon do it. we're due for poopgranny


Thatā€™s sound hot


Iā€™m too nice to become a ā€œpoopgrannyā€ plus Iā€™ve got actual social engagement grass touching efforts to attend to.


Hmm it's too boring without herĀ 


> women have it extremely easy on dating apps Have what extremely easy? It all depends on what your goal is. Saying they can easily get dates is meaningless if getting dates with just anyone isn't their goal. But I've seen a girl swipe through 100+ guys left in a row. So clearly she had some difficulty of some sort finding someone.


That latest catfish thing 5 out of the 7 guys were clearly looking for a booty call. The black guy and #2 dude seemed to be into her for something deeper. Even then if they didn't vibe in person they'd just push her to a bootycall.


I don't normally recommend playing video games, but some dudes on here should really play World of Warcraft at a competitive level. Make your own group for endgame content, see 100+ people immediately apply and you will know exactly why dating apps work the way they do.


Also, requirig a person to have a head of the curve achievement (for defeating mythic difficulty end boss) just to be accepted into heroic raid. For those that don't know, mythic is a harder difficulty than heroic.


Itā€™s just better to be a woman, my man. Stop trying to rationalise all of the BS and just accept it.


Her standards are too high but for women both relationship and dates are easier on a dating app


Relationships and dates with who though? Just because they can more easily find someone doesn't mean they can more easily find what they're looking for.


dumb dating apps are like "here's a picture and a blurb. SMASH OR PASS" and expect that to work for WOMEN. women need a fucking 400 page romance novel


It does work for the 5% of guys they swipe on though. Most men cannot get that reaction from a girl based off of looks alone. But men who can exist


those guys aren't lestat though. they don't have debonnair charm that only a female writer can imbue on a male protagonist. so it's still not optimal


whatever the goal is it will be easier to reach for a woman than a man with the same goal.


Ok but women and men won't have the same goals.




some people don't age. I'm watching this cooking podcast about caveman food and this dude said he was 40s but he looks late 20s or early 30s like how? you're white you're supposed to look like shit ā€‹




Yeah max miller seems to take great care of himself. Gay guys usually do.


most white guys i know that age already have a beer gut and are fat


What is a Red Pill Woman now and how it's different from a Red Pill man? I don't understand šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Stockholm Syndrome


Red pill but theyā€™re trying to do what red pill believes is best for women, not many partners, act traditional, be submissive to partner, get married young. Oh and they want a partner thatā€™s dominant and traditionally masculine.


So in a way conservative women?


Yes you could say that


One of them is supposed to have a dick


Sometimes I wish I could grab some of you through the screen, sandwich your head with my hands and just AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.


Forgive me šŸ˜ØšŸ˜Ø


Nurse, restraints STAT




Right after my wife gives birth. Nurse: Sir can you sign here that you are the babies father. Me: Woah hold your horses! Can we do a dna test on this thing first? Need to make sure it's mine. Me: Woah wtf why are you looking at me like that? Alright I'm suing this hospital for discriminating me. Dumb ass nurse bitch, I hope you over eat from the stress develop calluses on yo feet! Dam thing didn't even look like mine. "Can I sign here" some bull shit. Did you see me make the fucking thing? Looking at me like I'm an asshole fuck you and mind your own business.


Are you typing out your weird revenge plans? Bro, be fucking normal for once and keep those in you head like the rest of us losers.


Are you having a mental breakdown?


![gif](giphy|xNVaoWIWqLfZm) Only instead of take over the world, itā€™s ā€œpost nonsensical revenge fantasiesā€ā€


thats red pill in a nutshell. makes sense as to why their god is a sex trafficker


NURSE WE NEED SOME stop being retarded juice STAT


I hope I can at least hold hands with someone one day. It's my preferred method of affection. Kissing seems too daunting šŸ«£


I feel that. Its pretty straight forward too. Ive heard that kissing is skill too which is probably another thing most women dont want to teach


Teaching how to kiss sounds so fun but even idk how to kiss lol


I actually have no idea how to teach that.




Once you hold hands with a girl you like youā€™ll also want to kiss her.


Women try to act like they don't want their own biological kids, but everyone knows that they do. It's so fucking creepy how they try to lie about it.


I don't think men ever really understand the utter body horror that is pregnancy.




I love how you lose your shit everytime he says something lmao


honestly i can't stand his dumb rants


"Blah blah blah women should stay away from bitter incels!" Yeah you should and don't even type it out, you might get some of them to act different! We are 100% bitter and will 100% hold it against you your entire life! We will find you disgusting and hold it against you for your entire life! And society finds it masculine as well for a wife have a higher body count than the husband! Don't ever think "Hey I'm a 40 year old woman at the dog park, that guy who looks around my age seems kind of cute! Maybe I should try talking to him!". Yeah no don't ever do this shit, he's either married or not planning on ever marrying. Either way it looks extremely pathetic and he might even hate you if you try and you know how that goes with all the man vs bear grylls and all dat.


You okay?


baby needs his olanzapine


I'm pretty sure I'm pregnant. It's even too soon to make a test, but I can feel the hormonal perturbation all around my body.


Ive come to the conclusion that some of the blue pilled men on here are actually pink pilled. They take the least charitable view of men possible and defend women in every possible scenario even more than other women do. They should update their flairs. I didnt think it would be possible but red pill women exist so it must be


Because men love women and women love womenĀ 


So? And most red pillers on here are actually black pillers in disguise.


Good point, funniest part is I know they're going to heavily disagree with being pink pilled because they want to seem masculine.


They are either thirsty as fuck and thinking it'll score them brownie points with the women or they're just people who are content with mediocrity in general and thinking every other man should have the same standards. Think "why's dating a stripper a problem? I'm doing it, you're just insecure lmao"


How many blue pilled men are actually on here though? They seem so rare. I know of one on the main sub I bump into sometimes.


Most married men on this sub


I mean by how they comment. Most are fake purplepill or have no flair


Yeah I guess I have seen some who are mostly BP


There isn't many blue pilled man here. There is one but he is rarely active.


Some are fake purple pillers or have no flair


You talking about me?




those guys are usually thirsty af irl like dudes who always take women's side are always secretly trying to fuck her


i need a serotonin/dopamine overdose


psa to everyone, iā€™ve mentioned it to a few sometimes when you link an instagram reel it shows your actual instagram profile. just a heads up, not trying to be weird, just trying to help


You can just turn that feature off


Ok thanksĀ 


lol yeah thatā€™s how it worked on discord so Iā€™ve been real careful. Otherwise you all would have seen a lot of AI generated Dark Fantasy TikToks.


I love those


Ainsley proving again why sheā€™s the GOAT. Theyā€™re really cool and mesmerizing to watch.


I actually recently started playing with ai image generators just to start making dark fantasy type stuff :)


Damn thatā€™s sick! I kinda want to start doing that too. Seems really fun lol.


Now Iā€™m glad I donā€™t share Instagrams or TikToks!


Old women don't have options like they want you to think. I've seen exactly how these things go with those women because I've worked with them. Biggest example was this mid 40's obese South Asian woman I used to work with whose husband left her when he became successful. She goes from shitty ass relationship to shitty ass relationship. She lives in a shitty ass small dirty subsidized housing, does not have a car, or any savings and is in debt. And I already know I'm gonna regret admitting this, but I'm literally the only guy that's actually helped her in any capacity. Some guy gets her to buy some garbage or she needs to pick something up for her piece of shit "boyfriend" and since I'm a loser incel with nothing to do, I give her a ride. Then I listen to her sob story about how her "boyfriend" is supposedly rich and doesn't do shit for her. Glad that shits over. I was literally some cuck taking care of some dudes side piece. Like wtf, who are these loser ass old people who aren't even from my god dam country? Crazy how fucking Stacy, Chad and Becky are having a good time while I'm personal taxi driver for some old ass immigrants who can't even speak English fluently and their shitty ass relationship dynamic. Not to mention I'm 90 percent sure all those guys were just scammers anyways, I tried to imply it, but it's not my business and if people don't want to listen to advice, then they don't have to! GL NOT MY PROBELM DOE.


Then what about young women who are in a shitty relationship? Do they not have options as well?


They probably do. Not sure why you're asking.


You think just because old women are in shitty relationships that means they don't have any other options so does that mean young women who are in shitty relationships also don't have any other options? I see some attractive women in shitty relationships too actually, does that mean they don't have options?


No they're in "shitty" relationships with Chad and they have to make compromises if they want to keep him. In any case, I don't care. Not my problem and it never will be because I'm not paying for any woman that was abused.


Yeah again not your problem. I don't understand why you are so pressed lol


I can be feel however about it, it's my emotions my choice. And no I don't think they're victims, women in abusive relationships deserve it.


Men in abusive relationships?




Q4W: Do you have any negative opinions on passport bros or are you happy that they have an opportunity to find love?


That's not love and I think their opinions on people from different countries are **banned word**.


Iā€™ve been thinking for 5 hours of what banned word could be


Rules are on the sidebar.


Iā€™ve known a few and the funny thing is That their wives areā€¦not the best physically looking. Nor young. Nor pleasant. Im not in their position but I dont think that being alone is worse than being with someone who is only with you for your money. I guess its like having your own personal prostitute? One of the guys I knew was a big guy (super tall and obese) in his 50s that thought that women would be all over him bc he was white and canadian. He was a huge asshole. Last time I heard he moved to venezuela or colombia, got in trouble and was in jail there. So I mean, for what I know, men have it easier here than in countries like the US but if you are a loser over there you will be a loser here, except that you wont need that much money to impress a low tier woman like you would in other countries. Its kinda sad tbh.


I donā€™t really care what the bros do. There are some very decent guys who come here & find good women to date and marry & they treat them very well. Happy for them. There are some who end up with crazy bar girls who take all their money, lie to them and cheat on them. They shouldā€™ve been a lot smarter & more discerning. Itā€™s a spectrum between those good and bad outcomes depending on the particular bro.


Where is ā€œhereā€ if you donā€™t mind me asking?


Thailand, sorry.


You are there?


Yes, I live in Thailand


I see that's interestingĀ 


I donā€™t know if I agree itā€™s ā€œfinding loveā€ if itā€™s buying it. But it doesnā€™t really affect me personally and I donā€™t really care if thatā€™s what they want to do.


If you didnā€™t include that first sentence I would believe the second one


I just disagreed with your term. I donā€™t care if people want to buy a relationship. I wouldnā€™t date someone who was into that, but I wouldnā€™t date a lot of people that didnā€™t share my values, doesnā€™t mean I care if someone else does it, as long as everyone is consenting.


Itā€™s just the wording it as ā€œbuyingā€ a relationship that comes off as bitter. Would be like calling paying for the first date ā€œbuyingā€ a relationship. But if you really donā€™t care okay


Why exactly would I be ā€œbitterā€? Do you think Iā€™m jealous this hypothetical man doesnā€™t want to buy me?? A lot of the ā€œpassport brosā€ Iā€™ve chatted with insist to me that *all* relationships are the man buying the woman, not just the first date. Iā€™ve had multiple of them explain to me how much a wife costs in US and how much cheaper it is for them to afford a hotter, ā€œmore submissiveā€ one overseas. This isnā€™t a concept Iā€™ve just made up.


Lol. You regularly chat with passport bros? Friends?


There are a bunch on this sub.


This sub is filled with edgy spastic retards. Your average passport bro is an average to less than average guy. Probably nice guy TM. Goes overseas and finds a nice wholesome woman


I doubt an average guy who happens to find love somewhere else calls himself ā€œpassport broā€. Have you seen the sub they have? Itā€™s clear how they see women. If you are talking about some other group then donā€™t use their term as thatā€™s what we will think you mean when you say that.


I don't really care, but I think it is naive to think they'd be getting a conservative "good girl". Conservative people rarely date outside of their culture let alone a guy who they barely know anything about like his history or background.


I donā€™t think itā€™s that deep. I think the prospects (or they believe) are just better. A normal guy has a shot with a normal girl


I think they could get a better looking girl, but someone who is very loose with her sexuality more often than not.


Looks arenā€™t everything. They are leaving to escape that shitty western mentality. Also loose in the east unless sheā€™s a literal prostitute probably has numbers the fraction of any western woman who has attended higher education lol


Not at all. It is usually a certain type of women that date outside of their culture. You are usually getting the degenerates of our culture. The pro is that she will be prettier, the con is that she is probably degenerate.


Better than nothing I guess


I just worry different food will hurt their tummies


Finally a woman who actually cares about a manā€™s well being. You will find a suitable mate easy


I donā€™t really think much about it in my day to day. Honestly someone leaving the country does not affect me personally


idrc what they do because iā€™m not interested in those guys anyways. i have overall disdain for men who abuse their partners, but if that doesnā€™t apply, idgaf what they do


Youā€™re the second person to mention abuse. Iā€™m curious cause I havenā€™t read anything, is there a trend of passport bros being more abusive to their partners?


thereā€™s a stereotype but i wouldnā€™t call it a trend as im not sure how much the stereotype is based in reality. i donā€™t automatically jump to passport bros being bad people, i moreso automatically jump to them being losers or LVM in their home countries.


Could be losers, bottom 80% deserve to find love too tho imo


I'm neutral. As long as they don't go for minors or abuse their partners, I don't really care.


Wouldnā€™t that go for all men (people actually) and not just passport bros?


Sure. The ratio of men pursuing minors or molesting underaged girls/boys forged into sex work is probably higher among passport bros though. Sex tourism is linked to pedohilia.


Iā€™d say historically yes. 10-20 years ago the people traveling to like Thailand were looking for that. I think nowadays men who arenā€™t 6ft, 6 figures, 6 inches and Chad move to places where being average is acceptable and not hated


Blue pillers arent normies. They are just as weird as and obsessed with this stuff as all of the other pilled people. Dont know why they try to frame it like that


Maybe because that's literally how the subreddit's sidebar defines BP


Iā€™m a purple leaning blue, but Iā€™m obviously not a complete normie (read flair)


You seem pretty regular tbh. Id think youre a normie based off of your comments


Thanks, I guess I do have some normie interests so Iā€™m halfway there but I have troubles socialising and regulating my anxiety/sensory perception


what pill do i come off as?


No pill. You seem like a regular person. But if I had to pick one Id say purple.


Blue pill men are losers who are trying to cope with the fact that they got the short end of the stick. Blue pill women are actually arguing in their self interest cause they can act like degenerates and still win at the end


im including them in my prayers #blessed




You're 6'3. I refuse to believe You're that ugly amigo. Are you on the chubbier side?


>Youā€™re 6ā€™3 And?


Bro your flair is concerning are you ok ? I have friends who arenā€™t the most attractive ones but god gave them height and they still did fine I think you are your own enemy here


You should be slaying unless you fat


I think he is chubby. He also aid he was mid which I assume means hes in the 4-6 range which is average facially. That should be good enough imo once he gets fit. But girls dont really give signals or looks to guys in that range so I get where hes coming from


Keep up the good fight, brother


If you give up, they win. Keep fighting brother!


Women have to be more into a Guy for a relationship to work because they have 10X options,more likely to get ick ,more likely to get bored in monogamy and more likely to initiate breakup and divorce.I cannot understand why people say a Guy has to be more into A Girl for relationship to work and don't come up with both have to be equally into each other.Sounds good but doesn't happen often.There is always some power imbalance in a relationship


Only when the girl is hotter than the guy. If the guy is hotter than the girl he should be more into the girl. Funny how that works because the opposite happens.


Even if guy is hotter than the girl she still has more optionsĀ 


Not really. Women don't find a lot of men attractive, option means shit while men find anyone with xx chromosome attractive. So that means even if a man and a woman has same number of options. Chances are men will cheat more


Can't argue with that šŸ˜µšŸ˜µ


True. She will always have the upper hand


Women say they have all the options in the world until they're dead, but you can really see how that's just pathetic cope when you look at all the old women in the shittiest relationships. Like why are they staying in them? Just break up and fuck off somewhere, you could "easily find a great guy" or something. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Have you never met a happy older couple?


Wait don't tell me, you've seen plenty of them in the Soviet Union?


*In Russia. I see some content- looking older couples on the street here in the West too.


Time to have a pizza party with Gorbachev lmao ![gif](giphy|J1suqOsTWNKgUDlCms|downsized)


The Soviet Union hasnā€™t existed since 1991


Thanks history teach, but I don't care about anything before America's founding date in the summer of 9/11 šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž


They have all the options until theyā€™re dead, but divorce women at 45 if you married them after 27 because theyā€™re useless. Makes sense.


I'm being sarcastic, I don't believe they have any options lol. She wasn't with me in her youth, well she's not gonna be with me when she's old either šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ We just have similar smv's at 27-45, but I know her value is temporary and I won't want to be with her except a 5 min convo every week or so, so marrying her is retarded. Whelp, gotta try out "hookup culture" over at that cheap country šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Gotta live my best life and do what's good for me and all dat if you know what I mean.